Saturday, December 1, 2012

The comunist in Chief... "En mi opinion" Diciembre 1, 2012

.   Sabado,  Diciembre 1, 2012    Editor Lázaro R González Miño    ..

Merry Christmas to all our friends

Lili y Lázaro

Jackie Evancho “I'll be home for Christmas” Click è


Obama Warns Congress: "I've Been Keeping My Own Naughty And Nice List"


"Joe Biden was in Costco and he wanted to buy some of this stuff, but I told him he had too much work to do. I wasn't going to have him building roller coasters all day long. Now, of course, Santa delivers everywhere. I've been keeping my own naughty and nice list for Washington, so you should keep your eye on who gets some K'NEX this year. There are going to be some members of Congress who get them, and some who don't," President Obama said Friday at a rally where he pushed Congress to avoid the fiscal cliff.

What The Heck Is President Obama Doing?

BILLO'REILLY: "President Obama is doing something very strange right now. He knows we're a divided nation and he also knows we have a budget situation that could send the country into bankruptcy. So it is on the President to solve the problem! This week Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner offered the President's plan, which would raise taxes on high earners by $1.6 trillion over the next decade. But on the spending front, there isn't anything substantial on the table. The President is basically saying, 'I'm not going to cut much and blank you if you don't like it!' I think President Obama wants the Republicans to oppose him, believing the American people will become angry with the GOP. It's a political strategy that is putting the entire country at risk. Many Republicans have already said they'll go along with some tax hikes, so why is the President being so in-your-face about this? He's doing the same thing with the Susan Rice situation; earlier this week he said he thinks the U.N. Ambassador is doing a great job. Are you kidding me? So it doesn't seem like Mr. Obama wants to run the country efficiently. Maybe he'll compromise in the end, but now we have a 'my way or the highway' situation. The American people deserve better. We have huge financial problems in this country, problems that every single one of us will feel if the dollar tanks. C'mon, Mr. President, put forth something reasonable and get off the politics."

Have You Heard About the Quietly-Released Obama Memo on ‘Insider Threat Policy’? è
In what some might consider an increasingly growing trend of releasing information just before holidays or the late on Friday afternoon, the White House has yet again quietly published a memo from President Barack Obama, laying out guidelines for executive agencies to establish “effective insider threat programs.”
The presidential memorandum issued on Nov. 21 — the day before Thanksgiving — is called “National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs.” Here’s what the relatively short memo said (Note: Emphasis added):
This Presidential Memorandum transmits the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs (Minimum Standards) to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security. These threats encompass potential espionage, violent acts against the Government or the Nation, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including the vast amounts of classified data available on interconnected United States Government computer networks and systems.
The Minimum Standards provide departments and agencies with the minimum elements necessary to establish effective insider threat programs. These elements include the capability to gather, integrate, and centrally analyze and respond to key threat-related information; monitor employee use of classified networks; provide the workforce with insider threat awareness training; and protect the civil liberties and privacy of all personnel.
The resulting insider threat capabilities will strengthen the protection of classified information across the executive branch and reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security.
The memo itself, which places more emphasis on the Insider Threat Task Force established through an Executive Order signed in October 2011, has seen little mainstream media attention. Some speculate though that the timing of the memo might have had something to do with a story that has been well covered this week: the pretrial of Army private Bradley Manning, who is accused of leaking classified information to Wikileaks. Manning, who has been imprisoned since May 2010, will begin his formal hearing Dec. 10.
Jessleyn Radack with the blog the Daily Kos wrote because agencies generally have their own policies regarding classified information, establishing insider threat programs “will more likely be used as a pretext for targeting whistleblowers who are – as [whistleblower Thomas] Drake did – using proper channels to report government waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, mismanagement, or dangers to health and public safety than they will be used to stop actual threats to national security.”
Radack went on to write that she believes the government could have more security if it “focus[ed] its considerable energy and resources on curbing overclassification rather than targeting employees with “programs” that will no doubt chill legitimate speech activities and go after those who dare to blow whistle.”
Interestingly enough, just this week Obama signed a bill that would afford greater protection to federal employees who expose fraud, waste and abuse in government operations. This is a loophole that specifies that whistle-blowers were only protected when they were the first to report misconduct.
The New York Times has pointed out in the past that the Obama administration has prosecuted more government officials for leaking information to the press than any other administration combined.
In addition to some thinking the timing of the memo was done in light of Manning’s looming trial, others worry more generally about its ambiguity. Doug Hagmann with the Northeast Intelligence Network published a column in the Canada Free Press, in which he wrote “there appears to be a deliberate lack of specificity concerning the exact elements that constitute such an “insider threat.”
But that’s not all, Hagmann goes on to analyze Obama’s intention for including the word “centrally” — as part of “centrally analyze [...] threat-related information” He considers this word indicative of what he believes is Obama’s agenda of “the greatest consolidation of power and control under the Executive branch of the government in recent U.S. history.”
Hagmann, like Radack, pointed out that there are measures in place to address insider threats to the government and national security.
This new system being established in the memo, Hagmann calls “the very essence of ‘Big Brother’ within the government itself.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report. Featured image via 


Obama Calls GOP 'Scrooges' as Tax Talk Hardens èPresident Barack Obama turned up the pressure in "fiscal cliff" talks on Friday, hitting the road to drum up support for his drive to raise taxes on the wealthy and warning Americans that Republicans were offering them "a lump of coal" for Christmas.
In a visit to a Pennsylvania toy factory, Obama portrayed congressional Republicans as Scrooges who risked sending the country over the fiscal cliff rather than strike a deal to avert the tax increases and spending cuts that begin in January unless Congress intervenes.
Read more:

The Western Center for Journalism.

You Know You’re A Communist When…
Here’s a simple question: At what point do you know you’re a communist?
As a strongly principled Conservative/Libertarian, I feel like I could easily recognize other strongly principled Conservatives and Libertarians because their views fall similar to mine.
Using this logic, shouldn’t one communist be able to identify another communist? Better yet, wouldn’t someone who lived through Communism be able to identify a communist leader?
I think the answer is yes, and there is some frightening (only if you haven’t realized it yet) proof.
Recently an opinion article appeared in Pravda (a Russian newspaper), by a relatively unknown writer, Xavier Lerma.
Let me start out by saying that after doing a little research on Xavier, I have found that he is not a Communist, Socialist, or Marxist. He is a Conservative, but of Russian standards of course, with a true love for Vladimir Putin. If you read the column, you would catch on quickly to his favorable bias towards Putin.
While the column contains extreme spin and favorability towards Putin, everything that Xavier said about America and Obama is true – well, mostly true:
Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society, and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. He plans his next war with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way.
What about this isn’t true? Except for the ‘illiterate society’ comment, this paragraph expresses some of my feelings with the reelection of Obama to a tee.
Why do we study history?
We study history in an attempt to learn from it and (to the best of our ability) not commit the same mistakes twice. However, we almost never learn from history, and we always commit the same mistakes twice.
Xavier gets history, though. He has learned from the past of the nation that he holds near and dear to his heart, and he is strongly against Russia committing those same mistakes twice.
Xavier knows that communism doesn’t work, nor does socialism. Xavier knows that low taxes are the way to go. And finally, Xavier knows that faith, morals, and strong principles are the key to prosperity.
History tells us these things, and this is why Xavier is able to exploit all of Obama’s mistakes. Not only is Obama and his administration not learning from history, but they are going in the direction of a “Soviet Plan”, something of which we know does not work. History tells us this.
The American media should be covering this story – its news. But they aren’t going to; that’s why you probably haven’t even heard about it. Because American media doesn’t report the news anymore.
However, when Glenn Beck says something that is deemed to be “politically incorrect”, he is persecuted by the media.
What’s the difference between Beck’s thoughts on America and Xavier’s?
Nothing, and that’s why the media isn’t covering this story.
I suggestion you click on the link and read the column. It could do without all of the favorability towards Putin, but Xavier’s views about Obama and the current state of America are Right. On. Point.

The Real March Madness: Obama The Communist-in-Chief è

While a good portion of Americans in their apathy are consumed with watching a bunch of marxist- indoctronated skulls full of mush running up and down a basketball court, our nation is being dismanteled a little at a time. Let’s discuss the real March madness.
The real March madness is allowing a Communist community organizer by the name of Barack Hussein Obama to occupy the Oval Office. Just in the month of March alone, he signed legislation to end our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, signed an executive order to allow a FULL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER during peace time, had the Vatican placed on a list of suspected money launderers, apologized to our enemies again for Koran burnings, and took credit for allowing a small portion of the Keystone XL pipeline being built that we know he is adamantly against. And the list continues to grow daily.
This Communist plant continuously lies to the American people and shows utter disdain for anyone who dares to question him. I have come to the conclusion after the recent published interveiw about Bill Ayers’ parents’ postman who claims that Ayers’ parents bragged about putting the little forign exchange student Obama through college,that he was groomed and planted in the White House as a Weather Underground operative.
This assertion would explain why there is no background information on him. It has been well established for many years that Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers’ wife, is a master at creating identities based on her role in the Weather Underground. This organization was responsible for domestic terrorism and bombings of government buildings back in the sixties and seventies. Bill Ayers is now a prominent (cough) college professor.
It is a fact that Obama’s presidential campaign was lauched in 2007 at the home of Ayers and Dohrn. My assessment is that when things got too hot for Ayers and Dohrn for their outward terrorism, they changed their tactics and slid this communist Chicago thug into the White House in order to destroy America from within. So far, their plan is working perfectly. How long will apathetic Americans wait before a stop is put to this DOMESTIC TERRORISM??
Obama, Ayers, Dohrn, and the rest of this America-destroying regime need to be arrested AT ONCE for high crimes and treason against the United States of America. Nothing less will do at this point. America MUST be purged of this communist cancer once and for all.


Contribuciones: Alberto L. Pérez “amenper”, Amb. Armando Valladares, Annie González, Ing. Armando López Calleja, Bárbara Fernández, Carlos Bringuier, Enrique Enríquez, Enrique de Diego,  Erick Ruiz, Emigdio Prado, Gerardo Alfredo DeSola, Georgina López, Héctor Molina, Héctor Lemange Sando, Irmende Méndez, Jesús Angulo, Jesús Marzo Fernández, Jorge A Villalon, Jorge Aguiar , José y Marcia Caula, J Fresno, Lili Samways, Manny Fernández, Margarita Sánchez, María Argelia Vizcaíno, May De La Vega, Mil amigos de Holguín, Miriam Pinedo, Miriam Dopico, Margarita Sánchez, Marlene, Martha Ruiz, María  Lahullier, Olga Griñan, Oscar Díaz, Philip Riggio, Raúl Barroso, Ricardo Samitier, Sergio Bello, Sofía Iduate, Sonia “Chuchin” Castell, The BLAZE, The Western Center for Journalism, NewsMax,  

Lázaro R González Miño               Algunos colaboradores prefieren ser anónimos y respetamos su opción.
305 445 7364,
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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