No 844 “En mi
Enero 9, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
Nombran basurero de
Dakota del Norte en honor a la desgracia del Presidente Barack Hussein Obama...
luis carril
18 DE
DICIEMBRE DEL 2014, —El estado de North Dakota ha nombrado un basurero público,
Presidente Barack Obama.
Durante una abrumadora votación
de 35 a 10, el Senado Estatal pasó una ley nombrando al sitio ubicado en 650
hectáreas y que se encuentra aun bajo construcción en honor al Presidente
número 44, se espera que el gobernador Jack Dalrymple firme en cuanto antes la
medida para convertirla en ley.
Cuando se terminen las obras, “El Basurero
Barak Obama” será el sitio más grande donde se botara basura en Dakota del
Norte y el numero 17 en Estados Unidos. Sera especialmente rico en materiales
tóxicos para la industria médica y petrolera local.“Queríamos hacer algo para honrar
al Presidente”, dijo el senador del estado republicano Doug Perlman, quien fue
el patrocinador principal del proyecto de ley. “Creo que una pila de basura es
un merecido homenaje a la Presidencia de Obama”, dijo.
Primero se planeaba nombrarlo similar al de una
montana cercana al basurero, pero sin embargo se cambio la idea después que
alguien sugirió el nombre en broma.
“Creíamos que nunca iría a pasar en el Senado,
pero me sorprendió gratamente el apoyo que recibió”, dijo el senador Perlman.
El Presidente Obama no es muy popular en Dakota del Norte, una encuesta
reciente de Diciembre del pasado año, encontró con que Obama solo tenía el 35%
de aprobación en todo el estado, aunque en el 2014, esa cifra seguramente ha
caído aun más.
La gran sorpresa en la votación, es que varios
senadores demócratas votaron por la aprobación de la ley.
Esta fuera una buena idea para que los
gobiernos locales de Miami Dade imiten la decisión del Senado de Dakota del
Norte y nombren nuestros basureros en honor al Presidente Barack Obama.
Amenper = Alberto Perez: Al Sharpton, Al Gore,
Barack Husein Obama, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden brainy quotes
Turn off for: Spanish
Esta en Blanco porque no pure encontrar
ningun comentario inteligente de estos specimens humanoides…
Amenper: Chistes
sobre la Muerte
Una mujer llamada Juanita, ella tuvo un ataque cardíaco y fue llevada al
Mientras que en la mesa de operaciones,
tuvo una experiencia cercana a la muerte. Ella vio a Dios y le preguntó, "¿es
este el día de mi muerte?"
Dios dijo: "No, tienes otros 30 a 40 años más para vivir".
Durante su recuperación, sabiendo que le
quedaba mucho para vivir, decidió permanecer en el hospital y hacerse la
cirugía plástica, inyecciones de colágeno, implantes de mejilla, un lifting
facial, aumento de liposucción de mamas y región glútea. Incluso se hizo teñir
su cabello. Pensó que ya tenía otro 30 a 40 años, para disfrutar de su nuevo
Ella salió del hospital
después de la última operación y fue arrollada a la salida por una ambulancia
que le causó la muerte.
Ella llegó delante de Dios y dijo: "Pensé que me dijiste que tenía
otros 30 o 40 años?"
Dios la miró y le dijo...... !Juanita!.... Estás tan buena que no te
Tres amigos estaban hablando sobre el día de su muerte, y lo que quisieran
que dijeran sobre ellos en el día del funeral.
El primer hombre dice: "Me gustaría escucharlos decir que era un
gran médico y un gran hombre de familia"
El otro dice, "me gustaría oír que yo era un esposo maravilloso y un
profesor que hizo una enorme diferencia en nuestros niños del mañana."
El último hombre responde: "me gustaría oírles decir...Mira, se está
Un hombre en una reunión dice, mi abuelo sabía el día exacto del
año que iba a morir. También el año correcto. No sólo eso, pero él sabía la
hora y también fue cierto. Murió ese día y a esa hora
Los otros dijeron, eso es asombroso, ¿Cómo
sabía todo eso?
juez se lo dijo "
Amenper: Nueva Arma
Los laboratorios de antiterrorismo occidentales han producido finalmente un arma tan efectiva que ha sacudido el mundo islámico en su base, que hace que más de 1 billón de personas desde Marruecos a Indonesia con sus capítulos de ISIS y al Qaeda, ven su supervivencia en peligro.
Los laboratorios de antiterrorismo occidentales han producido finalmente un arma tan efectiva que ha sacudido el mundo islámico en su base, que hace que más de 1 billón de personas desde Marruecos a Indonesia con sus capítulos de ISIS y al Qaeda, ven su supervivencia en peligro.
La nueva arma de antiterrorismo son, los llamados "dibujos
satíricos", que son capaces de hacer más daño que el equivalente de 1
millón de las bombas de Hiroshima, resultando en una horrenda destrucción
masiva como nada que se haya visto en la tierra antes.
Los tiranos conocen la efectividad de esta arma. En Cuba, la
primera víctima de la censura de la dictadura en ciernes de Fidel Castro fue la
revista satírica Zig Zag. Fidel reconoció el peligro de la poderosa
arma de la sátira.
Los tiranos engolados y endiosados no pueden admitir la crítica satírica,
porque desarman la falsa grandiosidad de sus ideologías.
Ahmed Uzair financiado por Qatar para hacer bombas, no caricaturas, afirmó que "este es el final de una frágil paz entre musulmanes e infieles”, y sólo se puede responder con la decapitación ocasional, la misión suicida o el ataque al lugar de origen como en el caso de Francia.
Ahmed Uzair financiado por Qatar para hacer bombas, no caricaturas, afirmó que "este es el final de una frágil paz entre musulmanes e infieles”, y sólo se puede responder con la decapitación ocasional, la misión suicida o el ataque al lugar de origen como en el caso de Francia.
"No veo la manera de combatir esta arma terrible infiel, que no sea
por el equilibrado, justo y racional de toma de rehenes, lanzamiento de bombas
y quema de Embajadas, basado en la estricta ley islámica.
La comprensión mutua de nuestro objetivo común, es la islamización del
mundo," agregó el Sr. Uzair. "Estos métodos han demostrado ser
eficaces en el tratamiento con Occidente en el pasado cuando el profeta Mahoma
y sus seguidores del Islam conquistaron al mundo".
Qatar, Yemen, e Irán han estado trabajando clandestinamente en la
"madre de todos los ataques," en un intento de controlar la amenaza
en ciernes de la proliferación de dibujos satíricos.
"Se puede matar a un infiel con una espada, pero si ya ha publicado
una caricatura de Mahoma, el gato está fuera del saco, por así decirlo, Ala y
su profeta han sido desecrados.
Con nuestra nueva tecnología de ataque, podemos y tendremos una oportunidad
de eliminar las caricaturas antes de que el daño ya esté hecho," dijo
rabioso Habibi, un miembro de gente para el tratamiento ético de los infieles.
Ante el miedo a los ataques tendremos aliados entre los infieles, y otros
satíricos no seguirán usando esta terrible arma.
Hasta aquí el punto de vista islámico, lo peor es que estos personajes
tienen parte de razón, el mundo occidental está en esta guerra declarada
combatiendo en un plano de defensa y lleno de temor.
O sea que hay que esperar a que nos ataquen para entonces responder, nunca
atacar primero, porque esto no se ajusta a las leyes internacionales.
No se pueden infiltrar espías en las mezquitas porque eso es una violación
a la libertad de religión. ¿Por qué? Si realmente están solamente orando y no
conspirando para un ataque terrorista, entonces los espías se aburrirían.
Cuando alguien como Israel responde agresivamente a los ataques, lo juzgan
como criminales de guerra en las Naciones Unidas.
Cuando se responde con ataques aéreos, acusan a los bombardeos de matar
civiles, porque los combatientes no son militares, son civiles que no podemos
Al contrario tenemos que liberar a los terroristas capturados y
detenidos en la base de Guantánamo y excusarnos por haberlos torturado.
Por eso unas tribus nómadas se convierten en un estado islámico, pueden
ganar porque todavía no son tan fuertes como para atacar nuestro territorio,
hay que esperar.
Hay que esperar a que consoliden su califato y entonces nos ataquen, para
entonces responder de una manera mesurada porque somos civilizados.
Lo malo es que cuando se acabe esto, se acabará la civilización y todos no
habrán personas civilizadas, estaremos bajo la ley Sharía.
Lo único bueno es que entonces Hillary Clinton, como mujer, no podrá ser
Amenper: Sobre las Relaciones con Cuba
La casa
blanca ha anunciado que está normalizando las relaciones con la Cuba controlada
por los hermanos Castro. No la banda musical de los años cincuenta,
pero los hijos de puta del presente..
Obama promete
permitir a los inversores estadounidenses a enviar miles de millones en
inversiones a la permitir todo tipo de visita de norteamericanos a Cuba y
facilitar las sanciones del embargo comercial.
. Obama
declaró que se debe de negociar en una condición de respeto con cualquier
persona o gobierno en el mundo, que eso es lo que el prometió durante su
campaña electoral.
declaración provocó la posibilidad que Obama pudiera normalizar las relaciones
con el pueblo norteamericano. Aunque el hecho de que no se cumple la premisa
que dijo sobre la condición de respeto, considerando la falta de respeto de la
Casa Blanca hacia el pueblo norteamericano, se hace difícil la posibilidad de
establecer esas relaciones..
resultado del acuerdo con Cuba, Obama negoció a tres espías cubanos por un
detenido norteamericano en Cuba.
Castro también está liberando a unos cubanos prisioneros que se
encontraban detenidos porque se opusieron al gobierno. (¿Por qué no? Tienen una
isla entera de ellos)
En las
próximas conversacione sobre un programa de cooperación con Cuba, se habla
de unas negociaciones sobre asuntos generales.
nos enviarán al General Leopoldo Cintas Frías, el general Alvaro López Milera y
el General Joaquín Qunta Solá Alvaro. En cambio, Obama les dará General Motors,
General Mills y General Dynamics.
Cuando se
le preguntó por qué decidió normalizar sus relaciones con Cuba ahora, Obama
cientos de miles de exilados cubanos que han votado por los republicanos y
estaba buscando la oportunidad para poder joderlos un poco.
Con el
fin de sellar el trato, Obama tuvo que prometer una próxima visita a Cuba, en
lo que promete ser una sesión intensa de trabajo. Ya están preparando un campo
de golf especial para la ocasión.
está estudiando los procedimientos procto-colares de Cuba para saber
cómo ponerse y comportarse en su entrevista con Raúl Castro.
A. Montaner hace trizas el Legado del presidente Barack Hussein Obama.
By. Oscar Aza.
Gatria: Holder doesn’t investigate crimes
against whites
What does it take for Holder to
investigate civil rights violations when they are committed by a black cop?
The world will never know.
I am all about law and order. For me there
is no color. I further believe that the overwhelming majority of cops are good
people who want to do the right thing. But there are bad ones, and they come in
all colors.
My problem is that Holder is
color-sensitive when it comes to law enforcement. When a white cop rightfully
shoots a black person, Holder still uses taxpayer money to investigate.
However, when black cops do bad things, Holder is silent.
the Washington Times reported:
A two-year-old case involving the shooting death of an unarmed 18-year-old
white man by a black police officer is gaining attention on social media in the
wake of this week’s protests and rioting in Ferguson,
Gilbert Collar,
a white, unarmed 18-year-old under the influence of drugs was shot and killed
Oct. 6, 2012, by Officer Trevis Austin, who is black, in Mobile,
Alabama. Despite public pressure for an indictment, a Mobile County grand jury
refused to bring charges against Officer Austin,
concluding that the officer acted in self-defense.
circumstances mirror those of the Aug. 9 shooting death of Michael Brown,
a black unarmed 18-year-old under the influence of drugs by Officer Darren
Wilson, who is white, in Ferguson.
In this
practically identical case to Michael Brown, Holder has done nothing, and my
bet is you weren’t even aware of the story.
There are
cases of black cops taking bribes from
drug dealers. This rises to the level of a federal investigation, one would
Or what
about the officer in Cincinnati OH who
had set up various building to have sex with a teenager. This is potentially
dangerous behavior that could lead to prostitution at best and
child-trafficking at worst.
And there
are many others cases that could be investigated if Holder weren’t so obsessed
with helping black teen thugs, and other black lawbreakers.
is supposed to be blind. I don’t care what color a bad cop is, as a bad cop is
a bad cop. But if I’m going to side one way or the other, cops will get the
benefit of the doubt over thugs.
Read more at 2015/01/holder-wont- investigate-crime-against- whites/
Re-Enactors Do Murder Spree in France
When Muslims kill they are simply being
Mohammad re-enactors, but the media will hide it.
The attack in France was all over the news yesterday. I read the story from a
Washington DC CBS affiliate: “Gunmen Kill At Least 12 In ‘Terrorist Attack’ At French
Satirical Newspaper.”
Three masked gunmen stormed the
Paris offices of a satirical newspaper Wednesday, killing 12 people, including
its editor, before escaping in a car. It was France’s deadliest postwar
terrorist attack.
CBS News’ Elaine Cobbe reports
that, according to witnesses, two armed and masked men walked into the
headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo magazine and opened fire in the entrance
hallway, killing people as they saw them. The gunmen reportedly sought out
members of the newspaper’s staff by name during the rampage through the 2nd
floor office, which lasted between five and 10 minutes, according to witnesses.
Security forces were hunting
for the gunmen who spoke flawless, unaccented French in the military-style
noon-time attack on the weekly newspaper, located near Paris’ Bastille
monument. The publication’s caricatures of the Prophet Muhammed have frequently
drawn condemnation from Muslims.
This is very sad event in France that essentially
guarantees every media source in the world will refuse to say anything remotely
true and negative about Islam or Muhammad.
may bluster about their “courage” when they print a pathetic hit-piece on the Bible (see: Newsweek) or an attack on Christians sincerely trying to live
out their beliefs (see: virtually every other major media source) but this will
simply show them, once again, for the true cowards they are.
Fact: These beasts in France are merely doing what
their “prophet” did in life—spilling immeasurable amounts of blood. Yes, a
majority of today’s “Muslims” live in relative peace, but it is only through
denial of the full picture of who Muhammad was, and what he taught. Real Islam
is the problem that must be confronted.
I’d love to
see Newsweek use authentic scholarship to assess the Quran for a cover story,
but 1). Their piece on the Bible leaves significant questions as to whether they
could even undertake such a legitimate analysis, and 2). They’re far too
cowardly and despicable to even consider it.
There are certainly many front-line reporters who
demonstrate courage, and who pursue truth knowing that pursuit may exact the
ultimate cost. It is the editors back home in New York in their cushy corner
offices who are cowards—the same lowlifes who will publish attack after attack
after attack on the legitimate right to self-defense, but whose phones have
been burning up the lines this morning, looking to hire more armed security for
themselves and their offices.
Final note: You won’t find Christians attacking the
headquarters of Newsweek anytime soon for their lies and slander about the
Bible, but it’s guaranteed if they did a story on the Quran you’d see something
like this French event occur.
We will be told that all religions have extremists.
Yeah, like those “Christian terrorists” who kneel in prayer on sidewalks
outside abortion clinics. Of course, in a very real sense that is one story
they get correct: The Christian in prayer is more dangerous to killers and
God-haters in the world than an arsenal of rifles and bombs
AIDING TERRORISTS: Did French Gun Control Laws Help
Islamic Terrorists Carry Out Charlie Hebdo Attack?
Posted on January 8, 2015
Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 9.09.53 AM
I thought gun control was supposed to stop mass
shootings? Forward this to all politicians who push gun control and ask them if
they want this for America. Help me fight those gun grabbing ‘officials’ and
donate to my documentary.
[The] Islamic terrorist attack in Paris upon a
satirical periodical confirms the adage attributed to American author and
essayist Edward Abbey: “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.”
The terrorists were unquestionably outlaws.
At least 12 people were killed in what was described
by CBS News security consultant Michael Morell as “the worst terrorist attack
in Europe sing the attacks in London in July of 2005,” according to CBS News.
“We haven’t lost this many people since that attack.”
While the terrorists, acting in response to the
newspaper’s cartoons skewering Islam, carried fully automatic weapons, the
victims, could do little but flee the scene or hide, as Liberty Unyielding
reported earlier Wednesday.
Former CNN host Piers Morgan, a strong advocate for
strict gun control, posted several tweets about the rampage.
Noticeably absent was any reference to a need for
stricter gun control laws, something Americans have grown accustomed to from
Morgan following any gun-related tragedy. The reason is simple — France already
has highly-restrictive laws on private firearm ownership.
Rep. Mick Mulvaney Offers Up Lame Excuses Why He
and Others Voted for Boehner
A number of
newly elected Republican Congressmen and women voted for John Boehner for
speaker after they ran a campaign opposing the GOP leadership.
U.S. Congressman from the 5th district
of South Carolina, is giving cover for himself and those who voted for Boehner.
He begins by
stating “that people lie about how they are going to vote. And you cannot
go into this kind of fight with people you do not trust.” People lie, even
congressmen who swore up and down that they would oppose Boehner and the
Republican establishment if they got elected.
So why should
the people who voted for you go into battle with you since you did not do what
you said you would do?
Stand up for
yourself and stop hiding behind what the crowd might or might not do. You're
not going to get shot for being the lone no vote.
Twenty five
Republicans voted against Boehner. You would have been the 26th vote. A few more votes and Boehner
would have been defeated on the first ballot. Even if nobody was able to get
enough votes to claim the Speaker position, it would have at least shown those
who put you in office that you tried; that you kept your word. That’s all
anybody could ask of you.
The vote
failed by 11 votes. But if we take your vote and the votes of those offering
the same excuses you are making, Boehner would have been defeated.
For example,
there are 9
Republican congressmen from Georgia.
Do the math: 9 plus your 1 plus Mia Love equals 11. Boehner is defeated.
You write that
“the likes of Jim Jordan, Raul Labrador, Trey Gowdy, Mark Sanford, Trent
Franks, Tom McClintock, Matt Salmon, Tom Price, Sam Johnson, and Jeb
Hensarling” stood with you. Why didn’t you all stand together and join with the
25 who did not vote for Boehner?
“I also
learned that the Floor of the House is the wrong place to have this battle,”
Mulvaney writes. “The hard truth is that we had an election for Speaker in
November – just among Republicans.” This
only shows the unwillingness to follow through on your campaign promises
happened earlier than we thought. But let’s get real. What incensed the voters
who put this new crop of Republicans in office was the vote on the $1.1
trillion CRomnibus bill. Boehner and the leadership had not changed. They
ignored the election results.
Boehner made
promises in November to the newly elected congressmen and then broke them soon
after. That’s why the defection from the 25 congressmen who did not support
Mulvaney then
goes on to claim that there was not a credible opposition candidate to oppose
Boehner. Wow! We are in trouble if that’s the case, if not a single person
could garner enough votes to at least keep Boehner off a first-ballot victory.
“The truth
is,” Mulvaney continues, “there was no conservative who could beat John
Boehner. Period. People can ignore that, or they can wish it away, but that is
reality.” That may be the reality, but it misses the point of what voters want.
They want you guys to fight. We don’t mind that you’re defeated in an honest
fight. We know the political realities. But what we hate is that you give up
before there is a fight.
“I am all for
fighting” Mulvaney writes, “but I am more interested in fighting and winning
than I am fighting an unwinnable battle.”
Can you
imagine where we would be today as a nation if we had given up in the face of
what was in reality impossible odds, a seemingly “unwinnable battle”? Who would
ever have thought that the American War for Independence would have turned out
the way it did? Every political pundit at the time considered it a hopeless
cause, an “unwinnable battle.” On paper, defeat was inevitable.
The same could
be said for World War II. The bombing of Pearl Harbor. The lack of military
preparedness. Being behind the Germans in every part of the war.
If our
founders had followed Mulvaney’s rationale, we’d be saying “God save the
Queen.” If capitulating in the face of impossible odds was the rational thing
to do, then most likely we would be speaking German today.
But voting
against Boehner wouldn’t have resulted in any bloodshed, but it would have
shown conservatives that there are people in Washington today that are willing
to fight. Please tell us, Rep. Mulvaney, when will you begin to engage in the
battle for America’s soul?
School Requiring Girls To Wear Islam-Compliant Clothing During Trip To Mosque
All students will be required to cover their ankles before entering the
Islamic center.B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE
public school district in the Denver area is attracting criticism this week
after local reports that students in a world
religions class will be required to abide by a specific dress code during a
field trip to a nearby mosque later this month.
trip is inclusive of the three major monotheistic
faiths, with students set to visit a synagogue and Greek Orthodox cathedral in
addition to the Denver mosque. It is only the Islamic house of worship,
however, that warranted a specific dress code. Some of the standards apply
only to girls taking part in the trip.
schools are forbidden from holding girls to different standards than boys,”
explained KNUS broadcaster Peter Boyles.
Douglas County School System, however, is “holding these girls to a different
standard,” he said, adding the restrictions are for “a religious reason.”
to a handout describing the Jan. 13 outing, all students must wear long pants
covering their ankles with additional regulations dictating dress for
must bring wide scarves or hooded sweatshirts for the mosque,” the notification
acknowledged that Muslims are free to include restrictive dress codes in the
practice of their faith; however, he asserted such beliefs should not be
imposed on public school students.
Journalism made multiple attempts to contact district officials for comment. As
of this writing, those calls have not been returned.
“En mi opinión”
No 844 Enero 9, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
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