. Viernes, 24 2013
No 303 Editor Lázaro R González Miño .
por Rebeca Sosa, Javier Souto, Xavier Suarez y Esteban Bovo por oponerse a
seguir esquilmando los fondos del Condado Miami Dade.LRGM
NHR.com Cuatro
de los comisionados de Miami-Dade, incluyendo a la presidenta de la comisión,
Rebeca Sosa, rechazaron la resolución que urgía a la legislatura estatal a
autorizar el uso de fondos públicos para financiar la remodelación del Sun Life
Stadium o estadio de los Miami Dolphins. La desgraciada resolución fue
propuesta por la comisionada Bárbara Jordan y respaldada por 9 de los
comisionados. Solo Javier Souto, Esteban Bovo y Xavier Suárez, además de Rebeca
Sosa, se opusieron a que fuera aprobada.
Senator Rand Paul To Hilary Clinton:
I Would Have Relieved You Of Your Post. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky grills Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on her lapse of leadership resulting in the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans. http://www.westernjournalism.com/senator-to-clinton-i-would-have-relieved-you-of-your-post/
Clinton Explodes: “We Have Four Dead Americans…what Difference…does It Make?!”
Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) grills Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi nightmare. The comments begin at roughly the 5 minute mark… http://www.westernjournalism.com/clinton-explodes-we-have-four-dead-americanswhat-difference-does-it-make/GOPUSA Another Clinton Lies Under Oath
Doug Patton January 25, 2013 6:55 am
Did anyone believe a word Hillary Clinton told
Congress about the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher
Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012? Did anyone
believe her about what she knew and when she knew it? Does anyone believe that
Republicans laid a glove on her during her testimony? The answers: no, no and
no.Hillary’s testimony began with a weepy opening statement that would have won her an Oscar had it been in a Hollywood movie. Fighting back crocodile tears, she told the committee how terribly personal it had been for her to have to meet those four flag-draped coffins, to put her arms around those family members and to comfort them. I got all choked up just thinking about what poor Hillary must have endured that day, didn’t you?
She then proceeded to tell breathtaking lies to Congress: “The Department of Defense took every action it could to respond to this attack,” she said at one point. “I did not say it was a video that caused this attack,” she said at another juncture. And on and on it went.
However, the most audacious part of her testimony had to be in response to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, who wanted to know why the administration had continued to put forth the narrative that it was, in fact, an offensive video and not terrorism that sparked the attack.
Hillary nearly shrieked: “What difference does it make?!?”
In the end, Hillary demonstrated why she is the leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Senate and House Democrats fawned over her as if she were about to be crowned queen, each of them auditioning for the role of court jester (vice president). And with few exceptions — notably the aforementioned Sen. Johnson and Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky — Republicans did little but make speeches. John McCain’s performance was particularly annoying. He asked her five different questions in a rambling lecture that generated little in the way of useful information from her and served as nothing but a photo op for him.
Congressional committees are usually poor vehicles for investigating anything, and Wednesday’s charade was no exception. But clearly, Hillary came to the hearings far better prepared than did her interrogators. And why not? After all, she has learned from the best. Remember in 1998-1999 when her philandering husband lied through his teeth about his tawdry relationship with a young woman only slightly older than his own daughter? Remember when he perjured himself before a grand jury? Remember when the United States House of Representatives impeached him for it?
But then the case headed over to the laid-back U.S. Senate, which, though it was controlled by Republicans, had absolutely no chance of convicting the man. After all, it took a two-thirds majority to do that, and short of videotaped proof that Clinton had committed cold blooded murder, two-thirds of that body was not going to remove him from office. (Then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-MS, was reported to have stated that even that wouldn’t do it for the Democrats.)
The felon and his bride figured out a long time ago that they could tell the nation a whole boatload of whoppers and get away with it. No resigning in shame like Richard Nixon after Watergate. No mea culpa like Ronald Reagan after Iran-Contra. The Clintons were above all that. The agenda came first, last and always. So Bill wagged his bony index finger at the American people and simply lied: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky, and I never told anybody to lie, not one time.”
He sent Hillary out to tell the dark tale of a vast, rightwing conspiracy to their willing accomplices in the mainstream news media, who ate it up with a spoon. And finally, under oath, Bubba himself gave us the tortured phrase, “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is.”
Of course, today, Bill Clinton is the rock star senior statesman of the Democratic Party, and Hillary’s little dog and pony show before Congress proves that she is now a seasoned Washington liar who does not like to be challenged.
And why not? It has served her husband and her current boss very well indeed.
Doug Patton describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.com and/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.
Clinton, McCain team up for Kerry
United Press International January 24, 2013 12:42 pm
Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain endorsed Sen.
John Kerry Thursday to succeed Clinton as U.S. secretary of state.McCain, R-Ariz., told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Kerry still heads, "I know he will acquit himself in that office with distinction ... I commend his nomination to you without reservation."
McCain, who clashed with Clinton in her appearance before the committee, praised Kerry at length for his efforts to normalize relations with Vietnam, though he recognized their political differences. McCain and Kerry are decorated Vietnam veterans.
Clinton, sitting amicably with McCain, told the panel, "John is the right choice to carry forward the Obama administration's foreign policy. ... He will bring a record of leadership and service that is exemplary."
Wednesday, Clinton was pummeled by committee Republicans for actions before and after the Sept. 11 terror attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
Kerry "is committed to doing whatever it takes to prevent other attacks and protect our people in posts around the world," Clinton said.
Kerry was expected to face much more friendly questioning as he seeks to succeed Clinton at the State Department.
Before questions from the panel, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee, praised Kerry in his opening statement, saying, "You're ready to go. ... I think you know you're inheriting a department that is facing a number of challenges ... [in] a dangerous world."
Nota: One more time again Senator John McCain forget where you have to do your personal needs "that’s in the toilet" and not on "his owns pants" Lázaro R González Miño
“What difference, at this
point, does it make?”
During her Senate testimony yesterday, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angrily blurted out, “What difference, at this point, does it make,” she told us a great deal about how this administration views the Benghazi disaster.
Sen. Ron Johnson repeatedly pressed Clinton for an answer as to why those evacuated from Benghazi weren’t immediately questioned by the administration as to what actually happened.
During her Senate testimony yesterday, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angrily blurted out, “What difference, at this point, does it make,” she told us a great deal about how this administration views the Benghazi disaster.
Sen. Ron Johnson repeatedly pressed Clinton for an answer as to why those evacuated from Benghazi weren’t immediately questioned by the administration as to what actually happened.
was a fair question to ask, and it needed to be asked. Why indeed didn’t this
Just as repeatedly, Clinton dodged answering, until she delivered this stunner:
But, but, you know, with all due respect, the fact is, we have four
dead Americans.
Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a
walk one night,
who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this
does it make?
To quote Secretary Clinton, “with all due respect,” it makes a HUGE difference, for many reasons—not the least of which is the families of the victims deserve to know what happened and why.
If the administration doesn’t care why this tragedy occurred, and
what allowed it to occur,
how will it fix any problems to ensure it doesn’t happen again?
Or does the administration even recognize that there are problems to
be fixed?
Does it even entertain the possibility that its “soft footprint” approach to an area
like Benghazi was a failure?
Does it even entertain the possibility that its stubborn refusal to acknowledge
“jihad” as a prime motivation for Islamic terrorism may have
contributed to this
That its refusal to acknowledge “jihad,” for reasons such as its apparent fear that
doing so will offend the Muslim Brotherhood, may be why decisions
were made to
ignore Ambassador Stevens’
repeated concerns about security at the Benghazi
There is a maxim of war that’s pretty ironclad: If you can’t, or
won’t, accurately define
your enemy, it will be harder to defeat that enemy.
So long as this administration persists in looking at the world through the lens of “see no jihad” it will inaccurately define our enemy.
And it will learn very little from Benghazi.
Or Cairo.
Or why militant Muslims around the world protested and rioted in response to the administration’s repeated claims that a video caused what happened at Benghazi.
Or why the more the administration apologized for the video, the more militant Muslims took to the streets.
That’s what Secretary Clinton in effect told us: “Why” it happened doesn’t matter.
Or if it does, this administration has made up its mind that its approach to radical Islamic terror wasn’t in any way to blame, and it doesn’t want to be confused by facts that contradict that view.
Dear Mr. President. I hear you say you would not guarantee SS checks
if the debt ceiling isn’t raised… Why the scare is, always has to be the SS,
our soldiers pay & Medicare???
Why not stop your pay, the vice president pay, your staff’s pay, or
the congress pay???
Let’s hold the pay checks of the House and Senate Members and see how
fast they resolve this mess. If you agree repost this and keep it going across
the whole USA!
Con el Aniversario del nacimiento de Martin Luther King, ha
habido diferentes reclamaciones tanto de los Demócratas como de los
Republicanos de que King pertenecía a uno de esos partidos.
Pero los que vivimos esa época y pudimos apreciar de primera
mano la situación del segregacionismo, que por diferentes razones fue un efecto
secundario de la guerra civil, pudimos apreciar
la verdadera situación del negro del sur con respecto a los partidos
Martin Luther King, como todos los negros sureños de su
época, era Republicano.
Los senadores y gobernadores del Sur de aquella época
eran Demócratas racistas que a nivel nacional los llamaban Dixiecrats. (Dixiecrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Si no eran racistas no podían ser electos, los dixiecrats
controlaban el Sur.
Los republicanos sureños, al oponerse a los
demócratas tenían en sus filas a la clase negra y eran un partido muy débil con
muy poca representación.
En la Florida no fue hasta el año 1966 que hubo un
Gobernador Republicano, Claude Kirk, el primer gobernador Republicado desde la
reconstrucción y que fue electo por el rechazo de los demócratas al candidato
de su partido , Robert King High, alcalde de Miami, un demócrata contrario a la
Todos los senadores de la Florida eran Demócratas.
Martin Luther King era Republicano en el sur, aunque se
aliaba a los Demócratas liberales del norte.
Martin Luther King era Republicano y Demócrata, dependiendo
al apoyo del individuo a la causa de la integración.
Históricamente el Partido Republicano fue fundado
primariamente por Abraham Lincoln, para oponerse a la esclavitud, El partido
Demócrata luchó para mantener y expandir la esclavitud Este es un hecho
que es actualmente ignorado por la prensa por miedo a dañar al partido
El Ku Klux Klan fue originalmente el ejército del
partido demócrata del sur durante la reconstrucción, y hasta los años 50s todos
los oficiales políticos del sur, en su gran mayoría demócratas eran simpatizantes
o miembros del KKK.
Un Demócrata, antiguo miembro oficial del KKK , que
asombrosamente apoyó a Obama en las elecciones del 2008, fue Robert Byrd, el
oficial que sirvió más tiempo en las cámaras legislativas en la historia de los
Estados Unidos, y que murió el pasado año a la edad de 93 años.
Pero cosas como estas vemos en la oportunista y cambiante
política de los Demócratas.
El candidato del partido Republicano el gobernador de New
York, Thomas E Dewey, derrotado en 1944 y 1948 por Harry Truman, apoyaba la
legislación de los derechos civiles que fue derrotada en el senado con la
votación unánime de los Demócratas del sur
La realidad histórica es que no fue hasta 1950 en que
el Presidente Eisenhower, un republicano, integró las fuerzas armadas y promovió
los derechos civiles de las minorías, implementando la ley de los derechos
civiles en 1957, que los negros obtuvieron sus derechos civiles.
Uno de los oponentes en 1957 fue nada menos que Lyndon
Johnson el líder de la mayoría del senado.
Lyndon Johnson, un dixiecrat de Texas, votó en esa
línea hasta que al final cambió su oposición y le dio su apoyo por convenir a
sus aspiraciones presidenciales en las primarias contra John F. Kennedy.
Las leyes por los derechos civiles en 1964 tuvieron un apoyo
mayor de los Republicanos que de los Demócratas.
El 80% de los Republicanos y el 60% de los Demócratas
votaron a favor de los derechos civiles en el Senado.
Pero la propaganda liberal trata de transferir los pecados
pasados de los demócratas, la esclavitud, KKK, la ley Jim Crow y otras leyes
segregacionistas, a los republicanos, y las virtudes de los Republicanos a los
Demócratas. Esto es tergiversar la historia.
Cuando el Boicot de Luther King en Alabama el Gobernador era
el demócrata Big Jim Folsom un político corrupto y alcohólico, de
posiciones variantes, según soplaba el dinero. Después su sucesor fue George
Wallace, un Demócrata notorio opositor a la integración y que más tarde fue
aspirante a presidente en las primarias demócratas por dos ocasiones-
Oval Faubus, el gobernador Demócrata de Arkansas, trató de
impedir la integración en las escuelas lo mismo hizo Ross Barnett, el
gobernador Demócrata de Mississippi.
Dixiecrats fueron Stum Thurmond, gobernador de North
Carolina, y aspirante a la presidencia, Fielding Wright gobernador de
Mississippi y aspirante a la vicepresidencia, Leander Pérez de Louisiana uno de
los últimos dixiecrats, y todos los demás gobernadores y senadores
demócratas sureños hasta los años sesenta..
Todos los partidos tienen racistas, pero la noción que
los Republicanos son más racistas que los Demócratas, está basado en una
mentira sin substancia.
Al contrario, fueron los dixierats los que asumieron la
posición racista contra la integración, esta aserción de los izquierdistas
constantemente repetida por la media liberal es un ejemplo de la gran mentira
que se convierte en realidad simplemente por ser repetida muchas veces..
Visto de la perspectiva política el cambio en la estrategia
Demócrata de crear la dependencia a la ayuda pública de los negros,
un nuevo modelo de racismo, ha sido extremadamente efectiva.
¿Cuál es el resultado?
Actualmente el 90% de los negros votan Demócrata por miedo
de que los Republicanos corten los beneficios de la asistencia social-
La mayoría de los gobiernos de las mayores ciudades de
América han sido Demócratas, y tienen secciones negras que son esencialmente
anarquías disfuncionales. Ciudades como Detroit y Washington DC están minadas
de gangas y traficantes de drogas. Pero siguen eligiendo liberales y culpando a
los “racistas” Republicanos por sus problemas.
Barack Obama no pensaría en enviar a sus hijas a una escuela
pública de Washington, sus hijas van a una de las mejores escuelas
privadas de la capital. Pero en sus discursos dice que las escuelas públicas
son buenas para los hijos de los otros negros.
Se opone a un programa de vouchers, matando las esperanzas
de muchas familias negras decentes con sus hijos atrapados en esas escuelas
disfuncionales. Su lealtad es a las uniones de maestros, no a la
población negra.
El apoyo perpetuo de la acción afirmativa es una nueva forma
de racismo Demócrata.
Es la antítesis de la visión de Martin Luther King de una
sociedad ciega al color.
No solo es racismo a la inversa, pero está basada en la
premisa de que los afroamericanos son incapaces de competir en el mercado libre
a un nivel igual que los blancos.
En otras palabras está basado en la noción de la Supremacía
Blanca que predicaban los demócratas de los años anteriores a los sesenta-........
Es el mismo perro con diferente collar.
Este no era el sueño de Martin Luther King, el soñaba con
ver a sus hijos en iguales condiciones de la clase media blanca, no en la nueva
segregación de la dependencia.
La próxima vez que alguien le diga que los Republicanos son
racistas y los Demócratas no lo son, no se dejen engañar.
R Gonzalez
Dear Patriot,
Our fragile economy
is speeding toward a collision with economic ruin.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has jammed his foot down on the gas pedal.
And now statist economists are even discussing hyperinflationary "minting" out of thin air - arguing the Fed should create a trillion-dollar coin to pay our rapidly expanding debt!
Without your action today, I'm afraid members of BOTH parties will continue to just look the other way while the Fed's "print-now, ask-questions-later" policies bankrupt every man, woman, and child in the United States.
That's why I'm counting on you to fill out your Audit the Fed petition to Campaign for Liberty to make YOUR voice heard IMMEDIATELY.
I'll give you the link in just a moment. But first let me explain exactly why this is so important.
I know the Fed banksters believe they've wined and dined and bought off enough politicians to keep up their iron grip on our economy.
But while the Fed may have cash and connections, you and C4L have the numbers. And politics is a numbers game.
Five years ago, few dared talk about sound money or the role of the Federal Reserve.
But now, between 70-80% of Americans believe the Fed should be audited.
And as any politician worth his salt knows, standing in the way of nearly three quarters of the American people when they're activated and mobilized on an issue is like standing in the way of an oncoming freight train.
But none of that matters if good folks like you don't take action.
You see, after Harry Reid recently praised Bernanke - and said he'd have to "talk to" the Fed Chairman before allowing a vote on Audit the Fed - there's no doubt he's in the Fed's back pocket.
And ever since the GOP's 2012 election debacle, House Republican leadership has been in disarray.
Their willingness to allow President Obama to set the agenda on taxes and spending has me worried Audit the Fed will be swept under the rug.
This would be a DISASTER.
With passage of Audit the Fed, the American people will be able to see the evidence proving the Federal Reserve System leads to:
*** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;
*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;
*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
So won't you please sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L TODAY?
I hope you'll act IMMEDIATELY.
Even after 2012's "QE3" - which was dubbed "QE-infinity" for its never-ending inflationary printing spree - news is the Fed is "considering" another $870 BILLION QE4!
On top of that, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is DEMANDING the President be handed the unilateral ability to raise the debt ceiling at will!
So the solution to our economic problems is infinite dollar devaluation to pay for infinite spending?
Any sane person can see the answer is "NO!"
Now, countries around the globe - after spending years enabling the statists' lavish boondoggles by buying U.S. debt - are saying "enough is enough" and are preparing to cut the last thread preserving the dollar.
But the banksters and Washington, D.C.'s politically connected corporate cronies couldn't care less.
They're happy so long as their coffers are flush with Fed cash, taxpayer bailouts, and special government "perks" designed to destroy capitalism's name and usher in even more government control over our lives.
But if Campaign for Liberty can turn up the heat on Congress once again, every politician - including Harry Reid - will have a choice to make:
Vote to pass Audit the Fed... or find a new job.
Ultimately, it's their call.
All I know is, I can think of several politicians off the top of my head that I wouldn't mind joining me in retirement!
That's why it's so critical you sign your Audit the Fed petition to Campaign for Liberty TODAY!
Thanks to the support of good folks like you, Campaign for Liberty has a "reputation" in Washington, D.C.
Last year, thanks to their efforts, Audit the Fed passed the House by an overwhelming three-fourths majority.
In fact, C4L has quickly become the big spending, Big Government statists' number-one enemy.
And I think that's a good thing.
Today, I'm asking you to join their efforts by signing your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and - if possible - agreeing to a generous contribution.
With your support, C4L will launch an all-out drive to give the American people a voice in calling for Audit the Fed by:
1) Contacting up to 12 million Americans via hard-hitting mail and email to alert them to the Fed's shady dealings;
2) Running web ads on heavily trafficked websites, working the blogs, and launching a state-of-the-art Facebook campaign to reach and mobilize up to four million more supporters;
3) Work the talk radio lines, write op-eds, and continue to take the fight to the statists' phony intellectual machine, which got us into this economic mess in the first place;
4) In the days before the vote, launch hard-hitting radio, newspaper, and Internet ads calling on Representatives and Senators by name to support Audit the Fed;
5) And finally, if funds permit, C4L will launch an excoriating TV ad campaign - to be unveiled in key states in massive press conferences - ensuring every targeted Senator knows his reelection could ride on his or her Audit the Fed vote.
This is an ambitious plan, I know. But it's what it will take to win.
Sadly, not everyone understands the damage the Fed routinely causes with its inflationary policies. Some - especially those who leech off government and have wedded themselves to Big Government's big handouts - just won't "get it" until catastrophe hits them in the face.
That's why these times call for true patriots. I know you understand doing nothing is not an option.
So won't you please agree to sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and make your most generous contribution today?
Whatever you can afford will make a tremendous difference - $250, $100, $50, or even $35.
Even if all you can do right now is chip in $10 or $20, every dollar counts.
You have the ability to make a difference.
I've seen it. My former colleagues in Washington, D.C. have seen it, too.
So please sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and agree to your most generous contribution TODAY.
For Liberty,
Dr. Ron Paul
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has jammed his foot down on the gas pedal.
And now statist economists are even discussing hyperinflationary "minting" out of thin air - arguing the Fed should create a trillion-dollar coin to pay our rapidly expanding debt!
Without your action today, I'm afraid members of BOTH parties will continue to just look the other way while the Fed's "print-now, ask-questions-later" policies bankrupt every man, woman, and child in the United States.
That's why I'm counting on you to fill out your Audit the Fed petition to Campaign for Liberty to make YOUR voice heard IMMEDIATELY.
I'll give you the link in just a moment. But first let me explain exactly why this is so important.
I know the Fed banksters believe they've wined and dined and bought off enough politicians to keep up their iron grip on our economy.
But while the Fed may have cash and connections, you and C4L have the numbers. And politics is a numbers game.
Five years ago, few dared talk about sound money or the role of the Federal Reserve.
But now, between 70-80% of Americans believe the Fed should be audited.
And as any politician worth his salt knows, standing in the way of nearly three quarters of the American people when they're activated and mobilized on an issue is like standing in the way of an oncoming freight train.
But none of that matters if good folks like you don't take action.
You see, after Harry Reid recently praised Bernanke - and said he'd have to "talk to" the Fed Chairman before allowing a vote on Audit the Fed - there's no doubt he's in the Fed's back pocket.
And ever since the GOP's 2012 election debacle, House Republican leadership has been in disarray.
Their willingness to allow President Obama to set the agenda on taxes and spending has me worried Audit the Fed will be swept under the rug.
This would be a DISASTER.
With passage of Audit the Fed, the American people will be able to see the evidence proving the Federal Reserve System leads to:
*** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;
*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;
*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
So won't you please sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L TODAY?
I hope you'll act IMMEDIATELY.
Even after 2012's "QE3" - which was dubbed "QE-infinity" for its never-ending inflationary printing spree - news is the Fed is "considering" another $870 BILLION QE4!
On top of that, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is DEMANDING the President be handed the unilateral ability to raise the debt ceiling at will!
So the solution to our economic problems is infinite dollar devaluation to pay for infinite spending?
Any sane person can see the answer is "NO!"
Now, countries around the globe - after spending years enabling the statists' lavish boondoggles by buying U.S. debt - are saying "enough is enough" and are preparing to cut the last thread preserving the dollar.
But the banksters and Washington, D.C.'s politically connected corporate cronies couldn't care less.
They're happy so long as their coffers are flush with Fed cash, taxpayer bailouts, and special government "perks" designed to destroy capitalism's name and usher in even more government control over our lives.
But if Campaign for Liberty can turn up the heat on Congress once again, every politician - including Harry Reid - will have a choice to make:
Vote to pass Audit the Fed... or find a new job.
Ultimately, it's their call.
All I know is, I can think of several politicians off the top of my head that I wouldn't mind joining me in retirement!
That's why it's so critical you sign your Audit the Fed petition to Campaign for Liberty TODAY!
Thanks to the support of good folks like you, Campaign for Liberty has a "reputation" in Washington, D.C.
Last year, thanks to their efforts, Audit the Fed passed the House by an overwhelming three-fourths majority.
In fact, C4L has quickly become the big spending, Big Government statists' number-one enemy.
And I think that's a good thing.
Today, I'm asking you to join their efforts by signing your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and - if possible - agreeing to a generous contribution.
With your support, C4L will launch an all-out drive to give the American people a voice in calling for Audit the Fed by:
1) Contacting up to 12 million Americans via hard-hitting mail and email to alert them to the Fed's shady dealings;
2) Running web ads on heavily trafficked websites, working the blogs, and launching a state-of-the-art Facebook campaign to reach and mobilize up to four million more supporters;
3) Work the talk radio lines, write op-eds, and continue to take the fight to the statists' phony intellectual machine, which got us into this economic mess in the first place;
4) In the days before the vote, launch hard-hitting radio, newspaper, and Internet ads calling on Representatives and Senators by name to support Audit the Fed;
5) And finally, if funds permit, C4L will launch an excoriating TV ad campaign - to be unveiled in key states in massive press conferences - ensuring every targeted Senator knows his reelection could ride on his or her Audit the Fed vote.
This is an ambitious plan, I know. But it's what it will take to win.
Sadly, not everyone understands the damage the Fed routinely causes with its inflationary policies. Some - especially those who leech off government and have wedded themselves to Big Government's big handouts - just won't "get it" until catastrophe hits them in the face.
That's why these times call for true patriots. I know you understand doing nothing is not an option.
So won't you please agree to sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and make your most generous contribution today?
Whatever you can afford will make a tremendous difference - $250, $100, $50, or even $35.
Even if all you can do right now is chip in $10 or $20, every dollar counts.
You have the ability to make a difference.
I've seen it. My former colleagues in Washington, D.C. have seen it, too.
So please sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L and agree to your most generous contribution TODAY.
For Liberty,
Dr. Ron Paul
Rand Paul: U.S. should make clear to world ‘any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States’ Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul took what very well could be considered his most pro-Israel stance yet, saying in an interview that an attack on Israel should be treated as an attack on the United States.
Asked whether the United States would stand with Israel and provide it foreign aid if the Jewish state were attacked by its enemies, Paul went a step further.
“Well absolutely we stand with Israel,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News, “but what I think we should do is announce to the world – and I think it is pretty well known — that any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States.”
Paul recently returned from a trip to Israel, where many believe he went to bolster his credentials for a 2016 presidential run. The libertarian Kentucky senator is seen as having a bigger burden than other candidates in demonstrating his pro-Israel bona fides because of his opposition to foreign aid and his connection to his father’s ideology.
Paul’s father, former Texas congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, was widely seen as unfriendly to Israel. For instance, the elder Paul once went on Iranian state-sponsored television and likened Gaza to a concentration camp.
But the younger Paul is trying to demonstrate that he is pro-Israel, even if he opposes foreign aid to the Jewish state. He reiterated in his interview with Breitbart News his opposition to foreign aid, but again noted that he favors cutting aid off first to anti-American countries before ultimately cutting it off to American allies like Israel.
Paul, who has not been coy about his interest in running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, perked up when the interviewer framed a question by saying, “let’s say you become President Paul at some point in the future.”
“I like the ring of that,” Paul interjected.
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Shooters all Democrats?
Why is it that none of the disturbed and
evil men, who steal guns, then go and kill movie-goers and children in school,
have ever been identified as a conservative NRA member?
1.) Ft Hood ~~ Registered
Democrat ~ Muslim
2.) Columbine ~~ Too young to
vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals
3.) Virginia Tech ~~ Wrote hate mail
to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat
4.) Colorado Theater ~~
Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street
participant; progressive liberal
5.) Connecticut School Shooter ~~
Registered Democrat; hated Christians
The only Common Thread appears to be...
"all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats."
Do you see a pattern here?
INTERESTING, isn't it? Perhaps all progressive liberal Democrats
should be outlawed or banned!
Colunna de R Samitier.
se Comprobó La
De Pénelas
los Demócratas Anglos se dieron cuenta que iban a
Perder el CONTROL de Miami... pues la carta de la ciudad
UN alcalde y 5 Comisionados electos por votación
y siendo los cubanos y latinos la mayoría de todo
CONDADO... se gastaron millones en “hacer un líder”
el poder de manos de los latinos y sobretodo de los
fue el escogido... y
le fue encomendada la
De Acabar Con El Poder De
Cubanos Y Latinos En Miami...
Con la
ayuda de Millones de Dólares... del Miami Herald y
todas esas Organizaciones semi secretas que existen de
COMUNITARIOS” que No se sabe de dónde salen...
y votaron para crear la “Democracia Por Distritos” ...
La masa
hispana MAYORITARIA e “IGNORANTE” voto en a
DE LA “Democratización” y de aumentar el numero
POLITIQUEROS de 6 a 13 es decir aumentaron el numero
Y ayer
vimos claramente los resultados...
A pesar
de ser los Hispanos la mayoría absoluta de Miami...
tenemos 4 votos en la comisión y 9 votos siempre en
formado por las minorías de políticos NEGROS SIEMPRE
y los ANGLOS también siempre DEMOCRATAS...
La votación
a favor de prestarle 200 millones a un MILLONARIO
aprobada 9 a 4... y los 4 votos... fueron de los hispanos... que
hicieron... por política... PUES ELLOS A PESAR DE VOTAR EN
RECIBIERON (no tengo pruebas) su tajada también...
Lo peor
de todo esto es que todavía el canal 23 mantiene al TRAIDOR
de los
Hispanos... a el SR. Pénelas como EL GENIO de la Política...
hacer comentarios... una forma de pagarle su traición...
· 11 estados de los Estados Unidos igual que Grecia y España
Once estados con mayor número de personas en el
que están empleados...
Los votantes están en "La La" tierra ... incluso un
alumno de tercero puede ver la falacia de esto ...
y por supuesto, el número de estados seguirán
creciendo hasta que la burbuja estalla ... parece
que estamos condenados y más allá del punto de
sin retorno ...
Y NO ES UNA -Sorpresa! Que 7 de
estos 11 Estados
votaron para re elegir a el
Fracasado Obama.
Esto sólo demuestra que la mayoría
de los estadounidenses
no tienen intención de hacer
La vida para ellos y sus familias es
continuar viviendo
Del cheque que les envían los
Que LE QUITAN a los trabajan y pagan
regresamos a 1948
To r.samitier@live.com
de la segunda guerra mundial… el comunismo estaba en USA ganando terrero... pues
había avanzado durante la presidencia de Wilson de 1913 a 1921... y llego
al clímax con el hijo del traficante de Opio Warren Delano... que
con su dinero proyecto a su nieto Franklin Delano Roosevelt en los círculos
políticos... y que gobernó desde Marzo 4 1933 a abril de 1945... Este
“Socialista” para mi comunista cometió su primera traición a los 4 meses de
llegar al poder enviando a Cuba al CONOCIDO Homosexual Benjamín Summer Welles a
derrocar al Presidente Machado...
quiera que sea en 1948... estados Unidos estaba totalmente infiltrado a los
extremos que le pasaron los secretos de la Bomba atómica a Rusia... Stalin
estaba mejor informado por sus espías sobre la bomba atómica que el
Vicepresidente Truman... en fin aquí les paso un cartón de la época...
It's incredible that
this 1948 cartoon has come this close to depicting our current day situation.
It's worth your time.
What can a cartoon produced in 1948, teach us today, that's of any value? You'd be very surprised! Pay close attention! Keep in mind this was done in '1948'. Keep telling yourself that as you view it.
Click on 1948 Cartoon below -
· Need new blood at your plant?
To r.samitier@live.com
En Estados Unidos y en todos los países de occidente...
Los padres de este niño estarían presos acusados
Por el departamento de protección a los niños...
en “En mi opinión” Alberto L. Pérez “amenper”, Alexis Ortiz, Amb. Armando
Valladares, Annie González, Ing. Armando López Calleja, J. Fresno, Bárbara
Fernández, Carlos Bringuier, Efraín Sinaí, Eladio José Armesto, Enrique
Enríquez, Enrique de Diego, Erick Ruiz,
Emigdio Prado, Gerardo Alfredo DeSola, Georgina López, Gustavo Rojas, Héctor
Molina, Héctor Lemange Sando, Irmende Méndez, Jesús Angulo, Jesús Marzo
Fernández, Jorge A Villalon, Jorge Aguiar , José y Marcia Caula, J Fresno, Luis
Pensado, Lili Samways, Manny Fernández, Margarita Sánchez, María Argelia
Vizcaíno, May De La Vega, Mil amigos de Holguín, Miriam Pinedo, Miriam Dopico, Margarita
Sánchez, Marlene, Martha Ruiz, María
Lahullier, Olga Griñan, Oscar Díaz, Philip
V. Riggio, Raúl
Barroso, Reinaldo López jr, Ricardo
Samitier, Rolando Antonio Lara, Sergio Bello, Sofía Iduate, Sonia “Chuchin”
Castell, Tony Flores, V J Marino, William Benard, Victor M Caamaño, http://news.yahoo.com,
NoticieroDigital.com , CNN Español, LaNuevaNacion.com, TheBLAZE.com, The
WesternCenterforJournalism.com, LastResistance.com, NewsMax.com, RealClearPolitics.com, GOPUSA.com, LIGNET.com, TheTradingReport.com, Beforeit’sNews.com,
Editor Lázaro R González Miño
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