Saturday, May 24, 2014

No 668    “En mi opinión”    Mayo 23, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
Ningún comunista es miembro del Partido Republicano.
Ningún comunista es una persona decente.
En el congreso hay más de 100 demócratas que están o estuvieron afiliados al partido comunista americano
Lázaro R González Miño

AMENPER: Pedofilia, Zoofilia, Sodomia, Lesbianismo, Mariconerías y otras Perversiones.
Abajo les copio la opinión de un Cura en España que me envía uno de ustedes y quiero compartirlo con el resto que a lo mejor no lo ha recibido porque lo encuentro muy bueno.
Es un punto que no debiera tener discusión.  
El homosexualismo no se ajusta a la realidad biológica del ser humano.  Es simplemente un estilo de vida de una minoría que no llega al 10% aunque gritan alto y se menean mucho.
Aunque puede ser tolerado en nombre de la libertad individual, pero no puede incorporarse a la estructura social, cívica, religiosa o cultural de la estructura de la familia como tal. 
No es cuestión de religión, no es ni siquiera una cuestión de moral, es cuestión de biología como lo dice este cura, es cuestión de que si nos salimos de la realidad y aceptamos como "normal" una conducta independiente de la  constitución biológica de las especies y los géneros, ¿donde paramos?   Si dos personas del mismo sexo se pueden casar legalmente, que impide que un hombre se case con una niña de 6 años, y eso ya ocurre en los países musulmanes así que no es algo que estemos mencionando sin precedente.  Tampoco es sin precedente que un hombre se case con una vaca, hay sectas en la India que practican la zoofilia y es costumbre entre los beduinos en el oriente medio el tener amores con sus ovejas y con sus camellos.
También la poligamia y la poliandria se practican en religiones como la mormona con hombres polígamos y en el antiguo  Egipto con sacerdotisas poliandrias.
Todo es cuestión de romper el hielo para destapar esta caja de pandora y vivir en una sociedad donde todo es permitido, como en Sodoma y Gomorra, y ya sabemos lo que les pasó.
A continuación lo que nos dice el cura gallego de Vigo, que por ser gallego no tiene pelos en la lengua.

Posted: 23 May 2014 12:50 AM PDT

La élite mundial ha logrado obtener tanto poder por medio del sistema bancario, llevan siglos manipulando el sistema para que funcione de tal forma que ellos siempre salgan beneficiados y tengan más y más control sobre la humanidad.

Nos esclavizan por medio de la FARSA del “crédito”, “prestándonos” dinero que NO EXISTE y cobrándonos intereses por él. Con sus bancos centrales controlan por completo el suministro económico de los países, ya que ellos son los que producen la moneda y deciden cuando la masa monetaria aumenta o disminuye. Por esa razón ellos pueden crear “auges” y “depresiones” a su antojo y despojar a la población de la poca riqueza que le queda.

Y ahora, con su poder cada vez más centralizado, están destruyendo todas las monedas del mundo para reemplazarlas con una moneda única electrónica, que será un microchip implantado en el cuerpo y de esta forma tener un completo control sobre la humanidad, ya que si no accedes a sus demandas, simplemente apagaran tu chip y no podrás tener acceso a comida, atención médica o cualquier actividad económica.

Dos leonas no hacen pareja. Dos gatos, tampoco. No pueden aparearse. Para ello tendrían que ser de distinto sexo y de la misma especie. Son cosas de la zoología, de la Madre Naturaleza. No es producto de la cultura hitita, fenicia, maya, cristiana o musulmana. Por supuesto no es un invento de la Iglesia. Muchos siglos antes de que Jesús naciera en Belén, el Derecho Romano reconocía el matrimonio como la unión de un hombre y una mujer. Después ellos se divertían con efebos, que para eso estaban, para el disfrute. La esposa era para tener hijos.

La palabra matrimonio procede de dos palabras romanas: "matris" y "munio". La primera significa "madre", la segunda "defensa". El matrimonio es la defensa, el amparo, la protección de la mujer que es madre, el mayor y más sublime oficio humano. Cada palabra tiene su significado propio. Una compra-venta gratuita no es una compra-venta, sino una donación. Y una enfiteusis por cinco años no es una enfiteusis, sino un arriendo vulgar. Llamar matrimonio a la unión de dos personas del mismo sexo me parece como poco serio. Jurídicamente, un disparate, de carcajada. Que le llamen "homomonio", "chulimonio", "seximonio", matrigay o lo que quieran, todo menos matrimonio, que ya está inventado hace tiempo. Nadie llama tarta de manzana a la que está hecha de peras, ni tampco se le dice tasa a la bacinica, ambas con blancas y con asa, pero en una desayunamos y en la otra defecamos.

Lo curioso es que cuando dices cosas como estas, algunos te miran como extrañados de que no reconozcas la libertad de las personas. Y por más que les dices que sí, que respeto la libertad de todos, que cada uno puede vivir con quien quiera, incluso con su perro, pero que eso no es un matrimonio, van y me llaman intolerante. Pero pongamos las cosas en su verdadera dimensión, los homosexuales son alrededor del 10% de la población, el 90% restante es heterosexual; entonces, reconocer a ese 10% y aceptar que son diferentes es tolerancia y democracia, pero ceder a sus caprichos ya no es democracia ni tolerancia, es estupidez.

No sé lo que harán los parlamentarios españoles a la hora de votar. Son políticos, no juristas. Votarán por razones políticas, no según Derecho. Las consecuencias son graves. Si un varón tiene derecho a casarse con otro varón y una mujer a hacerlo con otra mujer, ¿le vas a negar el derecho a un hermano a casarse con su propia hermana? ¿O a un padre a hacerlo con su hija? ¿No tienen el mismo derecho? La sociedad se quiebra. Huele a podrido. Como en Dinamarca.

Autor: R.P. José Carlos Areán,
Capellán del R.C. Celta – Vigo

Harry Reid's Desperate Money Pitch: Democrats In 'Deep Trouble'

By Bill Hoffmann
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed on Friday that the Democratic Party is in "deep trouble" in the upcoming midterm elections.

In a breathless fundraising email pitch with a subject line "deep trouble" obtained by Newsmax, Reid says: "The polls say it better than I ever could: We need you to make a contribution BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.''

He backs up his worry with new polls that show Republican candidates are neck and neck with their Democratic challengers in four key Senate races.

Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 

In North Carolina, Thom Tillis (R) and Kay Hagan (D) each have 41 percent of the vote; in Colorado, Cory Gardner (R) has 44 percent and Mark Udall (D) 45 percent; in Arkansas, Tom Cotton (R) has 42 percent and Mark Pryor (D) 43 percent; and in Alaska, Dan Sullivan (R) has 37 percent and Mark Begich (D) 42 percent.

To emphasize the need for donations, Reid includes the amount of money he claims Republican strategist Karl Rove has pumped in to each race: $3.5 million in North Carolina; $2.8 million in Colorado; $1.7 million in Arizona; and $1.8 million in Arkansas.

"Karl Rove’s $10 million spending spree could put Republicans in the driver’s seat in the four states he’s targeting," Reid says.

"Polling is close in 11 states, and only six seats protect us from Republican control over everything from health care reform to the Supreme Court. We’re matching all contributions 3-to-1 – but only until midnight tonight.''

The letter asks for contributors to kick in donations in amounts of $3, $8, $17, $25 or $35.

"If we hit our goal tonight, that money will be answering attacks in Senate battlegrounds like North Carolina and Colorado come tomorrow morning," Reid implores. 

"But if we fall short, Rove could seize the momentum – and we might not have time to get it back. Only you can stop Karl Rove and the Republicans.... This is a key moment in our fight to keep our majority strong."

Rove has been a thorn in the side of Democrats this month, sparking their anger by speculating that former secretary of State and presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton 
might have brain damage.

AMENPER: El Péndulo del Racismo, ¿lógico o incitado?

El péndulo de los abusos de la segregación racial en los Estados Unidos, es algo que era lógico y esperado.  Pero la exageración de la intensidad de la inclinación del péndulo, así como su duración, no es natural. Es una exageración que nos hace pensar que más que una reacción de péndulo es la utilización de esta circunstancia para establecer una nueva agenda política social.
Es absurdo hablar de racismo hacia los negros en un país que por dos veces, correctamente o equivocado ha elegido a un negro como presidente.  Es absurdo hablar de racismo cuando en todas las instituciones del gobierno hay negros en los cargos más destacados.  Es absurdo hablar de racismo cuando un negro se sienta en la corte suprema y hay magistrados a todos los niveles en el poder judicial.
No se puede pensar que porque una persona exprese un sentir racista, haya el peligro que tengamos de nuevo turbas linchando negros en los bosques del parque central de New York, o que los empleadores nieguen trabajo o despidan a personas por ser negros..
No creo que nadie piense que esto es posible hoy en día.  Entonces ¿por qué este pánico?  ¿Es el pánico real o artificial?
 Parece extraño para muchas cualidades definitorias de pánico de racismo descansan en las declaraciones verbales  en lugar del comportamiento que exhiben los presuntos racistas. 
Pero si alguien personalmente quiere ser racista, es su problema, es su manera de pensar, y debe de tener derecho a expresarse, siempre in cuando no ejercite ese racismo para hacerle daño a una persona de las raza que el desprecia. 
Hoy en día se puede hablar de la conducta de un negro, no importa si esa conducta es impropia sin que se acuse a una persona de racista, no importa si esa persona no ha cometido un acto de racismo, sólo porque ejercitó la libertad de expresión para decir lo que piensa.  Si no podemos hablar de algo malo que hizo un negro por ser negro, entonces si es un racismo a la inversa, y un racismo ilegal porque incluye una violación del derecho de expresión de una persona.
Este péndulo se ha desprendido de su axis y está volando desbocadamente en nuestra sociedad.  Nos hemos convertido en una ridícula sociedad ritualista en que las palabras son sagradas, es una religión autoritaria que oprime nuestra vida diaria, no sabemos cómo hablar sin que nuestras palabras puedan ser interpretadas como racistas, ya sea para los negros como para los musulmanes o hispanos.  No importa si uno es hispano como nosotros o negro como Clarence Thomas o unas la feminista Somalie  como Ayaan Hirsi Ali  que expresa su experiencia con el Islam, si expresamos algo, lo más mínimo contra una sección de la población en general, aunque esto simplemente es una expresión de un pensamiento individual sin daño a esa población, estás corriendo el riesgo de ser demandado.
Estamos viviendo en un estado de un pánico irreal, pero esto no es lo más importante. Lo más importante es si este pánico no es más que parte de una conjura para destruir la cultura existente como un paso para la destrucción del país.

A este se le fundieron los fusibles.: Harry Reid: Let’s Pass Immigration Reform Now and Wait for President Cruz to Enforce it in 2017

Dude, I think we should take this deal…
If that sounds familiar, it’s because Chuck Schumer floated the same idea back in February, minus the trollishly sarcastic reference to President Cruz. It’s a clever way of calling Boehner’s bluff when he complains that Republicans can’t pass anything until Obama proves that he can be trusted to faithfully execute new border-security laws. No problem, say Reid and Schumer; we’ll add a provision to the new law that says it doesn’t take effect until January 20, 2017. That solves your Obama problem in one fell swoop and leaves it to the next president. And if Republicans balk at that idea, Dems can point to it as proof that not only is the “we don’t trust Obama” excuse bogus but that the GOP evidently has little confidence that it’ll be back in the White House in 2017. Beyond all that, Reid and Schumer know a dirty little secret about Republicans: Even if 2016 produced a huge red wave, with Ted Cruz in the White House and the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, they wouldn’t dare repeal an amnesty bill that passed this year. They might “tweak” it a bit to further beef up security measures or extend the path to citizenship marginally, but there’s no earthly way a party that’s desperate to appeal to Latinos is going to pull the rug out from under them later by rescinding its big outreach gesture on immigration. And that’s why, I think, Reid pointedly mentioned Cruz in his tweet. Even if you righties got your dream candidate, he’s saying, he’s going to let you down on amnesty too.

PETER MARTORI: El Mundo. EEUU vigilará "cuidadosamente" retirada de tropas rusas de frontera ucraniana

Moscú anunció la retirada de sus unidades, concentradas en la frontera con Ucrania, 
aunque no se ha producido ningún movimiento de las tropas, según Estados Unidos.


EE.UU. envía un crucero lanzamisiles al Mar Negro

Desde el comienzo de la crisis en Ucrania, con la anexión de Crimea por Rusia, Washington despachó a varios buques de guerra al Mar Negro para la realización de maniobras.

El hombre más rico de Ucrania contra los separatistas rusos

El multimillonario ucraniano Rinat Ajmetov pidió a sus empleados que se manifiesten pacíficamente contra los separatistas prorrusos.

Rusia retira tropas de la frontera con Ucrania

Rusia, acusada por Kiev de apoyar a la rebelión armada, disponía de unos 40.000 soldados desplegados cerca de la frontera en el marco de maniobras militares.
mayo 21, 2014
El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, aseguró hoy en México que su país vigilará "cuidadosamente" que se produzca la retirada de tropas rusas de la frontera con Ucrania, tal como lo prometió el presidente Vladimir Putin.

"Le damos la bienvenida a la declaración de Putin de hace dos días de que ha dado instrucciones a las tropas que habían sido desplegadas en la frontera con Ucrania de que vuelvan a sus bases de origen", afirmó.

"Si eso ocurre, y lo estaremos observando cuidadosamente, será algo bastante constructivo", dijo el jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense en una conferencia de prensa en la que estuvo acompañado por su colega mexicano, José Antonio Meade.

Moscú anunció el pasado lunes la retirada de sus unidades, concentradas desde marzo en la frontera con Ucrania, aunque no se ha producido ningún movimiento de las tropas allí desplegadas, según Estados Unidos y la OTAN.

Kerry confió en que los esfuerzos de cooperación entre europeos, la ONU, el Gobierno interino en Kiev y algunos líderes de Europa del Este "que han demostrado gran valor al alzar la voz en pro de la ley y el orden" permita a los ucranianos "determinar su futuro y la desactivación de este conflicto".

Rusia ha calificado las elecciones en Ucrania, previstas para el próximo 25 de mayo, como "un paso en la buena dirección", pero se ha abstenido de confirmar si reconocerá sus resultados, ya que acusa a las actuales autoridades ucranianas de dar un golpe de Estado.

Interrogado sobre si el acuerdo energético alcanzado hoy entre China y Rusia afectará la situación de Ucrania, Kerry aseguró que no hay "ningún vínculo" ya que ese convenio "no es nuevo"; ambas naciones, dijo, han estado trabajando 10 años en él.

El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, y Putin presenciaron hoy en Shanghái la firma de un acuerdo de 400.000 millones de dólares entre el consorcio ruso Gazprom y la Corporación Nacional de Petróleo de China (CNPC) para la exportación de gas natural al país asiático.

Algunos expertos han sugerido que este acuerdo ha tenido que ver con la necesidad de Rusia de buscar nuevos compradores de gas tras las sanciones impuestas en su contra por parte de la UE y EE.UU. debido a su actuación en Ucrania.

El secretario de Estado de EE.UU. insistió en que lo importante en este asunto "es si Rusia va a respetar el derecho de los ucranianos a decidir cuál será su futuro" en las próximas elecciones.

Kerry realiza hoy su primera visita oficial a México para avanzar en la agenda común vinculada con temas comerciales, de seguridad y cooperación bilateral.

Massive FOOD INFLATION signals trouble ahead for the U.S. Economy

Recently I spoke with a large Hog farmer, and the information he gave me was ALARMING! Between January 1 and March 31 of 3014 hog prices SKYROCKETED 66%. In April prices have tapered off some, but are still up 43% in the first four months of the year. It's a stretch to think that pork could continue this torrid pace throughout the year, but if it does it will be up more that 120% in 2014. Chances are it levels off and we see an increase of over 60%.

Part of the reason food prices are going up is certainly because of the drought. I warned of this last fall as herds of cattle in Texas were being slaughtered as ranchers couldn't afford to purchase the hay, alfalfa, etc. to feed their cattle. Normally, this is not an issue when it rains! The fields will grow and the cattle can eat it. But, with such a wide span of drought land in America's southwest, ranchers were slaughtering herds. This caused prices to come down as supply went up. But I warned back then that this would not last. When that increased supply was sold, there would be a shortage of beef that follows. The shortage will cause prices to go through the roof. My family just got back from a vacation where we ate out numerous times at nice restaurants, and the price increases are happening, but they are sneaky! The cost of the meal didn't really change on the menu but the serving size did. At one restaurant, we used to get an 8 oz. filet of beef, now it is 6 oz. but offered at the same price. THAT IS A 25% INCREASE IN THE PRICE even though the price on the menu didn't change. VERY SNEAKY MARKETING!

This is happening before our nose. Whether the increases are related to the drought, or due to federal mandates that corn be used for ethanol (which takes away from the corn available for feed), prices are going up and probably won't change any time soon. The ethanol story is a disturbing one. In 2006, there was almost no use of corn utilization for the production of ethanol. Fast forward to 2012. In just six years, the utilization of corn being used for ethanol production is FIVE BILLION BUSHELS PER YEAR. The total annual corn yield is about 13 BILLION BUSHELS. This means almost 40% of all CORN IS BEING USED FOR ETHANOL. This is a simple supply and demand equation. Less supply means higher prices for feeding livestock AND people. People are already living at the margin. Food inflation for most Americans amounts to a nuisance. We either deal with it or change our consumption habits if need be. But, for the majority of the world, food inflation can be the difference between eating and not eating resulting in civil unrest.

There is more to this story. Much of what we consume are imports. Seafood from other countries, rice from Asia, beef, fruit, and a host of other staples are imported from other countries. As the U.S. dollar continues to devalue, those imports will become increasingly expensive. We must become more self-sufficient in our own micro-economies by growing our own food. We must also re-allocate our other investments into asset classes that can take advantage of these trends. There are ways for us to thrive, rather than just survive.”

Dr. Elliott has produced an EDUCATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES that is normally purchased for $297. But, for 
WND.COM readers, he is making this FIVE PART WEBINAR FREE!!! No strings attached--just FREE! Food inflation is just part of the story. Inflation is coming in all areas as the U.S. Dollar devalues due to relentless printing to provide stimulus to faltering markets. Countries such as China, Japan, and a host of others will need to be enticed to invest in U.S. Dollars. How will this happen? WITH HIGHER INTEREST RATES! With America in debt up to her eyeballs at the consumer level and insurmountable debt at the municipal, state, and federal level, RISING INTEREST RATES along with HIGHER PRICES spell economic disaster to America. Dr. Elliott explains in this webinar series HOW to identify the times to invest in STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER, and REAL ESTATE. None of these are bad asset categories as they have all soared at one time or another. However, there are times when investors should allocate into these assets and times they should avoid them like the plague.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TRENDS RATHER THAN LETTING THE TRENDS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Dr. Elliott opens the curtain and explains in detail everything you need to know to do this yourself.

Veterans Administration: News Cycle vs. Spin Cycle

Written by Gary North 
How could anyone have known that the Veterans Administration’s health care delivery system is a catastrophe? Easy. By reading Nobel Prize-winning Keynesian economist Paul Krugman in 2011, and then taking the opposite position.
What Mr. Romney and everyone else should know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform.
Many people still have an image of veterans’ health care based on the terrible state of the system two decades ago. Under the Clinton administration, however, the V.H.A. was overhauled, and achieved a remarkable combination of rising quality and successful cost control. Multiple surveys have found the V.H.A. providing better care than most Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those facing Medicare and private insurers. Furthermore, the V.H.A. has led the way in cost-saving innovation, especially the use of electronic medical records.
Anyone can become a competent economist by following this career path. Krugman announces a successful government policy or program. You take the opposite position. Then wait. It won’t take long. The headlines will validate your position soon enough. He does the heavy lifting. You just follow along behind, identifying the next big failure.
The rule governing the news business is this: “If it bleeds, it leads.”
The rule governing bureaucracies is this: “Suppress it or spin it.”
The two rules are in conflict today in the Veterans Administration scandal. The media’s rule is winning this time. It rarely does.
My guess is that the Republicans are going to be successful in Congress when they push to find out what has happened in the VA.
When it comes to shortchanging veterans, no politician is willing to say that expenditures have got to be cut, and veterans have got to stand out in the cold, waiting to get inside. Veterans are politically untouchable. They are well organized. Obviously, there are degrees of importance in budgets. But, at the top of the list of importance, is care for veterans who have been wounded in military service, and who are shortchanged by the veterans’ hospitals. Anything that comes close to this story is the equivalent of cancer for the whole agency.
Something has happened that I cannot ever recall in my lifetime. The House overwhelmingly voted for a bill to make 400 VA bureaucrats legal targets for dismissal. This will overcome civil service rules making them nearly immune.
The Senate will probably pass it. Democrats are hopping mad. This is not seen as a partisan measure. If Obama fails to sign it, this will blow up under his Teleprompter.
The story of the Phoenix branch is getting a lot of publicity. It turns out that there had been repeated warnings about the complete breakdown of services in Phoenix. One physician warned in 2012 about the problem, and she was silenced. She was deliberately transferred to another department. This is standard operating procedure in every federal bureaucracy, but when it goes public, and it has to do with dead veterans, there is no way to hide.
When USA Today gets on your case, you are in big trouble. It has a lot of readers. They read this.
• Early 2012: Dr. Katherine Mitchell, a Veterans Affairs emergency-room physician, warns Sharon Helman, incoming director of the Phoenix VA Health Care System, that the Phoenix ER is overwhelmed and dangerous. Mitchell now alleges she was told within days by senior administrators that she had deficient communication skills and was transferred out of the ER.
• Later in 2012: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs orders implementation of electronic wait-time tracking and makes improved patient access a top priority. In December, the Government Accountability Office tells the Veterans Health Administration that its reporting of outpatient medical-appointment wait times is “unreliable.”
(For the rest of my article, click the link.)

Harry Reid's Desperate Money Pitch: Democrats In 'Deep Trouble'

Friday, 23 May 2014 12:51 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed on Friday that the Democratic Party is in "deep trouble" in the upcoming midterm elections.

In a breathless fundraising email pitch with a subject line "deep trouble" which was obtained by Newsmax, Reid says: "The polls say it better than I ever could: We need you to make a contribution BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.''

He backs up his worry with new polls that show Republican candidates neck-in-neck with their Democratic challengers in four key Senate races.

Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 

In North Carolina, Thom Tillis (R) and Kay Hagan (D) each have 41 percent of the vote; in Colorado, Cory Gardner (R) with 44 percent and Mark Udall (D) with 45 percent; in Arkansas, Tom Cotton (R) with 42 percent and Mark Pryor (D) with 43; and in Alaska, Dan Sullivan (R) with 37 percent and Mark Begich (D) with 42 percent.

To emphasize the need for donations, Reid includes the amount of money he claims Republican strategist Karl Rove has pumped in to each race: $3.5 million in North Carolina; $2.8 million in Colorado; $1.7 million in Arizona; and $1.8 million in Arkansas.

"Karl Rove’s $10 million spending spree could put Republicans in the driver’s seat in the four states he’s targeting," Reid says.

"Polling is close in 11 states, and only six seats protect us from Republican control over everything from health care reform to the Supreme Court. We’re matching all contributions 3-to-1 – but only until midnight tonight.''

The letter asks for contributors to kick in donations in amounts of $3, $8, $17, $25 or $35.

"If we hit our goal tonight, that money will be answering attacks in Senate battlegrounds like North Carolina and Colorado come tomorrow morning," Reid implores. 

"But if we fall short, Rove could seize the momentum – and we might not have time to get it back. Only you can stop Karl Rove and the Republicans … This is a key moment in our fight to keep our majority strong."

Rove has been in a thorn in the side of Democrats this month, sparking their anger with an inquiry about the health of former Secretary of State and presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 

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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed?
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"Department officials revealed last month that 23 deaths of veterans were linked to delayed cancer screenings dating back four years. More recently, a retired doctor, Sam Foote, alleged that 40 other veterans died because of treatment delays." 
- USA Today, May 14, 2014

Dear Patriot, 
Do you agree it is 100 percent UNACCEPTABLE for Americans to allow our courageous troops -- who survived foreign enemies on the battlefield -- to simply die here at home from neglect while waiting months for medical treatment?

If your answer is YES, 
please sign your petition to Congress titled,Rescue Our Ailing Veterans, Right Now! 
Congressional Petition will be added to the others we receive and quickly delivered to all 25 Congressional Representatives on the House Veterans Affairs Committee. 
That message is: Fix the problem and rescue our ailing veterans - or else! 
America's veterans are national treasures who have risked their lives defending our magnificent country, which is why all patriotic Americans will honor their painful sacrifices on Memorial Day. 
Memorial Day is the perfect time to 
call attention to this crisis, which is threatening the lives of our heroic veterans and devastating their families. 

I'm David Walker, President of the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, which provides emergency financial aid for troops severely disabled in the war on terrorism. My blood is still boiling after learning that dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of veterans who should be alive and well are dead - or dying - because of our government's negligence.

Our ailing military heroes are dying needlessly because they are being forced to wait for months and sometimes years for routine medical tests at government hospitals. 
One example is 44-year-old Army veteran Barry Coates, who was forced to wait more than a year for a doctor-recommended colonoscopy to see if his suffering resulted from early stages of cancer.
When the routine medical test was finally performed it showed Barry had advanced colorectal cancer, which could have been treated more effectively if it had been detected right away. 
In April, the 44-year-old Army veteran told the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, 

"It is likely too late for me. 

"The gross negligence of my ongoing problems and crippling backlog epidemic of the VA medical system has not only handed me a death sentence, but ruined the quality of life I have for the meantime."

You can help prevent more military veterans like Barry Coates from being handed a death sentence by sending your 
Rescue Our Ailing Veterans, Right Now! Petition to Congress. 
According to a recent article in USA Today, many of the 6,300 veterans treated at ONE government clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado waited months to be seen.
USA Today reports, 

"Department officials revealed last month that 23 deaths of veterans were linked to delayed cancer screenings dating back four years. 

"More recently, a retired doctor, Sam Foote, alleged that 40 other veterans died because of treatment delays at a VA hospital in Phoenix."

Think about it: If the government itself revealed that 23 veterans probably died at one hospital and 40 at another, it's likely that several hundred veterans have already died needlessly - at the hands of their own government! 
This is outrage - and it must be stopped right now. 
The upcoming Memorial Day holiday is a perfect time to 
shine a spotlight on this crisis and pressure Congress to do the right thing. 
Sadly, many of our veterans are too sick or too frail to speak out for themselves. So I'm asking you to help me speak out for them. 
Please sign your 
Rescue Our Ailing Veterans, Right Now! Petition to Congress. 
The government's own rules say ailing veterans seeking potentially life-saving medical screenings must be seen within 14 days. But because of government incompetence - and worse - our veterans are being denied medical screenings for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. 
Many have already died as a result, and many more may die soon unless you and I and other Americans stand up and say, "
Enough Is Enough!" 
Predictably, many policy-makers are trying to pass the buck for their failure and blaming hospitals and doctors for the delays. 
That won't wash! 
You and I can't let our elected officials escape the blame for this shameful national scandal. 
Congress is responsible for funding and overseeing all government agencies, including the VA. 
Therefore Congress must be held accountable and forced to act.
Please send them an immediate message by sending Congress yourRescue Our Ailing Veterans, Right Now! Petition. 
They were there for us. Now it's our turn to be there for them. 

David W. Walker, President and CEO
Coalition to Salute America's Heroes 

CACAFUACA DE GATO RUINO ES EL SISTEMA DE INFORMACION DE LA CASA NEGRA… Seven times the White House said President Obama learned about something from the news

1. When in 2009,  a plane eerily similar to Air Force One flew low over Manhattan, sending New Yorkers into a terrified frenzy. Too. Soon.
2. When a gunwalking operation now known as Fast and Furious left one U.S. border patrol agent dead. Executive privilege, anyone?
3. When the IRS let slip that it had been targeting conservative and tea party groups. Apparently they hoped no one would notice.
4. When the Department of Justice secretly seized phone records from the Associated Press. Yeah, that ended well.
5. When a whistleblower from Veterans’ Affairs came forward with information about delayed treatment and secret wait times. That’s simply unacceptable.
6. When Kathleen Sebelius tried to claim the White House didn’t know about problems in advance. Right…

7. When Solyndra, which received half a billion dollars in loan guarantees from the federal government went bankrupt. Great job, guys!


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