Friday, January 2, 2015

No 839 "En mi opinion" Enero 2, 2015

No 839 “En mi opinión”  Enero 2, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Cancelled – Will Air Reruns of Previous Speeches Instead

This year’s speech is unlikely to lay out a realistic agenda, or motivate America to suddenly start trusting the President who promised we could keep our private health insurance.

Will he pivot (again) to job creation? Will there be another major, and unattainable, goal set forth tonight? Will President Barack Obama call on Congress for “bipartisanship”? Well… Yeah. In fact, I have been told by very dependable sources, that Obama’s teleprompter will randomly jumble together “highlights” from past speeches for this year’s State of the Union. And, assuming the word corpsmen is spelled out phonetically, everything should run smoothly.
Our cut-and-paste President is expected to underscore his desire to act imperially without the cumbersome process of representative government. He is expected to “address” the income inequality that got worse under his watch. And he’s expected to address some of the tremendous benefits of Obamacare without mentioning higher premiums, dropped coverage, the $325 individual mandate tax, or increased bureaucracy.
So, yeah… You won’t be missing a whole lot while you are catching up on Dexter-reruns rather than watching the President repeat his Orwellian promises for the umpteenth time. The truth is, you will probably find more passion and honesty from a show about a serial-killing-forensic-investigator than from the President’s teleprompter.




Gov’t corruption under Obama out of control

There is no doubt that government has become more corrupt under Obama. Far more corrupt.

Scandal after scandal, followed by cover-up after cover-up. There is little doubt to me that Obama’s administration spends more time trying to hide their evil activities than working towards the betterment of America.

Here is yet another agency where corruption runs rampant, as reported in The Examiner.

The Department of Homeland Security‘s special agent in charge of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is facing three years in federal prison for his role in falsifying government records and obstruct an internal inspection. The sentence was meted out on Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the Southern District of Texas, according to a Justice Department report.
The Obama administration witnessed a spike in DHS corruption investigations.

Courtesy of the Nat’l Assoc. of Chiefs of Police
According to the Department of Justice, Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) Eugenio Pedraza headed a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) office that investigated alleged misconduct and criminality at other government agencies. “[SAIC] Pedraza attempted to impede and obstruct the investigation of his own office,” said Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell. “Pedraza’s criminal conduct resulted in the premature closing of criminal cases without resolution, potentially endangering our national security and allowing others to escape justice. We will root out and prosecute corruption wherever it may be found, including within the ranks of federal law enforcement.”

BREAKING: Another cop attack

The Left don’t want to admit this, and the media is already not reporting this new phenomena, but the cops are under attack.

A man wanted for making terrorist threats against police and FBI in a YouTube video was stopped by police officers at Garrett Road and Shadeland Avenue in Drexel Hill, an area in Philadelphia.

Instead of cooperating with police, the suspect then put his car in reverse and slammed into the vehicle of the Clifton Heights Police chief.

He then tried to run down more Officers with the vehicle, at which time the police opened fire on the suspect, striking him several times, killing him. No officers were injured in this attack.
The report I saw gave no ethnicity of the perp, but I will go out on a pretty sturdy limb and bet that he is black. There is a sense of lawlessness that is pervasive in the Liberal black community, and it’s going to lead to mayhem, if allowed to go unchecked

Amenper: Paracronismo, La Causa de La Injusticia del Prejuicio Justificado.
¿Quién tiene la Culpa?
Los Estados Unidos siempre se han considerado como un crisol donde se han fundido razas y nacionalidades para crear el sueño americano.
Pero el acrisolamiento de las razas y nacionalidades fue paulatino, siempre los nuevos inmigrantes y las nuevas razas sufrieron un período de adaptación antes de fundirse en el crisol americano.
Sucedió con los alemanes, los Judíos Rusos, los italianos, los esclavos negros y los hispanos. 
Pero la inteligencia, la educación y la bondad de la cultura americana al final integraron a todos en el estilo vida mejor del mundo.
¿Por qué entonces, todavía vemos las quejas de discriminación por parte de judíos y negros?
Sin lugar a dudas el prejuicio existe, lo principal es tratar de discernir el origen de este prejuicio. 
Si observamos las quejas vemos que actualmente los prejuicios son una realidad evidente pero que están motivadas por reclamaciones de esos grupos originados por creencias paracrónicas.
Paracronismo es una forma de anacronismo que consiste en situar hechos, personajes o elementos del pasado en una época posterior, como por ejemplo un carruaje de caballos circulando por una autovía, aunque vemos esto en Cuba, no es lo normal y no es normal usar hechos del pasado para clamar una discriminación que no existe en el presente porque esto deriva en prejuicios al grupo.
En estos dos grupos, los negros y los judíos se refieren, con su conducta, a una referencia paracrónica, a leyes del pasado.
Con los judíos es la ley Mosaica. 
La ley que Dios le dio a Moisés en el desierto fue para mantener y proteger al pueblo judío durante su travesía nómada y  durante la diáspora.
 De esta manera el pueblo pudo subsistir para el objetivo del nacimiento del Mesías, que salvaría al mundo.
Pero una vez terminada esta labor el pueblo judío se integraría al mundo, sería lo mismo un judío, que un griego que un romano, como dijo el apóstol Pablo. 
Pero los judíos todavía están esperando al Mesías, y mantienen la misma percepción de su relación con Dios del pasado, y por ende, la relación que Dios le indicó en el pasado de no relacionarse con otros que no fueran de su tribu. 
Si vemos las instrucciones de Dios al pueblo judío podemos entender el carácter del judío de hoy.  “No te juntes en yugo con los gentiles”” Si tienes que vivir con ellos, mantente separado, no seas parte de ellos, no seas como ellos”, “Puedes cobrarle intereses a un gentil, pero nunca a un judío”
En otras palabras Dios le trató de inculcar autoestima y que no se mezclara con otros pueblos, les dio leyes dietéticas para que subsistieran en su vida nómada, les dio instrucciones para la guerra y la paz, para su economía, para mantenerse como un sólo pueblo en su tierra y hasta en la diáspora en todas partes del mundo. Pero ellos lo tomaron cómo parte de la ley de Dios y como la conducta a seguir para siempre.
Es un paracronismos seguir pensando así, en esta época, pero como lo hacen, son prejuiciados por otros con una razón válida, porque el prejuicio no es más que una respuesta a su conducta que es discriminatoria a los que no son judíos, por auto-segregarse de los gentiles, son prejuiciados por los gentiles. Entonces se quejan.  No se dan cuenta que están viviendo una vida de paracronismo.
Por una reacción lógica, los gentiles sienten aversión por la conducta  de los judíos, que ven como algo arrogante y en algunos casos abusivo, creándose un prejuicio justificado.
En el caso de los negros la queja paracronica se remonta a varias situaciones, comenzando con la esclavitud.
 Con los negros es la esclavitud y la ley Jim Crow
Aunque en América la esclavitud se relaciona con los negros, esta inhumana institución creada por los seres humanos, fue universal, sin fronteras raciales.
Desde el tiempo de Roma hubo esclavistas blancos y negros, de hecho los negros que vinieron de esclavos de África, habían sido hecho esclavos por otras tribus y vendidos a los mercaderes blancos. 
Pero la esclavitud es cosa del pasado, ya se superó en todo el mundo. 
En los Estados Unidos, por un problema político, después de la emancipación, surgió un fenómeno racista durante la reconstrucción, después de la guerra civil.  Ambos partidos políticos tienen la responsabilidad de los hechos.
La parte recalcitrante del recién fundado partido Republicano, fueron culpable, por usar a los negros para castigar a los derrotados sureños, los esclavistas del partido Demócrata, fueron culpables, por implantar en el sur al terminar la reconstrucción, como represalia, la Ley jim Crow creando una segregación racial en la que el negro no tenía derechos y estaba separado de la población blanca.
Pero después a mediados del siglo XX, con las leyes de derechos civiles, la ley Jim Crow pasó a ser cosa del pasado. 
El partido segregacionista, los Demócratas, hoy en día se dicen defensores de los negros, y el presidente de la nación es un negro demócrata.
 Es un pracronismo hablar de discriminación al negro, cuando hay hasta leyes como Acción Afirmativa que de hecho al sobre-proteger al negro discrimina contra los blancos.
Al final del Siglo XX y principios del Siglo XXI, ya no sólo no había discriminación contra el negro, pero el prejuicio era prácticamente inexistente, social y políticamente, como los demuestra la elección de un negro de presidente. 
Pero cuando demagógicamente, políticos y militantes aprovechados, utilizan el paracronismo para clamar una discriminación que no existe, esto  crea un nuevo prejuicio justificado contra los negros, paradójicamente las los privilegios que se otorgaron como concesión racial durante la administración del primer presidente negro, ha creado  un clamor paracrónico con el resultado de un resurgimiento de un nuevo prejuicio contra los negros.
Tanto en el caso de los negros, como los judíos, los más perjudicados son la minoría de ambos grupos, que reconocen la falta de validez de las reclamaciones.
El judío que reconoce que no son mejores que los gentiles y el negro que reconoce que no está discriminado, tiene que sufrir la injusticia de algunas veces recibir el prejuicio por la situación creada por las conductas de su grupo. Esta es la injusticia del prejuicio justificado.

Obama Frees A Nuclear Terrorist
Does Obama think anyone should be held?
Check it out:
The last releases saw terrorists rated as high risk freed by Obama. They included fighters with experience on the battlefield and covert operations. Obama set loose a suicide bomber, a document forger and a bomb maker who trained other terrorists to make bombs. Those are exactly the sorts of enemies whose license to Jihad will cost lives.
But that’s nothing compared to Obama’s latest gift to the Jihad.
When Mohammed Zahir was caught, among his possessions was found a small sealed can marked, in Russian, “Heavy Water U235 150 Grams.”
According to the classified report, the uranium had been identified by Zahir “in his memorandum as being intended for the production of an “atom bomb.”
Zahir was not just another captured Jihadist. He was the Secretary General of the Taliban’s Intelligence Directorate and was in contact with top leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. His possessions included a fax with questions intended for Osama bin Laden and he had been arrested on suspicion of possessing Stinger missiles.

Pope Francis pitting the Catholic Churrch

Report: Pope's Actions Pitting Catholic Church Against GOP [EMO ?papa o boniato? LRGM]

(Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/ Pope Francis is increasingly pitting the Catholic Church against the Republican Party in the United States, The Hill reports. 
The pontiff's most recent action, brokering a deal to soften the relationship between the United States and communist Cuba, didn't sit well with most Republican Catholics.
"I would also ask His Holiness to take up the cause of freedom and democracy, which is critical for a free people, for a people to truly be free," Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said following the announcement earlier this month.
Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants and a practicing Catholic, said Cubans "deserve the same chances to have democracy as the people of Argentina have had, where he comes from, as the people of Italy have, where he now lives."
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, another Catholic Republican from Florida, said Francis should be championing the people of Cuban rather than "their oppressors."

Previous papal clashes with conservatives included a tweet that income inequality "is the root of social evil" and that trickle-down economics is "crude and naïve."
Francis plans to issue a papal encyclical in March in conjunction with a speech to the United Nations that calls for Catholics to work to alleviate global warming. 
Vincent J. Miller, chairman of the University of Dayton's Catholic theology program, told The Hill that Francis' moves are effectively making the church a place where open disagreement can flourish.

"In that sense, one of the most important changes he's making is that conservative politicians are now openly disagreeing with him," Miller said.
Mauricio Claver-Carone, director of the conservative U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC, isn't buying that. He told The Hill that Francis has alienated Cuban-Americans by getting involved in the talks.
"I don't want the pope running the foreign policy of the United States, just as I don't think the president wants the pope running the social policy of the United States," Claver-Carone said.
Back in July, The Hill reported on the trouble getting a bill passed to honor Francis on his election as pope. The bipartisan bill passed the Democrat-led Senate, but stalled in the Republican-led House. Only 19 of 221 House co-sponsors were Republicans.
A House source told The Hill at the time that some in the GOP felt Francis sounded too much like President Barack Obama, and that the pope "actually used the term 'trickle-down economics,' which is politically charged."

Related Stories:
·         Krauthammer: Pope Deserves Criticism on Global Warming Stance
·         Pope Francis Irritating Conservative Catholics in US
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 “EMO” En realidad yo no estoy seguro si este papa es papa o boniato. LRGM.





After strange excuse, company takes sudden action

A Middle East with no Israel?
That’s what students in that region of the world will see when they open their new world atlases as provided by the American-based mega-corporation HarperCollins.
And apparently this batch of maps did not come from the company’s fiction department.
The Telegraph of London has reported the global publishing house sells English-language altlases to schools in the Middle East that show Syria and Jordan extending to the Mediterranean Sea. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also shown, but Israel is nowhere to be found on the map.
UPDATE: Shortly after WND’s posting of this article, HarperCollins vice president for corporate communications called and sent the following statement via email:
“HarperCollins regrets the omission of the name Israel from their Collins Middle East Atlas. This product has now been removed from sale in all territories and all remaining stock will be pulped. HarperCollins sincerely apologizes for this omission and for any offense caused.”
Erin Crum, vice president of corporate communications for HarperCollins, would not say how many of the maps had actually been delivered to customers in Arab countries.
Besides some unflattering media coverage, the HarperCollins atlases also drew sharp criticism from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, which accused the company of “harming peace efforts in the Middle East,” the Telegraph reported.
“The publication of this atlas will confirm Israel’s belief that there exists a hostility towards their country from parts of the Arab world. It will not help to build up a spirit of trust leading to peaceful co-existence,” Bishop Declan Lang, the chairman of the Bishops’ Conference Department of International Affairs, told the Tablet, an international Catholic newspaper.
“Maps can be a very powerful tool in terms of delegitimizing ‘the other’ and can lead to confusion rather than clarity. We would be keen to see relevant bodies ensure that all atlases anywhere reflect the official United Nations position on nations, boundaries and all political features,” added Jane Clements, director of the Council of Christians and Jews.
Collins Bartholomew, the subsidiary of HarperCollins that specializes in maps, told the Tablet that including Israel would have been “unacceptable” to its customers in the Gulf region and the change incorporated “local preferences.”
The Tablet said it had discovered the customs officers in one unnamed Muslim country only permitting the import of school atlases once Israel had been deleted by hand.
HarperCollins is one of the world’s largest publishing houses and its stable of imprints includes the Thomas Nelson lineup of Christian books, which it acquired in 2011.
Just last year, another major publishing house, Scholastic Inc., was caught selling children’s books that omitted Israel from an illustrated map. Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher of children’s books, was forced to apologize after parents began complaining and negative reviews started showing up on Amazon and Twitter. The company said in a statement it apologized and “regretted” printing a book that  “inadvertently omits Israel” on a map.
HarperCollins Publishers is a wholly-owned division of News Corp., the global media company overseen by Rupert Murdoch and various family members. It includes news services such as Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, digital real estate services, book publishing, digital education and pay-TV distribution. Headquartered in New York, the activities of News Corp. are conducted primarily in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom.

The Western Center for Journalism: The Campaign To Dump John Boehner As Speaker Of The House Has Moved Into High Gear.
        He stabbed you in the back. He essentially gave you the middle finger. Instead of keeping his promise to stop the radical Obama agenda, he marshaled all of his resources and pulled every procedural maneuver out of his bag a tricks to fund ObamaCare and Obama's lawless Executive Amnesty Decree. 
       And now, the time is upon us to make John Boehner pay the price for his betrayals. In about a week, the House of Representatives will choose the next Speaker of the House. 
It only takes 30 Republicans to deny John Boehner the post and that means that you can make John Boehner pay the price for his betrayals right now. 
       It is said that 
revenge is a dish best served cold. The time is upon us to let our self-proclaimed Republican leaders know that dinner is served. 
The Revolution To Dump John Boehner Is Already Moving At Full Steam.
       Make no mistake, we intend to win this battle to snatch the reins of power from John Boehner's cold and unfeeling hands 
but win, lose or draw, it is imperative that our elected officials get the message that patriotic Americans want John Boehner gone. 
       And if you want John Boehner gone, you're not alone. Your Blast Faxes and phone calls are causing a firestorm in Washington and more and more conservatives are jumping on the Dump Boehner train with each passing day: 
 "Mr. Boehner has repeatedly shown he is not the man to lead the House. He cannot build a Republican coalition. He cannot lead, and he will not fight. The Republicans will have 247 members in the next Congress. If 30 of these members vote against Mr. Boehner, he will not have the majority he needs to be elected speaker. At that point, anything is possible, including Mr. Boehner stepping aside." -Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation 
 "House conservatives must summon the courage to oppose Boehner's nomination on the floor in January. It is a moral imperative. You cannot consistently complain about leadership's many failures – and the treachery involved with a speaker fresh off a successful wave election conspiring with President Obama to fund amnesty and enjoy a celebratory phone call in the aftermath – and then vote for him to continue in this role. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, that is the definition of insanity, and it is enabled by a vote for Rep. John Boehner." -Erick Erickson, 
 "[Y]ou have the power, right and duty to stop [John Boehner]. But it won't happen with John Boehner leading you. You know this to be true." -Joseph Farah, 

 "It is time to stop thinking of John Boehner and the rest of the Republican congressional leadership as being cowardly and recognize them for what they are: part of The Ruling Class that believes it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live. The current GOP leadership has got to go; this has ceased to be an arguable point. We cannot count on these people to do what is right. Conservatives did not give them majorities in both chambers for them to keep playing the same game." -Layne Hansen, 
       Your cries have not gone unnoticed. The revolution is already underway. writes: 
"With 2015 approaching, Conservatives are once again calling for Boehner to be replaced as Speaker."        But whether or not Boehner goes, is in your hands. 
Can We Really Oust John Boehner And, If We Do, Could Nancy Pelosi Become The Next Speaker Of The House?
       The answer to those questions respectively are 
"yes, we can oust Boehner" and"no, it is impossible for Nancy Pelosi (or any Democrat) to be elected as Speaker of the House." 
       Memories are often short. Most people have already forgotten that John Boehner pulled the same shenanigans two years ago. When he railroaded an Obama-approved budget through the House of Representatives and actually dared to insult patriotic Americans for opposing him, we ran a campaign to oust Boehner as Speaker of the House and IT NEARLY SUCCEEDED. 
       Many people have forgotten that Mr. Boehner held on to the Speaker's gavel two years ago by the skin of his teeth 
and, this time around, we're going to finish the job. 
       In regards to Nancy Pelosi becoming the next Speaker of the House, it's procedurally impossible. To be elected Speaker of the House, a candidate must secure the votes of a simply majority (50% plus one) of House Members. Absent a majority, the House continues to hold votes until a candidate secures an actual majority. 
       What that means is that Republicans, as the ballots play out, will eventually decide on a consensus candidate and that person would become the next Speaker of the House.
       Put another way, for Nancy Pelosi to become the next Speaker of the House, over two dozen Republicans must vote for her... and that's simply not going to happen. 
       One thing is clear. There will be no stopping ObamaCare... there will be no justice on Benghazi-gate... there will be no stopping Barack Obama's unconstitutional Amnesty Decree... and 
there will be no stopping Barack Hussein Obama's unconstitutional usurpations and abuses of power as long as John Boehner and his gang of Republican-Leaders-In-Name-Only pretenders hold the reins of power. 

Floyd Brown


Ben Carson Praises Obama's Response to Sony Attack

By Joel Himelfarb
Ben Carson, a tea party favorite and potential 2016 presidential candidate, has surprised pundits by praising President Obama for his response to the cyberattack targeting Sony Pictures.
Writing in 
The Washington Times, Carson said he was "proud" of President Obama for "taking a tough stand on this issue."
Carson said it "was extremely encouraging to see the United States and Sony eventually stand up to the cyberbullying of the North Koreans by allowing the movie 'The Interview' to be released in theaters around the country despite threats of retaliation."
Pyongyang is suspected of being behind last month's cyberattack targeting Sony Pictures in part because the studio planned to release "The Interview," a movie about a plot to assassinate North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
Carson has blasted Obama's policies on a wide range of issues ranging from his health care program to his handling of race relations.
The retired neurosurgeon's praise of Obama was somewhat measured, 
noted CNN, in that he said Washington should go beyond the proportionate response to a North Korean attack that was promised by the president.
"The response should go far beyond proportionality, and an example should be made of the perpetrators by using a host of available options to inflict the kind of punishment that will not be easily forgotten," Carson wrote.
He added that the United States is less respected around the world today than it once was and "appears to be a paper tiger."
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is also considering a run for the presidency, also praised Obama's reaction to the Sony attack in measured terms. Graham said that Obama had handled the matter well but should have referred to the attack as an act of cyberterrorism rather than the "cybervandalism" Obama termed it in a CNN interview,
The Hill reported.
Whether North Korea was behind the Sony attack is currently the subject of intense debate, with the FBI insisting that Pyongyang was involved. Some outside researchers, however, have suggested that the evidence points to a disgruntled former employee, while others contend that Russian hackers attacked Sony.
The FBI – after being briefed on some of the alternative theories of the case – continues to say that Pyongyang is to blame for the attack.
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Rev. Martín N. Añorga
"Señor, te doy gracias por el dolor que me llevó a conocer la altura de tu consuelo, gracias te doy por las lagrimas que convertiste en rayos de luz que me permitieron mirar la vida con mayor madurez.
Gracias por las decepciones, que me han capacitado para no mpeñar mi fé en frivolidades. Gracias por las frustaciones que me han abierto la habilidad para no depositar confianza en los que no la merecen. Gracias por dejarme conocer que hay grietas de deslealtad en las amistades, tintes de hipocresía en los que me extienden la mano negándome el corazón, porque todo esto me impulsa a comprender mucho más a los demás, sabiendo que son tan imperfectos como yo lo soy.
Gracias por la muerte que me hizo creer en la vida verdadera, gracias por la caída que me dió fuerzas para que me levantara. Gracias por la emfermedad que me enseñó a respetar mi salud y gracias por los fracasos que me hicieron ver que soy frágil y que no puedo dejar de depender de ti para la obtención del
Gracias, Señor, por mis horas de angustia: el desempleo que me ha impulsado
a honrar con más disciplina el trabajo; la soledad que me ha hecho buscar la
cercanía de aquellos a quienes debo amar y que me ha permitido descubrir
que el que contigo anda, jamás se siente abandonado..
Mi Padre del cielo, gracias por mis dudas, que me
han hecho brotar raices de fé; gracias por las abruptas expresiones y las agresivas actitudes, que me condujeron a
la paz de la reconciliación.
Gracias por el nieto que me llenó de colores la camisa, porque con él aprendí que
vale más el cariño que los efímeros goces materiales; gracias por la rotura de mi
automovil, que me ofreció el gusto de una caminata; gracias por la escacez del
dinero, con la que aprendí que tengo lo suficiente y que lo que me sobra no es
Gracias por el dolor que me avisó de que algo andaba mal dentro de mi; gracias
por el olvido que después me regaló la alegría de encontrar inesperadamente lo
que buscaba.
Gracias porque me has concedido llegar hasta hoy, con tropezones que me
pulieron el carácter y experiencia suficiente para apreciar las bendiciones que se
encierran en el vientre de cada día.
Gracias por la vejez, señal de que vivo; gracias por la lentitud de mis
pasos porque me animan a disfrutar del paisaje que antes ignoraba; gracias por
mi vista escasa, que me hace glorificarte por las auroras que todavía veo y que
antes desafiaba con mi indiferencia.
Gracias Padre, por el accidente que me ha hecho más precavido; por los peligros
de que me has librado, enseñandome que jamás debo tomar riesgos innecesarios;
gracias por la sed agobiante que me hizo pensar en el valor del agua, de la que otros
carecen y que yo he desperdiciado indolentemente; gracias por el regreso del amor que
perdí, porque ahora lo valorizo con mucha más gratitud. Gracias por la ausencia de mis
hijos que han fabricado sus propios nidos, porque al reunirme con ellos me doy cuenta de
cuanto valen y cuanta falta me hacen.
Señor, gracias por mi destierro, porque me ha hecho amar más intensamente a mi patria
y por la nostalgia de su distancia, porque me obliga a no resignarme a haberla perdido.
Espero que esta oración, que me ha brotado del alma, sea una sencilla manera
de honrar a Dios por todo lo que ha sucedido en el 2014. Levantemos ahora la mirada,
ajustemos nuestras habilidades, fortifiquemos nuestra esperanza y entremos en el
pórtico del 2015 con ánimo de conquistadores...! FELIZ AÑO NUEVO..!!
   Dios te ama te bendice y cuida .

Krauthammer: Republicans Should Tell Obama To Bring On The Veto

"Bring it on, Mr. President." TOM HINCHEY 

Before the 114th Congress has been sworn in, President Obama told National Public Radio that he will veto any bills the Republicans send him that he does not like.
“There are going to be some areas where we disagree. And, you know, I haven’t used the veto pen very often since I have been in office, partly because legislation that I objected to was typically blocked in the Senate, even after the House took over, Republicans took over the House. Now, I suspect there are going to be some times where I’ve got to pull that pen out.”
Now that Democratic Senator Harry Reid will no longer be the Majority Leader running interference for the president, he may be using the veto pen during the next two years.
Conservative Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer told guest host Kimberly Guilfoyle on Monday’s On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren the Republicans should say, “Bring it on, Mr. President.” The syndicated columnist said that this is an opportunity for the GOP to enact its agenda. 
“Now that it controls the House and the Senate, and now that Harry Reid is not there as the blocking guard for the president — that’s the reason he didn’t have to use the veto, he had Harry Reid — but with Harry Reid gone and Mitch McConnell running the Senate, they are able to enact agenda. They have an agenda. And they should be willing to pass whatever they can and to dare the president to go ahead and to veto.”
Krauthammer recommended that the Republicans begin the new year by passing legislation they know the president will sign, such as trade negotiating authority, which Reid was holding up. This will give Obama a victory.
“But then they should begin to work on stuff and challenge the president — Keystone Pipeline, tax reform, repealing the medical device tax, repealing the employer and individual mandates in health care reform. Let the president show where the party stands and let the country know that with a new president, a Republican president, this stuff, which is very popular, will be able to get through.”

Will John Boehner Get Hacked?

It could happen sooner than you think.  FLOYD BROWN 

As 2014 thuds to a close, cyber attacks are making big news.
This Christmas, many were surprised when they saw a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One under the tree. But even more shocking for them was the denial-of-service attack that had taken down the networks for both consoles.
Now, with high-tech firms like Sony (SNE) and Microsoft (MSFT) getting hacked, it’s only a matter of time before we see members of Congress suffer the same fate.
It could happen sooner than you think, too.
In fact, I predict that 2015 is the year that the general public will be able to read the personal emails of several members of Congress.

Security Threat on the Hill

The current protection (or lack thereof) of the government’s systems is a huge red flag.
A recent presentation by the FBI explains why the Federal government is so absolutely defenseless to any cyber threat.
According to the FBI, the tactics used in the attack on Sony Pictures would have evaded 90% of the security protocols used to protect Congress and other government agencies.
The U.S. House of Representatives is finally instituting a protocol I’ve recommended for my readers for over a year. To access the email system in the House, you’ll now need to change your email password every 60 days. This is a pain, but it’s one of the only tools you have to protect yourself.
Another of my recommendations is also gaining traction on the Hill: Never write an email you wouldn’t be comfortable reading on the front pages of the newspaper. I’ve attempted to follow this advice for a few years now, and I recommend you adopt this strategy as well.
If you want to say something that could possibly be misconstrued, then pick up an old-fashioned phone or visit someone in person.
Congressman Brad Sherman of California recently told The Hill: “I try to inspire my staff often that when they write an email, they write it as if it should be right on the front page of your newspaper.” He was repeating advice I give over and over to political leaders and staffers who will listen.
Sadly, most don’t process this lesson; and many will be out of jobs and embarrassed when their emails are published.

To Strike Again in 2015…

Cyber attacks will continue to intensify in 2015. And investors have been able to make outstanding returns by buying up leading cyber security firms.
Our government is only as good as the people who work there. It’s too bad that the quality of our government servants is slumping. (The best and the brightest minds in technology have an aversion to working for Uncle Sam.)
So if you think it was embarrassing for the head of Sony’s film division, Amy Pascal (a committed leftist), to be exposed as a racist for sending insensitive emails about President Obama, wait until we read the private thoughts of John Boehner…
Any leaked emails we’ve seen so far will seem like child’s play compared to the profanity-laced emails they send about one another on Capitol Hill.

This Trending T-Shirt Compares Obama And O.J. Simpson

"Where can I get one?" B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE  

Several news outlets and blogs are sharing a photograph of a man whose T-shirt offers a bold indictment of the Obama administration.
With an apparent reference to the double murder for which he was acquitted two decades ago, the shirt suggests O.J. Simpson has something in common with Barack Obama.
“Obama Loves America Like O.J. Loved Nicole,” the shirt states, prompting an array of mostly supportive statements on sites like Viral Buzz, which shared the image days ago.
“I want a shirt like that,” one reader responded. “Where can I get one??”
Shirts with a similar message are available through a number of online retailers as of the time of this report, though the sentiment – and even the very photo now being circulated – has been shared on various sites for years.
One Twitter user, for example, shared the same image in April 2013.
In June, the photo was posted to another Twitter profile, eliciting some social media support.

House Conservatives Join Forces To Oppose Boehner In Upcoming Speaker Vote

...his ostensible failure to stand up to the leftist policies... B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE 

When Congress reconvenes next month with a Republican majority in both chambers, some conservative congressmen are hoping to reinforce their legislative power by selecting a new House speaker.
Current Speaker John Boehner has been criticized by many on the right for his ostensible failure to stand up to the leftist policies of the Obama administration. According to North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones, at least a few of his colleagues are seriously considering the possibility of ousting Boehner in favor of a more conservative alternative.
“Right now,” Jones said in a recent interview, “I’ve been meeting with a small group [of] about 16, 18, and we’re hoping to have a name of a sitting member of Congress that we can call out their name.”
Though he did not name those legislators willing to speak out against the current speaker, Jones is not the only member of Congress willing to publicly call for a new leader. Kentucky Rep. Tom Massie, for example, shared the following image on his Twitter profile Saturday.
Other Republican lawmakers have expressed their intention to vote for someone other than Boehner – or decline casting a vote at all – in a move similar to one employed following the last midterm election. In 2013, just nine Republicans voted against Boehner, far short of the number needed to prevent him from achieving a majority. Next month, 30 Republican lawmakers must oppose him in order to force a new vote.
Not only would that not ensure Boehner’s defeat, The Daily Caller’s Alex Pappas pointed out that it will be difficult to organize such a coalition given the public nature of the vote.
“Members that might be inclined to vote against Boehner are afraid to do so,” he wrote, “out of fear that others will not follow through with their intentions, leaving them hanging and looking like a fool.”



Says protests should move to new venue if black lives really matter

 LEO HOHMANN About | Email | Archive
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, has a suggestion for those protesting against police under the slogan “black lives matter.”
If they are truly concerned about black lives, they might want to consider moving their protests to the front of abortion clinics, where black babies are being killed daily with medical precision by men and women in clean white coats.
The sheriff, who is black, appeared in a CNN interview with Poppy Harlow Dec. 26 and said he did not think the protesters’ complaints against police had any merit. However, he said he would be willing to discuss the issue of police brutality if someone were to provide hard data “stripped of the emotion” showing that there is a problem.
“Then let’s sit down and have an objective discussion,” he said.
In 2012 and 2013, he said, 80 percent of the murder victims in Milwaukee were black and 70 percent of those charged with their killings were black.
Yet, Harlow cited a recent CNN poll that shows 42 percent of non-whites in the U.S. believe police are prejudiced against blacks.
Clarke said there are a lot of lies and myths spread about police by those with political agendas.
Since 1999, police use of deadly force against black males is down 75 percent, Clarke said.
In 2011 and 2012, 386 white people were killed by police officers, while 140 black people were killed by police during that same period.
“So I’m just saying let’s put the data out there, and let’s have an objective discussion, minus the emotion and the minus the rhetoric.”
Clarke said it is police who are “in the trenches every day trying to stop blacks from killing each other.”
Harlow asked Clarke about a controversial tweet he sent to New York Times reporter Mitch Smith suggesting that the protesters really aren’t all that concerned about black lives.
“If only these faux protestors were asked by media about all the black-on-black killing or black babies aborted in US every year,” Clarke tweeted to Smith.
“Did you say that in a tweet?” Barlow asked?
“Yes I did,” Clarke said. “When I hear these things that ‘black lives matter,’ the only people who really believe that statement are American police officers who go into American ghettos every day to keep people from killing each other. All right, so, yes I did say that and I meant it. Look, the abortions? If black lives, if they really mattered, that’s where the outrage would be. That’s where we’d see protests.”
Praise from a black pastor
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the founder of Los Angeles-based Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, or BOND, applauded the Milwaukee sheriff’s blunt statements.
Peterson hosts a radio show, pastors a church and oversees a private school while also ministering to black people in prison and juvenile detention centers. He also writes an exclusive column for WND every week.
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
“He’s 100 percent correct,” Peterson said. “If black lives matter, why is it that they are not shutting down some of these clinics, if not all of them?”
Peterson said Planned Parenthood-supported abortion clinics target black families and have for many years.
“Over 70 percent of their clinics are in inner cities,” he said. “So if black lives matter, why don’t they stop this insane abortion that’s happening every day?”
Out of all the abortions in the United States, 36 percent are performed on black women, according to, even though blacks only make up about 12 percent of the U.S. population.
Peterson said 1,300 black babies are aborted every day.
Sheriff: ‘Shame on Obama, de Blasio, Holder’
Clarke said he did not blame Obama, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio or Attorney General Eric Holder directly for the execution-style killing of two New York city police officers on Dec. 20.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio with Al Sharpton.
“But what’s going on in New York right now and many other cities, here in Milwaukee as well, is this unjustified hatred toward the police,” he said in the CNN interview. “And that pathway was created recently by some very powerful people in the United States who have made some very inflammatory comments about our American police officers, that being Mayor de Blasio, that being President Obama and that being Eric Holder.”
“They created that pathway for purely political purposes, and I think that’s what the shame is here.”
Many officers turned their backs on the mayor during the Dec. 27 funeral, believing he has not supported them.
“These individuals (Obama, de Blasio and Holder) have had several chances to come out of the gate and say something responsible, and say something to calm things down,” Clarke told Harlow. “I’d like to hear from Mayor de Blasio now because I think there’s a way forward for him.
“But the first thing he needs to do is disavow any association with the race hustler Al Sharpton.”
Clarke called Sharpton “a vulgar human being.”
“He is divisive, and he spews hate,” he said.
“I think that would be a huge first step for the mayor and would be a good-faith gesture toward the police department,” Clarke continued. “If it weren’t for the NYPD police officers, that city would collapse into utter chaos, and he knows that, but again politics trumped reasonableness for the mayor and now the chickens are coming home to roost.”
Peterson also echoes Clarke’s concern that, if black lives matter, why are the protesters not protesting to stop the black-on-black crime?
“These black youths are killing each other like nobody’s business and there’s no outcry, not one iota about it,” Peterson said.
Peterson goes one step further.
“If black lives matter, why are they not encouraging young black couples to get married before they have children?” he asked. “These kids are growing up and they have only one parent and no one to guide them and correct them as they grow up. So if black life mattered, I’m trying to figure out who it matters to, because it certainly doesn’t seem to be important to the protesters, to the black politicians like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the Urban League, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP and many black preachers. It doesn’t seem to matter to them about black-on-black violence, abortion and the number of out-of-wedlock births.”
Over the span of one generation, the abortion industry has turned a trick on black families, said Peterson, who has led many pro-life protests, including one recently at Mississippi’s last remaining abortion clinic in Jackson. In that one Mississippi clinic, 63 percent of all abortions performed are on black women, according to LifeNews.
“When I was growing up in Alabama, abortion was unheard of,” said Peterson, 65, but now black women lead the way in the number of abortions being performed.
In Planned Parenthood’s newly released fiscal 2014 annual report, the group brags that its affiliated clinics performed 327,653 abortion procedures.  At least one-third of those were performed on black women.
Peterson said the key to reversing this genocide lies within individual black people, who must begin to place a higher value on life in all its forms.
“It’s because black life doesn’t matter and black Americans need to get over their blackness and return to character building,” he said. “Most blacks are suffering due to lack of moral character, and that is not a race issue. They need to return to God and build character out of the love of what is right, not out of color.
“They have to get over their blackness, and that way you will be able to judge people based on character, not color.”
He said high moral character would “require you to get married, raise your own child, and not depend on the government or any other person to lead you as an adult. That is the problem.”
Peterson said he does a lot of work with kids in public schools and juvenile detention centers.
“And it’s getting worse because people are not getting over their color to build character,” he said. “These people need a father and a mother guiding them and protecting them and teaching them.”
So Peterson’s advice to the younger Clarke is, keep speaking truth to power.
“If I were advising him, I’d say just keep doing exactly what he’s doing: Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth, which I know he’s going to do anyway,” Peterson said. “And never-mind the name calling, and don’t allow the intimidation to stop the truth from getting out. I would just encourage him to stand strong and don’t give in to these tactics, because he’s absolutely right, 100 percent right, in what he’s saying.”

Sources: Sen. McCain Spent 2014 Attacking Tea Party Behind The Scenes                              “It’s very clear what’s going on..."B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE  DECEMBER 31, 2014

According to a recent Politico report, numerous sources familiar with the Arizona political scene confirm Sen. John McCain has been working diligently to marginalize and silence his many Tea Party-affiliated critics. A coalition of conservative Republicans began 2014 by censuring the longtime lawmaker, reportedly prompting him to strike back with a concerted attack on those he sees as a threat.
Politico described McCain’s plan, which allegedly relied on promoting his allies to the position of precinct committeemen who, in turn, stacked party offices with supporters of the senator’s platform.
The ostensible evidence of this effort is found in a comparison of precinct positions before and after last August’s election. Prior to the turnover, a small percentage of the state’s nearly 4,000 slots were held by individuals McCain considered friends. Afterward, however, about 40 percent of these positions were filled by allies.
Through the formation of a super PAC supported by several wealthy McCain backers, reports indicate funds were distributed to preferred candidates.
Timothy Schwartz, who was behind the aforementioned censure, was one of the precinct chairmen voted out. He has no qualms about placing the blame for his defeat squarely on McCain’s shoulders.
“It’s very clear what’s going on,” he explained. “Look, John McCain has prominence and money and influence; and because of that, he thinks he can ramrod us.”
Many of McCain’s supporters also confirm he was behind the push to replace critics with friends, though they generally see the effort as a positive political move.
“A lot of the party folks who were hostile to John McCain have been marginalized,” said McCain associate Gordon James, “and that’s a good thing.”
Mike Hellon, the 78-year-old’s former deputy campaign manager, said McCain was “very unhappy with the censure and wanted to make sure it never happened again.”

FREE THE TERRORISTS: 5 More Guantanamo Bay Prisoners Released and Sent to Kazakhstan

Only to hunt all of them down, again, and with a $5mil bounty on each of their heads… makes sense (eyes roll).
The Defense Department announced Wednesday that five more prisoners will be transferred out of Guantanamo Bay to another nation, in the latest step by the Obama administration to whittle down the prisoner population in pursuit of ultimately closing the camp.
The five men will be transferred to the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan for resettlement, the U.S. government announced.
The two men from Tunisia and three from Yemen — who have been at the camp for a dozen years — had been cleared for release from the prison by a government task force but could not be sent to their homelands.
The U.S. has sent hundreds of prisoners from Guantanamo to third countries but this is the first time Kazakhstan has accepted any for resettlement.
Their release brings the prison population at Guantanamo to 127, according to a Pentagon statement on Tuesday.
The transfer appears to be the latest step in the administration’s strategy to rapidly bring down the prison population at Guantanamo, potentially to under 100, so that the White House can make a more aggressive argument to Congress that the camp should be closed.
Congress continues to block Guantanamo prisoners from being brought for detention on the U.S. mainland.

Luis E. Guzman

Filmmaker Says He Found Hitler's Secret A-Bomb Facility

By John Blosser
A sleepy Austrian village may have hidden the ominous secret location of Nazi leader Adolph Hitler's plan to create an atomic bomb and win World War II.
A massive 75-acre underground factory complex, built by slave laborers and sealed with concrete by the Austrian government, has been discovered by Austrian filmmaker Andreas Sulzer, who believes it may be the secret site of Hitler's drive to make the world's first atomic bomb, 
The Washington Post reports.
The complex is located in St. Georgen an der Gusen, a tiny village of 4,000 and once the site of the Mathausen-Gusen concentration camp. Up to 320,000 prisoners from the camp, used as slave laborers, are believed to have died constructing the underground factory, connected to the B8 Bergkristall underground factory where the Nazis built the world's first jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262, near the end of the war, the Post reported.
Sulzer got on the trail of the secret facility when he discovered documents, including a letter from a German scientist, Viktor Schauberger, who "was involved under the strictest secrecy in research projects for the SS in St. Georgen. In his letters, he talks about splitting the atom," the Post reported Sulzer said.
Further research turned up high levels of radiation near the site and Sulzer, funded by the German television network ZDF, began digging, 
Forbes reports.
The facility was "most likely the biggest secret weapons production facility of the Third Reich," Sulzer 
told the Daily Mail.
"Prisoners from concentration camps across Europe were handpicked for their special skills — physicists, chemists or other experts — to work on this monstrous project and we owe it to the victims to finally open the site and reveal the truth."
The industrial complex's location was long known, but Sulzer, who has been using ground-penetrating radar to map the underground area, believes a section where secret atomic experiments could have been conducted was missed and still remains hidden, the Daily Mail reports.
The site was commanded by SS Gen. Hans Kammler, who was in charge of Hitler's missile programs, and often visited by SS leader Heinrich Himmler, adding credence to the theory that top secret weapons research was underway.
"The SS leadership aspired to create a combination of missiles and weapons of mass destruction," Rainer Karlsch, a historian working with Sulzer, 
told the Daily Mirror. "They wanted to equip the A4 missile, or more advanced rockets, with poison gas, radioactive material or nuclear warheads."
The Austrian government has blocked further digging until Sulzer receives additional permits, but the filmmaker is confident that he will be allowed to proceed.
Sulzer "opened an important door that one has to go through," Samuel Laster, of "Die Judische" in Vienna, 
told The Jerusalem Post.
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En mi opinión
No 839  Enero 2, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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