Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No 531 "Enmi opinion" Nov. 27, 2013

No 531         “En mi opinión”         Noviembre 27, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”   Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

EMO" Queridos amigos:
Mañana es el Dia de dar Gracias a DIOS por todo lo que tenemos y por todo lo que no tenemos. A veces las cosas que no tenemos son las mas importantes. Muchas veces me he preguntado porque no he tenido cosas por las cuales he trabajado arduamente y ya a esta hora de mi vida, creo que se porque. 
He llegado a la conclusion de que es mejor que no las halla tenido. DIOS e su infinita sabiduria EL sabia que el no tenerlas me motivaria a trabajar duro para tenerlas y en el camino tendria que adquirir conocimientos, contactos y experiencias que me llevarian a obtener cosas de mucho mas valor y utilidad que las que yo suponia que eran las que me harian feliz.
Hemos venido para aprender, no para disfrutar. Aunque disfrutamos, y  mucho, cuando aprendemos y damos. Cuando mas preparado estes mas podras hacer por los demas y eso es lo mas importante. Si eres una persona normal estoy seguro que eres mas feliz cuando das que cuando recibes. "Porque dando es que recibimos" Por lo tanto en este dia de dar gracias y ya sabes como puedes ser mas feliz...
Tambien aprendi que un pensamiento constante y fijo en nuestra mente es una de las mejores herramientas para conseguir un objetivo, porque el universo lo toma como una peticion urgente. Por eso es que en mi mente siempre esta: Que termine este horror que los Estados Unidos esta viviendo por tener un presidente tan inepto como barack husein obama y por eso pienso que la mejor solucion sera que el deje de ser presidente lo mas pronto posible, para reiniciar una era de abances, prosperidad y felicidad en la nacion americana. 
Que tengan todos un feliz dia de dar gracias y preparate a recibir si ya has aprendido la leccion. Un fuerte abrazo a todos.
Lázaro R González Miño 

      We need another Ronald Reagan: Watch to the end. 

amenper: In this eve of Thanksgiving it is the time to reflect about what this celebration really means, and the roots of this nation.
This is a day to “render Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for all His blessings."
This article in today´s Wall Street Journal by Myron Magnet, does give us  the perspective of the long treasured right to worship that was the foundation of this country.

Giving Thanks in the Land of the Free
Americans have long treasured their right to worship as they choose.
Myron Magnet
Nov. 26, 2013 7:18 p.m. ET
In the fall of 1621, some 50 of the Puritans who had left the Old World in search of religious freedom sat down in their tiny thatched hamlet of Plymouth with their Wampanoag neighbors to feast on turkey, venison, corn and cod. They also gave thanks for surviving their first terrible New England winter, whose cold and privation had carried off half their community.
Continual waves of pilgrims fleeing religious persecution would follow them across the sea. Their sense of providential escape from foreign oppression stayed vividly alive in the American memory, and ultimately helped guide the Founding Fathers to make a revolution and fashion a new kind of government.
Hard as it is to believe at this distance of time, British law once jailed non-Anglican Protestants like the Pilgrims for worshiping as they chose. The law also barred them from the universities and public office. Thousands of Congregationalists, Baptists, Quakers and others left their native land, bringing to the New World their Dissenting tradition of self-government, individualism and personal responsibility. They had long run their own congregations, hired and fired their own ministers, read the Bible and freely judged its meaning for themselves. They believed that each individual has a direct relation to God independent of, and higher than, any worldly authority.
As late as the 1750s, Constitution-signer William Livingston was still reminding readers of his influential magazine, The Independent Reflector, how "the countless Sufferings of your pious Predecessors for Liberty of Conscience, and the Right of private Judgment" drove them "to this country, then a dreary Waste and barren Desert."
Decades later, Chief Justice John Jay wrote a gripping account of how his grandfather, a French Protestant, had returned home from a trading voyage abroad in 1685 to find his family and neighbors gone, their church destroyed. While he had been away, Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes, which had extended religious toleration and civil rights to Protestants for almost a century. Jay's grandfather was lucky to be able to sneak aboard one of his ships and, like many others, sail away to freedom in the New World.
With this long history, Americans have had an almost physical thirst for liberty, as people do who truly know its opposite, like Eastern Europeans who once lived under communist tyranny. Long before Emma Lazarus wrote her Statue of Liberty verses about the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, George Washington noted that for "the poor, the needy, & the oppressed of the Earth," America was already "the second Land of promise"—the Promised Land. It offered, said James Madison, "an Asylum to the persecuted and oppressed of every Nation and Religion."
That thirst for liberty led the Founders to revolt when they thought that George III was squeezing upon them the tyranny that had crushed their forebears. It also led them to hedge their new government with every safeguard to keep them free.
To protect life, liberty and property from what they called the depravity of human nature—from man's innate capacity for inhumanity to others—the Founders knew they needed some kind of government armed with power. But since the officials who wield such power have the same fallen human nature as everyone else, who can be sure that they won't use it to oppress others? Who can guarantee that imperfect men wouldn't turn even the democratic republic the Founders were creating into what Continental Congressman Richard Henry Lee called an elective despotism?
The Constitution they wrote in the summer of 1787 explicitly limited government's powers to what they deemed absolutely essential. They divided and subdivided power, and they made each branch of government a watchdog over the others. But they also recognized that constitutions are only what they called "parchment barriers," easily breached if demagogues subvert the "spirit and letter" of the document.
In the first State of the Union address, George Washington stressed that the ultimate safeguard against such a danger is a special kind of culture, one that nurtures self-reliance and a love of liberty. "The security of a free Constitution," he said, depends on "teaching the people themselves to know and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasions of them."
If citizens start to take liberty for granted, he said, the spirit that gives life to the Constitution will flicker out, for "no mound of parchm[en]t can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other."
It's that culture of liberty we nourish by recalling that our forebears came to these shores in search of freedom—and by giving thanks that they found it.
Mr. Magnet is editor-at-large of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal. His new book is "The Founders at Home: The Building of America, 1735-1817" (Norton).

amenper: Separación de la Iglesia y el Estado
No sé cómo la izquierda ha podido tergiversar la idea de los padres de la patria de la separación de la Iglesia y el Estado para convertirlo en algo completamente opuesto a lo que fue creado.
Los primeros colonizadores de los Estados Unidos, vinieron de la persecución religiosa en su país. Vinieron de Inglaterra donde la Iglesia era el Estado, y si no pertenecías a esa denominación religiosa, eras perseguido.  Por eso cuando se fundó la república se creó la separación de la iglesia y el estado.  Se creó para que todo el mundo tuviera la libertad de tener sus propias creencias, y que se le respetaran aunque fueran contrarias a las de otros.
Pero los liberales ahora están haciendo todo lo contrario, quieren reprimir las creencias de otros para imponer las creencias de lo que se está convirtiendo en la religión del estado, que es el materialismo ateo.
Creo que puedo ser objetivo en esto, aunque no me caracterizo por mi objetividad, me gusta tener principios definidos y expresarlos.  Pero en el caso de los anticonceptivos, que se está convirtiendo en una creencia cuya supresión llega esta semana para discutirse en la Corte Suprema, y me siento que puedo ser objetivo, porque durante la etapa fértil de mi matrimonio, siempre usamos anticonceptivos, porque no creo que vaya en contra de la voluntad de Dios.  Pero hay otros que piensan diferente, y tengo que respetar sus creencias, de eso se trata la libertad de culto, no de imponer nuestras ideas a otros, por una ley del estado o de una denominación religiosa sobre otra..
Pero no me extrañaría que la corte suprema, la rama judicial, como ha sucedido otras veces “legisle” y determine imponer a las instituciones Católicas a ofrecer anticonceptivos a sus trabajadores.
Lo que hace esta situación más evidentemente política, es el hecho que cualquier persona puede obtener anticonceptivos de gratis sin necesidad que la institución donde trabaja se lo ofrezca.
En las clínicas de ayuda familiar, que es un eufemismo para las clínicas del Aborto, sólo hay que presentarse y pedir unas tabletas anticonceptivas para recibirlas, sin receta médica, sin examinar al paciente para ver si esa medicación pudiera tener efectos secundarios en la persona.
Esto, y el hecho de que los condones y diafragmas tienen un costo mínimo que cualquier persona puede pagar, hace ridículo que la Corte Suprema tenga que reunirse por semanas, gastando el dinero de los contribuyentes para legislar  lo cual no es su trabajo, las cámaras legislativas son las que solamente tienen la autoridad para legislar sobre este caso o cualquier otro.
Pero vivimos en tiempos interesantes, vivimos en tiempos donde la separación de poderes es cada día más nebulosa, donde los poderes judiciales legislan, donde las cámaras legislativas creadas para que la democracia representativa represente a las minorías, las minorías son reprimidas cuando el Senado elimina el filibusterismo, que era un sistema que había sido usado por siglos como defensa de las minorías en las cámaras legislativas.  Donde el poder ejecutivo que no debe legislar ni tener atributos judiciales, usa y  abusa de los poderes presidenciales, gobernando por orden ejecutivas.
Pero esta situación de los anticonceptivos, que pudiera parecer algo aparentemente de poca importancia,, es quizás el ejemplo que evidencia la realidad actual.  La falta de libertad personal que cada día toma más fuerza en la nueva religión del estado, la Iglesia del Materialismo Ateo, con sus sacerdotes con autoridad suprema.

amenper: ¿Listos para dormir?

Esto no es una crítica al Obamacare de un conservador o un enemigo de Obama. Esto es algo que ha dicho el periodista de la revista Time y apologista de Obama,  Mark Halperin.
Realmente fue sólo un momento de sinceridad, esto es lo que él cree, y aunque  ya está tratando de arreglar su metedura de pata y cambiar la historia, es muy tarde.
 Literalmente esto es lo que dijo y lo que cree que es mejor para la nación.
Estas son sus palabras sobre los paneles para decidir los pagos de los seguros del Obamacare:

"Se basa en el plan", afirma Halperin. "Es no como una idea o un juicio. Eso va a ser parte de cómo se controlan los costos. "Necesitamos tener un poco de eso en este país, porque no podemos permitirnos gastar tanto en cuidado de fin-de-vida.
Un porcentaje muy alto de nuestro gasto sanitario es para un número muy reducido de personas en las últimas etapas de su vida. No estoy diciendo el sistema no debería permitirlo, pero hay mucho costo. Hay juicios tienen que hacerse".

Bueno ya lo saben ustedes viejos cagalistrosos que están en las últimas etapas de la vida. No pueden estar gastando tanto en médicos y operaciones para alargar su vida.  Ya vivieron bastante, Obamacare tiene que ahorrar dinero para poderle pagar a los beneficiarios de los programas de ayuda para que voten por los demócratas.
Ustedes los viejos son un estorbo, ya ni siquiera tiene fuerzas para salir a votar. Además son parte de una generación del pasado que no comprende la realidad socialista del futuro de los Estados Unidos.
Tomense su pastillita que le recetará el panel y acuéstense a dormir. Le estamos haciendo un favor.

Consumer Confidence Falls in November
Published November 26, 2013 Reuters

U.S. consumer confidence fell in November as Americans worried about their future jobs and earnings prospects, according to a private sector report released on Tuesday.
The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes fell to 70.4 from a upwardly revised 72.4 the month before. Economists had expected a reading of 72.9, according to a Reuters poll.
October was originally reported as 71.2.
"Sentiment regarding current conditions was mixed, with consumers saying the job market had strengthened, while economic conditions had slowed," Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at The Conference Board, said in a statement.
"However, these sentiments did not carry over into the short-term outlook."
The expectations index fell to 69.3 from 72.2, while the present situation index fell to 72.0, from 72.6.
Consumers' labor market assessment was little changed. The "jobs hard to get" index ticked lower to 34.0 from 34.9 the month before, while the "jobs plentiful" index ticked up to 11.8 percent from 11.6 percent.

Amenper: The FDA and Thee. Regulators move to control 23andMe's new genetic tests. Nov. 25, 2013 7:01 p.m. ET

This editorial in today's Wall Street journal exposes some things that the general public cannot see.
Increases in the prices of health care, are usually caused by the cost we have to pay for investigations that have improved our standard of living, increasing the duration, not only of our life of but the quality with which we live it.
But these costs are increased due to the numerous bureaucratic government regulations to implement the processes of permissions in a capricious and authoritarian manner.
This article is an accurate description of the situation.

The good news is that modern medicine advances at a much faster pace than government, but the bad news is that the regulators eventually catch up. Right on cue, the Food and Drug Administration is now bidding to take over the emerging field of personal genetics.
In a warning letter on Monday, the FDA ordered 23andMe to "immediately discontinue marketing" its genetic tests. Consumers have been mailing in a saliva sample and $99, and the six-year-old Silicon Valley start-up analyzes their genome to reveal information about their predisposition for some 250 diseases, as well as inherited traits and ancestry.
23andMe—named after the number of chromosome pairs in human DNA—does not make diagnoses. The company helps patients and curiosity-seekers to understand their own biology. Patients can also offer their code for research projects—nine of 10 do—to contribute to discoveries about the relationships between genetics and health that could transform traditional medicine. 23andMe has already assembled the world's largest DNA registry for Parkinson's disease.
The FDA can't abide such unsupervised innovation. The agency is declaring 23andMe's service an "adulterated" product under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, in one more case of 20th-century law undermining medical progress in the 21st.
The FDA lacks any specific statutory authority to regulate genomic sequencing technologies. President Obama knows this, because as a Senator in 2006 and 2007 he introduced bills that would regulate the genomics industry. They never passed. Yet in 2010 the FDA simply decreed by fiat that these tests are considered new medical devices that require premarket testing and approval.
23andMe has been working with the FDA on approval for years, and the agency's letter scolds the company for offering new tests and services before it has received permission for the older versions. Imagine an iPhone app that needed federal approval for every update. But behavior that would be considered visionary in Mountain View is the quickest way to offend the FDA establishment.
The FDA claims that 23andMe merely has to prove that its tests are safe and effective. But what does that even mean given that FDA's main concern seems to be what patients will do with the information the company provides?
The not-so-benevolent paternalists at the FDA write that "serious concerns are raised if test results are not adequately understood by patients," and 23andMe's direct-to-consumer model may inspire people to "self-manage" their care. For example, a false positive for the BRCA1 genetic marker that increases the risk for breast cancer "could lead a patient to undergo prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention, intensive screening, or other morbidity-inducing actions."
Or maybe it would lead a woman to talk to her physician about the options and, er, double check the results before undergoing a life-altering operation.
23andMe told us in a statement that, "Our relationship with the FDA is extremely important to us and we are committed to fully engaging with them to address their concerns." That's what companies hostage to the bureaucracy always say, but it might do better to mount a legal counterstrike.
The agency's 2010 regulatory move was extralegal, and the Supreme Court and appellate circuits have begun to rein in the FDA for abridging freedom of speech. The judiciary has held in recent years that regulations on off-label drug use, cigarette labeling and other topics violate the First Amendment, and that people have a right to know basic information about their own bodies and to use it to make decisions about their own lives.
23andMe might also want to start scouting locations for a new overseas headquarters, if only to send a message about how Mr. Obama's regulators are chilling innovation and investment. You can mail a tube of saliva anywhere. The scientists and entrepreneurs helping to lead medicine into the genomic era have little need to operate inside the U.S. if that means begging the government for a hall pass every time they want to do something new and potentially life-saving.


I am Sheriff Joe Arpaio and I have the privilege of inviting you to Phoenix, Arizona on February 21st and 22nd, 2014 to attend the Western Conservative Conference.
Patriots from around the country will be gathering to discuss our Second Amendment rights, immigration, attacks on the Tea Party, our compromised national security and other hot topics on the mind of all freedom loving and law abiding Americans.
At Saturday night's gala, I have the honor of being ‘Roasted” by some of my best friends including rock star Ted Nugent, actor Steven Seagal, Representative Matt Salmon, Senator Russell Pearce, AG Bob Corbin and an all star cast. This will be a fun evening (maybe not for me) and the all day Conference promises to bring in some of the best and brightest leaders that you won’t want to miss.
Please go to to sign up early and see who will be attending and sponsoring this outstanding event. The ticket prices are bargain basement and I encourage you to take advantage of the early bird specials which end December 31. Come join me in Phoenix on February 22nd! Be a part of making history and defining America’s future. Our freedoms are in the balance and together we can and will make a difference.
Until then,

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Dos bombarderos B-52 de EE.UU. sobrevuelan el espacio aéreo reclamado por China

Por Barbara Starr, CNN (CNN) – Dos aviones B-53 de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos volaron el lunes en la zona de defensa aérea que China reclamó recientemente sobre el Mar Oriental.
Los aviones no se identificaron de la forma en que China habría querido, confirmó un funcionario estadounidense el martes.
Este incidente se produce después de que China anunciara la semana pasada una nueva zona aérea sobre las islas que se disputa con Japón.
Los vuelos de los B-52 corresponden a las intenciones previamente especificadas de EE.UU. desde que China declaró la nueva zona aérea la semana pasada, Estados Unidos dijo que continuaría con sus propias operaciones aéreas en la región y no reconocería las nuevas restricciones chinas, que le exigen a las aeronaves que entran la zona identificarse y registrar sus planes de vuelo.
Los B-52, que volaron desde Guam y regresaron allí sin incidentes, no estaban armados porque se trataba de una misión de entrenamiento. La misión duró varias horas, pero las aeronaves estuvieron en la nueva zona china durante una hora, según el funcionario estadounidense.
La fuente se negó a ser nombrada debido a la naturaleza de la situación.
"EMO" Creo que se han cagado en los chinos [?]  LRGM

80 Million Will Lose Employer-Provided Health Insurance. This Means You.
Written by Gary North on November 27, 2013

So, you think you will not receive a policy-cancellation letter, because your employer provides your coverage.
The odds say you will get that letter next year. New estimates of the number of employer-supplied policies that will be canceled indicate that 80 million will lose their coverage.
Go fish!
Will that get the attention of voters? You bet it will!
The law is on the books. It cannot be changed until 2017. Obama will veto any repeal bill.
The Senate has 15 Democrats up for re-election in 2014. So, there is a whole year for the cancellation letters to go out.
Then there is 2016.
Think of these letters as political junk mail. The Democrats passed the junk. The insurance companies will send the mail.
If these estimates prove accurate, then this will create a political re-structuring on a massive scale. Voters care about their fiscal bottom lines. When families find out that they will face healthcare insurance premium increases of several thousand dollars a year, they will send the Democrats a policy-cancellation letter.
The pain will not go away. Families will have to pay the premiums for different, far more expensive policies.
Politicians who vote for stupid laws figure that most voters will forget. Not this time.
Who in the Senate will introduce this one-sentence bill? “The Affordable Care Act is hereby repealed.” The man who plans to run for President in 2016.
The last major shift in political power in the United States was in November 1932. It could happen again. The House is gerrymandered. The Senate isn’t.


Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte. 
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,, 

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