Wednesday, January 15, 2014

No 571 "En mi opinion" Eero 15, 2014

No 571 “En mi opinión” Miercoles, Enero 15, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

“En un mundo de mentiras defendemos la verdad”
Floyd Brown: The Western Center for Journalism.
 "The Democratic National Committee (DNC) sent out a paranoid email... urging supporters to vote for Democrats so that Republicans can't impeach President Obama. ... The email, subject line 'Impeachment,' was sent to Obama for America supporters..." -Daily Caller

       Pay no heed to the media blackout. The far left knows that the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama is on the table. As WorldNetDaily (WND) notes: 
"Suddenly, millions of Americans talking about ousting [Barack Obama]." 

       But whether or not impeachment happens sooner, rather than later, is up to you and we want to start the New Year off on a country-saving note and send the spineless, self-proclaimed leaders in Congress a message from grassroots Americans like you. 
The American people want Barack Obama removed from officeNOW. 

It's Not A Question Of "If" Obama Will Be Impeached... It's A Question Of "When" Obama Will Be Impeached.

       The implementation of ObamaCare is a man-made disaster. A dictatorial imposter has usurped the constitutional authority an office he should not hold one too many times and he plans to keep usurping the authority of the highest office in the land. 

       Tyranny and insanity reign. We now live in a country in which an illegal alien is allowed to practice law in the State of California. It's now 
"legal" to smoke marijuana in Colorado and a dictatorial regime fights tooth-and-nail to force an order of nuns to either violate their religious convictions and support abortion or close up shop and go out of business. 

       Make no mistake, the law has been turned on its head and is becoming a farce. A tyrannical regime is out of control and their is only one constitutional remedy for restoring our great Republic. 

       And this solution is inevitable. As the 
"paranoid" email from the DNC illustrates, even Barack Obama's allies see the handwriting on the wall; and, at some point, our elected officials are going to be forced to face the eventuality that Barack Obama must be removed from office, and they must face that eventuality sooner, rather than later. 

       Aaron Klein with WND points out: 
"The White House and progressive machine clearly have failed in their attempt to paint the impeachment movement as fringe and out of touch with reality. The general American public views with increasing concern Obama’s illicit extension of executive authority, his repeated bypassing of Congress and the many serious scandals that have plagued this administration from Fast and Furious through Benghazi through the IRS fiasco and now ObamaCare." 

       Klein added: 
"The time has come for the country and our elected representatives to have a serious discussion about the constitutional ramifications of Obama’s highly questionable actions." 

How Long Must We Wait?

       How long must we wait... how long should we sit back and permit Barack Hussein Obama to continue to rip apart the fabric of this country before we take action? 

       You don't have to wait. Starting right now, 
you can fire a shot across the bow... a shot that will be heard around the world... and send Barack Hussein Obama a clear and unmistakable message that he does not have carte blanche to ruin the United States of America. 

       Like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl Marx, Barack Hussein Obama believes that it's his mission to promote 
"equality of outcome" (in a just world, the misery of the few must be shared by all) over "equality of opportunity" even if Americans must learn to live in chains to make it happen. 

       And that worldview makes Barack Hussein Obama a very dangerous man and one of the greatest threats to your personal liberty today. 

       What can we do to stop this monomaniac... this American dictator? 
There’s only one answer. 

       Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: 
"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." 

       ObamaCare is only a symptom. The Obama presidency is the disease, and 
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, is the cure. 

Can We Actually Remove Barack Obama? Should We Remove Barack Hussein Obama?
       To answer those questions, we really need to address the often misunderstood subject of what exactly constitutes an removeable offense, in order to illustrate that Barack Hussein Obama's actions are grave enough to warrant removal. 

       As former President Gerald Ford, while serving in the House of Representatives, put it: a removeable offense is,
"whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." 

       Let's look at Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution again:
"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." 

       The key phrase here is 
"high crimes and misdemeanors," a phrase grounded in English Common Law that was well-known to our Founding Fathers but is grossly misunderstood in this day and age. 

"High crimes and misdemeanors" essentially means bad behavior. 

       Here's a passage from which succinctly and beautifully summarizes the historical significance surrounding the inclusion of the term 
"high crimes and misdemeanors" in the Constitution: 

"'High crimes and misdemeanors' entered the text of the Constitution due to George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons given for impeachment - treason and bribery - were not enough... so Mason then proposed 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' a phrase well-known in English common law. In 18th century language, a 'misdemeanor' meant 'mis-demeanor,' or bad behavior."[Emphasis Ours]

       In other words, 
"high crimes and misdemeanors" does not refer to a 'high' or 'lofty' criminal act (as some would lead you to believe). 

       It refers to a misdeed committed by a person occupying a high office and the Founders fully intended to allow for the removal of the President for actions which were... well... simply put... egregious... grossly incompetent... grossly negligent... outright distasteful... or, in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, actions which clearly show malevolence toward this country, which is unabated. 

       Make no mistake, for those who mistakenly hold the illusion that removing Barack Hussein Obama would be a simple matter of 
"playing politics," our Founders not only intended that the removal of a sitting President be a "political act" but set the bar extremely low for the removal of a sitting president. 

       As notes: 
"The Framers of the Constitution deliberately put impeachment into the hands of the legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus transforming it from strictly a matter of legal definition to a matter of political judgment." 

       The Obama Administration exemplifies maladministration. It qualifies as the poster-child for bad behavior. Obama and those around him are ravaging this great country and adding a sorry chapter to a noble history, and
removal, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution for such a time as this. 

       It could be easily argued that we have a duty to remove Barack Hussein Obama. Of course, our elected officials won't have the back-bone to go it alone. That's where you come in. 

       Help us spread the word far-and-wide and 
our elected officials will come to know that the removal of Barack Hussein Obama is the will of the American people and that if they ignore the will of the people. they do so at their own political peril. 

       The question is not whether we should remove Barack Hussein Obama. Rather, the question is, can we remove Barack Hussein Obama before it is too late? 

Política Exterior de Obama
Sobre el acuerdo alcanzado entre las 6 potencias con Irán, este tiene una cantidad de contenido secreto que permitirá a los iraníes continuar "investigación y desarrollo" de su programa nuclear.
El acuerdo de 30 páginas, en su totalidad, en el presente, es un secreto  Sólo partes de él se espera que sea liberado. Al parecer, los políticos no desean que se sepa cuánto han cedido a las demandas de los iraníes para que puedan continuar enriqueciendo uranio.
El presidente iraní Hassan Rouhani se jactó en Twitter que los Estados Unidos y otras potencias mundiales con eficacia “se han rendido" a Teherán con el acuerdo nuclear recién firmado.
Acerca de negociación de Kerry con los palestinos, esta es la opinión del Ministro de defensa israelí.
"En realidad, no ha habido ninguna negociación entre nosotros y los palestinos durante todos estos meses,  sino más bien entre nosotros y los norteamericanos," Moshe Ya'alon, ministro de defensa Israelí dijo en comentarios publicados en las páginas de  Yediot Aharonot. "La única cosa que puede 'salvarnos' es que John Kerry gane un premio Nobel y nos deje en paz".
Alon agregó que Kerry, el diplomático estadounidense está "actuando con una obsesión extraviada y un fervor mesiánico", y que el proyecto se presenta como un documento que "no vale la pena el gasto del papel en que se ha escrito”
Acerca de la nueva información con las transcripciones de Bengasi  surge la pregunta: ¿Exageró las preparaciones la Casa Blanca sobre la preparación para el aniversario del 9/11? Y después ¿Negaron la realidad de que se trataba de un ataque terrorista?
CBS en el programa 60 minutos revisitando el ataque terrorista en Bengasi presentó pruebas que el ataque fue orquestado por al-Qaeda en el aniversario del 9/11. Fue "un ataque planificado, sofisticado" por AQ, y dos consejeros de seguridad que se han ofrecido a decir la verdad de como ambos en varias ocasiones trataron de avisar sobre el peligro antes del ataque
El segmento, dirigido por Lara Logan, se centra en lo que pasó en Bengasi antes y durante el ataque. Lo hace, planteando la pregunta sobre por qué fueron enviadas fuerzas militares para rescatar a los norteamericanos a pesar del ataque tuvo varias horas de duración en el anexo. Gregory Hicks, uno de los denunciantes que sacó los puntos de la administración Obama fuera del agua en su testimonio ante el Congreso, diciendo que aún no puede entender por qué Estados Unidos no estaba dispuesto a proteger sus activos en Bengasi.
Esto debe servir como un trampolín para una demanda de más respuestas de la casa blanca y también de la entonces secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton.

Quizás se hable un poco de esto en las noticias de la mediática complaciente, pero será en las páginas interiores porque todas las primeras planas están ocupada por un tranque provocado en un puente de New Jersey


Estimado Sr. Director,

De acuerdo con el Sr. Mauricio Claver-Carone, director ejecutivo de Cuba Democracy Advocates citado por Wilfredo Cancio Isla en su reportaje "Polémico viaje del senador Bob Graham a Cuba" (4A, 1/14/14) sobre la visita del ex senador y ex gobernador floridano a Cuba para cerciorarse de cuestiones de "petróleo y cambio climático".

?Acaso hará demasiado tiempo que Graham (otrora de vasto aprecio y cierta vez precandidato a la nominación de su partido Demócrata para presidente del país) se ve apartado de los titulares?  Los pozos secos "revolucionarios" que les interesan al señor y a la dama del Council On Foreign Relations que lo acompaña (Julia Sweig, ?una "mamacusa" de izquierda?) hacen eco en cocos huecos.

Sospecho que pronto hemos de ver "drones revolucionarios" (fabricados a base de la chatarra de los nuestros que la Hillary* alegremente dejó esparcida por el desierto libio, recogida afanosamente por Rusia y China comunista) en nuestros cielos para "medir el cambio climático", fantasía y ficción de Fidel y del obamoclintonismo.  Cuando no en nuestras clínicas a esos "medicolucionarios" (-!?Reválidas para qué!?-).

*Este...ciertos países de la OTAN y ciertas monarquías árabes del golfo Pérsico.

Philip V. Riggio

“EMO” Miren que cosa mas bonita. LRGM

Kerry visits Vatican, asks for help in Cuban case

The U.S. Secretary of State lobbies the church to help free an American detained in Cuba since 2009.  Other concerns » 

Kerry asks Vatican to help win release of American jailed in Cuba. By Warren Strobel

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday asked the Vatican to help win the release of an American contractor who has been in jail in Cuba since 2009.
Kerry, the first Catholic U.S. secretary of state in more than 30 years, stopped at the Vatican on his way to Kuwait to hold talks with Pope Francis' top aide, Secretary of State Archbishop Pietro Parolin.
The talks mostly centered on the Middle East and efforts to bring an end to the Syrian civil war ahead of a peace conference in Geneva later this month.
"We talked also about Cuba and the need for respect for freedom of religion and freedom of, and respect for, human rights," Kerry told reporters after the meeting.
"I raised the issue of Alan Gross and his captivity, and we hope very much that there might be able to be assistance with respect to that issue," he said.
Gross was sentenced to 15 years in prison for installing Internet networks for Cuban Jews in a U.S. program Cuba considers subversive.
His arrest in late 2009 and sentencing in March 2011 stalled a brief period of detente in U.S.-Cuba relations after President Barack Obama took office and quickly loosened restrictions on travel and remittances to the island for Cuban Americans with relatives in Communist-run Cuba.
The Vatican has relatively good diplomatic relations with Cuba. Former Pope Benedict and the late Pope John Paul both made major visits there.
The position held by Parolin, who will be elevated to the rank of cardinal next month, is the second most senior in the Vatican hierarchy after the pope and its holder is sometimes called the "deputy pope".
"We talked at great length on Syria. I was particularly appreciative for the archbishop's raising the issue and equally grateful for the Holy Father's comments ... yesterday regarding his support for the Geneva 2 process," Kerry told reporters.
Pope Francis called for renewed political will to end the conflict in Syria in an address to diplomats at the Vatican on Monday and said he hoped the Geneva 2 conference due onJanuary 22 under U.N. auspices would be the start of a peace process.
Kerry said he briefed Parolin on the broader Middle East process between Israel and Palestinians.
"Obviously, there are issues of enormous concern to the Holy See, not just about peace, but also about the freedom of access for religious worship in Jerusalem for all religions, and appropriate resolution with respect to Jerusalem that respects that," Kerry said.
Israel captured East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and declared all of Jerusalem its "united and eternal capital" in 1980 in a move that has not won international recognition. Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a state they seek to establish in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The Vatican wants any peace settlement to guarantee free access to all religious sites in the city, which is sacred to all Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Kerry is the first Catholic U.S. Secretary of State since Edmund Muskie in the early 1980s and said the visit was very moving for him.
"On a personal level, it was a thrill for me ... as an altar boy, as a young kid, I would never have imagined that I would have been crossing the threshold of the Vatican to meet, as Secretary of State, with the Secretary of State of the Holy See," he said.
(Reporting By Warren Strobel, writing by Philip Pullella)


The more I read and examine the “FACTS” the more I think that President Obama has made toilet paper out of the constitution. Today I read that the FBI is closing the investigation of the IRS scandal where one top administrator refused to testify to a congressional committee. Several people also in the IRS administration spoke of the improprieties and abuse for political reasons. Also the IRS scandal victims were not even called by the FBI investigators to get their testimony.

The case of Benghazi is back in news with more revelations of cover-up and corruption. But President Obama with the help of his judicial political gangster Attorney General Eric Holder runs the country at will. Today President Obama gives a speech and talks about more presidential directives. Take the case of the Obamacare website debacle . The President never fires or investigate. Is like a clan of gangsters running the country. It is clear that for as long as you do as he says and give him loyalty “legal protection is available”. There are lots of scandal from where to draw conclusions and the actions and results are always the same. The administration clan is above the law.

I my wildest dream I ever thought that a President could run the country as President Obama does. Moreover, I never thought that the American people will have put up with this kind of behavior much less a free press provide cover to this kind of activity. While I think that Governor Chris Christie actions must be scrutinize and be held accountable he at list fired and reprimanded publicly the wrong doers . President Obama in contrast  “ ignores the problems and provides cover-up”. The President is at the top of all the government agencies. From the NSA to IRS his political appointees run these agencies and by law answer to the President. The general media is totally bias and I have to conclude that it appears to be an extension of President Obama administration hardline agenda. YES THE CONSTITUTION IS NOW TOILET PAPER WITH THE HELP OF MOST IN THE MEDIA.

Jorge Aguiar

Doral, Florida

Una De Las Leyes Barbarás Musulmana
Es La Que Obliga A Las Mujeres Violadas
A Casarse Con Su Violador...
Esto Debe De Ser Conocido... y Debemos
Evitar Que Los Musulmanes Se Sigan
Extendiendo En USA... Como Ya Lo Están
En Toda Europa...
Gracias por actuar para aumentar el conocimiento de la
VERDAD sobre la Religión Musulmana...
violencia contra las mujeres en Marruecos

Envía el correo de abajo a tus amigos y familiares y pega
este enlace en tu muro de Facebook.
En Brasil, Millor Fernández (humorista, dramaturgo y escritor) lanzó un desafío
público con la siguiente pregunta:
- ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un Político y un Ladrón?
Le llamó mucho la atención la respuesta de un lector: - "Estimado Millor, después
de una larga búsqueda llegué a esta conclusión:
La diferencia entre un político y un ladrón es que el primero lo elijo yo, y el segundo
me elige a mí.
¿Estoy en lo cierto?"

Esta fue la réplica de Millor:

- "Apreciado señor, usted es un genio."   Es el único que logró encontrar

Look out. The gloves have finally come off, and a very famous Republican is officially spilling the beans on the president.
This legend is calling Barack Obama the "most vile and disgusting racist." And that's just for starters ...


'How long will it be before 'you people' realize'  BOB UNRUH 

War hero and former U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., is questioning how long it will take for “you people” – white Americans – to realize that their president “abjectly despises” them.
In a commentary posted Tuesday on his own website, West, who represented Florida in Congress after an extended career in the U.S. military, confronted head on the issue of racism.
Citing Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s warning that schools have to drop policies that “disproportionately punish minorities,” West suggested it’s not racism to punish blacks more when members of that minority cause trouble more.
“I taught high school for one year in Deerfield Beach, Fla., and in the end, it was such an enjoyable experience breaking up fights daily, that I decided to return to the combat zone of Afghanistan,” West wrote. “Teachers are already disrespected and attacked, not feared. There were students at Deerfield Beach who steered clear of the lunchroom for fear of being picked on or engaged in a fight …
“Yes, this violence on campus was perpetrated eight out of 10 times by black students, male and female, but it had nothing to do with racial disparity. It had everything to do with a lack of discipline and control,” he wrote.
He said Obama’s and Holder’s advocacy for leniency for those to cause trouble essentially makes them racist.
“This is my clear and succinct message to white Americans. How long will it be before ‘you people’ realize you have elevated someone to the office of president who abjectly despises you – not to mention his henchman Holder. Combined they are the most vile and disgusting racists – not you,” he wrote.
The commentary was prompted by Holder’s recent demand that schools “rethink ‘zero tolerance’ disciplinary policies” because they “disproportionately punish minorities.”
A Hill report on the issue charged that “alarming numbers of young people are suspended, expelled or even arrested for relatively minor transgressions like school uniform violations, schoolyard fights or showing ‘disrespect’ by laughing in class, Holder said during a speech.”
West noted that the accompanying new federal guidance from the departments of Justice and Education “encouraging (i.e. threatening) schools to adopt disciplinary policies that are ‘fair, nondiscriminatory, and effective’” is simply a threat from the Department of Justice.
“So now [the department] … will use its power to enforce ‘civil rights protections’ in school disciplinary actions. In fact, the DOJ and DoEd are putting schools on notice that they are prepared to use their authority to investigate the claims of racial disparity in the punishment of students,” he wrote.
“Not to be outdone by Holder in the ‘stuck on stupid’ category, Education Secretary Arne Duncan stated, ‘Positive discipline policies’ can actually foster safer school environments. … Schools also must understand their civil rights obligations and avoid unfair disciplinary practices.”
“When a young man took a swing at me while I broke up a beat down that he and three others were giving a young man already on the ground, it had nothing to do with civil rights. It had everything to do with a criminal behavior which does not belong in a learning environment – and he was expelled. Now imagine under these new guidelines and rules, DoJ and DoEd would initiate an investigation,” West said.

Pedro García de nuevo al frente de la oficina del Tasador de la Propiedad?

 Pudiera ocupar el puesto al ser López Cantera nombrado Teniente Gobernador

“EMO” No creo que el alcalde pueda nombrar un sustituto para Lopez-Cantera al frente del departamento de taxes condales porque ese cargo es un cargo para una persona electa. Si el se va pues hay que hacer elecciones para ocupar esa vacante. LRGM


MIAMI 14 DE ENERO DE 2014,—Fuentes del condado Miami Dade le han dicho a que el ex tasador de la propiedad del condado Miami Dade Pedro García, pudiera regresar a su puesto,  perdido por escaso margen en las últimas elecciones frente Carlos López Cantera.
Todo apunta a que en las próximas horas López Cantera será nombrado por el gobernador Rick Scott para Teniente Gobernador de la Florida.
López Cantera de 40 años, sería el primer hispano en sostener el trabajo de Teniente Gobernador de la Florida y su presencia en la candidatura para la gobernación de la Florida junto a Scott este año seguro que agregaría diversidad y daría un gran apoyo a Scott dentro de los votantes hispanos, especialmente en Miami Dade.
López Cantera sirvió como representante entre los años 2004 y 2012 siendo los dos últimos años líder de la mayoría, y es considerado parte del círculo de íntimos amigos del senador Marco Rubio, quien derrotó al ex gobernador Crist en el 2010.
Según las fuentes que contactó anoche, el Gobernador Scott planea hacer el anuncio esta mañana.
El pasado año, Scott se quedó sin Teniente Gobernadora después  de la dimisión de la ex vicegobernador Jennifer Carroll.
Nuestras fuentes en el condado, le dijeron anoche a, que es muy posible que el alcalde Carlos Giménez nombre al ex Tasador de la Propiedad Pedro García para que ocupe la oficina hasta las elecciones, aunque las fuentes confesaron desconocer cuál es el procedimiento en este caso.
Pedro García gozó de mucha popularidad mientras estuvo al frente de la oficina del Tasador, por eso es “que si está en las manos de Giménez es posible que sea nombrado ya que tiene la experiencia necesaria para el puesto”, nos concluyó la fuente.

Descubren “Lista Negra” en manos de asesores de Hillary Clinton

 Aunque ocurrió en el 2008, pudieran usar las mismas tácticas en próximas elecciones

MIAMI 14 DE ENERO DE 2014,—Con el advenimiento de las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos en 2016, ya se empiezan a sentir los ataques y controversias y a los potenciales candidatos a sacar las uñas, según le dijo un analista político a el pasado fin de semana.
De acuerdo con la fuente, los Clinton que son conocidos por sus rencores contra sus enemigos políticos se han valido de sus asistentes para “pasarle la cuenta a sus enemigos”.
Algunos de sus asistentes en el 2008, nos dijo la fuente, “construyeron un archivo para saber quiénes eran sus amigos y enemigos”, y esto pudiera ocurrir de nuevo.
“La llamada lista negra fue realizada en un programa Microsoft Excel a finales de la fracasada campaña presidencial de Hillary en el 2008”, la misma fue  guardada secretamente y se le ha ido añadiendo nuevos “blancos políticos ya que será usada en su próxima campaña presidencial.”
Según las fuentes que contactaron a, ocurrió a finales de junio del 2008 dentro de una pequeña oficina en el tercer piso donde estaban las oficinas de la campaña   presidencial de Hillary en el barrio de Ballston en Arlington, Virginia, donde Kris Balderston y Adrianne Elrod dieron los toques finales a la lista de “objetivos políticos”.
Esto ocurrió cuando la candidatura de Hillary había caído y se gritaban obscenidades entre los trabajadores de la campana y muchos de sus ayudantes habían contactado con la campana del entonces senador Barack Obama, pasándose al bando de este.
De acuerdo con las fuentes, Balderston, quien da la apariencia de ser un profesor de inglés, es una de las personas en que los Clintons mas confía, ya que ha estado con ellos desde la época en que Bill era presidente y luego fue director legislativo y subjefe de persona en su oficina  del Senado en Nueva York y es descrito como uno de los “fabricantes de chismes políticos”, preferidos por Hillary.
Los que han tenido acceso a la lista, dicen que, “durante meses habían actualizado meticulosamente un tablero tipo pizarra escolar donde colocaban símbolos codificados por colores, azules y rojos, letras y flechas para marcar a sus blancos políticos, legisladores que se inclinaban por Hillary y por los que se inclinaban por Barack Obama. Por ejemplo, las letras LO en rojo, indicaban que apoyaban a Obama, mientras que BD, en azul indicaba que él o ella era miembro de la centrista coalición Blue Dog del Capitolio”.
El analista político nos dijo que es muy posible que en las próximas elecciones esos mismos asistentes serán visto envueltos en la campana de Hillary y “seguramente abriendo la lista negra”.

Reaparecerá hoy el mentor del presidente Barack Obama

• Jeremiah Wright, se une al sindicato de maestros de Chicago

MIAMI 15 DE ENERO DE 2014,—Los que acostumbran a ver los canales de noticias por cables, CNN, FOXNEWS,MSNBC, etc, pronto verán la reaparición del siniestro Reverendo Jeremiah Wright, según le dijo una fuente a
“El sindicato de maestros de Chicago necesita una voz más potente en el mundo político para poner en marcha una campaña que favorezca a los candidatos que apoyen a los maestros”, nos dijo la fuente.
Wright por supuesto es el pastor de Chicago que fuera el mentor espiritual del presidente Barack Obama hasta la campaña electoral del 2008, en que el presidente decidió alejarse de su mentor después que saliera a la luz pública un video de Wright gritando desde el pulpito, “maldita sea América”, en aquel “sermón” Wright sugería que Estados Unidos había cometido terrorismo y por lo tanto los ataques del 11 de Septiembre fueron realizados por el propio gobierno.
En aquel sermón también opinó  que el gobierno americano había creado el SIDA para matar a negros. Ante el descubrimiento del video, Obama denuncio  a su mentor declarando que “nunca había escuchado esos sermones  del pasor”, Wright se alejó gradualmente de los titulares.
Ahora regresa, dicen nuestras fuentes.
Wright dará un discurso hoy miércoles en un desayuno convocado por la unión de maestros de Chicago y en honor del líder negro Martin Luther King Jr.
El sindicato ha invitado a los pastores locales para el desayuno con la esperanza de construir una coalición de clérigos de Chicago para apoyar sus causas, dijeron nuestras fuentes.
Los dirigentes del sindicato de maestros de Chicago, particularmente están buscando aliados para luchar contra el cierre de escuelas algo que ha ocurrido en los últimos meses.
Se espera que Wright vuelva a repetir algunos de sus comentarios controversiales y reiterar posiciones controvertidas como, “estar de acuerdo con las opiniones antisemitas de Louis Farrakhan”.
En estaremos al tanto de la re-aparición del pastor Jeremiah Wright.


“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor “IN GOD WE TRUST”

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