Thursday, April 24, 2014

No 645 “En mi opinión” Abril 24, 2014

No 645    “En mi opinión”    Abril 24, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: Acción Afirmativa, fin de un Anacronismo
Cuando se estudia historia secular, o la Biblia, que es el testamento de la historia de Dios con la humanidad a través de su relación con el pueblo de Israel, no podemos tener un concepto correcto de los hechos si no nos ponemos en el contexto de la época. 
Por eso Washington, Jefferson y los otros padres de la patria no dejan de ser menos patriotas y hombres rectos, porque fueran dueños de esclavos. 
En el contexto histórico la esclavitud era una institución universalmente aceptada, hasta para los que la sufrían. 
Por eso tampoco debemos pensar que las leyes que Dios de dio a Moisés para el pueblo judío cuando era una tribu nómada en el desierto y que leemos en levítico tenga un valor doctrinal para nuestros días. 
Claro que para la preservación del pueblo judío durante el éxodo tenía Dios que imponerles leyes higiénico-dietéticas como no comer esos puercos con septicemia hemorrágica que hubieran diezmado o extinguido al pueblo en aquellos tiempos y otras leyes para esta situación particular. 
Pero lo que Dios limpió, no podemos considerar inmundo, hoy que no existe prácticamente las enfermedades porcinas como antes y las condiciones higiénica de nuestras ciudades no tiene ninguna relación con las condiciones de Moisés durante el éxodo en el desierto.
No es que Dios haya cambiado, lo que ha cambiado son las condiciones y la época.  Aferrarse a doctrinas y principios fuera del contexto de la época, tiene un solo nombre, y este nombre es anacronismo.

En los Estados Unidos, durante los años de prejuicio y discriminación contra las personas que no fueran anglosajonas, era posible legislar la discriminación, pero era imposible legislar el prejuicio.  Cuando el poder estaba en manos de personas que por generaciones pensaban que sólo las personas que eran “WASP” (Blancos anglo sajones protestantes) tenían el derecho a la educación y a trabajos ejecutivos, porque las otras personas tenían un intelecto no desarrollados, eran como niños a que había que proteger, manteniéndolos separados;entonces una ley como “Acción Afirmativa”, tenía una razón de ser.
Pero la historia siguió su curso… Hoy tenemos hasta un presidente negro, un fiscal general negro, hispanos y negros en la corte suprema y en todas las posiciones ejecutivas de la nación.  Usar el racismo para imponer un racismo a la inversa es un anacronismo criminal, porque se está creando una nueva discriminación racial hacia los descendientes de los antiguos discriminadores, y esto es revancha por motivos orientados como venganza pero primordialmente dirigidos para fines políticos.
No hay diferencia, el nuevo racismo, como el anterior, es socio-políticamente motivado, tratando a las minorías como niños que hay que proteger para mantenerlos esclavos de la dependencia, y a los anglo-sajones blancos, como malos a los que hay que castigar.
Por eso, como minoría, aplaudo a la Corte Suprema por votar a favor de la libertad, a favor de que haya una verdadera igualdad racial, en que anglosajones, hispanos y negros, sean una sola raza a los ojos de la ley.  Que no me traten como un niño, que no me protejan, sólo le pido que me den libertad, lo demás es mi problema.

Esto es progreso o qué? Aparentemente EEUU necesita aún más criminales en las calles segun Eric Holder.  Breaking: DOJ To Flood Streets With Felons. The new policy is set to take effect as soon as next week.
Eric Holder’s Justice Department has come under fire multiple times in recent months for embracing policies that many feel provide undue leniency toward violent felons. Under Holder’s leadership, the agency has publicly supported giving felons the right to vote, rewarding them with free phone service and transportation, and even commuting the sentences of some prisoners.
According to a new initiative announced Wednesday, a huge number of criminals currently in prison are about to receive a get-out-of-jail pass from the DOJ based on the fact that they have already served at least 10 years of their sentence.
These criminals, all convicted of drug offenses, will be able to apply for release under the policy, provided they might have gotten a lighter sentence had they committed their crime more recently.
“Older, stringent punishments that are out of line with sentences imposed under today’s laws erode people’s confidence in our criminal justice system,” said Deputy Attorney General James Cole. “I am confident that this initiative will go far to promote the most fundamental of American ideals – equal justice under the law.”
While many leftist activists believe mandatory minimum sentences are outmoded and should be eradicated, those tasked with presenting the case against these offenders feel otherwise. In a letter sent earlier this year to Holder, the National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys said the status quo is “worth preserving” because it gives prosecutors “leverage to secure cooperation from defendants.”
The Justice Department, however, is anxious to open the prison doors for thousands of convicts. The new policy is set to take effect as soon as next week.
According to one source cited by Fox News, the total number of prisoners that could be granted clemency is more than 23,000.
A sudden influx of prisoners in communities across the U.S. will likely correspond with an increase in violence and the prevalence of drugs, especially considering the nature of the crimes for which these criminals were convicted.
Of course, with Holder’s promise to work toward restoring their right to vote, releasing criminals ahead of two contentious election cycles might just provide an added boost to a deeply damaged Democrat Party.

Watch: Could DNA Prove Obama Is Ineligible For Presidency?

Will an obscure intelligence advisor in England show the way for Americans to finally get rid of the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama? KRIS ZANE  

Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate has been almost universally deemed a forgery, long before Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio’s forensic examination found it to be created digitally and never having existed in paper form. Without even a digital examination, it is obvious it is a cut-and-paste job, with at least eight different typewriter fonts.
Despite this fact, and despite Obama clearly not being a natural-born citizen—his father, Barack Obama, Sr. being a subject of the British crown as admitted by Obama—the dozens of lawsuits filed against Obama charging that he’s not a natural-born citizen, or that his birth certificate is a fake—have been summarily dismissed for invalid reasons.
Americans have found themselves in a quandary: we know Obama is ineligible to be President; we know his birth certificate is fake—yet we appear to be powerless to do anything about it.  But there may be a novel way that Americans can prove Obama is not a natural-born citizen: have a Special Prosecutor demand Obama submit—like Clinton did in 1998—a DNA sample to prove that his mother and father are who he says they are.
This, however, may have already been carried out—by the CIA!  
According to British intelligence advisor and author of the just-published book, Spyhunter, Michael Shrimpton states that the CIA took a DNA sample of Obama prior to the 2008 election and found that the woman Obama now states is his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, is not related to Obama—and his mother may in fact be a foreign citizen!  
Shrimpton is no tinfoil hat-wearing kook: He has dozens of contacts in both the British and American intelligence agencies and has access to a huge cache of intelligence documents.
Will an obscure intelligence advisor in England show the way for Americans to finally get rid of the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?
Barack Obama has been methodically dismantling the United States, shredding the Constitution, and enslaving us to the Chinese with crushing debt; so let us hope Michael Shrimpton can show us how how we can prove Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen and may in fact be a foreign citizen.

Se descubre “acuerdo secreto” entre los Heat y el alcalde Giménez

• El “acuerdo secreto” le costaría a Miami Dade $121 millones adicionales 

MIAMI 24 DE ABRIL DE 2014,—Como en los viejos “golpes de estados” de nuestros países latinoamericanos, en Miami Dade aparentemente acaba de ocurrir algo parecido, entre el dueño de los Miami Heat y el alcalde Carlos Giménez.
Sorpresivamente el alcalde Carlos Giménez y Micky Arison, chocaron al conocerse un acuerdo secreto que se realizaba “tras bambalinas”.
“Aparentemente todo se estaba haciendo en privado entre el cabildero de los Heat, Jorge Luis López y la administración”, nos dijo un funcionario del condado que nos dio la información a condición de no divulgar su nombre.
De acuerdo con esta fuente, Jorge Luis López aparentemente estaba bajo la impresión de que ya era un hecho lo que él y Giménez habían acordado, Micky Arison también lo creía, pero Giménez dice que, “aún no hay acuerdo”.
Según detalles que hemos conocido, “el dueño del Miami Heat, Micky Arison hizo el anuncio del posible trato el miércoles informando  que el condado iría a extender 10 años más el contrato, el cual vence el 2030”.
Arison hizo sus declaraciones en un correo electrónico que le enviara a los fanáticos que compran boletos fijos todo el año, esto fue lo que molestó al alcalde Giménez quien se apresuró a asegurar que “No tenemos un acuerdo ni he recomendado ninguno”, el acuerdo , ya no lo era secreto.
Micky Arison escribió en su correo, “este es un acuerdo entre los Heat y el alcalde para mantener al equipo jugando en el terreno  propiedad del condado hasta el 2040”.
Giménez se lamentó de que Arison haya enviado el correo electrónico, “es lamentable que los Heat hayan dicho esto ahora”, dijo el alcalde.
Si este “acuerdo secreto” llegara a aprobarse, le costaría al condado Miami-Dade $121 millones adicionales hasta el 2040 por concepto de subsidios que señala el “acuerdo secreto” y hay que sumarle otros $6.4 millones que el condado le paga anualmente como parte de los términos acordados cuando se firmó el contrato original en 1996.
Algunos comisionados están molestos con este “acuerdo secreto”, el comisionado Juan Carlos Zapata declaró al Miami Herald que “el acuerdo es muy generoso para los Heat”, dijo Zapata y señaló, “es una cosa horrible, nunca he visto algo tan ridículo”.
Si los comisionados ratifican el “acuerdo secreto”, el subsidio anual aumentaría de $6.4 millones a $12 millones en el 2031 que sería el primer año del nuevo contrato de arrendamiento extendido.
El abogado-cabildero de los Heat e intimo amigo del alcalde, Jorge Luis López declaró que los Heat no se lamentan de haber hecho el anuncio, “el. –Arison–se sentía cómodo en anunciar el estado de las negociaciones, la administración tiene siempre el derecho de reconsiderar y cambiar su opinión, tenemos respeto por el alcalde”.

Shocking Video: Harry Reid Just Accidentally Revealed His Stunning Disrespect For Americans. The most frightening thing is that most politicians in Washington probably secretly agree.TOM HINCHEY  

In a recent interview, Harry Reid took a hard stance against the Bundys and their supporters, calling them “Domestic Terrorists” among other names.
One of the most important things revealed in that interview was not something that Harry Reid said, but what he did. Watch closely as Reid talks about the Bundy situation, and see what he does as he says “Federal Land.” It is very revealing about what he, and most likely, many other policians in Washington really think about the public (and even the private) land in America.



How can so many people dismiss the huge state of corruption now in government by saying “OH! IS ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT COMPARE TO BILLIONS ELSE WHERE” .I keep hearing the same remarks over and over again to minimize the corruption. And many of the people saying the phrase are suppose to be in key positions or positions of leadership. If this thinking and acceptance is what most people agree on there are big consequences and much more changes “to the moral code of the country”. The indifference toward corruption in government nowadays is incredible. 

I have even heart the same phrase when millions of dollars are stolen from medicare or a government official takes thousands of dollars for kickbacks . AND also the mazing situation is that many accept the corrupt act and the outright stealing as nothing to be concern with for as long as the amount is acceptable to their mentality . If this thinking continues sooner the corruption will move throughout the country in different forms . Such as a police officer will ask for money in exchange for writing a traffic ticket or a government official will request cash ‘FAVOR” for no a number of different reasons.

I am amaze how idiots are now in key positions in government AS WELL OF OUTRIGHT CROOKS. The future of the country is not very bright with this new mentality . Instead of the country elevating to bigger and brighter things we appear to have lower the code of conduct to the level of many of the countries that we once criticized and call them “BANNA REPUBLICS”.

Jorge Aguiar
Doral, Florida

CRITTERS !!!  M. Aleman. business as
usual in Chicago.  And the beat goes on…
The Reverend's girl has come home to roost!
Chicago born and raised...just like our POTUS!
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The daughter of President Barack Obama's former pastor was convicted on Friday of laundering thousands of dollars from a state grant for a Chicago-area job-training program, federal prosecutors said.

A federal jury took less than two hours to find Jeri Wright, 48, the daughter of Jeremiah Wright, guilty on all counts for her part in a fraud scheme led by a former suburban police chief and the chief's husband, according to the U.S. Attorney's office for the Central District of Illinois in Springfield .
The $1.25 million state grant was for a not-for-profit work and education program called We Are Our Brother's Keeper, owned by Regina Evans, former police chief of Country Club Hills, and her husband, Ronald Evans Jr.

Wright, a close friend of the couple, took as much as $11,000 from checks worth more than $30,000 that were supposed to be for work related to the grant, prosecutors said. About $20,000 was deposited back into accounts controlled by Regina and Ronald Evans.
The couple has pleaded guilty to the fraud scheme.

"If you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held accountable in a court of law," said Jim Lewis, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois.

The grant agreement was supposed to provide bricklaying and electrical pre-apprenticeship training and GED preparation at the Regal Theater, another entity owned by the couple. Little, if any, of the training provided in the grant agreement was ever completed, according to prosecutors.
Jeremiah Wright was the Chicago pastor whose inflammatory church sermons, which often condemned U.S. attitudes on race, poverty and other issues, became a focus during the 2008 presidential campaign. Obama quieted the controversy with a speech putting the quotes in the context of race relations.
Jeri Wright also was convicted of making false statements to law enforcement officers and giving false testimony to a grand jury. The maximum penalty for money laundering is up to 20 years in prison, and five years in prison on the other counts.

Wright, of the Chicago suburb of Hazel Crest, told reporters outside the Springfield federal court house that she will appeal, according to media accounts. Her attorneys were not immediately available for comment.
Sentencing is scheduled for July 7.

Delinquent IRS employees paid bonuses by the agency.
By Katie Lobosco  @KatieLobosco  NEW YORK (CNNMoney)
The IRS was in damage control mode Tuesday after an audit revealed that it paid bonuses to employees who were in trouble over tax issues themselves.
More than $2.8 million, plus thousands of hours of paid time-off, were doled out over two years to employees who had recently been disciplined for various types of misconduct, according to an audit report. About $1 million of that money was given as bonuses to 1,100 employees who were in trouble over tax related issues.
The tax problems include willful understatement of tax liabilities, late payments and under-reporting of income, according to the report issued by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
The report says that providing awards to employees who fail to pay taxes "appears to create a conflict with the IRS's charge of ensuring the integrity of the system of tax administration."

GEORGINA LOPEZ: Identifican a cuatro fugitivos de EEUU que viven en Cuba

Un bloguero de Miami dice que ha localizado en Cuba a cuatro fugitivos de Estados Unidos —un hombre acusado de lavar $30 millones, dos personas buscadas por fraude al Medicare y un hombre buscado por el robo de $180,000 en monedas de 5 centavos.
“Desde la dictadura cubana nos dicen a muchos de los que defendemos la libertad de expresión en Cuba ‘La Mafia de Miami’, pero a los verdaderos criminales que roban y estafan los esconden”, escribió el martes el bloguero Luis Domínguez.
Domínguez escribió que Jorge Emilio Pérez de Morales, de 50 años, un fugitivo acusado de lavar más de $30 millones robados por otros al Medicare y mandados a Cuba, vive ahora en el barrio Santa Fe de La Habana con su esposa, Zuzel Monné Díaz.
Esa zona está “congelada” —bajo restricciones de quién puede vivir ahí por razones de seguridad nacional, escribió Domínguez en su blog Cuba al Descubierto, dedicado a publicar detalles íntimos del gobierno de la isla y sus altos oficiales.
Pérez, Monné y el actor y productor cubano Jorge Perugorría tienen una compañía registrada en España, Santa Fe Pictures SL, según la entrada publicada por el bloguero. Domínguez le entregó una copia a el Nuevo Herald.
Madelín Bárbara Machado Barroso, de 40 años, buscada desde el 2009 por 16 cargos de fraude al Medicare y cinco cargos de lavado de dinero, esta viviendo ahora en El Vedado, La Habana, según Domínguez. Su nota incluye las direcciones exactas de los fugitivos.
Y Guillermo Díaz Pérez, buscado por estafar al Medicare $254,000 desde el 19 de abril del 2007, ha estado viviendo en la ciudad de Camagüey desde mediados del año 2008, agrego el bloguero.
Domínguez escribió que también tiene información de que Angel Ricardo Mendoza Bartelemy, buscado por el robo de un camión cargado de $180,000 en monedas de 5 centavos del Banco de la Reserva Federal en el 2004, ha vivido en el barrio de Santa Fe desde el 2006.
El bloguero no hizo públicas sus fuentes, diciendo que quería mantenerlas en el anonimato para protegerlas.
Autoridades de Estados Unidos han estimado que la mayoría de los más de 80 cubanos-americanos fugitivos de cargos de fraude al Medicare están viviendo en Cuba.
Domínguez dijo que solo unos cuantos de ellos están en la lista de buscados de Interpol, la organización policíaca mundial.

GEORGINA LOPEZ: Inversionistas envían carta a Obama sobre oportunidades en Cuba

En el documento, dicho grupo asegura que proporcionando conocimientos y asesoramiento técnico a los ciudadanos de la isla en el sector no estatal, es una forma de asistencia humanitaria.
Las calles de La Habana están llenas de cuentapropistas, dueños de salones de uñas, cafés, restaurantes, peluquerías, galerías de arte y talleres de reparación de teléfonos celulares, según la Americas Society Council of the Americas.
Y por primera vez en 55 años, un número creciente de cubanos ahora pueden comenzar a forjar sus propios destinos, iniciando sus propios negocios, incrementando su autosuficiencia y la independencia del Estado.
En una carta dirigida al presidente Obama, dicho grupo asegura que dada la situación económica en Cuba, proporcionando conocimientos y asesoramiento técnico a los ciudadanos en el sector no estatal es una forma de asistencia humanitaria.
En el amplio espectro de empresas que han surgido en los últimos cinco años, existen contrapartes profesionales individuales y organizacionales obvias en los Estados Unidos que podrían proporcionar tanto asesoramiento técnico como conexiones y aportación financiera.
Entre otras muchas 
recomendaciones, el grupo también asegura que los empresarios individuales en la isla deben ser capaces de comprar insumos muy necesarios para sus negocios de fuentes mucho más baratas y poder vender a un mercado mucho más grande: los Estados Unidos.
Según Americas Society Council of the Americas viajaron a Cuba para reunirse con los empresarios de la isla en virtud de una licencia general para establecer relaciones comerciales permitirá que este sector no estatal se expanda, pero más importante aún, dicen, ayudará a EE.UU. y a los cubanos a gozar de una de las libertades y los principios más centrales para el capitalismo: la libertad para ejercer el comercio.


How can so many people dismiss the huge state of corruption now in government by saying “OH! IS ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT COMPARE TO BILLIONS ELSE WHERE” .I keep hearing the same remarks over and over again to minimize the corruption. And many of the people saying the phrase are suppose to be in key poisons or positions of leadership. If this thinking and acceptance is what most people agree on there are big consequences and much more changes “to the moral code of the country”. The indifference toward corruption in government nowadays is incredible. 
I have even heart the same phrase when millions of dollars are stolen from medicare or a government official takes thousands of dollars for kickbacks . AND also the mazing situation is that many accept the corrupt act and the outright stealing as nothing to be concern with for as long as the amount is acceptable to their mentality . If this thinking continues sooner the corruption will move throughout the country in different forms . Such as a police officer will ask for money in exchange for writing a traffic ticket or a government official will request cash ‘FAVOR” for no a number of different reasons.
I am amaze how idiots are now in key positions in government AS WELL OF OUTRIGHT CROOKS. The future of the country is not very bright with this new mentality . Instead of the country elevating to bigger and brighter things we appear to have lower the code of conduct to the level of many of the countries that we once criticized and call them “BANNA REPUBLICS”.
Jorge Aguiar. Doral, Florida

Delinquent IRS employees paid bonuses by the agency

By Katie Lobosco  @KatieLobosco 

The IRS was in damage control mode Tuesday after an audit revealed that it paid bonuses to employees who were in trouble over tax issues themselves.

More than $2.8 million, plus thousands of hours of paid time-off, were doled out over two years to employees who had recently been disciplined for various types of misconduct, according to an audit report. About $1 million of that money was given as bonuses to 1,100 employees who were in trouble over tax related issues.
The tax problems include willful understatement of tax liabilities, late payments and under-reporting of income, according to the report issued by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
The report says that providing awards to employees who fail to pay taxes "appears to create a conflict with the IRS's charge of ensuring the integrity of the system of tax administration."


Miriam Dopico

As my Cuban brethern commemorate this 53 year anniversary, for me it is bitter-sweet.  I look back at all that was lost.  Personally, my heritage, familial history in fragments, and family ties severed, never to be reconnected.  The illusions of a pleasurable walk on Varadero Beach or sunning under the Cuban sky, which according to my mother (and older Cubans), are skies like no sky in the entire world.

As the elders in my family pass away one by one, and I recall the seemingly unending sobs of my beloved mother, who yearned for her homeland and family, but who at the same time was so very much an American patriot, grateful to this country for welcoming us and ushering us to freedom, we would have otherwise not known; I wonder what Cuba would have grown to become in the world, just 90 miles from Key West, and what America could be if Cuba would have been free. 

I ask myself how the Kennedy administration could have looked away and turned its back on a people who wanted a free country, the hypocrisy of an administration who claimed to be spreading freedom in all the world, except of course for a tiny island in the Caribbean which could have been an amazing trade partner with its abundant resrouces such as sugar cane, tobacco and red clay, and of course a stunning vacation destination.  In the words of Christopher Columbus who wrote upon landing in Cuba on 28 October 1492, This is the most beautiful land that human eyes have ever seen.
We see the hand of the Cuban people in Miami (of old), and the many resourceful, innovative Cubans who fled to America and have become among the richest and most influential in the scope of business, music and architectural design.  
I love this country and I am American in all but birth, and while I am berefet of all that makes me Cuban, other than to remember everything that Mom taught me and the memories she shared with me through the years, my heart is pained when I read these historical facts of what happened to a group of brave freedom fighters, not American freedom fighters, but Cuban nationals who heard about hope and change and knew deep down inside that it's definintion was insidious and evil.  Much like what we are seeing in this great country today.    
I suppose I am very thankful, because had the Kennedy administration honored its commitment to this tiny island, I would have never known life in these United States and my life would have probably turned out very different than it is today.  Still, as I look at the U.S. political arena of the past 30-40 years, and especially with the current demogoguery in the White House; I wonder how long before our country sides are littered with mass graves, of people like me, who would prefer death to enslavement under a federal government hell-bent on making all but the elite few, supplicants of statist rule. 
I look with disgust and disdain on the ivy-leaguers and academia in general who have ushered in the very model of socialist and tyrannical ideology which is infecting this country like a malignant tumor, waiting to make its way through the entire nation, until the prospect of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is but a distant memory, to be enjoyed only by the wealthy few, and complicit supporters of this terminal disease we know as the current political ruling class. 
May the lessons of the failures of other countries and the path which some of us are so happily following to the same ends, remain fresh in our minds, so that we can continue to stand together, fighting shoulder to shoulder to defeat the abhorent mindless chantings of yes we can, and hope and change and the mentality of what difference does it make? 

By Humberto Fontova (Bio and Archives)  
Sunday, April 20, 2014 
(You always hear and read of a “fiasco,” a “defeat” a “disaster” at the Bay of Pigs, 53 years ago this week. But you rarely hear about the cause. Here it is.
“They fought like tigers,” writes the CIA officer who helped train the Cubans who splashed ashore at the Bay of Pigs 53 years ago this week. “But their fight was doomed before the first man hit the beach.”

That CIA man, Grayston Lynch, knew something about fighting—and about long odds. He carried scars from Omaha Beach, The Battle of the Bulge and Korea’s Heartbreak Ridge. But in those battles Lynch and his band of brothers counted on the support of their Commander in Chief. At the Bay of Pigs, Grayston Lynch (an American) and his band of brothers (Cubans) learned—first in speechless shock and finally in burning rage—that their most powerful enemies were not Castro’s Soviet-armed soldiers massing in nearby Santa Clara, but the Ivy League’s best and brightest dithering in Washington.
 Lynch trained, in his own words, “brave boys who had never before fired a shot in anger”—college students, farmers, doctors, common laborers, whites, blacks, mulattoes. They were known as La Brigada 2506, an almost precise cross-section of Cuban society of the time. The Brigada included men from every social strata and race in Cuba—from sugar cane planters to sugar cane cutters, from aristocrats to their chauffeurs. But mostly, the folks in between, as befit a nation with a larger middle class than most of Europe.

Short on battle experience, yes, but they fairly burst with what Bonaparte and George Patton valued most in a soldier: morale. No navel-gazing about “why they hate us” or the merits of “regime change” for them. They’d seen Castroism point-blank.

Their goals were crystal-clear: firing-squads silenced, families reunited, tens of thousands freed from prisons, torture chambers and concentration camps. We see it on the History Channel after our GI’s took places like Manila and Munich. In 1961 newsreels could have captured such scenes without crossing oceans. When those Cuban freedom-fighters hit the beach at the Bay of Pigs 50 years ago this week, one of every 18 Cubans suffered in Castro Gulag. Mass graves dotted the Cuban countryside, piled with hundreds who’d crumpled in front of Castro and Che Guevara’s firing squads. Most of the invaders had loved-ones among the above.

Modern history records few soldiers with the burning morale of the Bay of Pigs freedom-fighters.
From the lethal fury of the attack and the horrendous casualties their troops and militia were taking, the Castro brothers and Che Guevara assumed they faced at least “20,000 invading mercenaries,” as they called them. Yet it was a band of mostly civilian volunteers their Soviet armed and led-troops outnumbered 20-to-1.

Where are the planes?” kept crackling over U.S. Navy radios two days later. “Whereis our ammo? Send planes or we can’t last!” Commander Jose San Roman kept pleading to the very fleet that escorted his men to the beachhead. Crazed by hunger and thirst, his men had been shooting and reloading without sleep for three days. Many were hallucinating. By then many suspected they’d been abandoned by the Knights of Camelot.

That’s when Castro’s Soviet Howitzers opened up, huge 122 mm ones, four batteries’ worth. They pounded 2,000 rounds into the freedom-fighters over a four-hour period. “It sounded like the end of the world,” one said later. “Rommel’s crack Afrika Corps broke and ran under a similar bombardment,” wrote Haynes Johnson in his book, the Bay of Pigs. By that time the invaders were dazed, delirious with fatigue, thirst and hunger, too deafened by the bombardment to even hear orders. But these men were in no mood to emulate Rommel’s crack Afrika Corps by retreating. Instead they were fortified by a resolve no conquering troops could ever call upon—the burning duty to free their nation.
“If things get rough,” the heartsick CIA man Grayston Lynch radioed back, “we can come in and evacuate you.”

“We will NOT be evacuated!” San Roman roared back to his friend Lynch. “We came here to fight! We don’t want evacuation! We want more ammo! We want PLANES! This ends here!”
Camelot’s criminal idiocy finally brought Adm. Arleigh Burke of the Joints Chief of Staff, who was receiving the battlefield pleas, to the brink of mutiny. Years before, Adm. Burke sailed thousands of miles to smash his nation’s enemies at the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Now he was Chief of Naval Operations and stood aghast as new enemies were being given a sanctuary 90 miles away! The fighting admiral was livid. They say his face was beet red and his facial veins popping as he faced down his commander-in-chief that fateful night of April 18, 1961. “Mr. President, TWO planes from the Essex! (the U.S. Carrier just offshore from the beachhead)” that’s all those Cuban boys need, Mr. President. Let me order…!”

JFK was in white tails and a bow tie that evening, having just emerged from an elegant social gathering. “Burke,” he replied. “We can’t get involved in this.”
“WE put those Cuban boys there, Mr. President!” The fighting admiral exploded. “By God, we ARE involved!” Admiral Burke’s pleas also proved futile.

The freedom-fighters’ spent ammo inevitably forced a retreat. Castro’s jets and Sea Furies were roaming overhead at will and tens of thousands of his Soviet-led and armed troops and armor were closing in. The Castro planes now concentrated on strafing the helpless, ammo-less freedom-fighters.
“Can’t continue,” Lynch’s radio crackled - it was San Roman again. “Have nothing left to fight with ...out of ammo…Russian tanks in view….destroying my equipment.”
“Tears flooded my eyes,” wrote Grayston Lynch. “For the first time in my 37 years I was ashamed of my country.”

When the smoke cleared and their ammo had been expended to the very last bullet, when a hundred of them lay dead and hundreds more wounded, after three days of relentless battle, barely 1,400 of them—without air support (from the U.S. Carriers just offshore) and without a single supporting shot by naval artillery (from U.S. cruisers and destroyers poised just offshore)—had squared off against 21,000 Castro troops, his entire air force and squadrons of Soviet tanks. The Cuban freedom-fighters inflicted over 3000 casualties on their Soviet-armed and led enemies. This feat of arms still amazes professional military men.

“They were abandoned on the beach without the supplies and support promised by their sponsor, the Government of the United States.”
“They fought magnificently and were not defeated,” stressed Marine Col. Jack Hawkins a multi-decorated WWII and Korea vet who helped train them. “They were abandoned on the beach without the supplies and support promised by their sponsor, the Government of the United States.”

“We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty!”proclaimed Lynch and Hawkin’s Commander-in-Chief just three months earlier.




“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
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