Thursday, March 5, 2015

No 883 "En mi opinion" Marzo 5, 2015

No 883 “En mi opinión”  Marzo 5, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
AMENPER: Casa Blanca Islámica
Los mulláhs están intentando presionar a Israel  contra la pared –-que es cuando una doctrina disuasiva de estilo occidental con los acuerdos entre en vigor.
Ayatolá Jamenei, el "Guía Supremo", ha decidido obviamente que este es el momento cuando América no defenderá a sus antiguos aliados. Tal vez con lo que  Obama y Kerry le han dicho, Irán ha penetrado el pensamiento de esta supremamente tonta y mala administración. Lo que  sea el caso, Irán está moviendo las fuerzas militares a través de Siria hacia Israel. Irán también está ganando poder en Yemen (que controla la estrecha entrada al mar rojo). Todos estos movimientos directamente amenazan a Arabia Saudita y Egipto, así como Israel y los activos navales de la fuerza aérea de Estados en la región.
Esta es una enorme apuesta iraní, tal vez una apuesta y martirio, siguiendo la teología guerra jomeinista.
Por lo tanto, es el momento más peligroso desde la Crisis de los misiles de 1962. Es un momento de confrontación impredecible, con armas nucleares en el futuro.
Obama y los iraníes están jugando todo sobre el lanzamiento de una moneda. Y la moneda está fabricada en Irán que sabe ya cómo va a caer.
Israel no tiene la fuerza militar para enfrentarse con Irán, Siria y Hizb'allah en la frontera de Golan. Si los iraníes lanzan un ataque relámpago contra el Golán, utilizando una fuerza de cincuenta o más tanques ubicados ahora en Siria, Israel puede recurrir a armas no convencionales. Estos pueden variar desde guerra electrónica masiva a armar a los rebeldes suníes de Siria con una amplia gama de armas de destrucción masiva.
Si el Golán se convierte en el punto de inflamación, un resultado probable es una enorme guerra regional, enfrentando el Irán shiíta contra los árabes sunitas. Por eso Bibi dijo en el discurso que ganar la guerra contra ISIS y dejar el territorio en manos de Irán es ganar una batalla para perder la guerra.
 Israel siempre ha tenido contactos con los sauditas y los egipcios sobre cómo responder a la agresión iraní.
Si Israel se dibuja en el caos regional, es probable que las potencias sunitas, van a necesitar toda la ayuda que puedan obtener.
Irán tiene un credo Shi'ite de martirio, que sugiere que está tratando de provocar un ataque israelí que previsiblemente será enfurecer a Obama y los liberales occidentales, para que Irán puede jugar a la víctima agraviada.
El mundo musulmán, que es 80% sunitas, entonces irá atrás del Irán shiíta.
La forma más inteligente de preferencia en el Golán, por tanto, es el más invisible.
 Grandes explosiones nucleares son contraproducentes. Ahora hay una amplia gama de armas no convencionales  avanzadas técnicamente. Sin embargo, cualquier guerra local se puede propagar impredeciblemente en el Medio Oriente.
 Obama nos ha llevado al borde del abismo nuclear. ¿Cómo hemos llegado a esto?
Es fundamental comprender que esto no es un accidente. Es útil. Es una continuación de la estrategia de Carter-Brzezinski que puso al ayatolá Jomeini en el poder hace cuarenta años como el principio del primer califato islámico.
La estrategia de Obama-Carter no tiene sentido racional en absoluto, excepto quizás en algún salón de borrachos o de sobrios mal intencionados.
Los riesgos son enormes, y el potencial para una mayor reacción violenta contra los Estados Unidos y Europa es muy grande.
Irán tiene misiles balísticos intercontinentales que pueden llegar a Europa y pronto, los Estados Unidos.
El factor más importante en esta crisis es el vacío del poder estadounidense. Durante los últimos años los Estados Unidos se han conformado en mantener la paz en el Golfo Pérsico..
Obama ha destruido la confianza en Estados Unidos.
Tenemos una "comunidad desorganizada" del Medio Oriente. Nadie sabe quién es quién pero todos quieren destruir a Israel y los Estados Unidos.
Cuando Netanyahu vino a Washington, tanto los iraníes como ISIS enemigos en el Medio Oriente apoyaban a Obama coincidiendo con los demócratas liberales.
Pero tal vez el pueblo estadounidense llegará a sus propias conclusiones.
El enemigo es el Islam, ya sea la versión Persa o Árabe, ya sean Shiitas o Sunis.
Y el objetivo declarado es que todos quieren llegar a la Casa Blanca.

Los liberales le han caído a Giuliani en bandada, atacándolo por todos los flancos, llamándolo en los vehículos de comunicación estúpido, ignorante y otros calificativos, y en la radio en vivo desde hijo de puta, a maricón.  Todo porque dijo que Obama no amaba a América.
Pero bueno, vamos a ver como se demuestra el amor.  No voy a hacer esta prueba personalmente porque pudiera ser perjudicial para mi salud. 
Pero si yo hiciera la prueba del amor Obámico en mi matrimonio, creo que se me presentarían problemas. 
Vamos a pensar que yo le dijera a mi esposa que tenía que hacer algunos cambios para mejorar, que tendría que cambiar su infraestructura física, su manera de operar, su manera de pensar, un cambio total, que tiene que mejorar, que como está no sirve.  Me parece que esto no sería una demostración de mi amor, pero de mi insatisfacción con mi esposa, o sea que realmente yo no amo a mi esposa, lo que yo quiero es otra esposa, no la que tengo.
Esto es lo que quiere hacer Obama, el no ama a América, si la amara no quisiera cambiarla, lo que tiene que hacer es buscarse otra esposa, en este caso irse para Nigeria o Irán, pero no seguir su relación de un falso amor con la nación que lo eligió presidente.
Lo que Obama y los liberales socialistas quieren es crear una América diferente, una América socialista, quieren destruir la América excepcional que tanto trabajo y sangre ha costado a los que fundaron y mantuvieron la libertad y la democracia en esta nación.  La América que Obama ama es la América que el quiere crear, el ave fénix de una América comunista, saliendo de las cenizas de la América que conocemos que él destruirá porque no la ama.  Es tan sencillo como eso, lo único que nos dijo Giuliani es que el emperador estaba desnudo, todos pueden verlo pero pocos se atreven a aceptarlo.

AMENPER: Las comadrejas de Obama

Si no hubieran más motivos para asombrarse de cómo actúa esta administración haciendo caso omiso de las leyes y la razón, el incidente de Ferguson es suficiente.
El Gran Jurado en Ferguson dio un veredicto de inocente sobre el cargo al  policía cuando resultó muerto un delincuente que trató de atacarlo. Entonces trataron de ir a los tribunales civiles para encontrar cargo contra el policía.
Encontraron que no había evidencia condenatoria y tuvieron que abandonar el caso.
Entonces crearon un panel especial para investigar los prejuicios raciales al Departamento de policía de Ferguson.
Finalmente “determinaron” la conclusión de que el Departamento de policía todo era racista y comienzan un procedimiento contra ellos.
No importa lo que el sistema judicial decidió, el Departamento de justicia, que es Obama y Eric Holder dieron el veredicto final.
Estoy leyendo un libro de las fábulas de Esopo, estas fábulas fueron escritas en el año 500 AC, pero veo en sus moralejas una sabiduría eterna.
Al emplearse la fábula como herramienta para la crítica política y social, velar los juicios tras la fantasía de animales, se constituyen en moralejas asombrosamente razonables.
Abajo pueden leer la fábula de “La comadreja y el Gallo” cuya moraleja aplica muy bien al caso de Ferguson.

Una comadreja atrapó a un gallo y quiso tener una razón plausible para comérselo.
La primera acusación fue la de importunar a los hombres y de impedirles dormir con sus molestos cantos por la noche.
Se defendió el gallo diciendo que lo hacía para servirles, pues despertándolos les recordaba que debían comenzar sus trabajos diarios.
Entonces la comadreja buscó una segunda acusación: que maltrataba a la Naturaleza por buscar como novias incluso a su madre y a sus hermanas.
 Repuso el gallo que con ello también favorecía a sus dueños, porque así las gallinas ponían más huevos.
-¡Vaya -exclamó la comadreja-, veo que bien sabes tener respuesta para todo, pero no por eso voy a quedarme en ayunas! -y se lo sirvió de cena.

Moraleja: Ninguna verdad o razón detiene a un agresor decidido.
 Pueden verlo en este video también....099 El gallo y la comadreja - YouTube

AMENPER: Fábula de Esopo sobre las edades del Hombre. El caballo, el buey, el perro y el hombre
Cuando Zeus creó al hombre, sólo le concedió unos pocos años de vida. Pero el hombre, poniendo a funcionar su inteligencia, al llegar el invierno edificó una casa y habitó en ella.
Cierto día en que el frío era muy crudo, y la lluvia empezó a caer, no pudiendo el caballo aguantarse más, llegó corriendo a donde el hombre y le pidió que le diera abrigo.
Le dijo el hombre que sólo lo haría con una condición: que le cediera una parte de los años que le correspondían. El caballo aceptó.
Poco después se presentó el buey que tampoco podía sufrir el mal tiempo. Contestóle el hombre lo mismo: que lo admitiría si le daba cierto número de sus años. El buey cedió una parte y quedó admitido.
Por fin, llegó el perro, también muriéndose de frío, y cediendo una parte de su tiempo de vida, obtuvo su refugio.
Y he aquí el resultado: cuando los hombres cumplen el tiempo que Zeus les dio, son puros y buenos; cuando llegan a los años pedidos al caballo, son intrépidos y orgullosos; cuando están en los del buey, se dedican a mandar; y cuando llegan a usar el tiempo del perro, al final de su existencia, vuélvense irascibles y malhumorados.
Moraleja: Describe esta fábula las etapas del hombre: inocente niñez, vigorosa juventud, poderosa madurez y en la vejez lo único que pueden hacer es como los perros, irascibles y malhumorados marcar su existencia meándose en las esquinas y ladrando detrás de los carros sin saber que van a poder hacer con ellos si los alcanzan.

Alan Dershowitz: Obama 'Obligated' to Answer Netanyahu's 'New' Proposal

By Melissa Clyne
President Barack Obama "totally misled the American people" by saying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during his Tuesday address to a joint session of Congress, presented no new ideas about striking a deal with Iran over nuclear weapons, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum."
"The prime minister said, 'If the world leaders are not prepared to insist that Iran changes behavior before a deal is signed, at the very least, they should insist Iran changes behavior before a deal expires,'" said Dershowitz
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"His proposal, and it's a very sound one, is that the sunset provision doesn't kick in unless Iran does three things — it has to stop being the world's greatest exporter of terrorism, it has to stop bullying neighboring countries like Syria and Lebanon, and it has to stop calling for the destruction of Israel.

"That's new, Mr. President and you have an obligation to respond to that instead of name-calling and invoking protocol. The marketplace of ideas is now open. He went further and said a better deal that won't give Iran an easy path to the bomb, a better deal that Israel and its neighbors might not like, but which we could live with, literally," said Dershowitz, author of 
"Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas."
"The president also said there was no compromise. Here we have a compromise. We have the prime minister saying 
he could accept a deal, even though he might not like it, which would require Iran to at least give up its radical elements before it gets the bomb. 
"Now, the ball is in the administration's court and it must respond on the merits to the prime minister's very sound, new proposal."
Netanyahu's call to require that any deal with Iran — a country with a history of "cheating, cheating, cheating" — not terminate unless Iran changes its conduct is both wise and rational, according to Dershowitz.
"What would be wrong with requiring Iranians to give up terrorism, give up attacking Israel, give up interfering with other nations before the deal is allowed to lapse?" he asked.
Obama, according to Dershowitz, is irritated not by the White House's "excuse" that the invitation to Netanyahu by Republican House Speaker John Boehner constituted a "breach of protocol," but because Netanyahu disagrees with him.
"When the president sent David Cameron, the prime minister of England, into the Senate to lobby the Senate in favor of not having increased sanctions, he was thrilled with having a prime minister talk to the Senate," Dershowitz said.
Members of both political parties could be seen 
nodding in agreement with Netanyahu during his 40-minute speech, said Dershowitz, who was in attendance.

"Congress seems to agree with him on the merits, not because of who he is, but because his arguments are more persuasive than the president's," he said.

Dershowitz characterized the tone and tenor of Netanyahu's speech as "very positive," noting that he "praised the president, the administration and Congress, and went on to show how he differs with the administration."

The security and survival of the entire Middle East is at risk if Iran becomes nuclear, Dershowitz added.
"This is one issue where the Palestinians and the Israelis have the same stake," he said. "An atomic bomb from Iran won't distinguish between Arab and Jew, it will destroy everything. Other Arab countries are in support of the Israeli position and against the American position.
"This is one issue in which the Arabs and the Jews are jointly committed against an Iranian, Muslim radical regime that would not only destroy the Jews and the Palestinians of Israel, but would also destroy Jordan and other neighboring countries."
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Ben Carson: Homosexuality Is a Choice, Look at Prisons

By Melissa Clyne
Tea party Republican and potential 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Tuesday that being gay is a choice, an example being straight people who emerge from prison as homosexuals.
During a discussion about same-sex marriage rights, Cuomo asked Carson if, as with slavery, gay marriage needed to be corrected in the Constitution as a form of equal protection. Carson replied that there's no comparison between the two.
"You can't just say because it happened that way this time, this is the same situation, it's not the same situation," he said, "because people have no control over their race, for instance."
Cuomo then asked if Carson believed people had control over their sexuality and if being gay was a choice. "Absolutely," said Carson.
"A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight, and when they come out, they're gay," Carson said. "So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
The issue of gay marriage should be left to the states, according to Carson, and providing legal rights to same-sex couples can be done without changing the legal definition of marriage.
"Why do gay people want to get married? Why do they say they want to get married? Because they want to have various rights — property rights, visitation rights," he said.
"Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."
In 2013, Carson 
apologized for comments he made comparing homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia when he said that marriage was "a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."
Days after making the statement to Fox News host Sean Hannity, Carson appeared on CNN where he said he apologized if he offended anyone with his "insensitive" remarks.
"I love gay people. I love straight people," Carson said.
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Georgina Lopez


Ben Carson’s 2016 Announcement
Dear American, 
Just the other day, I filed with the Federal Election Commission the necessary paperwork to formally consider a run for President of the United States in 2016.
Let me tell you why I’m taking this step today, and 
how you can help.
For many years, I have traveled the country closely studying our politics. I believe we are on the verge of robbing our children of the American Dream.

We are racking up a virtually insurmountable debt, stifling our economic potential and placing our children’s future at risk.
At home and abroad, we are silencing honest debate about our challenges, our differences and our culture, all in the name of political correctness. 
We are ceding more and more power to Washington bureaucrats at the expense of our personal liberty, ignoring the wisdom of our founders who risked their lives to form “a more perfect union.”
Too many of our children are trapped in failing schools and find themselves thrust into a deadly cycle of crime, dependence and despair.
Over the course of thousands of operations as the head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, I have spent most of my adult life caring for very ill children. As co-founder of the non-profit Carson Scholars Fund, my wife Candy and I have spent years helping children find their own inspiration to reach their full, God-given potential.
In many ways, that is the duty of my generation – to do everything in our power to give the next generation the opportunity to achieve greatness. 
I believe that with hard work and determined leadership, greatness is within our grasp. America was founded on the self-evident truth that we as a nation have the right to think big and pursue happiness.
It is this core principle that allowed me, a young boy, raised in Detroit by a single, illiterate but determined mother, to overcome poverty, bad grades, and low self-esteem to become one of the world’s leading physicians.
I’ve decided to explore a potential run for the office of President because I believe my values, life experience, and willingness to speak the truth and seek solutions, prepares me well to lead our nation toward more prosperity, security, and freedom for every American.
As I travel around the country to listen, learn and determine whether or not this is a race I can win, 
your financial support during the next two months will be extremely helpful. 
To make a secure contribution to my exploratory committee now, please go here.
I look forward to working with you, and the rest of our fellow citizens to restore the promise of America.
Thank you, and God Bless America.


Ben Carson
Ben Carson

Hillary Could Be Prosecuted For Mishandling CLASSIFIED Information

The State Department could not definitively say that the personal email account used by Hillary Clinton to conduct state department business did not transmit classified information.
The House Select Committee on Benghazi has said it will subpoena all of Hillary’s emails regarding the 2012 attack. If any of those end up containing classified information, Hillary could be in trouble.
In fact, Hillary could be prosecuted if she emailed classified information, experts tell The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Patrick G. Eddington, Policy Analyst in Civil Liberties and Homeland Security at the Cato Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Hillary at least violated Executive Order 13526 and possibly 18 U.S.C. Sec. 793(f) of the federal code if she sent or stored classified information on her personal email.
“By using a private email system, Secretary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act and the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual regarding records management, and worse, could have left classified and top secret documents vulnerable to cyber attack,” Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein said in an email to reporters. “This is an egregious violation of the law, and if it were anyone else, they could be facing fines and criminal prosecution.”
State Department representative Marie Harf told reporters that Hillary has said she only used the personal email for unclassified information, but that the state department couldn’t definitively verify that claim.
“She and her team has said that it was not used for anything but unclassified work,” Harf said. “You know, we don’t, undergo scans of everyone’s unclassified email to make sure they’re only doing unclassified work so i don’t think there was any indication that she was doing anything but here, so i don’t think it’s really a pertinent question.”
In 1999, CIA Director George J. Tenet suspended the security clearance of the former director, John M. Deutch, for using his personal email to send classified information. The Department of Justice chose not to prosecute Deutch.
Wen Ho Lee, a nuclear scientist who downloaded nuclear secrets using an unclassified computer, was not so lucky. He served 278 days in solitary confinement and was released after pleading guilty to mishandling classified data, and sentenced to time served.
Marine Maj. Jason Brezler was recommended for separation  for sending classified information through his personal email account in 2012. Brezler sent an email to fellow Marines in Afghanistan but defended himself saying he did it to warn them of an imminent war zone threat.
Phillip Bump at the Washington Post wrote a lengthy piece based off an interview with email systems expert Peter Fidler about just how secure Hillary’s private email could be since she had set up her own server at home.
“So. Was Clinton’s e-mail system more secure than the State Department’s?” Bump wrote summing up the piece. “It’s hard to say, without knowing her setup. But it seems that it was perhaps not necessarily much less secure. Was it complying with archiving and Freedom of Information Act requests as necessary? Again, without details, it’s hard to say for certain, but it appears not.”
Reporters from Bloomberg talked with a few experts in digital forensics who expressed concern about Clinton’s email setup, from the private accounts to the private in-home server.
From Bloomberg:
Although Clinton worked hard to secure the private system, her consultants appear to have set it up with a misconfigured encryption system, something that left it vulnerable to hacking, said Alex McGeorge, head of threat intelligence at Immunity Inc., a Miami Beach-based digital security firm.
Matt Devost, another expert who talked with Bloomberg, highlighted the fringe benefit of Clinton’s setup: “You erase it and everything’s gone.”
And it’s just that capability — to completely wipe out information — that has critics most riled up.
“The only reason to use a private email system for official government communication is to keep information from becoming public and covering your tracks,” Epstein said in a statement. “Sec. Clinton should have known that what she was doing violated the letter and spirit of the law. This isn’t a matter of poor judgment; this is a deliberate and orchestrated violation of the public trust that raises serious legal and ethical concerns.”
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Breaking: What Holder’s Justice Dept Just Did Changes Ex-Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson’s Life

President Obama Vetoes 42,000 Jobs. What's next?

Rob Engstrom, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The Senate will vote this Thursday to override President Obama’s veto of legislation to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Please contact your senators today and urge them to support the override effort.
It’s unfortunate that for six years, the White House has chosen to play political games with the pipeline while ignoring bipartisan support in Congress and the clear will of the American people.
This critical debate over our energy future is far from over. Congress must continue to fight back against this Administration’s and the far left’s war on energy.
Click here to contact your senators before this week’s vote. Your voice will make a difference.

Netanyahu Responds to Obama’s Criticism

Who is respected for their abilities on the world stage and who is laughed at by world leaders?
Check it out: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday he offered a “practical alternative” to the deal being negotiated over Iran’s nuclear program, after President Barack Obama criticized his address to Congress as containing “nothing new.”
Obama said Netanyahu didn’t offer any “viable alternative” and that “as far as I can tell, there was nothing new” in the Tuesday speech.
“In my speech before the Congress, I presented a practical alternative,” Netanyahu said upon landing at Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport. He said his alternative would impose tougher restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program and delay how quickly the Islamic Republic could assemble a nuclear weapon.

Le abran pasado la cuenta a Jon rivers por lo que dijo de Obama y Michael?

Lazaro Gonzalez, Mariano Munguia, Marzo Fernandez, Víctor Caamaño, Luis Pensad

Joan Rivers: “We all know” Obama is gay and Michelle is a tranny

Posted on July 4, 2014 by Dr. Eowyn | 34 Comments
Yesterday, after officiating at a wedding of two sodomites in New York, comedienne Joan Rivers outed the president and first lady of the United States as a homosexual and transgender, respectively. (See Steve’s posthere.)
Rivers was asked by an off-camera reporter: “Do you think the country … United States will see the first gay president or first woman president?”
This is what Joan Rivers said, sounding weary and definitely not in a joking mood:
“We already have [the first gay president] with Obama, so let’s just calm down. You know Michelle is a tranny… a transgender. We all know.

We all know.

Of course, by “we,” Joan Rivers wasn’t referring to ordinary American people, aka the sheeple who pay the taxes that (barely) holds the U.S. government together, who pay the movie tickets that maintain the Hollyweirdos in their extravagant and debauched “lifestyle”.
So who are those “we” who “all know” all along that Obama is “gay” and his “wife” Michael — oops, Michelle — is really a man?

Clue No. 1

Remember that Newsweek cover of May 21, 2012, proclaiming Obama to be “The First Gay President”?
Newsweek‘s orgasmic cover was prompted by Obama’s reversal of the military’s long-standing “don’t ask don’t tell” policy and his open support of “gay marriage.”
The weekly magazine’s accompanying cover story was written by the political pundit Andrew Sullivan, a public (i.e., outed) homosexual who wrote that Obama’s support of gay marriage had brought him to tears. (Lest you get all misty-eyed sentimental, he’s the same Andrew Sullivan who once said “gay marriage” does NOT mean monogamy. As he put it oh so delicately: “there is more likely to be greater understanding of the need for extramarital outlets between two men than between a man and a woman.”)
At the time, we the sheeple thought Newsweek didn’t literally mean Obama is “the first gay president”.
Think again.
Homosexuals pride themselves on their gaydar. They have to, in order to find each other because homosexuals constitute only 3% of the U.S. population, according to the Williams Institute, UCLA’s LGBT research think tank. That means Andrew Sullivan already knew Barack Hussein Obama is a homosexual, just as another public homosexual — conservative blogger Kevin Dujan of HillBuzz — has known all along.

Clue No. 2

7 months after the Newsweek cover, Candy — the first transexual style magazine — caused a brief publicity stir when it chose for its cover a transgender model, Connie Fleming, bearing a decided resemblance to Michelle Obama. (See DCG’s post about this here.)
In the words of Daily Mail: “A striking transgender model made up to look like Michelle Obama being sworn into office has been put on the front cover of a  U.S. magazine….  Fleming is dressed in typical First Lady fashion, down to the pearl necklace. Even the hair style is reminiscent of President Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle.
For Candy to do a cover story on a transgender U.S. president is bold enough, why pick a BLACK male-to-female transgender for its cover? And not just any black MtF transgender but one who resembles Michelle? Then have the model wear a wig just like Michelle’s and a sleeveless dress just like Michelle’s, exposing Fleming’s toned muscular arms, of which Michael Obama is so proud and for which he is celebrated by all the Obama idolators in the MSM?

Clue No. 3

Fast forward 1½ years to Time magazine’s cover of June 9, 2014, proclaiming that we’re at a “Transgender Tipping Point: America’s Next Civil Rights Frontier.” (See my post, “Transgender surgery now covered by bankrupt Medicare“.)

For its cover picture, Time could have chosen any number of transgenders — male-to-female or female-to-male; white, black, yellow, brown.
But the magazine chose a BLACK male-to-female transgender, an obscure actor named Laverne Cox who also bears an uncanny resemblance to Michelle Obama. As observant FOTM commenter motherbarbariannoted: “Looking at that Time cover photo, I am reminded of Michael Obama. Same sculpted arms and muscled legs.”
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
Friends, we’ve been played.
“We all know.” They all know.
Joan Rivers, Andrew Sullivan, Newsweek, Candy, Time, and all the denizens of the “liberal” media and Hollywood have known all along.
See our posts:

UPDATE (Sept. 5, 2014):

Two months to the day of Joan Rivers’ outing of the Obamas, she was declared dead after she had stopped breathing during a routine endoscopy in a clinic. See Trail Dust’s post “RIP – Joan Rivers.”
En mi opinión


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