No 421 6/2713 “En mi opinión” Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’
Member Of Congress: Edward
Snowden’s Revelations Are “Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
The NSA director confirmed to
Congress today that leaker Edward Snowden had access to a highly sensitive
database containing personal information that could be mined to track a
target’s thoughts and actions and possibly predict future acts.
El problema va mucho más allá de lo que la gente se imagina. Si
toda esa información se ha estado usando para chantajear a senadores,
congresistas, jueces de la Corte suprema, etc., lo cual tiene mucha lógica
viendo la cantidad de esa gente que está ayudando a crear una dictadura en este
país, aun en contra de los intereses de los mismos chantajeados y de su familia
y amigos, lo cual es lo que ya dejo dicho en otras palabras Snowden, no hay que
dudar ni por un solo minuto que este hombre completamente solo podría derrumbar
la dictadura de este país con solo decir los nombres de los chantajeados y con
que los están chantajeando ya que de esa forma ya el chantaje no les valdría de
nada a los “chantajiantes” y todos se volcarían en contra de ellos sin miedo al
chantaje o porque estén destituidos o presos. Por eso lo están buscando como
pan caliente aunque ese pan caliente podría volverse un arma de doble filo si
lo secuestran o lo matan ya que el mismo dijo que otras personas tienen toda la
información y ese es probablemente su seguro de vida ya que destaparían la hoya
completa si lo llegan a tocar.
According to U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez, members of Congress learned “significantly more than what is out in
the media today” during a closed briefing about the NSA on Tuesday, and that what has been revealed so far about NSA snooping is “just
the tip of the iceberg”. During
her interview with C-SPAN on Wednesday, she also stated that NSA spying is “just broader than
most people even realize” but due to
security restrictions she could not reveal more than that. So precisely
what are the American people not being told? And do our leaders ever plan
to tell us the truth? Many of our politicians have come down extremely
hard on whistleblower Edward
Snowden, but if it wasn’t for him
most Americans would have no idea what the NSA has been up to. Is the
Obama administration going to come clean on this, or do we have to wait for
even more whistleblowers to come forward? The American people deserve to
know that they are being spied on, and member-of-congress-edward- snowdens-revelations-are-just- the-tip-of-the-iceberg/it appears that those in charge of
doing this spying have been flat out lying to Congress about it. member-of-congress-edward- snowdens-revelations-are-just- the-tip-of-the-iceberg/
The Obamacare System is Collapsing
Last Friday, I wrote about the fragility
of complex systems and how they can collapse. Currently, the most complex and
fragile of our American systems is Obamacare. And it’s collapsing before it can
even be implemented.
I’m frequently asked if Obamacare can be
repealed. I like to respond by saying, Obamacare is destroying itself. It’s so
complex and byzantine that the government is struggling to implement the law.
The next big challenge on the calendar is
the deadline to have health insurance exchanges operational by October 1, 2013.
The full implementation of Obamacare is supposed to happen January 1, 2014. But
how are the 45 million uninsured Americans supposed to sign up if there isn’t a
place to sign up?
This week we heard from the nonpartisan
Government Accountability Office (GAO). Their report on the exchanges was ugly.
The health insurance exchanges being created by the federal government for more
than 30 states will likely miss the October 1 deadline.
Houston, We Have a Problem
These health insurance exchanges are
projected to provide health coverage for seven million people in 2014 and 22
million by 2016. But it’s becoming obvious Obama’s crown jewel policy
achievement is shattered and in ruins.
According to the GAO, vital parts of the
computer systems running the exchanges remain unfinished. This means the
government has no way to know who’s even eligible for the federal subsidies.
They have no system to monitor insurance plans for compliance with the mountains
of new regulations.
Health insurance rates are doubling,
tripling and even quadrupling. Any affordability in the Affordable Care Act was
a mirage. In some cases, insurance companies are even suspending the sale of
individual policies. Aetna has announced that it’s pulling the plug on
Worse yet, the existing healthcare system
is also unraveling. The question is: Will Obamacare opponents be able to use
this vulnerability to finally kill the beast?
A Lack of Courage
This much is obvious: Opponents of
Obamacare don’t have much courage. If they did, Obamacare would already be
gone. In order to push Obama hard enough to induce full repeal, they’ll have to
go to the mat and shut down the government, much like Newt Gingrich did to Bill
Clinton. Unfortunately, John Boehner is no Newt Gingrich. So I foresee a series
of half-measures taking shape instead.
The House of Representatives may vote to
repeal the individual mandate. The mandate is what makes the law unpopular with
voters. But the House should also pass a bill proposed by Georgia Rep. Tom
Price to cut off funding to enlarge the Internal Revenue Service. No IRS
expansion, no enforcement of Obamacare. Americans never have liked the IRS.
They like it even less under Obama’s aggressive tax collection policies.
Obama will never agree to a full repeal,
but as the problems continue to mount, he could choose to come to the table and
repeal the most onerous provisions of the law. Total repeal will have to wait
until he’s out of office. He would veto any plan to fully repeal it.
The best plan of action is to not aid
Obama and try to fix it piecemeal. Allow it to fail in full view so voters
become committed to total repeal. The current Obamacare system is
unfixable and the sooner the problems come to light, the sooner all will see
that the entire system is broken beyond repair.
La Decadencia
y Caída de la Sociedad sin Valores Alberto Pérez
El estado de
California, no se puede considerar bajo ninguna percepción plausible como una
comunidad de conservadores, al contrario es el estado madre de los liberales.
Este estado
determinó en la proposición 8 que el matrimonio era la unión de un hombre con
una mujer.
Cuando ayer
la corte suprema determina que la proposición 8 es inconstitucional, nos
enfrentamos a dos situaciones sin precedentes en la democracia representativa
de los Estados Unidos.
La primera es
la que explica el Magistrado Kennedy en su declaración de disensión, cuando
dice que la corte olvida el concepto básico de la democracia. La esencia
de la democracia es que el derecho de establecer una ley, reside en el pueblo,
y fluye hacia el gobierno, no de manera contraria.
La libertad
mora en el pueblo es su derecho y no necesita ni puede ser otorgado por el
Cuando la
rama judicial, se convierte en el poder legislativo, sin el derecho a legislar
por no haber sido electo por el pueblo y deroga una ley que fue implantada en
una elección popular, lo que ha hecho es violar el derecho del pueblo a tener
la libertad de tener un sistema de gobierno que sea del pueblo y por el pueblo.
La segunda
situación es más relacionada con la sociedad.
No es
problema de moralidad ni religión, pero en un problema de valores.
Una sociedad
sin valores está determinada a su destrucción, la historia es testigo de esto,
el imperio Romano, posiblemente el imperio más estructurado de la civilización
de la antigüedad, se autodestruyo cuando abandonó sus valores.
El asunto a
discutirse en cuanto al matrimonio homosexual no son los derechos civiles o
económicos, de los que eligen este estilo de vida, estos ya están asegurados
con las uniones civiles y las leyes contra la discriminación por la preferencia
El asunto a
determinar son los valores, si se empiezan a cambiar los valores, ¿Dónde
Hoy nos
cambian los valores y nos dicen que es legal un matrimonio entre dos
personas con los mismos órganos genitales. ¿Qué impide que mañana nos digan que
es legal el matrimonio de una persona con un animal? ¿O que nos digan que es
legal que un adulto se pueda casar un niño o niña? ¿O que nos digan que la
poligamia es algo que se aceptaba en el pasado y se debe de aceptar ahora?
Esto no es
una exageración, si buscan en la internet podrán ver que ya hay movimientos
militantes que están exponiendo la posibilidad de hacer leyes para legalizar la
pedofilia, el matrimonio con animales y matrimonios de múltiples hombres y
Nos dicen
estas personas, que en todas las sociedades siempre ha existido la pedofilia,
que el ser humano no es monógamo, y que en muchas sociedades orientales el sexo
de hombre y animales es común.
Como van las
cosas, estas personas cada día tienen más posibilidad de reclamar sus
determinación de la Corte Suprema es algo decepcionante, pero estas cosas
suceden, lo que realmente es una aberración es que una parte del pueblo,
sumido en un barraje de propaganda por la mediática liberal, ha aceptado esto
como bueno, que han aceptado de los valores no tienen mayor importancia.
Y esto es algo que nos hace recordar la decadencia y la caída del
Imperio Romano
This is
“Top Ten List of America's Stupidity”
Of course we look like idiots � because we are �
10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the
rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still
discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black
Attorney General and roughly 20% of
the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is
black. 40+% of all federal
entitlements goes to black Americans � 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most
responsible for our tax code, TimothyGeithner (the head of the Treasury
Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee),
BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the
name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might
be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally
become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of
thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who
sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.
5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the
budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as
4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to
cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate
whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up
when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil)
is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars
from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion
dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER
MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all
income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people
who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Rubio: Border security complaints ‘not true’ Giuseppe Macri
WASHINGTON — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio
addressed conservative complaints over border security in the Senate
immigration reform bill Wednesday, calling allegations doubting its
effectiveness “not true.”
have a border with Mexico that despite billions of dollars that have already
been spent, it’s still not secure,” the Republican “Gang of Eight” senator
said. “This proposal mandates the most ambitious border and interior security
measures in our nation’s history.”
In a speech on the Senate floor, on a day when the Hoeven-Corker “border surge”
amendment was approved, adding $40 billion in new border security provisions,
Rubio said the current immigration system encourages illegal immigration —
trafficking people, drugs and guns across the border every day.
million unregistered people that do not pay taxes and face little threat of
prosecution are living in the U.S. illegally in what Rubio described as “de
facto amnesty.”
I’m describing — this is the way things are now. This is the status quo — and
it is a terrible mess,” Rubio said.
went on to address claims by conservatives, including Republican Senate
colleague Chuck Grassley from Iowa, that the “border surge” amendment is
unenforceable and full of loopholes. According to Grassley, passage will repeat
the same mistakes of the 1986 immigration reform law — promising border
security after legalization status.
continues false promises of a secured border. It ought to be enforcement now
and legalization later,” Grassley said before the vote Wednesday.
the immigration bill Rubio co-sponsored and co-wrote, the “Gang of Eight”
Republican assured critics that the 11 million current undocumented immigrants
will only receive work permits during the first decade of the bill, and will
not be eligible for permanent status until after the “border surge” provisions
are in place.
Grassley and other Senate Republicans also claim the bill has no Homeland
Security teeth, and that the secretary can ignore the border requirement and
waive the technology called for in the bill.
that’s just not true. The secretary can always add more to the plan, but the
list of border security measures we mandate in the legislation is the minimum
that must be implemented,” Rubio said.
criticisms included future Congress’ ability to defund the bill, that it
contains taxpayer-funded subsidies for cars or scooters, and that no one has
read what media outlets describe as “a brand new 1100 page bill” — all of which
Rubio described as “not true.”
According to Rubio and other Senate Republicans, the
money is front loaded into the bill, and cannot be defunded like past border
security laws. It contains no vehicle subsidy provision, and is the same bill
that’s been available to
read for 10 weeks. The only addition being 120 pages of
amendments, including those on border security Republicans demanded for
passage. “What’s going to happen (without immigration reform) is we’ll still
have a broken immigration system, we won’t have more border patrol officers,
we won’t have enough fencing, we still won’t have mandatory E-verify, and
we’ll still have 11 million people living here illegally. And that’s why I’m
involved in this,” Rubio said. Follow
Giuseppe on Twitter
La Razon... Contra la Naturaleza...
¡Impeach obama! ¡Impeach obama! ¡Impeach obama!
Dear Proud American,
Take a long, hard look above... These are the people who represent you... who represent America. How does that make you feel? Proud? Safe? Personally, it makes me feel sick. This isn't the America I know and love. This isn't the America my ancestors staked their lives for. Today, Big Government reign is enslaving our freedoms. It can punish you for your political affiliation... It can listen in on your personal phone calls, read your emails, spy on your every move without court authorization... Big Government reign decides who lives, and who dies. It can even kill you right where you stand, without trial. Worst of all, it's so easy to get away with. Take another look above... think about all they've gotten away with... all the blood on their hands. Now let me ask you one last question - will you help me do something about it? I can't stomach our "leaders" lying through their teeth one second longer. It's time to tell Congress enough is enough! It's time to demand that Congress impeach this pack of corrupt, degenerate thugs, before it gets any worse. Because personally, I don't want to see what "worse" looks like... Let's take a stand in favor of America's restoration. The America our forefathers built. Sign Capitol Hill Daily's petition to impeach Barack Obama and help us put an end to the destruction of civil liberty once and for all. The Constitution is worthless if we don't do everything we can to enforce it. CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION FOR OBAMA'S IMPEACHMENT Sincerely, Martin Biancuzzo Senior Political Analyst, Capitol Hill Daily |
The Center for Western Journalism 42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086
Los Politiqueros Son Una “Mafia Mundial…”
el viajecito que dio a España nuestro alcalde? con su esposa... que dijo:
“Voy En Busca De Nuevos Negocios Para Miami”Lo interesante... es que “Nuestro Alcalde” nunca
antes en su vida tuvo interés en poner un negocio... ni sabe nada de
negocios... pues desde los 20 años ha sido un empleado
estoy seguro que en ese viaje se enteró del NUEVO
una INSPECCIÓN de todas las edificaciones hechas
antes del 2007... para instruir al pueblo como ahorrar energía. Es Un Robo
Mas... Creado En España (Islas Baleares) Una
Ley Que Hay Que Cumplir Casa Por Casa
politiqueros, que jamás han trabajado lo mismo, ALLÁ que AQUÍ... siempre buscan la manera de sacarle dinero al pueblo...ahora allá han
hecho obligatoria la INSPECCIÓN POR UN INGENIERO
de todas las edificaciones anteriores al 2007... es otro impuesto nuevo... Para
destruir aun más la economía!!
¿Qué Es El “Certificado Energético”?
Es una toalla tirada al LOBBY del sindicato de los ingenieros... Sacandole la comida, de las bocas de los trabajadores y sus hijos!
aun peor, LA INSPECCIÓ cambia
para nada el consumo energético y SOLO ABRE UNA PUERTA
las leyes que pasan ALLÁ Y AQUÍ son una CORRUPTELA ADICIONAL a las
existentes... y lo
más importante... sirven para nombrar mas burócratas que
pueden hacer y
deshacer pues saben que ni hay FORMA DE
CHEQUEARLOS... Hasta Cuándo???
les paso el anuncio aparecido en los periódicos de España...
Una Compañía de Ingenieros Ofrece sus Servicios con Descuento...
De Eficiencia Energética Para
Viviendas Y Locales De Antes De 2007Desde 89 €. El Cual Ahora Obligatorio Desde El 1 De Junio
The Obamacare System is Collapsing
Friday, I wrote about the fragility of complex systems and how they can collapse.
Currently, the most complex and fragile of our American systems is Obamacare.
And it’s collapsing before it can even be implemented.
frequently asked if Obamacare can be repealed. I like to respond by saying,
Obamacare is destroying itself. It’s so complex and byzantine that the
government is struggling to implement the law.
next big challenge on the calendar is the deadline to have health insurance
exchanges operational by October 1, 2013. The full implementation of
Obamacare is supposed to happen January 1, 2014. But how are the 45 million
uninsured Americans supposed to sign up if there isn’t a place to sign up?
week we heard from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Their report on the exchanges was ugly. The health insurance exchanges being
created by the federal government for more than 30 states will likely miss
the October 1 deadline.
We Have a Problem
health insurance exchanges are projected to provide health coverage for seven
million people in 2014 and 22 million by 2016. But it’s becoming obvious
Obama’s crown jewel policy achievement is shattered and in ruins.
to the GAO, vital parts of the computer systems running the exchanges remain
unfinished. This means the government has no way to know who’s even eligible
for the federal subsidies. They have no system to monitor insurance plans for
compliance with the mountains of new regulations.
insurance rates are doubling, tripling and even quadrupling. Any
affordability in the Affordable Care Act was a mirage. In some cases,
insurance companies are even suspending the sale of individual policies.
Aetna has announced that it’s pulling the plug on California.
yet, the existing healthcare system is also unraveling. The question is: Will
Obamacare opponents be able to use this vulnerability to finally kill the
Lack of Courage
much is obvious: Opponents of Obamacare don’t have much courage. If they did,
Obamacare would already be gone. In order to push Obama hard enough to induce
full repeal, they’ll have to go to the mat and shut down the government, much
like Newt Gingrich did to Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, John Boehner is no
Newt Gingrich. So I foresee a series of half-measures taking shape instead.
House of Representatives may vote to repeal the individual mandate. The
mandate is what makes the law unpopular with voters. But the House should
also pass a bill proposed by Georgia Rep. Tom Price to cut off funding to
enlarge the Internal Revenue Service. No IRS expansion, no enforcement of
Obamacare. Americans never have liked the IRS. They like it even less under
Obama’s aggressive tax collection policies.
will never agree to a full repeal, but as the problems continue to mount, he
could choose to come to the table and repeal the most onerous provisions of
the law. Total repeal will have to wait until he’s out of office. He would
veto any plan to fully repeal it.
best plan of action is to not aid Obama and try to fix it piecemeal. Allow it
to fail in full view so voters become committed to total repeal. The
current Obamacare system is unfixable and the sooner the problems come to
light, the sooner all will see that the entire system is broken beyond repair.
¡Impeach obama! ¡Impeach obama! ¡Impeach obama!
Copie estos links porque los necesitara en un futuro
si sigue la guerra contra nuestro blog.
mi opinión” Lázaro
R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE
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