Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Estos le escriben al UFO en el tele-pronter lo que tiene que decir

“En mi opinión” IN GOD WE TRUST por Lázaro R González Miño
Mayo 8 del 2012  “El gobierno es el problema”.  Ronald Reagan.

Ante mi insistente pregunta de mi artículo de ayer: Mayo 7, 2012 “EN MI OPINION”

¿Quiénes están detrás de este hombre?
Recibí la siguiente respuesta de “Patria News” y con mucho gusto la publico; pero rectificando, estos no están detrás del UFO, mas bien estos están delante de él,  bajo las ordenes de el yo no quiero a los que el UFO les da ordenes, sino a LOS QUE LE DAN LAS ORDENES A BARRY SOETORO. Pero agradezco muchísimo esta respuesta. Pero ya tenemos otra al final de esta que si incluye apellidos como SOROS, Rockefeller, Rosthschild, Morgan, Warburg, Lazard, Moses, Kulm, Loeb, Lehman, Goldman, etc.
Estos, dicen las malas lenguas son los que le escriben al UFO en el tele-pronter que es lo que tiene que decir y que por eso si no tiene Tele-pronter balbucea, se equivoca, tartamudea y lo que habla es “Cacafuaca de Mamut al sol”.


¿Es seria esta pregunta?

Los intereses que se benefician de este hombre son los que están detrás de este hombre... la Banca, Wall Street, la industria armamentista y los jefes de cierta religión (la de su jefe de despacho y la gran mayoría de los que lo rodean)... Ciertamente, los negros de este país NO son los que rodean al presidente Barak Obama, ni tienen los millones de dolares con qué apoyarlo.

Esperaré TU respuesta... [patrianews@aol.com(patrianews@aol.com]
Mi respuesta es que estoy completamente de acuerdo con lo que dices. LRGM.

Here’s a small list of all the "illegal Mexicans" responsible for helping President Barak Obama finish the bankrupting America begun by President George W. Bush….

*** Jacob "Jack" J. Lew (born August 29, 1955) is the 25th and current White House Chief of Staff. He is a Jewish-American. Previously, he was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1998 to 2001 and from 2010 to 2012.

*** James B. "Jim" Steinberg (born 1953) is a Jewish-American academic and political advisor, currently the 16th United States Deputy Secretary of State.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Steinberg, along with Daniel Kurtzer and Dennis Ross, were among the principal authors of Barack Obama’s address on the Middle East to AIPAC in June 2008, which was viewed as the Democratic nominee’s most expansive on international affairs.

*** Jeffrey D. Feltman (born c. 1959) is a Jewish-American diplomat, currently the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

In a speech following the Israeli operation in Lebanon in 2006, the Secretary-General of Hizbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, dubbed Fouad Siniora's government in Lebanon as "Feltman's Government". Nasrallah's label stressed what Hizbullah sees as Feltman's deep influence on the Lebanese government's decisions. The title of "Feltman's Government" has since been widely used among several opposition parties in Lebanon whenever referring to Siniora's government.

*** Julius Genachowski (born August 19, 1962) is a Jewish-American lawyer and businessman. He became Federal Communications Commission Chairman on June 29, 2009.

*** Gary Gensler is the Jewish-American chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission under President Barack Obama. Gensler was Undersecretary of the Treasury (1999-2001) and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (1997-1999) in the United States. Barack Obama selected him to lead the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which has jurisdiction over $5 trillion in trades.

*** Mary L. Schapiro (born 1955) is the Jewish-American 29th chairperson of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). She was designated as the intended nominee by then-President-elect Barack Obama on December 18, 2008, and formally nominated upon Obama's inauguration into office on January 20, 2009. She is the first woman to chair the SEC.[4] Schapiro has been the subject of controversy.]
In 2009, Forbes ranked her the 56th most powerful woman in the world. In 2009, under the direction of Schapiro, the SEC attempted to settle a case with Bank of America regarding the disclosure of bonuses paid to Merrill Lynch executives just before their take over by Bank of America. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff threw out the proposed $33 million dollar settlement saying it "does not comport with the most elementary notions of justice and morality".

*** Ben Shalom Bernanke[1] (pronounced /bərˈnæŋki/ bər-NAN-kee;[2] born December 13, 1953) is a Jewish-American economist, and the current Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. Previously, he served as Fed Governor and Chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers.

*** Lawrence Henry Summers (born November 30, 1954) is a Jewish-American economist and as of 2010, Director of the White House National Economic Council for President Barack Obama.[2] Summers has also been criticized for the economic policies he advocated as Treasury Secretary and in later writings.[3] In 2009, he was tapped by President Obama to be the director of the White House National Economic Council.[2][4] Since returning to government in the Obama administration, he has come under fire for his numerous financial ties to Wall Street.

*** Rahm Israel Emanuel[1] (pronounced /ˈrɑːm/; born November 29, 1959) is a Jewish-American politician and former White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama. He served as senior advisor to President Clinton at the White House from 1993 to 1998 and as a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Illinois's 5th congressional district, from 2003 until his resignation in 2009 to take up his position in the Obama Administration.
Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois to Jewish parents.[4] His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in British-controlled Palestine. His mother, Marsha Smulevitz, is the daughter of a Chicago union organizer.[1] She worked in the civil rights movement and owned, briefly, a local rock and roll club.[6] She is now a psychiatric social worker.

*** Lloyd Craig Blankfein (born September 20, 1954) is the Jewish-American Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the investment bank Goldman Sachs. He took the position after the May 31, 2006 nomination of former CEO Hank Paulson as Secretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush.

*** Gary D. Cohn is the Jewish-American President and COO of investment banking and securities firm Goldman Sachs. The Hillel Jewish Student Society building at Kent State University was named the Cohn Jewish Student Center in recognition of a gift from Gary and Lisa Cohn.

*** Robert H. Benmosche (born May 29, 1944) is the Jewish-American chief executive officer of American International Group. In mid-2009, Benmosche was appointed CEO of American International Group. He assumed that role on August 10 of that year.[5] During his first meeting with employees, Benmosche stated that Congress was composed of "crazies," that he would not cooperate if asked to testify before Congress, and that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who had investigated AIG, "doesn't deserve to be in government." He later asked for a personal private jet and said that he might quit over government-imposed pay restrictions.

*** Richard Severin "Dick" Fuld, Jr. (born April 26, 1946) is a Jewish-American banker and executive best known as the final Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lehman Brothers. Fuld had held this position since the firm's 1994 spinoff from American Express until 2008. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11[3] on September 15, 2008, and subsequently announced a sale of major operations to parties including Barclays Bank and Nomura Securities.
Fuld was nicknamed the "Gorilla" on Wall Street for his competitiveness. On November 10, 2008 Fuld transferred his Florida mansion to his wife Kathleen for $100 in order to protect the house from potential legal actions against him. They had bought it only 4 years earlier for $13.56 million.

ESTA ES LA RESPUESTA de un destacado investigador cibernético (Que desea permanecer anónimo.) y que se acerca muchísimo más a los verdaderos personajes detrás de Barry Soetoro:

Barack Obama (D) Top Contributors

This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Because of contribution limits, organizations that bundle together many individual contributions are often among the top donors to presidential candidates. These contributions can come from the organization's members or employees (and their families). The organization may support one candidate, or hedge its bets by supporting multiple candidates. Groups with national networks of donors - like EMILY's List and Club for Growth - make for particularly big bundlers.

University of California
Harvard University
Google Inc
Sidley Austin LLP
Stanford University
National Amusements Inc
WilmerHale LLP
Columbia University
IBM Corp
US Government
Latham & Watkins

Percent of Contributions Coded Description: How to read this chart

Description: legend
Description: legend


Cosa curiosa muchísimos empleados de los que están en la lista de arriba son ahora empleados directos de UFO como Ministros de Obama y sus Czares…
Por ejemplo Ben Shalon Bernaky ex empleado y hombre de confianza de Golman Sachs.
Y esta es la lista oficial de los contribuidores, la oficial.
La no oficial no la encontrado por ninguna parte…
¿Habra alguna lista no publicada?
¿Donde estará?
Nota inocente:
¿Encuentran en esta lista a personas y bancos que se beneficiaron del “Bail Out” de Barry Soetoro?
Seria bueno tener también una lista hasta donde estas personas y organizaciones recibieron dinero de regreso del gobierno de Barry dinero después de ser electo en el 2008.

Gracias Fernand… ¡O  es o no se es! Y yo soy…LRGM

Western Center for Journalism “Si lo mato yo soy el héroe” pero si la misión resulta un fracaso el culpable del desastre es el General Michael Mukasey.  Así mas o menos me imagino que tiene que decir el memorándum que preparo Barry Soetoro cuando se decidió que los “Navy Seals” fueran a coger “vivo o muerto” Osama Bin Laden en Afganistán hace unas semanas atrás.

Official: Obama Admin Drafted Memo to Blame Military If Bin Laden Mission Failedhttp:  http://www.westernjournalism.com/official-obama-admin-drafted-memo-to-blame-military-if-bin-laden-mission-failed/

Oficial: El gobierno de Obama Redacción de notas tiene la culpa si la misión militar de Bin Laden
El ex fiscal general Michael Mukasey dijo a Sean Hannity de esta noche que Obama redactó un memorándum para protegerse de culpas si la misión de matar o capturar a Osama Bin Laden hubiera  fracasado. De esta manera Obama podría culpar a la general Mukasey, en lugar de tomar la culpa a sí mismo. Mukasey escribió sobre esto esta semana en The Wall Street Journal.
"Esa fue una nota del tipo “Si gano fui yo y si pierden fueron ellos” (diseñado para proteger al presidente políticamente) Creo que esto se hincha; va a ser más que eso va a ser a borbotones de mierda corriendo por los pasillo de la “White House” sobre esa aventura, pero hasta ahora esa nota es suficiente." Como siempre la prensa “amarilla tirando a orine” no habla de nada que le moleste a Barry Soetoro.

NB: [Chico la habrán comprado o serán novios]
Aquí hay más en esto es el ex fiscal general de Estados Unidos, quien presidió una serie de ensayos propios terroristas de alto perfil como un juez federal, Michael Mukasey.
¿Cómo estás? Me alegro de verte, señor. Gracias por estar con nosotros. He leído su pieza entera. Lo tengo delante de mí. En primer lugar, lo que me ha molestado que no se ha hablado mucho en los medios de comunicación es que el presidente había preparado un retroceso oficial, por si acaso, si simplemente no funciona. Tenía una CYA.
Michael Mukasey, ex fiscal general: Ese memorándum fue significativa.
HANNITY: Explique esto.
Mukasey: No había una nota de Leon Panetta, que describía la autoridad que se le dio a McCraven y era proceder de acuerdo a los riesgos, sólo en función de los riesgos que habían sido de esquema para el presidente.
Y si se encontró con otra cosa, tenía que comprobar de nuevo. Ya lo creo, si todo lo demás se habían encontrado y la misión había fracasado, entonces la culpa habría caen McCraven propia. Eso es lo que está a punto.
HANNITY: En otras palabras, aquí, el presidente ahora es un héroe, porque según la asquerosa prensa el dirigio todas las operaciones desde en hinodoro del salón de mandos de la “Wite House” pero como ahora, todo salió bien en este caso. Pero se había puesto en marcha un CYA que si salía mal, McCraven habría sido el chivo expiatorio.


Western Center for Journalism Meanwhile, here’s The Chart That Will Get Obama Fired… Mitt Romney has been going on about how we should be creating 500,000 jobs a month, so earlier we published a look at the number of jobs created per month in the good old days–the Bush Adminstration. The bottom line?
On average, there were 20,000 jobs per month created in the 8 years of the Bush Administration. There were no months in which even 400,000 jobs were created, let alone 500,000. So Romney’s blowing hot air. But he’s blowing it in the right place. http://www.westernjournalism.com/meanwhile-heres-the-chart-that-will-get-obama-fired/

Western Center for Journalism AFL-CIO President Knows More About Obama’s Second Term Agenda Than You

Speaking to the Washington Post’s Peter Wallsten, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Said He Has Conversations With President Obama And His Staff About His Potential Second Term Agenda.

WALLSTEN: “Have you had specific conversations with President Obama about what his agenda in a second term might be?”

TRUMKA: “We have, I have had conversations with the President and I have had conversations with his staff, his cabinet, about things of that sort, yeah.” (C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers,” 5/6/12)  http://www.westernjournalism.com/afl-cio-president-knows-more-about-obamas-second-term-agenda-than-you/


·         Esto esta de apaga y vamonos...! 12:35 AM  

To Lazaro Gonzalez, ignacio
Esto esta de apaga y vamonos...!

A private investigator has been unable to find the only eyewitness to the sudden death of media innovator and conservative activist Andrew Breitbart.



El próximo 6 de Junio comienza un “eclipse Venus/Sol” por LRGM.
Esto no es nada nuevo pues ocurre cada cierto número de años. El próximo será en el 2117 dentro de unos 105 años. Asi que si no lo puedes ver ahora olvídate que ya no lo veras “Hasta que re-encarnes…” El asunto esta en que Venus se conoce como el planeta del amor pero también es la esmeralda caída de la corona de Dios ya que Lucifer el que fue El Preferido, es el Ángel caído que se rebelo contra su creador. En un año que muchas profecías afirman que se tendremos cambios trascendentales pues debemos “portarnos bien” por si acaso. http://www.abc.es/20120507/ciencia/abci-transito-venus-comienza-cuenta-201205071307.html

·         Ricardo Samitier amigo y contribuidor de “En mi opinión”

·         Me pueden ayudar?‏ Respuestas a: r.samitier@live.com

Esta pregunta solo se la hago a los que creo me pueden ayudar a salir de una duda: Norberto Fuentes... tengo entendido que es hijo de Fernando Fuentes Cobas... quien por sus servicios a Castro incluyendo el SECUESTRO de Rafael del Pino... y  su condición de ciudadano americano LO PREMIARON dándole el negocio de viajes a Cuba... el cual después de ser condenando en Miami... Huyo a Cuba y le paso el MONOPOLIO de los viajes a su hija conocida por el nombre de VIVIAN MANNERUD,  quiero saber exactamente para estar seguro si Norberto Fuentes... es hermano o medio hermano de Vivian?

Top 10 KGB Useful Idiots Taking Down America

Yuri Bezmenov
Wed, Apr 25, 2012
Subject: Top 10 USA Communists
Hi Patriots:
We are all familiar with Saul Alinsky but not many people know what he stands for, so here I present directly from another horses mouth. The 6 means of determination are stated below: What, when, where, why, and how?
Here is Yuri Bezmenov, A former member of the KGB of the Communist Government in Moscow, Russia, who was a psychological handler in foreign countries, and he tells us how he did this. He defected to Canada about 25 years ago or about 1985. He tells how the Russian Government turns a country into a communist state, and they are doing these things in every country in the world. You need to watch this closely, and take notes, and watch it many times. He tells you how he did this, and how they trained people like Saul Alinsky, Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Aires, Dr, Jeremiah Wright, Professor Bell, and Barrack Obama — where they use useful idiots for their purposes, and once they take control of that country — such as the United States — they will dispose of those people and bring in their Russian Military and KGB to run things. He says that people like: Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bushes, and most members of Congress like Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitt Romney, and many others will be disposed of:
As you watch these You Tube Videos, see if you can identify any of the measures he mentions that are being already used in the United States. I went looking for something else, and stumbled upon these by Yuri Bezmenov.
Here is the six stages of overtaking a country:
1. Infiltration
2. Re-education
3. Demoralization
4. Destabilization
5. Create and Use Crisis
6. Normalization of Communist System
In Bezmenov's own words: The following narrative does not follow the exact order of the 6 items above!
The Russian Objective: We do not go to war if we can help it, instead we manipulate the situation in any country by our infiltrated agent provocateurs who work to destabilize the conditions, so that we can manipulate the situation to our favor and where we can force the country unknowingly to accept communism, and if push comes to shove, we will force the population into unwitting acceptance by very sophisticated methods, including use of race, religion, the economy, and other means to create the climate that the population is at odds with each other, and in rare cases, if we view someone as a threat to our goals, we eliminate them by forced violence — murder.
Our Motto: "Is basically what the Great American General Patton said": I quote:
"Let the other son-of-a-biscuit eater die for his country, while we live on"!
We do this everywhere, and are doing this in every country in the World. This is why we act only as military advisers and do not send our Army unless it becomes absolutely necessary!
Infiltration is the First Important Step to take over any or all Country's!
Yuri Bezmenov's own words as follows: We use many methods including Bribery, Set-ups, entrapment, extortion, creation of mob violence, etc. in the infiltration, re-education, demoralization, destabilization, or use of crisis Use your imagination but we used them all! We especially take advantage of useful idiots like Saul Alinsky for our purposes, but when it is all over — which takes about 25 years to deceive a nation — we dispose of these useful idiots. We never use long term in the government — leftists — but instead only use those who we can re-educate! The leftists are again — as we call them — useful idiots!
Video #A: Deception Was My Job! This is a Summary Video called Deception:, therefore go to You Tube and type in Yuri Bezmenov, and watch the other 8.
This kind of Deception is like Barrack Obama as President, they used Deception to get him elected, and the Deception Continues by getting people like Romney to run against him and they control both sides of the debate, as proven by the video I sent you as a comparative video between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney!
Video #1 – 9: Deception Was My Mob: These 9 video's are in addition to the one above and are more complete to the Summary Video above called Video #A:
Additional Informational Videos"
Video #10: Yuri Bezmenov's name became Tomas Schuman when he defected to Canada!
Video #11: Demoralization of America (Again go to You Tube and watch additional videos)
Video #12: Psychological Warfare Techniques (Note; This is just one of many of these on psychological</DIV> <DIV>techniques, so go to You Tube and Type in the following: Yuri Bezmenov – Psychological Techniques and watch as many as you can!)
Psychological Warfare Techniques (Note; This is just one of many of these on psychological
techniques, so go to You Tube and Type in the following: Yuri Bezmenov - Psychological Warfare Techniques and watch as many as you can!)
Video #13: Demoralization of America
Demoralization Techniques (Note; This is just one of many of these on psychological
techniques, so go to You Tube and Type in the following: Yuri Bezmenov – Psychological Techniques and watch as many as you can!)
Demoralization Means has three meanings or three primary directions:
1. Demoralize the population so they have no morals anylonger, where they riot and kill each other, which makes it easier to move in with the military to restore order and take them over!
2. Demoralize the population so they feel they have no hope of winning and therefore just give up!
Video #15: How To Brain Wash A Nation:
Brain Washing Techniques (Note; This is just one of many of these on psychological
techniques, so go to You Tube and Type in the following: Yuri Bezmenov – Brain Washing Techniques and watch as many as you can!)
Included above is a multi-step integration of the six phases described at the top, but number 2 — re-education
– is essential to the other six steps. Re-education includes techniquest where the population is so occupied on other issues, that they do not have time to pay attention to what is going on! Getting people occupied by watching television, listening to music, sports, movies, idiolizing celebrities, and other distracting behavior is absolutely essential for the communists to re-educate the public of any country. Another method is by slowly destabilizing the economy is important so that the people have to work harder and harder to make a living helps keep them occupied while we re-educate their children into being communists! Keep the population's attention diverted away from the truth parts of the economy, and issues, by use of a controlled media, journalists, publications, books, and other techniques! Control of the labor force is essential by use of labor unions in order to control and re-educate the work force!
I have not been able to state every thing (as in a transcript) in the exact order, but is instead paraphrased summary of what I could record, in order to make everyone aware of his revelations. I suggest everyone also read Saul Alinsky's book: "Rules For Radicals"!
The more you know, and can spread these words around, the better chance we have to stop this. Like I have advocated before, print this email out multiple times and put a copy on other peoples doors, and then have a block party, and invite you neighbors, work colleagues, church members, friends, and even newly met potential friends and play this email with all its different videos, and then discuss them, including all the different ramifications of it. The more your neighbors, friends, work colleagues, fellow church members know, the better off we will all be by stopping this progression down the road to communism and tryanny! As Yuri Bezmenov says if it takes 20 to 25 years to get to this stage, it will also take that long to turn it around with out open armed conflict, where we shoot all the Traitors!
This email took me a long time to find, to watch each video, and write this summary! Therefore, please do not dismiss it as unimportant or too long. I suggest if you do not watch everything you can on this, then you have already been re-educated, and you may as well forget trying to change anything. It took me twice as much time to research, watch the videos, and write this email, as it will for you to watch everything in its entirety! If someone had spent that much time because he cared about me that much, I would not dismiss it as unimportant or too long, quite so quickly! I would thank them for caring about me and America so much!
Yuri Bezmenov had to hide out for about 15 years, because the Russians had hit men out looking for him, but he found out a few years, the Russian Government is no longer interested in killing him!
Note: If some of the Video's do not ;load, go to You Tube and find that email, due to having trouble with my spell check, a few of the Video's may have been slightly changed. I have no way of checking them now, because this has already taken me an immense amount of time!
I am still trying to arrange a venue (like a theatre) where I can show multiple things to larger audiences to we can educate more people! I hope to do this soon!
Your Internet Paul Revere,
Dan Fairchild

Otro del grupo de “Los Jinetes del UFO”

Obama Backers Tied to Lobbies

Sally Susman. An executive at the drug-maker Pfizer, she has raised more than $500,000 for the president’s re-election and helped organize a $35,800-a-ticket dinner that Mr. Obama attended in Manhattan in June. At the same time, she leads Pfizer’s powerful lobbying shop, and she has visited the White House four times since 2009 — twice on export issues.  But under the byzantine rules that govern federal lobbying, Ms. Susman has not registered with the Senate as a lobbyist.

David L. Cohen, who oversees lobbying at the Comcast Corporation and is also a member of Mr. Obama’s exclusive $500,000 bundling club. At a June fund-raiser in the backyard of his Philadelphia home, Mr. Cohen hosted the president and some 120 guests who paid at least $10,000 each to attend; Mr. Obama called Mr. Cohen and his wife “great friends.”
The Obama campaign, which raised nearly $43 million last quarter, would not specifically discuss its fund-raisers who work in lobbying. Most of the bundlers themselves also declined to comment, referring questions to the campaign.

Through interviews and public records, The New York Times identified at least 15 major fund-raisers for the Obama campaign who have been involved in different aspects of the lobbying and influence industry, representing a range of corporate interests from telecommunications and high-tech software to Wall Street finance, international commerce and pharmaceuticals.

While none of the bundlers is currently registered as a federal lobbyist, at least four of them have been in the past. And a number of the bundlers work for prominent lobbying and law firms, including Greenberg Traurig and Blank Rome.

Although Mr. Obama has helped make lobbying something of a dirty word in Washington — most firms refer to it by the euphemism of “government affairs” — that has not stopped a number of his fund-raisers from advertising their access to power brokers as they seek out clients.

Alex Heckler, for instance, runs a Florida consulting firm he founded, LSN Partners, which boasts of its ability to “win results for our clients” at the national, state and local levels and to tap into “a strong national network of lobbying firms” through its contacts with “key decision makers.”

Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, has already brought in at least $200,000 for the Obama campaign, records show. (The campaign uses only broad dollar ranges for the money raised by its bundlers, and it declined to provide more precise data.)

Likewise, Andy Spahn, owner of a government relations company in Los Angeles, tells visitors to his Web site about its “extensive relationships in Washington, D.C.,” and elsewhere in advocating for “high net-worth individuals,” corporations, nonprofit groups and others.

Mr. Spahn, who made his name doing lobbying work for DreamWorks film studio and was appointed by Mr. Obama to a presidential committee on the arts, has raised at least $500,000 for the president’s re-election.

And Michael Kempner, who has also brought in at least $500,000 for the campaign, runs a team of Washington lobbyists at his New Jersey firm, MWW Group, who, according to its promotional material, use their “important relationships with both the Democratic and Republican leadership” to wield influence for their private sector clients.

Seven of the lobbyists he employs are registered in Washington, but Mr. Kempner, the chief executive at the firm, is not.
The Obama campaign declined requests to discuss specific fund-raisers and their ties to lobbying work.

Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman, stressed in a statement that “the president has fought to limit the outsized influence that lobbyists have over the policy making process, passing laws that promote reform and disclosure and establishing rules ensuring that industry lobbyists can’t come into the government to oversee the industry for which they used to work.”

He said that while Republican candidates were actively raising money from special interest groups, Mr. Obama “drew a bright line” by rejecting contributions both from political action committees and from “Washington lobbyists whose job it is to influence federal policymakers.”

The disconnect between Mr. Obama’s public stance on lobbyists and his use of fund-raisers who are active in the lobbying industry rests in part on the ambiguity in the law over who must register as a federal lobbyist.

Under the Lobbying Disclosure Act, the complicated rules define lobbying in part as “active” or “direct” contacts meant to influence a public official, but they exclude “routine” contacts meant to simply gather information. The rules also take into account a variety of specific criteria, including how much time is spent advocating for a particular client, how much is paid, and which government officials are contacted.

Mr. Obama has run into political problems before over the question of who should be considered a lobbyist under his ethics restrictions.

Just weeks after the inauguration, in fact, Mr. Obama’s first pick as Health and Human Services secretary — former Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota — came under attack for acting as a highly paid “strategic adviser” to clients looking to influence government policy but failing to register as a lobbyist. (His nomination was ultimately withdrawn.)

More controversy came last year over the White House’s informal contacts with lobbyists. The administration drew criticism over reports that White House officials were routinely sitting down with registered lobbyists at off-site locales, like a nearby Caribou Coffee shop, for meetings that would not show up on official White House visitor logs.

Some Washington lobbyists suggest that the Obama administration’s tough public stance against lobbyists has served only to discourage those active in the lobbying industry from registering as lobbyists in the Senate.

“What all this rhetoric does is to drive lobbying even further into the shadows,” said a Democratic lobbyist who works frequently with the administration but spoke on the condition of anonymity.

“Obama will not take money from registered lobbyists like me,” the lobbyist said with some bitterness, “but that doesn’t mean that he won’t take money from people who are lobbying. There’s a big difference.”

·         Los "PEDOFILOS" COMUNISTAS DE Georgetown HONRAN a la Sebelius‏

7:47 AM  Ricardo Samitier.  To r.samitier@live.com
Es otra prueba más de que la destrucción de la Iglesia Católica
La “Católica” Universidad de Georgetown, anunció el viernes que ha seleccionado, Kathleen Sebelius, como portavoz del comienzo de su Política Pública de la ceremonia de graduación del Instituto programada para el 18 de mayo.

Georgetown: Esta dividiendo a la Iglesia!

Sí, eso, Kathleen Sebelius, - el actual secretario del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos nombrada por Obama y es la cara del nuevo
mandato delHHS obligando a todos los empleadores, incluyendo hospitales y escuelas católicas, para brindar cobertura gratuita para control de la natalidad, la esterilización y el aborto que induce-drogas.

EE.UU. revista católica con razón, pidió hoy: "¿Estaban tratando de conseguir el altavoz más polémico posible?"

La decisión de Georgetown en honor a Sebelius, es un
Insulto  Gigantesco Público A los Obispos que se opusieron a la orden de Obama, y todos los que rezan y trabajan para detener este asalto sin precedentes a nuestra libertad religiosa.

Es por eso que lanzamos CatholicsForUnity.com movilizar a los católicos de todo el país para instar a los líderes de Georgetown a reconsiderar este acto escandaloso de la división.
Catholic Georgetown University announced late Friday that they have selected Kathleen Sebelius as the commencement speaker for their Public Policy Institute graduation awards 6ceremony scheduled for May 18.

Tell Georgetown: Stop dividing the Church!

Yes, that Kathleen Sebelius -- the current Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and the face of the new HHS mandate forcing all employers, including Catholic hospitals and schools, to provide free coverage for birth control, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.

U.S. Catholic magazine rightly asked today: "Were they trying to get the most controversial speaker possible?"

Georgetown's decision to honor Sebelius is a giant public insult of our Bishops, and all those praying and working to stop this unprecedented assault on our religious liberty.

That's why we launched
CatholicsForUnity.com to mobilize Catholics across America to urge Georgetown leaders to reconsider this scandalous act of division.

Our Open Letter states:
...your decision is fundamentally an act of disunity, and represents an insult to the ongoing efforts of our Bishops and faithful believers in America who prayerfully seek a resolution to this conflict."
Sign our Open Letter to Georgetown President and to the Public Policy Institute Dean now!

Remember this is the same Kathleen Sebelius who last year lashed out at those who oppose the mandate saying: "We are at war." She said those notorious words at a fundraiser for NARAL, the strident pro-abortion lobbying group.
Hamas Wants Obama to Win   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25NiwvPNanM
The governor of South Carolina, Niki Haley, has let it be known that she wants Obama to win another term as president.
Tuesday night saw a who’s who in the fashion industry as fashionistas and socialites gathered at NY’s Meatpacking district at the Theory store to lend a hand to Anna Wintour‘s overtures towards getting Barack Obama re-elected for the ‘Runway to win,’ campaign. To date VOGUE‘s editor in chief is considered one of the top ” Obama Money Bundlers”. There to co host with the editrix was lovely civilian dater Scarlett Johansson. North Korea Obviously Wants Obama To Win the 2012 Election.

Obama Liar in Chief – Barry Soetoro Admits He Was Born in Kenya

Tue, Feb 21, 2012
Subject: Obama Admits He Was Born in Kenya
Watch It Before It's Removed…. Obama Admits He's Not An American Citizen
Obama Admits NOT being Born in Hawaii!!
He made this statement before he learned that he had to be a natural born citizen in this country to be a candidate for the presidency.
We are not as crazy as the press would want us to be.
Circulate this before it is pulled from the internet.
If you just watch the first 30 seconds your mouth will drop open.
Obama admits he is not a citizen
Watch it before it’s pulled!

NO EXXON-MOBIL. No permitas que te abusen.
“Salmo 109” 7- Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8- Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
“Por un mejor Miami”
Lázaro R González Miño
Porque tuyo es el Reino, El Poder y la Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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