Tuesday, November 26, 2013

No 530 "En mi opinion" Nov. 26, 2013

No 530         “En mi opinión”         Noviembre 26, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”   Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

"EMO" El estupido y despreciable acuerdo de Estados Unidos y las siete mas grandes potencias mundiales firmado con Iran es un equivalente al Al Premio novel a la estupidez otorgado a las 7 potencias mundiales, en pocas palabras es el premio de "La botella de mondongo parafinada" otorgado a John Kerry, obama y a todos los que les siguieron por su excelsa estupidez... No vamos a tener que esperar mucho tiempo para ver hasta donde se ha metido la pata en esta burrada. LRGM 

“Historic Mistake” Netanyahu on Iran Deal. 

Netanyahu: “It is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake. It has not made the word a safer place…the agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place”.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/historic-mistake-netanyahu-iran-deal/#qfB6CEgV5wpj3U8u.99

CNN/ORC Poll: Majority Believes Obama Dishonest, Ineffective. By Drew MacKenzie. LIGNET, Newsmax’s global intelligence and forecasting online service, has issued a new report on Iran and the significant impact the Geneva agreement will have on the global economy and international security.
Our sources suggest there are 7 major impacts of this agreement, including a potential new arms race in the Mideast, and a short-term decrease in oil prices. Gold prices will likely increase.
Please take a moment to read our special report below.

A new national poll shows that only four out of every 10 Americans believe President Barack Obama is managing the government "effectively" and 53 percent do not believe he is "honest and trustworthy."
The survey of 843 adults taken Nov. 18-20 by CNN/ORC International represents a dramatic drop of 12 percentage points from June, when 52 percent of respondents in another CNN/ORC poll said the president was effective in running the government
The CNN/ORC International survey also found that 53 percent of respondents do not believe Obama is "honest and trustworthy," a figure that for the first time represents "a clear majority" raising that concern.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 
"A lot of attention has focused on the president's numbers on honesty in new polling the past three weeks, but it looks like the recent controversy over Obamacare has had a bigger impact on his status as an effective manager of the government, and that may be what is really driving the drop in Obama's approval rating this fall," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. 
The study also revealed that 56 percent of respondents do not agree with Obama on the big issues, which would include the Affordable Care Act. The same number said they do not admire the president.
According to the poll, 53 percent of the country does not think that Obama is "a strong and decisive leader," while 56 percent declared that he does not "inspire confidence." 
These are the worst numbers for the president in CNN polls since he took office. 
"It's clear that views of Obama as a person, once his strong suit, have taken a hit in October and throughout 2013," said Holland.
But there was some good news for the president. Seven out of 10 respondents described him as a likable person, while six out of 10 believe he has a vision of where the country is headed. 
Still, his job approval rating continues to take a hit survey after survey. Earlier this month, for example, a Quinnipiac University poll showed only 39 percent of respondents now approve of how he's doing his job while 54 percent disapprove.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 
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© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/poll-obama-majority-dishonest/2013/11/25/id/538496?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1547552_11252013&promo_code=15BAA-1#ixzz2ll8chg6r 
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"EMO" the questios is why the people have to take more than 5 years to consider that:  CNN/ORC Poll: Majority Believes Obama Dishonest, Ineffective. LRGM

Wife of American Jailed in Iran 'Devastated' US Didn't Demand Release
By Amy Woods

Naghmeh Abedini, whose American husband Saeed Abedini remains imprisoned in  Iran, spoke out Monday about the failure of the United States to work the Christian pastor's release into the nuclear deal reached early Sunday, Fox News reported.
"It's devastating," Naghmeh Abedini said. "Iran has no incentive for them to release him. I don't think we have any more leverage. We now have to consider other avenues and having other countries speak out because our country, when we could have used our leverage, chose to stay silent."
With the holidays approaching, Naghmeh Abedini said her children were praying their 33-year-old father, who has been behind bars for more than a year because of his Christian religious practices, would be returned to the United States.
"It's unbearable to think of another Christmas without him and see my kids not have him home for Christmas," she said.
Despite the hope of the family, Saeed Abedini's freedom was not a talking point when the Obama administration struck an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program.
According to the White House, the release of Abedini — a U.S. citizen who was born in Iran and who was working in an Iranian government-approved orphanage when he was arrested — did not enter discussions that took place last week in in Geneva.

President Barack Obama raised the issue of Saeed Abedini's release in September during earlier rounds of talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, but an agreement allowing the prisoner to come home was not reached, prompting the American Center for Law and Justice to reach out to Secretary of State John Kerry.

ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow accused both Obama and Kerry of turning their backs on a U.S. citizen; however, Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said Saeed Abedini's case, as well as the cases of other American prisoners in Iran, have been part of diplomatic discussions.
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© 2013 Newsmax.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/american-jailed-iran-wife/2013/11/25/id/538611?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1547628_11252013&promo_code=15BCC-1#ixzz2llE60dci 

Weekly Standard's Kristol: Iran Intends to Get Nuclear Weapons. By Bill Hoffmann

Bill Kristol, founder and editor of The Weekly Standard, thinks Iran is determined to build nuclear weapons despite its deal with the United States.
"If you just came down from Mars and looked at this deal, you would conclude the Iranian regime, having spent 10 years cheating, lying, . . . and willing to risk very tough sanctions . . . [is] willing to sign off on a little bit of a pause in their [nuclear] program in return to getting sanctions released," Kristol told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"This is still a regime that intends to get nuclear weapons. That's the only objective conclusion you could draw, and maybe everyone will draw it six months from now," he said Monday.
See "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV each weekday live by clicking here now.
© 2013 Newsmax.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/NewsmaxTv/kristol-iran-nuclear-deal/2013/11/25/id/538608?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1547628_11252013&promo_code=15BCC-1#ixzz2llEfcJYn 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

amenper: Los Huevos de Al Gore

Al Gore, el ganador del Premio Nobel de la paz del año 2007 por su preocupación sobre el calentamiento global, ha cedido a la presión y crítica de otra asociación rival preocupados por la contaminación ambiental, PETA, que ha criticado a Gore por comer carne mientras acusaba a la industria de los asesinos de animales para el consumo carnívoro de ser contribuyentes a la contaminación ambiental. Al Gore en su obra literaria “Una verdad inconveniente” había tocado el tema.  
Hoy en el artículo del Huffington Post que pueden leer presionando el link Al Gore Goes Vegan menciona  las declaraciones de Gore en un Un artículo de Forbes publicada el sábado en las que había mencionado que se había convertido en vegetariano y estaba haciendo una inversión en Hampton Creek Foods, una compañía que está  trabajando para reemplazar los huevos con una fórmula basada en plantas. “Siento un gran dolor en los huevos que son comidos todas las mañanas por carnívoros como yo, y espero que todos los consumidores prefieran mis huevos vegetarianos, estoy brindando mis huevos al mundo” dijo Gore.
Gore también hizo mención sobre las declaraciones del capítulo de la Florida de la Comisión Alarmada de la Contaminación Ambiental (CACA). Los miembros de CACA, manifestaron su preocupación debido a que a pesar de las conclusiones de CACA de que iban a pasar 20 ciclones por el área en el 2013, por los cambios climáticos producidos por la contaminación ambiental, no había pasado ningún ciclón este año. 
Esto es una prueba más de la contaminación ambiental, dijo Gore uniéndose a las declaraciones de CACA.  Tenemos que estar conscientes de que cuando hay frío es por el calentamiento global, y cuando hay calor es por el calentamiento global y cuando hablo como CACA sobre los ciclones, es lo mismo.
Si hay muchos ciclones es por el calentamiento global y si no hay ciclones es por el calentamiento global. Esto es un razonamiento sencillo y fácil de entender si compra mi libro cooperando con la lucha contra la contaminación ambiental y con mi economía.
Al Gore añadió, este año hemos visto una catástrofe en nuestra nación por el calentamiento global, cuando el programa del sitio cibernético del Obamacare no pudo funcionar correctamente debido a los cambios climáticos, causando daños al cuidado de la salud de millones de personas.

amenper: This first step could very well be the last step”
Posted by Diane Sori on November 25, 2013@DianeSori

Words said by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and how right he is.
“We have reached agreement,” EU spokesman Michael Mann said in a Twitter post early Saturdaynight before Barack HUSSEIN Obama got on national television, and in a throwback to the (supposed) bin-Laden take down tried to make what he believes is a good deal all about him.
But it’s NOT a good deal for the US or Israel but it is all about him.
This deal is strictly about Obama’s legacy and a so-wanted diversion from the ObamaCare fiasco, the Senate Constitution-trampling ‘nuclear option’ fiasco, and the newest information just brought to light about Benghazi…the news that witnesses have come forward saying NO one at the consulate fired a shot as their guns had NO bullets.
And least we forget it’s all about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s animosity towards both the Jewish state in general and against Benjamin Netanyahu in specific.
And with his always leading from behind and negotiating from a position of weakness, Obama just gave Iran everything they wanted including a $4.2+billion…YES BILLION of our taxpayer dollars…relief from the sanctions currently in place in addition to agreeing that NO new sanctions will be placed on them during the six months this agreement is in effect.
But most serious of all, going against both ten years of US policy and against an international community that has demanded time and again that Iran stop all uranium enrichment…the US and that very same international community has now formally consented to allow Iran to continue its enrichment of uranium with Barack HUSSEIN Obama publicly stating that, “Iran has the right to access nuclear energy.”
The very nation that sits atop vast oil deposits that does NOT need nuclear energy for any purposes whatsoever because of those oil deposits now has Obama yet again bowing down to his islamic brethren. And with Kerry’s signing on the dotted line the world, and especially the Middle East, has just become an even more volatile place as islamic jihadists have taken a step closer to getting a nuclear bomb. And the mullahs are the big winners in this too, as they succeeding in getting Barack HUSSEIN Obama to dig the knife even deeper into Israel’s back…the country they want wiped off the map…without them having to lift a finger.
And so now it’s clearly obvious that neither Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his pro-Palestinian, Israel-hating minions nor the international community as a whole care that Iran has NO intention of wanting or needing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. And they all know that Iran wants and has always wanted nuclear bombs as much as they know that Iran wants Israel gone.
And so the truth is plain for all to see…Barack HUSSEIN Obama and those who signed onto this most dangerous of agreements all want to finish what Adolph Hitler started…period.
“What was concluded in Geneva last night is not a historic agreement, it’s a historic mistake,” responded Benjamin Netanyahu after the deal was announced adding that, “It’s not made the world a safer place. Like the agreement with North Korea in 2005, this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place.”
“Taking only cosmetic steps which it could reverse easily within a few weeks, and in return, sanctions that took years to put in place are going to be eased,” Netanyahu sees this deal for what it is…a deal where Iran does NOT have to dismantle any of its existing 19,000 centrifuges…a deal where Iran can still enrich uranium to a level of 3.5%…a deal where Iran does NOT have to surrender the enriched 20% uranium they already have (they expect us to trust that they will neutralize the 20% uranium already in their possession)…a deal where even the low-grade uranium enrichment still allowed in the agreement can be used to assemble a nuclear weapon within a short period of time…a deal calculatingly orchestrated by our most miserable of presidents on the advice of Jew-hating Valerie Jarrett and done through his shill John ‘Swiftboat’ Kerry for one reason and one reason alone…to stop Israel from going ahead with a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure…on Obama’s islamic brethren.
So what will the Jewish nation of Israel do now as this deal actually gives Iran needed time to master nuclear technology and amass nuclear bomb fuel while fooling the world into believing that they have taken a step back. Betrayed and with Israel’s security now in danger because of the Obama administration, Netanyahu told local Moscow media outlets that, “Iran was essentially given an “unbelievable Christmas present – the capacity to maintain this (nuclear) breakout capability for practically no concessions at all” for when all the media hoopla is cleared away this deal merely requires Iran to halt or scale back small parts of its nuclear program and NOTHING more. And the clueless P5+1 is hoping that this joke of a deal will lay the foundation for a more sweeping accord…like that will ever happen.
And now what happens as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and other Arab countries NOT friendly towards Iran, along with many in DC on both sides of the isle who all agree with Netanyahu in his NOT trusting Iran (and rightfully so), and all believing that by agreeing to lift some sanctions that the US and her allies are actually giving up important leverage against Iran…Obama continues to bloviate that, “sanctions put in place during my administration (all about him again) are what forced Iran to the negotiating table to begin with and easing some of the sanctions could help move things forward”…what happens is what former US Ambassador John Bolton has been saying since the agreement was announced,”The opening gun in a [nuclear] arms race in the Middle East has begun.”
And Barack HUSSEIN Obama built that…owns that…and the consequences will most assuredly come back to haunt him and the world…or should I say what’s left of the world.
That is unless Israel does now what Israel has needed to do all along to end this nonsense…for as Benjamin Netanyahu said after the deal was reached, “The Iranian regime is committed to the destruction of Israel, and Israel has the right and the obligation to defend itself, by itself, against any threat.”

US Released $8 Billion in Nuke Deal With Iran. By Cynthia Fagen

The United States released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran on Sunday in a move meant to ensure Tehran's compliance with a nuclear agreement signed over the weekend, say top Iranian officials, the Washington Free Beacon reported Monday. 
Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqer Nobakht confirmed Monday that the U.S. government freed $8 billion in assets that had been blocked by the Obama administration.
In addition, Iran will get about $7 billion in sanctions relief, gold, and oil sales under the nuclear deal that was signed in Geneva with Western nations over the weekend. 
Iranian officials have lauded the deal as a path to opening up greater trade relations with the West.
"The agreement will open a new path towards Iran," Alinaqi Khamoushi, former head of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, told the Islamic Republic News Agency.
"The agreement will ease the anti-Iran sanctions, which will have significant impacts on the Iranian economy," he said.
At least one senior Republican aide on Capitol Hill was disturbed by the reports.
"It's pretty clear the White House and State Department have been lying to the American people since the beginning of this process, so it wouldn't shock me to learn they are lying about how much sanctions relief they're giving Iran now," the aide, who was not identified, told The Beacon.
The State Department has denied that sanctions have been altered since an interim deal with Iran was announced.
"This report is false. Sanctions today are the same as they were last week," a senior State Department official said in response to a report by Far, an Iranian newspaper. "We will be forthcoming with guidance on how the technical terms of the relief package are worked out once all that is determined."
Iran announced on Sunday that its nuclear work would continue despite the deal, which is aimed at curbing Tehran's nuclear program and enrichment of uranium, the key to producing a nuclear weapon.
Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif, who helped ink the deal, praised it for recognizing Iran’s right to enrich uranium, a key sticking point that had delayed the deal. 
"The [nuclear] program has been recognized, and the Iranian people's right to use the peaceful nuclear technology based on the NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty] and as an inalienable right has been recognized and countries are necessitated not to create any obstacle on its way," Zarif said. 
"The program will continue, and all the sanctions and violations against the Iranian nation under the pretext of the nuclear program will be removed gradually," he said.
Iran's most well known nuclear sites will remain operational under the deal, said Zarif,who presented a very different version of the agreement than that described by the White House on Saturday.
Over the next six months, Iran will see "the full removal of all [United Nations] Security Council, unilateral and multilateral sanctions, while the country's enrichment program will be maintained," Zarif said, adding that the Fordo and Natanz nuclear sites will continue to run. 
"None of the enrichment centers will be closed, and Fordo and Natanz will continue their work, and the Arak heavy water [nuclear reactor] program will continue in its present form, and no material [enriched uranium stockpiles] will be taken out of the country, and all the enriched materials will remain inside the country," Zarif said. "The current sanctions will move towards decrease, no sanctions will be imposed and Iran's financial resources will return."
The United States recognized Iran's right to enrich uranium up to 5 percent under the deal, say both the Iranians and a White House brief on the accord.
The United States agreed to suspend "certain sanctions on gold and precious metals, Iran's auto sector, and Iran's petrochemical exports, potentially providing Iran approximately $1.5 billion in revenue," says a fact sheet provided by the White House.
Iran could earn another $4.2 billion in oil revenue under the deal.
Another "$400 million in governmental tuition assistance" could also be "transferred from restricted Iranian funds directly to recognized educational institutions in third countries to defray the tuition costs of Iranian students," the White House said.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/US-Iran-8-billion-assets/2013/11/25/id/538632?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1547632_11262013&promo_code=15BD1-1#ixzz2llFENZyD 
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David Horowitz: Iran Deal Worse Than Munich Agreement

The U.S.-Iran deal on nuclear weapons is far more disastrous than the 1938 Munich Agreement, which permitted Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia, says David Horowitz, president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
"It is catastrophic. It's worse than Munich because after [British Prime Minister Neville] Chamberlain sold the Czechs down the river to [Adolf] Hitler, although they suffered and many of them died, they weren't obliterated," Horowitz told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
Story continues below video.

"Whereas the [President Barack] Obama-[Secretary of State John] Kerry deal with Iran jeopardizes the lives of the entire Jewish people in Israel," he said Monday.
"When Israel is the size of New Jersey, a nuclear bomb or two could just wipe out the population.''
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/NewsmaxTv/david-horowitz-iran-munich-agreement/2013/11/25/id/538598?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1547632_11262013&promo_code=15BD1-1##ixzz2llFwPFj3 
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When Insiders Say Peace, They Mean War
Published Mon, Nov 25th, 2013   Floyd Brown, Chief Political Analyst

Are you ready to join the D.C. insiders and earn the easiest profits ever? Here’s all you need to know: Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are about to declare peace in our time. And whenever the D.C. insiders start talking about peace, they really mean war.
You see, the Iranian nuclear agreement is about to be given an extended victory lap over the next week.
But you shouldn’t believe a word of it. Just as Neville Chamberlain declared peace after his negotiations with Hitler on the Sudetenland, what you are actually watching is a prelude to war.
And our portfolio of stocks is sure to profit during the coming Middle East conflagration. Value picks in the defense and technology sector are the foundation of our National Treasure Portfolio, and once the shooting starts, they’ll provide us with incredible returns.

Things Fall Apart
How is it that a peace agreement can actually start a war? Well, the Iranian agreement greatly increases tensions in the Middle East. Israel and Saudi Arabia feel abandoned by the United States, while Egypt is moving quickly out of the American orbit. The powder keg that is the Middle East is nearing anarchy.
Worst of all, the agreement doesn’t deal with the central problem – secret operations. Iran can claim to freeze its nuclear program, but Tehran will surely keep the lights on at facilities like Parchin that, per the agreement, won’t be inspected.
As with much of Obama’s presidency, the Iranian agreement is mostly for show. The president has already boasted about daily International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections at the Fordo and Natanz nuclear sites. Yet cameras were already in position at the two facilities before the agreement!
Ultimately, Iran gave up nothing significant, and the crippling sanctions that drove the Iranians to the negotiating table in the first place will be nearly abandoned. Meanwhile, none of Iran’s centrifuges will be dismantled. All told, Tehran may have an opportunity to actually move its nuclear program forward.
That’s bad news for Israel because Iran doesn’t need a complete atomic bomb or missile warhead to deliver a devastating attack. Instead, Tehran can use a much simpler dirty bomb and do nearly as much damage with enriched uranium in a conventional weapon.
In fact, Iran doesn’t even have to get its hands messy if it doesn’t want to. As the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran is in a perfect position to pass the technology – or even a single dirty bomb – to a radical Shiite group like Hezbollah and let them attack Israel instead.
The Drums of War
Since July, we’ve been touting our defense and technology picks in Constitutional Wealth. Conflict is an unfortunate constant in the world, and – like it or not – there are some firms that will record enormous profits from a Middle East war. So we’ve done our best to position our portfolio accordingly. And it may not be long now before we start seeing significant returns.
You see, Israel is already working with Saudi Arabia on a plan to attack Iran. And the Saudis are busy negotiating with Pakistan, trying to obtain their own nuclear weapons.
The Iranian nuclear agreement could end up being the catalyst for a new arms race in the Persian Gulf.
So in spite of whatever the media tells you, don’t expect peace to break out. The warring factions in the Middle East aren’t about to begin singing “Kumbaya” together any time soon.
To life, liberty, and prosperity,

Floyd Brown

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte. 
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com, lazarorgonzalez@gmail.com, 

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