Saturday, August 4, 2012

"EN MI OPINION" Agosto 4, 2012

Todos con el corazón y el pensamiento empujando duro”

No solo que gane Romney sino


10 razones para no votar por Obama por un hombre sabio:

Alguien que sabe muchísimo de estadísticas, demografía, política e historia me dio el siguiente consejo absolutamente brillante:
a)     Apoya a los homosexuales que quieren casarse con hombres.
b)     Apoya a las lesbianas que quieran casarse con lesbianas.
c)     Apoya a aquellos que quieran abortar a sus bebes.
d)     Apoya la entrega gratuita de anticonceptivos.
En tres generaciones El Partido Demócrata no tendría membresía.
 “Es una idea brillante”

El cubano americano  Michael Phelps gano hoy otra medalla de oro en 100 metros mariposa e impone récord de 21 medallas. Como ha jodido este cubano en Londres… ¡Que envidia…de la buena!

Lamentablemente ayer cometí un error y pido excusas a los lectores: Cuando hice una observación de que las cadenas de habla Hispana ya estaban haciendo campaña para que el Próximo Senador Cubano Texano Ted Cruz no sea electo para el senado en Noviembre.
En primer lugar debí decir Emisoras que trasmiten en español, si ese era el caso pero como no lo es debí decir Las estaciones de habla mejicana, si esas donde puede retorcerse sus tripas oyendo a Jorge Ramos, María Elena Salinas, y a todos los mejicanos que ahora están en la cubanísima, digo en “La Mejicanisima” Discúlpenme. Gracias. Lázaro R González Miño
(Hay que tener una gandinga…)

Jue 02 de agosto 2012 22:26 CET
Ago 2 (Reuters) -
La adición de un poco de controversia “SEXUAL”en el menú parece haber favorecido mucho a Chick-fil-A. POR Lázaro R González Miño
La cadena de restaurantes tuvo un "récord de ventas", el miércoles, según un portavoz, ya que los clientes descendió en sus cerca de 1.600 localidades atraves de los Estados Unidos en apoyo de la polémica postura de su presidente en contra del matrimonio gay.
La explosión de un día se produjo después de republicanos ex candidatos presidenciales, Mike Huckabee, y Rick Santorum llamó a los partidarios de enviar un mensaje acerca de los "valores tradicionales" comiendo en la cadena, conocida por sus sándwiches de pollo y papas fritas y gofres.
Últimamente, la cadena ha estado haciendo noticia debido a los comentarios de presidente de la compañía Dan Cathy que él apoya "la definición bíblica de la unidad familiar" y que los partidarios del matrimonio gay él era un "arrogante".
"A pesar de que no liberan las cifras de ventas exactas, podemos confirmar informes de que era un día de récord", dijo el vicepresidente ejecutivo de marketing de Steve Robinson en un comunicado el jueves.
Y añadió: "Chick-fil-A tiene su Día de Agradecimiento”
Los partidarios del matrimonio gay han empujado a un boicot de la cadena y están tratando de bloquear el nuevo Chick-fil-A de la apertura de puntos de venta. Los alcaldes de Chicago y Boston se han pronunciado en contra de la empresa, y parejas del mismo sexo en todo el país planean un beso en en Chick-fil-A en restaurantes viernes.
Chick-fil-A dijo que no estaba preocupado.
"Entendemos por las noticias que el viernes puede presentar otra oportunidad para nosotros para servir con la genuina hospitalidad, excelente servicio y buena comida", dijo Robinson. 
Aug. 2, 2012
Chick-fil-A posted "record-setting" sales on Wednesday as thousands of people swarmed the chicken chain for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day after the chain's chief made anti-gay comments.
"While we don't release exact sales numbers, we can confirm reports that it was a record-setting day," Steve Robinson, Chick-fil-A's executive vice president of marketing, said in a statement.
At least one location had to close early after nearly selling out of chicken. At others, lines snaked around buildings and patrons waited upwards of two hours to snag their chicken sandwiches and show their support for Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's comments supporting traditional marriage.
"We are very grateful and humbled by the incredible turnout of loyal Chick-fil-A customers on August 1 at Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country," Robinson said. "We congratulate local Chick-fil-A Owner/Operators and their team members for striving to serve each and every customer with genuine hospitality."
At the Chick-fil-A in Augusta, Georgia, about 150 miles from the franchise's Atlanta headquarters, the lunch line wait was hours long. And after a day of lines that snaked around the building, the restaurant had to turn away part of the dinner crowd, closing two hours early due to low supplies.
Lillian Huber, the Augusta Chick-fil-A's marketing director, told ABC News that employees began directing customers to another location around 8 p.m. so the store would have enough food left to open the next morning.

Glenn Baeske/AP Photo
The walk-in customer line went outside the... View Full Size

Chick-fil-A: Thousands Show Support Watch Video

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Brings Out Fans Watch Video
Mayor Bloomberg: Chick-fil-A Ban Is 'Inappropriate' Watch Video
With no Chick-fil-A locations in Maine, Auburn, Maine resident Arthur Langley organized a caravan to cart supporters to the nearest location two hours away. Langley said he and 14 friends and supporters drove the two hours and "happily" waited a "very very long time" to "demonstrate their support for what they believe was very important values in our society."
Langley said the Chick-fil-A in a food court in Peabody, Massachusetts was "swamped with people" and felt like a family reunion.
"It was people you really don't know but you know they're family so you treat them politely and nicely," he said.
Mike Huckabee, who created the Appreciation Day movement on Facebook, said on his radio show yesterday that he was "giddy" about outcome.
"People are voting with their feet today," Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, said. "I guess you could also say they are voting with their faces, they are stuffing them with chicken sandwiches, those lovely Chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A."
In Fayettville, Ga., CEO Cathy greeted customers waiting in line at the drive-thru and thanked them for their support. One Chick-fil-A goer tweeted this photo of Cathy:
The CEO has not spoken publically or agreed to any more interviews following the backlash over comments he made to the Baptist Press supporting "the biblical definition of the family unit."
"We are very much supportive of the family," Cathy said. "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives."
After an outpouring of support for Cathy and his company during Wednesday's Appreciation Day, gay activists are taking to the streets, or rather the Chick-fil-A parking lots, around the country for National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A on Friday to protest the chicken chain's opposition to the LGBTQ community.
Same-sex couples are being urged to take photos and videos of themselves kissing outside of Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide.
About 11,000 have said on Facebook that they will attend the event. The Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day event had about 55 times that many Facebook attendees.
Although the restaurant chain has become a rallying cry for people on both sides of the marriage debate, Chick-fil-A has aimed to stay out of the politics and controversy stemming from its CEO's comments.
"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender," Robinson said in a statement. "We understand from news reports that Friday may present yet another opportunity for us to serve with genuine hospitality, superior service and great food."

Hace falta una niña como esta para que calme al pueblo americano hasta el día 6 de noviembre del 2012 en que podamos sacar al UFO de esa silla que nunca debió usar:

Lo podemos anunciar como una Película de Próximo Extremo...
El Corralito Español 2012... por Ricardo Samitier.
Próximo estreno, en cualquier banco cercano a ti!
Señores, ya la mesa esta puesta y todo está a toda marcha.
El Banco Central Europeo rehúsa salvar a los bancos españoles
Los ricos ya han sacado sus fortunas fuera de España
y el fondo garante de los depósitos, esta vacío y tiene un hueco de 2,000,000,000.00
¿Cuanto tiempo queda para el corralito?
Compren comidas enlatadas, agua y gasolina.
Los que tengan armas, ya están preparados.
¡Esto se va a poner feo y rápido!

Whitehouse aide apologizes for wrong fact check on churchill bustpor Enrique Enriquez.

Es increíble la arrogancia de Obama! este hecho lo han querido sepultar, pero la realidad es que el busto de W. Churchill que Inglaterra dono' a la Casablanca y permanecía en "The Oval Office", Obama lo devolvió' a la Embajada Inglesa el mismo dia de su inauguracion como presidente. También cuando el y su esposa estuvieron en Inglaterra cometieron varios actos fuera del protocolo y el regalo que le hizo a  la reina, fueron los discursos de él.

Whitehouse aide apologizes for wrong fact check

Published July 31, 2012
Associated Press
WASHINGTON – When you're busted, better to admit it.
A top White House aide has apologized to a prominent conservative columnist after a public spat over the status of a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The aide, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, conceded Tuesday that "I clearly overshot the runway" by declaring that Charles Krauthammer's claim was "100 percent false."
At issue was a Krauthammer opinion piece last Friday about U.S. foreign policy and Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney's international trip. In it, Krauthammer stated that Obama "started his presidency by returning to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office."
Pfeiffer, a feisty defender of the president, posted a blog on the White House website denouncing the claim, noting that the bust remained at the White House and declaring: "This is 100 percent false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room."
Pfeiffer was wrong. Turns out there were two busts. One was returned on Inauguration Day; the other remained in the White House residence.
"I take your criticism seriously and you are correct that you are owed an apology," Pfeiffer wrote in an email to Krauthammer. "There was clearly an internal confusion about the two busts and there was no intention to deceive."
Pfeiffer, at Krauthammer's request, posted the email on the White House website.
"A better understanding of the facts on my part and a couple of deep breaths at the outset would have prevented this situation," he wrote.
Krauthammer had criticized Pfeiffer in a column Monday and declared that given the hot hitting by Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman, "I reckon the Nationals will win the World Series before I receive Pfeiffer's mea culpa."
To that, Pfeiffer replied: "Barring a miracle comeback from the Phillies I would like to see the Nats win a world series even if it comes after my apology."

Read more:

'Il Divo Aleluya' Para relajarnos un poco. Espero que les guste.

“Trabajando por un mejor EEUU”
Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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