No 848 “En mi
Enero 14, 2015
González Miño EDITOR
CONVERTIRSE AL ISLAM. O ANIQUILARLOS. No obstante el Islán es una religión
de paz.
Amenper: Protesta
contra hombres de nieve Blancos
Un prominente clérigo Saudí ha causado revuelo al declarar la construcción
de hombres de nieve como anti-islámica.
Después de una tormenta de nieve golpeó el norte de Arabia Saudita esta
semana, un sitio religioso pidió Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munayyid si era
aceptable para los padres construir hombres de nieve para sus hijos.
"No se permite hacer una estatua de nieve blanca, incluso a modo de
juego o diversión", dijo Sheikh Munajjid.
El jeque Munajjid, citando a los eruditos musulmanes, sostiene que la
construcción de muñecos de nieve blancos crea una imagen de los seres humanos,
y los seres humanos del Islam son de un color más oscuro.
"La construcción de muñecos de nieve blanco es imitar la figura de los
infieles, y promueve la lozanía y el erotismo," "Que Dios
preserve la memoria de los eruditos, para disfrutar de visión aguda y reconocer
asuntos que Satanás incita a pensar."
Sería más apropiado si se hicieran hombres de carbón de un color más
apropiado para los hombres del Islam.
El Reverendo Al Sharpton unió su protesta a la del clérigo Saudi,
contra los hombres de nieve blancos una acción que considera discriminatoria
para las personas de color.
Los hombres de nieve blancos son una afrenta a las personas de raza oscura,
y me uno a la protesta del Sheikh Munajjid.
Estoy instruyendo a nuestros hermanos de color que se unan a los musulmanes
para hacer hombres de nieve negros.
Prejuicio y Discriminación el gran problema de hoy en América
Cuando nos hablan de prejuicio y discriminación, se concentran en las
minorías raciales o de origen.
Pero prejuicio y discriminación es simplemente un hecho que no se tiene que
limitar a esos factores, si una persona se ve víctima del proceso de formación
de un concepto o juicio sobre alguna cosa de forma por actitudes individuales y
se ve limitado en su carrera o su trabajo, es simplemente una persona
discriminada en la sociedad por este prejuicio es una víctima del prejuicio y
por ende es un acto de discriminación por el que lo discrimina.
El comportamiento discriminatorio hacia las personas de un grupo
determinado, es decir una falacia o proposición lógica de un mito, real o
imaginado, no importa, pero ese mito puede ser basado no cómo nos limitan al
problema racial, pero en la manera de pensar del individuo, quizás con perores
resultados de cómo puede serlo por el color y estrato social y
Lo vimos en Cuba a los principios de la Revolución, cuando se creó el lema
de “Con la revolución todo, sin la revolución nada”, hubo un prejuicio hacia
todo el que pensara diferente al régimen, hacia todos los que pertenecían a un
estrato económico mayor, y se creó una agresiva, violenta y brutal
discriminación hacia esos grupos, el individuo víctima de la discriminación, no
podía funcionar en la sociedad. Fue algo peor que la segregación en los Estados
Unidos en su momento más alto.
Recibo una publicación cibernética que se llaman “Diversity” que es de un
grupo afroamericano. Pero no veo diversidad en el grupo, lo que
quieren es imponer un grupo contra otro, sus ataques son contra los grupos
conservadores, son prejuiciadores y discriminadores.
Los que somos cristianos, conservadores y clase media, hoy en día nos
estamos viendo bajo una ola de prejuicio y discriminación.
Hay discriminación en Hollywood, hay discriminación en la academia
universitaria, hay discriminación política en esta administración, hay
discriminación en los grupos que paradójicamente se llaman defensores de los
derechos civiles.
Vemos una falta de diversidad que nos represente. En un país que se fundó
con la protesta de falta de representación a pesar de pagar impuestos a la
corona, hoy los que pagamos impuestos nos vemos sin representación a pesar de
que somos los que pagamos impuestos. Nos vemos excluidos de diversidad en la
La academia una vez tuvo una considerable diversidad política, la ha
perdido casi toda en los últimos 50 años; esta falta de diversidad política
puede socavar la validez de la ciencia psicológica social a través de
mecanismos tales como la incorporación de los valores liberales en preguntas de
investigación y métodos. La dirección de investigaciones de importancia puede
guiar los temas de investigación políticamente indigerible y producir
conclusiones que dan auge a las ideas liberales y crear prejuicio y
discriminación a las ideas conservadoras.
Los estudios tratando de luchar contra el prejuicio y la discriminación
racial, indirectamente han descubierto demostrado el valor de la diversidad en
otras facetas — particularmente la diversidad de puntos de vista — y han
considerado la diversidad de ideas como algo esencial para aumentar la
creatividad, descubrimiento y solución de problemas.
Pero hoy en día la educación que reciben nuestros hijos en la
discriminadora clase de la academia liberal, controlada por el de tipo
dominante liberal sin la diversidad de mirador en la psicología académica en
general y la psicología social en particular: discrimina contra la diversidad
Una mayor diversidad política mejoraría la ciencia psicológica
social reduciendo el impacto del sesgos de mecanismos tales como sesgo de
confirmación y facultando a las minorías disidentes para mejorar la calidad del
pensamiento de la mayoría, la escasa presencia de no-liberales en la educación
es muy probablemente debido a una combinación de autoselección, clima hostil,
lo que ha creado la discriminación.
La industria cinematográfica de Hollywood y los medios de comunicación han
sido y sigue siendo foco de liberales socialistas. Cuando el senador
McCarthy atacó a la infiltración comunista en Hollywood, no fue como nos lo
presentan pintan ahora una caza de brujas. Lo prueba el hecho que un
liberal como Bobby Kennedy, trabajó con él. Hubo errores y excesos
como en todas las empresas humanas, pero la premisa era real, y la prueba la
vemos con la dominación hoy en dia de los comunistas de la industria de
Hollywood y los medios de comunicación. Esta dominación ha creado el
prejuicio y discriminación para los remanentes que no comparten sus ideas. Es
muy difícil para un artista conservador triunfar en Hollywood, y cuando una
empresa de noticias como Fox News se separa de la mayoría es atacada con
noticias prejuiciadas y tratan de destruirla para terminar el último intento de
Estamos viviendo tiempos de prejuicio y discriminación en los Estados
Unidos, pero tenemos que ver dónde está el mayor foco
discriminatorio. Si no se descubre quienes son los que discriminan,
si los discriminados son acusado de discriminadores, es muy difícil el lograr
la diversidad.
Amenper: Las Religiones y la Libertad de
cristiano, pero no soy religioso, hay una diferencia, y quizás esa diferencia
es la que podemos ver con el problema de las religiones y la libertad de
cristianismo es una creencia basada en la paz y el perdón. Si creemos que
Cristo es Dios, él hubiera podido mandar ejércitos contra los romanos para
evitar su crucifixión, no lo hizo porque no era un guerrero era Dios que había
venido en paz para otorgar el perdón a los que aceptaran su sacrificio.
Si crees
en eso, te das cuenta que el cristianismo no es realmente una institución
religiosa, es genuinamente se basa en la paz, es una creencia privada entre el
individuo que acepta o no acepta el sacrificio de Cristo para llegar a Dios,
que en ningún lugar en la historia de Cristo habla de un intermediario entre él
y Dios. Que la iglesia (asamblea en griego) no es una institución, pero un
símil para el cuerpo de cristo y que los creyentes son los miembros, la
asamblea de personas que forman ese cuerpo, cada miembro independiente del
resto de los otros individuos que pueblan el mundo, creyentes o no, miembros de
la iglesia universal o no.
tiene que ver que otra persona no acepte el sacrificio, que no piense como
nosotros? Es un problema entre él y Dios, nosotros no tenemos que ver nada con
eso. Si otra persona ofende nuestra creencia, nos molesta, igual que
me molesta que una persona pueda ofender mi creencia política. Puedo
discutir con esa persona, puedo criticar su manera de pensar, pero no al punto
de hacerlo callar por la fuerza y mucho menos de matarlo, no lo hago porque sea
“tolerante”, pero porque no tiene mayor importancia con respecto a mi creencia,
yo sigo teniendo mi misma creencia, nada ha cambiado.
Pero si tiene
importancia para la denominación religiosa, ya sea cristiana, judía, musulmana
o la nueva religión del ateísmo, porque su existencia depende de la
fuerza de su institución en el mundo, y la lucha con la competencia es
importante por problemas económicos y de poder.
importancia en cuanto a hacer callar a los que no piensan como nuestra
institución, aunque es común a todas las instituciones religiosas, es más
marcado en el Islam.
Esto se
debe a que el Islam es una institución militar más que una institución
religiosa, y que fue fundada explícitamente para destruir físicamente a las
otras instituciones religiosas y naciones, para la conquista del mundo.
Así que
si una persona o institución utiliza el cristianismo para la violencia, el
castigo o el asesinato, realmente podemos categóricamente decir que es un
radical que practica algo que no es realmente el cristianismo, pero no podemos
decir lo mismo de un creyente del Islam, porque en esas doctrinas
institucionales se inculca la violencia y el crimen para avanzar la
institución, así que no es un radical, simplemente un devoto creyente. Por eso
cuando nos encontramos frente al peligro Islámico no podemos referirnos a los
enemigos como radicales religiosos, el enemigo es la institución del Islam.
La sana
discusión de nuestras creencias de cualquier tipo, en un ambiente de respeto
mutuo, es algo normal, no sólo aceptable pero conveniente en la busca de la
verdad. Pero para el Islam, la búsqueda de la verdad está prohibida,
porque a Mahoma no le convenía la verdad sino el ciego fanatismo de sus tropas
para la victoria contra el enemigo. Así que si una persona o institución
utiliza el cristianismo para la violencia, el castigo o el asesinato, realmente
podemos categóricamente decir que es un radical que práctica algo que no es
realmente el cristianismo
no puede haber respeto mutuo, porque cuando el que discute no puede presentar
la verdad, tiene que apelar a la falta de respeto y hasta a la violencia.
Hebdo, de por sí, no es realmente una publicación a la cual cuatro
millones de personas le hubieran dedicado una manifestación de apoyo.
Hebdo era una publicación de caricaturas satíricas, pero no de una sátira fina,
pero de un desviado sentido del humor que se basaba en el insulto grosero algo
muy típico de un escandinavo como era el escritor. No hay como un escandinavo
para no tener un sentido apropiado del humor, parece que el frío le congela el
Pero si
hubiera estado en París hubiera marchado por Charlie Hebdo. No por
lo que representa como publicación, porque para mí era un trapo sucio, pero
porque estaría protestando por la violencia criminal de la falsa religión del
islam, porque estaría marchando para que el mundo despertara y se diera cuenta
que el enemigo es simplemente el Islam, que no hay creyente radicales del islam
que lo mal interpretan simplemente hay creyentes fieles de una institución
religiosa que usa el crimen contra los que no creen como ellos.
con estos acontecimientos, estoy leyendo de nuevo el Corán, hacía tiempo que no
lo leía, voy a compartir mi lectura con ustedes un día de
estos. En un entrepaño tengo, una biblia de King James, en
inglés, una biblia Católica en español y una Biblia de Reina
Varela, no hay mucha diferencia, es cuestión de traducción, pero uso la
Biblia Católica cuando quiero recordar sobre los Macabeos. En el mismo
entrepaño, tengo el libro del Mormón, porque me gusta saber lo que piensa Mitt
Romney, y tengo una copia del Corán, porque me gusta saber lo que piensa el enemigo. Pero
lo más agradable de mis lecturas, es que puedo hacerlo, que nadie me puede
decir lo que tengo que leer, porque con el conocimiento, como decía
Aristóteles, avanzamos en la búsqueda de la verdad, y si llegamos a la
verdad, “la verdad nos hará libres” eso lo leí en las tres Biblias
cristianas en inglés y español en Juan 8:23
Se Calcula
que en la Marcha de la Unidad que hubo en Paris habian casi 2 millones
de personas. Unos 40 Lideres de las Naciones mas Importantes del Mundo
Democratico dijeron Presente. Los Estados Unidos no enviaron a
ningun funcionario de alto nivel a esa marcha.
En la
conferencia de Prensa a preguntas de Por Que el Presidente no asistio y
si no podia asistir Por Que no envio un funcionario de Alto Nivel , Josh
Earnest , Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca , respondia con
Nunca pudo
dar una respuesta creible , ya que si el Presidente estaba imposibilitado de
ir...Por que no Joe Biden o...Kerry , ninguno segun el Sr. Earnest podia viajar
por problemas de no haber tiempo suficiente para su seguridad.
Pero, por
que el Attorny General , Eric Holder que estaba en Paris Tampoco
asistio ?
la respuesta fue que ya tenia programado su viaje de regreso. Esa
fue la
respuesta mas absurda que pudo dar. En definitiva todos sabemos
el por que
el Presidente no envio a nadie de importancia a la marcha.
La Pregunta
que no se hizo : A quien o a quienes el Presidente Obama
no queria Ofender ??????????????.
Por Andrés Pascual
El nombre de la sabandija es Anwar Al Aulaqi, estadounidense de ancestro yemenita que encabeza en el país africano una agresiva facción de Al Qaeda.
El imán Aulaqi sostuvo correspondencia con el extremista que asesinó a 13 militares norteamericanos en la base Fort Hood en noviembre del 2009.
Este individuo plantea la lucha contra Estados Unidos con el peligroso “mata a un americano” y, seguidamente, lo justifica con “no se necesita un decreto religioso para hacerlo”.
El tipo aborda lo que hace varios años fue analizado como “lucha por espacios de influencia” en relación con el papel del Irán de los Ayathollas en cuanto a la unidad del extremismo radical, al considerar que ese país está en disposición de imponer la facción persa, por lo que apoyó en África a los chiítas y advierte del peligro que corren los sunitas en el área mediooriental.
Irán, según Al Aulaqi, “no obra en pro del proyecto islámico”. Sin embargo, para la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos, no cuentan esas diferencias conceptuales evidentes, sino que representan dos frentes de ataque con avidez en cuanto a destrucción de todo lo americano a su alcance.
Hace algún tiempo se comentó que, aunque lo disfrutaran, la cúpula religiosa gobernante en Irán no veían con buenos ojos el notorio protagonismo de Bin Laden en acciones terroristas contra Estados Unidos, porque su propio papel estaba en juego, que podía resultar en tener que enfrentar la pérdida de fanáticos de la corriente iraní.
Si Estados Unidos no hubiera recurrido otra vez a la estrategia antiamericana de deshacerse de los contactos e infiltrados al estilo Carter a finales de los 70’s, tal vez se hubiera podido utilizar este enfrentamiento a favor de la democracia occidental. Hoy, con Obama, no existe la mínima posibilidad de que se pueda dar ese paso.
En Indonesia, cubil de la mayor cantidad de extremistas antiamericanos en el Asia sudoccidental y uno de los países con mayor población musulmana del mundo; escuela técnica en la vieja clase del arte de mentir y el oficio de traicionar que inició el perfil del presidente americano en funciones, Husseim Obama dio una nota-graznido reveladora de su verdadera intención al decir, para gusto de su audiencia que, “Israel no contribuye a la paz del Medio Oriente”, por lo de los nuevos asentamientos en Gaza.
La posición abiertamente confrontadora de Obama con la democracia y la Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos y de Israel, su ruta a la búsqueda del debilitamiento que permita que las fuerzas del mal penetren y destruyan, no merecen ni la célebre pregunta salida de la película de vaqueros de ¿“Estás con los indios o con los cowboys?”
Para casos como este, la respuesta está en un libro abierto y de acceso publico…
Miami, FL., USA
Por Andrés Pascual
El nombre de la sabandija es Anwar Al Aulaqi, estadounidense de ancestro yemenita que encabeza en el país africano una agresiva facción de Al Qaeda.
El imán Aulaqi sostuvo correspondencia con el extremista que asesinó a 13 militares norteamericanos en la base Fort Hood en noviembre del 2009.
Este individuo plantea la lucha contra Estados Unidos con el peligroso “mata a un americano” y, seguidamente, lo justifica con “no se necesita un decreto religioso para hacerlo”.
El tipo aborda lo que hace varios años fue analizado como “lucha por espacios de influencia” en relación con el papel del Irán de los Ayathollas en cuanto a la unidad del extremismo radical, al considerar que ese país está en disposición de imponer la facción persa, por lo que apoyó en África a los chiítas y advierte del peligro que corren los sunitas en el área mediooriental.
Irán, según Al Aulaqi, “no obra en pro del proyecto islámico”. Sin embargo, para la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos, no cuentan esas diferencias conceptuales evidentes, sino que representan dos frentes de ataque con avidez en cuanto a destrucción de todo lo americano a su alcance.
Hace algún tiempo se comentó que, aunque lo disfrutaran, la cúpula religiosa gobernante en Irán no veían con buenos ojos el notorio protagonismo de Bin Laden en acciones terroristas contra Estados Unidos, porque su propio papel estaba en juego, que podía resultar en tener que enfrentar la pérdida de fanáticos de la corriente iraní.
Si Estados Unidos no hubiera recurrido otra vez a la estrategia antiamericana de deshacerse de los contactos e infiltrados al estilo Carter a finales de los 70’s, tal vez se hubiera podido utilizar este enfrentamiento a favor de la democracia occidental. Hoy, con Obama, no existe la mínima posibilidad de que se pueda dar ese paso.
En Indonesia, cubil de la mayor cantidad de extremistas antiamericanos en el Asia sudoccidental y uno de los países con mayor población musulmana del mundo; escuela técnica en la vieja clase del arte de mentir y el oficio de traicionar que inició el perfil del presidente americano en funciones, Husseim Obama dio una nota-graznido reveladora de su verdadera intención al decir, para gusto de su audiencia que, “Israel no contribuye a la paz del Medio Oriente”, por lo de los nuevos asentamientos en Gaza.
La posición abiertamente confrontadora de Obama con la democracia y la Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos y de Israel, su ruta a la búsqueda del debilitamiento que permita que las fuerzas del mal penetren y destruyan, no merecen ni la célebre pregunta salida de la película de vaqueros de ¿“Estás con los indios o con los cowboys?”
Para casos como este, la respuesta está en un libro abierto y de acceso publico…
Miami, FL., USA
por Juan Carlos León en 12:43 a. m.
Groups fly under radar as Congress seems
week’s brazen attack by a “home-grown” terrorist cell in France that targeted
the staff of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has drawn renewed interest in
potential cells operating inside the United States.
And there are many.
The FBI is aware of at least 22 paramilitary Islamic communes in
the U.S., operated by the shadowy Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra and its
main U.S. front group, Muslims of the
With U.S. headquarters in Islamberg, New York, the group headed
by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani operates communes in mostly
remote areas of California, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia,
West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee and other states.
The FBI describes the MOA compound in Texas, called Mahmoudberg,
as an enclave and “communal living site.” Located in Brazoria County along
County Road 3 near Sweeny, Texas, it was discovered a couple of years ago by
the FBI through a tip from an informant in New York.
The Texas commune, in a heavily wooded area, is estimated by a
local resident to encompass about 25 acres. It dates back to the late 1980s,
the resident said, which is confirmed by the FBI documents previously reported on by
Graphic courtesy
Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog and the book “Stop the Islamization of America,” has been
following the militant training compounds since 2007.
Gilani’s group operates a slick
website in which a
female narrator in one promo video waxes beautifully about how the group has
rescued many young Americans from a life a crime, drugs and poverty. The group
claims to focus on a ministry to “indigenous American Muslims.” One would never
guess from the video that the group trains young men and women in the use of
small arms and military tactics.
Most of the recruits living at these communes are
African-Americans who converted to Islam while doing hard time in state or
federal prisons, Geller says. They have operated “under the not-so-watchful
eye” of the FBI since the early 1980s, she says, but few Americans are aware of
their existence all these years later.
“Probably they haven’t been raided because Jamaat al-Fuqra is
not listed as a terrorist group by the U.S. government and because there is a
great reluctance among government and law enforcement agencies across the
board, no matter who is president, to appear to be anti-Muslim,” Geller told
WND. “These compounds say they’re peaceful Muslim communities, and the
government wants to give the impression that such things can exist in the U.S. without
any trouble.”
Indeed, MOA has operated freely under the watch of every
president since Ronald Reagan. The group’s leader, Gilani, moved to America
from Pakistan in 1979 and has been developing his network of communes ever
since. He was once investigated by the Pakistani government for possible
involvement in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Some
reports say he has as many as 35 affiliated compounds throughout the U.S.,
although only about 22 of the sites have been verified.
There have been run-ins with the law involving murder and
financial scheming back in the 1990s.
In 1991, after a MOA bomb plot in Toronto was foiled, a federal
search warrant for three suspects was issued and a nearly 45-acre compound
about 70 miles south of Dallas was raided. The location of the compound
corresponds to a reference in an FBI document obtained
by the Clarion Project that says about seven MOA members purchased property
near Corsicana, Texas.
Federal officials found four mobile homes; three military,
general-purpose tents; and six vehicles. Also discovered were loose ammunition,
books on counter-terrorism techniques and weaponry and various items with
“Jamaat Fuqra Land” written on them.
Another compound in Buena Vista, Colorado, was raided and shut
down by state authorities in 1992. But there have been no raids on any of the
encampments since the 1990s.
Murder, firebombing
A 2007 FBI record states that members of the group have been
involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one
attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing.
“The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports
the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of
jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam,
which includes the U.S. Government,” the document states. “Members of the MOA
are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and
military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”
The document also says Muslims of America is now “an autonomous
organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting
terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.”
Robert Spencer, author of the JihadWatch blog and several books about radical
Islam, says the communes operate much like Europe’s “no-go zones,” which are
Islamic enclaves where adherents live under Shariah law and are off limits to
non-Muslims. Police also tend to avoid the enclaves.
“Yes, there are similarities. They’re both very hostile to
outsiders and have a history of hostility to law enforcement, and there has
been evidence that police are hesitant to go into these communes just as they
are in Europe,” Spencer told WND.
They are different in that they operate mostly in remote rural
areas of the U.S., unlike the urban no-go zones in Europe’s major cities.
A mystical sect of Islam
Gilani is a follower of Sufi Islam, an ancient mystical sect
that believes in miracles, signs and wonders.
Some Middle East historians have described the Sufis as more
moderate and peaceful than their Sunni or Shiite cousins, but this is a mistake
in Spencer’s view.
The Chechen jihad against the Russians was led by Sufis from the
19th century until the influx of Wahhabi Arabs in the late 20th century.
And Hassan al-Banna, one of early leaders of the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt, prescribed Sufi exercises for Brotherhood members,
Spencer said.
“They’re more mystical, but that does not mean they reject the
principles of violent jihad,” he said.
Muhammad al-Ghazali, a Persian philosopher and founder of the
modern Sufi movement in the late 11th century, “was very clear and strong in
speaking about the necessity of waging violent jihad,” Spencer said.
The FBI report on Muslims of America has been heavily redacted
but clearly says the group has engaged in murders and fire bombings in the U.S.
“So that’s the FBI speaking not some Islamophobe,” Spencer said.
Gilani, who did not immediately respond to WND’s request for an
interview, teaches that Muslims should be self-sustaining and separate from the
broader American culture. But he also purports to teach that they foster “good
relations with our Christian brethren,” according to the group’s website.
Watch MOA’s promotional video below, casting itself as a mystical
sect concerned about humanitarian-based rescues of Americans trapped in a life
of crime and drugs.
Christian Action Network did a documentary on the elusive Gilani
in 2009. The documentary shows the Christians being greeted at the entrance to
a compound in New York with tremendous hostility.
“Christian Network was told by the local cops not to go there
and not to bother them but they went anyway, and neighbors said they heard
firearms training and all kinds of things going on there,” Spencer said.
According to their own video, the MOA groups are all about
peace, miraculous sightings of Allah and the mystical healing of incurable
diseases from AIDS to cancer. They also make a point of claiming to develop
their brand of Islam within the framework of being good American citizens.
This is all written off by Spencer as “window dressing” and
Geller agrees.
“All Islamic groups make similar claims – including the
Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, designated a terror
organization by the United Arab Emirates,” Geller said. “These claims have to
be balanced against the group’s others words, and its actions. MOA members have
been involved in murders and firebombings in the U.S.”
They have also been involved in violence against other Muslims.
The Islamic spiritual leader Rashad Kalifa was one of the
victims. He was a Muslim scholar who translated the Quran into English and also
developed a teaching based on a Quranic numbering system that marked him as a
false prophet and a heretic by many Muslims, including those affiliated with
the MOA. Kalifa was found stabbed
29 times in the kitchen of a Tucson mosque in 1990. One member of MOA was found
guilty of conspiracy in the killing and sentenced to 69 years.
“We should monitor them very closely. Hold hearings if necessary
(in Congress),” Geller said. “Conduct a thorough investigation of each of these
compounds with or without hearings.”
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., was one member of
Congress who tried to get her colleagues to pay more attention to groups like
MOA, but had little success.
“For years we’ve heard viable reports and seen photos and video
tape suggesting Islamic jihadist training camps located in states such as
Texas, Georgia and elsewhere. U.S. national law enforcement agencies have a
duty to secure the safety of the American people – that is the number one duty
of government,” Bachmann told WND.
But the federal government, and increasingly state and local
governments, have been more concerned about offending Muslims and bowing to the
wishes of Muslim Brotherhood front groups like Council on American-Islamic
Relations, she said.
“For law enforcement to fail to investigate reports of
U.S.-based terror training camps or to turn a blind eye to incitement
activities in U.S.-based Islamic centers is to intentionally avoid a tragic
reality of American life,” she said. “In retrospect, wouldn’t it have been
better for the U.S. military to have acted on their evidence and suspicions of
the Fort Hood shooter? Wouldn’t it have been better for the FBI to have
investigated the Islamic center of Boston prior to the Boston marathon
“The clues to see Islamic jihad were and are in front of our
eyes,” Bachmann added. “If only our government had the political will to see
and act upon them.”
Amenper: Did you hear about.....
> Bob: "Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?,
> Jim: "You mean the Mexican gun running?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean SEAL Team 6?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the State Dept. lying about Benghazi?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> im: "You mean voter fraud?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the of drones in our own country without the benefit of the law?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million and right after it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the president arming the Muslim Brotherhood?"
> Bob: "No the other one:.
> Jim: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Giving SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's ordering the release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons, and falsely blaming the sequester?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's threat to impose gun control by Executive Order in order to bypass Congress?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's repeated violation of the law requiring him to submit a budget no later than the first Monday in February?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The 2012 vote where 115% of all registered voters in some counties voted 100% for Obama?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's unconstitutional recess appointments in an attempt to circumvent the Senate's advise-and-consent role?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I got it! You mean that 65 million low-information voters who don't pay taxes and get free stuff from taxpayers and stuck us again with the most pandering, corrupt administration in American history?"
> Bob: "THAT'S THE ONE!"
> Bob: "Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?,
> Jim: "You mean the Mexican gun running?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean SEAL Team 6?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the State Dept. lying about Benghazi?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> im: "You mean voter fraud?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the of drones in our own country without the benefit of the law?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million and right after it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "You mean the president arming the Muslim Brotherhood?"
> Bob: "No the other one:.
> Jim: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Giving SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's ordering the release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons, and falsely blaming the sequester?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's threat to impose gun control by Executive Order in order to bypass Congress?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's repeated violation of the law requiring him to submit a budget no later than the first Monday in February?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The 2012 vote where 115% of all registered voters in some counties voted 100% for Obama?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The president's unconstitutional recess appointments in an attempt to circumvent the Senate's advise-and-consent role?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
> Bob: "No, the other one."
> Jim: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I got it! You mean that 65 million low-information voters who don't pay taxes and get free stuff from taxpayers and stuck us again with the most pandering, corrupt administration in American history?"
> Bob: "THAT'S THE ONE!"
Rabbi Michael Lerner Compares Islamic Extremists
to Christians in US Congress
Michael Lerner wrote the following in the Huffington Post:
“I fear those fundamentalist extremists just as much as I fear the Jewish
extremists who have threatened my life and the Christian extremists who are now
exercising power over the U.S. Congress. Every form of violence outrages and
sickens me.”
Rabbi Lerner does not explain who
these “Christian extremists” are. (Given Lerner's penchant for extrapolated
logic that can be found in some of this other articles, I can guess how he
might explain his "Christian extremists" claims.) In what way
do they compare to the Paris Islamists who murdered people because of editorial
insults? What the folks at Charlie Hebdo did in savaging religions of all types
was despicable, but their actions certainly did not merit murder. Christians
were savaged by Charlie Hebdo, and as far as I can tell, Christians didn’t
shoot anybody.
So what congressional “Christian
extremists” is Rabbi Lerner talking about? By making such an outlandish
comparison, he dilutes the significance of the savagery that took place in
Paris in murdering unarmed civilians and police officers, one of whom was a
Earlier in the article Rabbi Lerner
wrote the following:
“[T]he media [were not] much
interested in a bomb that went off outside the NAACP’s Colorado Springs
headquarters the same day as they were highlighting the attack in Paris.
Colorado Springs is home to some of the most extreme right-wing activists. It
was a balding white man who was seen setting the bomb, some reports claim, and
so the media described it as an act of a troubled ‘lone individual,’ rather
than as a white right wing Christian fundamentalist terrorist. Few Americans
have even heard of this incident.”
Actually, there is a great deal of
interest in the NAACP “bomb” that went off. A sketch has been made of the
alleged perpetrator, a $10,000 reward has been offered leading to information
about the crime, and the FBI is involved. Numerous articles about the “bombing” are available
There is no evidence that the
incendiary device was placed at the NAACP offices by a right-wing activist or
even that the NAACP was the target. It could have been a disgruntled police
officer. It’s possible that the device was put there by someone wanting to
blame outside agents to draw attention of African American causes in light of
what took place to Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in New
Al Sharpton did it in the Tawana
Brawley case, and false charges were brought against the Duke Lacrosse team.
Here’s a list of 11 fake hate crimes and another list of 7.
You can Google “fake hate crimes” for more examples. Here are some that the Huffington
Post reported.
Even, hardly a right wing
website, reported that “Bogus hate crimes [are] all the rage.” The article was written by Mark
Potok at the ultra-liberal and anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center. Of
course, Potok’s reason for writing the article was so he could attack
conservatives. For him and the folks at the SPLC, bogus hate crime reports
“give fuel to right-wing opponents of hate crime laws who like to claim that
enormous numbers of reported hate crimes never occurred.”
Do I know that the NAACP “bombing” was
a fake hate crime? I do not, and neither does Rabbi Lerner know it was done by
a “white right wing Christian fundamentalist terrorist.”
If the bomber turns out to be a “white
right wing Christian fundamentalist terrorist,” Christians will be the first to
condemn him or her.
But back to Christians in Congress. I
still want to know who are the “Christian extremists who are now exercising
power over the U.S. Congress” and inciting “violence.” What “form of violence”
does Rabbi Lerner have in mind?
ALLEN WEST: “We must find the enemy,
kill them and pursue them to the gates of hell”
We, at, hereby agree.
the rally per se isn’t the problem. Most of the leaders marching are the worst
offenders of free speech. The reason Mr. Obama missed the rally is the real
question and we don’t know for sure what that reason is.
No one
would care at all if Obama had some kind of strategy to deal with radical Islam
but he won’t even call it radical Islam.
only did Obama not attend, but Eric Holder who was in Paris, missed it too.
Holder flew out before the rally. That’s a message!
fact is the winds of change are blowing and Obama is standing with the radical
Muslims. Check out the 28 times Obama showed his preference for Islamists.
Maybe he didn’t want to visit the Jewish deli and look as if he
were taking sides.
Sides With Muslim Brotherhood Over Al-Sisi In Islam Debate, Insists Islam Is
‘Religion Of Peace’
Egyptian president says Islam's radical way of thinking is
"antagonizing the entire world."
Obama Sides With
Muslim Brotherhood Over Al-Sisi In Islam Debate, Insists Islam Is ‘Religion Of
Obama has sided with
traditionalist Islamic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood over modernizers
such as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The current Obama administration policy uses
Brotherhood-aligned groups in the United States to re-educate potential
Al-Sisi, on the other hand, called for a
meeting Jan.1 at Islam’s leading seminary and questioned traditional
doctrines of the religion.
He said, “Is it possible that 1.6 billion
people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants — that
is seven billion — so that they themselves may live? Impossible!”
He went on to say during the speech:
“That thinking — I am not saying ‘religion’ but
‘thinking’ — that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the
years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is
antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world!”
Obama has repeatedly praised Islam as a
“religion of peace.”
After the murders at the Charlie Hebdo magazine
in Paris, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest repeated the claim, saying,
“There are some individuals that are using a peaceful religion and grossly
distorting it.”
He also said, “We have enjoyed significant
success in enlisting leaders in the Muslim community, like I said, both in the
United States and around the world, to condemn that kind of messaging … and
we’re going to redouble those efforts in the days and weeks ahead.”
Who do you think is right? Al-Sisi, who has
called for fundamental reforms of Islam? Or Barack Obama, who thinks that Islam
is already a fundamentally peaceful religion?
Unity and Defiance: 1.6 Million Converge on Paris in Rally
As many as 1.6 million people marched through Paris on Sunday in a
massive show of unity and defiance in the face of terrorism that killed 17
people in France's bleakest moment in half a century.
The march ended without major incident by 9 p.m. Sunday, Paris police said.
Their arms linked, more than 40 world leaders headed the somber procession, setting aside their differences for a manifestation that French President Francois Hollande said turned the city into "the capital of the world."
The march ended without major incident by 9 p.m. Sunday, Paris police said.
Their arms linked, more than 40 world leaders headed the somber procession, setting aside their differences for a manifestation that French President Francois Hollande said turned the city into "the capital of the world."
intense security and with throngs rivaling those that followed the liberation
of Paris from the Nazis, the city became "the capital of the world"
for a day.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood near Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also marched.
Notable for his absence was President Barack Obama.
Even U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who was in Paris for a pre-march terrorism summit convened by Hollande, skipped the historic event.
The absence of the leader of the world's most powerful nation did did not go unnoticed.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper noted the presence of several key Middle Eastern leaders like King Abdullah of Jordan and Abbas.
Abdullah is a a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, Tapper noted.
"It is not a small thing for him to be walking in the same line as the Prime Minister of Israel, protesting the terrorist acts committed against A) four Jews in a kosher supermarket, and B) 12 people, most of whom were journalists for a publication that regularly mocked religions, including Islam," Tapper said while covering the rally from streets of Paris.
"I don't mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration, but just as an American, I do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of world leaders," Tapper said. "But I'm a little disappointed personally. This is me speaking personally, not as a representative of CNN, but as an American, that there isn't more of a display of unity here because this is just one of the most incredible events I've ever attended."
Other pundits also made note of Obama's absence, Mediaite and others noted:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood near Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also marched.
Notable for his absence was President Barack Obama.
Even U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who was in Paris for a pre-march terrorism summit convened by Hollande, skipped the historic event.
The absence of the leader of the world's most powerful nation did did not go unnoticed.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper noted the presence of several key Middle Eastern leaders like King Abdullah of Jordan and Abbas.
Abdullah is a a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, Tapper noted.
"It is not a small thing for him to be walking in the same line as the Prime Minister of Israel, protesting the terrorist acts committed against A) four Jews in a kosher supermarket, and B) 12 people, most of whom were journalists for a publication that regularly mocked religions, including Islam," Tapper said while covering the rally from streets of Paris.
"I don't mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration, but just as an American, I do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of world leaders," Tapper said. "But I'm a little disappointed personally. This is me speaking personally, not as a representative of CNN, but as an American, that there isn't more of a display of unity here because this is just one of the most incredible events I've ever attended."
Other pundits also made note of Obama's absence, Mediaite and others noted:
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Nancy Pelosi to Appoint Muslim to House Intelligence Committee
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will
appoint the first Muslim member to the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, which deals with sensitive information on America's war against
International Business Times reports that Rep. André Carson, D-Ind., the second Muslim elected to the House, following the election of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., in 2006, will take a seat on the committee.
Politico reported that Carson's nomination was announced by Pelosi in a closed-door weekly Democratic caucus meeting and would be announced publicly "in the coming days."
International Business Times reports that Rep. André Carson, D-Ind., the second Muslim elected to the House, following the election of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., in 2006, will take a seat on the committee.
Politico reported that Carson's nomination was announced by Pelosi in a closed-door weekly Democratic caucus meeting and would be announced publicly "in the coming days."
Carson was first elected to the House in 2008 and
converted to Islam 10 years before taking office, IBTimes reports.
In 2014, Carson came under fire for being
scheduled to appear on a panel entitled, "Ferguson is Our Issue: We Can't
Breathe," at a convention of the Muslim American Society/Islamic Circle of
North America in Chicago, along with Mazen Mokhtar, a webmaster and fundraiser
for al-Qaida, the Center for Security Policy reports.
However, after delivering a keynote speech, without explanation, Carson did not appear on the panel.
In 2011, Carson told the Congressional Black Caucus that "some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me hanging on a tree" and accused tea party members of creating "the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow," Politico reports.
Politico noted his spokesman Jason Tomcsi later explained, "The congressman used strong language because the tea party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing.
"The tea party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities."
However, after delivering a keynote speech, without explanation, Carson did not appear on the panel.
In 2011, Carson told the Congressional Black Caucus that "some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me hanging on a tree" and accused tea party members of creating "the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow," Politico reports.
Politico noted his spokesman Jason Tomcsi later explained, "The congressman used strong language because the tea party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing.
"The tea party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities."
In 2012, Carson caused another flap while
speaking to the Islamic Circle of North America by saying that "America
will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the
model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged,
where the foundation is the Quran," the Huffington Post reported.
Carson later released a statement explaining, "While I do not believe that any particular faith should be the foundation of our public schools, it is important that we take note of the instructional tools these schools utilize to empower their young people. Christian, Jewish, and Islamic schools have experienced notable success by casting off a one-size-fits-all approach to education, and this is a model we must replicate. Having attended a parochial elementary school myself, I’ve seen these successes first hand."
Pelosi's action "would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East,"WorldNetDaily reported.
Carson later released a statement explaining, "While I do not believe that any particular faith should be the foundation of our public schools, it is important that we take note of the instructional tools these schools utilize to empower their young people. Christian, Jewish, and Islamic schools have experienced notable success by casting off a one-size-fits-all approach to education, and this is a model we must replicate. Having attended a parochial elementary school myself, I’ve seen these successes first hand."
Pelosi's action "would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East,"WorldNetDaily reported.
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Amenper: ¿Por qué Obama no ha
podido presentar su legítimo certificado de nacimiento?
Se lo fumó sin
Pero no podemos culpar a Obama por lo del certificado de nacimiento,
recuerden que él dijo que este iba a ser el gobierno más transparente de la
historia de los Estados Unidos, eso es lo que pasa con el certificado de
nacimiento, como es transparente, no lo podemos ver.
Un musulmán, un socialista y un comunista, llegan a un bar, y el barman le
dice…Buenos Días Sr. Presidente.
Los Republicanos no deben de estar tan disgustados porque el Obamacare
cubre el aborto.
¿Se imaginan lo conveniente que esto hubiera sido posible cuando la madre
de Obama salió en estado?
Obama quiere seguir haciendo cambios con Raúl, ahora quiere mandar a Cuba
a Ted Cruz y a Marco Rubio.
No debemos quejarnos de que Obama facilite las visitas a Cuba, ahora los
que no hemos ido en mucho tiempo podemos visitarla para tener una idea de cómo
va a dejar Obama a los Estados Unidos dentro de dos años.
Obama dice que si el tuviera una ciudad, luciría como Ferguson.
Dice el dictador de Corea del Norte que va a destruir a los Estados
Ya es muy tarde, Obama se le adelantó.
Obama Spent Sunday Watching Football Instead of Traveling To Paris For
President Barack Obama and other top members of his administration
have snubbed a historic rally in Paris today that brought together more than 40
world leaders from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and even Russia.
‘France is our oldest ally,’ Obama said during a speech Friday in
Tennessee. ‘I want the people of France to know that the United States stands
with you today, stands with you tomorrow.’
But he wasn’t standing in Paris as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas put aside their
differences and linked arms.
Psychics Predict Paris Shootings, New York Next?
Ever since the Kings of France consulted Nostradamus, psychics have been
making news.
So which stargazers predicted the recent spate of terror attacks?
Well, some did.
British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker seemed to nail the recent Paris Islamic terror spree.
On Sept. 17, 2014, Hamilton-Parker posted to his website his 2015 predictions that also appeared in Fate and Fortune magazine.
He wrote: “Many countries may see terrorist attacks from loan gunmen. I ‘see’ Berlin, Rome and Paris as targets but a simultaneous London attack with be thwarted. I feel one of the most frightening will be aboard a passenger liner.”
Even some French journalists seem to see into the future. The French edition of The Local chimed in with its 2015 predictions in early January, telling readers to prepare for “lone wolf terror attacks.”
So which stargazers predicted the recent spate of terror attacks?
Well, some did.
British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker seemed to nail the recent Paris Islamic terror spree.
On Sept. 17, 2014, Hamilton-Parker posted to his website his 2015 predictions that also appeared in Fate and Fortune magazine.
He wrote: “Many countries may see terrorist attacks from loan gunmen. I ‘see’ Berlin, Rome and Paris as targets but a simultaneous London attack with be thwarted. I feel one of the most frightening will be aboard a passenger liner.”
Even some French journalists seem to see into the future. The French edition of The Local chimed in with its 2015 predictions in early January, telling readers to prepare for “lone wolf terror attacks.”
The news service noted that “with hundreds of jihadists continuing to
return from the Middle East we can expect to see the threat level remain high
throughout the year. Unfortunately we may [see] similar ‘lone wolf’ style
attacks to the one which saw a man attack two police officers with a knife
whilst shouting ‘God is the greatest’ in Arabic.”
And American seer Eric Leigh-Pink, who hosts, says he has been tuning into ominous warnings of an impending terror attack against the United States.
And American seer Eric Leigh-Pink, who hosts, says he has been tuning into ominous warnings of an impending terror attack against the United States.
On Saturday, Jan. 10, Leigh-Pink wrote: “The Spirits
and I debated the ‘pickle’ we find [ourselves] in. We know there is a
calculated attack on various parts of the world coming very soon. These are not
lone wolf attacks, but calculated attacks by someone behind the scene.
“We desperately want to share every detail we can gather . . . these predictions are some of the darkest we have ever presented, it’s not just one event but several only making things more dreadful. Even I am having problems sleeping, I find myself nervous and watch the clock tick away."
On Dec. 16, 2014, Leigh-Pink received a spiritual message suggesting a major bomb attack in December or January. He now sees the date Jan. 24, but is not sure.
He wrote: “ 'Bomb’ — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24. 2nd. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — ‘By the funny sound.. like a whistle’ — Spirits Voice — Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “
“We desperately want to share every detail we can gather . . . these predictions are some of the darkest we have ever presented, it’s not just one event but several only making things more dreadful. Even I am having problems sleeping, I find myself nervous and watch the clock tick away."
On Dec. 16, 2014, Leigh-Pink received a spiritual message suggesting a major bomb attack in December or January. He now sees the date Jan. 24, but is not sure.
He wrote: “ 'Bomb’ — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24. 2nd. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — ‘By the funny sound.. like a whistle’ — Spirits Voice — Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “
He describes the terrorists: “Oddly they showed a golden necklace and
gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic
perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car.”
Could “Freddie Mercury” be “red mercury?"
Experts have debated its existence, but some former Soviets and others, including the late Sam Cohen, father of the neutron bomb, gave eerie warnings that the substance was available on the black market after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Supposedly “red mercury” is a highly irradiated form of mercury that when exploded creates intense heat, the type needed for a nuclear explosion, obviating the need for plutonium.
When Leigh-Pink asked where are the threats, he was told: “Ontario Canada, France, England, New York… go inside guns, guns… they will be taken against their will… bombing explosion.”
He suggests the first two have now been fulfilled with the terror raid on Canada’s House of Parliament and the recent attacks on France. He thinks England and New York are next.
Where in New York?
He reported the “Spirits Voice” as saying: “A bomb . . . a building is the target . . . known for its second floor . . . NJ . . .. NY . . . at 3, 4 . . . bell view. the nation addressed.”
He continued: “I had a visual I was on the balcony of a skyscraper. A half spider, half man landed from the sky on top of the building. The man stared me down, and I stared him down. ‘The enemy has arrived.’ I had a visual a rifle with a scope was being assembled. ‘Now,’ I do not believe a rifle is involved, but instead this is a symbolic message that the terrorists are now assembling to hit their target."
Could “Freddie Mercury” be “red mercury?"
Experts have debated its existence, but some former Soviets and others, including the late Sam Cohen, father of the neutron bomb, gave eerie warnings that the substance was available on the black market after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Supposedly “red mercury” is a highly irradiated form of mercury that when exploded creates intense heat, the type needed for a nuclear explosion, obviating the need for plutonium.
When Leigh-Pink asked where are the threats, he was told: “Ontario Canada, France, England, New York… go inside guns, guns… they will be taken against their will… bombing explosion.”
He suggests the first two have now been fulfilled with the terror raid on Canada’s House of Parliament and the recent attacks on France. He thinks England and New York are next.
Where in New York?
He reported the “Spirits Voice” as saying: “A bomb . . . a building is the target . . . known for its second floor . . . NJ . . .. NY . . . at 3, 4 . . . bell view. the nation addressed.”
He continued: “I had a visual I was on the balcony of a skyscraper. A half spider, half man landed from the sky on top of the building. The man stared me down, and I stared him down. ‘The enemy has arrived.’ I had a visual a rifle with a scope was being assembled. ‘Now,’ I do not believe a rifle is involved, but instead this is a symbolic message that the terrorists are now assembling to hit their target."
He says the building also has a high ceiling on its first floor, marble
finishes and has places where people line up like a bank.
Leigh-Pink seemed to hit a bulls-eye in September, when days before the Scottish independence vote he posted to his site a message that voters there would vote “no” and he saw a visual, the number 55. As it turned out, voters rejected the secession movement by 55 percent.
He says he began getting spiritual messages and has dedicated his work to “predicting the events of tomorrow with the intent of altering the tragedies.”
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Leigh-Pink seemed to hit a bulls-eye in September, when days before the Scottish independence vote he posted to his site a message that voters there would vote “no” and he saw a visual, the number 55. As it turned out, voters rejected the secession movement by 55 percent.
He says he began getting spiritual messages and has dedicated his work to “predicting the events of tomorrow with the intent of altering the tragedies.”
Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Rush: Obama Helping ISIS Set Up Terrorist Base In New Mexico To Stage Attacks
Hannity regular and World Net Daily contributor Erik
Rush thinks he's figured out what the real reason is that President Obama
designated the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks region in southern New Mexico as
protected land.
Anyone else think that touting conspiracy theories
like this one will deter the likes of Sean Hannity from having this wingnut
back on his show again? Me neither.
From Right Wing Watch: Erik Rush:
Obama May 'Orchestrate Terrorist Strike' Against US, Give ISIS Base In New
WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush knows the real
reason President Obama designated the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks region in southern
New Mexico as protected land: to create a base for ISIS extremists to enter the
country and plot attacks against the U.S.
In a column titled “Obama: The
Head of the ISIS Snake,” Rush adds that Obama may even “use his jihadi army”
to strike against America to help him become a dictator: “Whether Obama intends
to seize absolute power via martial law after a comprehensive White
House-orchestrated terrorist strike or use his jihadi army to aid in pacifying
an unsuspecting American populace matters little. The bottom line is that the
decisive measures needed to defeat ISIS and to protect American citizens from
them will never be taken by this president, and it should be obvious as to
It is high time that those in government who have any
desire whatsoever to preserve this nation as an ongoing concern take stock of
the abundance of evidence which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the
individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for the
resurgence of Islamic militancy in the Middle East, and ISIS in particular.
As uncomfortable for
them as it may be, they must come to grips with the fact that Obama is a
well-placed saboteur representing malignant interests, enemies both foreign and
domestic, that have been strategizing the downfall of the United States for
In May of this year, Obama named the Desert Peaks
National Monument in New Mexico a federally designated monument. Setting aside
this land with an executive order under the Antiquities Act of 1906, the nearly
half million acres bordering the Mexican state of Chihuahua is now off-limits
to all but foot traffic. Potential for the incursion of malefactors in that
area is enormous; not just an efficient and effective route for small bands of
drug smugglers or gangs, it now amounts to a protected access for potentially
large sorties onto the U.S. soil.
In the context of what I have postulated here, why
might Obama do this?
Let’s forget for a moment the possibility of a terror
cell executing a Nairobi mall-style attack or detonating a dirty bomb somewhere
in Middle America. Picture 100 malls or elementary schools across the U.S. laid
siege simultaneously, two or more full-fledged thermonuclear devices detonated
in American cities, or a few high-sensitivity military bases taken over by
terrorists. Consider that these forces would have the training and weaponry to
suit the job, as well as the intelligence necessary to give them a far better
than even chance of success – all provided by our own government.
Bear in mind that the Desert Peaks phenomenon is but
one instance in which Obama has left America vulnerable; there are others we’ve
been made aware of, and probably still others we don’t yet know about.
If this sounds
preposterous, just remember that those of us who warned against the rise of an
Islamist caliphate were mocked only a year ago, and now one exists, courtesy of
Barack Hussein Obama.
Whether Obama intends
to seize absolute power via martial law after a comprehensive White
House-orchestrated terrorist strike or use his jihadi army to aid in pacifying
an unsuspecting American populace matters little. The bottom line is that the
decisive measures needed to defeat ISIS and to protect American citizens from
them will never be taken by this president, and it should be obvious as to why.
This nation now faces extreme and unprecedented crises, and apart from an Act
of God, they will only be resolved through extreme and unprecedented measures.
The removal of the
Obama regime, extrication of Islamists from our government, the closure of our
southern border, drastically heightened security procedures and the summary
expulsion or prosecution of anyone who even remotely resembles an Islamist or
who supports that worldview are now absolute imperatives.
Yo contaba que los rusos la asaron en Varadero
después de terminada su jubilación de jalar esas trabadas guaguas inglesas,
llenas de internacionalistas, para la zafra.
On Jan 12, 2015, at 3:09 PM, "Alberto Pardino" <> wrote:
On Jan 12, 2015, at 3:09 PM, "Alberto Pardino" <> wrote:
Philip: ¡TE
LA COMISTE!, como decimos los cubanos. Me he reído como loca por tu ocurrencia.
Cuando te publiquen tu carta, debían de coronarla con una caricatura de
Guerrincha donde se vea al "máximo líder" montado en Ubre Blanca.
El Nuevo Herald Miami VÍA LÁCTEA
En su
acostumbradamente excelente columna "¿Dónde está El Cid Campeador?"
(Perspectiva 1/12), José Antonio Zarraluqui comenta que cero hemos visto
últimamente a Fidel Castro, quien debería tener algo interesante que
reflexionar sobre este nuevo compañerismo del presidente estadounidense Barack
Obama y el mandatario comunista Raúl Castro. Cita el autor en su columna tanto
a la "vaquísima" revolucionaria Ubre Blanca (rival marxista-leninista
del Creador de la Vía Láctea) como la última salida del Cid en Valencia contra
los al-Qaeda o ISIS de la sazón, montado muerto en su renombrado caballo
envejeciente y enfermo Máximo Líder de la Revolución delirará con dar su última
salida montado sobre los restos de Ubre Blanca? Hay quien dice que el señor no
se muere si no consiguen enterrarlo con esos restos.
Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
FL 33160




Entonces Obama no podria tener
manejar en rusia????
Russia Includes Transgender Status on List of Driver’s License Medical
Washington, D.C. - Human Rights First today said
that Russia’s inclusion of transgender status on the list of medical
restrictions to obtaining a driver’s license and operating a motor vehicle is
an alarming violation of the rights of the transgender community. On December
29, the Russian government reportedly adopted an updated list of
medical contraindications to driving which includes “personality
disorders” as listed by the International Classification of Diseases Number
10 (ICD-10) including being transgender, bigender, asexual, and
cross dressing. The resolution, which went into effect on Tuesday, may
prohibit those who have been diagnosed as transgender by a mental health
professional from obtaining a driver’s license.
“Banning people from driving based on
their gender identity or expression is ridiculous and just another example of
the Russian regime’s methodical rollback of basic human rights for its
citizens,” said Human Rights First’s Shawn Gaylord. “Beyond the denial of
basic freedoms, this provision may deter transgender people from seeking mental
health services for fear of receiving a diagnosis that would strip them of
their right to drive, and leaves the door open for increased harassment,
persecution, and discrimination of transgender people by Russian authorities.
We urge the United States to immediately condemn this provision and to press
the Russian government to repeal this decision."
The resolution, which was developed by the
Russian Ministry of Health, is the first of its kind to include these
“personality disorders.” According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for
Human Rights, the new provisions will allow authorities to deny or rescind the
driver’s license of a citizen based on his or her diagnosis as transgender,
bigender, asexual, or as a cross-dresser. The broad restrictions also
discriminate against citizens with physical disabilities such as amputation,
while failing to include exceptions for those who have prosthetic limbs or
whose disabilities may not impair driving.
This provision is just the next step in
the Russian government’s ongoing crack down on members of the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Since the passage of the 2013
discriminatory propaganda law, members of LGBT community have faced
harassment from government officials, threats of violence, and imprisonment for
peaceful public demonstrations. Human Rights First continues to urge
the the Obama Administration to appoint a special envoy for the human rights of LGBT people
within the State Department to stand as a statement of the U.S. commitment to
the human rights of LGBT people worldwide.
For more information or to speak with
Gaylord, contact Mary Elizabeth Margolis at or
bans transgender people from getting driver's licenses
The Russian government has reportedly decided that it
can make the country's roads safer by keeping people with what it considers
"disorders" from getting driver's licenses. According to the International Business Times, under the
new guidelines, people who are homosexual or transgender will not be allowed to
to get a license. The list also includes things like fetishism,
voyeurism and exhibitionism as grounds for not getting behind the wheel, notes the BBC News.
The ban, which the government says has been devised to curb the number of road accidents, reportedly affects other groups in Russia, as well. People shorter than 4 foot, 11 inches and amputees can also no longer get a driver's license. Pathological gambling and compulsive stealing are also grounds for not being able to get a license.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the order on December 29, and has been roundly criticized by Russian and global human rights groups that describe the bans as discriminatory and the wording of the rule as too vague.
The ban, which the government says has been devised to curb the number of road accidents, reportedly affects other groups in Russia, as well. People shorter than 4 foot, 11 inches and amputees can also no longer get a driver's license. Pathological gambling and compulsive stealing are also grounds for not being able to get a license.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the order on December 29, and has been roundly criticized by Russian and global human rights groups that describe the bans as discriminatory and the wording of the rule as too vague.
Michele: Former drug dealer, ex-con, and Conservative
Michele. She’s a 40-year old black female, two kids deep, a former drug dealer,
ex-con, and Conservative.
is a strong woman, the result of being on her own since she was nine. Yes, you
read that right.
mother was a drug addicted prostitute and her step-father (term used loosely)
was her mother’s pimp and a coke dealer. Michele’s mother walked away from her
at the hospital, a situation that landed Michele in foster care.
At the age of four, Michele’s mother returned
to her life, stealing her from a foster family. But it was not from maternal
love, as Michele’s mother was a monster.
I loved her through the hate, if that is possible. I didn’t have a choice.”
Michele was beaten daily and locked in rooms on the
weekends. Her mother had a card game that provided a cover for Michele to be
raped by her mother and her clients.
Michele’s “father” was a coke dealer, and not her
biological father. Because of the family business, she learned how to cut coke
at an early age. Michele was her paranoid and abusive mother’s right hand.
Michele felt the hate from her mother, likely born of hatred of herself. Hatred
aside, her mother trusted Michele to cut dope. Imagine your only memory of
feeling good emotions from your mother is her pride in your cutting cocaine.
nights I have stayed up wishing for her death and his. Days would go by and I
wasn’t fed because I cried or said no.”
Michele’s mother eventually died of AIDS. Before
she died however, she sold Michele to a new “dad” for drugs. Sure, slavery for
blacks is over, right?
When the new “dad” wasn’t doing to Michele what
pedophiles euphemistically call “loving her,” he was using her for a punching
Michele’s “new dad” died on her ninth birthday. I’d
like to think that God gave Michele that present.
“They both
got what they deserved,” Michele mused as she related her story to me.
A dead body, but a place to say, Michele stayed
with her “dad’s” dead body for two weeks, only leaving as the stench
became unbearable. She had his coke and a game plan. She never looked back.
Michele told nobody of her “dad’s” death. She
recalls the moment he drew his last breath, as she knew her life had begun. She
would suffer no more, but not just because he was dead. She now controlled her
own destiny, as she was now a coke dealer.
Michele wanted was she wanted to sell coke. Selling
coke wasn’t about right or wrong; it was about eating or not eating.
has a lot to teach Conservatives about reaching the people we don’t normally
reach, and we are blessed to help her on her journey…
Obama Finally
Invisible, You Won’t Believe His Sad Excuse
The world is laughing at us and our
Check it out:
Check it out:
The U.S. attorney general, in
Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Francois Hollande, did not
join world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime
Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for the march and rally that drew
a million people days after 12 were shot at satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.
Others such as Obama and Vice President Biden were also not in attendance.
More than 40 heads of state
came together in Paris to denounce a wave of terrorism that defiled the City of
Light last week — yet there was one glaring exception: The U.S. sent only a
low-level official.
French President Francois
Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron
and dozens of other world leaders all took part in the powerful denunciation of
last week’s terror attacks that left 17 innocents dead.
Even Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas set aside
their differences to march together on Boulevard Voltaire.
Mr. Lazaro R. Gonzalez Mino Editor. “En
mi opinion” ,
The House
of Representatives has done its part! The Keystone XL pipeline won the support
of hundreds of Representatives—who sit on both sides of the political aisle.
Representative Ros-Lehtinen was one of the crucial yes votes for Keystone.
Will you take just a second to send Representative Ros-Lehtinen
a quick thank you note? We’ve
got a letter all set up and we want as many Energy Citizens to add their names
as possible. One click is all it takes!
We’ve got
the House on our side. Now, on to the Senate!
Energy Citizens Coordinator
Energy Citizens Coordinator
In his yearly address to the Vatican Diplomatic Corps on
Monday, Pope Francis decried the breakdown of society “spawning violence
and death.” Referencing the “tragic slayings which took place in Paris,”
Francis blamed enslavement to “deviant forms of religion.” This
fundamentalism, Francis said, which uses religion as a pretext for evil, is
“born of a corrupt heart, a heart incapable of recognizing and doing good, of
pursuing peace.”
sees the “tragic consequences” of this mentality “in the never-ending spread of
conflicts,” Francis said. “Like a true world war fought piecemeal, they affect,
albeit in different forms and degrees of intensity, a number of areas in our
said that his thoughts “turn above all to the Middle East, beginning with the
beloved land of Jesus which I had the joy of visiting last May, and for whose
peace we constantly pray.”
Middle East,” the Pope said, is tragically embroiled in “conflicts which have
lasted far too long, with chilling repercussions, due also to the spread of
fundamentalist terrorism in Syria and in Iraq.”
said that this form of terrorism is based on a throwaway culture that starts by
eliminating God. “Religious fundamentalism,” he said “even before it eliminates
human beings by perpetrating horrendous killings, eliminates God himself,
turning him into a mere ideological pretext.”
said that in the face of this unjust aggression, which strikes Christians and
other groups in the region, “a unanimous response is needed.”
in your presence,” Francis continued, “I appeal to the entire international
community, as I do to the respective governments involved, to take concrete
steps to bring about peace and to protect all those who are victims of war and
persecution, driven from their homes and their homeland.”
Pope once again spoke of the importance of the Christian communities of the
Middle East, praising their “precious testimony of faith and courage,” and
declaring that a “Middle East without Christians would be a marred and
mutilated Middle East!” The Pope also expressed his hope that “religious,
political and intellectual leaders, especially those of the Muslim community,
will condemn all fundamentalist and extremist interpretations of religion which
attempt to justify such acts of violence.”
Pope expressed his concern for the situation in Nigeria as well, “where acts of
violence continue to strike indiscriminately and there is a constant increase
in the tragic phenomenon of kidnappings, often of young girls carried off to be
made objects of trafficking.” Francis called this “an abominable trade which
must not continue!” and also “a scourge which needs to be eradicated.” Follow Thomas D. Williams on
Twitter @tdwilliamsrome
If Boehner remains
speaker …
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges Americans to stay in battle mode, demand new leadership |
It's understandable that Republican voters are
discouraged by the decision of the GOP House to maintain a business-as-usual
approach to governance by returning John Boehner to the all-important speaker
of the House position.
Without a doubt, House Republicans squandered their mandate in the 2014 midterm election when they cowardly rejected new leadership and an opportunity to return constitutionally limited government to Washington. Not only did Boehner fund Obamacare and Barack Obama's illegal executive amnesty initiative immediately following the election, but his actions over the course of the next year are predictable based on past behavior. There's only one answer to business-as-usual politics in Washington. It's the "Don't Be Yellow: Dump Boehner Now!" campaign. So let's look at what's coming up on Capitol Hill in 2015:
• Feb. 2: Obama is required by law to submit a
budget proposal to Congress. But the law doesn't mean much to Obama. He
considers himself above the law. Throughout his two terms, he has repeatedly
missed the deadline. Too many vacations. Too much golf. Too much fundraising.
Too much lecturing to the American people about how they should live. Last
year's budget plan came a month late. The previous two budgets were submitted
two months late. Having slashed defense spending throughout his
administration, Obama officials now say a correction is necessary. They warn
that the 2016 budget will bust the cap set by the Budget Control Act of 2011.
If Congress doesn't raise or remove that cap, it sets up another government
shutdown scenario and triggers across-the-board spending cuts. So what will
Boehner do? Based on previous patterns, he will push to raise or remove the
cap. Business as usual. He will give Obama all the rope he needs to continue
strangling America.
• Feb. 27: Department of Homeland Security funding runs out. This will place Boehner and the Republicans in another damned-if-they-do-damned-if-they-don't scenario. Do they bust the budget again and provide Obama with big increases in spending for what he will claim are cyber-security and counter-terrorism initiatives? Or will they hold the line and redirect Obama to set better priorities with existing funding? Easy. Under Boehner's leadership, the Republicans will capitulate to Obama's demands and give him all the borrowed cash he needs to close out his two terms in office.
• March 15: This is the date Congress will need
to deal with the debt limit. In Boehner's biggest capitulation since becoming
speaker, he gave Obama until this date to borrow and spend without approval
of Congress. In other words, he abdicated Congress' responsibility to set
spending limits. What will he do next? Will he suddenly say "enough is enough"?
Will he realize borrowing and spending is unsustainable and that Congress
plays the principle role in discipline? Of course not. He will do what he has
consistently done since January 2011 – wave the white flag of political
surrender to Obama and give him all the spending power he needs to continue
his war on constitutionally limited government.
• Sept. 30: Here we go again. This is the date by which Congress must pass funding legislation or the government will shut down. Having been outplayed politically in these battles for years, do you really think John Boehner will do anything differently this time? There's only one answer to business-as-usual politics in Washington. It's the "Don't Be Yellow: Dump Boehner Now!" campaign. The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way. Republicans could have a good story to tell voters in 2016. But it will require new leadership in the House – and, most likely, the Senate, too. Can that be accomplished after the shameful, cowardly decision by House Republicans to return Boehner to leadership and to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? It can if Americans remain in battle mode with the Republican establishment. It only takes a simple majority of the House to remove Boehner from leadership. The revolt in the House this week surprised most observers. If dozens of Democrats didn't skip the proceedings, Boehner would have been denied the speakership on the first vote. After that, many other Republicans were expected to join the rebellion. How can voters continue to make their voices heard? As you read this column, more than 560,000 letters demanding Boehner's ouster will have either been delivered to House Republicans or be on their way. Imagine if this very recent campaign can be extended effectively for months. It would mean millions of letters pouring into the offices of House Republicans every single day demanding one thing – a change of leadership. I'm very proud of all those who took part in this campaign so far. I'm very thankful to them. They are on the front lines of a battle to save America from a looming catastrophe. While Republicans in Washington may consider these letters annoying and embarrassing, they actually represent the vast majority of Republicans across the country, according to recent polls. They also represent the best hope for the Republican Party remaining a viable alternative – even a winning alternative – to the bankrupt, Big Government Democrats. Are you willing to do battle? Are you committed to keeping up the fight? Or will you reward John Boehner's fecklessness and ineptitude by dropping out and surrendering to the GOP establishment? It's time to join the "Dump Boehner Now!" campaign – and spread the word.
Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months
( - The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—AKA food stamps--has topped 46,000,000 for
38th straight months, according to data released by the Department of
Agriculture (USDA).
In October 2014, the latest month reported, there were 46,674,364
Americans on food stamps. Food stamp recipients have exceeded 46 million since
September 2011.
The 46,674,364 on food stamps in October was an increase of
214,434 from the 46,459,930 on food stamps in September.
As of July, the national population was 318,857,056, the Census
Bureau estimates. Thus, the 46,674,364 on food stamps equaled 14.6 percent of
the population.
The number of households on food stamps increased from 22,749,951
in September to 22,867,248 in October, an increase of 117,297.
As of September, according to the Census Bureau, there were
115,831,000 households in the country. Thus, the 22,867,248 households on food
stamps in October equaled 19.7 percent of the nation’s households.
The 46,674,364 people on food stamps in the United States also
exceeded the total populations of Columbia (46,245,297), Kenya (46,245,297),
Ukraine (44,291,413) and Argentina (43,024,374).
They were slightly fewer than the population of Spain
Households on food stamps got an average benefit of $261.44 during
the month, and total benefits for the month cost taxpayers $5,978,320,593.
In 1969, the average participation in the SNAP program stood at
2,878,000. In 2014, average participation grew to 46,536,000 showing an
increase of 1516.96 percent.
business and economic reporting of is funded in part with a gift
made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold.
“En mi opinión”
No 848 Enero 14, 2015
Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
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