Thursday, May 10, 2012

“Twenty Six States are prepared to secede from the Union if the Supreme Court votes to support Obama Care. por Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino.

Bloomber Bussiness Week. “Politics and Policys”  Obama Loses 40% of West Virginia Vote to an Inmate By Elizabeth Dwoskin on May 09, 2012

A federal inmate who is running for president won 42 percent of the vote in West Virginia’s Democratic primary yesterday. According to the Associated Press, Keith Judd is serving time at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution in Texas for making threats at the University of New Mexico in 1999.
Nearly 52,000 West Virginia voters cast their ballots for Judd. It seems pretty obvious that many of them had never heard of him and simply checked the box for “the other guy who is not Barack Obama”

 “Twenty Six States are prepared to secede from the Union if the Supreme Court votes to support Obama Care. The so called “Obama Care” is not about Health Care, but rather about taking hard earned money from the Working Slave Class, and giving it to the Wealthy Wall Street Ruling Class. This is a Civil War between the Working Slave Class, and the Wealthy Wall Street Ruling Class.”  —  By Dan Eggen, Published: May 9  Same-sex marriage debate: Many of Obama's top fundraisers are gay - Washington Post Same-sex marriage debate: Many of Obama's top fundraisers are gay Washington Post The controversy that has erupted this week over President Obama's stance on same-sex marriage has cast a spotlight on the importance of the Same-sex marriage issue shows importance of gay fundraisers

President Obama’s announcement Wednesday that he supports same-sex marriage highlights the importance of the gay community to his re-election effort, which could get a boost in donations as a result.
Many of Obama’s key financial supporters are gay--including finance director Rufus Gifford and Democratic National Committee treasurer Andrew Tobias--and the campaign has regularly held fundraisers focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender donors.



La NASA detecta una mancha solar "monstruosa" (CNN) –

Espero que ni el alcalde del Condado Miami Dade ni los Comisionados tengan nada que ver con esto.  

Después de un mes de marzo lleno de actividad, abril transcurrió con relativa calma en cuanto a actividad solar. Pero la aparición de una nueva zona de manchas solares en la cara del Sol que da a la Tierra podría significar un nuevo incremento de la actividad en mayo:

“Adivina adivinador”
Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters are occupying?
It's Zuccotti Park.

Did you know this park is not owned by the city of New York?
It is owned by Brookfield Properties.
Brookfield Asset  Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.
Brookfield is aCanadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it!It is all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?Vice President Joe Biden's son.
Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.

Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus =$$$$$$.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties.
(a Canadian corp)
Isn't life great in America!

Now, guess what, in a completely unrelated note, Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida. Not Ohio. But Wisconsin.

Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating the electronic votes in Wisconsin.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!

Did you get the mining???

Now remember what Stalin said. => He who votes does not have the power.
He who counts the votes has the power".
El enigma que es Barack Hussein Obama, pre-electoral para 2009I estaba sentado en mi estudio en una tranquila tarde de domingo pensando cómo es que hemos llegado a este punto en nuestra evolución como una nación de mentes como las que estamos al borde de la colapso financiero, político, moral y espiritual. Esta pregunta me llevó a crear una lista de las obras más polémicas, acciones y declaraciones de nuestro Presidente, los demócratas, y sus clientes y colaboradores.

Cuando haya terminado con esta tarea, cincuenta preguntas por separado que podría ser un ensayo o un artículo de cada uno estaba delante de mí, mi intención es la de investigar varias de estas preguntas, a su vez y tratar de darle algún sentido a todo.

Para poner esto en perspectiva, tenemos que tener un "ojo de pájaro" de vista o una perspectiva de treinta pies de miles de todas estas anomalías y ver si podemos crear un tapiz o mosaico que es Barry Soetoro, nuestro Presidente y Premio Nobel de la residente que se establece acerca de la Casa Blanca en estos días. Para no quedarse atrás con este logro, que revolotea por todo el país con el dinero de los contribuyentes, mientras busca otra riqueza y la economía que destruye plazo en la lucha de clases la oficina de la siembra y el descontento allí donde puede, actualmente, está reservada exclusivamente para los campos de batalla y el swing estados.

El lugar lógico para empezar es con Barry como un hombre joven en la universidad. Voy a hacer esto sin necesidad de excavar muy profundamente en este asunto y todo lo que ello implica, como muchos otros han narrado esto antes que yo. ¿Por qué controversias refrito rancio o el intento de abarcar nuevos?

Muchas historias se han reportado de Barry va a Pakistán para visitar a un amigo de la universidad, para añadir misterio a esta historia, es supuesto de haber estado en el Lahore Hilton International Hotel, elegante y de excavaciones costosas de hecho, para un estudiante universitario muerto de hambre. Esta descripción de sí mismo se parafrasea de "Sueños de mi Padre", su primera libro como un "estudiante de la universidad al pasado" durante su estancia en la Universidad de Columbia.

Algunas de las cuentas se le visita y va de caza con un futuro primer ministro de Pakistán. La credibilidad de estos eventos son cuestionables en el mejor de lo que Obama no menciona esta aventura en cualquiera de sus libros, a pesar de que hace mención de ellos en una conferencia de prensa en agosto de 2008 en que pasa a Jake Tapper, de CBS. Él hace esto para cortar los dientes en la política exterior como él está ansioso por mostrar lo que poca experiencia que ha tenido en esta área. La historia de fondo fue rellenado, después de que el hecho de su divulgación en la conferencia de prensa, por varios autores que escribieron acerca de Barry y su tiempo en Pakistán.

A medida que avanzamos a través del tiempo, a propósito encubrir su tiempo en Chicago, en aras de la brevedad y el hecho de que él no está en el escenario nacional en este momento.

El dilema siguiente no fue mencionada en ninguna fuente de noticias de la nota en nuestra nación: Obama como senador de Illinois fue en un hecho de la búsqueda de recorrido del Congreso a Perm Siberia, en Rusia con el senador Richard Lugar (R-IN) en 2005 para verificar la destrucción de misiles móviles y sus lanzadores en el marco del programa de Reducción de la Amenaza de Cooperativas (CTR).

El viaje transcurrió sin incidentes, es decir, hasta que llegó el momento de abandonar la base militar rusa en estas inspecciones se llevó a cabo. De repente Barry, y el senador Lugar se enfrentaron y el poder de las autoridades rusas durante tres horas, mientras que los rusos pidió permiso para buscar el avión en que viajaban pulgadas

El senador Lugar no hace ninguna mención de este incidente en su informe de viaje después de la acción, el Chicago Tribune tiene una pequeña propaganda, de paso, el 29 de agosto de 2005. Numerosas fuentes de información extranjeras en Italia y otros países revelan que Barry se encontraba detenido e interrogado por espionaje como un espía para Gran Bretaña. Esto es curioso comportamiento de los rusos, porque la Guerra Fría terminó en 1991, y nuestras naciones tienen más que ganar con la cooperación mutua que la hostilidad hacia los demás. Este tipo de comportamiento era la costumbre en tiempos anteriores de la distensión entre nuestras naciones, aunque no en 2005.

Pasando a octubre de 2007, tenemos, Hillary Clinton, y Barry en un escenario con otros dos. Ellos han anunciado o que pronto dará a conocer su intención de postularse a la Presidencia. Barry se muestra con las manos cruzadas y no poniendo la mano sobre su corazón como el Himno Nacional se juega ni cuando el Juramento a la Bandera se recita. Él no lo hace la boca las palabras de nuestro Compromiso de cualquiera. Esto se explica por sí y no requiere una explicación adicional, ya que muestra una falta de respeto total y absoluto a todos los que han caído en la defensa de esta nación y su falta de lealtad a los Estados Unidos de América y es cincuenta Estados soberanos.

El siguiente paso, tenemos candidato a la presidencia Barry, y las superficies de emisión de certificados de nacimiento, lo que obligó a Barry a publicar su supuesta forma definitiva, o "Certificado de Nacido Vivo" (COLB), en su página web las elecciones en "Lucha contra las manchas de" para acallar las reclamaciones que nació en Kenia y Hawai no. Este documento se ha declarado una falsificación por varias fuentes. Los alegatos todavía tienen mérito (gracias a Donald Trump y Corsi Jerónimo) como la versión de formato largo que fue lanzado en abril de 2011 se ha considerado una falsificación por los investigadores del Sheriff del Condado Maricopa. Lo que la forma larga-no muestra es que él no es elegible para ser Presidente, ya que no es un ciudadano nacido y tiene la doble nacionalidad con el Reino Unido, si así lo eligió para reclamarlo.

(Nota: un enlace a una serie de la parte 11 en la forma en que Obama lanzó su forjado de formato largo certificado de nacimiento puede ser de interés para el lector)

Sin embargo, la definición de Escoto en menor v Happersett en 1875 se opone a Barry de la Oficina del Presidente, ya que no es un "ciudadano nato". Esta decisión del Tribunal Supremo es fundamental para la cuestión de la elegibilidad a medida que avanzamos a través del enigma que es Barry Soetoro.

A medida que avanzamos por la lista, nos encontramos con una ocurrencia extraña que asistió a Barry y sólo ha salido a la luz en julio de 2011 con el cambio de referencias, citas y texto de los documentos de la Suprema Corte en el caso durante el período previo a la la elección en 2008. Esto se aplica directamente a la ciudadanía por nacimiento o "birther" cuestión de Barry. Justia es un sitio en Internet que proporciona documentos jurídicos y expedientes para cualquier persona que desee a la investigación federal, estatal, y las decisiones de la Corte Suprema y los archivos de casos, así como muchos otros documentos para la comunidad legal.

Las acusaciones de citación y cambios en el texto se hicieron aproximadamente 25 casos Escoto. Leo Donofrio Lcdo. nos informó acerca de esta discrepancia en julio pasado como él investigó Boyd v Nebraska y cuenta de las anomalías con los datos devueltos de Justia. Estos casos definir el cuerpo de la ley y la prioridad para la definición de un ciudadano nacido con menor v Happersett estar frente y al centro durante el período previo a las elecciones en 2008.

Este es el único fallo Escoto ha hecho nunca en una decisión unánime de todos los nueve jueces que definen todos los requisitos de un ciudadano por nacimiento. Barry no cumple con estos requisitos, ya que su padre era un súbdito británico y no era un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos en el momento de su nacimiento.

Este problema profundamente preocupante se puede encontrar mediante la consulta de "Justiagate" en la ventana de búsqueda del navegador, es un revelador leer en su ámbito de aplicación y es la precisión quirúrgica de la misma ley de ejecución de ser un hecho consumado. Para no ser deshecho por un giro de los acontecimientos, Barry tenía la Comisión Federal de Elecciones declara a los ciudadanos naturalizados y otros nacidos bajo sus circunstancias elegible para ocupar el cargo de presidente, Minor v Happersett no importa! Esto es extraordinario, cuando el alcance y la magnitud es considerado y debe ser investigado, no voy a aguantar la respiración para cualquier investigación del Departamento de Justicia o el FBI de este régimen. El Congreso parece impotente y MIA en este asunto, así y es desconcertante, ya que son una rama separada pero igual de nuestro gobierno y debe ser activamente este asunto.

(Nota: esto es realmente un gesto hueco por Obama como la elección del presidente de la oficina está en manos de los 50 gobiernos de los estados independientes que forman parte de los Estados Unidos de América, los únicos que están probablemente afectados por esta decisión son los territorios de nuestra nación.)

Combine este tema con el "certificado de nacimiento (s)", "doble nacionalidad", de Obama y ser interrogado por "las autoridades rusas", y está empezando a oler como una conspiración o queso rancio huele mal, tendrás que elegir a instancias de algunos conspiración encubierta sombra que cruza las fronteras internacionales.

"¿Quién es Barack Obama" Luego tenemos este de Mondo Frazier en su artículo pensador estadounidense intentó que para verificar esta fuente, sin embargo, parece haber sido borrado por el equipo de Internet de Obama:

    Una rareza de otro: en el otoño de 2008, Obama admitió en su sitio que había tenido la doble nacionalidad tanto con Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña (el sitio explicó que esto se debió a Barack Obama padre es un ciudadano extranjero ) hasta 1982. ¿Se sabe algo de los rusos sobre la ciudadanía de Obama en el 2005 que los estadounidenses no saben en el 2011?

Esta primera parte ha discutido que Barry era antes de que llegara a la escena nacional con sus primeros años y el misterioso viaje a Pakistán, un estilo de vida que él no podía permitirse dar su descripción raída de sus primeros años en sus dos autobiografías, que están siendo considerarse como obras de ficción. Nos presentaron a su viaje a Rusia extraña después de convertirse en Senador de los EE.UU. y la reacción del servicio de seguridad ruso con demandas de que Obama sea un espía británico. Esta es la introducción a lo que nuestro presidente perro con una saga de cuatro años con el "certificado de nacimiento," de Obama con muchos de sus otros bona fides de ser declarados falsos por parte de funcionarios policiales del Estado de Arizona.

Se culmina con la exposición de casi surrealista de Justiagate con la deliberada manipulación de los documentos de Escoto en Justia punto com. La precisión quirúrgica indica un abogado hábil asistió con la manipulación de estos documentos y el hecho de todo-demasiado-familiar que circunstancias fortuitas han favorecido a Obama de ser el destinatario de todos estos actos al azar de la suerte de benefactores desconocidos es un puente demasiado lejos de credibilidad.

La segunda parte ha de ser elegido Barry y algunas de las acciones más polémicas que toma durante los primeros meses de 2009, después de ser elegido.

The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Pre-Election To 2009

I was sitting in my study on a quiet Sunday afternoon pondering how is it that we have come to this point in our evolution as a nation of like minds where we are on the brink of financial, political, moral and spiritual collapse.  This question led me to create a list of the most controversial deeds, actions, and statements from our President, the Democrats, and their patrons and supporters.


When finished with this task, fifty separate questions that could be an essay or article each lay before me; my intention is to research several of these questions in turn and try to make some sense of it all.


To put this in perspective, we need to take a “birds eye” view, or a thirty thousand foot perspective of all these anomalies and see if we can create a tapestry or mosaic that is Barry Soetoro, our President and resident Nobel Laureate that lays about the White House these days.  Not to be outdone with this accomplishment, he flits across the nation on the taxpayers’ dime as he seeks another wealth- and economy-destroying term in office sowing class warfare and discontent wherever he can; currently, it is reserved exclusively for battleground and swing states.


The logical place to start is with Barry as a young man in college. I will do this without digging too deeply into this matter and all that this entails as many others have chronicled this before me. Why rehash stale controversies or attempt to cover new ground?


Many stories have been reported of Barry going to Pakistan to visit a college friend; to add mystery to this story, he is purported to have stayed in the Lahore Hilton International Hotel, swanky and expensive digs indeed for a starving college student.  This description of himself is paraphrased from “Dreams of my Father”, his 1st book as a “threadbare college student” during his time at Columbia University.


Some of the accounts have him visiting and going hunting with a future Prime Minister of Pakistan.  The credibility of these events are questionable at best as Obama fails to mentions this escapade in either of his books, though he makes mention of them in a press conference in August of 2008 in passing to Jake Tapper of CBS.  He makes this out to be cutting his teeth on foreign policy as he is eager to show what little experience he has had in this area.  The back-story was filled in, after the fact of his disclosure at the press conference, by several authors that wrote about Barry and his time in Pakistan.


As we move further through time, I purposely gloss over his time in Chicago for the sake of brevity and the fact that he is not on the national stage at this time.


The next conundrum was not mentioned in any news sources of note in our nation: Obama as a freshman Senator from Illinois went on a congressional fact finding tour to Perm Siberia in Russia with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) in 2005 to verify the destruction of mobile missiles and their launchers under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program (CTR).


The trip was uneventful, that is, until it was time to depart the Russian military base where these inspections took place. All of a sudden, Barry and Senator Lugar were confronted and held by Russian authorities for three hours while the Russians sought permission to search the aircraft they were traveling in.


Senator Lugar does not make any mention of this incident in his after-action trip report; the Chicago Tribune has a small blurb in passing on August 29, 2005.  Numerous foreign news sources in Italy and other nations reveal that Barry was being held and questioned for espionage as being a spy for Britain. This is curious behavior from the Russians because the Cold War ended in 1991, and our nations have more to gain with mutual cooperation than hostility towards each other.  This type of behavior was the custom during earlier times of detente between our nations, though not in 2005.


Moving on to October of 2007, we have Hillary Clinton and Barry on a stage with two others. They have announced or soon will announce their intention to run for the Presidency.  Barry is shown with his hands clasped and not placing his hand across his heart as the National Anthem is played nor when the Pledge of Allegiance is recited.  He does not mouth the words to our Pledge either.  This is self-explanatory and requires no additional explanation as it shows a complete and utter disrespect to all that have fallen in the defense of this Nation and his lack of loyalty to the United States of America and it’s fifty Sovereign States.


Next up, we have Barry running for President, and the Birth Certificate issue surfaces, forcing Barry to post his alleged short form, or “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB), on his election website under “Fight the Smears” to quell claims that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.  This document is declared a forgery by several sources.  The allegations still have merit (thanks to Donald Trump & Jerome Corsi) as the long-form version that was released in April 2011 has been deemed a forgery by Maricopa County Sheriff‘s investigators.  What the long-form does show is that he is ineligible to be President as he is not a natural born citizen and holds dual citizenship with Britain if he so chose to claim it.


(Note: a link to an 11 part series on how Obama released his forged long-form birth certificate may be of interest to the reader)


However, the definition by SCOTUS in Minor v. Happersett in 1875 precludes Barry from the Office of President, as he is not a “natural born citizen.” This Supreme Court decision is central to the question of eligibility as we step through the conundrum that is Barry Soetoro.


As we move down the list, we come to a bizarre occurrence that assisted Barry and has only come to light in July 2011 with the changing of references, citations, and text of Supreme Court Case documents at during the run-up to the election in 2008.  This directly applies to the natural born citizenship or “birther” question for Barry.  Justia is an internet website that provides legal documents and case files for anyone that wishes to research federal, state, and Supreme Court decisions and case files as well as many other documents for the legal community.


Accusations of citation and textual changes were made to approximately 25 SCOTUS cases.  Leo Donofrio Esq. informed us about this discrepancy last July as he researched Boyd v. Nebraska and noticed anomalies with the returned data from Justia.  These cases define the body of law and precedence for the definition of a natural born citizen with Minor v. Happersett being front and center during the run-up to the election in 2008.


This is the only ruling SCOTUS has ever made in a unanimous decision by all nine Justices defining all the requirements of a natural born citizen.  Barry does not meet these requirements because his father was a British subject and was not a citizen of the United States at the time of his birth.


This deeply troubling issue can be found by using the query of “Justiagate” in your browser search window; it is an eye-opening read in its scope and it’s legally surgical precision of it‘s execution being a fait-accompli.  Not to be undone by such a turn of events, Barry had the Federal Election Commission declare naturalized citizens and others born under his circumstances eligible to hold the office of president, Minor v. Happersett be damned!  This is extraordinary when the scope and magnitude is considered and needs to be investigated; I won‘t hold my breath for any investigation from the Justice Department or the FBI from this regime.  Congress appears impotent and MIA on this matter as well and is baffling since they are a separate but equal branch of our government and should be actively pursuing this matter.


(Note: this is actually a hollow gesture by Obama as the election for the office president is in the hands of the 50 separate State Governments that comprise the United States of America; the only ones that are probably affected by this decision are the Territories of our Nation.)


Combine this issue with the “birth certificate(s)”, Obama’s “dual citizenship,” and being questioned by “Russian authorities,” and it is beginning to smell like a conspiracy or smelly rancid cheese; take your pick at the behest of some covert shadowy cabal that crosses international borders.


Then we have this from Mondo Frazier in his American Thinker article “Who is Barack Obama?” I attempted to verify this source; however, it appears to have been scrubbed by Obama’s internet crew:


    One other oddity: in the fall of 2008, Obama admitted on his site that he had held dual citizenship with both the United States and Great Britain (the site explained that this was due to Barack Obama, Sr. being a foreign national) until 1982.  Did the Russians know something about Obama’s citizenship in 2005 that ordinary Americans don’t know in 2011?


This first part has discussed who Barry was before he came onto the national stage with his early years and the mysterious trip to Pakistan, living a lifestyle he could ill afford given his threadbare description of his early years in his two autobiographies, which are now being considered works of fiction.  We were introduced to his bizarre trip to Russia after becoming a U.S. Senator and the reaction of the Russian Security service with claims of Obama being a British spy.  This is the introduction to what will dog our president with a four year saga with Obama’s “birth certificate,” with many of his other bona-fides being declared forgeries by law enforcement officials of the State of Arizona.


It culminates in the almost surreal exposure of Justiagate with the deliberate tampering of SCOTUS documents at Justia dot com.  The surgical precision indicates a skilful lawyer assisted with the tampering of these documents and the all-too-familiar fact that fortuitous circumstances have favored Obama being the recipient of all of these random acts of fate by unknown benefactors is a bridge too far for believability.


Part Two has Barry being elected and some of the more controversial actions he takes during the first few months of 2009 after being elected.


Los estados que votaron a favor de Barack Obama, puso en el poder están sufriendo por apoyarlo. Un informe recientemente publicado de los inversores Business Daily ofrece algunos datos diciendo derivados de la comparación de las condiciones económicas de los Estados llamados azules (los que votaron por Obama) con los de los estados rojos que votó por John McCain. El crecimiento del ingreso en los Estados Azul senderos crecimiento del ingreso per cápita en los Estados rojos en aproximadamente un 0,07%. El crecimiento del empleo, que ha sido lento en todo el país, muestra los Estados azules rezagadas por el 0,08%.

Precios de las viviendas en Estados rojos en realidad subió ligeramente en 0,03%, pero el azul precios de las viviendas del Estado cayeron un 3,8%. La tasa de desempleo de los últimos Staters Azul se sitúa en aproximadamente el 8,5%, un total del 1,1% más alto que en los Estados Roja.

El mal ajeno que los que no votaron por Barack Obama puede disfrutar no termina con estas medidas. A pesar de que el precio de la gasolina en la bomba ha caído "todo el camino" a alrededor de 3,75 dólares por galón, los precios pagados en la mayoría de las más azules los Estados y las ciudades sigue siendo sustancialmente más altos que en muchos de los Estados de McCain y de apoyo.

Revisión de los diez estados donde el precio del gas es el más caro revela todos excepto uno votaron a favor de Barack Obama. Por el contrario, nueve de los diez estados donde la gasolina es más barata apoyado John McCain. Staters Blue pagan un promedio de 5% más alta para llenar sus tanques.

La razón de estas diferencias realmente no es un misterio: Los estados que votaron por McCain tienen más probabilidades de ser ejecutado por los republicanos, que tienden a favorecer a menos impuestos y un ambiente empresarial más favorable. Cuando una lista de más negocios de los estados ha sido elaborado por la Universidad George Mason, los resultados no fueron sorprendentes. De los veintidós estados ganados por McCain, todos menos seis clasificados en la mitad superior de los estados pro-empresariales. Diecinueve de los veintiocho estados de Obama están en el otro extremo de esta escala.

Una reciente encuesta de Rasmussen encontró que el 82% de los votantes consideran que la economía sea "muy importante", tema que influirá en la forma en que votar en noviembre. Barack Obama no puede hacer afirmaciones creíbles han producido los logros económicos desde que asumió el cargo. A menos que se puede cambiar este hecho, va a perder.

Diferente: New Black Panther Leader: Whites Will Be ‘Very, Very, Very Angry’ In November.


Selma March Got Me Born - NOT EXACTLY, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965.
(Google 'Obama Selma ' for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles about
its various untruths.) ! !
Father Was A Goat Herder - NOT EXACTLY, he was a privileged, well-educated youth, who went to work with the Kenyan Government.
Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - NOT EXACTLY, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.
My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - NOT EXACTLY;your cousin Raila Odinga created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007 in Kenya. It was the first widespread violence there in decades.
The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law.
Your half-brother, Abongo Obama, is Odinga's follower.
You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone.
Check out the following link for verification of that....and for more.
Obama's cousin Odinga ran for president in Kenya and tried to get Sharia Muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers burned Christians' homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter... Obama SUPPORTED his cousin before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see what you get. No one wants to know the truth.
My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - NOT EXACTLY, she does her
daily Salat prayers at 5 AM according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.
My Name is African Swahili - NOT EXACTLY,
your name is Arabic and 'Baraka' (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. Obama is the first
Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. Although Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs.
Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate states he's Arab, not African Negro). From ... and for more....go to.....,_only_6.25%25_Africanan,_only_6.25%25_African
I Never Practiced Islam - NOT EXACTLY,
you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,
until your wife made you change so you could run for office.
4-3-08 Article 'Obama was 'quite religious in Islam''
My School In Indonesia Was Christian - NOT EXACTLY,
you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).
February 28, 2008. Kristoff from the " New York Times " a year ago:
" Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent.
In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.'
This is just one example of what Pamela is talking about when she says 'Obama's narrative is being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts.' "
I Was Fluent In Indonesian - NOT EXACTLY,
not one teacher says you could speak the language.
Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience - NOT EXACTLY,
you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn't speak the language.
What did you learn except how to study the Koran and watch cartoons?
I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - NOT EXACTLY, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise); you have never been
anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.
I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - NOT EXACTLY,
you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine
An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - NOT EXACTLY,
Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.
A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - NOT EXACTLY,
Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.
I Won't Run On A National Ticket In '08 - NOT EXACTLY,
here you are, despite saying, live on TV, which you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.
Voting 'Present' is Common In Illinois Senate - NOT EXACTLY,
they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.
Oops, I Miss-voted - NOT EXACTLY,
only when caught by church groups and Democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.
I Was A Professor Of Law - NOT EXACTLY;
you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - NOT EXACTLY,
you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - NOT EXACTLY,
you didn't write it, introduce it, change it or create it.
The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - NOT EXACTLY,
it took just 14 days from start to finish.
I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - NOT EXACTLY,
your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation –
mainly because of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.
I Have Released My State Records - NOT EXACTLY,
as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.
I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - NOT EXACTLY,
you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.
My Economics Bill Will Help America - NOT EXACTLY,
your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.
I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - NOT EXACTLY,
even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.
I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - NOT EXACTLY,
they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you,
after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.
No One on my campaign contacted Canada about NAFTA - NOT EXACTLY,
the Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.
I Am Tough On Terrorism - NOT EXACTLY,
you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction off Israel.
I Want All Votes To Count - NOT EXACTLY; you said let the delegates decide.
I Want Americans To Decide - NOT EXACTLY,
you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.
I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - NOT EXACTLY,
you passed 26, most of which you didn't write yourself.
I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - NOT EXACTLY,
you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.
I Don't Take PAC Money - NOT EXACTLY, you take loads of it.
I don't Have Lobbyists - NOT EXACTLY,
you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.
My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad - NOT EXACTLY,
your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.
I Have Always Been Against Iraq - NOT EXACTLY,
you weren't in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time.
I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - NOT EXACTLY,
your plan leaves us all to pay for the 15,000,000 who don't have to buy it.
My uncle liberated Auschwitz concentration camp - NOT EXACTLY,
your mother had no brothers and the Russian army did the liberating.

So, who
EXACTLY is this Obama guy and what is he trying to sell us?!
Local NATO hosts red-faced over ‘Red Zone’ militarization plan. BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/ April 26, 2012 2:38PM Updated: April 30, 2012 12:45PM

The head of Chicago’s NATO Host Committee said Thursday she was blindsided by the federal government’s decision to create a militarized “Red Zone” in the Loop to protect federal buildings in the run-up to the May 20-21 summit at McCormick Place.
The image of federal agents on downtown streets far from McCormick Place — in battle gear, weapons slung — three weeks before the summit is certain to have a chilling effect on those who live and work in the Loop. It also calls into question Host Committee Executive Director Lori Healey’s oft-repeated message that Chicago will remain “open for business” during the summit.

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