Thursday, May 31, 2012

En el vino hay sabiduría, en la cerveza hay libertad, y en el agua hay bacterias… Benjamín Franklin

FOXNEWS.COM Federal court rules Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, saying it denies federal benefits to married gay couples. The law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. 

Condoleezza Rice to Endorse Mitt Romney in California Tonight. Read more on Condoleezza Rice to Endorse Mitt Romney in California Tonight
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

 Esta es una exhibición “on line” sobre Celia Cruz y su candidatura a formar parte del “Smisonian Museun”: ¡Azúcar! The Life and Music of Celia Cruz.

Rumsfeld to Newsmax: Military, Not Presidents, Should Engage in Targeted Kills

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld tells Newsmax that the targeted killing of terrorist targets chosen by the president “is not a particularly good idea.”
“I think the use of drones is a good thing. They have added a dimension of capability to the United States that other nations don’t have. They also have the advantage of putting fewer American lives at risk.
“But we have a president of the United States who sits in the Oval Office and is targeting individuals in other countries to be killed. During the Vietnam War, Lyndon Johnson did some targeting. I’ve never believed that having the president of the United States engaged in specific targeting is a particularly good idea. They’re not trained for it.
“They need to establish policy and then allow the responsible military officials or CIA officials to actually undertake the decision-making on specific targets.”
Rumsfeld to Newsmax: Military, Not Presidents, Should Engage in Targeted Kills. obama/2012/05/30/id/440670?s=al&promo_code=F0F9-1

Polish Prime Minister demands Obama address Nazi gaffe [Metió la pata Obama otra vez]
As usual, this president EMBARRASSES Americans and the USA . . . By Olivier Knox
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk angrily demanded Wednesday that President Barack Obama explain his reference to "a Polish death camp" during a high-profile White House ceremony a day earlier, saying the remark smacked of "ignorance, lack of knowledge, bad intentions" and amounted to "a distortion of history."
"When someone says 'Polish death camps,' it is as if there were no Nazis, no German responsibility, as if there was no Hitler - that is why our Polish sensitivity in these situations is so much more than just simply a feeling of national pride," the prime minister said.
·         And to add to embarrassment: click on this link and watch a video (spoken in French- but with letters in English) You must do this: unbelievable!
·         Dr. who helped us catch bin Laden: tortured by Pakistan leftists, sentenced to 30 years in prison, thrown under the bus by this president who could easily leverage the $2-Biliion dollars we sent to Pakistan each year in exchange for the doctor’s release . . . what is the message to anyone or any country who would be on our side? AMERICANS WILL NEVER BAK YOU UP!
·         Navy Seals: the president is quick to take credit for their work in killing Bin, but also quick in allowing Court Martial to 3 seals because they gave a bloody lip to a terrorist who killed 4 Americans and hung them from a bridge. NAUSEATING!
·         Message to the world: he has the guts to tell the world to follow his economic plan, even though it is rapidly leading us to the precipice.
·         The Ninth Circuit Court: This Liberal and leftist gang are traveling to Hawaii for a full week vacation full of perks,(golf, beaches, food, entertainment) alleging they cannot do it in the continental U.S. because they need the SUNNY WEATHER to discuss business?????
All on taxpayers’ money - Bastards!

“On Today's Program”     Obama nominates socialist for Medal of Freedom award
Dolores Huerta is not shy about her socialist beliefs. She’s heaped public praise on the work Hugo Chavez is doing in socializing Venezuela and wondered why America isn’t following the same path (we aren’t?). She said “Republicans hate Latinos” and doesn’t have a problem with illegal immigration.

The Great Betrayal of 2012‏:

Planned Parenthood TV Endorsement of Obama with taxpayers' money

It is my understanding, that taxpayers give Planned Parenthood $500 million a year. Why are they allowed to pay for a TV commercial endorsing Obama and abortion?

Esta es una cooperación científica de Magie Sánchez, espero que les sea instructiva:  A mis amigos que disfrutan de un vaso de vino o de cerveza... Y a los que no lo hacen y son siempre vistos con una botella de agua en sus manos...
Lo dijo Benjamin Franklin: En el vino hay sabiduría, en la cerveza hay libertad, y en el agua hay bacterias.
Sin embargo, NO CORREMOS ESE RIESGO (el de las bacterias) cuando tomamos vino y/o cerveza (o tequila, ron, whisky u otro licor) Ya que el alcohol tiene que pasar por procesos de purificación ebullición, filtrado y/o fermentación.
Se sabe que en un número de ensayos cuidadosamente controlados, los científicos han demostrado, que si tomamos un litro de agua cada día, al cabo de un año habremos absorbido más de  un kilo de Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) bacteria encontrada en las heces fecales.
En otras palabras, estaremos consumiendo 1 kilo de caca (o mas) anualmente.
Por lo tanto (digo yo) es mejor tomar vino y hablar mucha mierda, Que tomar agua y estar, realmente, lleno de mierda.

NO EXXON-MOBIL. No permitas que te abusen.
“Salmo 109” 7- Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8- Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
“Por un mejor Miami”
Lázaro R González Miño      
Porque tuyo es el Reino, El Poder y la Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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