Tuesday, August 6, 2013

No 450 "En mi opinion" Agosto 6, 2013

No 450  “En mi opinión” Agosto 6, 2013.  
Editor Lázaro R González Miño  ‘IN GOD WE TRUST” ,  
Comentarios a è lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com,

Conductor de bus escolar dice que hizo todo lo posible por evitar golpiza a niño en Florida

(CNN) - Los incansables puñetazos y zapatazos caen sobre el niño de 13 años. Atrapado en el piso entre los asientos del autobús, pide ayuda mientras recibe la furia de tres muchachos más grandes.
Al observar la feroz golpiza, el conductor del transporte escolar de Florida envía un mensaje solicitando ayuda.
El hombre, sin embargo, no se involucra físicamente para auxiliar al niño.
La realidad es que, al menos según las reglas de la escuela, el conductor no hizo nada malo.
“Que alguien venga pronto”
El ataque se produjo el 9 de julio en el condado de Pinellas, Florida. Pero las imágenes capturadas por un teléfono celular y una cámara de seguridad solo se hicieron públicas hace pocos días.
Durante la agresión, el conductor John Moody grita a los atacantes que dejen en paz a la víctima.
También llama a los controladores para que envíen ayuda.
“Que alguien venga pronto, pronto, pronto”, dice Moody. “Van a matar a este niño”.
“Por favor, que alguien venga aquí. Siguen pegándole”, agrega. “No puedo hacer nada”.
Moody, de 64 años, dice que tuvo miedo de intervenir.
“Los tres muchachos lo atacaron y comenzaron a golpearlo. Hice todo lo que pude”, le explicó a la estación WFLA, afiliada de CNN. “Estaba en shock. Estaba petrificado”, añadió.
La no obligación de intervenir
El brutal ataque le dejó dos ojos morados y un brazo roto al niño de 13 años.
“El hombre tuvo una clara oportunidad de intervenir y/o controlar el bienestar del niño y no hizo ningún esfuerzo en ese sentido”, señaló Robert Vincent, jede del Departamento de Policía de Gulfport.
Según las normas del distrito, el conductor no está obligado a intervenir, aunque sí a pedir ayuda.
Puede hacerlo, sin embargo, si cree que es seguro.
Otros condados prohíben que los conductores interrumpan disputas.
Los fiscales aseguran que no hay elementos para denunciar al hombre.
“Quería ayudarlo”
Los tres jóvenes de 15 años han sido arrestados acusados de cargos por asalto agravado.
La policía informó que los muchachos atacaron a la víctima luego de que el niño le dijera a la policía, en una visita sobre prevención a la escuela, que uno de ellos había intentado venderle drogas.
Moody, que se jubiló dos semanas después del ataque, dice que el asunto lo persigue y que, desde entonces, tiene problemas para conciliar el sueño.
“Quería ayudarlo”, aseguró.
Nota de En mi opinión è La información no dice que los tres jóvenes que golpearon despiadadamente al otro alumno, eran de la raza negra de 15 años, y el que recibió la golpiza era un joven de 13 años de la raza blanca que no quiso comprarles drogas en la escuela. Quizás los atacantes también sean hijos de obama. Ni la televisión ni en este artículo menciona esto. Estamos muy jodidos. Lázaro R González Miño (Vean aquí la salvaje golpiza) http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2013/08/05/conductor-de-bus-escolar-dice-que-hizo-todo-lo-posible-por-evitar-golpiza-a-nino-en-florida/

OBAMA’S SON 2.0: NYC Cops Shoot and Kill 14yr. Old Gun Wielder By Clash Daily

The shooting of a 14-year-old boy Sunday by a rookie police officer has shocked New York City. The police commissioner concedes that the teen may be the youngest person ever killed by the NYPD.
Despite the tragic young age of Shaaliver Douse, Ray Kelly was quick to defend the white 26-year-old officer, who just graduated from the police academy last month.
Kelly said the teen had fired multiple rounds and was chasing someone through the streets of the Bronx about 3am Sunday.
When two officers confronted him, he refused to drop the pistol and pointed it at them, the Commissioner said at a press conference Sunday evening.
The officer fired a single round from his 9mm service pistol, striking Shaaliver in the jaw and killing him.
Police sources told the New York Times that they believe Shaaliver was pursuing a gang rival. Detectives believe the incident was also related to the shooting of a 15-year-old boy in May, for which Shaaliver was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
The NYPD released a picture of an Astra 9mm semiautomatic pistol covered in the boy’s blood – in an effort to prove that he was armed at the time he was killed.
The department also produced surveillance video that purportedly shows Shaaliver in a white t-shirt running toward a man standing in front of a bodega and opening fire.
A second video shows Shaaliver chasing the target around the corner. It was there that the teen was confronted by police.
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Insolvent Spain Forced To “Borrow” From Social Security Fund To Pay Pensions August 6th, 2013 Tyler Durden   www.zerohedge.com

Spain’s slow-motion implosion into an insolvent singularity has been one of the most amusing sideshows for over a year. The chief reason for this is the sheer schizophrenic and absurdist polarity between the sad reality, visible to everyone, and the unprecedented propaganda by the government desperate to paint a rosy picture. While on one hand the economic data shows very clearly the painfully obvious sad ending for this chapter of European integration, it continues to be punctuated almost daily by such amusing confidence games as Spain’s Economy Minister de Guindos telling anyone who cares to listen that the labor market is improving “beyond the seasonal pick up” and that Q2 GDP would be close to zero (because 0% GDP is the new killing it). That’s the good news.  The bad news is that as Reuters reports, and contrary to fairy tales of unicorns and soaring 0% GDP,Spain’s government is so insolventit was just forced to “borrow” from its social security reserve to fund pension payments.
From Reuters:
  Spain tapped its social security reserve fund for the second time in a month on Monday, the Labour Ministry said, to help with extra summer pension payments as unemployment and retirement costs deplete government funds.
The government turned to the fund for 3.5 billion euros ($4.6 billion) on July 1 then for a further 1 billion euros on Monday. Spanish pensioners receive two cheques in summer and two over the Christmas holidays.
Spain was forced to tap the reserve for the first time last year to help pay pension costs, using some 7 billion euros.
Record high unemployment, which hit over 27 percent in the first quarter, and a growing number of retirees on a state pensions have put an unprecedented strain on Spanish social security funds.
The fund was worth 59.3 billion euros, or 5.65 percent of gross domestic product, after the operation on Monday, the Ministry said.
And the punchline: virtually all of the “welfare” cash, and at least 97% of the social security pension fund, is invested in Spanish government bondsIn other words, if one country goes, and its people lose all their retirement money most likely leading to riots and a revolution now that there is nothing from the old system left, all countries go.
Think the TBTF banks had it good when they made it so that one failure would lead to defaults for all and a collapse of civilization? Just wait until the reality about sovereign “cross-default” provisions is finally grasped by the broader public…

Como todos sabemos, alrededor del mundo se encuentran los agentes del castro-comunismo; unos como espias, otros como hombres de negocios para enviarles muchos dolares a la tirania para que pueda seguir expasionandose o dandole mejor vida a sus familiares y colaboradores cercanos.

 En Miami, hemos visto en la television, programas que han puesto como heroes a sujetos serviles que hasta hace unos dias fueron miembros de la tenebrosa seguridad del estado, agentes de las brigadas de respuesta rapida, ex militares, traidores a las fuerzas armadas de la Republica y hemos visto tambien a personajes de alto nivel que por muchos...muchos años ostentaron posiciones de altos privilegios dentro de la miseria que vive el pueblo, gobernada por esta gentuza, culpable de que nosotros tuvieramos que abandonar nuestra Patria y buscar Libertad en esta generosa Nacion.

Estos sujetos han sido recibidos por este noble exilio, en los ultimos años, cuando ya han  sido despreciados por el regimen al que con tanto servilismo adularon por decadas, ahora ya estan viejos y la tirania necesita esas posiciones para jovenes, que aunque nacidos bajo el yugo del sistema, pudieran abrigar ciertas ambiciones o quizas ver frustradas las promesas recibidas desde la niñez y no hechas realidades, aun.

Estos individuos, llegados ya cuando el perro se esta muriendo que lo abandonan hasta las garrapatas, han sido bienvenidos, entrevistados y brindandoles posiciones  decorosas y bien remuneradas, mientras que exiliados fieles a sus ideales anticomunistas de por vida, ajustan su vejez con sacrificio, al retiro obtendio a traves de muchos años de trabajo  y añorando la ansiada Libertad para la Patria esclavizada.

No voy a ser el abogado de Juanita Castro, solo voy a expresar mi opinion, aqui cada uno es libre de expresar su pensamiento, respeto las de cada cual, pero si deseo aclarar que Juanaita llego al exilio hace ya bastantes años, que no se tiene conocimiento de que haya tenido beneficios de la tirania, que en todo momento ha demostrado su repudio al sistema implantado por sus hermanos, que ella, al igual que ninguno de nosotros puede escoger a su familia. La familia es la que nos da Dios, pero nonsotros somos los que tenemos la potestad de tratar o no a ese familiar indeseado que mancha el apellido que llevamos.

A ella le ha tocado ser hermana de dos asesinos que han llevado a Cuba a la miseria, que se han robado los bienes que le pertenecen al pueblo para una mejor vida, y vivir ellos en la opulencia. Le ha tocado ser hermana de dos sujetos tan despreciables que no titubearon en unirse a los imbeciles y estupidos incapaces de llegar a ser algo por ellos mismos, para hacer de una Nacion que era una Potencia Economica, la mas miserable del Continente y que no tienen el menor indice de dignidad, para reconocer su fracaso e ineptitud.

Los Castro y comparse le regalaron el territorio nacional a la fracasada Union Sovietica a cambio de que los perpetuara en el poder.

Sin embargo, para que sus descendientes puedan seguir llevando el nivel de vida que quizas jamas soñaron, los envian de la pauperrima Cuba hacia otras Naciones con ngocios y dinero (robado al miserable pueblo). Personalmente tuvimos la desgradable experiencia de encontrarnos en Andorra con una de las hijas de Raul Castro, nosotros no la conociamos, pero al tomar el elevador para subir, vimos que ya estaba marcado el piso para el que nos dirigiamos  con la idea de tomar fotos del Pais. Al escucharnos  hablar en castellano, ingenuamente, ella pregunto de nuestra nacionalidad, a lo que respondimos, somos cubanos Libres, vivimos en Miami,..... despues hubo un silencio sepulcral.

Supimos que era la hija del asesino Raul Castro, cuando estabamos en el Restaurant del Hotel, ella se comportaba como alguien importante, daba ordenes y parecia como ejecutiva, mientras hablaba por un celular en frances, al parecer con sus guarda espaldas, sentados al otro extremo del salon.
Una señora que se encontraba en la mesa, fue quien murmuro: Esa es hija de Raul Castro.
Tenemos la satisfaccion de no conocer a ninguno de los descendientes, por eso ignorabamos con quien nos habiamos encontrado en el elevador.

Pero, Juanita rompio con el regimen, de haber permanecido en Cuba, hubiera vivido como una Reina.  Prefirio trabajar como cualquiera de nosotros a quien esta Nacion nos ha abierto las puertas.
En dos ocasiones necesite favores de Juanita y ella me sirvio. Mi padre, en Cuba, enfermo gravemente y alli no habia para los cubanos de a pie el medicamento que  necesitaba, Juanita en las dos ocasiones me demostro sus extraordinarios sentimientos.

Creo que es etico y digno ser agradecido. En mi concepto, Juanita merece nuestro respeto y consideracion, ella no tiene control de lo que hagan sus hermanos y se ha manifestado y trabajado por una Cuba Libre y Soberana como la deseamos nosotros.

Aclaracion:No voy, no he ido ni ire a Cuba, mientras la tirania castrista y sus descendientes o simpatizantes mantengan el poder. Para nosotros no existe borron y cuenta nueva. Esta fue la causa por la que tuvimos tantos cientos de miles de cubanos que abandonar la querida Patria. Esta ha sido la causa por la que tantos miles de cubanos guardamos luto de familiares y amigos fusilados y encarcelados por estos asesinos, cobardes que ninguno puede mostrar siquiera la cicatriz de un arañazo. Esta es la causa por la que hoy dia hayan tantos gobernantes ineptos en nuestro Continente arrastrando a sus pueblos a seguir un sistema fracasado, al que han bautizado con el nombre de Socialismo del Siglo XXI.
Cuba ha sido tierra fertil para endoctrinar ignorantes, entrenar guerrilleros y albergar terroristas y delicuentes. 
Diego Quiros, Sr.

Alberto Perez  è Jeff Bezos
He admirado siempre desde lejos a Jeff Bezos.  El encontrar un “Nicho” en una nación donde todo parece haber sido inventado, demuestra una ingeniosidad muy desarrollada y el desarrollar este nicho al nivel que Jeff ha llevado a Amazon (vendió 17 billones en el 2011, casi nada) demuestra una inteligencia excepcional.
También lo he admirado porque aunque es de origen americano se puede considerar como uno de nosotros, porque su madre se casó con un cubano exilado cuando él tenía cuatro años.  O sea que fue criado por un cubano y vivió y se crió entre los refugiados de Miami en su juventud durante los 70s, aunque haya nacido en New México.
Pero no lo conozco, no se su manera de pensar políticamente, y no me interesaba hasta ahora.
Pero Jeff acaba de comprar el Washington Post por 250 millones de dólares, mucho más de los 70 millones en que se vendió el New York Times recientemente. El Washington Post es el de más circulación en el área, y el más viejo, fue fundado en 1877.
Recuerdo en los años 70s que era uno de los periódicos más liberales de la nación, tuvo mucho que ver en forzar la renuncia de Richard Nixon.
Pero desde los 90s ha tenido una inclinación un poco hacia la derecha que resulta refrescante considerando su pasado.
El asunto está en cómo piensa Jeff Bezos.  ¿Tendrá la inclinación política de un Cubano exilado?, o ¿será la de estos jóvenes que odian la línea política tradicional del exilio?  Quizás algunos de ustedes lo conozca o conocen alguien que lo conoce y puedan decir algo sobre sus ideas políticas. Aunque considerando su triunfo como empresario, sus ideas no debieran de ser socialistas.
Ojalá que no cambie la inclinación un poco hacia la derecha que ha tomado el Washington Post.
Ojalá  que el Washington Pöst no se parezca a los que antes llamaban “El Pradva del Potomac”, sería doloroso tener de nuevo el Pravda en Washington.  Que no vuelva a ser el “Washington Pest”

Congress Pulls a Fast One; Obamacare Premiums Won't Apply to Them

By Bobby Eberle 
Is it any wonder that the American people are fed up with politics? Barack Obama's approval numbers are terrible, but American's feelings toward Congress are even worse. So, it shouldn't be hard to believe that members of Congress (with the help of Obama) are hard at work to make sure that sky-high Obamacare premiums will NOT apply to them.
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, the annual salary of members of Congress and their higher paid aides put them in a category where they won't qualify for Obamacare subsidies. Thus, the premiums and potential out of pocket expenses for them are about to go up, up, and up. So what are they going to do about it? You guessed it...
The result was a full wig out on Capitol Hill, with Members of both parties fretting about "brain drain" as staff face higher health-care costs. Democrats in particular begged the White House for help, claiming the Reid language (in the Obamacare bill) was merely an unintentional mistake. President Obama told Democrats in a closed-door meeting last week that he would personally moonlight as HR manager and resolve the issue.
And now the White House is suspending the law to create a double standard. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that runs federal benefits will release regulatory details this week, but leaks to the press suggest that Congress will receive extra payments based on the FEHBP defined-contribution formula, which covers about 75% of the cost of the average insurance plan. For 2013, that's about $4,900 for individuals and $10,000 for families.
As Politico.com writes, "Lawmakers and staff can breathe easy -- their health care tab is not going to soar next year." So, Obama and Congress feel that it's ok for health care prices to soar... as long as it's not happening to them. I see.
The Office of Personnel Management, under heavy pressure from Capitol Hill, will issue a ruling that says the government can continue to make a contribution to the health care premiums of members of Congress and their aides, according to several Hill sources.
A White House official confirmed the deal and said the proposed regulations will be issued next week.
This is so outrageous, even MSNBC thinks it's bad news. Now that's saying something!
Sen. Graham Says Obama ‘Learned from Benghazi, Thank God’

Dear Conservative: 
Aren’t you tired of seeing RINO Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham covering for Obama on national TV every weekend, and doing so under the “Republican” brand name?
On Sunday, Lindsey Graham appeared again on CNN, where he praised Obama for showing he learned a lesson from Benghazibyshutting-down 22 U.S. embassies in response to ‘terror chatter’.  
“They're taking the right approach to this. Benghazi was a complete failure”, said Sen. Graham. “The threats were real there. The reporting was real. And we basically dropped the ball. We've learned from Benghazi, thank God, and the [Obama] Administration is doing this right.”

Not to belittle the threat of terror, but if anything, 22 embassies being shut down by Obama is more likely a distraction from scandal than a lesson “learned from Benghazi”.
Call this cynical, but wasn’t it a “disgusting” YouTube video that triggered the “spontaneous” Benghazi terror attack in the first place (coincidentally, on 9/11)? 
Sen. Graham, with all due respect, Benghazi will never be a lesson learned by Obama. 

It is a bloody scandal of betrayal, lies, and murder that threatens to end the Obama Presidency.  So it must becovered-up and shut-up at all cost.  

The good new is that RINO Republican Lindsey Graham is about to face his worst nightmare. 
Conservative Nancy Mace, the first female graduate of The Citadel Military College, is challenging Graham in the GOP primary. 
Mace owns a successful public relations and marketing firm called The Mace Group, LLC, and is married with two children.  She is a prolific writer, and the author of In the Company of Men: A Woman at The Citadel.
And she doesn’t pull her punches!  
Here’s what she wrote about Graham in the conservative RedState:
“In Senator Graham’s world, the Constitution doesn’t exist…”
“In Senator Graham’s world, the entire Bill of Rights is negotiable…”
“In Senator Graham’s world, arming al-Qaeda in Syria is a good idea.”
Much like Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee, Nancy Mace will be an outstanding new addition to a conservative United States Senate. 
But first we need to fire Lindsey Graham from the U.S. Senate! 
Help Revive America PAC to send Nancy Mace, a bold and strong conservative, to Washington.  Go Here Now to Donate 
Revive America PAC only supports bold, and strong conservative candidates – not wimpy RINO Republicans who cover for Obama.
Bob Adams

Commander-in-Chief Seems to Loathe His Troops

August 5, 2013 at 9:00 pm / by Amber Stivers
 Amber Stivers
Who is the President of a country supposed to support? All the citizens of his country should be his concern. Keeping his country safe and sovereign should be his priority. Likewise as a Commander in chief his concern should be with the safety and well being of his troops. Why is it then that this President of our United States only represents a small portion of this country and seems by his actions and inactions to truly loathe the very troops that he commands?
When a U.S. president scales back funding to NASA and tells them to use their funds for a “Muslim outreach program”, that is not in this country’s best interest. A U.S. President, who bows to Saudi kings, apologizes for his country’s exceptionalism and issues anti American executive orders makes his country look weak and groveling.
It is bad enough that this current administration is always belittling and begrudging our own country but now they have truly gone too far. Barack Obama, in his greedy and hurried attempt to implement his “train wreck “of a health care plan, (acknowledged as such by his own Democrat Sen. Max Baucus) has begun by denying his own troops their contractual health care that they have earned and are owed. My own son has had their Tri-Care co-pays double for their autistic son. Obama is threatening that Tri-Care co-pays will triple for retirees as soon as implementation begins next year and soldiers and families who currently receive “free” healthcare under Tri-Care will soon be paying deductibles. This seems outrageous considering the fact that these soldiers signed contracts that promised them these benefits, well earned benefits I might add.
In addition to trying to deny American military men and women their many due benefits, Obama has seen fit to pay for his multi-million dollar vacations on the backs of our military men and women. He has instituted military budget cuts and furloughs. He ordered every Garrison Commander to put out press releases claiming that no one will be affected. Very funny! The budget cuts and ensuing furloughs have closed our commissaries, ended children’s programs on posts and bases, increased wait times to see doctors or receive medical treatment and basically ended any quality of life enhancements that the military worked so hard to build.  (The “quality of life” benefits were instituted to help combat the high suicide rates among the military) On top of this, due to the fact that civilians are no longer working in many positions on posts and bases, our military men and women are filling those roles. Soldiers, Marines, Air Men and Seamen, do not receive overtime. I hear civilians squawking all the time about military pay and benefits being too high. I have to laugh; an E-4 who has been in 4 years makes a salary of $2,305.03 a month! Do you know how many hours they work, how many months a year they are gone for training, how many years they are gone due to deployments?
Now this man is causing our military men and women to work round the clock. Yes, I do know this for a fact; my own husband is now filling those empty civilian slots. If he works a 24-hour shift he doesn’t get overtime–he doesn’t get paid at all!  One of the guys in his unit was jokingly tabulating the pay and after adding up their hours divided by their pay they were making 48 cents an hour. No, these guys and gals aren’t in it for the pay but they do desire to be able to make a livable wage to care for their families; the benefits promised were to make up for lack of pay and now even the benefits are being taken away, eroding daily.
I just have to wonder what kind of animosity this president harbors for the troops he commands? He did not protect them in Benghazi; he did not protect or try to rescue Beau Bergdahl; he is protecting Nidal Hassan, the Muslim terrorist who murdered 13 at Ft Hood; and he is not arming our soldiers.
And now, the final slap in the face is that Obama is taking our military’s contractual benefits while making them work round the clock shifts. I guess you have to cut back somewhere, so the Partier-in-Chief can afford his monthly multi-million dollar vacations…

Comentarios a è lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com,

“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’  

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