Thursday, December 27, 2012

(?) Ejército de jóvenes voluntarios bajo FEMA<=> Union de Jovenes Comunistas (?) "En mi opinion" Dic. 27, 2012

. Jueves,  Diciembre 27, 2012   No 283  Editor Lázaro R González Miño .

Agradecemos mucho a los amigos que renvían EN MI OPINION a sus amigos,  calculamos que estamos llegando a unas 14,000 personas. También agradecemos mucho las sugerencias y los artículos que nos envían.  Gracias, muchas gracias. LRGM.

Despierta sospechas un ejército de jóvenes voluntarios bajo FEMA December 27th, 2012

• Los críticos dicen que le recuerdan a las milicias de Hitler.

MIAMI, 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2012,—La creación del programa FEMA Corps por la administración del presidente Barack Obama ha ganado fuertes críticas por  preocupados que alegan que les recuerda las milicias juveniles bajo Hitler en 1930, o las de jóvenes comunistas creadas a principio de la revolución cubana en 1959. NOTA: NO CREO QUE SON IGUALES A LA “ASOCIACION DE JOVENES REVELDES QUE DESPUES SE CONVIRTIO EN “JUVENTUD COMUNISTA” SON. ESTE INDIVIDUO MARCHA A PASOS AGIGANTADOS HACIA LA DESTRUCCION DE LOS EE.UU. LRGM.
El gobierno les llama Cuerpo Especial de FEMA, o sea de la Agencia Federal de Emergencias, está bajo las órdenes del departamento de Seguridad Nacional y son jóvenes de entre 18 y 24 años en lo que han llamado President’s AmeriCorp Volunteers, o sea un cuerpo de jóvenes voluntarios al servicio del presidente.
De acuerdo a informes recibidos en el 13 septiembre el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional graduó la primera clase, compuesta por 231 jóvenes. Estos muchachos representan la primera ola de YouthCorp del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, diseñado específicamente  para crear un ejército de jóvenes a tiempo completo en todo el país y pagado por FEMA.
La razón para la creación del cuerpo de voluntarios es poder contar con miles de voluntarios repartidos por todo el país para ayudar en tiempos de desastres naturals; algo que luce bien, pero los que critican el programa dicen que “es curioso y molesta además de despertar sospechas”.
El primer problema que preocupa este nuevo ejército de voluntarios- dicen los que están en contra- es el hecho de que son adolescentes de solo 18 años, una edad en que empiezan a conocer la vida y son fácil de manejar y adoctrinar.
En los últimos años el presidente Obama ha firmado varios decretos suspendiendo derechos civiles y constitucionales, colocando a la administración bajo la ley marcial donde FEMA ha actuado en áreas afectadas por algún desastre. Por otra parte se ha podido conocer que FEMA y Home Land Security han ordenado la compra de rondas de municiones y armas de fuego correspondientes y lógicamente esto no es precisamente para luchar contra los fuegos forestales o huracanes, según señalan los críticos que dicen que todo luce muy sospechoso.
Según nuestras fuentes, a diferencia de la mayoría de equipos de respuestas de desastres que usan voluntarios locales, los milicianos del FEMACorp serán pagados de tiempo completo y estarán armados por el gobierno.
De acuerdo con el administrador de FEMA, Richard Serino, “los nuevos miembros de las milicias del presidente contribuirán a una plantilla de desastres confiables dedicados y entrenados para trabajar a tiempo completo durante 10 meses en los esfuerzos que sean necesarios en la recuperación de las áreas afectadas”.
En su discurso de cierre en la graduación de los primeros milicianos, Serino explicó que “esta es la agencia del futuro, donde el Youth FEMACorp establecerá la base para una nueva generación de ayuda de emergencia”.
Lo que temen los preocupados es que surja algún tipo de adoctrinamiento dentro de este ejército de jóvenes a los que según se anuncia contarán con armas, vehículos de combate blindados y municiones para proporcionarle alivio al pueblo estadounidense durante un desastre natural.
De ahí que surja la comparación con los jóvenes de Hitler, que no integraban precisamente un ejército de socorristas para luchar contra fuegos forestales y huracanes.


A: Honorable Representante Ileana Ross  (
From: Olga Grinan

Honorable Ileana, por favor, me dirijo a Usted porque sé que Usted
se preocupa por los votantes y necesitamos su ayuda urgente en esto.
Agradezco de antemano su atención y respuesta.

¿Ha notado usted que su cheque de Retiro ahora se llama "BENEFICIO FEDERAL"?
 Si Usted trabajo en Estados Unidos más de 40 trimestres consecutivos y se retira,
usted recibe su retiro, no es una ayuda del gobierno.
Ayuda es la que reciben los que nunca han trabajado o pagado sus taxes
en esta nación.  Por favor transmita esta información.  A nadie le puede gustar que después de trabajar le den la mitad del cheque porque otro decidió compartirlo con el que no trabajo. Yo comparto mi retiro con quien yo quiera y el gobierno no nos consultó para mal usarlo.
 Esto me crispa los  nervios, y espero que así sea en Usted.
Páselo hasta que todo el país lo lea.
 El gobierno está ahora llamando nuestros cheques del Retiro como un
  "pago de beneficio federal".  Este no es un beneficio, es ingreso del trabajo!
No sólo nosotros contribuimos a nuestro retiro, sino nuestros empleadores  también.
  Nosotros pagamos el retiro del total bruto que ganamos y cuando nos dan el retiro
nos vuelven a descontar impuestos. En 30 anos usted puede haber
invertido unos 180.000 dólares en el Seguro Social.
Si ese dinero se pone a ganar solamente un 1% de interes, usted tendra mas de 1 millon de dólares acumulados al retirarse. Y esto seria mas de 3 mil dolares mensuales hasta los 98 anos.
Pero los unicos que reciben esa cantidad o mucho mas al retirarse son los empleados del gobierno como un segundo retiro.  Nosotros recibimos un solo retiro.
No sabemos en que ha usado el gobierno nuestro dinero y ahora dice que nuestro Retiro es ayuda del gobierno. Ayuda es para los que nunca trabajaron y viven de nuestro Retiro y del dinero de los contribuyentes.

No hicieron un referéndum para preguntarnos si queríamos prestarle el dinero a ellos y no pagar intereses de la deuda que asumieron.
Y recientemente nos han dicho que el dinero no alcanzara para mucho más tiempo. 
Y ahora, para colmo de males, lo están llamando un "beneficio", como si no hubiesemos
trabajado para ganar cada centavo.
El hecho de que hayan regalado nuestro dinero, no quiere decir que nuestras 
inversiones eran una obra de caridad para otros!
Vamos a tomar una posición.
Nos hemos ganado nuestro derecho al Retiro  y Medicare.
Tenemos que Exigir que nuestros legisladores hagan algo con sentido en el gobierno.
Tenemos que encontrar una manera de mantener el Retiro y Medicare en marcha, por el bien
de la población que lo necesita y lo trabajo.
Entonces debe llamarse lo que es: Nuestro Retiro por Ingreso del Trabajo.

Outrage: Newspaper Publishes Names, Addresses Of Legal Gun Owners. The Obama administration has schooled his compliant media well: Use intimidation to get what you want. Thousands of law-abiding citizens with gun permits in New York were outed by a local newspaper. Including their name and address. The implication: gun-toting Americans are extremists that are potential mass murderers—so keep them under a watchful eye.

01:55 PM ET

Un periódico publica los nombres de dueños de armas

(CNN) — Un mapa interactivo que muestra los nombres y direcciones de todas las personas con permiso para tener armas en los condados de Westchester y Rockland, en el estado de Nueva York, ha recibido una respuesta de lectores en su mayoría disgustados desde que fue publicado el pasado sábado en el sitio de internet de un diario local.
El mapa interactivo publicado por el Journal News, que recibió más de 1.300 comentarios hasta este martes, permite a los lectores ver los detalles de puntos rojos que indican qué residentes tienen licencias para tener pistolas o revólveres.
“¿Entonces debemos de comenzar a vestir Estrellas de David para que el público en general se dé cuenta de quiénes somos?”, escribió un lector.
Algunos de los que respondieron amenazaron con cancelar sus suscripciones o boicotear la publicación completamente.
“Espero que pierdan lectores”, escribió otro.
El mapa fue publicado tras la masacre en Newtown, Connecticut, de acuerdo con un comunicado del diario.
“En la semana pasada, la conversación en nuestras páginas de opinión y nuestro sitio de internet,, ha estado enfocada en el control de armas”, afirma en el comunicado la editora del diario y vicepresidenta, CynDee Royle.
Los nombres y direcciones de los residentes con permiso fueron obtenidos a través de la Ley de Acceso a la Información. El sitio hace notar que el mapa no indica si los residentes tienen armas, solo que no tienen impedimento legal para tenerlas, y que los datos no reflejan si tienen rifles o pistolas, que pueden ser obtenidas sin permiso.
De todas formas, cientos de residentes se mostraron conmocionados al ver sus datos publicados sin ser notificados. Algunos dijeron que el mapa causará robos, porque los ladrones ahora sabrán donde se localizan las armas. “Ahora todos saben donde están las armas legales, una pieza valiosa de información para los criminales”, escribió un lector. “¿Por qué no hacen algo útil, como intentar encontrar dónde están las armas ilegales?”.
El Journal News argumentó que los residentes tienen derecho de acceso a la información en ambos condados. “Nuestros lectores están comprensiblemente interesados en saber acerca de las armas en sus vecindarios”, afirmó Royle en el comunicado. NOTA: Bueno la solución es. Engrasa bien las armas, asegúrate que las balas están en estado de combate, quítalas si son viejas y pon nuevas.  Date un salto por el campo de tiro y lleva a tu familia, que practiquen y enséñalos bien a tirar al centro de la cabeza. Dale instrucciones de cómo usar el cuchillo, las bayonetas y los machetes. A partir de ese día dormirás más tranquilo y los degenerados evitaran tu casa y tu carro. Lázaro R González Miño.

La hija de Obama y los GRANDES E IMPORTANTES en Washington envían a sus hijos a un colegio con 11 guardias armados‏. Escrito hecho por Mr. AWR Hawkins, enviado por Ricardo Samitier. 24 diciembre 2012

Algunas noticias interesantes ha salido a relucir a raíz del último INTENTO para el control de armas por el presidente Obama y los senadores demócratas: Obama envía a sus hijos a una escuela donde los guardias armados se utilizan como una cuestión de REGULAR.
La escuela, Sidwell Friends School en Washington, DC, cuenta con 11 agentes de seguridad y está buscando contratar a un oficial de policía de nuevo en estos momentos.
Si CONSIDERA que esto es natural: "Que tienen guardias armados - que reciben la protección del Servicio Secreto", entonces no has entendido lo más importante.
El punto más importante es que este es un procedimiento operativo estándar para la escuela, y punto. Y esta es la razón por gente como David Gregory de NBC enviar a sus hijos a Sidwell, saben que sus hijos estarán protegidos de la carnicería que afectó los niños en una escuela donde los guardias armados que no se utilizaron (y ni siquiera se permite).
¡Qué vergüenza para el presidente Obama busca más control de armas y por tratar de evitar que los padres de los otros niños de la escuela de hacer lo que él ha hecho claramente por su cuenta. Sus hijos se sientan bajo los cañones de protección de pagar, mientras que los hijos de los estadounidenses ordinarios son sacrificados.
Todo Lo Que Tocan Los Políticos Ricardo Samitier.
Se Convierte En Un DESASTRE...
Parquear en Chicago en la calle $6.50 la Hora…
Como Todos Los Políticos Se Copian...
Pronto Harán Lo Mismo En Miami...

Left Claims It’s “For The Children” To Nullify Second Amendment

It is not about the little children and it never has been.  The Liberals have been hiding behind the “Children” just as a bank robber might hide behind a hostage.  Consider this:  The same people who are saying that we need more gun control “for the children” are the same ones who have been saying “we need the taxpayers to pay for abortions for anyone who wants one.”  If it had been up to the Democrats, some of these children might never have reached childhood because they could have been aborted.  You are crazy if you think the left cares a twit about the children.
The left has been trying to take away America’s Second Amendment for many years.  First they will say it is only the machine guns and that it is to protect the children.  Can anyone tell me of any child that has ever been killed by one of these guns they want to take away.  The fact is, the laws we have in place now would have prevented what has happened in any of these school shootings if the bad guys had simply obeyed the laws that are in place.  We have this little problem though: bad guys don’t obey the laws.  That is why they call them the bad guys.
If stricter gun laws were the answer, there would be no shootings in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York.  There would not be any drug use violations because we have strict drug laws.  No pedestrian would ever be hit by a car because the pedestrian would not walk when the law said “Don’t Walk”  and a car would never go through a crosswalk when the law said “Stop.” No one would ever beat up their wife, or husband because we have laws against that.  The fact is, if you take guns away from the good guys, only the bad guys will be left with guns.  How do you think that will work out?
While the Conservatives have been mourning the deaths of the children killed in any of these schools, the liberals have been excited that there is another situation that just might help them take more freedom from the American citizens.  You might be thinking, that is a terrible thing to say.  I am thinking that is a terrible way for them to act.  It was Rahm Emanuel—one of the President’s advisors—who said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.  And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”  I can just hear the people in the White House saying,  great news boss, we have a serious crisis in Connecticut that I think will help us do away the Second Amendment.  Then they can start on the First or Tenth Amendment.
Just a little math test for the Liberals out there.
1:  If there is a bad guy with a gun and he is 4 feet tall, and there is a good guy without a gun and he is 6 feet tall, who is the tallest?
     A:  They are the same height
     B:  The bad guy is taller because he has a gun.
     C:  It does not matter who is taller because the bad guy just shoot the good guy.
2:  If you have a bad guy who has a gun and he is 6 1/2 feet tall, and you have a good guy who    also has a gun and he is only 5 feet tall, who is the tallest?
     A: They are the same height.
     B:  They are the same height because they both have a gun.
     C.  It does not matter because when the bad guy saw the good guy’s gun, he ran away.
3:  If there is a bank with 5 cashiers, 1 manager, and 21 customers and none of the cashiers, manager, or customers have a gun because it is a “Gun Free Zone”, and a bad guy walks in with a gun and tells the cashiers to give him their money, how many might be killed?
    A:  None, because the bank manager explained that they didn’t have any guns.
    B:  27 because the bank robber already knew no one in the bank had a gun.
    C:  1, the bank robber, because he felt bad about what he was doing and shot himself.
4:  If there is a bank with 5 cashiers, 1 manager, and 21 customers and some of the cashiers, the manager, and some of the customers have guns, and a bad guy walks in with a gun, and tells the cashiers to give him their money, how many might be killed?
   A: None, because the robber didn’t see a “No Gun Zone” sign so he went to a different bank.
   B: 27, because no one in the bank wanted to hurt the robber, because he must have a reason.
   C. 1, the bank robber, because 1 manager, 3 cashiers, and 16 customers shot him.
Just something for our liberal friends out there to think about.
Did you know that if you take a gun, any gun, load it, cock it, and then just place it somewhere in public, it will not kill anyone?  Did you also know that if you take a gun, any gun and hide it somewhere, make sure there are no bullets in it, and just leave it in its hiding place.  If a bad guy found it he could use it to kill some one? But in either case, the gun was innocent.
In simple language, for our educated Liberal friends:
Cars do not kill people.  Bad or careless drivers kill people with their car.
Bicycles do not kill people, people riding bikes, but not being careful enough, die.
Guns do not kill people, bad people kill people, sometimes using a gun.
Photo credit: Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) (Creative Commons).

Obama Could Nullify The 2nd Amendment

When Barack Obama signs the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty late this month, the force of his signature alone could suffice to nullify the 2nd Amendment rights of the American people. How is this possible if a 2/3rds vote by the Senate—that is, constitutionally mandated ratification– is required before the United States may become a legal party to any treaty?
Interested Americans have been told that the Arms Trade Treaty will regulate the international trade of conventional weapons, the purported goal being prevention of arms transfers to rogue or terrorist states. Naturally, one would think regulations intended only to manage and restrict the trade of weapons to dangerous, warlike or terror-supporting countries couldn’t possibly threaten the constitutionally protected right of American citizens to keep and bear arms.
However, in order to prevent the accumulation and export of possible contraband weapons, the Treaty mandates creation of a global arms catalogue– an international registry detailing the existence, history and ownership records of all conventional weapons. Every sale, every transfer of a weapon within the borders of the United States would be contained in this registry. The left have dreamed of such a national gun registry for decades and this would give it to them.
How could the gun-grabbing Obama Regime impose this clearly anti-2nd Amendment, Treaty-mandated arms registration scheme on the American people without the Senate first giving its advice and consent?
“When a nation signs a treaty it is obligated to refrain from actions that would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty until such time as it makes clear its intent not to become a party to the treaty.” (1) This is language from Article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Adopted in 1969, 111 nations have ratified the Vienna Convention, a treaty which has become known as the “Treaty of Treaties” and is “…widely recognized as the authoritative guide vis-à-vis the formation and effects of treaties.” (2)
Many versed in international law argue that the “object and purpose” language of the Vienna Convention means that “…a nation that has signed a treaty is prohibited either from violating the treaty altogether or from violating the treaty’s core or important provisions.” (1) Although the United Nations have taken great pains to make certain that no specific Treaty language has made its way to the American public, a Spanish representatives made clear his own “object and purpose” when he said the UN “… will be happy to honestly contribute to reduce their number (weapons), [and] to regulate buying and sell of arms…” If this is what the completed Treaty hopes to achieve—and we can bet it will be—Barack Obama will have signed onto the most anti-gun rights document in the nation’s history. (3)
After he has signed the Treaty, Obama could use the “object and purpose” language of the Vienna Convention as an excuse to strictly adhere to all provisions contained in the Arms Treaty itself! That could include any and all United Nations mandates for the registration of guns, the licensing of owners, the regulation of sales, transport or usage—anything! Needless to say, such a scheme would remain Obama’s little secret until he has won the November election.
There can be no doubt that a re-elected Barack Hussein Obama would attempt to impose by means of executive fiat the unconstitutional terms of the unratified Arms Trade Treaty on the American public. After all, why not, as a cowardly congress has already permitted him every manner of abuse of power

Gustavo Madrazo. A A A Ford Dealer's Report Ricardo Samitier

This is exactly why Mitt Romney said that 40 some % of the people are too dependent on the government. They have learned to work the system.
A Ford Dealer's Report - From Tom Selkis' (Latham Ford) Facebook - True story yesterday at the dealership.
"I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.
One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus.
As He was reviewing her credit application with her he noticed she was on social security disability.
He said to her you don't look like you're disabled and unable to work.
She said well I'm really not. I could work if I wanted to, but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).
She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check. And she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent.
Oh yeah, and 250 minutes free on her phone.
That is just south of $3500.00 a month.
When she was working, she was taking home about $330.00 per week.
Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work.
If you multiply that by millions of people, you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country.
Once the socialists have 51% of the population in that same scenario, we are finished.
The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes.
She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal by $10.00/month.
Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard earned money."
How passing info on to others in America is having an effect...
Please pass to all your friends.
Yes, through the power of the Internet America is becoming aware.
So, we realize this doesn't seem like we're doing much when we pass these on to our 10
Yes, we CAN help by getting the word out. Media refuses to cover such issues.

US To Hit $16.4T Debt Ceiling Dec. 31

Wednesday, 26 Dec 2012 05:09 PM

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said his department will take “extraordinary measures” to postpone a U.S. default for about two months while President Barack Obama and Congress work out a deficit-reduction deal.
Geithner, in a letter to congressional leaders today, said the government will hit its statutory $16.4 trillion debt ceiling on Dec. 31. To avert a default, the Treasury will take action to create about $200 billion in headroom under the debt limit.
“However, given the significant uncertainty that now exists with regard to unresolved tax and spending policies for 2013, it is not possible to predict the effective duration of these measures,” Geithner said.
Geithner’s letter adds urgency to talks between Obama and congressional Republicans on a deficit-reduction plan. Obama has asked that raising the debt ceiling be part of that plan.
Obama and Congress both return to Washington tomorrow after an abbreviated Christmas holiday. They have five days before a deadline that would trigger more than $600 billion in tax increases and spending cuts that might cause a U.S. recession.
House leaders, who were forced last week to withdraw their latest proposal before it could face a vote, today called on the Senate to act next.
They said the Senate should amend bills passed by the House earlier this year include a one-year extension of tax cuts for all income levels.
Boehner Statement
“Once this has occurred, the House will then consider whether to accept the bills as amended, or to send them back to the Senate with additional amendments,” said House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, in a statement together with Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of California and the head of the Republican conference, Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington.
Boehner and Obama have been unable to agree on the tax-rate increase on top earners Obama wants or the cuts to entitlement programs that Boehner sought, complicating the chances of getting a package done.
Both parties have begun work on minimal deficit-reduction proposals, aimed at avoiding the automatic tax increases and spending cuts while a bigger package is negotiated.
“At this point, all they’re looking for is a fig leaf,” said Stan Collender, a former staff member of the House Ways and Means Committee and the House and Senate Budget committees who is now at Qorvis Communications in Washington. “There’s no grand bargain. There never was.”
Small Deal
The trouble is that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, need to come up with something that also can get through the House, which has balked at any tax increases. Senate Republicans don’t want to be on the record supporting higher taxes unless they know the House also would pass it.
“There’s still a chance for them to get a deal,” said Ron Bonjean, a Republican strategist who once served as a spokesman for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois and former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi. “It grows more unlikely by the day, and there’s not a lot of days left.”
Obama and Boehner haven’t spoken since the president flew to Hawaii on Dec. 21, according to a Republican aide who requested anonymity when discussing the negotiations. Obama plans to return to Washington today, while his family will remain in Hawaii, the White House said yesterday.
House Plans
The House will hold a pro-forma session tomorrow. House leaders told rank-and-file lawmakers that they would receive a 48-hour notice before being called back to Washington. Leaders haven’t yet given that notice and are still discussing the schedule, according to a leadership aide who requested anonymity when discussing the leaders’ plans.
Even if the leaders decided today to call back members, many wouldn’t be back to the Capitol until Dec. 28.
Bonjean put the probability of no deal at 75 percent. Still, he said there’s a chance for one because Obama and Republican leaders want to avoid the “fiscal cliff” -- a term coined by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee in February. Tax cuts signed into law by President George W. Bush and extended by Obama are scheduled to expire Jan. 1, and automatic spending cuts for government programs are scheduled to start next month, creating the so-called cliff.
The S&P 500 declined 0.5 percent to 1,419.83 in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 0.2 percent to 13,114.59. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury bond was 1.75 percent, down two basis points, or 0.02 percentage points, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices.
Interim Bill
Before going on vacation with his family, Obama urged leaders of both parties to put together an interim bill to keep taxes from rising on middle- and lower-income Americans as the two sides work on a more comprehensive package.
Senate Democratic leaders have said they won’t take action on a fallback plan unless they have assurances from Boehner that he will bring it up in the House and let it pass with a combination of Democratic and Republican votes, and from McConnell that Senate Republicans won’t filibuster it.
“A comprehensive solution to the looming fiscal cliff will need to be a bipartisan solution,” Reid said on the Senate floor Dec. 21. “No comprehensive agreement can pass either chamber without both Democrats and Republican votes.”
Deal Possibility
Senator Charles Schumer of New York, the chamber’s third- ranking Democrat, told reporters Dec. 21 that “the key to this is the House.” McConnell wouldn’t “want to have his members put their necks on the line for a deal that may not pass the House,” he said.
Schumer and Reid called on Boehner to resume talks with Obama. Failing to reach a budget deal would push the U.S. into recession for the first half of 2013, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
“At this point there’s zero percent chance of a big deal and maybe a 10 percent chance of a small deal before Jan. 1,” Collender said. He has predicted a no-deal scenario since before the Memorial Day holiday in May, and said the past two weeks of inaction reinforced his projection.
At this point, Collender said, whether the Senate moves first won’t matter.
“Nothing will move House Republicans if they don’t feel like getting moved,” he said. “They’ve never been swayed by the Senate before.”
Democratic Support
The remaining option for averting the cliff, he said, would be if Boehner risks his House speakership to put to the floor a tax deal that would get a majority of Democrats to support it and few -- perhaps less than 50 -- Republicans.
“The Republican caucus would never forgive him,” he said. “The statesmanlike thing to do would be to say, ‘I’m the speaker of the House, not the head of the Republican Party.’ That is the equivalent of never running for speaker again.”
Boehner, first elected speaker in January 2011, was selected by his Republican conference as its nominee to continue in the post in the new Congress that convenes next week. He needs an absolute majority of those present and voting on Jan. 3 in the 425-seat House to be re-elected. Republicans will hold 234 seats to begin the 113th Congress in January. If re-elected, Boehner will have more freedom to cut a deal, Collender said.
Edging Closer
Until Dec. 17, Obama and Boehner had been edging closer to a deal that included $1 trillion each in tax increases and spending cuts. Boehner had put tax-rate increases on the table for income above $1 million a year, infuriating some lawmakers backed by anti-tax Tea Party groups.
That was the proposal he pulled from the House floor on Dec. 20 rather than see it defeated by his own caucus members.
Both Obama and Boehner have offered concessions in talks, in person and by telephone, since Dec. 5.
The president initially sought $1.6 trillion in new revenue, including a return to pre-Bush income tax rates for annual household income over $250,000 a year. The speaker first rejected any increase in tax rates, instead offering $800 billion in revenue by limiting unspecified exemptions.
After Boehner proposed raising taxes for households earning more than $1 million a year, Obama countered with a proposal to raise taxes on more than $400,000 of income.
Obama also has agreed to accept cuts in entitlement spending on programs such as Medicare, while Boehner has maintained that new taxes and spending cuts must be balanced on a one-to-one basis.
In sum, the two have approached the outlines of a plan that would raise about $1 trillion in tax revenue and cut about $1 trillion in spending.
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 Envia USA. Dinero para reconstruir Mesquitas en paises musulmanes?

Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939:“The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.
Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.
Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense.  Pat Dollard
Excerpted from Daily Interlake: Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events — or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries.
Recently, I came across a syndicated column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the 2008 presidential campaign.
Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself.
The column itself had appeared in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1)
So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the “rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions.” The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, “It’s not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states.”
Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.
Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the “proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz” in September 1979, and that “the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December.” Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified.

Home  »  2012 presidential campaign  »  Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency. Vernon Jarrett
You would think that a program to spend “$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans” would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven’t found any other word of it.
Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn’t, but what’s particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who “for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America’s blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students” was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.
That tale had surfaced in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and one of the leading black politicians in the country — Percy Sutton of New York — told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama “by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.” (2)
This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don’t believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3)
Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary, Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, “there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”
Sutton concluded in the interview, “I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly.”
Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan — himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour’s interest in creating a fund to give “financial help to disadvantaged students” does provide a clue that he might indeed — along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal — have taken an interest in the “genius” Barack Obama.
It also might be considered more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House.
It is also noteworthy that Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4)
And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5)
It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6)
The nature of Vernon Jarrett’s relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years. Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7)
In any case, it doesn’t matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason, al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn’t mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth:
“His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there… Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That’s before Obama decided to run.) … and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That’s before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly…” (2)
What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC’s intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:
“The question of financial aid from the Arabs could raise a few extremely interesting questions both inside and outside the black community. If such contributions are large and sustained, the money angle may become secondary to the sociology and politics of such an occurrence.” (1)
He was, of course, right.
As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American “new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians” and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama’s college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest.
Percy Sutton on Obama and Khalid Mansour

V Sic Semper Tyrannis, que aparece en el escudo de Virginia, es la abreviación de Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis que fueron las palabras que Marcus Junius Brutus dijo cuando asesinó a Gaius Julios Cesar en el año 44 AC y que ahora se usa como "Muerte a los Tiranos" o "abajo los Tiranos.  Por Amenper.
Cuando estudiamos el bachillerato, se estudia la vida de los emperadores Romanos superficialmente, pero después, por la curiosidad del escudo de Virginia, y porque Gaius Julio Cesar es una figura que siempre se menciona comparándolo con Napoleón, Hitler, Mussolini, Fidel Castro y otras figuras de la historia del mundo, me intriga y me produce más curiosidad el conocer más de de este emperador de la Roma Imperial.  Cuando John Wilkes Booth asesinó a Abraham Lincoln usó también esas palabras en latín, Timothy McVeigh, el que hizo el atentado terrorista en Oklahoma City, tenía una camisa con esas palabras cuando lo arrestaron.
El mundo siempre ha estado obsesionado con la vida de Gaius Julius Cesar.
Gaius Julius Caesar (Julio 12, 100 AC - Marzo 15, 44 AC) era un militar romano y un leader político. El tuvo una parte muy importante en la transformación de la Republica Romana en Imperio Romano.
Es considerado uno de los más grandes genios militares de toda la historia, pero también un excelente político y uno de los líderes más fuertes del mundo antiguo. Fue proclamado dictador por toda la vida, y centralizó el gobierno de la Republica. Fue quizás el gobernante del Estado más grande que ha existido en el mundo.
 Fue asesinado en el 44AC, el 15 de Marzo un día que ha quedado en la historia como, Idus Martiae ,o las Ides de Marzo.  Idus en latín quiere decir a la mitad del mes, y en la mitad del mes de Marzo( Marte), que es el rey de la guerra, el día 15, era un día de fiesta..
Sus campañas militares son conocidas en manera detallada gracias a sus Comentarios (Commentarii), y muchos detalles de su vida han sido escritos posteriormente por historiadores..
Buscando en la historia de este personaje, he encontrado algunos detalles curiosos. Julio Cesar era calvo, lo cual personalmente considero  un atributo, algo bueno, pero para Julio Cesar como para muchos ahora, era una vergüenza, así que se dejaba crecer el pelo que siempre se mantiene creciendo cerca de la nuca y se lo peinaba hacia el frente, y después se ponía la guirnalda que era la corona imperial en aquellos tiempos y que el usaba constantemente para disimular la calvicie. Yo tenía un tío que hacía lo mismo, pero no usaba guirnalda, así que se le notaba bastante, también tengo conocidos que han sucumbido a la indignidad de un peluquín.. 
Volviendo a su vida pública, Julio Cesar era un patricio de nacimiento, así que cuando entró en el ejercito lo hizo como oficial, y fue un genio militar, de ahí las comparaciones con Napoleón, el cual era un admirador de Julio Cesar.
Después de la guerra pasó un tiempo estudiando en el sur de Italia, donde adquirió conocimientos en política y sobre todo en oratoria.  Su manejo de la retórica debe de provenir de aquellos tiempos.
Cicero el historiador Romano, describía la oratoria de Julio Cesar como mas allá de talentosa más bien genial.
Esto ha hecho que se comparen a los políticos que han usado la retórica como catapulta para obtener el poder, como Hitler, Fidel Casto, Barack Obama y otros.
A su vuelta a Roma se convirtió en un populista. Empezó  a comprar popularidad con el pueblo de Roma, a la vez que establecía contactos con los políticos y militares de alta posición. Ocupó la posición de Edil, que es como un representante, usando esta como un escalón para sus ambiciones.
Juegos, peleas de Gladiadores, banquetes, en todos estaba presente, y aprendió a dar y comprar favores.  
El se presentaba perfectamente preparado para servir y alabar a todas las personas, hasta las más ordinarias, y no le importaba presentarse temporalmente servil  (cita de Dio Cassius)
Según avanzamos en la historia de Julio Cesar, más se nos parece a los políticos populistas de hoy, y cómo su retórica funciona con el ciudadano común.
Como es claro la popularidad de Julio Cesar le trajo envidias entre los Senadores de la República.
Pero la habilidad de Cesar le hizo, a través del soborno, adquirir la posición de pontifex maximus (Sumo Sacerdote).Esta posición le dio la visibilidad y la solemnidad que de otra manera le hubiera sido difícil de obtener. Se convirtió en una persona con características casi sagradas, un individuo muy difícil de atacar o criticar por su solemnidad, en esta época le diríamos un Mesías.
 Seguimos viendo las similitudes con ciertos políticos de esta época.
Después de pasar un tiempo en España, vuelve a Roma, con 42 años, es nombrado Cónsul, ya maduro para tomar el poder, forma parte un Triunvirato de cónsules con Crassus y Pompeii.
Un año después es nombrado Gobernador de Gaul, donde empieza sus incursiones militares, que después se extendieron a la conquista de Francia, Alemania, Inglaterra y Bélgica.
Como es lógico en estas cosas políticas, la posición de conquistador del mundo, hizo que hubieran celos en Roma, y el Senado le revocó el consulado de Gaul.  Cesar respondió invadiendo a Roma. En el año 49 AC Caesar cruzó el Rubicon, la línea demarcadora entre Gaul y Roma. Marchó en la capital, tuvo la resistencia de Pompeii, con el que primero trató de negociar y después derrotó en batalla, convirtiéndose en la única figura de poder en Roma.
Después siguió sus conquistas al este, extendiendo el imperio hasta Egipto..
Se puede decir por la historia, que Julio Cesar fue realmente el fundador del Imperio Romano, Roma pasó de ser una república a un imperio, y Gaius Julius Cesar su máximo Emperador y después se adjudicó el  título de Dictador que estaba establecido en la constitución Romana y que después ha sido considerado un adjetivo denigrante para gobernantes autoritarios o totalitarios.
Pero la Dictadura de Cesar, era populista, la política colonial de Cesar era generosa en cuanto a otorgar la ciudadanía Romana a los inmigrantes o a los ciudadanos de los estados ocupados.  Esto era un plan para rejuvenecer a Roma el ejército y la clase parlamentaria y facilitarle el control del parlamento.
De nuevo podemos ver este patrón en gobernantes actuales.
Pero aunque Roma era posiblemente la ciudad más cosmopolita del mundo, siempre había un prejuicio hacia los extranjeros lo cual creó cierta popularidad negativa a estas políticas del Cesar.
Julio Cesar cambió la naturaleza del imperio Romano, de una república corrupta a un imperio dictatorial, si fue bueno o malo todo depende del historiador, pero la grandeza de Roma sólo nos enseña que los imperios si se corrompen, desaparecen..

Esto es lo que hemos vivido en nuestros tiempos, Repúblicas corruptas, seguida de dictadores populistas que con su retórica y promesas falsas, cumplen sus ambiciones con el apoyo de un pueblo que le gusta oír los cantos de sirenas del demagogo de turno. Esto provoca a la larga la decadencia y desaparición de los imperios.
Que era y que es CUBA. Amenper.
Diciembre de 1955
Se vendieron 8 millones de carros Americanos, uno de ellos fue en Cuba un DeSoto del año que fue mi primer carro.  La gasolina costaba 23 centavos el galón. Desde el 1950 teníamos televisión pero todavía oíamos el radio, había un radio por cada cinco habitantes, y 28 televisores por cada mil habitantes, la televisión era en Blanco y Negro, no fue hasta el 1958 en que Cuba fue el Segundo país de tener la televisión en colores.  Pero la ingeniosidad de los empresarios de la televisión nos permitieron ver la Serie Mundial desde el 1954, El 29 de septiembre de 1954, técnicos cubanos instalaron en un avión C-46 un receptor de televisión y un transmisor, con el propósito de que el juego de la Serie Mundial de pelota se viera en vivo. El avión volando sobre el Estrecho de la Florida, recogía la señal del Canal 4 de Miami, y la retransmita a Cuba, siendo a partir de ahí, que el cubano viera la pelota en directo. Después se instalaron las antenas disco en Matanzas, para no tener que usar el avión.  Pudimos ver un juego perfecto si 1958 que lanzó Don Larsen de los Yankees contra los Dodgers de Brooklyn.
En 1955 Cuba tenía 58 periódicos diarios (varios de mayor circulación nacional), y 126 revistas semanales (diferentes formato), 3 no especializadas de mayor circulación a nivel nacional, segundo lugar de América. Las más populares de las revistas Bohemia y Carteles, los periódicos el Diario de la Marina, el Crisol, el País, el Mundo, Información y Prensa Libre, y había un semanario satírico que se llamaba Zig Zag, los comunistas tenían su periódico se llamaba "Hoy" y era una repetición de las consignas de Moscú, hasta había dos periódicos chinos, uno nacionalista y otro comunista Hoi Men Kong Po y Man Sen Yat Po.
Todo esto era bajo el gobierno dictatorial de Fulgencio Batista. Batista era un dictador autoritario que permitía la libertad de prensa para mantener la fachada de demócrata. La censura de prensa se producía temporalmente cuando la dictadura veía en peligro su autoridad. Viviendo bajo los dos sistemas se puede apreciar lo que muchos no conocen, la diferencia entre una dictadura autoritaria y la dictadura totalitaria del comunismo. Ninguna es buena, pero la comunsita sin lugar a dudas es peor que la otra.
En 1955 había 5,500  ómnibus (guaguas) circulando. Varias líneas de primera clase (como Santiago-Habana), que prestaban servicios nacionales, e ínter Provinciales. Los Ómnibus Menéndez, desde La Habana a Las Villas. La Estrella del Sur, que cubría pueblos del sur a La Habana.
  Habían camiones y rastras de todo tipo aproximadamente 53,500 incluyendo cuatro de mi suegro que transportaba mazas para los ingenios azucareros que se reparaban en la Fundación McFarland de Sagua la Grande.
En 1955 Cuba tenía un kilómetro de línea férrea por cada 8 kilómetros cuadrados. Primer lugar de América.
Un refrigerador por cada 18 habitantes. Un teléfono por cada 28 habitantes, automóviles circulando unos 270,000 entre ellos mi DeSoto.
En 1955 según los archivos de la Compañía Cubana de Electricidad, habían 732,000 suscriptores, los cuales consumían once millón ochocientos mil Ms/h al año per cápita. Cuba en Latinoamérica era el primer país en consumo de electricidad de acuerdo a la población, y el 25 a nivel mundial.
En 1955 el cubano era el tercer consumidor de carne en América (res, cerdo, avícola).
Pastaban en Cuba más de 6 millones de reses, casi una por habitante. El ganado bovino era de primera calidad. En 1958 cosecheros cubanos ya estaba en vías de suplir el mercado nacional. En el año 1957 habían producido 182,000 toneladas métricas de arroz, y de frijoles 56,000 toneladas métricas
En 1955, se podían ver por las calles de cualquier pueblo varias carretillas llenas de frutas tropicales, y algunas tenían hasta frutas importadas.
Cuba contaba con 6000 salas de cine. Las fábricas nacionales de calzados (de excelente calidad, y con una gran producción), y los importados de marcas conocidas, vendían más de 14 millones de pares de zapatos al año. Recordemos que Cuba tenía un poco más de 6 millones de habitantes
En 1955 había Cuba 1 dentista por cada 2,900 habitantes, médicos 1 por cada 980 habitantes. En proporción al número de habitantes, Cuba tenía más médicos, y dentistas que USA
Había farmacias en todo el territorio nacional, con los productos farmacéuticos de la época provenientes de Estados Unidos y Europa.
Existían en Cuba hospitales en las principales ciudades del País, además la ingeniosidad empresarial privada complementaba el cuidado de salud, con las clínicas privadas que tenían el sistema de servicios a miembros que años después se estableció en los Estados Unidos con los HMOs.
Habían en Cuba 8 universidades estatales, 3 universidades privadas, escuelas profesionales de comercio en las principales ciudades, escuelas normales para ejercer el magisterio (el que no tuviera un título normalista, o de la universidad, no podía impartir clases), y centros de estudios técnicos. También existían en las ciudades escuelas privadas de primer grado hasta la segunda enseñanza, y algunas enseñaban bachillerato, o comercio, y estaban incorporadas a las estatales. En los pueblos por lo menos había una escuela primaria, y otra secundaria. En la mayoría de los pequeños poblados del campo (bateyes),  ya a finales de 1955 se habían construido cientos de escuelas campesinas, donde los maestros eran profesionales graduados.
Al finalizar el año 1955, Cuba tenía un total de reservas de dólares ascendente a $530,000,000.00, lo que la situaba en la segunda posición de América Latina superada sólo por Brasil. En el año 1951 dejó de circular en Cuba la moneda norteamericana, que a través de los años circulaba a la par que la moneda cubana, quedando sólo en circulación esta última, lo cual contribuyó a dar un mayor nivel de respaldo a nuestra banca  nacional la cual contaría en 1955 con un total de 48 oficinas principales y 189 sucursales en toda la Isla
Considero necesario esta información que muchos conocemos, porque muchos en el mundo creen la falsedad de la propaganda comunista de que Cuba dejó de ser colonia española para ser colonia norteamericana  ya que esto no es más que una falsedad de que Cuba era un país de analfabetos, y subdesarrollado . Sólo hay que aventurarse en la Internet y ver los sitios que el gobierno Cubano y sus acólitos tienen desinformando al mundo.
Si Cuba era un país de analfabetos, ¿Cómo era posible que hubiera tantas publicaciones periodísticas? ¿Si cuba era un país subdesarrollado como se puede explicar la floreciente industria doméstica?
Cuando los primeros exilados llegaron a Estados Unidos en los 60s, muchos se quedaron asombrados de cómo la vida en Cuba estaba comparativamente al mismo nivel de los Estados Unidos
La diferencia entre la Cuba de ahora y la cuba de los 50s y 60s, sólo la podemos apreciar los que vivimos ambas épocas.
Cuba no era un paraíso, pero…¿que país o que sistema político lo es?.  Pero decir que hacía falta un sistema como el que gobierna hoy a Cuba, no es una falsedad, es tratar de esconder el mayor crimen que puede haber sufrido una nación.

Participan en “En mi opinion” CNN Español,,, The,,,,,,, Beforeit’ Alberto L. Pérez “amenper”, Alexis Ortiz, Amb. Armando Valladares, Annie González, Ing. Armando López Calleja, J. Fresno, Bárbara Fernández, Carlos Bringuier, Efraín Sinaí, Eladio José Armesto, Enrique Enríquez, Enrique de Diego,  Erick Ruiz, Emigdio Prado, Gerardo Alfredo DeSola, Georgina López, Héctor Molina, Héctor Lemange Sando, Irmende Méndez, Jesús Angulo, Jesús Marzo Fernández, Jorge A Villalon, Jorge Aguiar , José y Marcia Caula, J Fresno, Luis Pensado, Lili Samways, Manny Fernández, Margarita Sánchez, María Argelia Vizcaíno, May De La Vega, Mil amigos de Holguín, Miriam Pinedo, Miriam Dopico, Margarita Sánchez, Marlene, Martha Ruiz, María  Lahullier, Olga Griñan, Oscar Díaz, Philip V. Riggio, Raúl Barroso, Reinaldo López  jr, Ricardo Samitier, Sergio Bello, Sofía Iduate, Sonia “Chuchin” Castell, V J Marino, William Benard, Victor M Caamaño, Xavier Serbia,

Editor Lázaro R González Miño

305 445 7364,
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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