Saturday, June 21, 2014

No 694    “EN  MI  OPINIóN”   Junio 21, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

 “En mi opinión” En el día de ayer este blog fue atacado por fuerzas ‘desconocidas’ que casi destruyeron toda la estructura de computadoras del periódico. NO NOS VAN A CALLAR, VAMOS A SEGUIR HACIENDO EL PERIODICO Y DANDO NUESTRA OPINION PARA TODOS LOS QUE QUIERAN LEER. LA MEJOR RECETA PARA CALLARME ES METERME UN BALAZO EN LA CABEZA, DE OTRA FORMA SEGUIRE DICIENDO NUESTRA VERDAD.

Lázaro R González Miño



I demand to the congress impeach obama immediately. If the congress does not do immediately it’s guilty of complicity.

“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño
Nobody is above the law. Especially Barack Obama. 

As President, Obama ought to PROTECT the Constitution. That's the President's #1 responsibility. 
Instead, Obama not only re-writes the law, he blatantly ignores the law. 
When Obama traded five senior Taliban officials (members of Mullah Omar's inner circle), he did so unilaterally. He didn't consult key leadership in Congress. The only individuals he consulted with, were the terrorists. 
Impeachable offense 
A former member of Congress, Allen West, has sent a request to Speaker John Boehner, and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to draft articles of impeachment. West argues Obama signed into law only months ago the National Defense Authorization Act, which makes it a crime against the nation to offer or provide any material support to terror groups. 
Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano explained it best when he said, "We have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to any terrorist organization. It could be money, maps, professional services, any asset whatsoever, including human assets." 
Should we be surprised? 
As a former Constitutional professor, you'd think Obama would know better. Our founding fathers wisely decided that Congress should make laws while the judicial branch should interpret our laws. The President's job is to enforce our laws. But not Obama. 
Obama the law-breaker
Our President displays a pattern of ignoring the law. Over and over, he acts like a monarch and not a President. 

Obama is creating his own laws by giving the IRS an unauthorized expansion
 of power.
Obama has unconstitutionally granted largely unreported de facto amnesty to millions.
Obama recklessly endangers the public by illegally releasing from prison
criminal illegal aliens.
Obama's role in Benghazi re arguably impeachable activities in and of
Obama's illicit edicts on gun control illegally collect fraudulent gun data.

How we proceed with impeachment...
Takeover Super PAC is coordinating campaign activities in key States like Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, North Carolina, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Our goal is to takeover Congress in November. 
When we gain an absolute majority in the House and Senate, we conservatives can finally expose Obama law-breaker. We'll control the Committees and we'll have access to the information we need to impeach. 
Takeover Super PAC is independent of any political party. We fight for the Constitution, not for the establishment, and our political activity is focused on electing principled conservatives to the House of Representatives and the Senate. 
Help us gain control of Congress. Help us TAKEOVER. Click here and make a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more. Let's give Congress the power to impeach. 
You can trust us. Takeover Super PAC was created by a group of lifelong conservatives who are determined to win elections and take our country back from the liberals and socialists. If you're tired of putting your money to work for turncoats and traitors, join us. 
When we join together, we win! Remember 2010 when we swept the mid-term elections and temporarily stopped Obama in his tracks? Together we win! 
Takeover Super PAC believes the bipartisan approach has failed us. The establishment is bargaining away our Constitutional rights and our free enterprise system. Even some GOP leaders are cooperating with Obama. 
Let's takeover
This is urgent. 
Please click here and make a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more. Your donation gives us the resources we need to make a difference in November. Then, we takeover and we expose our President as a law-breaker who should answer to Congress how and why he's ignored the Constitution. 

Tom Freiling.

Excutive Director Take over Superpack.

Usted: ¿Que Tipo De Exiliado Cubano ES?

Ricardo Samitier

Dios Nos Dio A Todos "El Libre Albedrio"... Permitiendo Que Cada Uno Sea Responsable De Sus Acciones...  


Por el Dr. Raúl Reyes Roque
   No vamos a invertir espacio en comentar acerca de los mercaderes que vinieron tempranamente  al exilio, tras haberle sido incautadas sus propiedades en Cuba y que hoy aspiran nuevamente a volver a negociar y sacar provecho de sus relaciones con los tentadores tiranos de la Isla. Esos constituyen una minoría onerosa que todos los cubanos honestos repudian.
   Tampoco vamos a gastar tinta en señalar a los cientos y cientos de “mulas” que trafican con el dolor cubano y mantienen un incesante trasiego mercantil con la pobre patria:  tiendas establecidas en E.U. para  enviar divisas a Cuba, fomentar viajes en convoy a la miserable nación y propiciar que pedófilos, lascivos y desviados sexuales se aprovechen de la promiscuidad e inmoralidades de la actual Cuba.
   Nos vamos a dedicar a estudiar al exiliado promedio, la gran mayoría, la cual a través de más de medio siglo ha ido desmoronándose en su honor patriótico, cediendo ante el medio que le rodea y alejándose cada vez más de su responsabilidad como cubano. Con los años ha ido naturalizándose a un país ajeno, sufriendo humillaciones y traiciones de las naciones extranjeras y otorgando concesiones de una forma totalmente contraria a la de nuestros mambises.
   Por ahorrarse unos centavos en el galón de gasoilina accede a comprar gasolina comunista benefician-do a los bandidos venezolanos en el poder y también a los déspotas castristas.  El peso de la publicidad y los medios le han ido aplastando en sus esperanzas y en sus metas apropiadas de quien ama a su tierra natal.  A cada injuria, a cada persecución, responde bajando su cabeza y sumergiéndose en el silencio.
  Los medios, la radio, el periódico y la televisión le han ido moldeando y justificando su inercia. Estaciones de radio que se autollaman “cubanas” promueven a los artistas de la dictadura isleña y a los procastristas extranjeros. Recompensan con elogios a cantantes como Bola de Nieve, el cuarteto d’Aida, Rosita Fornés, Esther Borja, Elena Burke, Celina y Reutilio y decenas más de cómplices del castrismo,  recitan poemas de Nicolás Guillén,  homenajean a Alejo Carpentier y tocan la música deartistas extranjeros que visitaron la isla de los Castro o aspiran a hacerlo, como los Cinco Latinos, Lolita, Plácido Domingo, Juanes, Victoria de los Angeles, Serrat,  Antología de la Zarzuela, Tito Guizar, Wilfrido Vargas y muchos latinoamericanos.
   Una estación de Miami dedicó horas a elogiar como si fuera el mejor cantante de las Américas al venezolano  Alfredo Sadel, constante adulón del Comandante, que iba casi anualmente a cantar en el Festival de Varadero y que grabó discos en Cuba,  uno de ellos honrando a Silvio Rodríguez, Pablo Milanés, Leo Brower y Formell,  intérpretes que hacen suspirar a los “hombres nuevos” de la revolución que han llegado recientemente, a los cuales se puede identificar solamente con preguntarles cuál es el nombre del caballo de Elpidio Valdés.  Si responden “Palmiche”  ya se puede saber que desde niños y aún actualmente, han estado bajo lavado cerebral permanente. 
   Multitud de exiliados cubanoamericanos siguen bailando con la Orquesta Aragón, los Van Van y los salseros de la Fania que visitaron Cuba, leen a Sartre y a García Márquez,  les encanta Michel Legrand, ven las películas de docenas de pro-castristas de Hollywood:  Robert de Niro, Nicholson, Gregory Peck, Belafonte, etc. , admiran a Maradona y a deportistas fabricados en Cuba.
   Esos exiliados que creen que ser cubanos es comer arroz con frijoles y lechón, se ríen con los amanera-mientos de Carbonell y creen que son grandes patriotas por hacer chistes groseros y saludar banderas ajenas,  han sido el residuo de lo que fuera en una época un empeño legítimo en liberar a Cuba.
   Es también vergonzoso el analizar a organizaciones revolucionarias que se conforman con reunirse a almorzar una vez al año a escuchar falsos discursos prometedores.
   No es de cubanos el ir a bañarse a las playas sin tener un recuerdo para las víctimas del remolcador “13 de Marzo” ni el  burlarse de las viudas, las madres y los huérfanos de tan horribles crímenes.
   Las ferias de arte están llenas de cuadros y obras de cómplices de la dictadura y que se venden en Miami.  Todos alegan que “no se puede negar los talentos” pero olvidan que Martí decía que hasta el arte tiene que ir al fuego cuando se trata de la libertad del pueblo cubano. 
El colmo de la promoción del castrismo lo tuvo hace una semana una estación de televisión, que por cierto es una estación pública, que bajo los auspicios de un cubano-americano presentó documentales hechos en Cuba para promover a músicos de la isla para vender los DVDs  y CDs a $90.
  Sé que estas realidades son muy tristes pero el cubano honesto y legítimo tiene que despertar a su soledad en la lucha y crearse una disciplina inflexible,  la única forma de respeto a nuestros héroes y mártires caídos,  a los miles de fusilados y ahogados en el Estrecho de la Florida, a los millones de meses de encarcelamiento y tortura y a la sangre derramada, que no puede ser lavada con trivialidades ni cobardía y menos aún con la conducta egoísta que nos circunda en nuestros tiempos.



Washington confirma que Obama envió un mensaje a Raúl Castro a través de Mujica

Georgina López




Congress told officials review own work, give bonuses of $2.8 million

Published: 13 hours ago
WASHINGTON – A senior U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs official told a bipartisan congressional panel Friday that the VA’s senior executives often conduct their own performance reviews with little or no oversight – a circumstance that likely resulted in a bonus payout totaling $2.8 million in 2012.
The VA’s Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration, Gina Farrisee, told Congress that from FY 2010 to FY 2013, not one of the 470 members of the Senior Executive Service, or SES, whose pay typically ranges between $121,749 and $181,500, received a less than fully satisfactory or successful rating.
As WND reported in late May, The VA’s highly controversial bonus system came under fire by agency critics who say the incentive money motivates some employees, especially managers, to misrepresent achievements in order to meet performance goals.
However, in early June two VA senior executives were among 100 nominated from various government agencies to receive the 2013 Presidential Distinguished and Meritorious Rank awards, which makes them eligible for a bonus equal to 20 percent of their salary if one of them were to win the award.
During Friday’s hearing, Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., cited several glaring examples of alleged misconduct on the part of VA senior executives. Miller and other committee members said the VA on Friday finally relinquished long-awaited information regarding the removal of six SES employees.
Gross negligence for financial gain?
As WND has reported, last February, Sharon Helman, the former director of the VA medical center in Phoenix received an $8,500 end-of-year performance bonus. After relentless probing by the Veterans Affairs committee members, the VA said she received the award as a result of a “clerical error.”
The Phoenix location was cited by the first whistleblower as a location where veterans were put on secret wait lists for appointments that were so long multiple eligible care recipients died waiting for appointments.
Miller said in his testimony that the error regarding Helman’s bonus is unlikely because “past documentation from VA has stated that all performance reviews and awards are ultimately reviewed and signed by the secretary.”
The former director of the VA regional office in Waco also received a total of $53,000 in bonuses. Miller said that under the director’s management, the Waco office’s average disability claims processing time “multiplied to inexcusable levels.”
Miller cited another example where in a May 2013 congressional hearing, VA construction chief Glenn Haggstrom struggled to explain why he collected almost $55,000 in performance bonuses “despite overseeing failed construction plans that cost our government nearly $1.5 billion in cost overruns.”
Washington jockeys for solution
The bureaucratic shuffle continues in Washington as lawmakers scramble to find a viable solution to long wait times and lost paperwork.
Acting U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Sloan Gibson told members of the media Wednesday that even though he still is not 100 percent confident that all wait times listed on VA computers are accurate, “I have vastly greater confidence” in the list than he did in the past, when manipulation of patient times was widespread across the VA system.
House and Senate Veterans Affairs delegation, led by Miller and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., approved separate resolutions last Wednesday that appointed 28 lawmakers – 14 from each chamber – to serve on a conference committee and work on a compromise so veterans have better access to medical care.
Lucrative contract awards while vets linger
At the same time, the agency allocated millions for computer equipment and management training while veterans fell further into a bureaucratic death list oblivion.
In 2011, 14 defense contractors won a $12 billion VA information technology contract with the goal of reducing the backlog of benefit claims, improving the continuity of care for veterans, ensuring physicians have the most accurate medical history of a patient, and significantly improving patient safety.
And WND uncovered a Defense Department news document that showcases Obama’s plan for a “total transformation” of VA healthcare through his Integrated Electronic Health Record, or IEHR, which “will create a single, jointly created common health record for all DoD and VA medical facilities that, when completed, will be the nation’s single largest health record system.”
There was no mention of the cost to taxpayers for such an endeavor.
“I’m asking the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to work together to define and build a seamless system of integration with a simple goal. When a member of the armed forces separates from the military, he or she will no longer have to walk paperwork from a DoD duty station to a local VA health center; their electronic records will transition along with them and remain with them forever,” he said in 2009.
DoD and VA officials in the document lauded the results of their program, saying that because of their efforts, the DoD and the VA “share digital treatment information on 1.1 million service members and veterans,” including:
·         23 million more laboratory results, for a total of 92.8 million results shared
·         3.6 million more radiology reports, for a total of 15 million shared, and
·         24 million more pharmacy records, for a total of 95.7 million shared.
Information sharing of this magnitude was intended to slash wait times in half and give veterans direct access to their records so they can bring them to a facility of their choice. But that is not what happened. Instead, the Obama administration courted the biggest players in the defense contracting industry, offering them a chance at record-sized contracts, and subsequently profits.
Instead of receiving much-needed medical tests, and direct access to life-saving care – veterans ended up on those much-documented extended wait lists.
Farrisee, who assumed her position of chief human resources czar last September, told the congressional panel Friday that she believes “there is room for change in the VA,” but part of that change “will come with more training of our senior executives and understanding our critical elements that are put in the performance plans in establishing very real goals and the metrics we have talked about.”
Farrisee, a veteran herself, said that performance reviews were conducted entirely on paper until recently and that a senior executive’s performance is measured against the strategic and organizational goals of the VA, though she did not say what those goals are.
Miller fired back and said that he is sure it is not to allow veterans to die while awaiting care and other panel members questioned Farrisee’s sincerity.
But she did not give the committee any specifics about senior executive training except to say that they will be able to see their performance metrics in advance and they will, “do a lot more training with our senior executives on what the critical elements mean.”
Right after Obama began his first term, then-Deputy Secretary Scott Gould testified before the House Veterans Affairs Oversight and Investigations Committee on his strategy to implement a Performance Management Accountability System, or PMAS, “to enhance the competencies of the VA’s Senior Executive Service.”
The result was a multi-million dollar contract awarded in 2010 to a Northern Virginia firm that specializes in teaching program management to mid- to senior-level government employees and executives.
Documents WND uncovered stated that “the VA’s PMAS and Office of Management and Budget’s information technology dashboard provide useful sources of metrics for measuring progress…which meets Kirkpatrick Level 2 evaluation through the self-assessment component of action plans.”
During congressional testimony Farrisee struggled to explain the methodology VA uses for determining the dollar amount of bonuses except to say that it was based on “a percentage…and performance metrics.”




CNS NEW: Cruz: 'We Need President to No Uncertain Terms Send Meriam Home’

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Meriam Ibrahim, sentenced to death in Sudan for apostasy, is married to Daniel Wani, a Christian who holds American citizenship. They have a son and a second child is due to be born shortly. (Photo: Gabriel Wani/Facebook)
( – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told attendees at a Faith and Freedom Coalition (FFC) event on Thursday that Americans and President Barack Obama should speak out on behalf of Meriam Ibriham, a Christian mother jailed in Sudan with her two young children who has been sentenced to death because of her faith. “We need to speak out with one uniform, powerful, clarion voice for freedom, and we need the president of the United States to say in no uncertain terms, ‘Send Meriam home,’” Cruz said on the opening day of FFC’s Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C

Support Amnesty? Wait Until You Learn What Happens To Mexican Gangbangers On U.S. Soil

“We know they are all over the U.S.”

The recent rise in unaccompanied minors illegally crossing America’s southern border in recent weeks has led to serious criticism of existing immigration laws and lax border security. While the influx is seen by many as a symbol of a broken system, however, a large number of Americans still believe officials should allow these children to stay in this country and reunite with family members already here.
A recent revelation by authorities might just change some minds.
According to an investigation by Action 4 News in Harlingen, Texas, underage gang members are being released without supervision into American neighborhoods near the border and beyond. San Juan Police Chief Juan Gonzalez explained that such a policy could have tragic consequences in our society.
“They are not your average person that wants to better their lives,” he said.
The majority of these thugs are easily identifiable, according to the National Border Patrol Council.
Spokesperson Chris Cabrera explained “they are usually pretty predominant with their tattoos,” noting they typically display “a lot of face tattoos.”
Nevertheless, when gangsters under the age of 17 – and without a U.S. criminal history – are detained by border guards, they are subsequently sent on their way, free to terrorize American neighborhoods.
Gonzalez said the only thing local law enforcement is able to do to protect citizens is attempt to document and track these violent gang recruits.
“We know that the MS-13 [gang] has a lot of factions here in the U.S.,” he confirmed. “We know they are all over the U.S.”
Their numbers are only increasing, the report found, as gang leaders in Mexico recognize they can send their youngest members across the border with a virtual guarantee that they will be integrated into our society.
Cabrera is not pleased with the situation either, sharing his belief that “the only way to put a stop to this is to depart them, send them back home.”
Concerns about increased violence associated with America’s current open borders policy are only compounded by reports that illegals are bringing with them diseases that were all but eradicated in America.

AMENPER: Estudio de Mercadeo
Para quien pueda interesar
Quizás cuando usted recibe un E Mail anunciando un potente producto como estimulante sexual para la impotencia, su primer reacción haya sido ¿Cómo se enteraron?
Pero lo que sucede que ccon el estado actual de la economía, tener un mercado bien definido es más importante que nunca. Nadie puede concentrarse en todo el mundo. Las pequeñas empresas pueden competir efectivamente con las grandes compañías apuntando a un nicho de mercado.
Muchas empresas dicen que la búsqueda de personas  "interesados en mis servicios" es el primer punto del inicio de la venta de sus productos.
Su vida íntima está bajo vigilancia de los mercadeos cibernéticos y los que emplean el tele marketing para llegar a las personas como usted que pueden necesitar su productos
Apuntando a un mercado específico no significa que hay que excluir a las personas que no encajan en sus criterios de compra.. Por el contrario, marketing de destino le permite concentrar su comercialización dólares y mensaje de la marca en un mercado específico como usted, y que es lo más probable que usted comparta con otros allegados de otra demográfica que necesiten el producto.
 Esto es una manera mucho más asequible, eficiente y eficaz de llegar a potenciales clientes y generar negocios. Si usted es impotente posiblemente lo haya confesado a un amigo, y sin lugar a duda su esposa seguramente lo habrá notado.  Si el producto que usted recibe le resuelve el problema usted lo comentará con su amigo, y su esposa llena de alegría los compartirá con todas sus amigas.  Muchas personas como usted se beneficiarán del producto.
Cómo definen su mercado objetivo: y como eligen la Demografía específica al objetivo
Ellos tienen que descubrir como en su caso quien tiene una necesidad de su producto o servicio, pero también quien tiene la mayor probabilidad de comprarlo, por el nivel de ingresos o la motivación del esperado resultado.
El primer factor es la edad, en el caso de la impotencia, aunque puede producirse a cualquier edad sin lugar a dudas ocurre más en las personas de edad avanzada.
Después sin lugar a dudas es el Género, la impotencia no ataca a las mujeres, que padecen de otra afección llamada frigidez.  El producto para la impotencia no sirve para la frigidez así que el objetivo es el hombre.:
Lo próximo es el nivel de ingresos.  Los productos para la impotencia tienen un precio alto, debido a que es un producto de oportunidad porque el usuario potencial, no quiere hablar ni discutir precios. Para esto hace falta una demográfica de personas de un nivel alto de ingresos.
El estado civil o familiar es importante pero no se trata de un objetivo demográfico de hombres casados. Cuando el hombre comienza a sentir los síntomas de la impotencia, presenta un estado psico-traumático y es un buen objetivo ya sea casado, solterón o viudo.
El  Origen étnico es también importante.  El machote latino no puede aceptar a impotencia y es un objetivo preciado en este mercado.
Cuando usted reciba un E Mail o una agradable llamada en su teléfono, proponiéndole la venta de un producto para la impotencia, no debe de ignorarlo.  Considere la cantidad de investigación que tuvieron que recopilar sobre su persona y los miles de dólares empleado por esa compañía para hacer su vida y la de su pareja más placentera.  Recuerde los Estados Unidos tienen la ingeniosidad comercial más prolífera del mundo. Todos los inventos se producen aquí y después el mundo los imitan.  Los primeros condones en colores se inventaron para que los difrutaran los jóvenes. Ahora han inventado los condones con varilla para que los disfruten los mayores, no desperdicie la ingeniosidad americana.


WASHINGTON — While al-Qaida renegade armies were seizing Iraqi territory over the weekend and closing in on Baghdad, President Obama was jetting into Palm Springs, California, for 18 holes of golf.
The blood-soaked terrorist rampage across Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was drawing close enough to the Iraqi capital to force the administration to begin withdrawing some of our U.S. Embassy staff there.
While Obama was lining up his shot on the green, our country was in a full-blown foreign policy crisis, one of many that confront his failed presidency.
Russian tanks, ordered by Vladimir Putin, were rolling into eastern Ukraine, further threatening that shaky democratic nation, while pro-Russian separatists were shooting down a Ukraine military transport, killing all 49 soldiers onboard.
At the same time, Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, who never paid a price for using poison gas on his own people, continues to bomb civilian populations with impunity as the administration looks the other way.
Meanwhile, Obama was in Rancho Mirage playing a round of golf Saturday at Sunnylands, the well-manicured former estate of media tycoon Walter Annenberg.
Then on Sunday, he was on the links again at the vast estate owned by multibillionaire Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle.
Earlier in the weekend, he had some party business to attend to, appearing at a political fundraiser in Laguna Beach. Fundraising comes first when polls show that the Democrats may lose control of the Senate this fall.
White House officials said the president was being kept fully apprised of events abroad, while his national security advisers were struggling to come up with a plan on how to respond to the fierce offensive in Iraq.
But by the weekend, two things were clear: There was deep division in the White House over how to deal with the crisis, and Obama was taking his sweet time, hoping the situation would resolve itself without any intervention on his part.
In a justifiably war-weary America, few of us want to send troops back into Iraq, though many want the U.S. to offer Iraq’s government some assistance to help it repulse the terrorist onslaught.
Yet by Sunday, citing “ongoing instability and violence in certain areas,” the message from the administration was that it will strengthen security at its embassy in Iraq, while pulling out some of its personnel.
A separate Pentagon statement, which must have elicited cheers from the ISIS high command, said only “a small number” of military personnel were being sent to beef up security at the compound.
Where does it say in the war manual that we should tell the enemy how much security we will add to defend a U.S. embassy?
ISIS terrorists were on the brink of attacking the capital, with the sole aim of toppling its government. That raised concerns here and in Baghdad that they could penetrate the fortress-like Green Zone and kill U.S. personnel, as al-Qaida terrorists did in Benghazi, Libya.
These are murderous, cutthroat terrorists who take no prisoners and who have left a wide swath of slaughtered bodies across Iraq in recent weeks.
Gruesome photos on Twitter last week showed a line of bound civilian men lying face down in a ditch, their hands tied behind their back, being shot by masked killers. ISIS tweeted that 1,700 Iraqi men have been executed over the course of their war, though that claim hasn’t been verified.
It wasn’t too long ago that Obama was campaigning for re-election, naively telling us that al-Qaida terrorists were “on the run” and their command structure had been “decimated.”
But now we know that never happened. Al-Qaida has split and morphed into different armies across the Middle East, North Africa and beyond, more powerful and deadlier than ever.
We struck back after 9/11 in the only way we could have, but since 2009, this administration has mounted a policy of retreat and retrenchment, even to the point of dropping the term “war on terror.”
“U.S. foreign policy is failing,” writes economist Peter Morici. “Russia is pushing into the Ukraine and threatening Eastern Europe, China is bullying Japan … in the East and South China seas, and terrorist groups can be displaced in one place only to multiply and create more lethal threats in others.”
So much so that “U.S. counterterrorism officials worry about what one calls a ‘potential competitive dynamic’ in which different factions, including (ISIS) … seek to bolster their credibility by attacking the United States,” national security analyst David Ignatius writes in a recent blog.
We are not going to send ground troops back into Iraq under any foreseeable circumstances. But as the world’s most powerful nation, we cannot turn a blind eye to a deadlier brand of terrorism that may be close to seizing Iraq’s oil fields, putting wealth and power into their hands to conduct another assault on our homeland.
Defeating the terrorist threat will take moral leadership, presidential credibility and cunning foreign policy skills, none of which Obama possesses.
This is reflected in his latest job approval polls, which have sunk to 41 percent, with a disapproval rating of 53 percent, according to a recent Gallup Poll.
But now we learn that Obama’s favorability rating, or what is considered his likability, has dropped to an all-time low, according to three polls by CNN, Bloomberg and Gallup.
Bloomberg news service, for example, found that just 44 percent of Americans express positive attitudes about the president.
“This marks the first time in a CNN poll that a majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of Obama,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
In a little more than four months, voters go to the polls to elect a new Congress, but for many Americans, it will be a vote against Obama.


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