No 416 6/21/13 “En mi opinión” Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’
Some men carry and handle their diplomacy
better than others........
When former U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren't going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President.
"It's not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it's my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief," McChrystal replied, and he handed Obama his resignation.
Not satisfied with accepting McChrystal's resignation the President made a cheap parting shot. "I bet when I die you'll be happy to pee on my grave."
The General saluted. "Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I'd never stand in line again."
When former U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren't going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President.
"It's not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it's my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief," McChrystal replied, and he handed Obama his resignation.
Not satisfied with accepting McChrystal's resignation the President made a cheap parting shot. "I bet when I die you'll be happy to pee on my grave."
The General saluted. "Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I'd never stand in line again."
La Junta de
ObamaCare no le rinde cuentas a nadie.
Por Alberto Pérez.
El panel de la muerte es una bestia
nueva, con poderes de Dios.
El Congreso debe derogarla o examinar
su constitucionalidad.
David Rivkinn y Elizabeth Foley han
compilado un estudio que presentan hoy en el Wall Street Journal, sobre los
paneles del sistema de salud exponiendo los signos de deficiencias de
En este estudio los resultados salen
a la superficie, incluyendo aumento de los costos de seguro, inminente escasez
de proveedores y los intercambios de seguros inadecuados.
Sin embargo la característica más
inquietante de la ley puede ser la junta asesora independiente para pagos. El
IPAB, como se ha bautizado popularmente como “el panel de muerte”,
amenaza los programas de medicare y medicaid y la constitucional separación de
En su escrito Rivkinn y Foley nos
recuerdan que en momentos en que muchos estadounidenses han visto sin resolver
los abusos cometidos en el servicio de impuestos internos y el
Departamento de justicia, se enfrentan a la introducción de un potente y
muy poco efectivo sistema de salud, y esto merece un escrutinio especial.
Para una ilustración vívida de la
medida en que las decisiones médicas vida o muerte que han sido usurpadas
pasando de los médicos a los burócratas del gobierno, hay que tener en
cuenta la reciente negativa por la Secretaria de salud y servicios humanos Kathleen
Sebelius a las normas de acceso a la niña Sarah Murnaghan a la lista de
trasplante de pulmón- Un juez en última instancia intervino y Sarah recibió un
trasplante de 12 de junio-.
Pero el apretón de la burocracia se
hace siempre mucho más difícil una vez que la junta asesora independiente
de pago se implementa a toda máquina en los próximos dos años. Si una niña como
Sarah fue victima de la burocracia del Obamacare, que podemos esperar los
viejos cuando necesitemos un procedimiento que la junta considere no necesaria
por nuestra edad. Bueno, al menos nos darán una buena pastillita para
hacer más placentero el final, como sugirió Obama
La Junta, que controlará más de medio
billón de dólares de gasto federal anualmente, está dirigida a desarrollar propuestas
detalladas y específicas relacionadas con el programa de Medicare,"
incluyendo las propuestas de reducción del gasto del Medicare debajo de un
nivel prescrito por ley. Además, la Junta se reserva la autoridad para hacer
las reglas "relacionadas" con Medicare.
La ley de ObamaCare también estipula
que "no habrá ninguna revisión administrativa o judicial" de las
decisiones de la Junta.- Tal se parece a la Junta Electoral de Venezuela- Sus
miembros son intocables, estarán designados por el Presidente y confirmados por
el Senado (una de las razones que hacen importante las elecciones primarias),
una vez confirmados sólo pueden ser despedidos por "abandono del deber o
malos manejos en la oficina." algo muy subjetivo ¿quien definirá el deber?
esto es una auto regulación que puede ser utilizada para purgar a los que
discrepen dentro de la Junta..
Una vez decididos los actos de la
Junta, sus decisiones sólo pueden ser desautorizadas por el Congreso y
sólo a través de procedimientos legislativos constitucionalmente dudosos y sin
precedentes, con debate restringido, cortos plazos para las acciones de los
comités del Congreso y otros pasos del proceso y unos requisitos de votación
con una “super mayoría”.
La ley permite a Congreso
desautorizar ar la Junta sólo por una mayoría de tres quintos, y sólo por un
voto que tiene lugar en 2017 entre el 1 de enero y el 15 de agosto..
Las potencias divinas del IPAB no son
accidentales. Su objetivo, visiblemente proclamado por la administración de
Obama, es controlar el gasto de Medicare en formas que están aisladas del
proceso político democrático.
Esta transferencia a una Junta
autoritaria está reñida con la arquitectura de separación de poderes de la
Constitución que protege la libertad individual, evitando una agregación
excesiva de poder en una sola entidad de gobierno. En cambio, poder se difunde
tanto verticalmente, con el gobierno federal ejerciendo autoridad limitada y
los Estados ejerciendo toda la autoridad restante — y horizontalmente, con los
poderes del gobierno federal dividido entre las ramas ejecutivas, legislativas
y judiciales.
Esta difusión del poder asegura otro
requisito constitucional, la rendición de cuentas. La rendición de cuentas
permite que la gente sepa qué entidad de gobierno los está afectando a ellos, y
pueden hacer contar a los funcionarios responsables en las urnas. El Congreso
también puede contener al ejecutivo a través de la supervisión y medidas como
Como Presidente del Tribunal Supremo
John Marshall observó en Wayman v. Southard (1825), el Congreso puede delegar
tareas a otros órganos, pero hay una diferencia fundamental constitucional
entre dejarlos "llenar los detalles" de un estatuto versus decidir
"temas importantes", que "deben enteramente regularse por la
legislatura de sí mismo". Distinguir entre los dos, la corte dijo,
requiere una investigación sobre la medida de la potencia entregada a la
La potencia entregada por el Congreso
a la junta asesora independiente de pago es impresionante. Congreso ha abandonado
voluntariamente su poder para tomar decisiones difíciles de gastos (cómo y
dónde cortar) ante una junta inexplicable que ni el poder legislativo ni el
Presidente puede controlar. La ley también ha arraigado las decisiones de la
Junta en un grado sin precedentes.
En Mistretta v. Estados Unidos
(1989), la Corte Suprema hizo hincapié en que, en la búsqueda de ayuda para
introducir datos no establecidos en la ley, Congreso debe establecer un
"principio inteligible" eso "confine [s] la discreción de las autoridades
a quien el Congreso ha delegado poder." La prueba de "principio
inteligible" asegura la rendición de cuentas al exigir que el Congreso
tomar responsabilidad por las decisiones políticas fundamentales.
El IPAB es guiado por un principio no
inteligible. ObamaCare exige que la Junta imponga recortes profundos de
Medicare, mientras simultáneamente establezca directivas prohibiendo y
racionando la atención al paciente, sobre la opinión del médico. Reducir
los pagos a los médicos, hospitales y otros proveedores de cuidado de la salud
pueden ser limitados o dejar de aceptar a pacientes de Medicare.
Por otra parte, esta autorización de
Junta Asesora para hacer las reglas "relacionadas" con Medicare da el
poder virtualmente ilimitado de junta del tipo ejercido hasta ahora por el
Congreso. Por ejemplo, la Junta podría decidir hacer cortes más allá del
objetivo estatutario. Podría asignar que proveedores expansión beneficios sin
pago adicional. Podría requerir que las aseguradoras o ginecólogos hagan “servicios”
de aborto disponibles a todos sus pacientes como condición para hacer negocios
con Medicare, o que las compañías farmacéuticas aparten un porcentaje de los
ingresos relacionados con Medicare para financiar "accesibilidad de
medicamentos de prescripción." No hay ningún límite.
Si la junta asesora independiente de
pago ejerce estos grandes poderes, la responsabilidad política se desvanecerá.
Cuando los afectados protestan airadamente, el Congreso, habiendo cedido su
poder legislativo de la base a otro cuerpo, podrán solamente alzar sus manos
con un gesto de rendición y culpan a la Junta.
La conclusión es que la junta asesora
independiente de pago no es una típica Agencia Ejecutiva. Es una nueva bestia
que ejerce el poder ejecutivo y legislativo, y que no puede ser controlada por
cada rama. Las personas mayores y los proveedores que se ven más afectados por
las decisiones de la Junta no tendrán ningún reclamo — no el Congreso, no el
Presidente, no los tribunales.
Meese: Obama 'Beyond His Powers' With Russian Plan on Nuclear Weapons
Thursday, 20 Jun 2013 07:26 PM
President Barack Obama is “going
beyond his powers” in seeking to negotiate a reduction in nuclear weapons with
Russian President Vladimir Putin, former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III
tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview.
“He’s essentially making a treaty unilaterally without going through the constitutional process of the treaty, which a president can sign, but it must be ratified then by the Senate in order to be a part of the supreme law of the land,” Meese tells Newsmax. “I have serious questions about this, about both his authority and about the effect of what this might be.”
Meese, 81, is the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation and is chairman of its Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. A close Reagan adviser, he also served on the National Security Council.
In Berlin on Wednesday, Obama proposed that the United States and Russia cut the number strategic warheads that each nation still maintained by up to a third — bringing them under the 1,550 allowed in the treaty the countries signed in Obama’s his first term. Both the United States and Russia would be left with slightly more than 1,000 weapons.
The speech came a day after Obama and Putin met at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland and disagreed publicly over Syria. Moscow has since given a chilly response to Obama’s foray, saying that it could "not take such proposals seriously" while Washington was increasing its own anti-missile defenses.
Obama spoke where President John F. Kennedy said in 1963 that "Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a Berliner)" and where President Ronald Reagan challenged Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall.”
Only about 5,000 people, all invited guests, attended the Obama speech, compared with 450,000 for Kennedy’s and about 45,000 for the Reagan event.
Meese tells Newsmax that the former GOP president would have approached the weapons issue with Russia differently.
“He recognized that there are dangers to the United States — and I don’t believe he would have gone along with this kind of an approach,” he says of Reagan. “He believed that our best chance of aving peace in the world and avoiding a nuclear war was to have strength.
“In terms of reducing nuclear weapons, he obviously wanted to do that, but he wanted to reduce them by making them obsolete through the creation of an effective anti-ballistic missile program, which was known then as the Strategic Defense Initiative.”
Meese says that, even though the Obama administration attributes the National Security Agency’s PRISM program with foiling 50 terrorist attacks since it began collecting the information on the telephone calls and Internet communications of millions of Americans, the effort needs more congressional scrutiny.
“I would not be satisfied until Congress has a total, thorough evaluation — and then, on a bipartisan basis, had made the assurance to the American people of several things: That it is necessary for our national security; that it not do anything that is not permitted by law and by the search warrant that is provided under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
“And, finally, that necessary precautions have been taken to make sure that they only do what is proper and that they do not invade the privacy of American citizens by actually looking into the content of telephone conversations,” Meese adds. “There are a lot of things that need to happen.”
Likewise with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s use of drones to conduct surveillance on American soil. FBI Director Robert Muller told Congress on Wednesday that drones were used “very seldom” for such purposes.
“There have been a number of decisions by the Supreme Court on this subject, and I would be interested in knowing more,” Meese tells Newsmax. “It would appear that if it is utilizing an inquiry or intrusive surveillance into a person's home or into a person's property, then you would need a specific search warrant.
“We need to know more about it — and it looks like it's very close to the line on what is proper and what is not proper under the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment.”
In his wide-ranging exclusive interview with Newsmax, Meese also:
“He’s essentially making a treaty unilaterally without going through the constitutional process of the treaty, which a president can sign, but it must be ratified then by the Senate in order to be a part of the supreme law of the land,” Meese tells Newsmax. “I have serious questions about this, about both his authority and about the effect of what this might be.”
Meese, 81, is the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation and is chairman of its Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. A close Reagan adviser, he also served on the National Security Council.
In Berlin on Wednesday, Obama proposed that the United States and Russia cut the number strategic warheads that each nation still maintained by up to a third — bringing them under the 1,550 allowed in the treaty the countries signed in Obama’s his first term. Both the United States and Russia would be left with slightly more than 1,000 weapons.
The speech came a day after Obama and Putin met at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland and disagreed publicly over Syria. Moscow has since given a chilly response to Obama’s foray, saying that it could "not take such proposals seriously" while Washington was increasing its own anti-missile defenses.
Obama spoke where President John F. Kennedy said in 1963 that "Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a Berliner)" and where President Ronald Reagan challenged Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall.”
Only about 5,000 people, all invited guests, attended the Obama speech, compared with 450,000 for Kennedy’s and about 45,000 for the Reagan event.
Meese tells Newsmax that the former GOP president would have approached the weapons issue with Russia differently.
“He recognized that there are dangers to the United States — and I don’t believe he would have gone along with this kind of an approach,” he says of Reagan. “He believed that our best chance of aving peace in the world and avoiding a nuclear war was to have strength.
“In terms of reducing nuclear weapons, he obviously wanted to do that, but he wanted to reduce them by making them obsolete through the creation of an effective anti-ballistic missile program, which was known then as the Strategic Defense Initiative.”
Meese says that, even though the Obama administration attributes the National Security Agency’s PRISM program with foiling 50 terrorist attacks since it began collecting the information on the telephone calls and Internet communications of millions of Americans, the effort needs more congressional scrutiny.
“I would not be satisfied until Congress has a total, thorough evaluation — and then, on a bipartisan basis, had made the assurance to the American people of several things: That it is necessary for our national security; that it not do anything that is not permitted by law and by the search warrant that is provided under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
“And, finally, that necessary precautions have been taken to make sure that they only do what is proper and that they do not invade the privacy of American citizens by actually looking into the content of telephone conversations,” Meese adds. “There are a lot of things that need to happen.”
Likewise with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s use of drones to conduct surveillance on American soil. FBI Director Robert Muller told Congress on Wednesday that drones were used “very seldom” for such purposes.
“There have been a number of decisions by the Supreme Court on this subject, and I would be interested in knowing more,” Meese tells Newsmax. “It would appear that if it is utilizing an inquiry or intrusive surveillance into a person's home or into a person's property, then you would need a specific search warrant.
“We need to know more about it — and it looks like it's very close to the line on what is proper and what is not proper under the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment.”
In his wide-ranging exclusive interview with Newsmax, Meese also:
- Acknowledged that the United States did not succeed in securing the nation’s borders when it enacted sweeping immigration reform in 1986. “Congress refused to follow up on the secure border portion of it and, as a result, what was then estimated to be three million illegal aliens turned out, over a period of time, to be some 11 million or more today.”
- Said that a special prosecutor might be
needed to address the recent scandals plaguing the Obama administration
but after Congress has completed its hearings and investigations. “It
would be far better to continue the hearings and making sure that the
public understands what this administration is doing in these scandals.”
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/meese-obama-russia-nuclear/2013/06/20/id/511090?s=al&promo_code=13E73-1#ixzz2Wr8KIhQU
Fue Juvenal Hace 2,113 Años El Que Dijo: “Al Pueblo Solo Le Interesa “PAN y CIRCO” Ricardo Samitier.
Nada Ha Cambiado... El Hombre Sigue Igual...
Ayer pudimos Ver A La “Clase Media” Del
Pueblo... A Los PRIVILEGIADOS Que Pueden
Gastar Por Lo Menos Un Mínimo de $100.00 Para Ir A Ver Un Juego De Básquet Ball...
Brincar De Felicidad... A
La Salid Del “Circo De
Miami” ...
No les importa LA REALIDAD
Del País...
Debían De Estar BRINCANDO
Pero De Indignación...
El Millonario Dueño Del Equipo de los HEAT y sus Millonarios Basquetbolistas DEBEN $3.5 MILLONES DE DÓLARES DE RENTA
A LA CIUDAD... hace más
de 2 años... Los Politiqueros de la Ciudad... No les Cobran...
No les embargan el Equipo... como le hacen a los Comerciantes
que deben dinero a la ciudad... Al Contrario...
Les van a Dar una Caravana por la Ciudad escoltados... Por
una policía que va a costar en horas extras entre $75,000.00 y 100,000.00 y van a PARALIZAR
LAS OPERACIONES DE LA CIUDAD... todo para alagar a los que no
Hace ya mucho tiempo, desde que las personas que son electas a los
altos cargos civiles o militares – NO Se interesan por el BIEN PUBLICO...
AHORA solo se ocupan de complacer a la CHUSMA Que ansiosamente espera
solamente Dos Cosas:
“Pan y Circo... y terminaremos como Roma...
The TSA: Intolerant of Most Americans
I was on my way out of town on business when I was stopped at the
airport TSA screening area. I had previously been on vacation with my
family and had neglected to take a knife out of my backpack. It’s a Kudu
folder by Cold Steel. It has a four inch, locking blade. It’s
light, sharp and useful, so I often take it along on trips. (Not in my
carry-on, mind you.)
I waited as the TSA agent called her supervisor and explained the
situation. Thankfully, she returned it to me, along with a multi-tool that
was also in the bag. She told me that I could take it to my car. But
before I left, she made her point. ‘You could have been fined for
this. Or put on a list.’
Well there it was. The endless threat of modern government.
Financial punishment for an administrative ‘crime,’ and the never-ending,
ever-expanding, much-beloved list. I had a schedule to meet and had
already been delayed by my airplane’s mechanical trouble. I bit my
What I wanted to say, however, was ‘list? Which list? The
NSA list? The IRS list? The naughty list? And if you mean the
Verizon list, I’m already a Verizon customer, so I suspect my data already
populates that list!’
I walked to the door to go out of security and apologized. ‘I’m
really sorry, it was an accident.’ Her reply: ‘Sir, that’s what
everyone says.’
I responded, ‘No, it’s true. I just forgot about it.’
Her retort: ‘You know, sir, people bring guns in here and they say
the same thing.’
I offered her a somewhat bitter thank you. She responded in
kind. I made my connection and was on my way, having deposited my knife
and multi-tool with my ever-patient wife and daughter, who understand my
But while I was traveling, it gnawed at me. That attitude.
That implicit accusation. What my TSA agent was saying was this:
The majority of people who are stopped in airport security with weapons in
their bags are liars, who have criminal intent. ‘That’s what everyone
What she missed, what the endless gun-control, knife-control,
administrative avalanche crowd misses, is that the overwhelming majority of
people who show up with weapons are actually (and for a government worker this
may seem shocking) telling the truth!
What she missed, what the rules miss, is the fact that millions of free
American citizens carry knives and guns. They are house-wives and
construction workers, military veterans and police-officers, farm-hands and
attorneys, physicians and teachers, business-men, students, engineers and
writers and everything in between. And they do it because they consider
it their right under the Constitution, their right by natural law and their
duty as concerned citizens willing to protect and help the weak and
Sometimes they get in a hurry and forget. They leave a knife, or
even a firearm, in a bag. They arrive at a TSA checkpoint and suddenly
they are guilty until proven innocent. They are treated as if they
clearly intended to take down that airplane, to assault those flight
attendants. They were murderers fortunately stopped in the nick of time
by vigilant government workers.
If the numbers of knives, scissors, tools and even firearms confiscated
at check points is any indication, then by golly, we live in a nation
overflowing with terrorists. But the truth is, we don’t. We live in a
nation of good people, in a time during which air-travel is often the only way
to conduct business or take trips to desired locales.
We live in a nation of laws, and of men and women who know the dangers
of this world and choose to ensure their own safety. Sadly, when they get
to that aircraft, they have to surrender their own freedom, their own means of
protection. Fair enough. It’s lousy, but it’s the law. Thanks
to the actions of barbaric individuals in the past, the free and lawful are
treated as if they were the wicked and dangerous. (And heaven knows we
can’t profile, because someone might get their feelings hurt!) So we’re stuck
with a litany of rules and prohibitions, a labyrinth of check-points and
I know that the men and women of TSA have a hard job. I get
it. I’m sure it’s mind-numbing in its monotony, and that the masses who
come through like sheep occasionally act like them. And I’ve met plenty
of polite, gracious, helpful TSA staff to whom I say ‘thank you!’
All I’m asking is for the folks out there who screen us and search us
and move us through the scanners to remember, now and then, that the people
they search are overwhelmingly not the people we need to fear, nor the people
who will crash airplanes into buildings.
Mostly, they’re just folks with a job to do, a vacation to take or a
loved one to see. Often,they’re the people who carry weapons and would
never, in a million years, use their weapons to hurt an innocent person.
But they might be the ones who would be willing to save someone’s husband,
wife, parent or child, from a robbery, assault or rape. And if they now
and then forget what was in their bag, odds are, that’s exactly what happened.
After all, ‘that’s what everyone says,’ because practically everyone is
telling the God’s honest truth.
- See more at: http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2013/06/the-tsa-intolerant-of-most-americans/#sthash.ScC2pwFj.dpuf
Syrian 'rebels' behead
man, execute 2 women
This may
be the most disturbing video you ever see ... or choose not to see.
It is a
brutal execution -- butchering, to be more exact -- conducted by Syrian
"rebels" -- the same group Obama is planning to arm to replace the
current regime.
... the same group whose thousands of displaced members Obama has offered to
resettle in the United States.
Why would
Americans want to have anything to do with people who carry out these
Glenn Beck: Shocking Video - THIS
Is Who We Are Helping In Syria?! SHARE WITH WITH EVERYONE!
Doctores. Alonso Francisco.
Un médico Israelita comenta:’
La medicina en Israel está tan avanzada que nosotros le quitamos los testículos
a una persona, se los ponemos a otra y en seis semanas ya está buscando
Un médico alemán
comenta:'Eso no es nada, en Alemania Le sacamos parte del cerebro a una persona,
le ponemos en otra, y en cuatro semanas ya está buscando trabajo'.
Un médico ruso
comenta:'Eso tampoco es nada, en Rusia la medicina esta tan avanzada que le
sacamos la mitad del corazón a una persona se la ponemos a otra y en dos
semanas, ambas están buscando trabajo'.
A lo que el médico
americano responde:'Nada que ver, todos ustedes están muy atrasados! Fíjense que nosotros en los Estados Unidos,
agarramos a un negro sin cerebro, sin corazón y sin huevos, lo elegimos de
PRESIDENTE y ahora todo el país está buscando trabajo!!!
Logran acuerdo para que avance la reforma inmigratoria, pero con seguridad más estricta
Por Dana Bash y Ted Barrett
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Un grupo de senadores que impulsa la reforma
inmigratoria en Estados Unidos llegó a un acuerdo sobre medidas de seguridad
más estrictas en la frontera con México para obtener el apoyo republicano al
proyecto de ley en la Cámara de Representantes.El acuerdo incluye doblar el número de 21.000 agentes de la patrulla fronteriza y levantar alrededor de 1.100 kilómetros de valla en la línea que divide a México y Estados Unidos.
Marco Rubio, quien forma parte del Grupo de los 8 que creó la propuesta, anunció la enmienda y dijo a Fox News este jueves que contemplará "una gran ampliación para mejorar la seguridad fronteriza".
El acuerdo busca mejorar las posibilidades para que la reforma obtenga más de 70 votos a favor en el Senado.
Quienes apoyan la medida esperan una sólida mayoría, incluido el voto a favor de más una docena de republicanos, lo que incrementaría la presión sobre la Cámara de Representantes, controlada por ese partido.
A principios de semana, el líder de la Cámara baja, John Boehner, rechazó que se vote un proyecto que necesite el apoyo de los demócratas.
"No veo ninguna forma de traer una ley de inmigración al pleno que no tenga un apoyo de la mayoría de los republicanos", dijo Boehner a reporteros.
Los republicanos conservadores se oponen al plan debido a que garantiza estatus legal y un camino a la ciudadanía para los inmigrantes que viven de manera ilegal en Estados Unidos.
Ellos consideran que esto es una amnistía para quienes violaron la ley y temen que aumente el número de votantes demócratas en futuras elecciones.
Los líderes y legisladores republicanos moderados creen que el partido se enfrenta a consecuencias electorales si es acusado de bloquear la reforma inmigratoria, una de las prioridades del presidente Barack Obama.
En la elección del año pasado, Obama ganó una fuerte mayoría del voto hispano, por lo que estrategas republicanos han advertido que habrá resultados similares si el Partido Republicano es considerado hostil con los inmigrantes.
Aunque este miércoles el debate en el Senado sobre la ley fue lento, debido a la falta de quórum, tras bambalinas los senadores siguen cabildeando cambios a la ley en busca de mayor apoyo.
El grupo bipartita de senadores aun intenta satisfacer las demandas republicanas, según el senador John McCain. Otra preocupación de los conservadores es evitar que los inmigrantes que viven ilegalmente en Estados Unidos obtengan beneficios del gobierno como subsidios para seguros médicos.
“Siempre han habido dos asuntos importantes: fronteras y beneficios”, afirmó McCain. “Nos hemos enfocado en la frontera, y creo que vamos a tener algunos acuerdos sobre los beneficios”.
Una encuesta de CNN/ORC International dada a conocer esta semana mostró que una mayoría de los estadounidenses, el 62%, ve como prioritaria la seguridad fronteriza en comparación con un camino a la ciudadanía para los indocumentados.
Los demócratas están divididos sobre dicho asunto, según la encuesta, mientras que los independientes y los republicanos piden solo enfocarse en la seguridad fronteriza.
Tom Cohen y Paul Steinhauser contribuyeron con este reporte
No hay que probar que eres ciudadano para votar... Los Demócratas (léase comunistas) Obtuvieron Una Gran Victoria... La Corte Suprema Voto Que No Hace Falta Enseñar Prueba de Ciudadanía Para Poder Registrase Y Votar En La Elecciones... Ricardo Samitier.
demócratas han acaba de ganar una gran victoria en la Corte Suprema de EE.UU.
que podría mantener de manera efectiva en el poder indefinidamente.
2004, los votantes de Arizona aprobaron la Proposición 200 que requiere
cualquier persona que quiera inscribirse para votar para producir los
documentos necesarios para demostrar que eran un ciudadano de los EE.UU.. La
Proposición 200 requiere que nadie renovar una licencia de conducir con una
fecha de emisión a partir de 1996 o la solicitud de una nueva licencia
utilizando el formulario de solicitud de registro federal de presentar un
certificado de nacimiento de EE.UU., pasaporte o cualquier otro documento
oficial que acredite la ciudadanía de EE.UU.. Si no lo hace podría resultar en
el estado rechazando el formulario de inscripción de votantes.
podría pensar que se trataba de una gran ley para asegurar que los miles de
inmigrantes ilegales en el estado no se les permite votar en cualquier elección
ya que la ley exige que sólo los ciudadanos del país tienen derecho a voto.
Pero eso no es lo suficientemente bueno para los demócratas liberales y los
ilegales que quieren más derechos que los ciudadanos tienen, por lo que
impugnaron la constitucionalidad de la ley, a pesar de que fue aprobada por la
mayoría de la gente. Cuando el caso fue visto por el 9 º Tribunal de Circuito
de Apelaciones de EE.UU. (que es la corte más liberal de la tierra), la
Proposición 200 fue anulada. El 9 º Circuito dictaminó que la Ley Nacional de
Registro de Votantes de 1993 reemplazó la ley estatal y, puesto que no requiere
prueba de ciudadanía, la ley de Arizona fue golpeado.
Ley Nacional de Registro de Votantes de 1993 fue empujado a través de un
Congreso controlado por los demócratas, y firmado por el entonces presidente
Bill Clinton. Conocida como la Ley Electoral del motor, la ley federal permite
a cualquier persona solicitar o renovar una licencia de conducir para
inscribirse para votar. También proporciona un medio para que las personas que
solicitan alguna forma de servicios sociales para tener la oportunidad de
registrarse para votar.
apeló la decisión del tribunal liberal y el caso, entonces se escuchó antes de
que la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU.. El lunes, la Corte Suprema votó 7-2 en
contra de Arizona y de sus ciudadanos. Las ramificaciones de la decisión
también afectan a leyes similares en Alabama, Georgia, Kansas y Tennessee.
Sobre una docena de estados han estado considerando la adopción de sus propias
leyes de registro de votantes para evitar que los no ciudadanos de la
posibilidad de votar inmigración y / o. Leer más:
# ixzz2WluQIFR5
Capitol Hill Daily:
J.F.K. is Rolling in His Grave
Filed under: Commentary — Leave a comment
May 16, 2013
I have made posts regarding Agribusiness
and our food supply; Monsanto and GMO’s,
and the PBS documentary Food INC. This
is -largely- not news to me; however there are examples here that I did not
know, and felt needed public exposure. PLEASE pass this on. “X”
Washington, D.C. is a city obsessed with
power. It has an almost magnetic draw that calls to people thirsty for control.
People who want to climb the political ladder and become your master.
And they’re succeeding. Today, the
government has a more direct impact on your life than at any other time in
Washington has used legislation to
strong-arm itself into medicine, farming and food distribution, energy
production, banking, capital markets, education, scientific research and more.
I challenge you to find a single area of
private enterprise – or even family life – that the D.C. elite haven’t tried to
Now, you could ignore what’s happening. But
it would be at your own peril.
Our goal is to help you understand what’s
really going on in D.C. We believe you
deserve the truth.
Capitol Hill Daily has assembled a team of
thinkers, researchers, D.C. insiders and political experts with one goal in
mind: to keep you informed, so that you can protect yourself from the jackals
that run Washington.
That’s why we’re personally challenging you
to read our content for the next 30 days and see for yourself. If we’re doing
our job effectively, you should feel more informed and better prepared to
protect yourself, your family and your hard-earned money.
Frankly, I don’t know which action group had referred me; I don’t recall
subscribing. Am adding this to my Action Groups link. “X”
Your God-Given Right to the Truth
By ROBERT WILLIAMS, Publisher, Capitol Hill
As I told you yesterday, what you’re about
to read is likely to shock you and represents only a brief glimpse behind the
government’s increasingly thick veil of secrecy.
Although Capitol Hill Daily is doing
everything in its power to keep its readers informed, the government continues
to behave like a secret society in and of itself. Today, I’ll furnish even more
* * *
I don’t enjoy being the bearer of
disturbing news, but I’ll come right out and say it…
The food you’re eating is not safe.
Worse yet, as a hidden document I’m about
to reveal proves, the government knows it isn’t safe.
Try not to worry too much, though.
In this article, I’ll tell you what’s going
on… why I’m so concerned… the steps you can take to protect yourself… and I’ll
even show you a unique, underlying opportunity.
Publisher’s Note About Next Week: My team
is polishing off a brand-new report this moment – one directly associated with
the topic of today’s article. The report details an incredible silver lining
for investors. Be sure to check your inbox in exactly six days. The subject
line of the email will be “Bone-Chilling News From America’s Ports (Be Very
The reality is that food-borne illnesses
already hit roughly 76 million Americans every year.
Such illnesses will send 325,000 people to
the hospital over the next 12 months, where 5,000 will ultimately die (mostly
either elderly or children).
Yet the problem is far, far worse than
anyone realizes.
You see, our nation’s farms are now being
run like corporations – they hold profits in higher regard than everything
For starters, pesticide use is through the
roof. In fact, to foster the highest possible crop yields, approximately 5.1
billion pounds of pesticides are used in the United States every year.
Likewise, our cows, hogs and chickens are
being pumped full of steroids to ensure that they’re bigger and fatter.
And the Department of Health and Human
Services estimates that the livestock industry uses 29 million pounds of
antibiotics each year.
Have you ever heard of ST398? (You likely
haven’t; the government would like to keep it hidden, too.)
It’s an antibiotic-resistant staph
infection – sometimes called “Pig MRSA” – that’s slowly spreading into the
general population of farm animals.
Scary stuff, indeed!
More troubling still, the age of
globalization in which we presently live has food coming into our ports from
virtually everywhere. While you might think that all the food is being
inspected, as I’m about to show you, it’s not!
The conditions through which our food is
supplied to us are hazardous.
I arbitrarily picked a week from 2012
(October 15 – 19) to see what I’d find in regards to food warnings.
Well, the following “food recalls” were
posted on the FDA’s homepage (take note that this happens EVERY week)…
October 19, 2012 (recalled) – Wegmans
Gluten Free Double Chocolate Brownie mixes due to tainted milk and pecans.
October 18, 2012 (recalled) – Better Valu
Fruit Whirls cereal due to tainted almonds.
October 17, 2012 (recalled) – Iskream ice
cream due to salmonella.
October 17, 2012 (recalled) – Dole salad
due to listeria monocytogenes.
October 17, 2012 (recalled) – Boots &
Barkley pet treats due to salmonella.
October 16, 2012 (recalled) – Gless Ranch,
Sun Harvest, Torn and Glasser, and Sprouts peanut butter due to salmonella.
October 16, 2012 (recalled) – Fresh Pak and
Energy Club peanuts due to salmonella.
October 16, 2012 (recalled) – Publix frozen
shrimp due to tainted soy.
October 15, 2012 (recalled) – Green &
Black’s candy due to salmonella.
October 15, 2012 (recalled) – Hines and
Dollar General in-shell peanuts due to salmonella.
October 15, 2012 (recalled) – Earthbound
Farm salad kit due to salmonella.
How did the FDA know to recall these
products? People got sick!
(You can track up-to-the-minute food
recalls by following this link. To view some common mistakes that we all make
when handling and eating food, click here. **
And be particularly careful with peanuts, peanut butter, cantaloupes and
eggs, as they represent the main culprits of food-borne illness.)
I know what you might be thinking…
“I’m not that concerned, Robert, because I
have a safety net. It’s called the FDA. The agency exists as a last line of
defense between tainted food and me getting sick.”
My response? Not so fast!
What if I told you that my Capitol Hill
Daily analysts intercepted a recent document filed by the Commissioner of the
FDA to lawmakers… and, in that document, the FDA confesses (in detail) that
it’s totally asleep at the wheel?
Would that grab your full attention? I hope
The FDA regulates $417-billion worth of
domestic food and $49-billion worth of imported food each year.
It oversees more than 420,000 domestic and
foreign food facilities, and devotes roughly 1,300 full-time staffers to
conduct food and feed inspection and investigational activities.
It presently has 22,325 domestic food firms
classified as “high risk,” in regards to having a history of food contamination
Here’s where it gets scary. Really scary.
According to the document we uncovered, of
those 22,325 “high risk” firms, the FDA inspected less than half of them last
year. (Yikes!) And that’s not the worst of it.
As it turns out, imported food poses an
even greater health threat. Of the 10.4 million food lines imported last year,
the FDA admits that only 2.3% were physically inspected.
Yet our policymakers assure us that the FDA
is out there conducting inspections. I assure you it’s not, as the following
excerpt clearly spells out…
“The usual sequence of scheduling certain
facilities for inspection and then striving to meet a benchmark did not take
place.” - The FDA
Our investigation into this troubling
situation suggests that it’s simply the result of cost-cutting measures by the
Capitol Hill Daily’s response? We can list
1,000 other government programs to cut that won’t put the public’s health in
jeopardy. And we’re happy to furnish our list should anyone on Capitol Hill ask
for it!
But believe it or not, there’s a silver
Despite the bad news, all is not lost. In
fact, hidden in this sea of oversight is a unique opportunity. You don’t want
to miss this one – so check your email in six days. Look for the report titled
“How to Turn the FDA’s Massive Backlog into Even Bigger Profits“.
Until then!
Robert Williams Publisher, Capitol Hill
FDA Aprueba venta de la
tableta anticonceptiva del "Día Después", por orden de la Corte. Alberto Perez.
La familia es el núcleo de la
sociedad, ya que la familia, forma a quienes actuarán en el futuro, dentro de
la sociedad.
Cada padre y madre, forman a los
hombres y mujeres del futuro; aquellos que tomarán, en algún momento, las
riendas del país.
Por esto siempre se ha considerado
que es el derecho y el deber del padre el tener autoridad sobre sus hijos
Cuando vemos esta orden de la
corte sobre el anticonceptivo de la mañana después tenemos que
considerarlo como un ataque a la familia.
Esto no es un problema de una
creencia religiosa,- aunque un católico tiene el derecho de que por convicción
de su religión tener la autoridad sobre su hija menor de que no use la tableta
Pero esto va más allá, una
combinación hormonal del tipo del anticonceptivo de la mañana después, puede
tener consecuencias por el desbalance hormonal en la salud presente y futura de
la persona que la toma, cuando es usada sin supervisión médica.
Ahora por la decisión de la corte,
se puede comprar por cualquier persona de cualquier edad en cualquier lugar. No
sólo en una farmacia pero hasta en el 7Eleven.
Esto es un ataque más a la familia,
no puede considerarse de otra manera, cuando a nuestras hijas y nietas se le
facilita una alternativa anticonceptiva, considerando implícitamente que es
apropiado, el uso de una droga para que lleve una vida sexual promiscua.
Si un padre no puede tener la
autoridad de tratar de formar a sus hijos con los valores que considera los
mejores, estamos ante la pérdida de la patria potestad de los padres sobres sus
La formación valórica de la familia,
es irremplazable. Aquello que no aprenderá en el colegio o en la
universidad. sólo lo aprenderá en su familia, núcleo de amor, afecto y
La familia es la escuela
primordial de los valores y virtudes a seguir.
Por esto el autoritarismo socialista
tiene como objetivo primordial usar la enseñanza en las escuelas y las leyes
para remplazar la formación familiar de los jóvenes, tomando el lugar de
la familia.
El gobierno es ahora quien
determina lo que los hijos tienen que hacer, no los padres.
FDA Approves
Morning After Pill Over-The-Counter Sales After Court Order (pulse para ver noticia)
Cicatrices de
Mi Nostalgia Alberto
heridas en mi recuerdo, aunque con los años algunas han
¿que cosas son las cicatrices sino marcas en el cuerpo y en el alma de los
acontecimientos vividos?
Los que
hemos tenido que emigrar de la patria de la juventud desarraigándonos de lo
conocido, para luego echar raíces en un mundo nuevo, hemos sentido el
dolor de las heridas y la cicatrización con la acomodación a la nueva
Pero en
esta nueva vida, también estamos sintiendo el extraño fenómeno de la repetición
de las mismas situaciones en la vida que nos provocaron las heridas que
éramos adolescentes en los años 50s. y teníamos el mismo pensar de ahora
políticamente y socialmente, inmersos en un ambiente en que el socialismo era
aceptado como la filosofía del futuro, nos tildaban de muchachos ingenuos,
ignorantes y hasta estúpidos.
los años del triunfo del socialismo, y tuvimos que cicatrizar nuestras heridas
en el exilio que se convirtió en nuestra nueva patria.
Después tuvimos un momento de satisfacción al ver como el mundo
reconoció con la caída de los países socialistas de Europa, la condición
utópica y los resultados desastrosos de la filosofía Marxista donde quiera que
se implantó.
ahora, inexplicablemente, como el ave fénix naciendo de sus cenizas, el
socialismo está implantándose de nuevo en el mundo, nuestras
cicatrices se abren, mis heridas vuelven a sangrar. La filosofía
fracasada nos la presentan como algo nuevo y es aceptado por una
generación cultural que ahora, como en nuestra adolescencia nos tildan de ser
unos viejos ingenuos, ignorantes y hasta estúpidos.
viejas heridas se abren, y nos dicen que en nuestra mente senil no entendemos
los nuevos cambios.
Pero es
que los cambios no son nuevos.... son los mismos cambios que vivimos de
Mi mente
no era senil cuando tenía 18 años aunque algunos pudieran pensar que lo era
entonces y que lo soy ahora.
creo que todo se debe a los nervios auditivos de mi organismo. Quizás mi
oído me hace escuchar una música diferente que la que oyen ellos, o quizás sea
que la oigo bien pero no me gusta.
Los Malos
Sentimientos. Alberto Perez.
Como fuimos
educados en una cultura en que se considera un impulso negativo un mal
sentimiento el desear la muerte de un semejante. Por eso, cuando deseamos la
muerte de un tirano, buscamos excusas para hacer el deseo más tolerable, más
La mejor
excusa que he oído es que es mejor que se muera, porque así no estamos pecando
llenos de odio, deseándole la muerte todos los días.
El caso del
tirano cuya muerte ha sido más deseada debe de ser sin lugar a dudas Fidel
Alguien dijo
que Fidel Castro nos hace peores personas. Tiene que morir para que exorcicemos
todos esos malos sentimientos que nos hacen malas personas. ¡Su muerte sería
una limpieza espiritual!
El llamado
carisma de Fidel Castro es parte del culto a la personalidad que le han
atribuidos los que lo han mantenido en el poder dentro y fuera de Cuba.
Los tiranos
no se clasifican en carismáticos, simpáticos o antipáticos. La tiranía implica
soberbia, crueldad y por sobre todo supone la desaparición de las libertades
políticas e individuales más elementales y millones de cubanos dentro y fuera
de Cuba soñamos durante casi medio siglo con ver depuesto al dictador que más
tiempo ha estado en el poder, Fidel Castro.
encontramos en el extranjero alguien que se expresa con admiración de Fidel
Castro, tratamos de llevar la conversación a la causa de esta admiración y
siempre logramos extraer la verdad detrás de la simpatía al carismático
líder. No es el carisma ni la persona de Fidel Castro, pero la
simpatía es lo que Fidel Castro representa, que es el enfrentamiento a
los Estados Unidos. No es admiración pero el odio y la envida a los
Estados Unidos son los malos sentimientos lo que hace que Fidel Castro, un
tirano por más de medio siglo, oprimiendo a su pueblo, con una gestión de
gobierno fracasada todavía pueda ser defiendido— un dictador el cual junto a
Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini y Saddam Hussein está en el “Top Five” de los peores
dictadores de la historia de la humanidad- Sin embargo es considerado por
muchas naciones del mundo como un héroe en vez de un tirano, esto no tiene
razonamiente, simplemente porque se enfrenta a los Estados Unidos, el odio y la
envidia son más fuertes que la razón..
Por eso
Barack Obama también es popular en el extranjero, porque representa un cambio
que debilita a los Estados Unidos. Si observamos a los panegiristas en el
extranjero de ambos gobernantes, vemos una coincidencia, los que alaban a Obama
son los mismos que elogian a Castro.
Barack Obama
representa la antítesis a los valores que han hecho a este país la envidia del
nación que a través de la historia ha tenido el mejor sistema de
gobierno de democracia representativa, con una economía de mercado que es la
primera en el mundo, se encuentra socavada por el odio y la envidia hasta
Siempre hemos oído que el amor es la
emoción más fuerte que mueve al ser humano. Pero el odio es el amor sin
los datos suficientes, el odio es
la venganza de un cobarde intimidado que, como no puede superar al odiado trata de vengarse atacándolo,
tratando de destruirlo.
La envidia
y el odio son los principios que hacen posible que una filosofía fracasada como
el socialismo haya podido renacer.
La envidia y el odio van
siempre unidos.son los malos sentimientos que se fortalecen recíprocamente por
el hecho de perseguir el mismo objeto, destruir al envidiado.
McConnell to Newsmax: IRS Scandal Reveals Obama Effort to Silence Critics
Thursday, 20 Jun 2013 01:37 PM
Senate Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview that Democrats have been
engaged in a "rampant effort" to quiet their critics.
The Kentucky Republican also says that effort has backfired on the Obama administration with disclosures that the IRS targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny.
And he expresses confidence that an investigation by the Republican-controlled House will determine exactly who ordered the targeting.
McConnell was first elected in 1984 and has served as the Minority Leader since January 2007. He holds senior positions on the Appropriations, Agriculture, and Rules Committees.
On Friday, McConnell will deliver a key address on the First Amendment at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.
The Kentucky Republican also says that effort has backfired on the Obama administration with disclosures that the IRS targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny.
And he expresses confidence that an investigation by the Republican-controlled House will determine exactly who ordered the targeting.
McConnell was first elected in 1984 and has served as the Minority Leader since January 2007. He holds senior positions on the Appropriations, Agriculture, and Rules Committees.
On Friday, McConnell will deliver a key address on the First Amendment at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.
In his interview with Newsmax TV on
Thursday, McConnell shares the concerns he will highlight in his address.
"I spoke to this issue a year ago at the American Enterprise Institute ... and pointed out the abuses of the IRS that were happening already," he says.
"I'd been getting complaints from tea party groups about the difficulty of getting their tax-exempt status, which they're entitled to under the law. I pointed out efforts to intimidate groups into not buying television advertising that were being proposed over at the Federal Communications Commission, and other examples of executive branch efforts to quiet the voices of their critics.
"So I'm going to go back to the AEI tomorrow with what could best be described as the 'I told you so speech,' because the [Inspector General] at the IRS has confirmed that these groups were, in fact, being targeted.
"Now an investigation is underway in the House of Representatives and we'll find out who did it and who ordered it."
McConnell recently wrote an op-ed piece for The Washington Post stating there is ample evidence to suggest that the culture of intimidation in which the IRS tactics were allowed to flourish goes well beyond one agency or a few rogue employees.
"It started when the president shook his finger at the Supreme Court during the State of the Union a few years ago, and basically he has lectured them about the decision they made that relates to political free speech," he explains.
"It's not surprising. Not only did the president single out individuals in the country for a special tax, you had the Democratic members of the U.S. Senate writing to the IRS suggesting they do exactly what they ended up doing.
"There's no question that after the Democrats lost the Congress in November 2010, they turned to the bureaucracy to try to quiet their critics. We see it at the FEC, the SEC, at the Department of Health and Human Services. This was a fairly rampant effort encouraged by the most prominent Democratic elected officials in the country. And so it's not really surprising.
"I'm not suggesting here that the president picked up the phone and called IRS official Lois Lerner, but all she had to do was read the newspaper or turn on the TV to know what the president and his allies were hoping the bureaucracy would do to quiet the voices of his critics."
Asked if a special prosecutor is needed to look into the IRS targeting, McConnell responds:
"The Congress is likely to do the most responsible investigation. Any prosecutor appointed by the Justice Department would be kind of like the administration investigating itself.
"They could take that step if they chose to, but the investigation that will have the most credibility is the one conducted by the Republican House, and rather than jumping to conclusions, we need to have a complete and thorough investigation and let the facts lead us wherever they take us."
As for what solutions McConnell would propose to protect the individual rights guaranteed in the First Amendment, McConnell tells Newsmax: "The solution is to defend the First Amendment. It served us well for over 200 years and all these efforts to intimidate American citizens into not speaking up and to try to prevent them from promoting causes that they support need to stop.
"I don’t think we need to pass anything. We need to stop doing what we're doing in trying to intimidate American citizens. The president needs to accept the fact that not everybody's going to applaud what he's doing, that being criticized is part of public life, and efforts to quiet the voices of your critics always backfire, and this has backfired on him as well."
It appears that a comprehensive immigration reform bill is going to pass in the Senate. Asked if immigration legislation will be signed into law this year, McConnell observes: "We've still got about a week and a half to go on the immigration bill and I just don’t want to handicap the prospects of it clearing the Senate. It's much too early to tell."
"We still have plenty of really significant amendments, including ones that seek to strengthen the border, that have not yet been voted on. So you won't have a clear line on this issue until probably the end of next week," McConnell said."
"I spoke to this issue a year ago at the American Enterprise Institute ... and pointed out the abuses of the IRS that were happening already," he says.
"I'd been getting complaints from tea party groups about the difficulty of getting their tax-exempt status, which they're entitled to under the law. I pointed out efforts to intimidate groups into not buying television advertising that were being proposed over at the Federal Communications Commission, and other examples of executive branch efforts to quiet the voices of their critics.
"So I'm going to go back to the AEI tomorrow with what could best be described as the 'I told you so speech,' because the [Inspector General] at the IRS has confirmed that these groups were, in fact, being targeted.
"Now an investigation is underway in the House of Representatives and we'll find out who did it and who ordered it."
McConnell recently wrote an op-ed piece for The Washington Post stating there is ample evidence to suggest that the culture of intimidation in which the IRS tactics were allowed to flourish goes well beyond one agency or a few rogue employees.
"It started when the president shook his finger at the Supreme Court during the State of the Union a few years ago, and basically he has lectured them about the decision they made that relates to political free speech," he explains.
"It's not surprising. Not only did the president single out individuals in the country for a special tax, you had the Democratic members of the U.S. Senate writing to the IRS suggesting they do exactly what they ended up doing.
"There's no question that after the Democrats lost the Congress in November 2010, they turned to the bureaucracy to try to quiet their critics. We see it at the FEC, the SEC, at the Department of Health and Human Services. This was a fairly rampant effort encouraged by the most prominent Democratic elected officials in the country. And so it's not really surprising.
"I'm not suggesting here that the president picked up the phone and called IRS official Lois Lerner, but all she had to do was read the newspaper or turn on the TV to know what the president and his allies were hoping the bureaucracy would do to quiet the voices of his critics."
Asked if a special prosecutor is needed to look into the IRS targeting, McConnell responds:
"The Congress is likely to do the most responsible investigation. Any prosecutor appointed by the Justice Department would be kind of like the administration investigating itself.
"They could take that step if they chose to, but the investigation that will have the most credibility is the one conducted by the Republican House, and rather than jumping to conclusions, we need to have a complete and thorough investigation and let the facts lead us wherever they take us."
As for what solutions McConnell would propose to protect the individual rights guaranteed in the First Amendment, McConnell tells Newsmax: "The solution is to defend the First Amendment. It served us well for over 200 years and all these efforts to intimidate American citizens into not speaking up and to try to prevent them from promoting causes that they support need to stop.
"I don’t think we need to pass anything. We need to stop doing what we're doing in trying to intimidate American citizens. The president needs to accept the fact that not everybody's going to applaud what he's doing, that being criticized is part of public life, and efforts to quiet the voices of your critics always backfire, and this has backfired on him as well."
It appears that a comprehensive immigration reform bill is going to pass in the Senate. Asked if immigration legislation will be signed into law this year, McConnell observes: "We've still got about a week and a half to go on the immigration bill and I just don’t want to handicap the prospects of it clearing the Senate. It's much too early to tell."
"We still have plenty of really significant amendments, including ones that seek to strengthen the border, that have not yet been voted on. So you won't have a clear line on this issue until probably the end of next week," McConnell said."
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/mcconnell-irs-free-speech/2013/06/20/id/511019?s=al&promo_code=13E61-1#ixzz2Wr5wJZYz
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mi opinión” Lázaro
R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE
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