Saturday, August 3, 2013

No 448 “En mi opinión” Agosto 3, 2013

No 448  “En mi opinión” Agosto 3, 2013  
Editor Lázaro R González Miño  ‘IN GOD WE TRUST” ,  
Para comentar o enviar artículos,
Alberto Pérezè Más sobre el Falso Escándalo de Benghazi
Quiero aclarar que el caso del escándalo de Benghazi ha sido ya declarado por nuestro primer mandatario y por sus colaboradores como una falsedad, una invención de la extrema derecha, como todas las aseveraciones de cualquier incidente que pueda poner en dudas la grandeza del gran presidente Obama.
Pero la emisora conservadora derechista,, CNN, del intransigente conservador Ted Turner (¿¿¿quién lo hubiera dicho??) ha lanzado una nueva bomba en el caso.
El reportaje de CNN dice que la CIA ha estado sometiendo a sus empleados a inusuales y frecuentes secciones de detectores de mentiras con el motivo de mantener el secreto de sus operaciones en Libia.
 De acuerdo con estas noticias alrededor de 35 americanos estaban en el consulado al momento del ataque, de los cuales 21 estaban trabajando en el edificio conocido como el "anexo" que estaba bajo la dirección del CIA.  Exactamente que ellos estaban haciendo allí y cuál fue su envolvimiento durante el ataque, es todavía un misterio, y parece que la agencia está haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerlo un misterio.
"Ustedes no tienen idea de la cantidad de presión que tienen las personas con algún conocimiento sobre esta operación" dijo una fuente sin identificar  a CNN.
Sospechas de una ocultación han sido continuamente presentadas desde el ataque que dejo cuatro americanos muertos incluyendo el embajador Christopher Stevens, el pasado septiembre.
Fotos de la muerte de Stevens presentadas por la televisión Musulmana, han sido suprimidas en los medios de comunicación domésticos en los Estados Unidos.
En Mayo, los correos electrónicos del gobierno, revelaron que el envolvimiento, desconocido hasta entonces, del director de la CIA David Petraeus, en las declaraciones de la Casa Blanca sobre el ataque.  Congresistas Republicanos han declarado que esto es una evidencia de una ocultación por la administración. 
Ambos, la Casa Blanca y la CIA han negado frecuentemente estos descubrimientos, culpando a la oposición Republicana y a ciertos medios de comunicación derechistas (CNN-Turner... ¿derechista?) de crear falsos escándalos para desestabilizar la obra de gobierno del presidente Obama

RICARDO SAMITIERè Los Poderes DEl Poderoso...‏
Sea Usted El Juez…
Mientras que en la Vida Comercial Real...
Hay Que Inventar Algo Nuevo Para Triunfar...
En Wall Street El Valor Sube o Baja Con La
“Saliva” Que Gasta Al Hablar “El Poderoso” 
El hombre Más Poderoso Del Mundo” que el año pasado, declaro:
En solo 15 minutos la bolsa RESPONDIÓ A LA BAJA...
Pocos días después dijo: Si dejo de comprar esos valores; la economía
Mundial se desplomaría,  
Ahora Decidió Seguir Comprando... e imprimiendo
$85,000,000.00 mensuales... y la bolsa siguió subiendo
Enriqueciendo a sus amigotes en Wall Street. 
Esto, tiene nombres y se llama CORRUPCION, FRAUDE, ROBO!:

Pero, como Obama es un MONIGOTE, a ese hombre poderoso, no se atreve a botarlo
a pesar de que ya tienen LOS  ASESORES DE OBAMA listos, DOS nuevos AGENTE para reemplazar
a Bernanke, el hombre que hasta hoy hace temblar los mercados... uno es HOMBRE y el otro una
Para que vayan conociendo, al más probable EL NUEVO HOMBRE MÁS PODEROSO DEL MUNDO;
Aqui lo tienen:
Ya, Estos Ladrones, No Tienen Frenos!
Van a robar hasta que se quede vacia la caja del Pais. 
Todos, los politiqueros, están de acuerdo!!
No es cuestion de partidos!!!
Los banqueros han comprado, ambos partidos.
Ya, ni se molestan en dar explicaciones al Pueblo!!
Es por tu propio bien, que nosotros robemos!!!
La Mejor Prueba Es Que “El Pueblo” Los Siguen Eligiendo???

Report: CIA Personnel Pressured to Keep Quiet About Benghazi

Friday, 02 Aug 2013 12:24 PM By Jim Meyers
While the Obama administration is seeking to bury the Benghazi controversy by calling it a "phony scandal," new disclosures about the attack on American diplomatic personnel last September are keeping it very much alive.

At least five CIA employees have been forced to sign new nondisclosure agreements aimed at discouraging them from leaking their stories to the media, even though they had signed such agreements prior to the attacks, according to Fox News.

Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here 

And CNN is reporting that some CIA operatives are being required to take frequent, even monthly polygraph tests in an effort to uncover who may be talking to the media or Congress about the Benghazi, Libya, attacks that took the life of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer said it is highly unusual for agency employees to be polygraphed more often than every three or four years.

According to communications obtained by CNN, one insider states: "You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation."

CNN is also reporting that dozens of Americans were in Benghazi on the night of the attacks and are "being intimidated into staying silent."

A source told CNN that the number was 35, with perhaps as many as seven wounded, but it is not known how many Americans in the city were working for the CIA. Only losses suffered by the State Department have been reported to Congress.

Some in Congress have speculated that U.S. agencies in Benghazi were secretly helping to move missiles out of Libya through Turkey and into the hands of Syrian rebels. The State Department has claimed it was only helping the Libyan government destroy old or damaged weapons.

Conor Friedersdorf wrote in The Atlantic on Thursday: "To be clear, it isn't at all certain that the CIA was secretly funneling Libyan weapons to Syria, long before Congress 'lifted its hurdles' on arming Syrian rebels. But if CNN's report is correct, the CIA is at minimum trying to hide something huge from Congress, something that CIA agents might otherwise want to reveal — itself a reason for Congress to press hard for information."

Republican Rep. Frank Wolf, whose district includes CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., is disturbed by the lack of information and the pressure to silence CIA operatives.
"I think it is a form of cover-up," he said.

He has gone to the floor of the House several times to ask for the establishment of a select committee to probe the Benghazi affair.

In another action, Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman said on Thursday that he plans to force a vote in Congress on creating an investigative body.

And House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, a California Republican, has issued two subpoenas to the State Department for documents related to the deadly assault in Benghazi.

He said in a statement on Thursday that he wants all documents the department gave to an independent review board headed by former diplomat Thomas Pickering and retired Adm. Mike Mullen, and all documents related to interviews conducted by the board.

Some lawmakers are concerned that while the government is making efforts to keep Benghazi personnel silent, not enough progress has been made in tracking down those responsible for the attacks, Fox also reported.

They cited a report earlier this week that Ahmed Abu Khattala, leader of Ansar al-Sharia, a militant group in the region, said no one from the U.S. government has contacted him. 
Legislators have written a letter this week to FBI Director James Comey asking him to aggressively pursue the suspects, calling the delay in identifying them "simply unacceptable."

Subpoenas issued to State, EPA ; GOP wants answers on Benghazi

By Washington Times (DC) 
As they prepared to head home for summer vacation, House Republicans fired off three subpoenas Thursday seeking more information from the State Department on the terrorist attack last year in Benghazi, Libya, and on the science the Environmental Protection Agency used to impose new clean air regulations.
The parting shots come amid a week of bitter partisanship that saw both the House and Senate fail to pass transportation spending bills, and saw each side point the finger at the other in arguing that Congress is broken.
Tempers flared on the Senate floor as Republican Sen. Susan M. Collins of Maine pleaded, without success, for her GOP colleagues to let the spending process go forward on the Democrats' bills. Republican leaders, though, said the bills break the budget deal reached in 2011.
"We need to indicate we're going to keep our word around here," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, after the GOP filibustered to block the spending bill.
But his Democratic counterpart, Majority Leader Harry Reid, said the GOP has resorted to baseless obstruction.
"I don't know, everybody, what more the Republicans could do to tarnish their brand than what they're doing here in Washington," the Nevada Democrat said.
The subpoenas, meanwhile, draw the Obama administration into the acrimony.
Two of the requests come from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, who has been investigating the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic post in Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
One of his subpoenas calls for the State Department to turn over the records it shared with its own internal Accountability Review Board, an internal investigative effort which the GOP argues did not do enough to hold high-ranking officials responsible.
The other subpoena orders the administration to leave 25,000 pages of documents with the oversight committee. Currently, those documents are carted into Congress each day and then carted out at night in order to prevent lawmakers from having physical custody, House investigators said.
"State Department tactics to delay and impede accountability have exhausted the committee's patience," Mr. Issa said, warning that further subpoenas could follow.
State Department spokesman Alec Gerlach said department officials worked in good faith with Mr. Issa, and said they have made documents available throughout the committee's probe.
"For seven months, we've offered and provided access to specific documents at his request. I'm scratching my head trying to ascertain what practical value yet another Issa subpoena has in protecting our diplomats," Mr. Gerlach said.
He said the move to issue subpoenas was "a jarring juxtaposition" with the bipartisan effort in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday to pass a bill boosting embassy security in the wake of problems exposed in Benghazi.
Thursday's other subpoena came from House Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, who said it's been nearly two years since EPA promised to turn over the science it used to justify what Mr. Smith said were "costly" new regulations.
"The EPA should not base its regulations on secret data," Mr. Smith said. "The EPA's lack of cooperation contributes to the suspicion that the data sets do not support the agency's actions. The American people deserve all of the facts and have a right to know whether the EPA is using good science."
Mr. Smith said Gina McCarthy, who was then deputy administrator and has since been approved as EPA administrator, promised to turn over the science data in 2011, but that the agency has failed to do so.
It was the science committee's first subpoena in 21 years, Mr. Smith said.
Since taking control of the House in 2011, Republicans have repeatedly battled the administration to try to extract information.
They held Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress for refusing to provide documents related to the botched Fast and Furious gun-walking operation.

Priebus to Newsmax: Obama 'Out of Touch With What It Takes to Be a Leader'

Friday, 02 Aug 2013 06:42 PM                 By Todd Beamon and Kathleen Walter
President Barack Obama "continues to be out of touch with what it takes to be a leader in this country," Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview.

"There's one thing the president has done pretty well, and that's having the American people judge him not by the things he does, but by the things he says," Priebus tells Newsmax. "He's good at talking and we know that. He thinks governing is campaigning and community organizing.

"Once you get elected, then it's time to lead this country," he adds. "And it's not easy, but you do have to sit down with the Speaker and you have to sit down with the leader in the Senate — and sometimes you have to bang some heads together. This president is incapable of doing it."

As the GOP turns its attention to upcoming budget negotiations for the next fiscal year, many on Capitol Hill are suggesting the embattled Obamacare program be defunded, even if it risks shutting down the federal government.

Among the leading advocates of this position are Sens. Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ted Cruz of Texas.

"There is total consensus and agreement that Obamacare needs to be defunded," Priebus tells Newsmax. "Obamacare shouldn't be put in place. It should be delayed, defunded, ended — or stopped. There's total agreement within the Republican Party — and a lot of Democrats now, too, on that issue.

However, "What you're debating is a tactic, and tactics are things that as chairman of the party I don't make judgment calls on," he adds. "While I agree that we shouldn't spend a nickel of taxpayer money on Obamacare, you also have to look at the tactic of shutting the government down and whether or not that tactic is going to be successful. 

"This is a debate about tactics, but you have consensus in our party that we should not be funding something that the president himself has already declared half broken. I don't think the American people want this program. They're with us, and we need to drive this message home."

Looking to next year's Senate races, Priebus tells Newsmax the GOP may very well pick up more seats as Democrats from many red states retire. Democrats control the upper chamber, 52 seats to 46. The Senate has two independents — and they caucus with the Democrats.

"It looks very, very strong right now," he says of the Republicans retaining control of the House. "And the reason why it looks very good in the Senate is that we've got about six states where Barack Obama didn't win 42 percent of the vote.

"If you look at Alaska, Montana, South Dakota, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia — just right there, you're looking at states where Barack Obama did a terrible job in November. We're going to have strong candidates.

"We're putting a ground game in there right now to make sure that we're competitive, and that's what we need to do. We need to take one day at a time, too, here at the Republican Party, but we also have to continue to improve, get bigger, get better, and make sure that we can capitalize on 2014 and then build even bigger to 2016," Priebus says.

"That's something that this party hasn't done enough of over the years."

In his wide-ranging interview with Newsmax, Priebus says:
·         The public bickering between Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is not healthy for the Republican Party. "We don't have the luxury to divide and subtract in our party," he says.
·         Immigration reform is not dividing the GOP. "What you have is a consensus in the party that we need immigration reform and everyone agrees on it."
·         He is not troubled that Liz Cheney is challenging longtime Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi in next year's GOP primary. "These are healthy debates."

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Is Obama Censoring The Details Of A Vicious Killing?

Don’t look now, but Benghazi is back in the news (although not because the D.C. press corps are finally doing their due diligence). Instead, the news is buzzing about a brazen prison break in the violent, eastern Libyan city.
It’s been nearly a year since the brutal September 11, 2012 execution of American Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. And the D.C. journalists have uncovered nothing. They lack investigative willpower and can’t think of any questions to ask, despite the total lack of disclosure by the Obama administration.
These attacks have shown us that a compliant media, together with corrupt politicians, can keep average Americans from knowing the truth. Cover-up in the U.S. capitol is only possible when all the sides work cohesively together, and the Benghazi cover-up machine has worked remarkably well.

Thankfully, congressmen Steve Stockman and Louie Gohmert, both of Texas, have launched a discharge petition to force John Boehner to allow a vote on House Resolution 36 (the creation of a select committee to investigate the murders of these Americans in Benghazi.)
We can only hope that a small group of heroic backbench Republicans will successfully stop John Boehner from protecting Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama from the culpability of full disclosure.
You see, a vote on the select committee creation has been repeatedly blocked by John Boehner. He’s trying his best to work closely with Barack Obama and doesn’t want the truth about Obama’s foreign policy disasters to get in the way of their relationship. Boehner would rather the truth seekers shut up and keep their opinions to themselves.
Meanwhile, Gohmert is trying to arrange for diplomatic security agent David Ubben to testify before Congress. Ubben is still recovering in Walter Reed Hospital from wounds he sustained during the Benghazi terrorist attack. Ubben was fighting alongside the two fallen heroes of that day, Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
You’ll remember they were killed by mortar fire, the same mortar fire that nearly killed Ubben. Because he doesn’t want to be the focus of a media circus, Ubben has resisted testifying.
How it Works
First, the Obama administration lies about what happened. They tell America it wasn’t a terrorist attack; it was just a mob of disgruntled Islamic religious zealots upset about a video they didn’t like.
Then, when knowledgeable whistleblowers step forward to explain what happened, the media proceeds to focus on the whistleblowers, forgetting to ask tough questions of Obama, Hillary, and the foreign policy team that was in charge of diplomatic security that day. These so-called journalists ask loaded questions of the whistleblowers, such as, “Is it true you hate President Obama because he is black?”
Congress is in charge of oversight; and rather than really explore the tragic events and possibly enact reforms that could prevent similar attacks, they also join the cover-up.
Meanwhile, we still have no good answers as to why – with multiple U.S. Navy and Marine units in the Mediterranean – these heroic Americans waited over 20 terrifying hours for help as State Department and National Security Council staff dithered.
Boehner should stop blocking adequate investigation, and no stone should be left unturned as we seek to secure future American personnel from similar attacks. Americans who willingly accept dangerous postings abroad in violent countries such as Libya should have the best possible security equipment and adequate personnel to protect them.
We still have time to get the truth out. Everyone who died, along with their families and all others protecting America’s interests around the globe, deserve this respect and information.
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Read More on this Subject
1.    The “Phony” Scandal That Just Won’t Go Away In a speech before a group of low information acolytes,...
2.    Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers With Info Devastating To Clinton And Obama More whistleblowers will emerge shortly in the escalating Benghazi scandal,...
3.    GOP Lawmaker: Boehner ‘complicit’ If Benghazi Panel Blocked Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) came under increased pressure Thursday to...
4.    If You Work For Obama, You Are Under Orders To Shut Up Survivors of the Benghazi attack were told to “shut up”...
5.    John Boehner: Call A Special Investigation! BENGHAZI: Why have Hillary and Barack lied and covered up...
About Floyd Brown
Floyd Brown is a political innovator, writer and speaker.
Time magazine wrote: “Brown has a stature among devoted conservatives that almost matches his physical heft (6 ft. 6 in. and 240 lbs.)”.
Floyd has written for publications as diverse as the San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Times, and His latest book is Killing Wealth/Freeing Wealth, published in 2010 by WND Books. Floyd writes a weekly syndicated column about politics, culture and the economy with his wife, Mary Beth Brown. Floyd also is chairman of the Western Center for Journalism


1.     RayHause says:
In that all of our representatives are going on recess today, I hope that many are planning on attending some meetings. Many issues needs to be addressed by our leadership.
2.     eingriff says:
No, no, boneheads.
You in office and those without.
Obama’s hiding his COMPLICITY in CAUSING the murders. It’s called treason.
The treason might be hard to prove, but constitutional ineligibility would be relatively easy. See the following amicus curiae brief.
For some unfathomable reason, or none, the American Congress does not impeach and American courts do not address the true ineligibility issues or indict the pretender posing as a federal officer and having committed treason in Benghazi now treacherously conspires to paralyze the U.S. by EMP attack. See the following message to David Feith, and his article in the Wall Street Journal.
It is equally unfathomable that the American people do not rise in righteous wrath to demand for impeachment, the impaneling of grand juries, and full pre-trial discovery in eligibility litigation.
America is committing national suicide brought on by utter degeneracy and abandonment of the reason and the rule of law.
Case No. 1120465
1. The trial court has failed to adduce relevant and material evidence to resolve the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility to the Office of President.
2. The trial court can quickly verify Obama’s status as a natural born United States citizen, on the day of his birth, by taking over discovery and subpoenaing his DNA and all of his Hawai’ian vital records, consisting of an original birth certificate showing his actual birth parents and his amended birth certificate showing adoptive parents Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama, an alien black Luo tribesman. Analysis of Obama’s DNA will prove that it is biologically impossible for him to be the son of his claimed birth parents, which conclusively disproves the “birth certificate” (actually an adoption certificate) falsely presented by Obama on 27 April 2011 as his original birth certificate. Obama’s real, original birth certificate will show two American citizen parents, genetically consistent with Obama, as his birth parents, thus corroborating the statement of Dr. Chiyome Leinaala Fukino on 27 July 2009, set out in full in the discussion below. Obama refuses to release his original birth certificate, partly because it proves that he is not the son of Negro father, but also to evade consideration of the real eligibility issue, his voluntary and intentional relinquishment of American citizenship in favor of an underlying naturalized Indonesian citizenship.
3. Obama was naturalized a citizen of Indonesia around 1968, when American Secretary of State Dean Rusk issued a certificate of loss of nationality to facilitate the Indonesian naturalization. In 1971, Obama was returned to the United
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States unaccompanied on his Indonesian passport. The Department of State referred him to Catholic Charities of Connecticut, under a contractual arrangement. Catholic Charities had Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham appointed guardian. In 1977, Obama started using the Social Security number of a deceased American citizen to avoid applying for one on the basis of his American citizenship. In 1979, he confirmed as an adult his relinquishment of American citizenship in favor of his underlying Indonesian naturalization by refraining from registration with the Selective Service System. In 1981, he went to Indonesia on his Indonesian passport, obtained an American student visa from the American Embassy, and re-entered the United States on his Indonesian passport as Barry Soetoro with the American student visa. He studied at Columbia University as a foreign student. This is probably the only time in his life when he told the truth about himself. In 1983, Obama was naturalized as an American citizen, definitive confirmation that he had previously relinquished his American citizenship. A naturalized citizen is not a natural born American citizen under Article II Section 1 of the American Constitution. Hence Obama is not now, never has been, and never can be President of the United States. He lost constitutional eligibility forever when he lost American citizenship. It could be argued that Obama’s naturalization as an American citizen in 1983 somehow related back to the date of his birth and
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restored his status as a “natural born Citizen” under Article II Section 1 of the United States Constitution. Such an argument would be frivolous. Upon loss of American citizenship, Obama ceased to be a “natural born Citizen” because he was no longer a “Citizen” at all. As the status of “natural born Citizen” can only be acquired at birth, and Obama can not be born again, the loss of natural born American citizenship is permanent and irreversible upon loss of American citizenship.
4. It appears that Obama has spun an elaborate scheme to be elected to the Office of President by pretending to be the son of the alien black man who adopted him. In furtherance of the scheme, he used a contrived controversy over his constitutional status at birth to distract attention from the question of whether he lost his American citizenship by voluntarily and intentionally relinquishing American citizenship in favor of an underlying Indonesian naturalized citizenship.
5. The trial court can obtain and analyze Obama’s vital records and DNA. The 27 July 2009 press release by Dr. Chiyome Leinaala Fukino, then the Director of Hawai’i’s Department of Health and custodian of vital records, follows in its entirety:
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I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai’i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai’i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.
This statement precludes any truly candid counsel from representing to a court that Obama’s father was Barack Hussein Obama the alien black man. Such a representation is inconsistent with Dr. Fukino’s finding that Obama was “a natural-born American citizen.” Dr. Fukino refers to “vital records”. Obama was still alive, so there would not be a death certificate, but there must be a vital record in addition to his original birth certificate. How would such an additional vital record come to be?
6. When a child is born in Hawai’i, a contemporaneous record of birth is made, showing actual birth parents. This is retained to protect against violation of the rule against consanguinity. Dr. Fukino was relying on the original birth certificate when she stated that Obama was “a natural-born American citizen”. She refrained from specifying that basis in deference to the confidentiality of adoption records.
7. When the child is adopted, as Obama was at birth, an amended birth certificate is created, showing adoptive parents. Obama’s amended birth certificate was the basis for the abstract entitled “CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH”, the
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proof of birth typically used in part to conceal the fact of an adoption. On 27 April 2011, Obama presented a photograph of his amended birth certificate, cropped or masked to delete the word “AMENDED”, probably typed above the printed title of the long form “CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH”.
8. Dr. Fukino had to contend with the confidentiality of adoptions when making her statement of 27 July 2009. But she could not avoid giving away the fact of an adoption, by claiming the “original vital records” showed that Obama was “a natural-born American citizen”. Barack Hussein Obama the black Luo tribesman could not be Obama’s birth father if Obama was a natural born American citizen, because the Luo tribesman was an alien. Dr. Fukino was relying on the original birth certificate component of the “original vital records” to which she referred.
9. The trial court’s subpoena of the “original vital records” referred to by Dr. Fukino in her 27 July 2009 press release is required for a definitive determination of Obama’s eligibility at birth. DNA analysis will corroborate the parents shown in the original birth certificate, and conclusively disprove the parents shown in the adoption certificate held out as the original on 27 April 2011.
10. Other clues pop up, from time to time, indicating that Obama’s original birth certificate remains undisclosed. Early in 2011, a character named Tim
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Adams, who had sworn that there was no long form birth certificate for Obama, broadcast a suggestion that Obama release his long form birth certificate, “if he has one”, even if it did not “go along with” Obama’s official autobiography. Adams offered the lame excuse that Obama was “fibbing” in his autobiography, standard operating procedure with politicians according to Mr. Adams. It seemed the cat was out of the bag, or was feared to be, and Adams was doing damage control. But the “birth certificate” released on 27 April 2011 was entirely consistent with the fraudulent autobiography; hence there must be another vital record, the original birth certificate, still undisclosed.
11. Dr. Fukino, in an interview with Michael Isikoff, described the original birth certificate as half typed and half handwritten. The document released by Obama on 27 April 2011 was entirely typed. This is another significant clue that Obama’s original birth certificate, and the “birth certificate” released on 27 April 2011, are two different documents, and that Dr. Fukino based her conclusion that Obama was a natural born American citizen on the original, not the adoption certificate that Obama falsely claimed on 27 April 2011 to be his original birth certificate.
12. When Obama the Luo applied for permanent residence, citing his marriage to Stanley Ann Dunham and a son by her, a shrewd immigration officer,
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suspecting a fraudulent marriage, threatened investigation into Obama’s paternity. Obama the Luo, knowing that such an investigation would prove he was not Obama’s father, abandoned his application for permanent residence and accepted a temporary student visa.
13. Obama conceals his original birth certificate identifying his actual birth parents because neither was Negro, not because it disproves his constitutional eligibility. The original would confirm his constitutional eligibility at birth, per Dr. Fukino. He fraudulently claims his adoptive parents as birth parents so that he can make racist appeals for votes while denigrating critics and opponents as racists. Thus Obama sacrificed the military career of LTC Larkin, rather than disclose his original birth certificate, which would have proved Obama was a natural born citizen at birth, but not black. If the trial court will subpoena or otherwise obtain Obama’s original birth certificate, it will find that Obama was a natural born American citizen at the time of his birth, but neither parent was Negro.
14. The real issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility is his loss of American citizenship. The status of natural born American citizen can be acquired only at birth. But it can be lost thereafter, by loss of American citizenship altogether. The term “natural born Citizen” subsumes the term “Citizen”. Obama
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could not be a natural born American citizen when he ceased to be an American citizen at all, even if he was a natural born U.S. citizen on the day of his birth. By his voluntary and intentional relinquishment of American citizenship (¶ 3 above and ¶ 15 below) Obama became constitutionally ineligible for all time, and never became President.
15. The State Department has noted that naturalization as a foreign citizen is a potentially expatriating act, as is a conviction for treason:
Section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1481), as amended, states that U.S. citizens are subject to loss of citizenship if they perform certain specified acts voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish U.S. citizenship. Briefly stated, these acts include:
1. obtaining naturalization in a foreign state [my italics] (Sec. 349 (a) (1) INA);
2. taking an oath, affirmation or other formal declaration to a foreign state or its political subdivisions (Sec. 349 (a) (2) INA);
3. entering or serving in the armed forces of a foreign state engaged in hostilities against the U.S. or serving as a commissioned or non-
commissioned officer in the armed forces of a foreign state (Sec. 349 (a) (3) INA);
4. accepting employment with a foreign government if (a) one
has the nationality of that foreign state or (b) an oath or declaration of allegiance is required in accepting the position (Sec. 349 (a) (4) INA);
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5. formally renouncing U.S. citizenship before a U.S. diplomatic or consular officer outside the United States (Sec. 349 (a) (5) INA);
6. formally renouncing U.S. citizenship within the U.S. (but only under strict, narrow statutory conditions) (Sec. 349 (a) (6) INA);
7. conviction for an act of treason (Sec. 349 (a) (7) INA).
As already noted, the actions listed above can cause loss of U.S. citizenship only if performed voluntarily and with the intention of relinquishing U.S. citizenship. The Department has a uniform administrative standard of evidence based on the premise that U.S.
citizens intend to retain United States citizenship when they obtain naturalization in a foreign state, subscribe to a declaration of allegiance to a foreign state, serve in the armed forces of a foreign state not engaged in hostilities with the United States, or accept non-policy level employment with a foreign government.
16. Appropriate discovery by the trial court will establish Obama’s loss of American citizenship by voluntary and intentional relinquishment of it as an adult, capped by his 1983 naturalization as an American citizen, which would not have been necessary if he had not previously lost American citizenship.
17. An appellate court does not ordinarily adjudicate factual issues. But in a case of such extraordinary importance as the instant case this Court should require the trial court to adduce sufficient facts to pose the legal issues. The trial court
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herein has failed miserably, in large part because of faulty and misleading analyses by trial counsel on both sides. This case should be sent back to the trial court for complete reconsideration and restatement of the cause by Appellants and thorough discovery of the true relevant and material facts to make a record fit for appeal. Further, the trial court should be advised that a grand jury should be empanelled at the trial court’s own motion to investigate Obama’s many crimes, including election fraud, posing as a federal officer, conspiracy to commit terrorist acts, and treason.
WHEREFORE, Albert W. L. Moore, Jr., representing no party in this case or any other before this honorable Court, and wishing only to be the Court’s trustworthy and faithful friend in obeying his solemn oath as a lawyer to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, prays the Court read and heed his amicus brief to cut to the heart of Obama’s constitutional eligibility by requiring the trial court to uncover the relevant and material facts required to effect a just and true resolution of open questions regarding Obama’s eligibility to the Office of President, and prays further that esteemed counsel on both sides co-operate, with all diligence, probity and candor, to assist the trial court in discovering and adducing such facts. Counsel confidently anticipates that Obama’s vital records –
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original and amended and consistent with genetic analysis – prove that he was a natural born American on the date of his birth, but further official records prove that he lost American citizenship and constitutional eligibility to the Office of President, as definitively confirmed by his 1983 naturalization as an American citizen, which by law did not restore his constitutional eligibility.
On this thirtieth day of May 2013, I sent copies of this brief to the following counsel:
L. Dean Johnson (JOH046)
4030 Balmoral Drive, Suite B
Huntsville, AL 35801
Larry Klayman, Esq.
Klayman Law Firm
2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006
Attorneys for Appellants
Hon. Luther Strange, Attorney General of Alabama
Andrew L. Brasher, Deputy Solicitor General
Margaret L. Fleming
James W. Davis
Laura E. Howell
Office of the Attorney General of Alabama
501 Washington Street
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
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Thomas A. Woodall
Barry A. Ragsdale
Sirote & Permut, P.C.
2311 Highland Avenue South
P.O. Box 55727
Birmingham, Alabama 35255-5727
Attorneys for Appellees
Respectfully submitted,
Albert W. L. Moore, Jr.
Missouri Bar No. 18921
Central Professional Building
221 West Lexington, Suite 114
Independence, Missouri 64050-3719
Telephone: 816.461.0993
Telefacsimile: 816.461.3231
Amicus Curiae Pro Se
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David Feith, Anent your article on Park Sang Hak in WSJ 5 July 2013,
Well done.
North Korea has put into polar orbit an electromagnetic pulse device
that, when detonated 300 miles over Omaha, Nebraska, will paralyze the
continental United States. This has been done with the aid and
approval of Putin, the communist Chinese leadership, and the Comintern
mole Barack Hussein Obama. Putin, Xi Jingping, and probably Obama have
veto power over the actual attack, which Obama would ride out in a
bunker hardened against electromagnetic pulse. Obama will use the
occasion to invoke dictatorial emergency powers, and to claim
allegiance from people who are blind to his key role as an enemy agent
in bringing about the attack and sabotaging any countermeasures.
There is a slim chance that broad knowledge of this scheme in America,
North Korea, China and Russia would head it off. If so, global warfare
might be forestalled. The EMP attack on the United States would
probably signal the instant obliteration of Seoul by about 10,000
heavy North Korean guns, simultaneous with the North’s invasion of
South Korea, while China brings military pressure to bear on Taiwan,
Russia on Georgia and the Ukraine, and Iran on Israel. The thin veil
of civilization donned by the international communist movement (the
Comintern) after the Soviet Union’s collapse has been shed in favor of
military aggression in league with Islamic jihad.
Even if exposure of the conspiracy fails to spoil the attack, people
will at least know what brought it about, and Americans in particular
will know better than to rally ‘round Obama in the aftermath.
I’ve urged for years official American inquiry into Obama, whose
constitutional ineligibility (by relinquishment of American
citizenship) is readily verifiable. See my attached letter of 18 June
2013 to Lamar S. Smith with enclosed brief. Smith’s conduct (and that
of others of his ilk) calls to mind the words of E. Digby Baltzell,
The Wall Street Journal, Saturday/Sunday, July 6-7, 2013, page C6:
“The downfall of every civilization comes, not from the moral
corruption of the common man, but rather from the moral complacency of
common men in high places.”
Sadly, Coast to Coast has not taken up my proposed Sound Off, also
attached. Please forward it to Park Sang Hak. Perhaps he could convey
it to Koreans, both in the North and in the South, in Korean. The
South might be interested in knowing that the North has a fifth column
at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I’m trying to convey the message to Garry
Kasparov. You probably know how to insert it into China, perhaps in
Mandarin. (Henry Kissinger claims that everybody in China talks to
everyone else, so news spreads there like wildfire.) If, as I suspect,
attempts are made to interfere with the distribution of this news, it
will only confirm its verisimilitude.
Please acknowledge receipt of this message and attachments. Do not
hesitate to ask questions, request elaboration, or otherwise respond.
It might be useful for me to chat with a WSJ reporter face to face.
Out of an abundance of caution and for the sake of thorough and
objective analysis, try to suspend kneejerk disbelief and keep in mind
the question:
What if he’s right?
If you wait for the actual flash for corroboration, the consequences
could be dire for America and humanity in general. An article on a
wholly different matter in Neue Zuercher Zeitung notes, “Wer zu spaet
kommt, den bestraft das Leben.” “Life punishes one who comes too

Thanks for your attention to the attached and foregoing. Read and heed. Act.
Best regards, Albert W. L. Moore, Jr.

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WHERE’S AL SHARPTON: Black Man in Hoodie Stabs White Girl 11 Times

Police in New York City are trying to find a black man wearing a hoodie who is responsible for a horrific attack on a teenage white girl who was stabbed 11 times just steps from her front door.
The knife-wielding maniac ambushed Natasha Martinez, 17, as she returned home from working her shift at a local McDonald’s restaurant.
Natasha Martinez, 17, was stabbed outside her NYC home/Photo: CBS 2
Hearing her daughter’s screams, Natasha’s mother, Wendy Martinez, came running outside — and the bloodthirsty attacker fled.
“She came home from work, and her body was full of holes,” Wendy Martinez told the New York Daily News.
“I was holding her because she was going to fall. Her face was turning white, and I slapped her. I was telling her, ‘You have to stay alive.’”
Wendy Martinez, 40, ran to her daughter’s aid after hearing her screams.
The teen is recovering at Jamaica Hospital, in the borough of Queens, after undergoing surgery for stab wounds to her back, arms, stomach and kidney. Doctors had to remove a vein from her leg and put it in her arm. Her mother describes her condition as “really bad.
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