No 918 “En mi
Abril 3, 2015
González Miño EDITOR
AMENPER: Limpiando la Casa antes de Mudarse…
Posiblemente durante su vida
ustedes se han mudado de una casa a otra.
Si ustedes son unas personas
responsables, posiblemente hayan limpiado bien la casa que dejan para que
los que vienen a vivirla después que ustedes la encuentren limpia.
Esto nos explica la conducta
de Obama últimamente, quiere antes de dejar la Casa Blanca, y
dejar la nación completamente limpia de esa inconveniente cosa sucia que
se llama libertad, dejarla completamente limpia de libertades para
el que venga atrás.
Los Obamas están limpiando
casa, lo están limpiando todo, libertad religiosa. derechos de propiedad
privada. Libertad de asociación. Libertad de expresión.
Es difícil de limpiar toda la
suciedad de la libertad. ¿No han oído sobre Indiana y Arkansas
últimamente? La libertad de religión es un desastre! Está
costando mucho trabajo limpiarla.
¿Cómo se supone que nadie
quiera vivir libertad cuando todo lo que trae la
libertad es un desastre?
A limpiarla, la libertad necesita una buena limpieza. Usted
se merece tener alguien que le diga todo lo que tiene que hacer, un
gobierno paternalista que le quite esa libertad complicada y sucia para
que no tenga que preocuparse por ninguna responsabilidad.
Los Obamas están haciendo una
limpieza completa están trabajando duramente para dejar al país limpio de
la libertad.
Michelle y Barry nos van a
dejar una nueva sociedad limpia.-
Revealed: These Two Huge Votes May Have Motivated
Obama Admin To Target Dem Senator
Two votes of great significance to Obama's political agenda and
his legacy…
Powerful New
Jersey Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez was indicted on Wednesday on eight
counts of bribery as well as conspiracy following a lengthy federal
investigation into the alleged trading of political favors for gifts from
a wealthy supporter.
It was a rare and
extraordinary move by the Obama Justice Department, as The
New York Times notes,
“the first federal bribery charges against a sitting senator in a
The 61-year-old
lawmaker has angrily denied the charges and vowed to fight them.
While the federal
investigation into Menendez and his dealings with a political benefactor
has been well known through the years it’s been going on, the indictment
and its potential consequences for the senator’s political future, as
well as possible imprisonment, have some wondering about the timing of
the DOJ’s move against Menendez.
What’s reported by
Politico and by The Hill provide interesting context for considering,
“why now?”
Immediately after
the announcement of the Menendez indictment on Wednesday, Politico reported that the New Jersey
Democrat had made up his mind about voting to confirm President Obama’s
pick to be the next U.S. attorney general.
In fact. the Politico piece notes in it’s opening
sentence, “Loretta Lynch’s confirmation for attorney general may have
been saved.”
Only last week —
before the DOJ leveled the very serious charges against Menendez — the
senator had indicated he was undecided on Lynch’s confirmation as the
first black woman to become the nation’s top law enforcement officer.
Menendez’s support
was critical because with his vote, combined with the rest of the Senate
Democratic Caucus and the four declared Republican backers, put the
number of votes for Lynch right at 50.
That means Lynch,
currently the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, would
be confirmed — provided that Vice President Joe Biden broke a tie.
Add to the sudden
Menendez decision to support Loretta Lynch for the top job at Justice,
the fact that his indictment means Congress’s chances of passing Iran
legislation are now in doubt — legislation that President Obama doesn’t
want to land on his desk.
Hill reports on
the critical consequence of the decision by Sen. Menendez to step aside
as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:
The Foreign
Relations Committee is set to vote April 14 on the bill [Menendez]
co-authored with [Sen. Bob] Corker calling for Senate review of an Iran
[nuclear] deal.
If Menendez is out
of the picture long-term, it could sap Democratic support for legislation
that the White House has already threatened to veto.
The article in The
Hill points out that the next most senior Democrat on the committee after
Menendez is Sen. Barbara Boxer, “an ally of President Obama who opposes
passing any Iran legislation before the final June 30 deadline in the
AMEPER: Senadora
demócrata de Indiana Vanessa Summers acusa a un
niño de 18 meses de racismo
La Senadora Vanessa Summers de
Indiana, acusó recientemente al hijo de 18 meses de su colega de tener
miedo de ella por el color de su piel. “Cuando lo fui a cargar
comenzó a llorar por el color de mi piel”.
¡Por favor los bebés no nacen
racistas, mujer! Sin embargo nacen con un deseo innato de libertad... y
al parecer este niño tenía la capacidad de oler tiranía socialista, y
esto fue lo que lo hizo llorar.
O Vanesa, quizás
padezcas de Halitosis (mal aliento) y tienes que usar enjuague bucal, o
debes ducharte más a menudo y usar desodorante, hay pestes a grajo que
dan deseo de llorar hasta a los mayores.
Pero oyéndola en el video yo
también tengo deseos de llorar por su estúpida actitud más que por el
olor o el color de su piel, hay que reconocer que el niño tiene una
intuición prematura de la realidad.
A lo mejor no tenía miedo del
color de su piel, tenía miedo que se lo fuera a comer.
Pero es posible que Vanessa le
haya hecho un favor, si un niño nace racista, y no lo puede
evitar, entonces tiene que ser una discapacidad. ¡Sí! ¡No
tiene que trabajar más nunca en su vida!, ha hecho una carrera, puede
vivir de un cheque del gobierno por ¡discapacidad!!!! ¡Gracias señora!
Me temo que el calibre de
personas inteligentes que ahora tenemos de representantes ha tocado
fondo...nos esperan días oscuros para nuestro país. Ah... lo siento, no
debía de utilizar la palabra "oscuro"... me pueden acusar de racista.
Estamos cansados de estas
personas revolviendo una mierda que ya está seca, dejen de buscar
atención y tratar de ganarse el respeto por los méritos de sus
acciones, no por lástima.
El racismo no se enseña a los
niños. ¿De dónde viene el racismo? Déjame adivinar..¿De Obama?
Creo que Obama ha desempeñado
un papel importante en toda esta mierda de racismo. No hay más
que ver televisión por media hora sin que nos hablen de racismo, desde
personas como esta señora hasta el fiscal general y terminando con
nuestro organizador comunitario en jefe.
Ahora esa tipa nos saca la
baraja del racismo ¿En un niño pequeño de 18 meses?
Bueno, es razonable asumir que
los demócratas liberales tienen estudios de profesores universitarios
socialistas sobre el funcionamiento de la mente de los niños de 18 meses
de edad que son racistas, como también saben el Inter funcionamiento de
la mente de todos los adultos racistas que no votamos, por Obama. Quizás
esto podría venir-
Jessee Jackson puede que llame
para una protesta de perretas contra ese racista 18 meses de edad, y
contra todos los racistas que no votaron por Obama.
Tenemos que estar preparados
para cualquier cosa….."¡Manos arriba! ¡No disparen!"
Netanyahu Sends Very Blunt Message to Obama Following
Announcement of Iran Deal
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a
very blunt message to President Barack Obama Thursday following the
announcement of a tentative deal with Iran aimed at curbing the Islamic
Republic’s nuclear program.
Netanyahu told the president that the current framework
would threaten the survival of Israel, according to the prime minister’s
spokesman Mark Regev.
Marta Somarriva. EL SANDWICH
> Un
estudiante americano de visita en la Habana compró, en la tienda para
turistas, un sándwich cubano especial de lujo: Un pedazo de pan francés
de casi un pie de largo con lascas de lechón asado, jamón serrano y york,
queso suizo, mantequilla, pasta sazonada, pepinillo y rojas y grandes
rodajas de tomate .
Con su sándwich y una Coca Cola en mano, se fue a comer cerca
de las azules aguas frente al Meliá Cohíba, donde se hospedaba.
Apenas había comenzado a comer su apetitoso 'lunch' cuando ve a un jóven
cubano que pasaba por el lugar. El cubano llevaba también un sandwich, el
llamado 'pan con timba' hecho con un pedazo de pan, chiquito, con dulce
de guayaba, comprado en un timbiriche de la calle Paseo.
El joven cubano saboreaba lentamente su pan con timba para que le
El americanito le dice: 'Sabes, nosotros en Estados Unidos estamos
maravillados de la agilidad mental de ustedes los cubanos. Todos saben
jugar ajedrez, se conocen las reglas del baseball y de otros deportes,
tienen una gran memoria y conocimiento sobre los principales eventos
históricos, casi todos hablan dos o más idiomas y saben un mundo de
geografía y política internacional. Resultan increíbles en sus avances en
las ciencias, inventan vacunas sintéticas... ¿Cuál es el secreto?'
El joven cubano, mirando el sandwich le dice: '... Bueno, t e
voy a confesar nuestro secreto, pero que quede entre nosotros. ¿Ve s este
pedazo de pan que tengo aquí? Dentro tiene dulce de guayaba, de una
variedad endémica de guayaba que solo crece en Cuba . Es elaborado con
azúcar prieta de Cuba. Hace muchos años los científicos soviéticos
descubrieron que la caña que se cosecha en Cuba tiene unas moléculas con
protones radiactivos que pasan por ósmosis al azúcar prieta, los cuales
al combinarse con una sustancia activa intrínseca de los componentes de
isotrones de la guayaba que una vez que llegan al cerebro a través de la
microcirculación sanguínea producen un efecto súper energizante y
estimulan las células cerebrales de la sustancia gris, en especial en las
secciones de actividad mental y memoria inmediata, con los resultados
fabulosos que mencionaste.. Ese es nuestro secreto.'
El americano, con mucho interés, le pidió probar un pedazo del dulce.
El cubano le dijo: 'Bueno... como muestra de solidaridad y amistad por
haber venido a Cuba, rompiendo las férreas restricciones del bloqueo, voy
a hacer algo mejor por ti: Te cambio el pan con guayaba y dulce de caña
por ese 'sándwich' que te estás comiendo el cual, dicho sea de paso, está
lleno de sólidos grasos de origen animal, colesterol y triglicéridos, que
endurecen las arterias y son las causa fundamentales del infarto del
miocardio, causa primaria de muerte en la población de los Estados Unidos'.
Con un gesto precipitado el gringo le extendió su sándwich al criollo,
quien enseguida se lo intercambió por su pan con dulce. El cubano le
entró al sándwich de tal forma que en tres bocados había llegado a la
mitad del mismo. Por su parte el americano se iba comiendo lentamente el
pan con timba, porque la verdad que estaba un poco duro y el dulce algo
Al cabo de unos minutos dice el americanito: 'Tengo la impresión de que
saliste ganando con este intercambio'.
lo que el cubano le contestó: '¡¡¡ COÑOOOO - BÁRBARO, CHICO !!! Ves
? ¡Ya te están haciendo efecto en el cerebro LOS PROTONES de las
molécula de la caña de azúcar y los ISOTRONES de la guayaba.
te lo dije ? Sigue, sigue masticando...'
TERRORISTS ATTACK UNIVERSITY: ‘If You Were Christian, You Were Shot On
The Spot’
terrorists interrogated students whether they were Christian or Muslim as
they went door-to-door during this morning’s early morning massacre at a
Kenyan university, killing at least 15 people.
group raided the Garissa University campus shortly after 5am local time,
overwhelming guards and killing anyone the suspected of being a
Interior Minister Joseph Nkaissery said that only 280 of the 815 students
in the college have so far been accounted for.
Kenyan security officials said one of the
terrorists has been arrested after he tried to escape the compound.
Eye-witness Collins Wetangula, the vice
chairman of the student union, said he was preparing to take a shower
when he heard gunshots coming from Tana dorm, which hosts both men and
women, 150 meters (yards) away.
The campus has six dormitories and at least 887
students, he said.
The remaining terrorists have been cornered in
one of the four remaining dormitories according to Kenyan security
He said that when he heard the gunshots he
locked himself and three roommates in their room. ‘All I could hear were
footsteps and gunshots nobody was screaming because they thought this
would lead the gunmen to know where they are.
‘The gunmen were saying sisi ni al-Shabaab
(Swaihi for we are al-Shabaab).’
Mr Wetangula said he could hear the gunmen
interrogating fellow students hiding inside their rooms about their
He said: ‘If you were a Christian you were shot
on the spot. With each blast of the gun I thought I was going to die.’
The gunmen started to shoot rapidly and it was
as if there was an exchange of fire, he said.
‘The next thing, we saw people in military
uniform through the window of the back of our rooms who identified
themselves as the Kenyan military.’
The soldiers took him and approximately 20
others to safety.
As they were running, al-Shabaab snipers on top
of a three-storey building attempted to gun them down.
He added: ‘We started running and bullets were
whizzing past our heads and the soldiers told us to dive.’
Fellow student, Augustine Alanga, 21, described
a panicked scene as gunshots rang out outside their dormitory.
He said he saw at least five heavily-armed
terrorists wearing masks.
He said: ‘I am just now recovering from the pain
as I injured myself while trying to escape. I was running barefoot.’
He told journalists he crossed barbed-wire
fencing to escape the massacre.
Mr Alanga said any students attending morning
prayers at the university’s mosque at 5.30am were not attacked.
is understood that some of the terrorists have taken sniper positions and
have been shooting police officers trying to retake the
Dear Reader,
I’m sure you’ve seen some of these headlines
· “Currency Wars: Central Banks play a
dangerous game"
· “The Currency Wars have Begun”
· “China's Plan for Winning the Currency
But what exactly are “Currency Wars”? And how do
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Well, there’s no one in America who knows more
about this subject than government insider, Jim Rickards.
Rickards is a financial advisor, a lawyer, and
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Jim Rickards literally wrote the book—several of
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These currency wars are the most important
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Mike Palmer
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research
P.S. I was just watching Bloomberg TV this
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expert Jim Rickards, click here now.
SCREWED: Netanyahu Calls for Security Meeting After Nuclear Deal was
Reached Between Iran and US
I hope Tom Cotton was right and destroys this deal once a new president
is in office.
Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will lead talks with senior security
officials following the striking of a framework nuclear deal between Iran
and world powers.
Local media
reported that Netanyahu had called a meeting of his security cabinet,
including ministers, as well as senior officials from Israel’s security
services on Friday.
The outline
agreement aimed at curbing Iran’s nuclear drive was clinched on Thursday
after marathon talks in Switzerland, and marks a major breakthrough in a
12-year standoff between Iran and western countries, which have long
announced a concern that Tehran wants to build an atomic bomb.
Reading out a
joint statement on Thursday evening, EU foreign policy chief Federica
Mogherini said a “decisive step” has been achieved.
“This is a
crucial decision laying the agreed basis for the final text of joint
comprehensive plan of action. We can now start drafting the text and
annexes,” said Mogherini, who has acted as a coordinator for the six
powers – Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.
Iranian Foreign
Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called it a “win-win outcome”, while US
President Barack Obama hailed the deal as a moment that the US and its
allies had “reached a historic understanding with Iran”.
But Al
Jazeera’s James Bays, reporting from Lausanne where the deal was struck,
said that US diplomats still faced the challenge of convincing opposition
Republican dissenters in Congress, and its ally Israel that the deal was
Israel responds
Israel has
argued relentlessly against such a deal and Netanyahu said on Thursday
that an agreement would have to “significantly roll back Iran’s nuclear
In a phone
conversation with Obama, Netanyahu said that a final deal based on this
agreement “would threaten the survival of Israel”, while the prime
minister’s spokesperson Mark Regev quoted the premier as saying that the
emerging deal “would not block Iran’s path to the bomb. It would pave
But Obama said
that the issues at stake are “bigger than politics”.
“These are
matters of war and peace,” he said, and if the Republican
party-controlled Congress kills the agreement “international unity will
collapse, and the path to conflict will widen”.
 
family’s penchant for costly vacations. Elena Enriquez
First Family Vacations
Below is a list of First Family vacations. Judicial Watch has been at the forefront of exposing the trips and the waste of taxpayer dollars through Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits, to obtain the details, when necessary.
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Revealing Obama’s $1,176,120.90 in Transportation Expenses to Attend Political Fundraisers in Los Angeles and San Francisco
Lavish fundraiser hosted by Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow marked Obama’s 30th fundraising visit to Los Angeles County, CA.
Judicial Watch: Air Force Documents Show President Obama Ran up $1,539,402.10 in Flight Expenses Alone for Labor Day 2014 Weekend Trips
After fundraising in Westchester, New York, Obama flew home to ‘spend the night in his own bed’ before returning for a wedding, running up to $295,227.80 in additional expenses.
Obama July Political Fundraising Trips to Denver, New York City Cost Taxpayers $1,159,823.50 in Flight Expenses Alone
U.S. Department of Air Force Headquarters Air Mobility Command records detail expenditures of $1,159,823.50 by President Obama in flight costs alone for his July 2014 fundraising trips to Denver, Colorado, and New York, New York.
Judicial Watch Obtains Documents: Secret Service Tab for Obama Family 2013 Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers $2,189,727.60 for Lodging, Entertainment, and Security
The Secret Service entourage accompanying President Obama and his family during their trip to sub-Saharan Africa from June 27 to July 3, 2013, incurred $2,189,727.60 in lodging, entertainment, and security expenses.
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Revealing Obama’s 2014 Palm Springs and Key Largo Golf Outings Cost Taxpayers $2,952,278 for Flight Expenses Alone
President Obama’s February 2014 Palm Springs, California, and March 2014 Key Largo, Florida, golf outings cost the taxpayers $2,952,278 for flight expenses alone.
Records Reveal Obamas’ Ireland Trip Cost Taxpayers $7,921,638.66
President Obama’s June 2013 trip to Belfast, Ireland, including a Dublin sightseeing side trip by Michelle Obama, her daughters, and her entourage, cost the taxpayers $7,921,638.66.
JW Obtains Docs from Secret Service Regarding Security Costs for Obamas’ “Date Night” in New York City
$11,648.17 in security costs related to President Obama’s “date night” with First Lady Michelle Obama on May 30, 2009 in New York City.
Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Revealing Cost of Barack and Michelle Obama’s Failed Bid to Bring 2016 Olympics to Chicago
Expenses for the two-week trip appear to have far exceeded $467,175, in light of the fact that costs associated with the aircrafts ‒ two Boeing 747s and several Air Force cargo planes – have not been made available.
Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Revealing Obama 2013 Africa Trip and Honolulu Vacation Cost Taxpayers $15,885,585.30 for Flight Expenses Alone
The Obama family 2013-2014 vacation to Honolulu cost $210,877 per hour for travel alone; at 36.9 total hours, the cost to taxpayers for the vacation’s flight expense was $7,781,361.30
Obama, Biden Presidents’ Day Weekend Vacations Cost Taxpayers $295,437 According to Records Obtained by Judicial Watch
President Obama spent the Presidents’ Day Weekend (February 15-18) on a golf trip in West Palm Beach, Florida. First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters spent the same holiday weekend on a ski trip in Aspen, Colorado. Vice President Biden and his family spent that weekend skiing in Aspen…
JW Reveals Obama’s 2013 Vacations Cost Taxpayers $7,396,531
Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained flight expense records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that President Obama incurred $7,396,531.20 in flight expenses alone for his 2013 vacations to Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard and his trip to California to appear on the Jay Leno Show.
Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Detailing the Cost to Taxpayers for Michelle Obama’s Family Trip to Africa
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit…
Malia Obama Vacations In Mexico With 25 Secret Service Agents
Keeping with the Obama family’s penchant for costly vacations, the president’s 13-year-old daughter enjoyed spring break in a country plagued by so much violence that the State Department has issued travel warnings to discourage Americans from going there.
Michelle Obama’s August 2010 Vacation in Spain Cost American Taxpayers $467,585 According to Records Obtained by Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch obtained documents from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing costs associated with Michelle Obama’s controversial August 2010 vacation to Spain. According to a Judicial Watch analysis, the records indicate a total combined cost of at least $467,585.
Judicial Watch Sues U.S. Air Force for Records Detailing Costs of Michelle Obama’s August 2010 ‘Whirlwind’ Vacation to Spain
Judicial Watch announced that it filed a lawsuit on March 5, 2012, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against the United States Air Force to obtain records detailing Michelle Obama’s controversial August 2010 vacation to Spain. Overall, Judicial Watch is seeking information pertaining to the costs to taxpayers for this vacation as well as any indication of official business conducted by Mrs. Obama while she was in the country (Judicial Watch v. USAF (No. 1:12-cv-00345)).
Judicial Watch Sues Air Force and Secret Service for Records Detailing Michelle Obama’s Family Ski Vacation to Aspen, Colorado
Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force and U.S. Secret Service (No. 1:12-cv-00866)) on May 31, 2012 against the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service to obtain records detailing Michelle Obama’s February 2012 President’s Day weekend ski vacation to Aspen, Colorado with her two daughters.
Michelle Obama’s Family Ski Trip to Aspen, Colorado Cost Taxpayers at Least $83 Thousand Say Records Obtained by Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch obtained records from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing Michelle Obama’s February 2012 President’s Day weekend ski vacation to Aspen, Colorado, with her two daughters.
2010 Marred By Debt, Waste, Costly Hawaiian Vacation
As U.S. taxpayers dish out millions for President Obama’s lavish Hawaiian vacation crushing year-end statistics reveal unprecedented government debt and a myriad of waste that should outrage all Americans.
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