Tuesday, June 3, 2014

No 676     “En mi opinión”    Junio 3, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor


Lázaro R González Miño  En mi opinión:

WATCH: Judge Jeanine Pirro Hammers Obama Over VA Scandal

"Mr. President, why don't you admit that this job is too much for a community organizer?"

Here is Fox News host Jeanine Pirro’s Opening Statement on May 31st on “Justice w/ Judge Jeanine.

AMENPER: Petición para Abolir el Internal Revenue Service…

Yo no estoy afiliado a ningún capítulo del Tea Party.   Yo no soy un simpatizante del Tea Party, particularmente porque hay muchas vertientes dentro del Tea Party, y quizás eso se lo mejor. No creo que hagan falta nuevos partidos, lo que have falta es que se determinen en la plataforma del partido Republicano los cambios que piden sus miembros en su mayoría conservadores.  
Por eso no es apoyar al Tea Party el apoyar una petición que representa nuestros ideales.
Paul Rand pudiera ser un buen presidente si especifica que no sigue las ideas libertaria de su padre, de todos modos si es escogido como candidato del partido republicano, no dudaría en darle mi voto a pesar de que no comparto todas sus ideas, creo que esta debiera ser la manera de pensar de todos las vertientes dentro del partido republicano si queremos rescatar la administración de la izquierda cada día mas radicalizada del partido demócrata.
Específicamente en el caso del arcaico Internal Revenue Service, una institución infame que no tiene razón de ser en estos días en que los adelantos simplifican nuestro modo de vida, una institución de corte dictatorial de los tiempos pasados, es hora de que esa institución desaparezca para el bienestar de todos.
En el link les envío la petición para la eliminación del Internal Revenue Service. Quizás sea algo simbólico, quizás camine adelante, pero creo que es nuestro deber al menos tratar.
Peticion para Abolir el Internal Revenue Service,  presione en .......Tea Party Patriots

Join Senator Rand Paul and Tea Party Patriots: Sign the National Petition to Abolish the IRS!

To: Members of the U.S. Congress
Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has been caught red-handed in the act of politically targeting grassroots Americans for harassment and intimidation;
Whereas, this corrupt big government agency has routinely violated the rights and privacy of the American people;
Whereas, the IRS will be instrumental in the enforcement of the disastrous “Obamacare” program;
And whereas, I, an American citizen, am entitled to the right to petition my government for the redress of grievances;
Therefore, I hereby demand that you immediately and completely abolish the IRS and return freedom and transparency to our tax system! https://secure.teapartypatriots.org/AbolishIRSPetition/IND2801

Compañeros del sargento Bowe Bergdahl dicen que es un desertor, no un héroe

Por Jake Tapper, CNN
(CNN) – El sentimiento de orgullo expresado por funcionarios de la administración de Obama tras la liberación del sargento del ejército Bowe Bergdahl no es un sentimiento que comparten muchos de quienes sirvieron con él: veteranos y soldados que dicen es un desertor cuyo "acto egoísta" terminó costando la vida de mejores hombres.
"Estaba molesto ese entonces y ahora lo estoy aún más por todo lo que está sucediendo", dijo el exsargento Matt Vierkant, miembro del pelotón en el que estaba Bergdahl cuando desapareció el 30 de junio de 2009. "Bowe Bergdahl desertó durante un tiempo de guerra y sus compañeros estadounidenses perdieron sus vidas buscándolo".
Vierkant dijo que Bergdahl necesita no solo reconocer sus acciones públicamente, sino enfrentarse a un juicio militar por la deserción bajo el Código Uniforme de Justicia Militar.
Un reportero le preguntó el domingo a Chuck Hagel, Secretario de Defensa, si Bergdahl había dejado su puesto sin permiso o desertado y, de ser así, si sería castigado. Hagel no respondió directamente. "Nuestra prioridad principal es asegurar su bienestar y su salud y dejar que se reúna con su familia", dijo. "Otras circunstancias que podrían desarrollase y preguntas que podrían surgir, serán tratadas posteriormente".
El sábado, luego de ser liberado tras pasar cinco años en cautiverio en Afganistán, Bergdahl fue trasladado a un hospital militar en Alemania.
Un alto funcionario del Departamento de Defensa dijo que el "proceso de reintegración" de Bergdahl incluirá "tiempo para que él cuente su historia, se relaje y se vuelva conectar con su familia por medio de llamadas telefónicas y video conferencias".
El exlíder del escuadrón de Bergdahl, Greg Leatherman, dijo: "Me alegra ver que ha regresado sano y salvo. Por experiencia, espero que reciba la adecuada consejería para su reintegración. Creo que se debería llevar a cabo una investigación tan pronto como los profesionales de salud consideren que está en condiciones para ello".
Otro alto funcionario del Departamento de Defensa dijo que Bergdahl no enfrentará castigo alguno. "Cinco años es suficiente", le dijo a CNN en condición de anonimato.
Hay muchas preguntas en torno a las circunstancias de la desaparición de Bergdahl. Detalles contradictorios han surgido desde entonces sobre cómo los militantes lo lograron capturar. Las versiones publicadas han variado ampliamente, desde afirmaciones que indican que huyó de su puesto hasta otra que dice que fue tomado de una letrina.
Según versiones de primera mano de soldados de su pelotón, Bergdahl, mientras estaba de guardia, dejó caer sus armas y se alejó del puesto de observación con nada más que una brújula, un cuchillo, una cámara digital, y un diario.
Al menos seis soldados murieron en operaciones subsiguientes para encontrar a Begdahl, y muchos soldados de su pelotón dijeron que los ataques contra EE.UU. parecieron incrementarse en la provincia de Paktika en los días posteriores a su desaparición.
Muchos de los soldados compañeros de Bergdahl -desde los más o menos siete de su escuadrón que mejor lo conocían, hasta el grupo más amplio que comprendía el Batallón no. 1, el Regimiento de Infantería no. 501, el Equipo de Brigada de Combate no. 4, la División de Infantería no. 25- dijeron a CNN que habían firmado acuerdos de confidencialidad en los que se comprometían a nunca compartir información alguna sobre la desaparición de Bergdahl y los esfuerzos por rescatarlo. Algunos estaban dispuestos a desestimar ese documento con la esperanza de que la verdad saliera a luz sobre un soldado que ahora temen está siendo aclamado como un héroe, mientras los hombres que perdieron sus vidas en su búsqueda son ignorados.
Muchos están recurriendo a los medios sociales, como la página de Facebook "Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a hero" (Bowe Bergdahl NO es un héroe), donde comparten historias que detallan su resentimiento. Varios comentarios en la página de Facebook de su batallón llevaron al moderador a pedir que mostraran más respeto.
"Quiero retar a cualquiera de ustedes que lo tildan de traidor a pasar 5 años en cautiverio con el talibán o Haqqani, y a volverlo a acusar cuando regresen. Cualquiera que haya sido su intención cuando se alejó de su puesto o fue capturado, ya ha pagado por ello lo suficiente".
Correos electrónicos sobre los que informó el fallecido Michael Hastings en Rolling Stone en 2012 revelan de lo que los compañeros soldados de infantería de Bergdahl se enteraron días después de su desaparición: le dijo a algunas personas que ya no apoyaba el esfuerzo de Estados Unidos en Afganistán.
"El futuro es demasiado bueno como para desperdiciarlo en mentiras", le escribió Bowe a sus padres. "Y la vida es demasiado corta como para preocuparse por la condenación de otros, así como para pasarse la vida ayudando a tontos con sus ideas equivocadas. He visto sus ideas y me avergüenzo de ser un estadounidense. El horror de la arrogancia en la que viven, en la que se creen tan rectos. Todo es repugnante".
Bertdahl les escribió: "Lamento mucho todo. El horror que es Estados Unidos es desagradable".
CNN no ha confirmado de manera independiente la autenticidad de los correos electrónicos.
Un antiguo miembro del escuadrón de Bergdahl, quien aún no ha identificado su apellido públicamente pero se hace llamar "Cody", tuiteó este fin de semana que antes de desaparecer, Bergdahl una vez le dijo: "Si el despliegue no me parece, me voy a perder en las montañas y voy a dirigirme hacia China".
Leatherman dijo a CNN que Bergdahl "siempre veía hacia las montañas a la distancia y hablaba de 'ver lo que había del otro lado'".
Cody mencionó en sus comentarios en Twitter una historia que otros de la Compañía Blackfoot cuentan. Mientras soldados estaban buscando a Bergdahl, un pelotón "se encontró a algunos niños, y les preguntaron si habían visto a un estadounidense. Los niños dijeron 'sí, se estaba arrastrando sobre su vientre por la hierba y se estaba comportando de forma extraña hace un rato'", según Cody.
El pelotón se dirigió a la aldea a donde los niños dijeron había ido el estadounidense. "Los aldeaños dijeron que un estadounidense había pasado por el área, pidiendo agua y preguntando si alguien hablaba inglés", compartió Cody.
El ex   soldado Jose Baggett, de 27 años, de Chicago, también estaba en la Compañía Blackfoot, y dijo que estaba cerca de dos hombres que "murieron debido a las acciones de Bergdahl".
"Se alejó", le dijo Baggett a CNN. "Dejó su puesto de guardia. Nadie sabe si desertó, si es un traidor o si fue secuestrado. Lo que sí sé es que estaba ahí pata protegernos y en lugar de eso decidió diferir de Estados Unidos y actuar por su cuenta. No sé por qué decidió hacer eso, pero invertimos muchos de nuestros recursos, y algunos recursos fueron las vidas de soldados".
El 18 de agosto de 2009, el sargento segundo Clayton Bowen y el   soldado Morris Walker murieron por un dispositivo explosivo improvisado mientras participaban en la búsqueda de Bergdahl. El sargento segundo Kurt Curtiss murió el 26 de agosto; el segundo teniente Darryn Andrews y el soldado   Matthew Michael Martinek murieron luego de ser atacados en el distrito de Yahya Khail el 4 de septiembre; el sargento segundo Michael Murphey murió el 5 de septiembre por un dispositivo explosivo no identificado en la Base de operaciones avanzadas, Saharana.
Además, otras operaciones fueron interrumpidas mientras la búsqueda de Bergdahl fue establecida como una prioridad número uno, según oficiales que sirvieron en Afganistán en aquella época. Recursos humanos y activos (como algunos drones y helicópteros de vigilancia) fueron empleados en la búsqueda. La falta de activos es una razón por la que el cierre de un peligroso puesto de avanzada de combate, COP Keating, se retrasó. Ocho soldados murieron en COP Keating antes de que finalmente fuera cerrado.
Un soldado del Regimiento no. 509, una unidad filial del no. 501, le dijo a CNN que después de que Bergdahl desapareció, el Ejército de EE.UU. recibió órdenes de en esencia bloquear toda la provincia de Pakitka. Él describió cómo se sentó en medio de un campo con su pelotón, con capacidades y personal mal dirigidos por toda la región. Diferentes pelotones se quedaron sin agua, alimentos y municiones.
Dos encargados de los morteros   -el soldado Aaron Fairbairn y el soldado de primera clase   Justin Casillas- murieron en un ataque ocurrido el 4 de julio de 2009.
"Fue increíble", dijo el soldado. "Todo por el acto egoísta de una sola persona. La cantidad de animosidad hacia él es algo nunca antes visto".
El hecho de que Bergdahl haya sido liberado en un intercambio por cinco detenidos en la prisión de Guantánamo, es otra fuente de consternación.
"No entiendo por qué estamos intercambiando prisioneros en la Base Naval de la Bahía de Guantánamo por alguien que desertó en una época de guerra, lo cual es un acto de traición", dijo Vierkant.

Details Emerge About Taliban Prisoner Bowe Bergdahl That Are Truly Disturbing. "The horror that is America is disgusting.” B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE 

When Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was reunited with his family after five years in Taliban captivity last weekend, the nation joined in the celebration. Almost immediately, however, concerns regarding the circumstances of his release began to spread.
The Obama administration agreed to release five suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for the American, a move Republicans say could embolden Islamic militants.
“What does this tell the terrorists?” Sen. Ted Cruz asked. “That if you capture a U.S. soldier, you can trade that soldier for tive terrorists.”
GOP leaders also complained that Obama did not provide Congress with a required 30-day notice before approving such a transfer.
As Sen. John McCain – himself a former prisoner of war – suggested, the five released prisoners were “the hardest of the hard core” terrorists, suggesting they could have been “responsible for the deaths of thousands.”
After the initial issues emerged, even darker allegations against Bergdahl himself began to surface. Just days before he was reported missing, he sent an email to his father, Bob, indicating he felt he was fighting for the wrong side.
“I am sorry for everything here,” he wrote. “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”
His commander was a “conceited old fool,” Bergdahl continued, noting his disgust at being associated with the U.S. military – and even the nation in general.
“I am ashamed to be an American,” he wrote. “And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”
Reports indicate he subsequently deserted his fellow soldiers, leading to the deaths of multiple individuals involved in a rescue and recovery mission. Once in Taliban custody, the terrorist organization used him in propaganda videos in which he criticized the American government.
Capping off the saga surrounding his release, reports this week indicate Bergdahl – a man who made it clear he wants nothing to do with the U.S. Army – is now on the fast track to a military promotion.

Law Professor: Obama Violated Federal Law With Prisoner Exchange

"I don't think there is much debate..."

Democrat Lawyer Jonathan Turley, appearing on CNN’s “News Room”, said Obama broke yet another law by authorizing this prisoner swap without Congressional approval.


Estaba leyendo un comentario del columnista Charles Kauthammer sobre la reducción de tropas anunciada por el presidente Obama en Afganistán,.  La pregunta que se hacía Kauthammer era que  si el come-m-andante en jefe tenía la menor idea de lo que estaba haciendo en ese frente de guerra en 2009.  ¿Qué es lo que se consigue con la triplicación de las tropas y el gran número de muertes que resultaron para ahora anunciar el retiro total sin haber resuelto el problema?. 
El punto de este articulo cuando uno lo lee detenidamente es la conclusión que  ObamaCare no será el único " legado" de este presidente.
Obamacare es simplemente el más publicado y más evidente por su visibilidad.  Pero hay muchos más situaciones aberrantes que es lo que hace a muchos considerar esta administración como la peor de la historia de la nación.
 El gobierno de Obama - decidido a desviar la atención del público lejos de Asuntos de los Veteranos, Benghazi y escándalos del IRS declarando el cambio climático como la principal prioridad de la nación - y presenta planes de usar la autoridad ejecutiva para " unilateralmente imponer " sistemas de comercio de emisiones de dióxido de carbono.
En otras palabras , le pone  la tapa a lo que ha sido sagrado en los Estados Unidos desde su fundación, la libertad de comercio. El plan se está vendiendo a los estados como " flexible". Sin duda, es casi tan flexible como un porrazo en la cabeza con una maza de un ingenio azucarero de los que teníamos en Cuba...
 Entre los continuos escándalos de Asuntos de los Veteranos trata de un caso de Texas , donde existen acusaciones de manipular información.  Se informó en varias ocasiones sobre los tiempos de espera de los pacientes ( para que los funcionarios pudieran mantener sus bonos ) a las autoridades locales y nacionales de VA - pero sin ninguna resolución.
Pero ¿Cuales son las noticias que nos reporta la mediática complaciente?  Se acerca el fin del mundo .. lo vimos en la red de  CNN como noticia importante. Ya no lo verán porque la red ha eliminado el post en su sitio acerca de un asteroide gigante que podría acabar con toda la vida en la Tierra después de una colisión en 30 años. El informe no era simplemente un error de información; era evidentemente una noticia falsa , según la NASA, una gran mentira.
Esto es típico que como la prensa complaciente intenta con chismes y noticias sensacionales mantenernos entretenidos con la lechada con la que quieren pintar el manchado muro del legado de esta presidencia.

These Two Major Restaurant Chains Just Joined The Anti-Gun Movement. “We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns..."


Second Amendment advocates – along with significant empirical evidence – suggest gun-free zones only create a safe haven for violent criminals. Western Journalism has reported on a number of crimes involving firearms in public places that prohibit guns, including the armed robbery of a recently opened barbecue restaurant in North Carolina.
Additionally, in the days following fast food chain Jack in the Box’s decision to become gun-free, patrons and employees at three separate locations became victims of gun crimes.
Nevertheless, more and more restaurants continue to join the growing gun-free movement.
Starbucks gave in to pressure to prohibit firearms in its many locations last year. Chipotle announced its intention to curtail the rights of its law-abiding customers following protests by anti-Second Amendment activists last month.
This week, two more restaurant chains – Sonic and Chili’s – have made similar proclamations.
“We kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants,” a Chili’s statement stated, concluding that the brand “will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”
Sonic was even more concise in promoting its new policy.
“We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoors dining areas,” the company said.
If not directly putting customers and staff in physical harm, many conclude such policies could have a devastating financial impact on these well-known brands.

AMENPER: The Democratic Assault on the First Amendment.
Congress has too much power already; it should not have the power to silence citizens.
For two centuries there has been bipartisan agreement that American democracy depends on free speech. Alas, more and more, the modern Democratic Party has abandoned that commitment and has instead been trying to regulate the speech of the citizenry.
We have seen President Obama publicly rebuke the Supreme Court for protecting free speech in Citizens United v. FEC; the Obama IRS inquire of citizens what books they are reading and what is the content of their prayers; the Federal Communications Commission proposing to put government monitors in newsrooms; and Sen. Harry Reidregularly slandering private citizens on the Senate floor for their political speech.
But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. Senate Democrats have promised a vote this year on a constitutional amendment to expressly repeal the free-speech protections of the First Amendment.

You read that correctly. Forty-one Democrats have signed on to co-sponsor New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall's proposed amendment to give Congress plenary power to regulate political speech. The text of the amendment says that Congress could regulate "the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to federal elections." The amendment places no limitations whatsoever on Congress's new power.
Two canards are put forth to justify this broad authority. First, "money is not speech." And second, "corporations have no free speech rights."
Neither contention bears even minimal scrutiny. Speech is more than just standing on a soap box yelling on a street corner. For centuries the Supreme Court has rightly concluded that free speech includes writing and distributing pamphlets, putting up billboards, displaying yard signs, launching a website, and running radio and television ads. Every one of those activities requires money. Distributing the Federalist Papers or Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" required money. If you can prohibit spending money, you can prohibit virtually any form of effective speech.
As for the idea that the Supreme Court got it wrong in Citizens Unite d because corporations have no First Amendment rights, that too is demonstrably false. The New York Times NYT -1.28% is a corporation. The television network NBC is a corporation. Book publisher Simon & Schuster is a corporation. Paramount Pictures is a corporation. Nobody would reasonably argue that Congress could restrict what they say—or what money they spend distributing their views, books or movies—merely because they are not individual persons.
Proponents of the amendment also say it would just "repeal Citizens United" or "regulate big money in politics." That is nonsense. Nothing in the amendment is limited to corporations, or to nefarious billionaires. It gives Congress power to regulate—and ban—speech by everybody.
Indeed, the text of the amendment obliquely acknowledges that Americans' free-speech rights would be eliminated: It says "[n]othing in this article shall be construed to grant Congress the power to abridge the freedom of the press." Thus, the New York Times is protected from congressional power; individual citizens, exercising political speech, are not.
If this amendment were adopted, the following would likely be deemed constitutional:
Congress could prohibit the National Rifle Association from distributing voter guides letting citizens know politicians' records on the Second Amendment.
Congress could prohibit the Sierra Club from running political ads criticizing politicians for their environmental policies.
Congress could penalize pro-life (or pro-choice) groups for spending money to urge their views of abortion.
Congress could prohibit labor unions from organizing workers (an in-kind expenditure) to go door to door urging voters to turn out.
Congress could criminalize pastors making efforts to get their parishioners to vote.
Congress could punish bloggers expending any resources to criticize the president.
Congress could ban books, movies (watch out Michael Moore ) and radio programs—anything not deemed "the press"—that might influence upcoming elections.
One might argue, "surely bloggers would be protected." But Senate Democrats expressly excluded bloggers from protection under their proposed media-shield law, because bloggers are not "covered journalists."
One might argue, "surely movies would be exempt." But the Citizens United case—expressly maligned by President Obama during his 2010 State of the Union address—concerned the federal government trying to fine a filmmaker for distributing a movie criticizing Hillary Clinton.
One might argue, "surely books would be exempt." But the Obama administration, in theCitizens United oral argument, explicitly argued that the federal government could ban books that contained political speech.
The contemplated amendment is simply wrong. No politician should be immune from criticism. Congress has too much power already—it should never have the power to silence citizens.
Thankfully, any constitutional amendment must first win two-thirds of the vote in both houses of Congress. Then three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve the proposed amendment. There's no chance that Sen. Udall's amendment will clear either hurdle. Still, it's a reflection of today's Democratic disrespect for free speech that an attempt would even be made. There was a time, not too long ago, when free speech was a bipartisan commitment.
John Stuart Mill had it right: If you disagree with political speech, the best cure is more speech, not less. The First Amendment has served America well for 223 years. When Democrats tried something similar in 1997, Sen. Ted Kennedy was right to say: "In the entire history of the Constitution, we have never amended the Bill of Rights, and now is no time to start."
Mr. Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, serves as the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights.

AMENPER: Foreign Investors Won't Liberate Cuba

Because  my interest in the domestic and global issues, most of the time my information comes from the mainstream media,  I don't read or listen much to the local Spanish speaking media. 
This brings, sometimes, a personal condition of ignorance about the local issues and above all a sense of frustration about how the mainstream media presents the news about Cuba and Latin American.  
The cultural gap, misunderstandings and stereotypes are always present when you read or listen to the news about Latin American the way they are reported by the mainstream media. 
But there are honorable exceptions, and none greater than the Wall Street Journal's Mary Anastasia O'Grady. 
Mary Anastasia presents the news from any Latin American Country as well as the best informed native journalist.
The following  article in today's Journal is about why investors won't liberate Cuba.
Her analysis presents the fact that the embargo defenders are not outdated, they are not old people that live in the past. 
The people that live in the past are the people that tell us that the lifting of the embargo and inversions in Cuba will help to liberate Cuba.  
The lifting of the embargo has been "de facto" done.  There is not a real embargo in Cuba. The billions of dollars already poured into the island by foreign investors, have done nothing to advance democracy in Cuba. 
The repression is still there the dictatorship hasn't changed at all.
Mary Anastasia gives us a detailed, intelligent and educated analysis of this situation, like I have never seen written by any political analyst, American or Cuban.  
Foreign Investors Won't Liberate Cuba
The billions already poured into the island have done nothing to advance civil society. By MARY ANASTASIA O'GRADY

Attitudes toward the 52-year-old—though much-modified—U.S. embargo of Cuba's military dictatorship have changed a lot in recent years. But not always in the ways you might expect.
There was a time when it was not hard to find a Cuban dissident willing to criticize the embargo. Today, a great many of the island's political activists and human-rights advocates no longer believe that foreign investment helps them in their struggle for liberation. They are asking for more economic pressure on the regime from abroad, not less.
As Cuban political activist Antonio Rodiles told journalist Pablo Diaz Espi for the Spanish website Diario de Cuba last month, "We need, first and foremost, the re-establishment of basic rights and freedoms. The international pressure, which includes the American embargo, is very necessary to at least contain the impunity enjoyed by the totalitarian regime."
This is worth noting, not the least because of new pressures on President Obama to allow Americans to do more business in Cuba. Last month one group—made up largely of lobbyists and former U.S. bureaucrats and politicians who now make their living as consultants—sent a letter to Mr. Obama asking him to unilaterally lift some restrictions on U.S. investment and travel to Cuba.
The letter's signers say a change in U.S. policy "can help the Cuban people determine their own destiny," strengthen civil society and improve bilateral relations between the U.S. and the dictatorship. But as Cubans are not allowed to freely engage in any business transaction with a foreign entity, any new investment from the U.S. must go through the Castro brothers and their friends.
The dissident community on the island and in exile responded to the letter with indignation. "The embargo that must be eliminated is the one which totalitarianism has imposed on the Cuban people," Cuban poet and former political prisoner Raúl Rivero wrote in the Spanish daily El Mundo. As to bilateral relations, once there is a democracy, "the issues between both governments can be resolved diplomatically in 24 hours."
Cuba's Christian Liberation Movement, founded by the late Oswaldo Payá, had this to say: "To support and applaud this logic of no-rights is an act of complicity that infringes, precisely, against the potential birth of a real 'civil society.' "
Advocates for economic liberty argue that the embargo unjustly restricts American freedom: Investing abroad is central to free trade whether in South Africa during apartheid or in Castro's Cuba. That's a defensible libertarian argument. But it's a bad joke coming from signatories to the letter like Andres Fanjul, whose family made a fortune from U.S. sugar quotas or Venezuelan tycoon Gustavo Cisneros.
On a visit to Cuba last week Tom Donohue, the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, reportedly commended the regime for its recent efforts to attract investment. That's a howler too.
For more than 20 years Castro has been inviting foreigners to run hotels, mine for nickel, make cement and otherwise provide capital to the island. Spaniards, Canadians, Brits, Swiss, Italians and Russians, among others, have invested billions in partnership with the government. Some of these investors have made use of confiscated American property. Millions of Europeans and Latin Americans have made Cuba a tourist destination. Hundreds of thousands of Americans now travel to the island every year.
Yet Cubans are still tyrannized. Foreign employers pay the government in hard currency, but the government pays the workforce slave wages in nearly worthless local pesos. Foreign capital funneled to the despots has only made life for ordinary Cubans worse because it has given Castro an economic lifeline and more resources with which to repress the population.
Cuban philosopher and former University of Havana Professor Alexis Jardines argued in Diario de Cuba last week that focusing on Cuba's economic problems plays into the hands of the thugs: "We shouldn't forget that in state socialism, misery is artificially provoked."
It's true that Cuba is changing slowly, but that's being driven by desperation not engagement. The Castros want to end the embargo not because they are reforming but because they are not reforming. The economy remains a train wreck. The regime can now buy all the food and medicine it wants from the U.S., but under the embargo it has to pay cash. Having defaulted on nearly $75 billion in loans from the rest of the world, it has run out of willing state creditors.
Cubans now permitted to travel abroad bring merchandise from Miami, reducing some of the privation on the island. But the regime knows well that accumulating wealth means accumulating some control of one's own destiny. That's why a foreigner caught paying an employee hard currency can end up in jail.
It can be profitable doing business in a Caribbean country with one-man rule. I get it. But the theory that a wave of foreign investment to Cuba will swamp the totalitarian boat has been tested and failed. Let's not pretend that cutting deals with plantation owners is about making Cubans better off.
Write to O'Grady@wsj.com

GEORGINA LOPEZ: Hope all of you who count on Medicare to take care of you into your golden years have a back-up plan.

If you don't read this, and do nothing about it, don't complain when it affects you or your loved ones!!!!!  
This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care document and made comments.
More highlights of Nancy 's "pass it and then find out what's in the bill"!!!!!! Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76.
These are just a few of the things that we Seniors are going to have to deal with starting in 2014. Even far left Democrats will not like these. 

THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75....... If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents.... 

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care. You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it!
If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered.
This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happens in this year and 2014! 

YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272.What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what's in it." Well, here it is.  

Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200. Please read this....... especially the reference to pages 58 & 59, JUDGE KITHIL wrote:
** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make
electronic fund transfers from those accounts. 

** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations
(such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN) 

** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.
(How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?) 

** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees. 

** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age. 

** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities
may petition for an exception. 

** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations.Those on Social Security will be required to attend an
"end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)  

** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order. 

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify: "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. 

No wonder they did not see the need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP TO WASHINGTON
.... I don't know if we can do anything, but awareness helps. 

Winds Of Change -- Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. At least 20 if you can. It has to stop somewhere.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have this message. This is one idea that really should be passed

“obama” Gov’t Seizes Control of All Your Financial Accounts

Everyone knows that the United States has gone bankrupt.  As the U.S. government and the Fed poured trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and markets after the 2008 economic collapse, this unprecedented level of money-printing is catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018.  But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo.  They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are no longer enough.  So in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to be in position to seize control of all your financial accounts.   And it’s becoming clearer by the day, if you want to protect your savings and wealth from government confiscation, you only have ONE choice.
The Bankrupt State. Damon Geller…
What happens when America goes bankrupt?  The $17 Trillion question?  Let’s be clear, America is already bankrupt.  “Bankrupt” is defined as “any insolvent debtor” – a debtor whose liabilities exceeds its assets.  The U.S. government, by its own admission, is a bankrupt entity.  Not bankrupt “soon,” bankrupt NOW.  To the tune of just OVER $17 trillion.  In an attempt to fabricate the illusion of “growth,” the Fed and their bank-owned politicians poured trillions of dollars of YOUR money into big banks and the markets in order to prop up stocks, bonds and real estate after the 2008 economic collapse.  The idea was to “fix” the economy by pouring 1,000 gallons of high-octane debt-gas on an already ragging debt-fueled bond fire.
Of course, REAL growth never materialized.  Instead, all that these criminals managed to accomplish with their money-printing was to blow up new bubbles, widen the income divide, and dramatically increase the wealth of a select few at the expense of the rest of us.  The tragic result:  the USA’s liabilities now exceed its assets by an amount so astronomical it’s almost incomprehensible.  And by its own admission, that hole will be getting deeper each year until we reach $28 trillion in debt by 2018.  Or until the Ponzi scheme blows up.
What Now?
The questions now are, what happens now that America is already bankrupt?  How do broke governments survive as long as they can?  What are they capable of doing when they know their fate is at hand?  How do the Ponzi masters keep the Ponzi scheme going?
The answer to all these questions may shock you:  The U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to be in position to seize control of all your financial accounts!  They’re using legislation and authoritarian power in collusion with the modern financial system to gain access to your private assets in the name of “protection”, “security” or “national emergency.” But in reality, your savings & wealth have become a prime target for confiscation.
How can they do this?  Well, the “beauty” of the modern financial system – to a banker or an insolvent government – is the ease at which they can access your wealth with the stroke of a computer or a new law or tax.  When you combine the digital banking & financial system with the overreaching legislative power of an insolvent government, we citizens don’t stand a chance.  Unlike English soldiers breaking into the homes of colonists, today’s government can be far more subversive.  Just take a look at these government regulations & initiatives that are right now in the process of taking effect:
FATCA:  As everyone has heard by now, the July 1st FATCA provision requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.  The government can’t put its paws on your money if it doesn’t know where it is.  The more information a government has on the movement, location & size of global citizen wealth, the more efficiently and effectively it can create legislation & systems to control that wealth.  FATCA even requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.  And FATCA, once implemented, will negatively impact the U.S. dollar, the global economy, and our international relationships.
MyRA:  In the State Of The Union Address – and coincidentally just as soon as the Fed started tapering their endless QE treasury-buying experiments – Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. The MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.  The reality is, since the Fed can’t conjure up money from thin air to buy the debt anymore, and our foreign friends don’t want our debt anymore, Obama needs to sell it to John Q. Public.  Since the federal government has done so well at everything from delivering mail to affordable healthcare, what could possibly go wrong with jumping into the investment advisory business?  Where do I sign up?
CARDS:  The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerage accounts nationwide. CARDS is disguised as a way to “protect” investors, but the system is clearly designed to have detailed information on the structure & location of every citizens’ investments.  Since the government needs us to support its debt (because outside interests no longer do), wouldn’t it be convenient to know and control the structure or every investment portfolio in America?
So for the first time ever, The U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.  The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.  So now that we know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, the question for you is:  what are you doing to safeguard your savings & wealth?
There’s Only One Place to Hide
With our desperate government gaining unprecedented access to your financial accounts everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement from possible capital controls.  But if the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and brokerage accounts, is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government confiscation and global economic collapse:  Gold & Silver.  Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history.  Today, physical gold & silver are selling in record numbers around the world.  Central banks around the world and nations like China are stockpiling gold as a hedge to any possible collapse of all the dollars they hold.
The government has spent way beyond its limits.  And now you know that the government is seizing control of your financial accounts.  So the time is now.  Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster,"


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