Friday, June 13, 2014

No 686     “En mi opinión”    Junio 13, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor


En la práctica ninguna de las organizaciones conservadoras y pro constitución que se supone se enfrenten a obama, no tienen la menor idea de cómo se tienen que enfrentar y vencer este engendro maléfico y destructor creado por el partido demócrata, obama, los Clinton, Erick Holder y todo el resto de la comparsa de los escorpiones venenosos, tarántulas y serpientes venenosas, sin olvidarnos de los globalistas y hasta el misterioso gobierno mundial y todo el resto de  una metralla que se ha unido para destruir a los Estados Unidos de América y al mundo. En que están pensando o mejor que están haciendo los Conservadores y defensores de la Democracia para evitar esta debacle universal que va barranco abajo sin frenos, porque hasta ahora no han hecho nada que vulnere todas las desgracias que han hecho el tean de obama y el resto de los traidores.
Según estos esperpentos traidores socialistoides  y el partido demócrata parece que si saben cómo tienen que hacer su campana estrategia y táctica para destruir a Los Estados Unidos. Y los Conservadores no tienen ni la más ligera idea de cómo se pueden anotar un solo tanto están más perdidos que un piojo en una lata de aceite de motor. Pero sin embargo esta metralla se pasa la vida haciendo las estupideces más grandes y dañinas a la nación y les dan resultados y los que se suponen que estén ahí para evitarlo y plantear y poner en marcha los planes para reconquistar todo el terreno que se ha perdido. No  hacen ni c… “bien gracias” están como el pescado en la tarima… Con los ojos abiertos y no ven nada” recibiendo lo golpes del enemigo y aguantando como un guanajo. Pero ese problema no es solo del Partido Republicano. Esto está aconteciendo en todo el ámbito nacional y en todos los frentes. El despiste y la comemierderia es general, en todas las materias, política, económica, social, educativa, de divulgación y confrontación, etc. 
La creatividad, la imaginación, la moral y la capacidad de respuesta efectiva  ha sucumbido; están como los bobos anormales babeándose y cogiendo golpes de todos los colores  y nadie sabe a ciencia cierta sabe que es lo que está pasando y mucho menos que se puede hacer para detener esta debacle. Llevamos 6 años sin saber qué es lo que se puede y se debe hacer en contra de estos tramposos. Estamos en medio de un océano de inopia, bula y estupideces que no nos conducen a ninguna parte correcta. Estamos perdiendo terreno constantemente, siendo batidos por un  huracán de golpes y perdidas sin fin y no tenemos donde guarecernos, y no hay capitán, ni timonel que dirija la nación a puerto seguro; parece que nada puede impedir que se hunda la embarcación. Mientras tanto la chusma diligente, los homosexuales y los drogadictos,  siguen avanzando en su agenda. Mientras que los que deben hacer algo están entretenidos con todas las berracadas que no nos conducen a ningun triunfo. Si seguimos durmiendo de ese lado nos va a salir un tremendo chichón.
Es imperativo que las personas decentes que tienen el deber y la necesidad de que este país regrese a la senda de la decencia, estabilidad y prosperidad ; se levanten de la poltrona, apaguen el televisor y salgan a resolver esta, que a mi juicio es la crisis mas grande que ha rtenido nuestra nación en toda su historia. Necesitamos inmediatamente…URGENTEMENTE  que alguien pueda mover voluntades y acciones que muevan la nación hacia delante y hacia arriba y detengan ya este movimiento obamistico que nos lleva hacia atrás y hacia abajo. 
“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño



ING. ARMANDO LOPEZ-CALLEJAS: No tenemos dudas, cada día nuestro presidente y el Congreso, demuestran que son unos demagogos, indolentes, y que todos masivamente debían renunciar a sus cargos y el Consejo Nacional de Elecciones, sacar todos los cargos para nuevos candidatos.
A quien se le ocurre en momentos de una espantosa Crisis Económica que ya dura 6 largos años de penurias, limitaciones y sufrimientos, sin ninguna medida o plan de inversiones, para resolverlo una vida como Seres Humanos a  87.2 millones de personas, o sea 40.5 millones de personas (13.5 desempleados por 3 de familia) afectadas por un prolongado desempleo y 47.5 millones de personas bajo el nivel de pobreza.
Y es el momento en que a estos ciudadanos del gobierno, o sea al presidente y al Congreso, tienen la brillante idea de regalar a personas indocumentadas, que burlan las  fronteras diariamente por la ineficiencia de los guardias fronterizos, unos $2,000 millones de dólares, con los cuales se podrían construir uno 680 edificios de 42 apartamentos cada uno y beneficiar a unas  28,571 estadounidenses, que actualmente están por debajo del nivel de pobreza.
Donde están los recursos financieros a reforzar las medidas de vigilancia en las fronteras, para evitar precisamente este escándalos y bochornoso exodo de mejicanos y suramericanos, penetrando al país, clandestinamente o comprando conciencias. 
Actualmente según informa la prensa, existen en el País, unos 12 millones de ilegales en este país, si se materializa la ley para resolver esta situación en ese año, en menos de 2 años, debemos tener otro gran problemas con los ilegales,
Este gobierno, ha sido incapaz de resolver  los siguientes grandes problemas del País, aunque se repartan la culpa, entre el poder ejecutivo y los partidos del  poder legislativo
1.-La Crisis Económica
2.-La Inmigración Ilegal.
3.-Proteger las Fronteras para evitar que siga incrementándose la Inmigración
4.-NO se han tomado medidas, para evitar la subida del precio de la Gasolina.
5.-Se paralizo, la construcción del Oleoducto del Estado de Alaska.
6.-Se debieron tomar medidas, para la fabricación de motores  eléctricos para los vehículos
7.-Se debió  construir molinos eólicos en todo el país, para Producir electricidad barata.
8.-Debieron suprimir la compra de petróleo a Venezuela, para que colapsara su gobierno,
     junto con el de Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia y algunos otros que tienen venidos su libertad  al Señor Don Petróleo o sea a su proveedor.
9.-Suprimir la ayuda financiera, a muchos países del oriente, que pagan los contribuyentes      y que aumentan sustancialmente los gastos para blancear el Presupuesto
Todo esto se pudo haber hecho en estos 6 largos años, en que se ha hablado mucho y se ha hecho poco, tanto en lo Nacional como en lo internacional, en lo que se han cometido omisiones y errores históricos.
Siempre se dice; RECTIFICAR ES DE SABIOS,  pero cuando existe la soberbia, los intereses, por encima del interés nacional unido a la poca voluntad de ayudar a su pueblo, esta Crisis Económica, es el resultado.
Ing. Armando López-Calleja.-Miembro del CNP de Cuba en el Exilio y de la UCP



If We Don’t Secure Border ‘We’re Going To Lose Our Country’

Posted on  by Cowboy Byte
Obama’s master plan.
Check it out:
House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) is working to outflank GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy on immigration in the early stages of a clash for Eric Cantor’s soon-to-be vacant Majority Leader slot, telling a group of reporters that securing the border is a “huge focus” of his.
“I am going to focus on the border. I am going to focus on fixing the border. We are going to make sure that this administration gets closer, and closer, and closer to securing the border. And we’re going to have to take us there. And if we don’t, we’re going to lose our country. We’re going to lose who we are as a country,” Sessions said.
Moments later, McCarthy exited the House chamber and declined to comment on the issue, saying “people have to announce before they talk.”
The early and aggressive moves by Sessions underscore that immigration promises to be a volatile issue in leadership contests after a political neophyte economist deposed Cantor by attacking him on the issue in the primary race, prompting the current scramble for power.
McCarthy has not formally announced he is running but is widely expected to. There is also discussion among Republicans that Boehner, Cantor or both could back his bid for the seat. The House GOP conference is scheduled to meet at 4:00pm for a previously unplanned session.
To a throng of reporters in a hallway off the House floor, Sessions touted himself as a conservative.
“I think that I am a conservative, I've always been a conservative, I'm a pro-business conservative, and I think that they will see a focus about what I think we should accomplish and I would expect to get an understanding – cleanly – about what this would mean,” he said.
Sessions spent more time discussing immigration than any other topic in his brief remarks.
“Any Texan can tell you this. We are in trouble and our country is in trouble. Our country is in trouble because of the corruption and the terrible things….[and the] lawlessness that are happening. That is quickly becoming a huge issue that I will focus on,” he said.




Definitely Barack Obama Confesses Hatred of the Constitution Second Amendment…   Nahhhhhhhhhh!!!

I don’t understand how a man can be elected for office when he doesn’t believe in one of the fundamental rights acknowledged in the Constitution.
According to
President Barack Obama said Tuesday that it was “stunning to me” that Congress did not take real action to tighten gun laws following the late 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
“My biggest frustration so far is that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage,” Obama said during a question-and-answer session hosted by microblogging platform Tumblr that came hours after a school shooting in Oregon.
“I respect gun rights but the idea that, for example, we couldn’t get a background check bill in — it makes no sense,” he said. “And I don’t know if anybody saw the brief press conference from the father of the young man who had been killed in Santa Barbara, and as a father myself I cannot understand the pain he must be going through. The primal scream … why aren’t we doing something about this?”
States already have background checks. The Santa Barbara killer acquired his handguns in a state that requires “Universal Background Checks.” As Al’s Firearms blog points out:
California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, including a so-called “universal background check” (UBC) law that requires background checks on gun transactions. The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday evening that three guns were recovered, including two Sig Sauer P226 pistols and a Glock Model 34. All were purchased legally and registered to Elliott Rodger, the newspaper said, meaning that he went through background checks.
So why should Congress pass useless laws that don’t do any good? Besides which, half the Santa Barbara deaths were from knife wounds, not from a gun. And the killer assaulted people with his car as well.
So, “why aren’t we doing something about this” by banning knives and cars?
I have no idea what Barack Obama can possibly think he is saying when he utters the words, “I respect gun rights.” He obviously does no such thing. We’re just supposed to be hypnotized by his assertions and ignore every action he actually takes and ever other word he actually speaks. Perhaps he hypnotizes himself and actually believes that he has some kind of respect for gun rights.
But all that comes out of his mouth are a series of anti-second-amendment clichés.

Barack Obama: America’s Judas?

Christ was sold for thirty pieces of silver – what is the price for us?

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Let’s not mince words; if Harry Reid was not at the helm of the predominantly Democratic Senate, the two-thirds majority it takes to impeach a president, would today, be a cinch to produce.
Americans are fed up with the lawless president and his make-believe top lawman, Eric Holder.
The trade of five of the worst terrorists in the world held prisoner at Gitmo for one army deserter may be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Articles, videos, debate, and news coverage is exploding across the entire spectrum of the media ranging from disappointment to calls for impeachment and actual jail time for treason.
On a very serious level, some are calling for Barack Obama to be charged with treason for aiding and abetting our enemies. Some are referring to Mr. Obama as an “enemy of the American people.”
“Mad” magazine has done a spoof on the Bergdahl incident and likens his actions to the film “Saving Private Ryan.” Mad mocks Obam’a unilateral law breaking action - by calling it “Trading Private Bergdahl.”
Obama has ignored the Constitution and every measure designed to keep Americans safe, along with bypassing a law he signed himself only last year–which requires giving Congress 30 days’ notice before transferring any Gitmo prisoners. The law Obama ignored is called the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2013.
With doctors in Germany now saying that Bergdahl’s health is perfectly OK, we have another lie rolling off the lips of Barack Obama; but for most of us, we are not the slightest bit surprised.
Obama painted a picture of a beaten and abused POW who was on the brink of death. With pictures of him joining in soccer games now emerging and the recent diagnoses by doctors, what we have is simply another Obama whopper. We’ve been through these waters.
The disgrace of the president is met with a defiant proclamation that he has no apology to make for his actions. When is someone going to tell him that an apology might be good, but it is a very poor substitute for the safety of 350 million Americans who are all at risk now because five of the worst terrorists in the world have just been set free to ply their Satanically driven trade?
We may chide, deride, and aside with this president; but in the end, we have become just a bigger target for Muslim Jihadist madness.
Cartoons and spoofs abound–some rather silly, yet others intensely truthful and frightening–like the comic depiction of Barack Obama now floating around the internet. Obama is standing in front of boxes of weapons, proclaiming that he will not negotiate with terrorists. Also included is the statement “I will give them whatever they want.” After the release of the Gitmo five, the humor in this spoof becomes a cause to shudder – not to laugh.
Iran’s top Muslim leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, may not be laughing; but he wasted no time to cheerfully tell the world that “America has given up.” As the Ayatollah ranted and raved about American capitulation, a large banner hung in front of his podium prominently emblazoned with the words “America cannot do a damn thing.”

Obama's Secret New Tax‏. Patriot Update Alert  Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view online

First look—crazy new Obama law
Dear Reader,
You may have heard about a new currency law coming to America.
On July 1st of this year, 
Title V of the Obama Administration’s HR Bill #2847, known as FATCA, goes into effect.
And after collectively spending more than 100 hours reading the actual legislation and its associated news coverage, we found 4 concerns we think you need to be aware of… 
1. Most people mistakenly think they’re not affected by FATCA. If you are a U.S. citizen… or if you hold any of your money in U.S. dollars, this new law definitely affects you.
2. The more you trade and invest, the more likely you are to get hit hard by this new bill.
3. It is not difficult for an American tax payer to be labeled “recalcitrant” as part of this new law. And as soon as you are…you potentially become subject to a 30% tax.  
4. The implementation of FATCA has been delayed several times, but now the IRS says it will not be delayed anymore. It will go into full effect on July 1st of this year.
In fact, on April 2nd of this year, the new IRS commissioner said, “Whatever else we are going to do, we are going to implement the non-discretionary legislative mandates we have been given: the Affordable Care Act and FATCA”
We think every American needs to learn about this law.  
Get the facts, and learn how to protect yourself.
To help, we’ve put together a slide show presentation on our website, which you can access free of charge.
Click here to learn more about this new law.

Mike Palmer
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research


VERSION OFICIAL 1, 2,3 , QUE BALLET MAS CHEVERE. Actions  Marzo Fernandez

Virtud danzaria encantó a Puerto Rico
Conmovedora y memorable, así definió la prima ballerina assoluta la función que ofreció el pasado viernes 6 de junio el Ballet Na­cional de Cuba (BNC) en el Centro de Bellas Artes de Santurce en San Juan,  Pue­r­­­to Rico. La compañía, que hacía 30 años no se presentaba en la isla boricua, recibió una excelente acogida de público y crítica por el espectáculo La magia de la danza
 Amelia Duarte
10 de junio de 2014 21:06:13
Alicia compartió con la prensa sus impresiones de la función ofrecida en San Juan.Foto: Jose M. Correa
Conmovedora y memorable, así definió la prima ballerina assoluta la función que ofreció el pasado viernes 6 de junio el Ballet Na­cional de Cuba (BNC) en el Centro de Bellas Artes de Santurce en San Juan,  Pue­r­­­to Rico. La compañía, que hacía 30 años no se presentaba en la isla boricua, recibió una excelente acogida de público y crítica por el espectáculo La magia de la danza.
“Fue muy lindo el respeto y el cariño que nos mostraron, hemos dis­frutado mu­­­cho regresar a Puerto Ri­co”, manifestó Alicia en un en­cuen­tro sostenido con la prensa, a su re­greso.
La directora y fundado­ra del BNC también hizo alusión al fragmento del poema de la puertorriqueña Lola Ro­dríguez de Tió para exteriorizar las similitudes de entre ambos países. “Cu­ba y Puerto Rico son de un pájaro las dos alas, somos dos pueblos que nos parecemos mucho”, dijo mientras in­terpretaba con sus brazos la conocida frase poética.
Catalogada por la críti­ca de ese país como un hecho histórico, la presentación del BNC estuvo dedicada a la bailarina y maestra boricua Silvia Marichal, fallecida hace unos días y quien durante muchos años fuera primera solista de la compañía cubana.
“El Ballet Nacional de Cu­ba logró hipnotizar al pú­blico que llenó la sala y que aún después de terminada la función continuaba bajo el embrujo de la mundialmente famosa institución d­i­­rigida por la prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso”, re­señó el diario El Nuevo Día, luego de la ac­tuación del BNC, que estuvo precedida por un ensayo general al que asistieron alumnos de ballet provenie­ntes de casi todas las provincias del país.
“El ensayo fue un estímulo para los bailarines, asis­tie­ron muchos jóvenes co­no­ce­dores de la técnica del ba­llet”, añadió Alicia, quien agr­a­de­ció, además, el gran ca­riño y el re­cibimiento del au­d­itorio.
Durante el encuentro, ce­­­lebrado en la sede del BNC, también trascendió el re­co­nocimiento del De­par­ta­men­to de Estado que recibieron la prima ballerina y el BNC. La distinción ofi­cial del go­bierno puertorri­queño fue entregada en un emotivo ac­to público, se­gún lo catalogó la maestra.
Esta función de La ma­gia de la dan­za, una antología que recoge im­portantes mo­mentos del arte coreográfico del siglo XIX y en donde se pueden disfrutar escenas de 
Giselle, La bella durmiente del bosque, Cas­­­canueces, Coppelia, Don Qui­jo­te, El lago de los cisnes y Sinfonía de Gotts­chalk, combinó fi­guras jó­venes y otras consagradas de la compañía cubana como Viengsay Valdés, Ya­nela Pi­ñera, Amaya Ro­dríguez, Jo­sé Carlos Lozada y Dani Her­­nández.
Luego de comentar so­bre la experiencia en San Juan, la artista anunció la próxima temporada de
El lago de los cisnes en la sa­la Avellaneda del teatro Na­cional de Cuba del 20 al 29 de junio, en los horarios ha­bituales de fines de sema­na.


Crónica de una deserción anunciada en Miami
 Edmundo García. @edmundogarcia65
Parafraseando un título del maestro Gabriel García Márquez, hoy quiero hablarles de un tema, basándome para ello en mi experiencia personal. Sirve mucho para este trabajo el haber sido durante años reportero de noticias en canales de televisión en el terreno, en la calle. Uno aprende que una redacción, ya sea de radio o de televisión, pero sobre todo de televisión porque es de todos los medios el más caro, no envía de viaje a un equipo por casualidad, a ver si sucede algo en determinado lugar.
No lo hace porque hay que realizar gastos en producción, pagar tiros de satélite, camarógrafos, productores, periodistas, etc. No se arriesga esta inversión si no se está seguro de que algo va a suceder.
Usted no envía, por ejemplo, un equipo a Tampa o Sarasota y les dice que se planten allí a ver si pasa algo. Eso no sucede en ninguna televisión del mundo.
Por eso creo que es muy sospechoso que el Canal 41 América Tevé de Miami, de Omar Romay, haya enviado a Puerto Rico, a San Juan, al periodista y ya activista anticastrista Rolando Nápoles, junto con un equipo completo de televisión, y que “casualmente” el día en que ellos estaban allí se produzca la deserción de ocho bailarines del Ballet Nacional de Cuba.
Es también muy sospechoso que precisamente Nápoles aparezca allí cubriendo todo eso. Y es muy significativo que aún sin permiso de trabajo, lo que estipula las leyes federales de Estados Unidos para todos sus estados, estas personas ya hayan sido contratadas para trabajar en Miami, este propio fin de semana, por la mini “compañía” de Pedro Pablo Peña. Un individuo que se dedica a piratear el talento del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, traerlo a Miami y ofrecerle una vida bastante magra.
Peña suele aparejar esta acción con un discurso público políticamente estridente y anti cubano, pero sobre todo cargado de una gran envidia (no puedo usar otra palabra) a Alicia Alonso. En algunas ocasiones le he escuchado el deseo de imitarla. 
Hoy en día, en que cualquier bailarín puede obtener un contrato, si tiene talento para que se lo ofrezcan, y con ese contrato trabajar en el exterior y regresar a Cuba, es muy difícil justificar esta deserción con un motivo político. A no ser que se trate de bailarines cubanos que llegan a Estados Unidos, específicamente a Miami.
Es muy sospechoso además, como dijo el copresentador de nuestro programa la Tarde se Mueve Eddie Levy, que en los anuncios de dicho canal se proclame que ellos eran la única estación que tenía contacto con estos bailarines; como si hubiera algún trato de exclusividad por el medio. Parece como si existieran contactos desde antes que estos bailarines decidieran dejar en Ballet Nacional de Cuba.
Algunos bailarines han declarado tanto a dicho reportero Nápoles y programas de ese mismo Canal 41, que no le habían dicho a nadie sus planes de desertar, otros que tomaron la decisión en el último minuto. Bueno, si eso es así, cómo es que ese canal de televisión de Miami sabía que se iban a producir las deserciones.
La cobertura que ha hecho la televisión es digna de los peores reportajes de la Guerra Fría. Un artículo publicado ayer 10 de junio en El Nuevo Herald titulado “Un noveno bailarín cubano desertó a EEUU tras burlar los controles” afirma que uno de los bailarines llegó sin orientación al aeropuerto de Miami y se quedó en casa de una persona que conoció allí mismo, también de casualidad. Y que ni siquiera avisó a su madre en Matanzas que se iba del país porque temía que los teléfonos estuvieran ocupados. Pura película de agentes especiales en fuga.
No es la primera vez que sucede que la prensa de Miami se adelanta y anuncia deserciones antes que estas se produzcan.
El 24 de septiembre del 2013 un medio de Miami anunció que el lanzador Raciel Iglesias había abandonado Cuba por la Isla de la Juventud, donde residía. Y el día 26 se informó que Iglesias había sido detenido por tropas de guarda fronteras cubanas pues su salda ilegal se había frustrado. Las tropas cubanas encontraron a esta persona escondida en los mangles de la costa.
La propia prensa de Miami alertó que esa fuga se produciría. Lo que muestra que por alguna vía obtuvieron la información. Pudiera ser incluso que traficantes o leguleyos vinculados a este negocio de tráfico humano filtren información a los medios. Porque todo esto parece preparado, nada espontáneo.
La prensa de Miami, que se ha ido tras las “revelaciones” del Canal 41, no ha prestado atención a lo fundamental, al hecho artístico. El Ballet Nacional de Cuba fue ovacionado en Puerto Rico. Su directora Alicia Alonso, cuyo aporte al arte universal es indiscutible, fue homenajeada por las autoridades de ese país. En especial porel Secretario de Estado de Puerto Rico David Bernier. Esas deserciones ocuparon un segundo plano en la isla boricua, porque el Ballet Nacional de Cuba es una institución con cantera, escuelas y profunda huella.
El periódico puertorriqueño El Nuevo Día, en valoraciones citadas hoy por el periódico Granma, dice con elocuencia: El Ballet Nacional de Cu­ba logró hipnotizar al pú­blico que llenó la sala y que aún después de terminada la función continuaba bajo el embrujo de la mundialmente famosa institución d­i­­rigida por la prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso”.Esa es la noticia real, eso es lo que permanece en el tiempo. (
La presentación anoche de los bailarines en el programa El Espejo, que conduce Juan Manuel Cao en dicho canal, fue penosa y espantosa. Los jóvenes dejaron claro que les interesaba intentar bailar en roles más importantes y que abrirse paso en el Ballet cubano era muy difícil. Es lógico, hay mucha competencia en Cuba porque hay mucho talento.
Durante toda la presentación los bailarines estuvieron escoltados por el susodicho  Pedro Pablo Peña, quien es ahora su nuevo “director”; y también por el interrogador Juan Manuel Cao, quien constantemente estuvo tratando de sacar alguna declaración política a los invitados sin lograrlo.
Una de las bailarinas, por cierto, agradeció la ayuda que habían tenido en Puerto Rico para la deserción por William Carmona. Un hecho que confirma las sospechas que les decía. Carmona es un pintor imitativo, en Cuba no sobresalió ni un solo día como artista; se ha inventado que su estilo es “surrealismo tropical” pero en verdad no es otra cosa que un imitador epigonal del maestro Roberto Fabelo. Para hacerse de un mercado en Puerto Rico William Carmona se ha vendido en su discurso público a la extrema derecha cubana, así que tampoco es casual que sea precisamente él quien haya colaborado con estas deserciones.
Pues ya están en Miami los bailarines, ya va pasando la ola de fama que tiene todo recién llegado. La realidad les dará las lecciones más duras. Si no, pregúntenle cómo han sido sus vidas a verdaderas estrellas que han tomado ese camino décadas atrás, como Rosario Suárez, La Charín, sin poder hacer carrera como artista ni en Estados Unidos, ni siquiera en Miami; y pregúntenle también al que un día fue el gran Jorge Esquivel, del cual hoy ni siquiera sé dónde está.
Hasta cuando vamos a seguir dividiendo la familia.   Esto no aguanta mas, hay que acabar de una vez y por siempre con ese maldito gobierno que tanto dano nos ha hecho a todos, no se puede seguir perdiendo tiempo filosofando y hablando boberias.
Hay que combatirlo en todos los escenarios imaginables, politico, economico, artistico.
Donde sea y como sea. Guerra total, sin compassion, son 55 anos, que mas falta por destruir?    


This Amendment Could Mean The End Of Free Speech

A significant number of Democratic senators are backing a bill to do just that. RICHARD LARSEN  JUNE 11, 2014

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Freedom of Speech is something we often take for granted. We can express our approval or disapprobation of events, inanimate objects, people, and even politicians. We often feel that there are unwritten political-correctness forces at work attempting to stifle expression regarding certain subjects; but as stated in the First Amendment to the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech…” That is, until now. Forty-three Democrat senators are backing a bill to do just that.
In politics, communication and freedom of expression are not only protected activities under the First Amendment; but they are requisite in order to educate, campaign, and influence voters. The primary means of such communication are through the media and through advertising. And advertising is only possible with money, and lots of it. So when controls are placed on the raising and spending of campaign funds, such controls restrict and constrain political free speech. And that’s precisely what is being attempted.
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee conducted the first round of hearings on Senate Joint Resolution 19. The bill is sponsored by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and cosponsored by 42 other Democrat senators including Tom Harkin (D-IL), Chuck Shumer (D-NY), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and Harry Reid (D-NV).
The bill summary, as found on the congressional website, says it is “A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.” Per the bill, “Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to Federal elections, including setting limits on (1) the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for election to, or for election to, Federal office; and(2) the amount of funds that may be spent by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.” Then in appropriate plenipotentiary arrogance, they grant to states the same authority at the state level. And all of this is done under the guise of advancing “the fundamental principle of political equality for all, and to protect the integrity of the legislative and electoral processes.”
But then, so as to not reap the displeasure of their friends in the mainstream media, they have the temerity to declare that “Nothing in this article shall be construed to grant Congress the power to abridge the freedom of the press.” This is not surprising since, according to a new study of the media, released last month, and conducted by two Indiana University journalism professors, four times as many journalists self-identify with the Democrats than those who identify themselves as Republicans. It’s obvious that the senators pushing for this new amendment don’t mind losing a little of George Soros’ money, as long as they still have the mainstream media in their pocket. They apparently feel this is the only way to curtail the influence of people like the Koch brothers, whom Harry Reid has made a nearly daily sport of verbal dribbling on the floor of the Senate.
In other words, Congress is appropriating to itself (contrary to the Bill of Rights they’re attempting to amend) the authority to limit political expression, or speech, while conveniently and strategically carving out a pragmatic exemption for the primarily liberal mainstream media.


WATCH: Obama’s Slip Of The Tongue Reveals Who He Really Thinks Owns The Government

Is this the most candid thing Obama has said yet? TOM HINCHEY 

In an interview with Brian Williams late last week, Barack Obama said that it was a “unanimous” decision in “my government” to swap those 5 Guantanamo Bay inmates for alleged deserted Bowe Bergdahl. But don’t be shocked or anything.



You Won’t Believe What Sheriff Joe Has To Say About The Influx Of Illegals Into His State

“They’re complaining, yeah..." B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE  JUNE 11, 2014

Plenty of officials – primarily in Texas and Arizona – have sounded off in recent weeks about the pronounced increase in illegal immigrants from Mexico being housed in makeshift camps and bused to a number of other locations.
One of the most common destinations for the approximately 1,000 individuals currently streaming across our southern border daily is Phoenix, which is situated within the purview of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The lawman, often described as America’s toughest sheriff, has taken a firm stance against illegal immigration in the past. Amid the current inundation his county and other Arizona communities are currently experiencing, he offered a few thoughts.
Some detainees in the southern Arizona town of Nogales, for example, have complained that the food they are being served is making them sick.
“They’re complaining, yeah,” Arpaio said; “but why don’t they compare what’s going on here to the country they came from? That’s why they’re coming here – because of the bad conditions in other countries like Honduras and Guatemala.”
He is also critical of claims that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers are following through with demands that illegals report for hearings.
“In our jails,” he explained, “we found that about 2,000 inmates in the past several months are in jail for several state crimes; but they’re here illegally and we found out that over and over again they’re being released to ICE and they keep coming back.”
Arpaio described such experiences as evidence that “either they’re being led out the back door or they’re being deported and they’re still coming across the border.”
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers Chairman Zack Taylor said the current trend indicates America is “arguably a lawless nation” because of its failure to enforce existing immigration laws and the U.S. Constitution.
“Yes, our leaders are guilty,” he said. “However, we are responsible because it is the American voter that has placed untrustworthy people in positions of power and kept them there when they have clearly demonstrated that they have violated that public trust.”
Don Ray, who heads the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition, offered a comparison that has earned him nationwide attention this week.
“You can’t have an influx of people like that without having an impact,” he stated. “I think we saw that after Katrina. It’s relocation services that are really taking place. In the case of Katrina, most of them were United State citizens or people that were here lawfully; and now you have people that aren’t here lawfully.”

RICARDO SAMITIER: Incredible Pero Cierto…
Es difícil de creer, pero tras la violación y posterior ahorcamiento en India, un ministro de gobierno dijo que las violaciones “algunas veces están bien y otras veces mal”. Es horrible pero podemos ayudar a cambiarlo. 
Acabo de firmar una petición apoyando a los activistas locales que condenan estas atrocidades y piden acciones políticas. Únete ya para exigir al nuevo Primer Ministro de India que actúe. Echa un vistazo a la campaña
de dos niñas aquí:

Hoy Es El Aniversario Publico DelAcuerdo Secreto Entre El Comunismo Fabiano ( nieto del traficante de OPIO de Hong Kong)

Franklin DELANO Roosevelt Y El Comunismo Marxista De Stalin Para Dividir El Mundo Entre Ellos.  Fijense Que Fue Un Pacto De 20 Años!: Molotoff And Roosevelt Plan For 2D Front

U.S., Soviet Agree
Russian, Here Secretly, Maps War Action in 1942 With President
Lease Pact Signed
Provides Reciprocal Aid and Plans for a 'Better World'
U.S., Russia Agree On Actions In War
A 20-Year Treaty:  Mutual Aid Agreement Bars Separate Peace and Annexations 
45 anyos despues, tenemos otro pacto,
entre el Capitalismo de Reagan y el Capitalismo de Gorbachev.
Cuando vendrá el proximo acuerdo???
Los Globalistas, están planificando.
Las personas cambian.
Las políticas tambien.
Pero la meta sigue igual...un Gobierno Mundial
¿Que Cosa Es ISIS?
Islamic State of Irak and Syria o ISIS es el grupo apoyado por Obama, Qatar, Israel y Arabia Saudita.
Acaban De Conquistar Mosul, La Segunda Ciudad De Irak Y Tikrit
Y Controlan Partes De Siria También,
La Frontera, Ya No Existe:
Cual Es La Función De ISIS?
¿Porque están apoyados por Obama, Israel, Qatar y Arabia Saudita??
Iran es chiita.
El gobierno de Irak es chiita.
Assad en Síria es aliado de Iran.
Habia que crear una barrera Sunni, entre Síria e Iran. 
Nada de esto, ocurrió por accidente!!!
Fue planificado, pero el NY Times, 
no menciona, ni una solo palabra que ISIS fue armado por Obama.
Cuando Bush invadió Irak, enseguida decian que fue por petroleo
y ahora Obama, el ganador del premio de la paz,
arma a los terroristas y no es por el petroleo???
¿Usted, Que Piensa? ¿Quién Manda En USA?
Pero esto no es nada nuevo!
Jimmy Carter fundó Al Qaida para luchar en Afghanistan.
On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan.[2] Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president, Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".[12]
Otro Republicano “Compasivo A Lo Bush Derrotado!

Republicans Look To Mississippi, Kansas, Tennessee 

After Cantor’s Tea Party Defeat

Por Este Otro, Que Se Declara De Esta Manera:

What We Believe

Dave Brat fully supports the Republican Creed, and any leader who unflinchingly upholds that Creed which reads as follows...
We Believe…
·         That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,
·         That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,
·         That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government,
·         That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,
·         That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,
·         That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.
... unfortunately, however, our current congressman, Eric Cantor, has failed to uphold that Creed, and it is time for a change. It is time to term limit Eric Cantor.
Dirigido por el ladrón de cuello blanco y falsificador de billetes, Mario Draghi
Que copia  la política de IMPRIMIR BILLETES DE USA… de OBAMA… y de contra AHORA PAGA A LOS BANCOS POR USAR ESOS EUROS QUE LOS PRESTA A MENOS DE CERO… SI MENOS DE CERO DE INTEREST sigue comprando los bonos de los países europeos en bancarrota, con "dinero" creado del aire, SIN RESPALDO… con el apoyo tácito de Ángela Merkel, para salvar la moneda €uroy mantener los monopolistas y Globalistas en el poder. 
Los bonos de Espanya, un país quebrado, pagan igual que los de USA! 
¿ Por Que Lo Hicieron?
 2014-06-11 8:55 GMT-04:00 ricardo <>:
La vieja debe estar que arde!!!! Porque estaba presente…
Ocho bailarines cubanos desertan en Puerto Rico
Los integrantes del Ballet Nacional de Cuba han solicitado el asilo en suelo estadounidense. Es la fuga masiva más numerosa en años
Alicia Alonso, verificó la falta de ocho integrantes jóvenes de la plantilla.Esta fuga masiva es la más numerosa en años, y recuerda la de los 10 de París en 1966, cuando una decena de artistas del ballet cubano se quedó en Francia. Ayer die 7 precisamente moría en Berlín el coreógrafo Ricardo Núñez (La Habana, 1945), uno de los últimos sobrevivientes de aquella gesta de 1966, una noticia que le dio la vuelta al mundo y que diezmó seriamente la plantilla habanera, al encontrarse entre ellos primeros bailarines y figuras destacadas. Los ocho artistas que han decidido no volver a La Habana en San Juan, según la misma fuente miamense, rondan los 25 años de promedio y algunos de ellos, era la primera vez que lograban salir de Cuba.


AMENPER: El Legado de Obama

El Legado de Obama. ‘EL NARCISISTA  EN JEFE’
Hablar de los fracasos de la administración de Obama es llover sobre lo mojado, son tan visibles y evidentes que ni al más fanatizado es imposible de ignorar, ni siquiera cerrando los ojos, porque el ruido es mucho.
Los fracasos pasados y los que nos quedan por pasar son inevitables dada la inflexibilidad del socialista en jefe.  Lo que nos queda por hacer es como intentar un rescate de la nación y el primer paso debe de ser salvaguardarnos de un nuevo presidente socialista como sería el caso de la elección de la camarada Hillary.
El legado más salvaje y peligroso es las condiciones del mundo que nos deja Obama.   La política internacional siempre afecta a una nación domésticamente, pero nunca tanto como en esta época en que el enemigo religiosamente está determinado a destruirnos y el arma que utiliza es el terrorismo en nuestro suelo.   Nunca durante las anteriores guerras mundiales hubo un bombardeo en territorio americano. Con el terrorismo ya hemos tenido varios.  Las condiciones que ha creado Obama en la política exterior son tan aberrantes que da miedo mirarlas.  La más reciente es Iraq, Al Qaeda está tomando rápidamente el control de país.  Una de las ciudades principales, Mosul, ya es territorio de Al Qaeda. Los talibanes cada día tienen más poder en Afganistán, en Libia, Siria y Egipto, el radicalismo Islámico es el poder predominante.  Si añadimos a Irán a la ecuación, creo que los días de Israel, la única democracia del mundo están contado al no ser por un milagro de Dios.  ¿Quién es el culpable de todo esto, quien es el enemigo de esta administración?  Pues resulta que la persona que más ha sido maltratada por Obama en su visita, no fue el líder de nuestro enemigo, Irán, pero el de nuestro único aliado en la región, Israel.
Voy a pasarles cuatro escritos que salieron hoy en el Wall Street Journal que se refieren a lo que les digo arriba lo cual confirma lo que les digo de la importancia que  tiene lo que está pasando en Irak.
 Para los que quieran leerlos, estoy copiando los cuatros.  El primero dice que el drama de Iraq tomó a la Casa Blanca de sorpresa.  No entiendo por qué, era previsible para cualquiera.  El segundo   es como una pregunta que dice en una traducción libre ¿Por qué Obama toca el violín? Como una alusión alegórica al cuando Nerón tocaba el violín durante el incendio de Roma.  El tercero es un análisis de la política de Obama tomando el caso de Iraq como ejemplo,  El cuarto es del analista Michael Knights en que se refiere a la situación actual como “Guerra de Iraq III” 
No es costumbre de un periódico de la circulación y categoría dedicar cuatro artículos en la página editorial al mismo tema, al no ser en casos de gran importancia.  Cuando pensamos en el Medio Oriente, hay veces que pensamos en algo lejano que no afecta diariamente a nuestras vidas, creo que tenemos que ponernos a pensar mejor.

Iraqi Drama Catches U.S. Off Guard
The Quickly Unfolding Drama Prompted a White House Meeting Wednesday of Top Policy Makers and Military Leaders

Islamist militants seized control of Tikrit Wednesday, expanding their offensive closer to Baghdad.Associated Press
WASHINGTON—At a closed-door gathering of Gulf states in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in May, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his Arab counterparts all signaled agreement on one thing for the first time: Islamist forces seizing territory in Syria and Iraq had become a regionwide menace that can't be ignored.
What they didn't agree on was what to do about it, U.S. officials said.The fall this week of the Iraqi cities Mosul and Tikrit to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham rebel group shows how the insurgent threat is outpacing the response and posing a challenge to President Barack Obama's approach of limiting U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts.

The quickly unfolding drama prompted a White House meeting Wednesday of top policy makers and military leaders who were caught off guard by the swift collapse of Iraqi security forces, officials acknowledged.
State Department and Pentagon officials have long warned about ISIS's desire to create an Islamic state based in the Sunni-dominated parts of Iraq and Syria.
Now, current and former officials say Washington's options for helping the Iraqi army fight back are limited—both because the threat in Iraq is so entrenched and because the U.S. hasn't invested in building up moderate allies on the Syrian side of the border.
U.S. military leaders said they had thought that Iraqi security forces' efforts would be enough to slow ISIS's advance. But those assumptions were proven wrong when Iraqi troops largely abandoned their posts.
The loss of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, was a strategic blow and the U.S. doubts the Iraqi military will be able to take it back soon, the officials said.
Top State Department officials long argued that the civil war in Syria was the root cause of ISIS's rise because it gave them a haven in which to operate and recruit. They said the U.S. won't make headway unless ISIS is contained on both sides of the porous Iraqi-Syrian border.
Pentagon officials believe that Baghdad is unlikely to fall under the current onslaught because it is a heavily-guarded stronghold of the Shiite-dominated Iraqi government. But they noted that other Sunni extremist groups, like the remnants of the vanquished Sunni Baathist movement, have allied themselves with ISIS, adding to their power and building on its momentum.
Recent events in Iraq show the potential risks of the administration's foreign policy approach. In a speech at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point last month, Mr. Obama outlined a policy that favors a lighter U.S. military footprint and, where possible, calls for regional allies to take the lead in fighting terrorist threats in their backyards, so American troops don't have to.
But allies have grown to expect the U.S. to take the lead in counterterrorism efforts around the world, officials say, particularly in the Gulf. "Are they willing to step up?" a senior U.S. official said. "It is possible we are victims of our own leadership."
Critics say Mr. Obama is relying too heavily on partners of varying capabilities and often conflicting agendas. The Iraqi army and an outgunned moderate opposition in Syria are too weak to make a difference, in part because of the administration's reluctance to do more to support them, current and former officials said.
Mr. Obama's supporters say the administration's reluctance to assume responsibility for growing swaths of ungoverned space, from Libya to Syria and Iraq, reflects the U.S. public's and military's exhaustion after more than a decade of conflict.
"The U.S. can no longer be the sheriff for the whole world," Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger (D., Md.), the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, said in an interview. "We can't be everywhere, and we can't always use military boots on the ground. We have to plan with people who have boots on the ground."
The ISIS seizure of Iraqi territory illustrates how the counterterrorism picture has shifted over the last three years.
In 2011, the U.S. withdrew its forces after failing to agree with Baghdad on a long-term troop presence, leaving only a military presence in the U.S. Embassy.
In July 2011, after the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and before the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Iraq, Mr. Hagel's predecessor, then-Defense SecretaryLeon Panetta, visited the region and declared that the U.S. was within reach of "strategically defeating" al Qaeda.
Today, ISIS's network of fighters in Syria and Iraq are better trained, equipped and manned than its predecessor, al Qaeda in Iraq, which U.S. forces fought for years and eventually decimated at the height of the Iraq war, according to the latest U.S. military assessments.
ISIS operates in formations, more like an army than a loose network of fighters, said a senior U.S. counterterrorism official. The group's sophisticated global recruitment network could allow it to redirect suicide bombers from targets in Syria and Iraq to neighboring countries, the official said.
Some military officials now believe ISIS is the single greatest terrorist threat the U.S. and its allies face—stronger than the al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen or Africa and far more powerful than al Qaeda's central leadership in Pakistan. Other senior U.S. officials say ISIS has yet to carry out any attacks directly targeting the U.S.
"It makes you want to kill yourself," a senior U.S. official said of the intelligence on ISIS, which was presented by U.S. and Gulf allies during the May meeting in Jeddah.
The Obama administration, unable to operate openly in Iraq since the U.S. withdrawal and unwilling to intervene in Syria for fear of getting pulled into another conflict, has left itself few options to directly confront the growing threat, according to senior U.S. defense and intelligence officials.
But a senior U.S. official disputed the idea the Pentagon is "hapless and helpless" to stop ISIS. The administration has pursued a containment strategy, aimed at keeping the al Qaeda threat from spreading beyond Syria and Iraq to neighboring states, particularly Jordan.
Following ISIS's successes in Iraq this week, many officials are questioning whether the threat can still be contained. "Time is the real enemy here," a senior Obama administration official said.
When Mr. Panetta made his pronouncement about al Qaeda's strategic defeat, the revolution in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad was only a few months old and U.S. intelligence agencies had no idea that the civil war there would become such a magnet for the world's Jihadi fighters, current and former U.S. officials say.
At the time of the U.S. pullout, American officials were predicting a "low boil" insurgency in Iraq that could last a decade but they thought al Qaeda's network there could be kept under control by Iraq's army, which the U.S. built up during the war.
Syria's civil war changed that, creating the biggest humanitarian crisis in a generation and a counterterrorism challenge which Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), the chairman of the House intelligence committee, called "worse than pre-9/11 Afghanistan."
Mr. Rogers said the threat was worse now because of the sheer quantity of territory under direct ISIS control and because of the large number of foreigners, including Europeans and Americans, who are joining the fight.
"Guess what? These people will come home eventually and they are going to come home with, I believe, intentions to fulfill al Qaeda's dream for another attack on our homeland and, certainly, another attack on our Western and European allies," Mr. Rogers said in an interview.
Mr. Hagel's visit to Jeddah in May was part of an administration-wide push to convince divided Gulf states to come up with a regional approach to tackle the threat.
Arab officials say the U.S. contributed to ISIS's rise by failing to support more moderate forces in the Syrian opposition.
U.S. officials, in turn, say the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis and other regional players—rivals for influence and divided over Syria strategy—funneled their own arms and money through competing patronage networks, splintering the opposition, while foreign fighters poured across the border from Turkey to join ISIS.
Qatari leaders, in particular, have long played down the threat posed by the hardline Islamists, telling their American counterparts that Jihadis entering Syria would be dealt with later, after Mr. Assad is defeated, according to U.S. officials. Qatari officials couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
Because of those longstanding differences, American officials seized on the meeting of the minds in Jeddah about the ISIS threat as a small victory, especially Qatar's acknowledgment during the closed-door session of the region-wide dangers. U.S. officials said, however, that the sides remained at odds over who should take the lead in challenging ISIS and how, waiting for Washington to set a course.
Iraqi officials said they hoped recent events in Mosul and Tikrit would galvanize the U.S. to step up support against ISIS. "What we are saying is that there needs to be a sense of urgency," Iraq's ambassador to the U.S., Lukman Faily, told The Wall Street Journal.
But a senior U.S. military official said the White House's willingness to intervene will depend on how directly it perceives ISIS as a growing threat to the U.S. "You would need a major commitment of military forces to make a difference," the official said. "There is not a lot of appetite for that."

While Obama Fiddles
The fall of Mosul is as big as Russia's seizure of Crimea.By 
Updated June 11, 2014 7:25 p.m. ET
The fall of Mosul, Iraq, to al Qaeda terrorists this week is as big in its implications as Russia's annexation of Crimea. But from the Obama presidency, barely a peep.
Barack Obama is fiddling while the world burns. Iraq, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, Syria. These foreign wildfires, with more surely to come, will burn unabated for two years until the United States has a new president. The one we've got can barely notice or doesn't care.
Last month this is what Barack Obama said to the 1,064 graduating cadets at the U.S. Military Academy: "Four and a half years later, as you graduate, the landscape has changed. We have removed our troops from Iraq. We are winding down our war in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda's leadership on the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been decimated."
That let-the-sunshine-in line must have come back to the cadets, when news came Sunday that the Pakistani Taliban, who operate in that border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, had carried out a deadly assault on the main airport in Karachi, population 9.4 million. To clarify, the five Taliban Mr. Obama exchanged for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are Afghan Taliban who operate on the other side of the border.
Within 24 hours of the Taliban attack in Pakistan, Boko Haram's terrorists in Nigeria kidnapped 20 more girls, adding to the 270 still-missing—"our girls," as they were once known.

Then Mosul fell. The al Qaeda affiliate known as ISIS stormed and occupied the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, population 1.8 million and not far from Turkey, Syria and Iran. It took control of the airport, government buildings, and reportedly looted some $430 million from Mosul's banks. ISIS owns Mosul.
Iraq's army in tatters, ISIS rolled south Wednesday and took the city of Tikrit. It is plausible that this Islamic wave will next take Samarra and then move on to Baghdad, about 125 miles south of Tikrit. They will surely stop outside Baghdad, but that would be enough. Iraq will be lost.
Now if you want to vent about " George Bush's war," be my guest. But George Bush isn't president anymore. Barack Obama is because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency. Up to now, burying those responsibilities in the sand has never been in the job description.
Mosul's fall matters for what it reveals about a terrorism whose threat Mr. Obama claims he has minimized. For starters, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) isn't a bunch of bug-eyed "Mad Max" guys running around firing Kalashnikovs. ISIS is now a trained and organized army.
The seizures of Mosul and Tikrit this week revealed high-level operational skills. ISIS is using vehicles and equipment seized from Iraqi military bases. Normally an army on the move would slow down to establish protective garrisons in towns it takes, but ISIS is doing the opposite, by replenishing itself with fighters from liberated prisons.
An astonishing read about this group is on the website of the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War. It is an analysis of a 400-page report, "al-Naba," published by ISIS in March. This is literally a terrorist organization's annual report for 2013. It even includes "metrics," detailed graphs of its operations in Iraq as well as in Syria.
One might ask: Didn't U.S. intelligence know something like Mosul could happen? They did. The February 2014 "Threat Assessment" by the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency virtually predicted it: "AQI/ISIL [aka ISIS] probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria . . . as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah." AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq), the report says, is exploiting the weak security environment "since the departure of U.S. forces at the end of 2011." But to have suggested any mitigating steps to this White House would have been pointless. It won't listen.
In March, Gen. James Mattis, then head of the U.S. Central Command, told Congress he recommended the U.S. keep 13,600 support troops in Afghanistan; he was known not to want an announced final withdrawal date. On May 27, President Obama said it would be 9,800 troops—for just one year. Which guarantees that the taking of Mosul will be replayed in Afghanistan.
Let us repeat the most quoted passage in former Defense Secretary Robert Gates's memoir, "Duty." It describes the March 2011 meeting with Mr. Obama about Afghanistan in the situation room. "As I sat there, I thought: The president doesn't trust his commander, can't stand Karzai, doesn't believe in his own strategy and doesn't consider the war to be his," Mr. Gates wrote. "For him, it's all about getting out."
The big Obama bet is that Americans' opinion-polled "fatigue" with the world (if not his leadership) frees him to create a progressive domestic legacy. This Friday Mr. Obama is giving a speech to the Sioux Indians in Cannon Ball, N.D., about "jobs and education."
Meanwhile, Iraq may be transforming into (a) a second Syria or (b) a restored caliphate. Past some point, the world's wildfires are going to consume the Obama legacy. And leave his successor a nightmare.

Obama's Foreign Policy Fails His Own Test
U.S. influence is on the wane thanks to a series of unwise decisions.
June 11, 2014 7:21 p.m. ET
'Don't do stupid sh—." That is the description of President Obama's foreign policy, as crafted by White House message mavens and articulated by the president himself during a recent off-the-record press briefing aboard Air Force One in route to Asia. Mr. Obama reportedly exhorted reporters to chant it back to him.
A crude, meaningless phrase cannot substitute for statecraft, and the administration's actions—or often enough, its inaction—fail to meet his own test.
It was unwise (we'll avoid using "stupid") for Mr. Obama to say in August 2011 that Syrian President Bashar Assad should go—without having a plan to force him out. A year later in August, Mr. Obama declared that Mr. Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Mr. Assad did just that, Mr. Obama didn't take immediate action. Today Mr. Assad is more entrenched than he was.
It was also unwise when Mr. Obama refused to arm the moderate Syrian opposition in 2011. Now that the opposition is weak and radicalized, he has suggested that he is considering arming them.
Enlarge Image
Then there was the Iranian "Green Revolution" of 2009-10, when Mr. Obama gave comfort to the mullahs, not those seeking freedom. It was not smart to later weaken sanctions on Iran in return for vague promises to rein in its nuclear program.
Setting a deadline for ending the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan that was dictated by the American election calendar and not conditions on the ground was not smart. Nor was it smart for Mr. Obama to sabotage his own plan for a U.S. stay-behind force in Iraq by insisting that the Iraqi Parliament approve the agreement. The result has been the decline of U.S. influence and an increase for Iran's. Now al Qaeda is on the rise: Would it be taking over Mosul and Tikrit if there was such a U.S. force?
It was unwise to insult Israel's prime minister and to believe that pressuring Israel would increase the chances of a peace accord with the Palestinians, who were the real obstacles to an agreement.
During the 2011 Egyptian revolution, Mr. Obama managed to alienate all sides—fromHosni Mubarak to those who overthrew him. He supported a military campaign to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi and then walked away, allowing Libya to slide into chaos.
The president did not hold anyone in the State Department leadership responsible for failing to provide adequate security for the U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi in 2012. And it was not smart to blame the terrorist attack on an obscure Internet video that hardly anyone saw.
Mr. Obama sought a "reset" of America's relationship with Russia without a strategic framework, naïvely believing that giving Vladimir Putin what he wanted would make him friendlier. Not the brightest move. It was not smart to unilaterally cancel planned missile-defense facilities in the Czech Republic and Poland in 2009, thereby alienating allies. The U.S. got nothing from Mr. Putin in return, while he became convinced that Mr. Obama could be rolled.
When Mr. Putin rolled into Crimea, Mr. Obama was not smart to refuse Ukraine's request for weapons—and an insult to instead offer the beleaguered country Meals-Ready-to-Eat.
Declaring a "pivot to Asia" without providing the expressions of American power needed to make the pivot real was unwise. So too was insulting Canada by delaying approval of the Keystone XL pipeline and neglecting our own hemisphere, allowing adversaries like Castro and Chávez to fill the vacuum.
It was debatable whether to trade five top Taliban military commanders for a captured U.S. soldier even though the president's own commission had said the Taliban members should never be released. But it was not smart to herald the exchange in a Rose Garden ceremony when the White House knew that there were serious questions about whether the soldier deserted.
It is ironic that the president and his people don't seem to understand that the phrase he chose to describe his foreign policy is an indictment of his foreign policy. As the great philosopher Forrest Gump once said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
There is an increasingly strong case that Iraq needs new and boosted security assistance.
From policy analyst Michael Knights's "Iraq War III Has Now Begun" for Foreign Policy online, June 11:
The Obama administration is determined to honor its campaign pledge to end the [war in Iraq]. To that end, the White House withdrew U.S. combat troops in 2011. However there is an increasingly strong case that Iraq needs new and boosted security assistance, including air strikes and a massively boosted security cooperation initiative to rebuild the shattered army and mentor it in combat. The Middle East could see the collapse of state stability in a cross-sectarian, multi-ethnic country of 35 million people that borders many of the region's most important states and is the world's fastest-growing oil exporter. Any other country with the same importance and the same grievous challenges would get more U.S. support, but the withdrawal pledge has put Iraq in a special category all on its own. Washington doesn't have the luxury of treating Iraq as a special case anymore. ISIS has moved on since the days of the U.S. occupation and they have a plan. Washington should too.



New Study Shows Michelle Obama Thinks Americans Are ‘Idiots’

“I expected to hear a rousing speech..."

In her capacity as an activist first lady, Michelle Obama has made it a constant mission to impose nutritional mandates onto ostensibly free Americans. Her push to regulate what public schools are allowed to serve has been an objective failure as school districts across the nation try to opt out of the expensive program and students complain about unappetizing and insufficient meals.
A new study conducted by George Washington University associate sociology professor Ivy Ken finds that the mission of associations like the Partnership for a Healthier American – which counts Michelle Obama as a leader – serves to treat the obese as helpless individuals.
Her study, titled ‘A Healthy Bottom Line: Obese Children, a Pacified Public, and Corporate Legitimacy,” appeared recently in Social Currents. In it, Ken determined that Obama’s group – along with the Bill Clinton-supported Alliance for a Healthier Generation – “turn(s) overweight and obese people into idiots” by insinuating they are too dense to make their own choices.
PHA, which has been integral in implementing Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ program, received the brunt of Ken’s criticism.
“The obesity crisis,” she wrote, “is the impetus for a particular new marketing plan, which is given a great deal of publicity, clout, and legitimacy through the PHA.”
In the study, Ken lambasts these associations for working with producers of fattening foods, thereby giving companies an opportunity to declare they are part of the solution rather than a perpetuator of the problem. She suggested her concerns were compounded during a conference last year in which Obama discussed her advocacy.
“I expected to hear a rousing speech from Mrs. Obama,” she wrote; “but I was unprepared for the massive coordination apparent in the PHA’s message and the approval that the conference’s public health-focused attendees bestowed upon all the corporate speakers at the event.”
The report revealed that PHA is affiliated with around 50 corporations – such as Sara Lee – while AFHG includes about 120 corporate partners, including Pepsi. Companies who wish to revamp a reputation as a junk food producer, she noted, can align themselves with one of these organizations as an easy and noncommittal way to achieve their goal.
“Corporations should have to earn a place at the table of influence,” she explained, “not by buying it, but by spending decades not producing fat-, sugar-, and salt-laden products.”
The fact that they are taking steps to change the public’s perception, however, suggests to Ken that these companies are experiencing what she calls “corporate desperation.”
Americans can continue their offense against these companies, she explained, by “not letting corporations set the agenda or write the terms.”
Whether or not one agrees with all of Ken’s assertions, her underlying contention that groups like PHA have produced few positive results has been a common complaint among many critics.


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