Friday, November 1, 2013

No 510 "En mi opinion" Nov. 1, 2013

No 510  “En mi opinión”  Noviembre 1, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

Nota: recuerdense que ya en las pasadas elecciones les metieron el impuesto por 30 anos de la famosa reparacion de TODAS las alcantarillas del condado, "arrepunjate" esta. Propietario si todos no salimos a votar nos la van a meter...

amenper:  Como Administrar mejor su Economía y Tener una Mejor Vida
¿Por qué dejar que el gobierno tenga toda la diversión?  Usted puede crear su presupuesto personal y tener una vida mejor. Lo único que tienes que hacer es seguir estos simples cinco pasos:

Paso 1: Escribe una lista de 1000 páginas de todo lo que siempre has querido gastar, pero no podías permitirte: coches, ropa de lujo, joyas, una gran casa nueva de cinco millones de pesos con piscina, obras de arte en la pared, tomar vacaciones exóticas, tener tu propio privado jet,  ¡No te pongas límites!

Paso 2: Ir de compras con sus tarjetas de crédito

El siguiente paso es fácil: Coge sus tarjetas de crédito y vas a los centros comerciales. Compra todas las cosas que están en su lista de compras de 1.000 páginas. Usa todo el crédito que quieras,

Paso 3: Imprime dinero falso para pagar las tarjetas de crédito

Esta es la parte realmente inteligente: sólo tienes que seguir lo que hace la Reserva Federal. Compra   una imprenta como la del tesoro de Estados Unidos y empieza a imprimir billetes de 100 dólares como loco.

Paso 4: Usa el dinero falso para pagar sus tarjetas de crédito

A continuación, toma el dinero falso que has impreso y deposítalo en su cuenta bancaria. A partir de ahí, simplemente paga tus tarjetas de crédito. ¡Y listo! La deuda ha desaparecido por arte de magia.
Y todavía te quedan fondos para comprar las otras cosas que faltan en la lista.

Paso 5: repetir!
Pero no lo hagas sólo una vez. Tu propia economía personal puede convertirse en algo  estimulante, para siempre con este método, ¿no es cierto?
 Invoca el proceso de estímulo económico cada pocos meses, comprando todas las cosas que usted realmente no necesita mientras pagas con dinero creado de la nada.

Ah sí….y no te preocupes si hay algunas personas perjudicadas por el dinero falso que estás introduciendo en el mercado. Todos van a ser compensados por los estímulos federales de todas maneras. ¿No es verdad?
Así que mantén esa imprenta funcionando y lleva una vida feliz sin preocupaciones.

"EMO" Cualquier parecido de esto que escribio Alberto Perez, es pura coincidencia y no existe ninguna mala intencion de que sea comparado con lo que hace todos los dias obama con nuestro dinero... LRGM

Samitier:  Mas Pruebas de que vivimos YA en un régimen COMUNISTA
Para los que dicen: “Aquí No Va A Pasar”
Tenemos Un Congreso y Un Senado Además USA Es Un País Constitucional...
La mejor prueba es que con la llegada de Obama al poder QUEBRÓ el NEGOCIO de Imprimir Anuncios Políticos Para Las Defensas De Los Automóviles... ya no se ven...
Como en Cuba y Venezuela... La gente tiene miedo dar a conocer con qué partido SIMPATIZAN...
Además OFICIALMENTE el gobierno PERSIGUE A LOS QUE CRITICAN a OBAMA o el GOBIERNO...Aquí tiene una prueba:
Hace dos años, el gobierno DEMANDO al dueño de una tienda de novedades que vendía tazas de café y camisetas Burlándose De Las Agencias Del Gobierno...
Esta camiseta acabo con la PACIENCIA DEL GOBIERNO...  
Dice: La NSA Es La Única Agencia Del Gobierno Que NOS ESCUCHA...
Supuestamente, los empresario, Dan McCall de Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, han entrado en conflicto con las leyes federales que prohíben la utilización, la mutilación, alteración o suplantación de emblemas del gobierno...
Pero el señor McCall está APELANDO en los tribunales por motivos constitucionales.
Lo que es más, él dice que "Usó las imágenes y los sellos de la NSA y el DHS, sin
Modificar su forma ni estilo, que solo le agregó textos crítico, lo que no crea ningún
riesgo de confusión sobre la agencia del gobierno..."
Su abogado Paul Alan Levy, dice: "Bastante malo es que el gobiernos nos vigile todos
Los días 24 horas... para que también NOS prohíban a los ciudadanos criticarlos  como
En los países dictatoriales...."

Obama Has Presided Over 5 of 6 Largest Deficits in U.S. History.
Written by Gary North on October 31, 2013 By Terence P. Jeffrey

President Obama so far has presided over five of the six largest annual budget deficits that the U.S. government has ever run.
Fiscal 2013 ended ended on Sept. 30. The deficit was $680 billion.
In fiscal 2012, the deficit was $1.1 trillion.
In fiscal 2011, it was $1.3 trillion.
In fiscal 2010, it was $1.3 trillion.
In fiscal 2009, it was $1.4 trillion.
Adjusted for price inflation, the $680 billion fiscal 2013 deficit is only exceeded by the deficit the U.S. government ran in 1943 in World War II. That year, the deficit was $55 billion, or $744 billion in inflation-adjusted 2013 dollars.

( - President Barack Obama has now presided over five of the six largest annual budget deficits the U.S. government has ever run, according to data released yesterday by the U.S. Treasury.
In fiscal 2013, which ended Sept. 30, the deficit was $680.276 billion, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released Wednesday.
In fiscal 2012, the deficit was $1.089193 trillion; in fiscal 2011, it was $1.296791 trillion; in fiscal 2010, it was $1.294204 trillion; and, in fiscal 2009, it was $1.415724 trillion.
In fiscal 2008, the last full year that George W. Bush was president, the deficit was $454.798 billion.
Even when adjusted for inflation, the $680.276 billion fiscal 2013 deficit is only exceeded by one pre-Obama deficit--the one the U.S. government ran in 1943, during the height of World War II. That year, the deficit was $54,554,000,000--or $738,367,890,000 in inflation-adjusted 2013 dollars.
The 2013 deficit of $680.276 billion exceeded the other annual deficits of the World War II era as well as the annual deficits that the U.S. government ran during World War I, the Vietnam War, or the final years of the Cold War.
In fiscal 1919, which began on July 1, 1918, the U.S. government ran its greatest deficit of the World War I era, according to data published by the Office of Management and Budget. It was $13.363 billion in 1919 dollars, or $180.863 billion in 2013 dollars, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator.
In 1968, the U.S. ran it greatest annual deficit of the Vietnam era. It was $25.161 billion in 1968 dollars, or $169.294 billion in 2013 dollars.
In 1986, three years before the Berlin Wall came down, the U.S. ran its largest deficit in the final years of the Cold War. It was $221.227 billion in 1986 dollars, or $472.628 billion in 2013 dollars.
Since 1976, the U.S. government’s fiscal year has run from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Before that, it ran from July 1 to June 30.
President Barack Obama was elected on Nov. 4, 2008, a little over a month after the beginning of fiscal 2009. He was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, almost four months into fiscal 2009. On Feb. 17, 2009, less than a month into his first term, and less than five full months into fiscal 2009, he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—an “economic stimulus” law that the Congressional Budget Office has estimated would increase the deficit by $833 billion over ten years.
2013             680,276,000,000
2012          1,089,193,000,000
2011          1,296,791,000,000
2010          1,294,204,000,000
2009          1,415,724,000,000
2008             454,798,000,000
2007             161,527,000,000
2006             248,197,000,000
2005             318,746,000,000
2004             412,845,000,000
2003             377,139,000,000
2002             157,791,000,000
2001            (127,276,000,000) [surplus]
2000            (236,917,000,000) [surplus]
1999            (124,360,000,000) [surplus]
1998              (69,242,000,000) [surplus]
1997               21,957,000,000
1996             107,431,000,000
1995             163,952,000,000
1994             203,186,000,000
1993             255,051,000,000
1992             290,321,000,000
1991             269,238,000,000
1990             221,036,000,000
1989             152,639,000,000
1988             155,178,000,000
1987             149,730,000,000
1986             221,227,000,000
1985             212,308,000,000
1984             185,367,000,000
1983             207,802,000,000
1982             127,977,000,000
1981              78,968,000,000
1980              73,830,000,000
Vietnam Era
........................Current Dollars..............2013 Dollars
1968                25,161,000,000             169,294,000,000
World War II Era
.......................Current Dollars...............2013 Dollars
1946               15,936,000,000              191,353,770,000
1945               47,553,000,000              618,582,630,000
1944               47,557,000,000              632,694,550,000
1943               54,554,000,000              738,367,890,000
1942               20,503,000,000              294,524,970,000
1941                 4,941,000,000               78,702,740,000
World War I Era
........................Current Dollars...............2013 Dollars
1919               13,363,000,000...............180,863,180,000
The annual deficit numbers for 1997-2013 come from the Monthly Treasury Statements. the annual deficit numbers for 1919 through 1996 come from the Historical Tables of the Office of Management and Budget.
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LAS MENTIRAS DEL REY OBAMA. Por Alfredo M. Cepero: Director de Sígame en:

El 9 de septiembre del 2009, el representante por Carolina del Sur, Joe Wilson, gritó a todo pulmón: "Tú mientes", cuando Barack Obama estaba vendiendo ante el Congreso los beneficios de su proyecto predilecto, la Ley de Salud Asequible. Una ley bautizada ahora con toda justicia como Obamacare, pues la misma será factor determinante en el legado que dejará este presidente cuya forma de gobernar despierta intensas pasiones tanto entre sus fanáticos defensores como entre sus declarados adversarios.
Cinco años después de estar sufriendo la arrogancia, las intimidaciones y las mentiras de Barack Obama ha quedado demostrado que Joe Wilson tenía toda la razón. Barack Obama y sus compañeros en una aberrante comparsa que está llevando al abismo a la nación americana mienten con excesiva frecuencia y sin el menor reparo. Veamos algunos ejemplos con la brevedad que demanda un artículo periodístico.
Bajo el gobierno de Obama fue puesta en marcha la operación de venta ilegal de armas "Rápido y Furioso" encaminada a detectar, perseguir y encarcelar a traficantes de droga mexicanos. Cuando la operación devino en un desastre que ocasionó la muerte del agente de la patrulla fronteriza Brian Terry y de centenares de mexicanos al otro lado de la frontera, Barack Obama y su compinche Eric Holder dijeron que el programa había sido iniciado por el presidente George W. Bush. Una mentira que Holder elevó a la categoría perjurio cuando repitió la misma mentira ante una comisión de la Cámara de Representantes.
Cuando fundamentalistas islámicos asesinaron a cuatro funcionarios norteamericanos, incluyendo al Embajador Chris Stevens, el 11 de septiembre del 2012 durante un ataque contra el Consulado de los Estados Unidos en Benghazi, el gobierno de Obama echó mano a su arma defensiva predilecta de la mentira. Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice y Barack Obama conspiraron para mentir cuando los tres afirmaron que el ataque había sido una reacción espontánea motivada por un video anti-islámico producido en los Estados Unidos.
Con posterioridad se ha sabido que un día antes del ataque terrorista, el 10 de septiembre, tuvo lugar en la Casa Blanca una reunión, con la participación del presidente, en que fueron discutidas las precarias medidas de seguridad en las instalaciones diplomáticas norteamericanas donde nadie mencionó el susodicho video. También se ha sabido que los funcionarios de la campaña de reelección de Obama estaban más interesados en mantener una imagen enérgica del presidente frente al terrorismo islámico que en revelar la verdad sobre la tragedia de Benghazi. La mentira fue la tabla de salvación de la reelección de Obama.
Cuando fue dada a la publicidad la persecución de las organizaciones integrantes del movimiento del Tea Party por parte del Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS), el Presidente dijo que había sido una acción aislada por parte de varios empleados insubordinados de la oficina de esa dependencia en Cincinnati. Otra flagrante mentira. Ahora sabemos que altos funcionarios del gobierno como el Abogado del IRS, un Subsecretario del Tesoro y el abogado de la Casa Blanca estaban al tanto de los planes para perseguir a unos ciudadanos que simplemente ejercían el derecho de participar en los procesos electorales del país.
Cuando fue revelado el escándalo del espionaje de las comunicaciones telefónicas y electrónicas de ciudadanos norteamericanos por la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional, tanto el presidente como el director de esa agencia, General James Clapper, negaron que fuera cierto. Al igual que Holder con anterioridad, Clapper cometió perjurio cuando negó tal ilegalidad ante una comisión del Senado de los Estados Unidos. Cuando más tarde lo agarraron en la mentira tuvo que pedir perdón. Pero hasta ahora no he sabido que Holder o Clapper hayan sido castigados por un perjurio que habría mandado a la cárcel a cualquier ciudadano común.
Pero si reprochables fueron las mentiras ya enumeradas, detestable es la cabalgata de mentiras que ha rodeado la aprobación y los recientes intentos de implementación del Obamacare. Una ley que fue aprobada en medio de la noche sin un solo voto del partido de oposición, que quienes votaron por ella no la leyeron, que quienes tratan de implementarla no la entienden y que quienes están destinados a recibir su impacto no la quieren.
En los meses previos a su aprobación, el presidente mintió con el aplomo de fanáticos que se creen sus propias mentiras y dijo: "Si a usted le gusta su actual plan de seguro, lo puede mantener. Punto. Si a usted le gusta su médico actual, lo puede mantener. Punto. Sus primas bajarán en un promedio de 2,500 dólares al año por familia. El costo del programa nacional de Obamacare será menos de UN MILLON DE MILLONES de dólares. Los extranjeros ilegales no estarán cubierto por Obamacare y este plan no cubrirá el aborto".
Estas no fueron simplemente mentiras. Fueron mentiras diabólicas que Obama sabía que eran mentiras y las lanzó contra el público norteamericano para esconder la verdad del Obamacare y de su impacto sobre una ciudadanía que era mantenida ignorante de sus consecuencias adversas.
Surge entonces la pregunta de ¿cómo puede dormir un hombre que logra sus objetivos mintiendo a sabiendas a quienes lo eligieron para el cargo?Quizás porque en su mente de narcisista incurable Obama se considera una especie de rey de una democracia parlamentaria donde todo el poder reside en el Primer Ministro y en el gabinete. No en el rey. Él se considera un Mesías providencial que se reserva el papel de inspirar a los ciudadanos en los grandes temas nacionales sin ocuparse de las minucias de la administración cotidiana.
Por eso, cuando se espera que asuma algún tipo de responsabilidad por los problemas que él mismo ha creado opta por unirse a la indignación pública. "Nadie está más indignado que yo", exclamó hace unos días con respecto al desastre de la página creada para que los ciudadanos se inscriban en el Obamacare. Se cambia constantemente de disfraz para representar el personaje que más lo beneficie en ese momento político. En el ropero de este personaje hay más disfraces que en los de una vedette de Las Vegas.
La otra parte de este acertijo es que su profesión de organizador comunitario no lo preparó para las grandes responsabilidades de la presidencia. Su asesora e intima amiga Valerie Jarret dijo una vez que Obama no solamente carecía de experiencia en administrar operación alguna sino que jamás había tenido un empleo que lo obligara a trabajar de las 9 de la mañana a las 5 de la tarde. Cuando juró su cargo Obama no sabía lo que no sabía, pero su ego gigantesco lo llevó incluso a decir que él estaba más capacitado que su propio jefe de personal para desempeñar las funciones de ese cargo.
Sin embargo, a pesar de sus limitaciones como gobernante, Obama fue electo en el 2008 y reelecto 4 años más tarde. Con ello ha demostrado que, como aquellos vendedores de pociones a las que se atribuía cualidades milagrosas en el oeste americano, tiene una habilidad extraordinaria para cautivar a quienes creen en la supuesta capacidad del gobierno para solucionar grandes problemas. Una cantidad considerable de quienes lo defienden a ultranza son fanáticos que no quieren ser perturbados con hechos porque son felices en las falsas realidades fabricadas dentro de los parámetros de su ideología de izquierda.
Por otra parte, hay realidades cuyo impacto tienen la capacidad de despertar a los mas dormidos, perturbar a los más indiferentes y romper el encantamiento de los más fanáticos. Ese es el caso del impacto devastador del Obamacare sobre casi todos los estratos de la sociedad norteamericana. Obama ha sido capaz de capear los temporales de Benghazi, de Rápido y Furioso, del espionaje a los ciudadanos y de la persecución de los miembros del Tea Party porque los mismos han hecho un impacto limitado en segmentos parciales de la ciudadanía estadunidense.
Pero Obamacare es harina de otro costal. Su impacto desmoralizante y demoledor afectará el bolsillo de los pobres y de la clase media en proporciones gigantescas, la misma gente que Obama dijo que se proponía beneficiar en su obsesiva campaña por transformar radicalmente a la sociedad norteamericana. En el Obamacare el rey mentiroso fue demasiado lejos y anda en paños menores con las mentiras al descubierto que serán el santo y seña de su fracasada presidencia.
La Nueva Nación es una publicación independiente cuyas metas son la defensa de la libertad, la preservación de la democracia y la promoción de la libre empresa. Visítenos en :

Samitier: Los nuevos impuestos que estan PLANEANDO Los  POLITIQUEROS Planning the Biggest Sting of all time! Los

Impuestos futuros son CONFISCATORIOS…
He aqui la informacion:

$3M in food stamp fraud in just one store
By Associated Press October 31, 2013 12:26 pm

The manager of a Camden store pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges of fraudulently redeeming nearly $3 million in food stamp benefits.
Alexander Vargas, 34, who managed Eddie's Grocery, accepted a plea agreement Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Joseph H. Rodriguez, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a news release. Vargas faces up to 10 years in prison, but is likely to serve less, according to a spokesman for the office.
Vargas was a cosigner on the store's account beginning February 2012. Through the year, until early December, he fraudulently redeemed $2.98 million in food stamp benefits, said spokesman Matthew Reilly.
Eddie's Grocery, on the 1500 block of Mount Ephraim Avenue, began participating in the Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture program popularly known as the food stamp program, in 2007. SNAP recipients receive a card, similar to a debit card, that can be used at terminals at participating retailers.
When Vargas managed the grocery, the U.S. Attorney's Office said, he redeemed some customers' food stamp benefits in exchange for cash, at a rate of about 50 cents on the food stamp dollar.
An undercover law enforcement officer and cooperating witness were able to make this type of exchange five times between June 7 and Oct. 4, 2012, exchanging $1,359.75 in SNAP benefits for $650 in cash, the U.S. Attorney's Office said.
Sentencing is scheduled for Feb. 5. Vargas agreed to forfeit $22,273 that was taken when he was arrested May 16 and the entry of a forfeiture judgment for $2.98 million, Reilly said.

Samitier: Los Cristianos de Occidente no tienen el Valor de defender sus países (?)
Putin A La Cabeza De La Defensa Del Mundo Cristiano?
Recomendó a los LEGISLADORES de la Duma... Que Pasen Leyes Para Defender a la Rusia Cristiana... Y ADVIRTIÓ a los Musulmanes... o viven como Rusos
O que se LARGUEN... Miren como esta FRANCIA...

The Washington Post Nails Obama on His Empty Promise: ObamaCare
Written by Gary North on October 31, 2013

The Washington Post is not merely liberal. It is the flagship liberal publication. The New York Times prides itself on its phony neutrality. Not the Post.
Here is the headline: PROMISES, PROMISES: A big Obama health insurance promise that never stood a chance. It is an Associated Press story, but the Post ran it. It begins:
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s soothing promise that Americans happy with their health insurance could simply keep it was doomed from the start, and everyone familiar with the market seemed to recognize that except the president. Even his aides said four years ago, early in the huge push for his health care law, that he wasn’t to be taken literally on that point.
But he kept making the promise, literally and forcefully, through the long debate about the overhaul, after it became law and directly to voters in the campaign for the 2012 election. The words sometimes varied but the message didn’t: Not only was a better day coming for people with no insurance or bad insurance — but everyone else could just relax.
Now his assurance is proving empty for people who are getting cancellation notices in the individual or small-business insurance marketplace and for workers who are beginning to see jarring changes in their employer-provided plans. Although they are a minority of the insured, they are adding up to millions of people.
It gets worse.
It was never convincing, though, to claim that an overhaul of this magnitude could be dropped like a rock into a pond without waves washing over the system — happy campers among them.
Health policy experts, including some who favored the law, said then that Obama had no standing to make such a promise, as did fact-checkers. “If he was a king, he would deliver that, but he’s not king,” Dallas Salisbury, head of the Employee Benefit Research Institute, told The Associated Press in 2009.
Like sharks, the media smell blood in the water. They are circling the bleeding program. This will not go away. This will be prime-time news for months . . . maybe years. There are already millions of victims. Until the website works seamlessly, and until the Supreme Court declares that the federal subsidies are legal for policies purchased on the federal government’s exchange, this story will remain prime time. Any news media outlet that tries to bury this story will lose market share. It’s not going to happen.
We can see where this is headed.

amenper: Hablando de Negocios
Siempre hay personas que sueñan con ser empresarios. No sé bien que es lo que hace falta para ser comerciante, es algo intangible, puede ser que sea el entorno o quizás es algo que nace con la persona.  Pero esto es algo que seguro que no se improvisa y hay que prestarle atención antes de tomar una decisión..
Ahora con el problema del desempleo, hay muchas personas que tratan de comenzar “negocios”-
Como lo más visible cuando piensan en negocio son las tiendas al detalle, donde hacen sus compras, como tiendas de ropa, mercados de comida, mueblerías y otros negocios que vemos diariamente. Como los negocias al detalle no sólo son una esclavitud para sus dueños, pero con la competencia no tienen mucha rentabilidad y muchos terminan perdiendo sus ahorros y empeñados por vida.
Lo importante es el lograr lo que llaman un "nicho". Un negocio no muy competitivo y con utilidad es el primer paso para un negocio productivo y esto es lo que tienen que pensar cuando se quieran dedicar a un negocio..
Vamos hablar de los posibles negocios de esos tipos de negocios que se ríen de las crisis y demás vaivenes de la economía y que difícilmente cierra sus puertas por falta de clientes o ingresos. Veámoslos...
En lo más alto de la pirámide de la estabilidad están las funerarias. A este tipo de negocio clientes no les falta en ninguna época del año, con crisis o sin ella. Además cuentan con la suerte de que no a mucha gente se le ocurre montar una funeraria
Pero cuidado, aunque no lo parezca, incluso en este sector la competencia es feroz para ofrecer los mejores precios y ofertas a las aseguradoras y a los familiares del finado, pero si te espabilas, y ofreces estímulos, como los velorios como entretenimientos y pastelitos y café a los dolientes, como en todos los negocios con una ingeniosiddad  y poca competencia tus ingresos serán estables.
Las agencias de viaje, que son populares, sufren en tiempo de crisis, las funerarias vendiendo sus viajes de ida solamente, son muchos más estables.
Otro negocio que tiene que ver con las funerarias son quienes se dedican a fabricar ataúdes. Actualmente fuente de creatividad y modernidad, dependiendo del dinero que se quiera gastar el cliente, lo loco que uno esté o lo extraño que se sea del ataúd. Algunos pensarán que la competencia está en la cremación. Pero tengan en cuenta que el mechero te lo meten con el traje de pino puesto, así que la fabricación de ataúdes siempre está presente,  por lo que dedicarse a construir ataúdes es un negocio más estable que la mayoría. Además siempre puedes ofrecer una caja de cartón que parece metal precioso, los amigos del muerto no se dan cuenta y el cliente, bueno eso es lo bueno del negocio el cliente nunca protesta. Ser creativo, como en todos los negocios es muy importante en la fabricación de ataúdes.
Las fábricas de condones también son un buen ejemplo de estabilidad empresarial. Y mucho más gracias a las campañas de reparto gratuito y para el uso de condones, que a la vez que genera empleo y salva vidas. No obstante, hay que reconocer que con el estrés que genera la crisis y el desempleo apetece menos la cosa del sexo y a veces se opta más por el trabajo manual solitario, pero son los menos. También tienen en contra las campañas de esa otra empresa de la competencia ante la crisis, la Iglesia, pero como realmente ni los miembros de la iglesia cumplen con eso de no usar condones  pues influyen poco en la contabilidad positiva de las empresas condonoriles
Otro buen negocio son las botánicas. Para garantizar el triunfo de la botánica, tienen antes que tomar un curso de Babalao, curandero, brujo, adivino, santero o espiritista, astrólogo u otra fauna agorera. Pero vale la pena, en tiempos de crisis, las personas, con la desesperación, nada más se le ocurre gastarse los pocos pesos que les queda en este tipo consolación, les gusta pagar  para que le digan que van a salir de sus problemas económicos..
A pesar de que hay programas y reportajes periodísticos que no cesan de tratar de hacer campañas contra este negocio, no afecta mucho su rentabilidad, porque ante la desesperación, las personas se agarran de un clavo ardiendo y son capaces de gastarse el sueldo en un señor con túnica de colorines. La venta es segura si eres un buen artista de la curandería. Estos artículos de la botánica tiene una utilidad ilimitada, y mientras más caros, más piensan los incautos que le dará resultado.
También la personalidad puede ser un factor en este tipo de empresa. Con el éxito que se ha probado entre los astrólogos homosexuales, si usted es homosexual tiene ya un punto de apoyo para este negocio.
Apuntadores de bolitas y venta de billetes de lotería... Lo dicho, las personas en tiempo de crisis  se agarra a un clavo ardiendo y tienta a la suerte en demasía a pesar de que las posibilidades de que te toque algo son ínfimas. Pero mira, para quien se dedica a estos negocios, mejor que mejor, mientras menos chance tengan de ganar, mejor para ellos. En estos tiempos hasta los negocios establecidos le dan mucha importancia a la venta de billetes de lotería sobre el resto del negocio.
El negocio de ser político corrupto también es un gran negocio con crisis y sin ella, puedes estrenar trajes a medida todas las semanas, mansiones, y tener millones pasarte el tiempo jugando golf in Hawaii y tu familia viajando gratis por el mundo, y encima puedes reírte de todo el mundo- Lo importante en este negocio es tener  mucha caradura y muy poca vergüenza, y no te votan del puesto ni con agua caliente. Todo está en decir que quieres ayudar al pueblo, quitarle el dinero a los ricos y dárselo a los pobres El pueblo, como es idiota, te vuelve a elegir!!!
Bien, no sé si otro día seguiré investigando negocios estables para tiempos de crisis, pero ya tienen un muestrario de varios de los negocios que se ríen de la crisis y de los que la padecemos

Samitier: Piensan y están tratando de cobrar un impuesto por cada milla que un automóvil recorra
En Miami Dade hemos visto como las carreteras FEDERALES que eran gratis se han dividido y están cobrando por las sendas de la IZQUIERDA.... PERO AHORA los demócratas en el congreso federal están tratando de crear un impuesto por cada milla que el automóvil recorra...  sigan LOS CARNEROS votando por los que NO SIRVEN...
Taxes Ahead: Your Roads, Less Traveled
Dear Fellow Conservative,

Is driving an "option" for you? Me neither. You take the kids to school and after-school activities. You drive to work or your job requires you to drive for sales calls.  Maybe you are a farmer living in a rural area and need to go into town frequently to take care of business.
Unless you are a city-dwelling sort who uses a bicycle to get around, you are about to see your freedom to travel about this country infringed upon.
The government is coming to tax every mile you drive.
We told you earlier this year that Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced a bill (H.R. 6662) that would require the Treasury Department to tax cars for each mile they drive.
Thankfully, it died in committee. Still, we can’t rest on this issue.
Prior to this, in March 2011, the Congressional Budget Office released a report saying a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) program was a “practical option” for raising funds. The CBO helpfully suggested that devices could be put on cars that read mileage, and that information could be read electronically at gas stations.
But like most terrible ideas, it has come back.
The Chicago Tribune reports this week, “As America’s road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see salvation in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car.”
These liberals just won’t stop!
But I digress, The Tribune goes on, “The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for funding America’s major roads.”
Voice your Opinion to Congress.
This tax is unfair as it weighs most heavily on the suburbs and rural communities. It’s robbing “the country to give to the city.”
What is next? Will they tax the air we breathe, the steps we take, or the number of kids we have?  Did you read about places already taxing people based upon the amount of rain that falls on the square footage of your property roof line! Chilling!
The Liberals believe they know what is best for you. You don’t know what insurance you need and you really don’t WANT to be an urban dweller. You really need to be living in a small apartment and eschewing private transportation.
When we talk about Agenda 21, people call us conspiracy theorists.  Now we know. It is all part of a global Agenda 21 “green scheme" to redistribute your wealth, change your behavior, change how you live, and where you live!
With this “tax by the mile” it becomes clear that if you can dream of something outrageous, you’re probably too late—some Liberal somewhere has already thought of something worse!

Ryan Morrison is chief executive of True Mileage, a Long Beach company testing devices that can track drivers' mileage. "People will be more willing to do this if you do not track their speed and you do not track their location," he says. (Mark Boster, Los Angeles Times / October 24, 2013)
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United Nations’ Agenda 21 implementation could very well mean that the space you take up on the planet be subject to taxation…just as the miles you drive could be. Blumenauer didn’t mention Agenda 21 specifically, but he did say that the program would “convene working groups to address the most complex aspects of this transition, including road use, demand management, climate change, and technology needs.”
There’s that buzzword, “climate change.”
The mile tax actually fits Agenda 21’s ultimate goal, which is to limit the damage you are doing to the earth. They need everyone in urban areas, forced to use public transportation, and limited in ability to travel or use energy threatening to the planet.
Congress Needs to Hear You.
Can you imagine what a burden this will be on you and your family? And, of course, it’s another privacy intrusion! What else do you think that “black box” they put on your vehicle will be used for?
They never stop taxing and spending. It’s never enough. The government is responsible for the road infrastructure but they spend our tax dollars on things that the government has no business doing!
Not all of us live somewhere that walking is an option…or cycling or even carpooling. For heaven sakes, some of us DRIVE for a living and we depend on others who drive to provide us services and deliver goods.
Do you think the magical cost of all that transportation is going to be absorbed by businesses?
No! It is going to cost you and me both and literally, coming and going! This is a huge threat to our liberty.
The good news is Congress has not officially taken up the issue yet, not since H.R. 6662 died.
However, states are strapped for cash. They’re desperate. And taxing every single mile you drive is looking like a good idea.
California wants to implement this by 2025. “This really is a must for our nation. It is not a matter of something we might choose to do,” said Hasan Ikhrata, executive director of the Southern California Assn. of Governments. “There is going to be a change in how we pay these taxes. The technology is there to do it.”
Oregon. Nevada. Illinois. The entire Eastern Seaboard. All these areas are looking into it and developing pilot programs.
Tell Congress to vote NO on taxing by the mile!
Who do you think is going to bear the ultimate cost of these “tax by the mile” devices? Your automobile manufacturer, the trucking company who moves goods, the retail outlet that sells them…none of these people can be “charitable” and eat the increased cost. You will. So not only will you pay on the backside in the form of a tax, you’ll pay with every purchase.
And if the pattern from this administration holds, President Obama will blame the increase in prices on those “bad apple” companies that were ruining our roads and taking advantage of you.
Can’t they see how this hurts the rural communities and the elderly on fixed incomes the most?
Do you want more surveillance and more taxes for our future?
Voice your opinion - Fax Congress.
Let our freedom ring!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

Rubio: Policy Cancellations Were 'Intended Consequence' of Obamacare.
Wednesday, 30 Oct 2013 09:41 PM By Greg Richter

 Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., isn't buying the argument that the policy cancellations resulting from Obamacare are an unintended consequence of the law.
"It wasn't an unintended consequence. It was an intended consequence," Rubio said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."  "This was done on purpose because they want to undermine and gut the individual marketplace."
Rubio didn't elaborate, but he signed on to a bill introduced Wednesday by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., that would allow people to keep current policies they like even if current rules say they can't.
Editor's Note: 22 Hidden Taxes and Fees Set to Hit You With Obamacare. Read the Guide to Protect Yourself.
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has long maintained that Obamacare is a step toward a single-payer plan that essentially would put every American on government-sponsored insurance.
"I'm fully convinced that the chaos that's happening now could well be intentional to speed it up," Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday.
Limbaugh repeatedly has played clips of President Barack Obama saying in 2003 and 2007 that he wants to eventually move toward a single-payer system.
In 2007, Obama told an AFL-CIO Civil, Human and Women's Rights Conference:
"My commitment is to make sure that we've got universal healthcare for all Americans by the end of my first term as president. I would hope that we set up a system that allows those who can go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort, but I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out or 15 years out or 20 years out."
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White House, Democrats continue to maintain the lie. By Washington Times (DC) October 31, 2013 12:25 pm.

As millions of people receive notices that their health insurance is being canceled, the White House said Tuesday that President Obama didn't mislead the public when he repeatedly and emphatically promised that everyone could keep their plan under Obamacare.
Top aides to the president said that, although Mr. Obama never mentioned it specifically, his promise referred only to people who have had uninterrupted health insurance coverage dating back to before the law's enactment in 2010.
But even Obama allies such as House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, acknowledged that the president's promises were overly broad. Mr. Hoyer said Mr. Obama's message "was not precise enough."
"Clearly, it should have been caveated with, 'Assuming you have a policy that, in fact, does do what the bill is designed to do,'" Mr. Hoyer said.
Republican lawmakers, and some of the nearly 7 million consumers who could receive cancellation notices, say Mr. Obama has been lying to them.
"If the president knew that these [cancellation] letters were coming and still indicated that you could keep your health care plan if you liked it, now, that raises some serious questions about the sales job of Obamacare," said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Virginia Republican.
On social media, the reaction was more harsh. In a comment that was typical of the mounting criticism, a woman on Twitter with the handle of @KatLadyNE called the administration "pathetic liars."
White House press secretary Jay Carney said Mr. Obama "was clear about a basic fact."
"If you had a plan before the Affordable Care Act that you liked on the individual market, and your insurance company ... provided you the same plan this whole time, you can keep it."
But that was not what millions of Americans heard the president pledging over the past five years. In August 2009, for example, Mr. Obama decried what he called "outrageous myths circulating on the Internet, on cable TV, and repeated at some town halls across this country" about the health care legislation.
"As I've said from the beginning, under the reform we seek, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," Mr. Obama said. "If you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. Period."
In a June 2009 speech to the American Medical Association, Mr. Obama declared emphatically: "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."
Even as late as March, Mr. Obama spoke in the present tense when he told Americans, "If you like the plan that you have, you can keep it, period."
Critics noted that the Affordable Care Act is forcing insurers to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits and mental health treatment.
As a result, insurance companies across the country have sent cancellation notices to more than 2 million people who had purchased policies on the individual market. In New Jersey, there are 800,000; in Florida, 300,000; in California, 279,000; and in Michigan, 140,000.
One industry analyst has estimated that as many as 7 million people will have their policies canceled, requiring them to shop for plans under Obamacare that are often more expensive, especially if the consumer doesn't qualify for a taxpayer-funded subsidy.
An insurance industry specialist, Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation, said insurance companies have no choice but to take these actions. "It is administratively easier to cancel than change plans," he said on his Twitter account.
As the furor grew Tuesday over canceled policies, the White House and its Democratic allies increasingly were casting blame on the insurance industry instead of the law.
Democrats raised a trial balloon for this offensive late Monday night from two key presidential aides.
Valerie Jarrett, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers, wrote on her Twitter account: "Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans." Deputy press secretary Eric Schultz published a near-identical tweet: "Don't be fooled. Nothing in the ACA forces people out of their plans. No change is required unless ins companies change their existing plan"
The comments prompted a furious reaction, including from one conservative blogger who likened Ms. Jarrett's explanation to saying "there's nothing about land mines that forces explosions."
The Democratic pushback coincided with a flurry of Capitol Hill activity on the botched Obamacare rollout.
* At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, the head of the agency overseeing the law apologized Tuesday to people who have tried to use the flawed federal website.
* The House investigative panel issued a subpoena against Quality Software Services Inc. demanding documents that will show whether the contractor hired to build the federal Obamacare website took precautions on data security.
The White House tried to emphasize Tuesday that 80 percent of Americans will keep their insurance coverage, and "only" 5 percent of consumers will be required to purchase policies by March 31 - about 14 million people. Mr. Carney characterized the current insurance market as "the Wild West," saying it has been "underregulated."
As a result, he said, unscrupulous insurance companies have been free to leave consumers unprotected in a health care crisis.
"They could throw you off. They could jack up your premiums. They could change your coverage," Mr. Carney said, ironically citing the same complaints of people whose policies are being canceled as a result of Obamacare.
When a reporter confronted Mr. Carney with the fact that many consumers are being forced out of plans they like, the president's spokesman replied, "If you want to make that point, you can."

Obama Lied Because People are Stupid and Need Government to be Their Parent
Posted 7 Hours Ago by Gary DeMar

Yes, Obama lied, but that's OK! Have you read how nearly everybody in the media and among Democrats are making excuses for President Obama about his promise that we could keep our insurance if we want to? It’s insane, but expected.
Some have argued that Obama needed to lie in order to get the Affordable Care Act passed. If he hadn’t lied, we would not have ObamaCare today. Actually, every proposed government program is based on a lie.
One of the most ingenious excuses for Obama’s big lie is the claim that most Americans don’t know what’s good for them so they need government to intervene can care for them with other people’s money.
The liberal argument goes something like this, as Matt Lewis at the Daily Caller describes governmental paternalism:
“The proles [those of the lower classes] were happy with inferior plans. They were too stupid to know what’s good for them. Obama’s lie was necessary in order to bring about the greater good for the most people. The ends justify the means.”
This is the real issue. Government has become our caretaker. Millions of Americans expect government to do things for them – everything from womb to tomb financial security to educating us from cradle to grave. Millions of Americans want the State to take care of them. It’s a form of self-imposed slavery.
Herbert Schlossberg described it best in his book Idols for Destruction:
“The paternal state not only feeds its children, but nurtures, educates, comforts, and disciplines them, providing all they need for their security. This appears to be a mildly insulting way to treat adults, but it is really a great crime because it transforms the state from being a gift of God, given to protect us against violence, into an idol. It supplies us with all blessings, and we look to it for all our needs. Once we sink to that level, as [C.S.] Lewis says, there is no point in telling state officials to mind their own business. “Our whole lives are their business.”[1]
“The paternalism of the state is that of the bad parent who wants his children dependent on him forever. That is an evil impulse. The good parent prepares his children for independence, trains them to make responsible decisions, knows that he harms them by not helping them to break loose. The paternal state thrives on dependency.
“When the dependents free themselves, it loses power. It is, therefore, parasitic on the very persons whom it turns into parasites. Thus, the state and its dependents march symbiotically to destruction.”[2]
Parents provide for their children in order to guide them into adulthood. Dependency can become a great evil, especially when it leads to idolatry. Schlossberg again:
“[W]hen we regard the state as the source of physical provision we render to it the obeisance of idolatry. The crowds who had fed on the multiplied loaves and fishes were ready to receive Christ as their ruler, not because of who he was but because of the provision. John Howard Yoder has rightly interpreted that scene: 'The distribution of bread moved the crowd to acclaim Jesus as the new Moses, the provider, the Welfare King whom they had been waiting for.'”
Read more:

Intelligence Operatives Call Obama A Liar. OCTOBER 31, 2013 BY FLOYD BROWN

Ever since the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, the NSA has used fear to build unstoppable political support. It has coupled this support with powerful technology to unlock the secrets of the world.
There’s no denying it: the system has been very good at uncovering and preventing terrorist plots. And as long as nobody knew how invasive and unconstitutional the NSA’s monitoring programs were, Capitol Hill was happy to ignore it. The blogs that talked about the threats to civil liberties and privacy were labeled conspiracy websites.
Then along came Edward Snowden, the NSA contractor-turned-leaker. Snowden was able to garner immense information about the system, too much information to be labeled a crank or a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Since Snowden broke his silence, revelations from behind the wall of secrecy have poured out almost daily. Outrage about the system has turned from a small blaze into a four-alarm political crisis. And now the outrage has jumped the pond to Europe, where the NSA’s cellphone-monitoring dragnet has been spying on our NATO allies.
Most notoriously, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was targeted, while France and Spain also had phone data combed. Now, each of these countries has lodged formal diplomatic protests with the United States.
And this is where the story gets interesting. You see, the White House moved almost immediately to deny any knowledge of the spying. The no-knowledge story first leaked to The Wall Street Journal, and soon after to CNN. But since then, the White House has gone silent; and Spokesman Jay Carney has refused to answer questions.
When asked about it on Fusion TV, Obama played lawyer, saying, “I’m not here to talk about classified information. What I am confirming is the fact that we’re undergoing a complete review of how our intelligence operates outside of the country.”
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Then Senator Diane Feinstein, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, repeated the denial. She definitively stated that President Obama didn’t know America was spying on its allies – and she added her own intelligence committee to the list of the uninformed.
Furious Kickback
As you can imagine, the backlash from the very powerful and permanent intelligence class has been brutal. They’re furious with the dissembler-in-chief, and they’ve been spinning the story that Obama did know, but is fibbing to protect himself.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting, “Professional staff members at the National Security Agency and other U.S. intelligence agencies are angry, these officials say, believing the president has cast them adrift as he tries to distance himself from the disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that have strained ties with close allies.”
And Republicans want in on the action. “Obviously, we’re going to want to know exactly what the president knew and when he knew it,” John McCain told the media. “We have always eavesdropped on people around the world. But the advance of technology has given us enormous capabilities, and I think you might make an argument that some of this capability has been very offensive both to us and to our allies.”
A Change in the Air
I urge you: don’t be naïve and think the NSA is some rogue agency that didn’t tell Obama or Congress what it was doing. I’m sure everyone involved enjoyed the secrets until they were finally exposed. And to be fair, some of the secrets we garnered may have even kept us more secure. But, the spying is unconstitutional and too invasive to continue.
There’s no way around it… the way the NSA does business is about to change. The public outcry has been so loud that Republicans and Democrats are coming together to sponsor what has been dubbed the “USA Freedom Act.”
It’s authored by liberal Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr., a conservative from Wisconsin famous for being the original author of the USA Patriot Act in 2001. There are more than 70 co-sponsors in the House.
The bill will stop the NSA’s bulk collection of U.S. phone records and install barriers that prevent the NSA from collecting the communications of Americans. It will require the government to delete unintentionally collected information and will also create a special advocate’s office tasked with strengthening safeguards for all the collected data.
The NSA finds itself in a tough spot. It will be nearly impossible for the organization to keep its current powers, particularly since Capitol Hill supporters are suddenly nowhere to be found. Between international outrage and public outcry, it seems change is inevitable.

Obamacare Website Failed Hundreds of Tests Before It Launched. Thursday, 31 Oct 2013 10:17 AM By Sandy Fitzgerald

The Obamacare website was given the "all clear" despite failing during tests with just a few hundred people in the days before its launch Oct. 1.
The test pool of 200 to 300 consisted of insurance company representatives and government employees from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, according to CBS News.
The CMS workers participated in the tests from their own computers within the agency using fake information, CBS noted, citing unidentified sources.
Editor's Note : Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law
The tests began in late September, just days before the website was scheduled to open for business. But when the employees started to create applications to begin the enrollment process, they ran into the same problem that many Americans found on Oct. 1 — the site "ground to a stop," a source told CBS.
"It froze. It couldn't go forward. It crashed."
The tests were resumed a few days later, and the site locked up again. The employees were never able to browse plans or get cost estimates.
"It was unequivocally clear from testing ... this wasn't ready," the source told CBS.
The picture painted by the CBS report was far different from the one described by CMS Director Marilyn Tavenner, the chief administration official responsible for overseeing implementation of the new healthcare law. Tavenner testified in sworn testimony on Tuesday that "we were comfortable" with the site's performance during the testing.
"The volume issue and the creation of account issues was not anticipated and obviously took us by surprise and did not show up in testing," she said, referring to the problems that many Americans had almost from the start in trying to access the website.
Tavenner, however, noted that her agency "knew all along there would be, as with any new website, some individual glitches we would have to work out," CNN reported.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius also testified Wednesday before the House Energy and Commerce Committee that she thought the crash-prone website was ready to launch on Oct. 1. She apologized to the American people for the botched launch and told the committee that if they were looking for someone to blame for the website "debacle," she should be held responsible.
She insisted, however, the site issues would be corrected and that uninsured Americans would be able to apply online for health insurance coverage under Obamacare by the end of November.
Vice President Joe Biden also made a similar pledge Wednesday when he, too, apologized for the site's problems.
"We assumed that it was up and ready to run," Biden said, reports CNN. "But the good news is, although it's not — and we apologize for that — we are confident by the end of November it'll be, and there'll still be plenty of time for people to register and get online."
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Norquist: Tea Party 'Infinitely' Important to GOP. Thursday, 31 Oct 2013 12:50 PM By David A. Patten

Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist is praising the tea parties for “completing the Reagan revolution,” and credits their activism for making the GOP “infinitely stronger.”
Speaking in an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview, the anti-tax leader dispelled any notion that his recent criticism of the shutdown strategy of Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz was intended as a broader critique of the overall grass-roots conservative movement.
“My argument was that Ted Cruz, in particular, came to the House Republicans and said he had a strategy to abolish Obamacare,” said Norquist. “But he didn't have a strategy, because you need 51 votes in the Senate to do anything and we never had anywhere close to 51 votes -- and Sen. Cruz didn't get any.
Norquist has stated Cruz owes his party an apology for “dragging it across broken glass” during the shutdown. In order to prevail on the shutdown, Cruz had to several Democrats to cross the aisle.
“So he needed to say to the Republicans in the House, ‘Sorry, I misled you about what I was going to do in the Senate.’ He didn't get the votes that he told people he was going to get. And it's not fair to demand that people go out and participate in your strategy if you haven't thought it through,” said Norquist.
As for tea party activists, Norquist credited them with playing a key role in restoring a modicum of spending discipline after the Bush-era deficits, and following the even greater deficits racked up by the Obama administration.
The tea parties, Norquist said, “came in and gently, like a 2-by-4 on the side of the Republican Party's forehead, said, ‘Hey, hey, listen to us. Stop spending so much. Don't raise taxes. Stop spending too much.’ It has made the conservative movement and the modern Reagan Republican Party infinitely stronger.”
In the exclusive Newsmax.TV interview, Norquist went on to blast as “nonsense” any suggestion that the tea party has hurt the GOP or conservative causes.
“The tea party is what completed the Reagan revolution: no tax increases, limiting spending,” he said. “My unhappiness over the last two months is, we got distracted trying to pass something that's a good idea -- we should abolish Obamacare -- but we didn't have the votes for it. And so we spent two months failing to do things we could have done to weaken this, and delay Obamacare, and ended up with nothing because the strategy wasn't thought through.”
Norquist added that Republicans have “real opportunities” to seize control of the U.S. Senate in 2014.
“Then at some point in 2016, we need to remember to win the presidency,” he quipped. “I'd hoped we'd do that in 2012. It was on our list of things to do: take out the trash, pick up the groceries, win the presidency.
“And we remembered two out of the three,” he said. “This time, we need to remember: Win the presidency. It's part of governing.”
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Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte.
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,,

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