Friday, November 22, 2013

No 528 "En mi opinion" Nov. 22, 2013

No 528         “En mi opinión”         Noviembre 22, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”   Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

“EMO” "Tenemos un gobierno socialististoide, con una administracion  atea, homosexual, mentirosa, incompetente y caotica, que miente y luego se miente sobre las anteriores mentiras para mas tarde  desmentir que mintio antes. Un gobierno fallido y fatuo que estupidamente se cree mas importante que el pueblo que desgobierna. 
Que es lo que estamos esperando... soluciones celestiales? 
No podemos esperar soluciones divinas porque ellos han ofendido a DIOS y no hemos hecho nada; no podemos esperar soluciones del que creo las desgracias, porque es un incapaz y es en si un fraude.
El presidente Ronal Reagan dijo que America necesita mas a DIOS que DIOS a America y si algun dia nos olvidamos que somos una nacion bendecida por DIOS entonces puede ser que que DIOS se olvide de nosotros. Y creo que estamos en esa fase.
Lázaro R González Miño  Editor "EMO"

Miriam Dopico: FREEDOM IS NOT FREE - 
A Soldier's Pledge
The following video will bring back very good memories.  Hope you will enjoy it.  Miriam
FREEDOM IS NOT FREE - A Soldier's Pledge 
"America must win this war.  Therefore, I will work; I will save; I will sacrifice; I will endure; I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on me alone.
"Martin Treptow, young soldier killed in WW1  
"Peace is the highest aspiration of the American people.  
We will negotiate for it; sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it, now or ever.  
We are Americans!"Ronald Reagan at his Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981  
"When I listen to President Reagan's speeches my heart beats high and my eyes get wet.  
What a difference between President Reagan & the present occupant of the White House."

Gatria: Obama y Senadores Demócratas Imitan a Maduro,

Presidente Obama esta decidido a imitar a Maduro [Maduro o Podrido?] y busca cambiar  leyes que estan en vigor desde el Presidente Thomas Jefferson y que todos lospresidente democráticos han respetado. Obama es el presidente que más leyes ejecutivas ha firmado, estasordenes ejecutivas se supone que se hacen en casos urgente y cuando el congreso está en receso, pero a Obama le encanta hacer eso pués de estamanera se siente como a él le gusta y como desea ser un " Dictador". Para nombrar un funcionario de alto rango se necesita tener como mínimo 60 votos del total de 100 senadores, pero como los demócratastienen 55 cuando Obama quiere nombrar uno de sus amigos Izquierdistasentonces tiene problema ya que los republicanos votan en contra y es lo queha logrado evitar que los Izquierdistas llenen todos los puestos claves. Nicolas Maduro necesitaba el voto 109 para lograr poderes como los que tienen los "Dictadores" y lo logró .Obama necesitaba eliminar el voto60 y lo logró. Ahora el voto necesario es solo 51 y como los senadores demócratas son 55 , ya puede Obama gobernar como "Dictador".  ¡ Que Descaro criticar a Maduro ! cuando aquí se estáhaciendo lo mismo. Claro que no se puede culpar solo a Obama , tambien los que apoyantodas las arbitrariedades son responsables. En Cuba deciamos que:"Tanta culpa tiene el que mata la vaca, como el que le aguanta la pata".                  Wake-Up America.    Las Reporteras de CNN en Español, Ione Molinares  y  Patricia Janiot , comentado la noticia dijeron que lo que  sucede es que los Republicanos tienen cansado al Presidente oponiéndose a él. Venezuel y Estados Unidos ambos paises buscando el voto necesario y a la fuerza lo lograron.

amenper: Eficiencia del Gobierno

Estaba viendo a la Sebelius en televisión, y si alguno de ustedes vio el programa en Fox, pueden atestiguar que esto que estoy diciendo, aunque parece un chiste, fue una realidad tragicómica.
La Secretaria de Salud, quizás debiera decir la Secretaria de Insalubridad, Sebelius, dijo primero a los reporteros que  podría informarles antes del 15 de diciembre de cuánta gente había pagado por su cobertura de octubre
"Está funcionando ahora correctamente" declaró Sebelius, refiriéndose a la página web federal.
Entonces empezó a dar una demostración de la página funcionando, tenía una sonrisa amplia en la boca, cuando de pronto se puso seria, la pagina había desaparecido, la muchachita manejando la computadora dijo, se paró por un momento pero ella vuelve.  No volvió durante el programa.
Toda la operación es complicada, comentó Sebelius — los números de los correctos afiliados los que no han pagado, los hackers, los fallos. "Claro", dijo, "es muy diferente que comprar una tostadora." (Menos mal que no le echó la culpa a los Republicanos, parece que ese es el trabajo de Obama)
Ningún periodista le respondió pero hubiera sido adecuado señalarle que si tuviéramos que comer en el desayuno las tostadas de una tostadora hecha por el gobierno el pan saldría quemado por los dos lados
La Sebelius intentó manejar los números de los afiliados de octubre para ponerlo como un éxito parcial, proclamando, "El primer mes de inscripción en el mercado supera comparablemente con la inscripción primer mes en el cuidado de salud en  Massachusetts". 
Lo que no  mencionó que la población de Massachusetts es apenas el 2 por ciento de la población de los Estados Unidos — 6.646.194 de Massachusetts, frente a 317,062,164 en la población total de Estados Unidos.
Sin lugar a dudas también superó a los afiliados de la Colonia Española de Sagua la Grande pero esto no es consuelo para los más de 47 millones de adultos estadounidenses ahora está sin seguro de salud.
Con el ritmo de afiliados a la velocidad de octubre de 106.185 por mes, aceptando para el conteo a aquellos que no están totalmente subvencionados con nuestro dinero, solo parcialmente, y contando los que tienen la voluntad llegar a pagar sus primas, pero que todavía no han pagado, y que pudiera ser que no o pudiera ser que si pagaran en un futuro incierto, tomará poco más de medio siglo asegurarlos a todos. Nosotros vamos a estar un poco más viejo entonces, pero bueno, es mejor tarde que nunca.
Pero es peor que eso, porque se estima que 5 millones personas perdieron su seguro de salud mientras que las burocracias gubernamentales estaban firmando a 106.185 clientes, y se esperan que hayan   montones más de cancelaciones de seguros en el correo.
Tenemos suerte que la Sebelus no es un piloto.
Me puedo imaginar el anuncio de la Sebelius como el capitán de un avión informando a los pasajeros cuando  el avión se está colapsando en un vuelo transatlántico en el océano:
"Señores pasajeros, no se alarmen. Solo estamos descendiendo en el océano para recoger los  pescados más frescos para el almuerzo, mientras tanto yo voy a ver si puedo arreglar estos jodidos instrumentos de navegación." 

amenper: Historia del Futuro bajo el Obamacare. 

Le “Panel Independiente de pagos para el cuidado de la salud” ha determinado nuevas regulaciones sobre los tratamientos bajo las pólizas del Obamacare.
Los gastos innecesarios de ir a consultar en establecimientos de salud que cobran sumas excesivas como la clínica Mayo, serán sujetos a casos especiales determinados por el Panel. 
La primera consulta será en las clínicas del Obamacare, donde se determinará el tratamiento.
El padecimiento prolongado de las personas mayores con enfermedades que alargarán el dolor durante los años que le quedan de vida serán compasivamente terminados en las clínicas de eutanasia del Obamacare.
Como ha dicho nuestro presidente, por qué alargar el sufrimiento de nuestros seres queridos cuando podemos resolver su situación con una pastillita.
Una pareja de ancianos que tuvieron el privilegio de ser la primera pareja de casados que se eutanisaron juntos, fueron misericordiosamente librados de sus sufrimientos en el día de ayer.
Si sólo hubieran vivido para verlo, hubieran estado orgullosos de haber visto sus gloriosas muertes engalanadas por los periódicos.
Esta pareja estaban pasando por un resfriado "bastante malo" y no podían soportar el  "constante flujo de sustancias mucosas de sus fosas nasales" y "la tos que no les dejaban dormir", así que el panel decidió  que sería mejor que terminaran su existencia ante la terrible enfermedad que les impedía vivir su vida saludablemente. .
En un giro irónico, el billete de la lotería que habían comprado salió premiado esta semana.
El panel de pagos determinó que el dinero de los billetes sería transferido a los fondos del Obamacare para poder prestar servicios a otras personas para el cuidado de la salud.
Aquí un video de un caso del tratamiento de una abuelita en una clínica de eutanasia bajo la compasiva determinación del oficial del panel del Obamacare.
? Grandma Euthanasia from Fill In The Blank and Mandie Allietta

amenper:   Knock Out Game

El juego del knock out es un juego que no creo que ninguno de nosotros quiere jugar.
Se trata deun juego de un grupo de jóvenes negros en las calles de New York, cuando pasa un blanco, hombre o mujer uno de ellos le da un piñazo y lo tumba sal suelo y siguen caminando.
Es un problema, pero el problema mayor es que no se le hado mucha publicidad, porque un negro golpear a un blanco no es noticia, si fuera un blanco golpeando a un negro, entonces estaría en primera plana de todos los periódicos y el presidente convocaría a una conferencia de prensa para condenar el hecho.
¿Dónde están Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton o Lois Farrakhan para condenar este asalto brutal.
El problema es que estos tres y otros viven de la victimización de los negros, son como mayorales que reciben sus ingresos por cuidar de los negros, como si fueran frágiles víctimas inocentes que necesitan su protección.  Si no son víctimas entonces se les acaba el trabajo, por eso cuando son los agresores y los blancos son las víctimas hay que tratar de taparlo lo más posible.
Esto es racismo en reverso, esto es un crimen racista que está legislado con condena.  Pero aunque no lo dice, la ley se creó para los negros y homosecuales no para otras personas..
Es el caso de discriminación más flagrante, si un crimen se produce y la víctima es blanco no tiene el mismo derecho que si la víctima es negro.
Estamos viviendo en una nación racista, tan racista como en los tiempos de la segregación , lo único que los discriminados ahora son los blancos.
EMO: Comemierdas son los blancos que no les sacan un 357 y lo dejan botado ahi para que lo recoja la basura. LRGM

Jorge A Villalon: Lázaro, espero este bien y como siempre dándote las gracias por tu e/m y honrado por las cosas que te envío y públicas.
No sé de donde sale esto, he recibido algunos y se lo envié a un amigo que comparto las cosas de Cuba y me dice que esto lo publica el “régimen” para antagonizar el exilio.
Yo sé que tú sabes de esto y a lo mejor tu podar darme tu opinión al respecto.
Un abrazo,

EMO. Jorge sabes que te admiro y admiro tu trabajo. Mi pueblo en cuba Isabela de Sagua en Las Villas es, perdon, era un pueblo de emigrantes espanoles. Ellos decian si parece "m" huele a "m" y sabe a "m" es que es "m"
De toda esa gente y los incluyo a "todos" Desde las damas de blanco hasta el que fusilaron en un auto en oriente junto a delegados europeos que no murieron, personalmente, no creo en ningun disidente. Al unico que he respetado hasta ahora es al DR. Oscar Elias Bicet. Y eso porque estuvo preso, como yo. Pero... ya me entro la picazon porque su esposa vino hace unos dias a la casa blanca y se reunio con la porqueria de presidente que tenemos que sin ninguna duda para mi es "m" y si te reunes con "m" ya tiene papeletas para ser "m"

Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino, Editor.

From: [] On Behalf Of 142857
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [142857] YOANI SANCHEZ – TAKING A CLOSER LOOK / “Tolerated, authorized or promoted?

Yoani Sanchez participa con el regimen .   La propaganda comunista la utiliza para indicar que en Cuba todos tienen apartamento Nuevo ( vean la foto) , electricidad  y pc .
Las fotos  intentan demostrar que todos en cuba pueden tener telefono mobil..... !!
La verdad :   Y Sanchez  colabora con el regimen .
Solo ella tiene pc ,  nadie en Cuba puede tenerlo  sin permiso del regimen, solo Altos mandos del Castrato.
Nadie en Cuba puede tener  mobil -  solo Altos mandos del systema .   Nadie en Cuba puede siquiera comprarse un mobil ,  que Cubano puede comprarse un Apple ? eso cuesta  30 anos de trabajo ! 
Nadie en Cuba puede tener un apartamento Nuevo,   la falta de vivienda es  total.
En Cuba ,  apenas hay electricidad,   los cortes son todo el dia,   nadie puede comprar un pc ,  no hay tiendas de eso ,  tampoco hay electricidad. 
El apartamento Nuevo de ella,  es solo para gente del regimen muy arriba. 
Jovenes cubanos  viendo internett -  olvidense, es todo propaganda.   En Cuba  estan las maquinas de escribir prohibidas,   fotocopiadoras prohibidas.  Periodicos extranjeros estan prohibidos todos.    Todo esta prohibido en Cuba,  para el colmo, te cortan la luz todo el tiempo,  incluso no hay agua,  todas las canerias de agua  fueron destruidas .
Y. Sanchez es la u nica  con todo esto ,  usada  Como propaganda del regimen.
On Thursday, November 21, 2013 4:27 AM, 142857 <> wrote:
Courtesy of Miguel Uria

“Tolerated, authorized, or promoted?”

Back in November of 2009 I wrote an article in Spanish showing with pictures what I believe to be a very big problem of credibility for Yoani Sanchez, and the Cuban dissident movement in general. This article can be read in spanish at

Recently Yoani Sanchez has been on a world tour. She's been to South America, Miami and most recently in New York for the “Google Ideas” Event entitled “Disconnected Dissent” held at the Conrad New York in Manhattan. Yoani spoke at the event and you can hear her on at address As I started writing this article she just left Columbia University and is on her way to or is already in Havana.

As many of you may know, Ms. Sanchez, has email, twitter accounts, blogs, domain names, computer equipment including laptops, multiple cell phones, and conducts training sessions in Cuba on how to become an “independent journalist” with freedom to criticize the totalitarian Cuban regime.
Back in 2009 when I saw the publicly available pictures that approved journalists have taken of her in her upscale Nuevo Vedado apartment you could clearly see that she is seen with laptops, cellphones and what seems to be wireless Internet at her place of residence.

She is allowed to travel the island and conduct training sessions for would-be “independent journalists”.
As of 4 years ago she traveled with nice computer equipment and seemingly has no problem with being photographed at her many events and have these photos published on the Internet where they become part of the public domain. She promotes the pacific revolution. Since there is nothing clandestine about her activities does the regime tolerate her activities? Is she authorized or is her “subversion” promoted by the dictatorship?
In the picture above taken in her apartment she seems to be showing off her blog “Generacion Y” on her laptop. Unless she's pulling her home page from a local hard drive copy her assertions that she has to go to great lengths to have Internet connectivity are unfounded.  It seemed 4 years ago that she had wireless Internet capability at her home.
In the above photo we see Ms. Sánchez with her other future bloggers at some “Internet-rigged safe house?”
We wonder all this equipment was able to make it without detection from Castro's world-renowned State Security Service. Was the equipment donated, was it stolen, temporarily borrowed, leased, did they use Yoani's personal credit card? Who knows?
I leave you with this photo of Yoani Sanchez staring into space in front of her laptop that reminds us of that world-famous Alberto Korda photo:
Elias Seife, Miami, FL
November 20, 2012
1. Organizacion Autentica: – November 17, 2009

Andrew McCarthy: Senate Now Under 'Law of the Jungle' By Bill Hoffmann

It's "the law of the jungle" on Capitol Hill now that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has enacted the "nuclear option," giving Democratic lawmakers more power, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy says.
If they can change this rule on a dime, they can change any rule on the dime … What that ends up meaning is that you basically have the law of the jungle," McCarthy told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 

"Basically Thomas Jefferson wrote the rules that the Senate operates under. They've been changed and tweaked over time, but you know we're dealing with rules that have been in effect for a very, very long time.
"And if you've now struck a procedure where it only takes 51 votes to change the rule in effect you really have no rule because every time they don’t like them, they'll just change them."
McCarthy, former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said he was disturbed by Secretary of State John Kerry's comment that there is common ground between the U.S. and Iran because the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon was recently attacked by al-Qaida.
"Iran has been attacking American embassies for 30 years and American diplomatic installations and American personnel overseas, possibly even in the United States," said McCarthy, author of "Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy."
"In fact, the Iranian regime was born out of an attack in 1979 on the American embassy in Iran. So for Kerry to make a statement like that is sort of mind-boggling."
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amenper: El Famoso Cuadro de Picasso “Fillette Couronee au Bateau (Muchacha entusiasmada con el barco) Está cotizada en 5 millones de dólares, me siento rico porque no pagaría 5 centavos por ella.

 Así que mis cinco centavos valen 5 millones.  Soy millonario.
Abajo una carta de un disidente soviético en el año 1956, que reproduce el Wall Street Journal en la edición de hoy.
Leyéndola me tengo que identificar con su sentir, como creo que lo harán todos ustedes.
Habla de Picasso, un pintor que puede o no ser un genio de la píntura según sean o no admiradores de la pintura cubista.  Përo su genio como pintor no lo hace un intelectual aunque le dieron el premio de la paz por el mérito de ser comunista.
Lo mismo vemos ahora, como personas que viven en la libertad ayudan con su propaganda a las dictaduras comunistas indefendibles como Cuba y Corea del Norte.
Tengo que estar de acuerdo con Shostakovich, son todos unos hijos de puta.   
De una carta en el Times Literary Supplement escrito por Paul Trewhela, refiriéndose al libro "Shostakovich: A vida recordada," Elizabeth Wilson el 1 de noviembre: 
Elizabeth Wilson incluye recolección de Flora Litvinova de su visita al compositor en 1956, mientras que los tanques soviéticos estaban haciendo su trabajo en Budapest. Litvinova y su esposo entusiasmados acerca de la actual exposición de Picasso en Moscú y una reciente película en la que le mostraron el cuadro "ante nuestros ojos."
Shostakovich interrumpe: "no me hable de él, él es un hijo de puta..... Sí, Picasso, ese hijo de puta, ayuda al  poder soviético y nuestro sistema comunista a la vez que en nuestro país los ciudadanos son perseguidos, acosados y no se les permite trabajar a sus opositores aquí."
Litvinova interrumpe: "Pero sus seguidores también son perseguidos y acosados".
Shostakovich: "Bueno, sí, yo también soy un cabrón, cobarde y así sucesivamente, pero estoy viviendo en una prisión. Puedes entender que estoy viviendo en una prisión, y que tengo miedo por mis hijos y por mí. Pero Picasso vive en libertad, y no tiene por qué decir mentiras... Picasso [y otros amigos occidentales de los soviéticos, viven en un mundo que  no tiene  problemas, son libres de decir la verdad y trabajar, y que pueden hacer lo que dicte su conciencia. Y es repugnante de Picasso Paloma de la paz. ¿Cómo lo odio! Detesto la esclavitud de ideas tanto como desprecio la esclavitud física."

EXCLUSIVE: Arpaio’s Candid Critique Of Eric Holder

Public support for impeaching Attorney General Eric Holder has been bolstered recently by an initiative by several Republican congressmen. The group has prepared articles of impeachment against the Justice Department head, continuing a campaign spearheaded by the Western Center for Journalism.
"" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;"
Please take a moment to take part in our important poll by letting us know if you think Eric Holder should be impeached.
The articles drafted in the U.S. House detail a number of DOJ scandals, including the Fast and Furious debacle and the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups.
Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, often called “America’s toughest sheriff,” is among Holder’s many critics. He recently sat down for an exclusive interview regarding his unique experiences with the current Justice Department.
“I’ve been in law enforcement over 50 years;” he said, “coincidently, almost 26 years with the Department of Justice, which Holder is now attorney general appointed by the president.”
Despite – or perhaps because of – his long history within the agency, Arpaio said he has faced frequent and persistent backlash from Holder’s DOJ since Barack Obama’s election.
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“After that administration took office, they seemed to target in on me,” he said, “especially the Department of Justice and the attorney general.”
It is no secret Arpaio is an active opponent of the Obama regime, which he said is a likely factor in the treatment he has received.
“It probably has to do with immigration and my fight against illegal immigration,” he said. Furthermore, his relentless pursuit of the truth regarding Obama’s birth certificate has earned him even more enemies.
“The birth certificate, which we started two years ago and is still in progress and we’re finding more fire, is another issue,” he said.
Though he can’t be sure “if that has any bearing,” Arpaio understands he is not a popular figure among Obama’s supporters.
“I will say I do not get a Christmas card from the president,” he added.
In the end, Arpaio didn’t weigh in on the effort to impeach Holder. Instead, he identified the one area of common ground he shares with the attorney general.
“He’s still there,” Arpaio said, “so you have to give him some credit … and I hope he gives me some credit to say, ‘Sheriff, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing after you, you’re still around too. So, we’re both in the same boat.”
–B. Christopher Agee
Have an idea for a story? Email us at

Obama’s Outrageous Debt Ceiling Plan

Mired in controversy and scandal from every direction, Barack Obama will soon face another battle as the debt ceiling debate resurfaces next year. While he has relied on a congressional blank check thus far in his presidency, the most recent budget negotiation resulted in a government shutdown with much of the blame accurately aimed at the White House.
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In response, Obama has called for an end to the entire concept of a debt ceiling. As usual, when this imperial leader encounters an obstacle, he demands it be removed rather than find a way to absorb the setback.
Calling the ceiling a “loaded gun,” Obama said the nation is “probably better off with a system in which that threat is not there on a perpetual basis.”
During an address to the Wall Street Journal CEO Council this week, Obama touted his economic record, though a cursory review of his policies over the past five years calls his self-congratulation into question. Despite claiming to have cut deficits, it is obvious this administration has a serious spending problem. Removing the debt ceiling, as arbitrary as it is, would only give a leftist regime more latitude in driving the nation further into crippling debt.
Short of fully removing the limit, a move favored recently by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Washington, D.C. has floated several other possible fixes to the recurring issue.
Whether by minting an unprecedented $1 trillion coin to offset the debt or any number of other outlandish ideas, leftists are dedicated to finding a way to unilaterally spend more nonexistent money.
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Establishment Republicans have not been much better. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed giving Obama the power to raise the debt ceiling instead of allowing that decision to originate in Congress.
As it stands, the debt ceiling is one of a decreasing number of tools at conservatives’ disposal. Naturally, Obama sees this – as well as any threats to his agenda – as an impediment that must be destroyed.
–B. Christopher Agee
Have an idea for a story? Email us at

Right to Keep and Bear Arms Preceded U.S. Constitution

The right to keep and bear arms preceded the U.S. Constitution, as our Founding Fathers “propounded” the right but did not create it. They enshrined it via the Bill of Rights, all the while knowing the origin of the right itself was to be found in “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”
Thomas Jefferson learned these things from Common Law commentators like William Blackstone. It was Blackstone who so clearly showed that the right to be armed was a natural right “that common law might propound but did not create and could not revoke.”
Jefferson was by no means alone. In her book To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right, Joyce Lee Malcolm shows that the Founders and their contemporaries were of such a mind that some of them did not even push for a Bill of Rights: they saw no need to do so because the preexistence of the right to keep and bear arms was so obvious to them.
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Another Obama Lie Exposed: He Was Briefed On Problems In March 2013.  by Bob Allen 

I'm sure you're completely shocked to learn the President lied on yet another aspect of this debacle. You know, I think the only thing Barack Obama could do now that would be surprising is to tell the truth. Once.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed last spring on a detailed consultant's report that warned of system failure, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Tuesday.
Carney said the president's familiarity with the report and recommendations by McKinsey & Co did not contradict previous statements from the White House that described Obama as surprised by the scope of flaws in since it opened for people to enroll for insurance coverage on October 1.
Obama was told the problems identified by McKinsey were being addressed, Carney said.
After reeling from technical problems at its website for more than six weeks, the Obama administration on Tuesday also said that it is still months away from completing the back end of the system, including functions needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.
From a journalistic standpoint, here's my favorite line:
Release of the report by the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee was part of a broad effort by Republicans to discredit the health care program and to portray the Obama administration as incompetent in implementing the health care law.
No attribution, simply an editorial comment by the reporters that they know why something was done. The best part: This "broad effort" to discredit Obamacare involves merely revealing... the truth; the facts; what happened. Gee, I thought that's what reporters are supposed to do!
Reuters should be ashamed to call this journalism.

Ted Cruz: I Would Render Judgment on Obama

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) opened the door to impeaching Obama because he said that the commander in chief had been “lawless” in an interview with Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg.

Senate Dems weaken GOP power with major filibuster rule change. Published November 21, 2013 

Nov. 19, 2013: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., speaks to the media on Capitol Hill in Washington.AP
Senate Democrats bowled over Republicans on Thursday to win approval for a highly controversial rule change which would limit the GOP's ability to block nominees, in a move Republicans called a "raw power grab." 
"It's a sad day in the history of the Senate," Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said after the vote. 
Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., moving quickly following days of speculation, used the so-called "nuclear option" to pass the change. Typically, major changes like this take 67 votes, but he did it with just a simple majority. 
With Republicans fuming, the change weakens the power of the minority to stall nominations for top positions. Instead of needing 60 votes to break a filibuster, the change means Democrats will now need just 51. 
President Obama, speaking Thursday from the White House briefing room, said the change was needed to deal with Republicans' "unprecedented pattern of obstruction." 
He cited, among other stand-offs, the bid by Republicans to filibuster his nomination of Chuck Hagel, a former GOP senator, for Defense secretary. "For the sake of future generations, we can't let it become normal," he said. 
Republicans charged that Democrats were merely trying to shift focus away from ObamaCare with the move. 
"Today we face a real crisis in the confirmation process, a crisis concocted by the Democrat majority to distract attention from the ObamaCare disaster and, in the process, consolidate more power than any majority has had in more than 200 years," Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said in a statement immediately following the historic vote. 
"It sounds to me like Harry Reid is trying to change the subject and if I were taking all the incoming fire that he's taking over Obamacare, I'd try to change the subject too," House Speaker John Boehner said. 
Reid won approval for the change on a 52-48 vote. 
Regardless of Reid's underlying motivations, the vote Thursday marks a major change in Senate rules. The filibuster, for better or worse, has been a defining feature of the Senate for decades. While this makes the Senate one of the slowest-moving legislative bodies in the world, it also prevents legislation and appointments from moving too fast. 
The vote on Thursday vastly reduces the power of the minority to stall nominations and makes it easier for federal judges to get lifetime appointments. 
Even Democrats have supported the right to filibuster in the past. The late Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., said in 2010 that changing the rules would "destroy the uniqueness of this institution." 
"In the hands of a tyrannical majority and leadership, that kind of emasculation of the cloture rule would mean that minority rights would cease to exist in the U.S. Senate," he said. 
The change applies to nominations for federal court and other top positions, though not for the Supreme Court. 
Reid got the ball rolling on the rule change late Thursday morning. Frustrated by Republicans' stonewalling of numerous Obama nominees, he cast the shift as vital to the Senate's survival. 
"The Senate is a living thing, and to survive it must change," he said on the Senate floor. 
But the maneuver itself threatens to make the bitter atmosphere on the Hill even more toxic, imperiling the prospect for future agreement on everything from immigration to the budget. 
McConnell charged that Reid's attempt proves the Democrats are willing to "do and say just about anything" to get their way. 
The change is the most far-reaching to filibuster rules since 1975, when a two-thirds requirement for cutting off filibusters against legislation and all nominations was eased to the 60-vote level. It delivers a major blow the GOP's ability to thwart Obama in making appointments, though Republicans have promised the same fate would await Democrats whenever the GOP recaptures the White House and Senate control. 
The clash occurred as Democrats have grown increasingly irritated by the GOP's derailing of Obama's selections for top jobs, including three picks for pivotal judgeships in recent days. 
Republicans say they are weary of repeated Democratic threats to rewrite the rules. They say Democrats similarly obstructed some of President George W. Bush's nominees and argue that the D.C. Circuit's caseload is too low, which Democrats reject. 
Nomination fights are not new in the Senate, but as the hostility has grown the two sides have been edging toward a collision for much of this year. 
The latest battle is over Obama's choices to fill three vacancies at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Since Halloween, GOP filibusters have derailed the president's nominations of District Judge Robert L. Wilkins, law professor Cornelia Pillard and attorney Patricia Millett for those jobs, which are lifelong. 
The D.C. Circuit Court is viewed as second only to the Supreme Court in power because it rules on disputes over White House and federal agency actions. The circuit's eight judges are divided evenly between Democratic and Republican presidential appointees. 
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte. 
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,, 

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