No 970 “En mi opinión” Junio 8, 2015
“IN GOD I TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: Excepcionalismo
Según Wikipedia, excepcionalísmo es la tesis implícita o explícita de que un grupo humano (país, sociedad, institución, colectivo, movimiento o periodo histórico) es de algún modo "excepcional" por lo tanto distinto a lo considerado normal.
Según Wikipedia, excepcionalísmo es la tesis implícita o explícita de que un grupo humano (país, sociedad, institución, colectivo, movimiento o periodo histórico) es de algún modo "excepcional" por lo tanto distinto a lo considerado normal.
No hay dudas que históricamente
no ha habido un país que haya influenciado en la humanidad como los Estados
Unidos de América, su modo de vida, el sueño Americano, fue desde su fundación
un experimento en la historia, y ha sido causa de admiración y
asombro en el mundo.
No se puede negar la
excepcionalidad de América, solo se puede criticar por ese de efecto
humano que es la envidia.
Estados Unidos es una concepción
social un experimento político y económico basado en la libertad
individual, no se trata de una raza, porque está compuesta de
inmigrantes. Los inmigrantes individualmente se adaptaron o no a la
concepción del sistema americano, el conjunto de los que lo han hecho es la
culminación del sueño Americano.
Pero ha habido un grupo
excepcional dentro de la excepcionalidad Americana. Este grupo es el
que está compuesto de un grupo de inmigrantes y sus descendientes que vinieron
de Cuba en los años 60 y 70.
Este grupo diferente a los
inmigrantes anteriores y posteriores porque vinieron con el concepto de lo que
se trata la sociedad americana establecida no individualmente como otros
inmigrantes pero por un conocimiento como grupo. Como
individuos tenían diferentes valores y filosofías políticas y religiosas, pero
como grupo traían los valores de los conceptos perdidos en su patria de la
libertad-. Venían buscando la libertad personal para como individuos
tener libertad de expresión, de Mercado, o de cualquier otra libertad que este
país les ofrecía. Este grupo venía enamorado de América, este grupo
venía como otros grupos buscando un mejor modo de vida, pero a diferencia de
otros grupos sabían lo que buscaban y como usarlo.
Por eso se convirtieron en un
grupo excepcional, una minoría ínfima entre otras minorías, está representada
en la sociedad desproporcionadamente con respecto a su tamaño.
Hay más legisladores de ese grupo
que de cualquier otro grupo minoritarios, cuando es una minoría superada en muchos millones por otras, lo mismo pasa con la
representación en dirección de industrias, los deportes y la farándula
Esta descarga viene porque estoy
en Chicago, invitado por familia extendida en su mayoría anglo americana.
Estamos reunidos por eventos familiares de graduación de algunos de los
jóvenes, en un pueblo cercano a Chicago, y usaron nuestra visita para
invitarnos también a la apertura del musical de la vida de Gloria y Emilio
Estefan. Tenemos algunas diferencias políticas con los Estefan, así como
la tenemos con Bob Menéndez, pero no podemos negar que ellos forman parte del
grupo a que nos referíamos arriba de la excepcionalidad de los que salimos de
Cuba porque nos la cambiaron y vinimos buscando lo que perdimos.
Lo que comentamos tanto los de
origen cubano los de origen anglo y los mixtos es que sin lugar a duda nuestro
grupo es excepcional. El crisol americano está compuesto de
inmigrantes que individualmente se fueron adaptando al modo americano, pero
como grupo en primera generación realmente ninguno fue como los
cubanos. El ejemplo que destruye la teoría que los todos
los inmigrantes en el pasado vinieron con amor al sistema americano
nos lo dice la historia de Chicago y el primero de Mayo de 1886. lo que sucedió
el primero de Mayo fue parte de la conspiración comunista que después
triunfaría en Rusia. Pe ro lo que utilizaron los dirigentes
anarquistas y comunistas para las huelgas, fue la inadaptación de los
trabajadores extranjeros y el odio y la envidia que les tenían a los
trabajadores americanos. El odio al americano entre inmigrantes actuales que
vemos a diario, no es nada nuevo en la historia americana, sólo unos
inmigrantes como grupo vinieron a los Estados Unidos, sabiendo lo que podían
esperar de América y con respeto, amor y agradecimiento por la
oportunidad que este sistema les traía, supieron aprovechar las
oportunidades. Ese grupo fue el exilio histórico Cubano.
The article
linked below is a good, concise summary of how the Clinton
Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme.
It will probably eventually prove to be the largest political criminal
enterprise in US history.
This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you and
repackage it to be used for your own purposes. All tax free. Here's how
it works:
1. You create a separate foreign "charity". In this case one in Canada.
2. Foreign oligarchs and governments, many sworn enemies of the United
States, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000
did, contributing mega millions. I'm sure they did this out of the
goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine
Putin's buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send untold
millions to a Canadian charity).
3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations and makes
a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.
4. The Clinton Foundation and the cooperating Canadian charity claim
Canadian law prohibits the identification of individual donors. (As the
article indicates. this is not true.)
5. The Clinton Foundation then "spends" some of this money for
legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts believe this is
on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clinton's,
pay salaries to untold numbers of hangers on, and fund lavish travel,
etc. Again, virtually all tax free, which means you and I are
subsidizing it.
6. The Clinton Foundation, with access to the world's best accountants,
somehow fails to report much of this on their tax filings. They
discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5
years of tax returns.
7. Net result - foreign money, much of it from enemies of the US, goes
into the Clinton's pockets tax free and untraceable back to the original
donor. This is the textbook definition of money laundering.
The linkage between these foreign donations, and favors done by the
Clintons (including Hillary as Secretary of State) will be the subject
of a future note from your humble correspondent. This will extend money
laundering into bribery and treason.
Oh, by the way, the Canadian "charity" includes as a principal one Frank
Giustra. Google him. He is the guy who was central to the formation of
Uranium One, the Canadian company that somehow acquired massive US uranium interests and then sold them to an organization controlled by Russia and Putin. This transaction required US State Department
approval, and guess who was Secretary of State when the approval was
granted. Nothing to see here. And much of this uranium will eventually
be sold to Iran, undoubtedly for peaceful purposes as Obama will of
course never let Iran build a bomb.
As an aside, imagine how former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell feels.
That poor schlub is in jail because he and his wife took $165,000 in
gifts and loans for doing minor favors for a guy promoting a vitamin
company. Not legal but not exactly putting US security at risk.
Sarcasm aside, if you're still not persuaded this was a cleverly
structured way to get unidentified foreign money to the Clintons, ask
yourself this: Why did these foreign interests funnel money through a
Canadian charity? Why not donate directly to the Clinton Foundation?
Better yet, why not donate money directly to the people, organizations
and countries in need?
This is the essence of money laundering and influence peddling. Now you know why Hillary's destruction of 30,000 e-mails was a risk she was
willing to take. One "smoking gun" e-mail would land her in jail.
Anyway, please read and weep. These grifters could someday be back in the White House.
Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme.
It will probably eventually prove to be the largest political criminal
enterprise in US history.
This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you and
repackage it to be used for your own purposes. All tax free. Here's how
it works:
1. You create a separate foreign "charity". In this case one in Canada.
2. Foreign oligarchs and governments, many sworn enemies of the United
States, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000
did, contributing mega millions. I'm sure they did this out of the
goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine
Putin's buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send untold
millions to a Canadian charity).
3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations and makes
a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.
4. The Clinton Foundation and the cooperating Canadian charity claim
Canadian law prohibits the identification of individual donors. (As the
article indicates. this is not true.)
5. The Clinton Foundation then "spends" some of this money for
legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts believe this is
on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clinton's,
pay salaries to untold numbers of hangers on, and fund lavish travel,
etc. Again, virtually all tax free, which means you and I are
subsidizing it.
6. The Clinton Foundation, with access to the world's best accountants,
somehow fails to report much of this on their tax filings. They
discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5
years of tax returns.
7. Net result - foreign money, much of it from enemies of the US, goes
into the Clinton's pockets tax free and untraceable back to the original
donor. This is the textbook definition of money laundering.
The linkage between these foreign donations, and favors done by the
Clintons (including Hillary as Secretary of State) will be the subject
of a future note from your humble correspondent. This will extend money
laundering into bribery and treason.
Oh, by the way, the Canadian "charity" includes as a principal one Frank
Giustra. Google him. He is the guy who was central to the formation of
Uranium One, the Canadian company that somehow acquired massive US uranium interests and then sold them to an organization controlled by Russia and Putin. This transaction required US State Department
approval, and guess who was Secretary of State when the approval was
granted. Nothing to see here. And much of this uranium will eventually
be sold to Iran, undoubtedly for peaceful purposes as Obama will of
course never let Iran build a bomb.
As an aside, imagine how former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell feels.
That poor schlub is in jail because he and his wife took $165,000 in
gifts and loans for doing minor favors for a guy promoting a vitamin
company. Not legal but not exactly putting US security at risk.
Sarcasm aside, if you're still not persuaded this was a cleverly
structured way to get unidentified foreign money to the Clintons, ask
yourself this: Why did these foreign interests funnel money through a
Canadian charity? Why not donate directly to the Clinton Foundation?
Better yet, why not donate money directly to the people, organizations
and countries in need?
This is the essence of money laundering and influence peddling. Now you know why Hillary's destruction of 30,000 e-mails was a risk she was
willing to take. One "smoking gun" e-mail would land her in jail.
Anyway, please read and weep. These grifters could someday be back in the White House.
Netanyahu Blasts World’s Silence on New
Gaza Rocket Attacks on Israel.
UPDATE: After Netanyahu’s remarks, the White House defended
Israel’s right to defend itself from Palestinian rocket attacks.
“Clearly, the United States stands with the nation of Israel as they
defend their nation and their people from these attacks,” White House press
secretary Josh Earnest said according to the Associated Press.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sharply criticized the
international community for what he called “silence” in response to multiple
Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel during the past two weeks.
“I have not heard anyone in the international community condemn this
firing; neither has [the] U.N. said a word,” Netanyahu said during his weekly
cabinet meeting Sunday. “It will be interesting if this silence continues when
we use our full strength to uphold our right to defend ourselves.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet
meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, March 29, 2015. Netanyahu said he has “deep
concern” over a pending nuclear deal the West appears close to signing with
Israel’s arch-enemy Iran. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty, Pool)
Israeli officials often point to what they believe to be a double
standard when it comes to Israel in the media, at the United Nations, and among
its allies who loudly excoriate Israel in the event of Palestinian civilian
casualties while appearing to gloss over Hamas violations.
“Let it be clear: The spreading hypocrisy in the world will not tie our
hands and prevent us from protecting Israel’s citizens. Thus we have acted;
thus we will act,” Netanyahu said.
The Times of Israel noted that following a
Palestinian rocket attack last week, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary General Ban
Ki-moon called on “all parties to avoid further escalation and prevent
incidents that jeopardize the lives of Israeli and Palestinian civilians.”
Palestinians in Gaza fired a
rocket at the southern
Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon Saturday night. Hours later, Israeli Air Force
jets hit targets in Gaza in response to the attack. No injuries were reported
in either incident.
The Saturday night launch was the third rocket attack on southern
Israeli communities in the past two weeks.
A radical Salafist terrorist group linked to the Islamic State group
took responsibility for two of the rocket firings.
The Times of Israel quoted Israeli military sources who said they
suspect Omar Brigades, a Salafist group which views the ruling Hamas as a
rival, has launched the rockets in order to provoke an Israeli military
response against Hamas targets, and thus weaken its rival.
Israel Radio reported Sunday morning that hours before the rocket
attack, a Salafi leader encouraged
more rocket launches in order to disturb
the calm.
Netanyahu said Sunday that “Israel holds Hamas responsible for all
firing from the Gaza Strip at our territory.”
Georgina Lopez: Carta al Papa Francisco…
Su Santidad Papa Francisco
Palacio Apostólico
Ciudad del Vaticano 00120
Su Santidad:
Yo soy uno de aproximadamente un
millón de cubanos, que, en un día como hoy, huyeron de nuestra patria para
siempre - una isla del Caribe, que, descubridor Cristóbal Colón, describió
como: "La tierra más hermosa que ojos humanos hayan visto jamás". Eso
era Cuba. Esa misma isla que el 1 de enero de 1959, sería una cálida bienvenida
a un grupo de soldados de la fortuna barbudos, vestidos con libreas verdes
olivos, impregnados, todavía, con aromas de campos de la muerte; sus pechos
radiantemente cubiertos con cruces colgantes que incorporan la misma iglesia,
que ahora preside su Santidad - cruces consignados a engañar a las masas
fanáticas de partidarios que complacen, que galantemente elogiaron los combatientes
como los titanes de la libertad.
Sí, su Santidad, esta fue la
misma Cuba, cuyos paseos sería desenfrenadamente vuelta a las paredes publicar
las muertes de los mártires asesinados por los pelotones de fusilamiento de los
Libertadores; la misma isla, su Santidad, cuyas cárceles sería poco después de
la toma de posesión se convertiría en mazmorras de tortura; la misma isla cuya
llanuras y praderas que pronto se llenaron de lágrimas de madres que habían
perdido a sus hijos e hijas; uno cuya destellos de fe, esperanza y coraje, que
pronto se convierten en gritos brutales de la angustia y el sufrimiento; la
misma isla, su Santidad, cuyos mares pronto se convertiría en un cementerio en
el que se puso a descansar miles de cubanos, cuya única razón para morir era un
deseo audaz para romper sus lazos de las tragedias de sustentación que
prevalecieron bajo un régimen comunista opresivo, liderados por dos asesinos
cubanos, que, durante medio siglo han acariciado la agonía infligido a su
pueblo; los mismos asesinos que su Santidad ha querido redimir agitando
abiertamente sus manos cubiertas con la sangre derramada por todos los que
habían masacrado cruelmente.
Sí, su Santidad, éstos son, por
así decirlo, los mismos asesinos que, hoy, su Santidad, ha abrazados y abrazado;
el mismo que no carcaj para predicar sus evangelios de odio por la su iglesia,
que hoy en día, da estos sinvergüenzas, su redención y la clemencia indebida
para todas sus rebeliones, aunque, premiando sus malas conductas como tal, a
pesar de toda la vida de los intentos deliberados para cuestionar y desafiar a
todos los cánones de la justicia como los profesada por la palabra del Señor.
Sí, su Santidad, este tirano opresor, bautizado con el nombre de Raúl Castro
Ruz, es uno de los dos hermanos asesinos cuyo legado se ha cobrado la vida de
miles de cubanos, horriblemente masacrados y cuyo único delito, su Santidad,
fue la de profesar su la fe en Dios y su esperanza implacable para regresar a
una patria restituido de sus libertades expoliados por los que, a su Santidad,
a traición y falsamente abraza hoy.
Insto encarecidamente su
Santidad, que en su próxima visita a nuestra querida isla, habría cuestionar su
dictador recién hecho amistad, con respecto a la "Remolcador 13 de
Marzo" [13 de marzo remolcador], en el que 33 cubanos fueron asesinados a
la muerte, incluidos mujeres y niños indefensos, asesinado por mercenarios del
mismo ejecutor que su Santidad ha elegido para llegar-a, y, al hacerlo, ha dado
a los autores su voto de sostenimiento y apoyo a los crímenes cometidos
villanos. También me gustaría instar a su Santidad, a cuestionar su colega
recién encontrado en relación con el derribo sin piedad de los cuatro
hermanos-a-los-Rescate aviones, pilotados por ciernes jóvenes pilotos, cuya
misión era la de rescatar a sus hermanos y hermanas cubanos se aventuran en la
Florida Estrecho de artesanías caseras hechas desafiante para desafiar la
muerte en los mares, mientras ellos la búsqueda de libertades negado por las
ratas que, a su Santidad, ha tenido a bien invitar a la Ciudad Santa en el
Vaticano, a pesar de la interminable tarde anhelan para desprestigiar y
perseguir a los miembros de la iglesia anfitriona durante los últimos 55 años.
La vergüenza de su Santidad por
haber traicionado el dolor y el sufrimiento de tantos durante tanto tiempo, por
el papel desempeñado por su reprobable Santidad mientras que en su reciente
misión a abreviar y elevar el embargo a Cuba impuesto por los Estados Unidos en
lugar de las amenazas cobardes profesos continua por el establecimiento de
Cuba, cuyo principal objetivo a lo largo de las últimas cinco décadas fue el de
la destrucción de las que imponen el embargo aunque sólo sea porque los
ejecutores, de hecho, simbolizan y representan las mismas libertades como las
malversado por el Anti-Cristo ahora tortuosamente suscrito por su Santidad.
Dada su deseo presuntuoso
Santidad para ayudar y apoyar a los pueblos oprimidos de Cuba, por qué no
dirigir dichos trabajos de amor a las preguntas formuladas a los tiranos
cubanos en el hambre y miserias que se produjo a partir de la elección del
dictador para impregnar nuestra querida isla con los males inherentes
arquetípica a la sistema fallido mejor conocido como: el comunismo. También
estoy preocupado de que su misericordia contravenido Santidad ofreció a estos
villanos puede tener muy bien ser el resultado de una percepción bastante
enredado, por lo que su Santidad mistifica los roles de las víctimas y sus
ejecutores, de los castigadores y castigados, los acosadores y la acosados, los
héroes y los antihéroes, de donde su Santidad puede haber disgustado la esencia
de amigos y enemigos, por desalentador el primero y encantador posterior. Una
confusión que, me atrevo a decir, que su Santidad puede fácilmente poner fin a,
si dispuesto a extender las visitas acelerados a la isla, perversamente
diseñado para mostrar su Santidad, selectiva y percepciones totalmente
concebidas para perpetuar su entrelazamiento Santidad de preferido SU ya
torcido percepciones.
Sí, su Santidad, que de todo corazón
despreciamos su postura antitética desafiando la dignidad de todos los cubanos
ahora dispersos en tierras extranjeras, o sepultado en ataúdes frías de quietud
eterna; despreciamos su contravención a toda la sangre derramada de las heridas
infringidas a los cubanos por sus parientes políticos - los que siguen clamando
para mostrar los mismos cruces una vez utilizados para proteger a las
violaciónes generalizados cometidos contra las violaciónes en curso de los
derechos humanos en nuestra isla, sin poder, sin embargo , para nublar nuestra
visión de sus deseos de santidad 'deformados de ayudar a los pueblos de Cuba,
al tiempo que contribuye a la promoción de su masacre y el holocausto
descaradamente patrocinados por los que ahora sancionado por su Santidad.
Mientras vehemencia reprobando su
show Santidad de la insensibilidad hacia las comunidades cubanas exiliadas en
todo el mundo, estamos enfureció aún recordando las memorias que, más temprano
en la historia, hubo otro argentino, al igual que su Santidad; mejor conocido
como "Che Guevara", que también se hizo amigo de la misma camarilla
de tiranos, ahora encendidas por su Santidad, inmolar la hegemonía cubana sobre
su patria y libertades. El ejemplo libertino, establecido por su Santidad en la
crisis cubana, nos da motivos para preocuparse por el impacto que tal ejemplo
errática legará en la fe que ahora profesamos a ti ya nuestra iglesia. Propongo
que todos miramos para arriba en su modelo impropia, como nada menos que una
verdadera prueba de nuestra fe, y que, como tal, le perdono como Dios perdonó a
los que traspasó ÉL, que coarte sus formas de barbarie, mientras
condescendientemente el supuesto de que: "ellos no sabían lo que estaban
haciendo". En la imagen de Dios, entonces, ahora cierro esta carta y propongo
a todo lo que nosotros, también, perdonar a su Santidad de todas sus fechorías,
para él, también, no parece saber lo que está haciendo. Que Dios nos salve a
Obie Usategui
El Nuevo Herald
¿En el sur de la Florida (y tengo entendido que en otras partes del
país), quién no ha visto, disfrutado y deseado aprovecharse alguna vez
de esos numerosos anuncios "no pagues ese 'ticket'" del prominente
abogado Alex Hanna, de cuyo bufete el impresionante edificio en la
Pequeña Habana hay que verlo (debía figurar en la lista de atracciones
turísticas)? Tremenda publicidad nacional la suya gracias a las ganas
del prestigioso The New York Times de dar a conocer el tiqui-tiqui que
en su satisfecha clientela se encuentran el Senador y aspirante a
presidente Marco Rubio y señora. ¿El Times intentará facturarle al
licenciado Hanna, héroe del motorista y de la sección de cumplimiento
del departamento de ventas de los medios del patio, un anuncio
gratuito disfrazado de noticia?
Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
Aventura, FL 33160
El Nuevo Herald
¿En el sur de la Florida (y tengo entendido que en otras partes del
país), quién no ha visto, disfrutado y deseado aprovecharse alguna vez
de esos numerosos anuncios "no pagues ese 'ticket'" del prominente
abogado Alex Hanna, de cuyo bufete el impresionante edificio en la
Pequeña Habana hay que verlo (debía figurar en la lista de atracciones
turísticas)? Tremenda publicidad nacional la suya gracias a las ganas
del prestigioso The New York Times de dar a conocer el tiqui-tiqui que
en su satisfecha clientela se encuentran el Senador y aspirante a
presidente Marco Rubio y señora. ¿El Times intentará facturarle al
licenciado Hanna, héroe del motorista y de la sección de cumplimiento
del departamento de ventas de los medios del patio, un anuncio
gratuito disfrazado de noticia?
Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
Aventura, FL 33160
Siete advertencias sobre la
política cubana de Obama por CARLOS ALBERTO MONTANER versión en inglés abajo
Nota mía: la verdad que siempre me ha
asombrado, desde el 17 de diciembre 2014, que este acontecimiento sucedió, la
voluntad y entregamiento americano para lograr relaciones formales con el
régimen de los hermanos Castro.
O los
americanos son miopes, sordos y torpes y su egocentrismo no los deja ver más
allá de su cara que el régimen de los hermanos Castro no pagan a
nadie y deben de tener muchos dólares que botar
Siete advertencias sobre la política cubana de Obama
La primera es que el gobierno de los
hermanos Castro mantiene en el 2015 exactamente la misma visión de Estados
Unidos que tenía cuando los guerrilleros llegaron al poder en enero de 1959.
Para ellos el enorme y poderoso
vecino, y sus supuestas prácticas depredadoras en el terreno económico, están
en la raíz de los problemas fundamentales de la humanidad.
La segunda es que ese régimen,
absolutamente coherente con sus creencias, continuará tratando de afectar
negativamente a Estados Unidos en todas las instancias que se presenten.
Ayer se colocó bajo el paraguas
soviético. En la etapa postsoviética, echó las bases del Foro de Sao Paulo y
luego del circuito conocido como el Socialismo del Siglo XXI. Hoy se alía a
Irán y ya se apunta al bando chino-ruso en esta nueva Guerra Fría que está
Para los Castro, el antiamericanismo
es una cruzada moral a la que no van a renunciar nunca.
La tercera es que no existe en la
dictadura cubana la menor intención de comenzar un proceso de liberalización
que permita el pluralismo político o las libertades, tal y como se
conocen entre las naciones más desarrolladas del planeta.
Los demócratas de la oposición se
toleran mientras sus movimientos y comunicaciones estén regulados y vigilados
por la policía política.
La cuarta es que el sistema económico
que está erigiendo Raúl Castro no ha sido concebido para que florezca la
sociedad civil. Ésa que un día, mágicamente, derrocará la dictadura, sino que
es un modelo de Capitalismo Militar de Estado (CME), cuya columna vertebral es
el ejército y el Ministerio del Interior, instituciones que controlan la
mayor parte del aparato productivo del país.
Dentro de ese esquema, como se deduce
de las palabras del economista oficial Juan Triana Cordoví, el Estado (en
realidad, el sector militar) se reserva el manejo y explotación de las 2,500
empresas medianas y grandes del país, dejándoles a los cuentapropistas un
sinfín de actividades menores para no tener que sostenerlos.
La quinta es que el régimen de los
Castro no tiene el menor interés en propiciar el enriquecimiento de los
empresarios extranjeros. Desprecian el ánimo de lucro de los
capitalistas, aunque ellos mismos, de alguna manera, lo practiquen
Las inversiones del exterior
serán bienvenidas sólo y únicamente cuando contribuyan a fortalecer el
Capitalismo Militar de Estado que están forjando.
Si alguien piensa que ese régimen
permitirá el surgimiento y crecimiento de un tejido empresarial independiente,
es porque no se ha tomado el trabajo de estudiar los textos y discursos
de los propios personeros del régimen, y ni siquiera de examinar la conducta
que exhiben.
Es obvio que la prioridad de los
Castro es mantener el poder y no desarrollar un vigoroso tejido empresarial que
saque a los cubanos de la miseria. Para explicar esas carencias han
desarrollado la coartada de la austeridad revolucionaria y la crítica al
consumismo (el gusto por la “pacotilla”) como una forma heroica de afrontar la
La sexta advertencia consiste en que,
ante este cuadro deprimente de atropellos e insistencia en los
disparates de siempre, la renuncia de Washington al containment y su
sustitución por el engagement, más cancelar el objetivo de tratar de propiciar
el cambio de régimen, como dijo Obama en Panamá, es una peligrosa e
irresponsable ligereza que perjudicará a Estados Unidos, alentará a sus
enemigos, descorazonará a sus aliados y afectará muy negativamente a los
cubanos que desean libertades, democracia real y terminar con la miseria.
¿Qué sentido tiene que Estados Unidos
–y con él la Iglesia católica— contribuya al fortalecimiento de un Capitalismo
Militar de Estado, enemigo de las libertades, incluidas las económicas,
violador de los Derechos Humanos, que perpetúa en el poder a una dictadura colectivista
que ha destrozado a Cuba y hoy contribuye a destruir a Venezuela porque no
puede enseñar otra cosa que lo que ha hecho durante 56 años?
La séptima advertencia es que nunca la
oposición democrática ha sido más frágil ni ha estado más desprotegida. Nunca
ha estado más sola.
¿Por qué nadie va a tomarla en cuenta
si Estados Unidos ha renunciado al cambio de régimen y está dispuesto a aceptar
a la dictadura cubana sin exigirle nada a cambio?
¿Qué argumento tienen los asustados
reformistas del régimen para reclamar sotto voce cambios políticos y económicos
si nadie se los exige al gobierno de los Castro?
En suma, ha sido un grave error de
Obama separarse de la política seguida por los diez presidentes, demócratas y
republicanos, que lo precedieron en la Casa Blanca.
Uno no puede decretar que su enemigo
súbitamente se ha convertido en su amigo y ha comenzado a pensar como a uno le
No se trata de criticar a Obama por
haber ensayado una política nueva. El problema es que es una política mala.
No se puede ignorar la realidad sin
pagar por ello un alto precio. Lo triste es que lo abonaremos los cubanos.
1 “Estas siete advertencias” son el
final de una conferencia pronunciada en Miami, en el Interamerican Institute
for Democracy el pasado 4 de junio.
Periodista y escritor. Su último libro
es la novela Tiempo de Canallas.
At 9:37 AM Sunday, June 7, 2015
By renowned Cuban author, Carlos Alberto Montaner:
Seven final warnings about Obama's new Cuba policy
The first warning is that the government of the Castro brothers maintains in 2015 exactly the same vision of the United States that it had when the guerrillas came to power in January 1959.
To them, the huge and powerful neighbor and its purported predatory practices in the economic field are at the root of mankind's basic problems.
The second warning, a consequence of the first, is that that regime, wholly consistent with its beliefs, will continue to try to affect the United States negatively in all instances that present themselves.
Yesterday, it placed itself under the Soviet umbrella. In the post-Soviet era, it built the foundation for the São Paulo Forum and later for the circuit known as 21st-Century socialism, which extended to the countries of the so-called ALBA. Today, it allies itself firmly with Iran and is lining up with the Sino-Russian side in this new and dangerous Cold War being gestated. To the Castro’s, anti-Americanism is a moral crusade that they'll never renounce.
The third one is that the Cuban dictatorship has not the slightest intention to begin a process of liberalization that might allow political pluralism or freedoms, as these are known among the world's most developed nations.
Opposition democrats are tolerated so long as their movements and communications can be regulated and watched by the political police.
The regime perfectly dominates the techniques of social control. Aside from the conventional police to keep the opposition in check, it has at least 60,000 counterintelligence officers under the MININT [Interior Ministry] and tens of thousands of collaborators. To them, repression is not a dark and shameful behavior but a constant and patriotic task.
The fourth is that the economic system being erected by Raúl Castro has not been conceived to nurture a civil society, a society that someday will magically overthrow the dictatorship. Instead, it is a model of Military Capitalism of State (MCS), whose backbone consists of the Army and the Ministry of the interior, institutions that control most of the country's productive apparatus.
Within that scheme, as can be surmised from the words of official economist Juan Triana Cordoví, the State (in reality, the military sector) reserves for itself the management and exploitation of the country's 2,500 medium and large businesses, leaving to the self-employed entrepreneurs a large number of small activities that it doesn't care to sustain.
Contrary to the thinking in Washington and among the nongovernmental Cuban sectors that support those economic reforms, Raúl Castro and his advisers assume, correctly, that the self-employed entrepreneurs will be a source of stability for the Military Capitalism of State, not because of ideological affinity but because they don't want to lose the small privileges and advantages they gain.
The fifth one is that the Castro brothers' regime is not at all interested in propitiating the enrichment of foreign businessmen. They despise the capitalists' zest for profiting, which they find repugnant, although they themselves practice it discreetly, somehow.
Investments from abroad will be welcome only and solely if they contribute to strengthen the Military Capitalism of State that they are forging. To the Cuban government, those investments are a necessary evil, like someone amputating his own arm to save his life.
If anybody thinks that that regime will permit the emergence and growth of an independent entrepreneurial fabric, it's because he has not taken the trouble to study the writings and speeches of the officials of the regime or even to examine their behavior.
Real-estate investor and renowned millionaire Stephen Ross was absolutely right when, after returning from a trip to Cuba, he declared that he had not seen on the island the tiniest serious opportunity to do business. In reality, there is none, except in those activities that provide a clear profit for the government or those that are absolutely indispensable for the survival of the regime.
It is obvious that the Castros' priority is to cling to power and not develop a vigorous entrepreneurial fabric that will bring Cubans out of misery. To explain their shortfalls, they have created the alibi of revolutionary austerity and criticism of consumerism (people's attraction to “junk”) as a heroic and selfless form of confronting poverty.
The sixth warning is that, in the face of this depressing picture of abuse and insistence on the usual blunders, Washington's rejection of containment and its substitution by engagement (plus cancelling the objective of trying to promote a regime change, as Obama announced in Panama) is a dangerous and irresponsible hastiness that will harm the United States, encourage its enemies, dishearten its allies and affect very negatively the Cuban people, who desire freedoms, real democracy and an end to their misery.
What's the sense of the United States -- and the Catholic Church -- helping to strengthen a Military Capitalism of State, a foe of freedoms including economic freedom, a violator of Human Rights that perpetuates in power a collectivist dictatorship that has destroyed Cuba and today contributes to destroying Venezuela, because it cannot show anything other than what it has done for 56 years?
The seventh warning is that the democratic opposition has never been more fragile and less protected than today, despite the impressive number of dissidents and the heroism they display. It has never been more alone.
Why would anyone take that opposition into account when the United States has renounced regime change and is willing to accept the Cuban dictatorship without demanding anything in exchange?
The United States has renounced to indicating to Havana clearly that true change begins at the moment when the top level of the dictatorship accepts that the first step is to dialogue with the opposition, admit that societies are pluralistic, and harbor differing points of view.
What argument the silent and always cowed reformists in the regime to ask -- sotto voce -- for political and economic changes from the Castros’ government when nobody else demands them can wield now?
In sum, Obama has made a serious mistake by separating himself from the policy followed by the 10 presidents, Democratic and Republican, who preceded him to the White House.
Nobody can state by decree that his enemy has suddenly turned into his friend and has begun to think along one's lines. That is childish.
It is not a question of criticizing Obama for having essayed a new policy. The problem is that it is a bad policy.
You cannot ignore reality without paying a high price in the end. What is sad is that we Cubans will pay that price.
Excerpts from the lecture Relations between the United States and Cuba at the New Stage of the Thaw: Common Sense or Irresponsible Hastiness? Delivered by Carlos Alberto Montaner at the Interamerican Institute for Democracy in Miami on June 4, 2015.
Seven final warnings about Obama's new Cuba policy
The first warning is that the government of the Castro brothers maintains in 2015 exactly the same vision of the United States that it had when the guerrillas came to power in January 1959.
To them, the huge and powerful neighbor and its purported predatory practices in the economic field are at the root of mankind's basic problems.
The second warning, a consequence of the first, is that that regime, wholly consistent with its beliefs, will continue to try to affect the United States negatively in all instances that present themselves.
Yesterday, it placed itself under the Soviet umbrella. In the post-Soviet era, it built the foundation for the São Paulo Forum and later for the circuit known as 21st-Century socialism, which extended to the countries of the so-called ALBA. Today, it allies itself firmly with Iran and is lining up with the Sino-Russian side in this new and dangerous Cold War being gestated. To the Castro’s, anti-Americanism is a moral crusade that they'll never renounce.
The third one is that the Cuban dictatorship has not the slightest intention to begin a process of liberalization that might allow political pluralism or freedoms, as these are known among the world's most developed nations.
Opposition democrats are tolerated so long as their movements and communications can be regulated and watched by the political police.
The regime perfectly dominates the techniques of social control. Aside from the conventional police to keep the opposition in check, it has at least 60,000 counterintelligence officers under the MININT [Interior Ministry] and tens of thousands of collaborators. To them, repression is not a dark and shameful behavior but a constant and patriotic task.
The fourth is that the economic system being erected by Raúl Castro has not been conceived to nurture a civil society, a society that someday will magically overthrow the dictatorship. Instead, it is a model of Military Capitalism of State (MCS), whose backbone consists of the Army and the Ministry of the interior, institutions that control most of the country's productive apparatus.
Within that scheme, as can be surmised from the words of official economist Juan Triana Cordoví, the State (in reality, the military sector) reserves for itself the management and exploitation of the country's 2,500 medium and large businesses, leaving to the self-employed entrepreneurs a large number of small activities that it doesn't care to sustain.
Contrary to the thinking in Washington and among the nongovernmental Cuban sectors that support those economic reforms, Raúl Castro and his advisers assume, correctly, that the self-employed entrepreneurs will be a source of stability for the Military Capitalism of State, not because of ideological affinity but because they don't want to lose the small privileges and advantages they gain.
The fifth one is that the Castro brothers' regime is not at all interested in propitiating the enrichment of foreign businessmen. They despise the capitalists' zest for profiting, which they find repugnant, although they themselves practice it discreetly, somehow.
Investments from abroad will be welcome only and solely if they contribute to strengthen the Military Capitalism of State that they are forging. To the Cuban government, those investments are a necessary evil, like someone amputating his own arm to save his life.
If anybody thinks that that regime will permit the emergence and growth of an independent entrepreneurial fabric, it's because he has not taken the trouble to study the writings and speeches of the officials of the regime or even to examine their behavior.
Real-estate investor and renowned millionaire Stephen Ross was absolutely right when, after returning from a trip to Cuba, he declared that he had not seen on the island the tiniest serious opportunity to do business. In reality, there is none, except in those activities that provide a clear profit for the government or those that are absolutely indispensable for the survival of the regime.
It is obvious that the Castros' priority is to cling to power and not develop a vigorous entrepreneurial fabric that will bring Cubans out of misery. To explain their shortfalls, they have created the alibi of revolutionary austerity and criticism of consumerism (people's attraction to “junk”) as a heroic and selfless form of confronting poverty.
The sixth warning is that, in the face of this depressing picture of abuse and insistence on the usual blunders, Washington's rejection of containment and its substitution by engagement (plus cancelling the objective of trying to promote a regime change, as Obama announced in Panama) is a dangerous and irresponsible hastiness that will harm the United States, encourage its enemies, dishearten its allies and affect very negatively the Cuban people, who desire freedoms, real democracy and an end to their misery.
What's the sense of the United States -- and the Catholic Church -- helping to strengthen a Military Capitalism of State, a foe of freedoms including economic freedom, a violator of Human Rights that perpetuates in power a collectivist dictatorship that has destroyed Cuba and today contributes to destroying Venezuela, because it cannot show anything other than what it has done for 56 years?
The seventh warning is that the democratic opposition has never been more fragile and less protected than today, despite the impressive number of dissidents and the heroism they display. It has never been more alone.
Why would anyone take that opposition into account when the United States has renounced regime change and is willing to accept the Cuban dictatorship without demanding anything in exchange?
The United States has renounced to indicating to Havana clearly that true change begins at the moment when the top level of the dictatorship accepts that the first step is to dialogue with the opposition, admit that societies are pluralistic, and harbor differing points of view.
What argument the silent and always cowed reformists in the regime to ask -- sotto voce -- for political and economic changes from the Castros’ government when nobody else demands them can wield now?
In sum, Obama has made a serious mistake by separating himself from the policy followed by the 10 presidents, Democratic and Republican, who preceded him to the White House.
Nobody can state by decree that his enemy has suddenly turned into his friend and has begun to think along one's lines. That is childish.
It is not a question of criticizing Obama for having essayed a new policy. The problem is that it is a bad policy.
You cannot ignore reality without paying a high price in the end. What is sad is that we Cubans will pay that price.
Excerpts from the lecture Relations between the United States and Cuba at the New Stage of the Thaw: Common Sense or Irresponsible Hastiness? Delivered by Carlos Alberto Montaner at the Interamerican Institute for Democracy in Miami on June 4, 2015.
Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.
Jimmy Carter Sounds Off on Americans' 'Racist
Bulletin and former President Jimmy Carter, 90, covered a variety of
topics in their recent conversation. Among
them were Carter's marriage, campaign finance, and race. The latter is what has
produced some interesting headlines. When the publication asked
the 39th president what he thought about race relations today, he was
adamant in saying that they have not improved.
"The recent publicity about mistreatment of black people in the
judicial and police realm has been a reminder that the dreams of the civil
rights movement have not been realized. Many Americans still have racist
tendencies or feelings of superiority to people of color."
Is it
1979 again? With these unfair remarks, Carter is once again striking
a negative tone while reflecting on American culture. Nowhere did he
provide context for his claim about the police's "mistreatment" of
African-Americans. Deaths at the hands of police are always tragic, but if
Carter was referring to the incident in Ferguson, Missouri, where
Officer Darren Wilson killed an unarmed Michael Brown, he left out evidence from
the DOJ report that said Brown had struggled with Wilson and tried to grab his
gun. Nor did he mention the tragic instances in which the police were the ones
being victimized. During a night of racial unrest in Baltimore,
protesters threw rocks at local officers and burned
police cars. In New York, three
officers were killed.
also ignored the fact that since his departure from the Oval Office, the
country has elected an African-American president – twice.
details did not fit in Carter's message of malaise. No, America is still
full of racists.
times, the Democratic Party has even rolled its eyes at Carter. In
2008, they did not even invite him to speak at their National Convention - a
slight Carter says he's "gotten over."
has done admirable work for Habitat for Humanity and I like to think
he doesn't think ill of Americans as a whole. But, for the time being,
he should consider keeping his opinions to himself.
La Fox y Lucifer
asustado, Lazaro R. Casi 4 millones de personas han visto ya en youtube el
trailer de "Lucifer”, la nueva serie de la Fox para la próxima temporada.
muy perdidos cuando se presenta al Mal como el Bien
escribirles a los de la Fox para que no emitan la polémica serie?
Si ya
firmaste, Lazaro R, por favor, comparte esta campaña entre tus familiares,
amigos, vecinos, etc. ¿Puedes publicarla en tu muro de Facebook?
alucinante a donde hemos sido capaces de llegar.
cómo presenta la propia Fox su polémica serier en su página web:
de ser el Señor del Mal, Lucifer Morningstar abandona su trono y
se retira a Los Angeles donde regenta
un local nocturno (...) Agradable y carismático, Lucifer está disfrutando de su
retiro dedicado
a sus aficiones favoritas: vino, mujeres y música. Sin embargo, una preciosa estrella del pop
es asesinada en las inmediaciones de su local. Por primera vez en
aproximadamente 10 billones de años siente algo diferente. ¿Quizás compasión?"
crees que Lucifer puede ser compasivo? Obvio que no El Mal es en sí mismo
ausencia de Bien.
quien pretenden confundir?
R, ya somos miles los que hemos escrito al defensor del telespectador de la Fox
pidiéndole que suspenda la emisión de 'Lucifer' y lo sustituya por un entretenimiento
que pueda ver toda la familia.
Esto es
exactamente lo que le estamos diciendo:
por qué su compañía dedica esfuerzos a apoyar proyectos satánicos que ensalzan
la figura del mal, pero obviamente mi familia no verá
esa serie ni conectará con su cadena hasta que esa serie no sea retirada de la
sumarte ahora?
R, tu yo sabemos que Lucifer no es una persona agradable, simpática,
carismática. Y menos comprensiva.
Fox ha
traspasado las líneas rojas. Ha atacado lo más sagrado, los sentimientos
religiosos de la mayoría. ¿De qué van?
que juntos seamos capaces de lograrlo. Un fuerte abrazo,
Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de CitizenGO
PD. Por
favor, Lazaro R, es muy importante que la Fox reciba una avalancha de quejas.
¿Podrías publicar esta campaña en tu muro de Faceook?
Quintin George: "Easy Eddie" (An old true story many will
Two poignant short stories: Moral lessons from history... surprise at end.
Two poignant short stories: Moral lessons from history... surprise at end.
Story Number One
Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn't famous for
anything heroic. He was notorious for enmeshing the windy city in everything
from bootlegged booze and prostitution to murder.
Capone had a lawyer nicknamed "Easy Eddie." He was Capone's
lawyer for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In fact, Eddie's skill at legal
manoeuvring kept Big Al out of jail for a long time.
To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money
big, but Eddie got special dividends, as well. For instance, he and his family
occupied a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of
the day. The estate was so large that it filled an entire Chicago City block
Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little consideration
to the atrocity that went on around him.
Eddie did have one soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddie saw to it that his young son had clothes, cars, and a good education. Nothing was withheld. Price was no object.
And, despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddie even tried to
teach him right from wrong. Eddie wanted his son to be a better man than he
Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things he couldn't
give his son; he couldn't pass on a good name or a good example.
One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Easy Eddie wanted to
rectify wrongs he had done.
He decided he would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Al
"Scarface" Capone, clean up his tarnished name, and offer his son
some semblance of integrity. To do this, he would have to testify against The
Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great. So, he testified.
Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely
Chicago Street.. But in his eyes, he had given his son the greatest gift he had
to offer, at the greatest price he could ever pay. Police removed from his
pockets a rosary, a crucifix, a religious medallion, and a clipping from a
magazine. It read:
"The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop,
At late or early hour.
Now is the only time you own.
Live, love, toil with a will.
Place no faith in time.
For the clock may soon be still."
Story number two
World War II produced many heroes. One such man was Lieutenant Commander
Butch O'Hare.
He was a fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier Lexington in the
South Pacific.
One day his entire squadron was sent on a mission. After he was airborne,
he looked at his fuel gauge and realized that someone had forgotten to top off
his fuel tank.
He would not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his
His flight leader told him to return to the carrier. Reluctantly, he
dropped out of formation and headed back to the fleet.
As he was returning to the mother ship, he saw something that turned his
blood cold; a squadron of Japanese aircraft was speeding its way toward the
American fleet.
The American fighters were gone on a sortie, and the fleet was all but
defenceless. He couldn't reach his squadron and bring them back in time to save
the fleet. Nor could he warn the fleet of the approaching danger. There was
only one thing to do. He must somehow divert them from the fleet.
Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation of
Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 calibre's blazed as he charged in, attacking
one surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in and out of the now
broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until all his
ammunition was finally spent.
Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to clip
a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as possible, rendering
them unfit to fly.
Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction
Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the
Upon arrival, he reported in and related the event surrounding his return.
The film from the gun-camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It showed the
extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He had, in fact,
destroyed five enemy aircraft
This took place on February 20, 1942 , and for that action Butch became the
Navy's first Ace of W.W.II, and the first Naval Aviator to win the Medal of
A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29. His home
town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and today, O'Hare
Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man.
So, the next time you find yourself at O'Hare International, give some
thought to visiting Butch's memorial displaying his statue and his Medal of
Honor. It's located between Terminals 1 and 2.
Unexpected Military Exercise In US City Shocks Residents And Raises Serious
you'd expect in a war zone..."
For the
past few months, Western Journalism has been reporting on Jade Helm 15, the
so-called “military exercise” the Pentagon claims is a training mission being
conducted in Texas and other states in the southwest United States. Ted Cruz —
the senator from the Lone Star State who’s running for the GOP presidential
nomination — has said he appreciates those, including Chuck Norris, who are
skeptical of the government’s explanation for the widespread troop and
equipment movements and maneuvers.
Jade Helm 15, a
planned military exercise that has sparked speculation of an underlying effort
to institute martial law, is now getting the attention of some high-profile
figures in the southwestern states affected.
Chuck Norris spoke
out recently, echoing the fears many have regarding the actual scope of the
domestic mission. He made it clear, however, that his grievance is not directed
toward the enlisted men and women ordered to take part.
Now, as WNEM-TV
reports, the U.S. Army is also conducting military exercises
in Flint, Mich., where residents say they were caught off-guard when explosions
rocked portions of the city. A spokesman for Flint city government says the
blasts were part of a training program to help prepare the military for combat
in urban environments.
clicking on the video above, you can watch the report on the house-rattling
military exercise that startled and upset a number of Flint residents — an
exercise that will reportedly continue for more than a week.
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