Saturday, June 22, 2013

¡Impeach obama! No 417 6/2213 “En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

¡Impeach obama!

No 417 6/2213 “En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

Comandante de las tropas contrarias al gobierno Sirio se come el hígado y el corazón de un soldado muerto de las tropas Sirias. A estos animales obama les quiere dar armas y meter a los norteamericanos en este infierno irracional.  “En mi opinión” Pudiera  ser que también obama venga de una descendencia de caníbales en áfrica y por eso simpatiza con ellos. ¿Qué usted opina? Lázaro R González Miño. Mira el videoè

·         Ricardo SamitierèCon el cuento de la SEGURIDAD NACIONAL‏

Nos Han Estado Espiando Desde El Ataque Musulmán A Las Torres Gemelas De NY
Investigaron a Obama Pero No dieron a La Publicidad
Lo que encontraron... de él y sus amigos EX TERRORISTAS...

Ahora Obama hace lo mismo… Porque Los Demócratas
Y los Republicanos son EXACTAMENTE partidos infiltrados
Por los socialistas...

Todo Usando la Excusa de la Seguridad Nacional…

La Constitución De USA Ahora No Se Respeta... y El Dólar Es Papel Mojado Con Tinta... China Está Esperando Que Obama... Como Anunció: “Desmantele El Ejercito Para Devaluar El Dólar”
En Preparación Para La Dictadura Del
“Nuevo Orden Mundial”
Preconizado Por Los Presidentes De  Estados Unidos... Wilson, Roosevelt... Los Bush y Obama...  Se Adelanto  Hungría Y Pasando La Ley Permitiendo  La Censurar De La Internet...

Busque La Ley En La Red...  La Traduje Usando Google
El gobierno francés ha asestado un golpe a la LIBRE EMPRESA especialmente al negocio de metales valiosos...fue a finales de mayo, se promulgó la prohibición de envío de oro, plata o dinero en efectivo a través del correo.
Según BullionStreet, "La ley fue publicada el “Legifrance,” la entidad gubernamental francesa responsable de la publicación de los textos legales en línea. No fue anunciado por el gobierno y no fueron informados los medios noticiosos. No hubo una comunicación OFICIAL y nadie en el gobierno justifica o explica esa decisión”.
Por curiosidad - y porque el francés de su editor está más allá oxidada - que nos dejó el texto de la ley en Google traducir para verificar lo que estábamos tratando. Por si sirve de algo, esto es lo que google TRADUJO: "La introducción de los billetes de banco, monedas y metales preciosos está prohibido en EL CORREO, incluidos los bienes asegurados, envíos certificados y envíos sujetos a las formalidades de certificación depósito y distribución."
"Los gobiernos occidentales seguirán TRATANDO de detener la fuga de riqueza y hacer cada vez más difícil para los ciudadanos a comprar y mantener los metales preciosos",
La Estrategias de los SOCIALISTAS = COMUNISTAS es reducir los activos internacionales.
Todos los POLITIQUEROS saben que los ciudadanos votan en contra de la mala gestión y la irresponsabilidad fiscal de los  gobiernos poniendo sus ahorros seguros y eso solo se consigue con metales preciosos...
Los Comerciantes De Metales Precisos Declararon:
"Consideramos que la prohibición de envío de bienes privados por correo es un asalto INSIDIOSO a la simple propiedad privada e incluso incluye sigilosamente la confiscación por infracciones de la ley...
Como todos los gobiernos se COPIAN... La puerta está abierta para secretas restricciones en lo que podría ser una guerra invisible en la propiedad de metales preciosos en todo el mundo. "
¿Por Qué El Gobierno Tiene Miedo Que Los Ciudadanos Compren Oro?
Otra Noticia Increíble De Francia:
El gobierno de Sarkozy (supuestamente conservador) prohibió las compras en efectivo de oro. 
Ahora el gobierno “SOCIALISTA” entiéndase COMUNISTA. Acaba de aprobar que todas las compras de oro se tienen que hacer en los bancos...
De esa manera, el gobierno es informado, quienes son los que tiene oro!
Esto coincidió con la demanda de Alemania para el regreso del alemán almacenado en París, Londres y Nueva York...

Ahora; el gobierno socialista de Hollande, aprueba una nueva "ley" que prohíbe EL ENVÍO DE ORO EN EL CORREO.
Enviar oro BIEN ÁVIDO por el correo, AHORA ES ILEGAL en Francia... 
Las Religiones Paganas No Tenían Rezos Ellos No Rezaban Ellos BAILABAN A DIOS...
La Religiones Africanas... Tampoco Tienen Rezos... Cada Dios Tiene Un Baile Diferente
Chango, Yemaya, etc. Cada Uno Se Baila Diferente... Es La forma de rezar que tienen
Las religiones primitivas y es de esa forma  Como REVERENCIAN a Cada Dios o Santo... 
Profanaron El Santuario De La Virgen de Guadalupe...
La Iglesia Católica... La Religión Que Civilizó Europa y Después Las América... La Que Eliminó El Paganismo, Los Ritos Con Sacrificios Humanos... Y La Esclavitud... la que para eliminar la religión de los indios... Derribó La Mayor Pirámide De Méjico y Construyó La Catedral con sus piedras...  
Asómbrense Los Curas Homosexuales Usan La Catedral A La Virgen De Guadalupe Para Realizar Una “Danza Pagana” Al Dios Azteca... 
Si alguien todavía cree en el LIDERAZGO DE ROMA, esta es una prueba más de que NO HAY FE en los curas HOMOSEXUALES y los fieles han sido DESVIADOS DEL VERDADERO CULTO y servicio de la Iglesia Católica.
Antes del Vaticano II, esta celebración nunca hubiera tenido lugar... Ahora, La Gente Aplaude, COMO SI ESTUVIERA DENTRO DE UN TEATRO... 
La misa, ya no es un sacrificio AL DIOS ÚNICO y VERDADERO... ¡Es una broma!
Lo único que todavía continua siendo “Católico,” son los ANTIGUOS  EDIFICIOS... Pues ya dieron la orden de ELIMINAR LOS SANTOS... y en la remodelación de las VIEJAS IGLESIAS, para que no se derrumben... eliminar los campanario si es posible... que son los símbolos de la civilización... 
Donde no existen CAMPANARIOS... aun hoy SIGLO XXI las mujeres siguen siendo esclavas, visten encapuchadas y se le cortan las manos a los ladrones...
Y Note como cambian los bailes y los ritmos.. Los Bailes No son Para la Virgen son para los Dioses Paganos de los Indios Aztecas...

Alberto Perezè Lo que es justo para mí no es justo para tí.
Este fragmento del discurso del Senador McConnell, es un análisis de la actualidad política de los Estados Unidos. 
Hay algo que está a simple vista, y que es ingenuo ignorar. La izquierda está ganando la batalla política y cultural en la sociedad, está imponiendo sus valores morales (o inmorales) y sus valores políticos.  Esto no ha sido el resultado de unos años, es el resultado de décadas, la diferencia es que ahora tienen el control más férreo de la prensa y el mayor poder político que hayan tenido en cualquier otra época.
McDonnell nos recuerda los ataques de Obama a la Corte Suprema en el 2010 en el discurso de la Unión, cuando esta votó por el derecho de las asociaciones privadas para participar en el proceso político y no tener que declarar el nombre de sus contribuyentes.
También nos recuerda que esto mismo es lo que hizo el IRS cuando atacó a las asociaciones conservadoras, y nos recuerda que sin embargo, esto que están atacando es lo mismo que la izquierda ha hecho y está haciendo con asociaciones sindicalistas y la institución productora de abortos que es Planned Parenhood, la asociación de personas de color NAACP y otras asociaciones izquierdistas. 
Lo que pasa, y aquí McConnell no los hace ver, es que como ellos saben que esto les ha dado muy buen resultado no quieren que la oposición les copie el sistema.
La palabrería de los izquierdistas tratando de presentarse como justos y puros,es una hipocresía al desnudo, un alarde teatral.
 Esto me recuerda una historia que contaban de Cuba en un tiempo de los ensayos cuentapropistas, cuando vendían fritas que se rumoraban que eran de gatos.
Había puestos que tenían la cabeza de un chivo como para atestiguar que la carne era de chivo, pero lo que la gente notaba era que la misma cabeza del chivo estaba en el puesto por un mes y los gatos del barrio desaparecieron,  “Dime de lo que alardeas y te diré de que careces”

De un discurso pronunciado por el senador Mitch McConnell en el American Enterprise Institute, 21 de junio:
Mirando hacia atrás, el escándalo del IRS explica mucho de lo que esta administración ha hecho. Recuerdan al Presidente moviendo su dedo a la Corte Suprema durante su 2010 del estado de la Unión. Bien, les aseguro que este pequeño pedazo de teatro presidencial no fue hecho para ganar puntos en las encuestas. Había una buena razón, por la que el Presidente y sus aliados dedican tanto tiempo y energía para denunciar el caso Citizens United. Pero no es la razón que dieron... el hecho es que la decisión del Tribunal era realmente bastante inconsecuente.
Todo lo que hicieron y determinaros realmente fue que, bajo la primera enmienda, cada corporación en Estados Unidos debe tener libertad para participar en el proceso político, no sólo los que poseen los periódicos y emisoras de televisión. En otras palabras, no debería ser un impedimento cuando se trata de discurso político para la gente que posee empresas de medios de comunicación el participar en la vida política.  Fue una decisión buena y justa para nivelar el terreno de juego.
La verdadera razón por lo que la izquierda está tan preocupada por Citizens United fue que creían que significaba que más conservadores comenzaría a formar lo que se conoce como organizaciones de bienestar social, algo que habían estado haciendo, la izquierda con grupos como Planned Parenthood y el Sierra Club, por años. Y lo que siempre ha sido notable y aceptado acerca de los grupos sociales es que no tienen que revelar a sus donantes.
Esa fue la principal preocupación del Presidente y sus aliados. No estaban interesados en la integridad del proceso. Si fueran, habría sido justo condenar a los en grupos de extrema izquierda para que no pudieran mantener la privacidad de sus donantes. Lo que realmente querían era un gancho que les permitió a suscitar indignación acerca de grupos conservadores, por lo que podrían tener en sus manos en los nombres de las personas que los apoyaron y luego ir tras ellos. Ciudadanos Unidos proporcionaban ese gancho.
Como un observador político desde hace mucho tiempo y un defensor de la primera enmienda, sabía exactamente lo que los demócratas estaban haciendo,  hasta con sus quejas sobre esta decisión. He visto lo que hay en la intención de los autores más ruidosos de la divulgación en el pasado, y no es buen gobierno. Es por ello que la FEC ha protegido las listas de donantes del Partido Socialista Obrero desde 1979. Es, también, por qué la Corte Suprema dijo el estado de Alabama que no podía forzar la NAACP a revelar los nombres y direcciones de sus miembros en la década de 1950.
Una versión de este artículo apareció el 22 de junio de 2013, en la página A13 en la edición estadounidense de The Wall Street Journal, con el siguiente titular: Notable & Quotable.

Elbert Guillory, Un Senador Negro de Luisiana Explicando Porque Cambió de Demócrata a Republicano

Senador de Luisiana Elbert Guillory (R-Opelousas) explica por qué recientemente ha pasado por el Partido Demócrata al Partido Republicano. El autor analiza la historia del Partido Republicano, fundado como un movimiento abolicionista en 1854. Conversaciones Guillory acerca de cómo el Estado de bienestar es sólo un mecanismo para que los políticos controlen la comunidad negro.
"Hola, mi nombre es Elbert Lee Guillory, y yo soy el senador por el vigésimo cuarto distrito aquí en la hermosa Louisiana. Recientemente hice lo que muchos se refieren como un "valiente decisión" para cambiar mi afiliación política al Partido Republicano. Quería tomar un momento para explicar por qué me convertí en un republicano, y también para explicar por qué no creo que fue una decisión valiente en absoluto. Es la decisión correcta - no sólo para mí -, sino para todos mis hermanos y hermanas en la comunidad de negro.
Usted ve, en la historia reciente del Partido Demócrata ha creado la ilusión de que su agenda y sus políticas son lo mejor para la gente negra. De alguna manera se ha olvidado de que el Partido Republicano se fundó en 1854 como un movimiento abolicionista con un simple credo: que la esclavitud es una violación de los derechos del hombre.
Frederick Douglass llama republicanos del "Partido de la libertad y el progreso", y el primer presidente republicano Abraham Lincoln fue el autor de la Proclamación de la Emancipación. Fue a los republicanos en el Congreso que el autor de la decimotercera, decimocuarta y decimoquinta enmiendas que dan nacionalidad anterior esclavos, los derechos de voto, y el debido proceso de ley.
Los demócratas, por otra parte fueron el Partido de Jim Crow. Fueron los demócratas que defendieron los derechos de los propietarios de esclavos. Fue el presidente republicano Dwight Eisenhower, quien defendió la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1957, pero fue demócratas en el Senado que filibustered la factura.
Usted ve, en el corazón del liberalismo es la idea de que sólo un gran y poderoso gobierno grande puede ser el benefactor de la justicia social para todos los estadounidenses. Sin embargo, la izquierda sólo se ocupa de una cosa - control. Y se disfrazan este control como caridad. Programas tales como el bienestar, cupones de alimentos, estos programas no están diseñados para levantar los estadounidenses negros de la pobreza, que siempre fueron concebidas como un mecanismo para que los políticos controlen negro la comunidad negro.
La idea de que los negros, o cualquier persona para esa materia, la necesidad del gobierno para salir adelante en la vida es despreciable. Y aún más importante, esta idea es un fracaso. Nuestras comunidades son tan pobres como siempre lo han sido. Nuestras escuelas siguen sin hijos. Nuestras cárceles están llenas de jóvenes negros que deberían estar en casa ser padres. Nuestra propia iniciativa y nuestra autosuficiencia han sido sacrificados a cambio de lealtad a nuestros obispos que nos controlan a través de hacernos dependientes de ellos.
A veces me pregunto si la palabra libertad es rechazado en todas partes con tanta frecuencia en nuestra sociedad, que se ha convertido en un cliché.
La idea de la libertad es compleja y es que todo lo abarca. Es la idea de que la economía debe quedar libre de la persuasión del gobierno. Es la idea de que la prensa debe funcionar sin la intrusión del gobierno. Y es la idea de que los correos electrónicos y los registros telefónicos de los estadounidenses deben permanecer libres de la búsqueda del gobierno y las convulsiones. Es la idea de que los padres deben ser los encargados de adoptar decisiones en lo que respecta a la educación de sus hijos - no un burócrata del gobierno.
Pero lo más importante, es la idea de que el individuo debe ser libre para perseguir su propia felicidad libre de la dependencia de gobierno y libre de control gubernamental. Porque para ser verdaderamente libre es ser dependiente de nadie que no sea el autor de nuestro destino. Estas son las ideas en el núcleo del Partido Republicano, y es por eso que soy un republicano.
Así que mis hermanos y hermanas de la comunidad americana, por favor únase conmigo hoy en el abandono de la plantación de gobierno y el Partido de la decepción. Para que todos podamos repetir las palabras de un líder republicano que dijo la famosa frase: "por fin libre, libre al fin, gracias a Dios omnipotente, ¡somos libres al fin."

Miriam Dopico

I am forwarding the following speech giving by Glenn Beck yesterday in front of the Capitol in Washington.  Please when you get a chance, listen to his wise and truthful words
Here is a link to an article regarding the "Audit the IRS" rally yesterday in the Washington DC.  

There were many memorable speeches one can find in YouTube, but I only want to share with you the 37 minute full video of Glenn Beck, because it is filled with inspiration and patriotism, as the abuse of power in government becomes evident.

What is it we stand for?  What will be written about our generation in history books? 

It is never too late to stand!

Meese: Obama 'Beyond His Powers' With Russian Plan on Nuclear Weapons

Thursday, 20 Jun 2013 07:26 PM
By Todd Beamon and Kathleen Walter
President Barack Obama is “going beyond his powers” in seeking to negotiate a reduction in nuclear weapons with Russian President Vladimir Putin, former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview.

“He’s essentially making a treaty unilaterally without going through the constitutional process of the treaty, which a president can sign, but it must be ratified then by the Senate in order to be a part of the supreme law of the land,” Meese tells Newsmax. “I have serious questions about this, about both his authority and about the effect of what this might be.”

Meese, 81, is the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation and is chairman of its Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. A close Reagan adviser, he also served on the National Security Council.

In Berlin on Wednesday, Obama proposed that the United States and Russia cut the number strategic warheads that each nation still maintained by up to a third — bringing them under the 1,550 allowed in the treaty the countries signed in Obama’s his first term. Both the United States and Russia would be left with slightly more than 1,000 weapons.

The speech came a day after Obama and Putin met at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland and disagreed publicly over Syria. Moscow has since given a chilly response to Obama’s foray, saying that it could "not take such proposals seriously" while Washington was increasing its own anti-missile defenses.

Obama spoke where President John F. Kennedy said in 1963 that "Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a Berliner)" and where President Ronald Reagan challenged Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall.”

Only about 5,000 people, all invited guests, attended the Obama speech, compared with 450,000 for Kennedy’s and about 45,000 for the Reagan event.

Meese tells Newsmax that the former GOP president would have approached the weapons issue with Russia differently.

“He recognized that there are dangers to the United States — and I don’t believe he would have gone along with this kind of an approach,” he says of Reagan. “He believed that our best chance of having peace in the world and avoiding a nuclear war was to have strength.

“In terms of reducing nuclear weapons, he obviously wanted to do that, but he wanted to reduce them by making them obsolete through the creation of an effective anti-ballistic missile program, which was known then as the Strategic Defense Initiative.”

Meese says that, even though the Obama administration attributes the National Security Agency’s PRISM program with foiling 50 terrorist attacks since it began collecting the information on the telephone calls and Internet communications of millions of Americans, the effort needs more congressional scrutiny.

“I would not be satisfied until Congress has a total, thorough evaluation — and then, on a bipartisan basis, had made the assurance to the American people of several things: That it is necessary for our national security; that it not do anything that is not permitted by law and by the search warrant that is provided under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

“And, finally, that necessary precautions have been taken to make sure that they only do what is proper and that they do not invade the privacy of American citizens by actually looking into the content of telephone conversations,” Meese adds. “There are a lot of things that need to happen.”

Likewise with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s use of drones to conduct surveillance on American soil. FBI Director Robert Muller told Congress on Wednesday that drones were used “very seldom” for such purposes.

“There have been a number of decisions by the Supreme Court on this subject, and I would be interested in knowing more,” Meese tells Newsmax. “It would appear that if it is utilizing an inquiry or intrusive surveillance into a person's home or into a person's property, then you would need a specific search warrant.

“We need to know more about it — and it looks like it's very close to the line on what is proper and what is not proper under the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment.”

In his wide-ranging exclusive interview with Newsmax, Meese also:
  • Acknowledged that the United States did not succeed in securing the nation’s borders when it enacted sweeping immigration reform in 1986. “Congress refused to follow up on the secure border portion of it and, as a result, what was then estimated to be three million illegal aliens turned out, over a period of time, to be some 11 million or more today.”
  • Said that a special prosecutor might be needed to address the recent scandals plaguing the Obama administration but after Congress has completed its hearings and investigations. “It would be far better to continue the hearings and making sure that the public understands what this administration is doing in these scandals.”

109 Articles of Impeachment against Obama By PETER PATON

There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea Party ranks that impeachment proceedings should be initiated against President Obama on a whole list of violations of the Constitution and the War Powers Act
Congressmen Allen West of Florida (R-Florida) and Darrell Issa (R- California) have consistently and loudly criticized the president for overstepping the political mark and bypassing Congress’s approval on a whole range of dubious policies and issues:and the recent Obama attack on the Supreme Court of Justice and the Russian ” Open Mic ” gaffe on National Security, leads to one question: Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama did not become the Democratic nominee for President without the help of several leaders of the Democratic Party who knew that he was not eligible for office
Listed below are the One Hundred and Nine Articles of Impeachment.
1. Appointment of a “shadow government” of some 35+ individuals termed “czars” who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to the president, yet have overarching regulatory powers – a clear violation of the separation of powers concept. Obama bypassed the Senate with many of his appointments of over 35 “czars.”
2. No congressional support for Libyan action (violation of the War Powers Act ). Obama lied to the American people when he said that there were no US troops on the ground in Libya and then later said they were only “logistical troops.” Obama violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by conducting a war against Libya without Congressional authorization.
3. Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain. Obama has placed the security of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel, in danger while increasing funding to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah, just another Islamic terrorist group) whilst they have enjoined a reconciliation pact with long-standing terrorist group Hamas and the disclosure of British nuclear secrets to the Russians in the Start Treaty.  Obama gave missile codes to British Trident missiles to Russia.
4. Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22 million illegals amnesty. Obama passed the Dream Act through an executive order, bypassing Congress again. DREAM is: Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors
5. Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies – against the consult of his experienced field commanders – while embracing negotiations with our enemy, the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood.
6. Betrayal of Arizona. Obama brought a federal lawsuit against a sovereign state, Arizona, seeking to protect its citizens from this threat of mass illegal immigration
7. Obama’s Failure to enforce U.S. law, the Defense of Marriage Act. He’s stripped America of its moral base by his support for homosexuality and the attack on marriage between a man and a women Obama allows the DOJ to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.
8. Support of an inept and incompetent attorney general who has failed to prosecute voter intimidation cases (New Black Panther Party), initiated a dangerous gun-smuggling program (Operation Fast and Furious) – which resulted in deaths to one of our own law enforcement agents. Obama allowed Operation Fast and Furious to occur, which allowed hundreds of Mexican nationals and Border Agent Brian Terry to be murdered with illegal arms given out by the ATF and DOJ.
9. Increasing the regulatory burden on American business through bypassing the legislative process with his executive branch agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.
10. Failure to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and stem the flow of illegal immigration, termed as “repel invasions” in our United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 and Article 4, Section 4. Obama has failed to defend US soil in Arizona as Mexican troops bring illegals and drugs into the USA, crossing the border doing so. This is a direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution.
11. Inappropriately commanding the release of strategic oil reserves and providing Brazil $2 billion for its offshore oil exploration.
12. Illegally soliciting funds from within the White House ($5 dinner video fundraiser). The unalienable rights endowed to us by the Creator; life, liberty, and the pursuit (not guarantee) of happiness – are being threatened by the Obama administration. This current government has abridged the consent of the governed and that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends. It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.
13.Taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive striking against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare.
14.”Open Mic ” gaffe in which he explained Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he’d have more “flexibility” to sacrifice American security after his re-election
15. Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to Get Scholarship?
16. Obama’s secret back channel Nuclear deal with Iran, a sworn enemy of America and our Allies
19. Obama and his Administration leaking previously classified information about our intelligence communities’ efforts to slow down Iran’s march to nuclear weaponry.
20. Obama destabilized Western Ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and allowed the Militant  and Anti West Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Egyptian Regime, posing a mortal threat to our Ally Israel and our own Western assets and interests in the region. Obama instigated a revolution in Egypt against an ally in the War on Terror.
21. Obama has appointed Muslim Brotherhood advisers, enemies of the State, to the White House. Aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood is TREASON per Article 3 Sec III of the US Constitution..
22. Obama bypassing Congress again by Executive Decree to allow Illegal Immigrants to remain and vote in America for partisan electoral purposes and reasons.
23. Obama selling citizenship to criminals in direct opposition to Federal Law.
24. Obama admin assisted Egypt in remilitarizing the Sinai, “something forbidden by the Camp David Accords”
25. Obama has attempted to compel religious institutions to pay for abortion services — a clear violation of First Amendment rights
27. Obama spending billions in aid on America´s enemies, while disregarding the needs of the US.
28. Obama is directly responsible for the many wars and murders of Christians in the Middle East
29. Obama has financially ruined this country, and his actions are leading to the demise of the dollar. President Obama is either an idiot or he is purposely trying to destroy the American economy.
30. Obama is hollowing out our military, and destroying our intelligence gathering capability.
31. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro deliberately concealed his true illegal background to be POTUS, TRUTH out: why #Obama records sealed FOREIGN student ID  Can we trust Pres. who games system – lies
32. Criminal cover up by the White House over BengaziGate, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens were murdered by Islamic Extremists.
33. #CANDYGATE Collusion with CNN Moderator Candy Crowley at the 2nd Debate  to cover up BengaziGate  The Candy-Obama Controversy : Get the Transcript’
35. Obama Administration defining the Fort Hood Terrorist Act as a Workplace Accident, which gave succour and comfort to our enemies.
36. The Border-gate arms deal offense that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent as well as numerous innocent Mexican civilians.
37. Suspected organized and widespread election fraud engineered by Agents of the Obama Regime at the November 6th Presidential Election.
38. Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s community activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The program was a total failure.
39. Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, redirected tens of millions in Illinois tax dollars to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide housing for low income families. They returned the favor with political donations. The housing units were built with cheap materials and labor and are uninhabitable after a mere 10 years of use.
40. Obama accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who were over the legal limit, to contribute more.
41. Obama and SecState Clinton’s efforts to bring the US under the UN’s Small Arms Treaty are direct violations of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.
41. Obama attempted to move control of the Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House, to be managed by then Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel.
42. Obama had provided under the radar amnesty to illegal immigrants by allowing ICE Director John Morton to prohibit ICE officers from enforcing US immigration laws.
43. Obama allowed USAG Holder to ignore the violation of US immigration laws in the sanctuary cities, i.e.,San Francisco, etc.
44. Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating Obama’s buddy, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud (850K) with AmeriCorps.
45. Obama is in contempt of Federal court for his illegal oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf…
46. Obama spent a month as the UN Security Council Chair in 2009, which raises the question of his conflict of interest between the US and the UN. This is also likely a violation of his Oath of Office as the UN conflicts with our Constitution on many levels, i.e., LOST, UN Small Arms ban, etc.
47. Obama signed an EO in December 2009 that allows Interpol to operate in the US without oversight by Congress, courts, FBI, or local law enforcement.
48. Obama and SecState Clinton misappropriated, er, used $23 million in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights, and other rights are subservient to “social justice”. This includes the fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.
49. Obama was likely involved with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to try and sell his Illinois Senate seat, i.e., pay to play. Jesse Jackson Jr is under investigation for it and it appears that Valerie Jarrett might also have been involved.
50. Obama ran a website that asked Americans to report on other Americans, in the area of ObamaKare, using and taxpayer money to do so. He repeated this with AttackWatch.
51.   Obama got onto the Indiana ballot through voter fraud in 2008.
52. Obama sealed all of his records that would show that he is possibly an illegal president, that he is feloniously using a false SSN, that his draft registration number is false, that his Fulbright award was falsely awarded as Obama claimed foreign student status, and that his student aid was falsely obtained.
53. Obama violated the Constitution by firing the GM CEO.
54. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by forcing GM bondholders to accept millions of dollars in losses of money that they were legally entitled to.
55. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by awarding the UAW with a share of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcy proceedings.
56. Obama bought votes for ObamaKare with acts like, “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and the DoI increasing water allocations toCalifornia’sCentral Valley. This brought in the votes of Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa, both Democrat holdouts.
57. Obama lied about Americans being able to keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to. ObamaKare is already forcing them out of their current coverage.
58. Obama attempted to bribe Joe Sestak with a job offer in order to get him to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.
59. Obama bypassed Congress and told the EPA to set carbon emission standards.
60. Obama forced BP to pony up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the BP oil spill. It was administered by one of Obama’s political appointees and there is NO Congressional oversight.
61. Obama did nothing to Holder (abetted a felony) when Holder refused to prosecute two New Black Panther Party members for brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Filthadelphia. A direct violation of the voters Civil Rights.
62. Obama bypassed the Senate with a recess appointment of Donald Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Violates policy.
63. Obama illegally fired Sherry Sherrod from the USDA over remarks she made at an NAACP meeting in March 2010. He violated her due process.
64. Obama violated contractual law when his regime cancelled 77 oil field development contracts previously approved by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, under Bush 43’s administration. This keeps us from extracting from 2-3 TRILLION barrels of oil.
65. Obama used the DHS to determine the political affiliation of Americans making FOIA requests about the Regime. This led to requests being stalled, lost, etc.
66. Obama acted in April 2009, at the G20 meeting, to expand the Special Drawing Rights, that now gives the IMF more control over the US economy.
67. Obama issued an EO on July 12, 2011, attempting to restrict the Second  Amendment rights of US citizens in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.
68. Obama’s allowed the FCC to assume authority over the internet, in direct violation of a federal appeals court that DENIED the commission that authority. In December, the FCC voted and passed the first federal regulations on internet traffic.
69. Obama allows the DHS/TSA to routinely violate the 4th/5th Amendment rights of Americans at airports, train stations, and VIPER checkpoints.
70. Obama allows the DOJ in 2009 to stop enforcing federal drug laws in regards to marijuana.
71. Obama attempted to bypass Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by “reinterpreting” the 14th Amendment.
72. Obama just bypassed the Senate AGAIN by appointing Richard Cordray to a new unconstitutional agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Violates policy.
73. Obama deprived the due process of two U.S.citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, by assassinating them via a CIA drone attack in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. This also raises the question of an act of war against Yemen for firing into a sovereign nation. Obama said in 2008: “No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the President has plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution to detainU.S.citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.”
74. Obama allowed Education Secretary Arne Duncan to grant waivers to No Child Left Behind however, this is a law enacted by Congress and neither Obama nor Duncan have the authority to authorize that.
75. Obama allowed the bailouts to grant money without the authority to do so. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7U.S.Constitution
76. Obama allowed Operation Castaway to occur, which allowed firearms laws to be broken through coercion of legal gun dealers.
77. Obama bypassed the Senate to appoint three people to the National Labor Relations Board. (Naturally, they’ll all be Obomobots) Violates policy.
78. Obama twenty three illegal Executive Orders to impose a Gun Grab, which is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.
79.  Providing aid and comfort to the enemy by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Thereby providing the impetus for the escalation of the green on blue attacks
80. Obama by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby triggered the disintegration of the green respect that had been a goal of the training mission.
82. Obama supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt with F16 Jets and 220 Abram Tanks, sworn enemies of the USA and our Chief Ally Israel.
83. Obama nominating a Muslim John Brennan to be Director of the CIA,when America is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorists.
87. The Obama administration failed to enforce a century-old law meant to prevent immigrants from taking root in the U.S. only to live on the government dole
89. The sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.
90. The Obama administration’s allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax information to the media.
93. White House Link to Illegal Taping of Sen. McConnell
94. Allowing Islamic Terror Group the Taliban to flourish and operate on American soil.
96. Agents of the Obama Regime conspired in 2008 to get Obama’s name illegally put on the Indiana Primary Ballot.
97. Obama Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Involved In Massive Vote Fraud Scandal? 
99. Obama Military Considers Stopping Christians from Proselytizing
100. The Sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.
101. The IRS Scandal and Victimization and Targeting of the T Party and other Conservative Groups by the Obama Regime
102. 30 American Navy Seals killed when they flew into an ambushed landing zone, because Obamas Rules of Engagement precluded pre-bombing the Landing Zone
103. THE DOJ WIRETAPPED OVER 100 AP JOURNALIST.  The Obama’s DOJ secretly obtained 2 months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The AP … THEY STOLE THE ELECTION IMPEACH NOW
105. Sebelius fundraising ‘arguably an even bigger issue’ than Iran-Contra
106. Obama Betrays Israel: Secret Base Revealed …
107. Obama and Holder secretly and illegally wiretapped and snooped on American’s Cell Phones, E Mails in Covert Prism Project.
108.  Destruction Of NASA From The Inside’: Obama Lets Chinese Spies Steal Top Secret Weapons Technology? 
109. OBAMA DISARMING AMERICA. More Treason? Obama, Putin to sign new deal on reducing nuclear threat
UNKNOWN: How many exact other violations of his Oath of Office.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Updates as needed.
Peter Paton is an International PR and Strategic Adviser.
Follow Peter on Twitter @pjpaton

Impeach President Obama

4,540 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

In anticipation of President Obama's re-election through vote fraud, frivolous litigation and media complicity in covering up his scandalous malfeasance, a litany of which is found in Tom Tancredo's article at WND:, this petition to Congress is uttered and published to demand the passage of articles of impeachment and prosecution by the Senate.

In the event of a vote turnout sufficient to overcome President Obama's best tactics and the election of Willard Romney, this petition devolves to a demand for thorough, complete and public investigation and revelation of all elements of the Benghazi treason & cover-up by a joint committee.

Whereas the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Secretary of State, in the face of clear evidence and early warning of impending danger, refused to enhance security at the Mission in Benghazi and

Whereas when the inevitable attack came, they rejected urgent pleas for assistance from the Mission staff in Benghazi and

Whereas during the the attack, they directed two CIA operatives with Navy Seal experience to "stand down", neglecting urgent pleas for help and

Whereas, after the attack they dishonestly blamed the attack on an irrelevant YouTube video and denied the obvious connection to Islamic terrorism and

Whereas they ran advertisements in Pakistan falsely assigning blame to the video and by so doing, roused the rabble to riot and

Whereas they sacked military officers who made preparations to answer the call of duty and rescue those in mortal danger and

Whereas they continue to lie, dissemble withhold information and stonewall investigations so as to push them back beyond the election,

Now, by God, I disrespectfully demand that bills of impeachment be introduced, debated and passed in the House of Representatives and timely trials be held in the Senate and the above listed officers derelicts, malfeasors & traitors. be convicted and removed from office in the matter of the negligent homicides of Ambassador Stevens and his staff.

In token of my anger, disgust and outrage over this treasonous manslaugter and the obvious fact that either the Mission was supplying weapons to our enemies in Syria or the attack was deliberately staged as part of a politically motivated scheme to exchange Omar Abdel Rahman, death & damnation be upon him, for our Ambassador taken hostage:

I here and now pledge my vote for your opponent in the primary and general elections of your next election cycle if you do not vote in the House for impeachment or in the Senate for conviction of the malfeasors & traitors. I further swear that my votes will be the same if bills of impeachment are not introduced before the end of January 2013. No other issue is more important than our national security and I will not be dissuaded or distracted from my mission to bring about the replacement of those who fail t

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¡Impeach obama!
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