Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No 519 "En mi opinion" Nov. 12, 2013

No 519          “En mi opinión”         Noviembre 12, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”   Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

"EMO" Si seguimos en la guanajada en que estamos metidos terminaremos encaramandonos en el palo del gallinero a las 6 pm como cualquier otro guanajo... Este individuo que los venezolanos tienen como su lider En mi opinion es un homosexual politico. El desgobierno del podrido, le sige dando patadas por el C. a los Venezolanos y el sigue hablando de paz y concordia. La unica vez que el regimen de los castro en cuba temblo fue cuando los cubanos empezaron  ha hacer sabotajes y se metieron en los montes del escambray cuando todo eso se acabo por orden de "alguien" el desgobierno de los castros se consolido y lleva mas de 50 anos destruyendo el pais. Si los venezolanos le hacen caso a este tipo los veo por el mismo camino de nosotros. Y es que todos estan haciendo lo mismo en todas partes. No me creen miren a Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, etc. Hasta Mejico le ha enviado dinero a los castros recientemente, yo creia que nuevo presidente de mejico era una esperanza pero no es la misma mierda. Vieron como los votantes de miami beach votaron en un 64% por legalizar la mariguana. Todavia hay c-m que no se han dado cuenta de que ya el almagedon empezo. Cuando los malos son malloria a los buenos le dan patadas por el... bueno ustedes saben por donde. Y que estamos haciendo "NADA"LRGM.

Samitier: Mas Santos EL DESTRUCTOR de la Obra de su padre.
¿Recibió Cuba Algún Beneficio De La Contribución En Dólares Que Le
Consiguió Mas Santos A Obama en su reciente visita a miami? No vale la PENA COMENTAR...

amenper: Comunismo y el Fundamentalismo Islámico. La diferencia es que no hay diferencia

La presente batalla entre el Fundamentalismo Islámico, el renaciente socialismo y la democracia representativa enalgunas maneras vienen a parecerse a la gran batalla ideológica del  entre el marxismo-leninismo y la democracia-.
No sólo hacen a los americanos enmarcarse en la discusión sobre Irán y Siria tanto como lo hicieron los anterior  sobre la Unión Soviética y China, pero también difieren entre sí mismos en la política interna en la misma línea como lo hicieron en la guerra fría.
Los liberales dicen cooptar con los radicales. Los conservadores dicen que lo indicado es enfrentarlos. Como de costumbre, los conservadores tuvieron y tienen la razón.
La diferencia básica es que ahora en America los diferendos son más controversiales por la tendencia socialista de la presente administración del presidente Barack Obama, un marxista con origen y educación islámica, y un gobierno lleno de activistas radicales socialistas.  Esto no existía durante la guerra fría.
A primera vista, cómo tratar con el Islam parece ser una discusión ajena a cualquier cosa que tenga que ver con una situación política. El Islam es una religión, no una ideología- Pero una mirada más profunda revela que mientras que aunque el Islam se presenta como una fe, es una forma de ideología política.
Los fundamentalistas pueden definirse, más simplemente, como los musulmanes que están de acuerdo con los lemas que "el Islam es la solución" “Muerte al gran Satán (América)” y finalmente “El restablecimiento del Califato Mundial.”
Cuando se trata de política en particular, dicen  que el Islam tiene todas las respuestas
Para los fundamentalistas, el Islam es principalmente  un sistema de creencias acerca de cómo ordenar el poder y la riqueza. Algo muy parecido al comunismo marxista.
La izquierda, en consonancia con su perspectiva materialista, ve la ideología comunista o fundamentalista islámica como una justificación por una situación de miseria económica. Pero si la miseria causa radicalismo, como sostiene la izquierda, por lógica el antídoto radica en el crecimiento económico y equidad social no en un régimen socialista o en una teocracia islámica que han demostrado que causan más miseria.
La izquierda ve a américa bajo una perspectiva de hostilidad occidental, como la principal causa para que las cosas vayan mal. Según un periodista, los Estados Unidos hicieron " su contribución considerable" a la actual crisis en el medio oriente.
Es la vieja actitud liberal "culpar a América primero": así como los estadounidenses fueron los encargados de cada traspaso soviético de Stalin a la carrera de armamentos, así que ahora son responsables de la aparición del fundamentalismo en Irán (debido al apoyo de Estados Unidos al Sha) y todos los ataques terroristas son porque los Estados Unidos apoyan a Israel la única democracia y el único aliado en el medio oriente.
Así mismo, lo que vemos es una coincidencia entre el comunismo y el fundamentalismo islámico, una coincidencia porque la meta común de ambos es destruir el sistema democrático y crear un gobierno paternalista para controlar a la gente.
Por eso vemos como la izquierda presenta una cara conciliatoria y conformista con los fundamentalistas Islámicos.
En las negociaciones con Irán esta pasada semana,  si no hubiera sido por el gobierno de Francia, Irán estaría en el camino fácil de convertirse en una potencia nuclear.
Domésticamente vemos como no se pueden poner símbolos cristianos en lugares públicos, pero se celebra el día del Islam en la Casa Blanca con símbolos del Islamismo.
Resumiendo, la izquierda es más complaciente el derecho sobre el comunismo y el Islam fundamentalista. Es difícil imaginar a un conservador llamando al ayatolá Jomeini "Un Hombre Santo," como lo hizo el Embajador de Jimmy Carter a las Naciones Unidas, Andrew Young
El año pasado, el juez Jorge Solís, en un tribunal de distrito de Estados Unidos en Dallas, resolvió que NAIT, el 245  y otras entidades y personas tenían su derecho quinta enmienda para evitar la autoincriminación cuando los fiscales los acusaron como co-conspiradores inculpados en el caso federal contra la Fundación Islámica Tierra Santa, que había sido declarada culpable de dar ayuda material a Hamas. Entre los otros grupos reivindicados por Solís fueron el Consejo de relaciones islámico estadounidense y la sociedad islámica de América del norte.
Quizás existan diferencias entre los socialistas y los fundamentalistas islámicos, como existían en el Comunismo Ruso y el Comunismo Chino, pero todos eran comunistas y enemigos de la democracia. 
Lo mismo ocurre ahora con el Fundamentalismo Islámicos y los socialistas.
Es por ello que es los podemos llamar "lo mismo" porque no hay ninguna diferencia en absoluto en su agenda final, la destrucción de la democracia representativa.

"I Am Sorry That They - You Know -  Are Finding Themselves In This Situation..."
       That's what Barack Obama said. Does it sound like an apology to you? It doesn't sound like an apology to us. It sounds like the thief who just robbed your house saying: "You know, I'm sorry that you find yourself without some of your possessions."  
       Well... we're tired of Obama's phony apologies and socialist schemes to break the backs of the American people. 
       And we're not going to take it anymore. Right here and right now, we're going to flood the offices of our elected officials with faxes demanding the REPEAL OF OBAMACARE AND THE REMOVAL OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA FROM OFFICE. It's time for us to force Congress to do what must be done. 
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 
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Obama's Infamous Freudian Slip. 
       The Freudian slip he made during that staged "apology interview" with Chuck Todd of NBC is already becoming infamous: "Now that - you know, having said that - given that I've been burned..." 
       It's so typical of Barack Obama. Like a spoiled child, everything is about him. 
       Gary Bauer perhaps said it best:"What is Obama sorry about? Is Obama sorry people are paying more? Is he sorry they are losing access to their doctors? Is he sorry that taxpayers have lost hundreds of millions of their hard-earned dollars on a website that doesn't work?"
       Bauer goes on: "He didn't say he was sorry for lying to the American people. I don't use the word 'lying' lightly, but that is what happened. The White House knew Obama's promise was false. ... But Obama has apologized. So all's forgiven, right?" 
       WRONG... it's not time for the American people to move on. It's time for Barack Obama to move on, and we're going to get that ball rolling right here and right now. 
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 
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But The Problem Is Not That Barack Obama Told A Lie. The Problem Is That He's Still Lying And Hundreds-Of-Millions Of American Will Lose Health Coverage By Design. 
       Barack Obama wasn't just mistaken... or telling a little white lie... when he repeatedly said: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan... PERIOD." 
       The truth is that it was his plan, all along, that hundreds of millions Americans should lose coverage so that they would be forced into his socialist pool, and driving private insurance companies out of business is still part of his diabolical plan. 
       Don't believe it? Well, here's what the Wall Street Journal recently said: "For all of the Affordable Care Act's technical problems, at least one part is working on schedule. The law is systematically dismantling the individual insurance market, as its architects intended from the start... Americans should understand that this month's mass cancellation wave has been the President's political goal since 2008." 
       One thing is certain, when Barack Obama is done... when the employer mandate kicks in and over a hundred million lose their plans... when millions more lose their jobs... when all none-Obama-approved insurance companies have been squeezed from the marketplace... ALL AMERICANS will be forced to bend and scrape to the government for something as fundamental and innocuous as routine health care. 
       Government will call all the shots. You'll be told what to pay and you'll be told when you can receive health care (and when you're prohibited from receiving health care) from a doctor of the government's choosing. 
       And yes, you'll even be told when to die, even when there is no logical reason for you to die before your time. 
       Like that stupid horse in George Orwell's Animal Farm, you'll be hauled-off to the glue factory when you are no longer useful and the Obama-ites will lie through their teeth and tell your family that you extolled the virtues of Big Brother with your last, dying gasp for air. 
       That's your future... your children's future... your grandchildren's future, and legislative band-aids won't stop what's coming. Delaying it won't stop what is just around the bend. Simply acknowledging that Barack Obama is a liar won't stop it and legislative fixes or tinkering with it won't stop it. 
       The only way to stop it is to repeal it and remove the disease that is afflicting us with this tyranny from office. At some point, Congress is going to have to grasp that fundamental point, and there's no better time than the present to start instructing them on that point. 
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 
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Don't Tell Us It Can't Be Done. The Only Losing Move In This Game Is Not To Play. 
       The pundits and our elected officials love to tell you that it can't be done. They love to tell you that bold moves are not prudent. They love to think in terms of pale pastels. They love to tell you that Obama can't be removed as long as Democrats hold a majority in the Senate. 
       Don't simply parrot such a statements or assume that they're true. Instead, ask yourself a question: If federal legislators actually started to push for the removal of Barack Obama, how would such a move change the political dialogue? 
       Ask yourself another question: Isn't it time to start forcing Obama's allies in Congress to defend his egregious actions? With a federal election approaching, isn't it time to force the proponents of this ObamaCare train-wreck to defend the tyranny that it will impose? 
       And since we're asking questions, let's take a lesson from the playbook of the political left. Our opposition always asks for more than they want and then compromises to take what they really wanted in the first place. 
       Here's a compromise: Let's call for the removal of Barack Hussein Obama and then settle for the eradication of ObamaCare in exchange for allowing him to finish his illegal and illegitimate occupation of the White House. 
       And finally, remember history. The American people impeached Bill Clinton and even though the Senate failed to convict on the Article of Impeachment, Clinton's legacy was forever tarnished and his administration became impotent... no longer able to inflict harm on the American people. 
       If we win, we win.  If we lose, we win. But let's not fixate on strategy... when an animal is cornered, it MUST fight. There comes a time when a fight must be fought, even when the odds are against you. 
       The scent of change is in the wind. A majority of Americans have opposed ObamaCare since day one, but NOW, Americans are finally starting to understand exactly what is at stake and few like it. 
       And those, in Congress, who claim to oppose ObamaCare and the tyranny of the out-of-control Obama Regime now have an advantage that has been absent from the debate for a long time; and when you have an advantage, you must press that advantage. 
       Now is the time to start pressing. Make it clear to our elected officials, the American people want ObamaCare repealed and its architect, Barack Hussein Obama, removed from office. 
       The time is ripe to do the right thing. Win, lose or draw, a message must be sent... a message that will be heard, loud-and-clear, and implicitly understood by every would-be tyrant presently occupying political office. 
       If you mess with the American people, we will call for your removal... we will humiliate you... we will tarnish your legacy... and we'll do it without regard to whether we "win" or"lose" because... in the end, even if you survive, you will be so scarred from the battle, and the American people will emerge victorious. 
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
  Floyd Brown
The  Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed. 
The Center for Western Journalism
42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086  (202) 370-6366

amenper: El Ego Inflado de Obama

Es casi un patrón fijo. Tan pronto como los líderes logran  un poco de poder o éxito, hay una posibilidad de que su ego se corrompe. Lo vimos con Fidel Castro lo estamos viendo con Barack Obama.
 Piensen en el ego y la identidad de una persona como dos globos. Cuando una persona tiene una personalidad equilibrada, ambos globos tienen aproximadamente el mismo tamaño. Está bien cuando el ego es un poco más grande que nuestra verdadera identidad. La mayoría de nosotros esperamos ser percibido un poco más inteligente de lo que realmente somos.
Sin embargo, el problema surge cuando el ego-globo empieza a crecer fuera de proporción en comparación con nuestra verdadera identidad. Esto ocurre frecuentemente cuando la gente entra a posiciones de liderazgo.
Una vez que esto sucede algunos tipos particulares de comportamiento comienza a mostrar. Los líderes se vuelven cada vez más defensivos cuando recibir críticas. Toman cada oportunidad para justificar  su propia conducta, aun cuando este comportamiento está fuera de línea.
Hemos visto en el pasado en el presidente Obama estas características de ego de globo inflado, pero nunca como ahora con el problema del Obamacare.  Su ego no le permite cambiar ni un ápice de la ley y no quiere reconocer sus errores, aumentando la mentira de sus declaraciones cubriéndola con más mentira. Negando el fracaso y cubriéndolo con más mentiras.
Debido a su comportamiento defensivo casi constante, estos líderes reciben retroalimentación menos honesta de colegas y personas a su alrededor. Lamentablemente a menudo confunden la falta de retroalimentación correctiva como una señal de que están en el camino correcto.
Esto agrega más aire a su globo de ego, y las cosas empiezan a ir aún más de las manos como ha pasado con el Obamacare. 

Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Blocked by Appeals Court. Monday, 11 Nov 2013 01:19 PM

A requirement of President Barack Obama’s health-care law that group insurance plans cover contraceptives was ordered blocked by a federal appeals court, the first ban on enforcement of the mandate.
Friday’s decision increases the probability that the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the issue to resolve conflicting appeals court rulings.
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago returned two cases to trial courts with instructions to enter preliminary injunctions blocking enforcement of the requirement in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In a 2-1 decision, the three-judge panel reversed the lower-court decisions in lawsuits brought by Catholic families and their closely held corporations.
“These cases -- two among many currently pending in courts around the country -- raise important questions about whether business owners and their closely held corporations may assert a religious objection to the contraception mandate and whether forcing them to provide this coverage substantially burdens their religious-exercise rights,” U.S. Circuit Judge Diane Sykes wrote in the majority opinion.
Last month, an appeals court panel in Washington also ruled that the contraceptives mandate may violate religious freedom, as did an appeals court in Denver previously. Appeals courts in Philadelphia and Cincinnati have upheld the law.
ACLU Disappointed
“This decision is a disappointment,” Louise Melling, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said in an e-mailed statement. The organization said it filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. “Your boss shouldn’t be able to discriminate against you because of what he or she believes, plain and simple. People are entitled to their own religious beliefs, but they don’t have the right to impose those views on others.”
Adora Jenkins, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Justice Department, didn’t immediately respond to a call after regular business hours seeking comment on the order.
“This is an important issue to people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company,” said Edward White, a lawyer representing one of the plaintiffs, Cyril B. Korte.
The decision is the first appeals court ruling finding in favor of both the owners and the company, White said. That’s important because it makes clear that either the owners or the company can sue over the mandate, he said.
The Supreme Court will take up the case because “you have a conflict on an important national issue,” White said. “We’re overjoyed.”
The cases are Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (Chicago).
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obamacare-contraception-mandate/2013/11/11/id/535994?ns_mail_uid=63178713&ns_mail_job=1545583_11112013&promo_code=1590A-1#ixzz2kNa3RCmN 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

SAMITIER: Un resumen de la Verdad sobre África...

África básicamente se divide en DOS… LA ÁFRICA MEDITERRÁNEA… que sus pobladores construyeron grandes imperios... aunque hay que reconocer que esos IMPERIOS siempre estuvieron influenciados por EMIGRANTES de otras latitudes...
La ÁFRICA NEGRA... que según dicen... ahora... fue el PRIMER CONTINENTE HABITADO por el HOMO SAPIENTE... pero aparentemente (AUNQUE ESTO NO LO DICEN hay que deducirlo... y resulta un TABÚ decirlo)  LOS MAS INTELIGENTES SALIERON de África... no sé cómo se explica que cambiaron su color de la PIEL... y fue entonces cuando aprendieron a colocar PIEDRA SOBRE PIEDRA... aprendieron a construir con ladrillos, descubrieron el cobre, el bronce, el hierro, y fundaron ciudades e IMPERIOS...  mientras los que se quedaron en ÁFRICA... nada... nada... fundaron... se quedaron en el RETRASO EN QUE VIVIAN...
Por ejemplo: Cuando los Blancos comenzaron el comercio con el ÁFRICA NEGRA el principal producto que VENDÍAN SUS LIDERES...  eran sus SÚBDITOS... como “ESCLAVOS...”  Es totalmente FALSO que los blancos “CASARAN” a los negros para llevárselos de esclavos a la América... LOS COMPRABAN...
La MEJOR PRUEBA es que en los PUERTOS AFRICANOS todavía se conservan restos de los castillos de europeos dedicados al TRAFICO DE ESCLAVOS... los que están construidos AL REVÉS de todos los demás castillos en el mundo... pues esos castillos se fabricaron para defender los MUELLES DE EMBARQUES... con susCAÑONES APUNTANDO A LA TIERRA Y defendiendo las puertas que daban a la tierra... con el FIN de mantener los barcos protegidos...  pues los “BLANCOS SABÍAN que eran una minoría que en cualquier momento los negros podían atacarlos... las defensa del muelle les permitía MONTARSE EN LOS BARCOS Y HUIR...
ÁFRICA NUNCA FUE ATACADA POR PIRATAS... A PESAR de la riqueza de África... las tribus negras no tenían como los Indios americanos RIQUEZAS EN ORO y PLATA... el ATRASO MATERIAL de las tribus negras... se puede comprobar... fácilmente solamente notando que NUNCA PASARON DE HACERSE ADORNOS... con huesos de sus enemigos o de animales... LO CUAL NO REPRESENTABA ningún valor para los PIRATAS... No había NADA QUE ROBAR...
Otra verdad que pocas personas PIENSAN... ¿Por qué los Negros Esclavos En SU GRAN MAYORÍA NO SE SUBLEVABAN?  La verdadera razón es que ellos VIVIAN MEJOR como esclavos que como SÚBDITOS DE SUS LIDERES EN ÁFRICA...
El Presidente Norte Americano Monroe... les compró un territorio en África a los negros americanos y le llamó LIBERIA y los líderes negros en agradecimiento le pusieron a la Capital MONROVIA ¿Por que la mayoría se quedo en USA?  Porque sabían que aquí vivieron mejor como esclavos... y NO TENÍAN NADA BUENO QUE RECORDAR DE SU TIERRA NATAL...  
En el único país que los negros se sublevaron fue el Haití... Y LO HICIERON a las ordenes de Negros EDUCADOS EN PARIS...quienes después de triunfar contra los blancos... los mantuvieron esclavizados... bajo distintas LEYES igual que en ÁFRICA... y esa es la VERDADERA RAZÓN de que Haití sea el país de las Américas MAS ATRASADO...
Otra VERDAD que casi todos pasamos por alto... Las colonias europeas llegaron a la América después de 1492 Y SIN DUDA CIVILIZARON EL CONTINENTE... para 1750... Se conspiraba para alcanzar la LIBERTAD... mientras ÁFRICA NEGRA SE MANTENÍA LIBRE... todas la tribus eran LIBRES...
En 1879, el 90% del territorio todavía estaba gobernado por caciques africanos. En 1900 la proporción se había invertido... Mientras la ultimas colonia española Cuba era liberada...
Todo lo que se ha construido en África... ha sido hecho por los BLANCOS... y POR LO MENOS EL 50% FUE DESTRUIDO POR LOS NEGROS con las guerras de ANTI-COLONIALISTASfinanciadas por los comunistas...
Esas VERDADES... que demuestran primero que los ESCLAVOS NEGROS eran vendidos por sus LIDERES... Y QUE NO CONSTRUYERON NADA ANTES DE LA COLONIZACIÓN EUROPEA... Verdades que  NO SON ensenadas en nuestros colegios y universidades...
ES VERDADERAMENTE INCREÍBLE... la ignorancia de las nuevas generaciones educadas bajo el SOCIALISMO/COMUNISTA... que les ha INCULCADO UN COMPLEJO DE CULPA...

Samitier: Hoy El New York Times… Trae Una Noticia Vieja
COMO NUEVA... Continúa La Esclavitud En Mauritania...
La Verdad Es Que En La Mayoría De
Los  Países Africanos Musulmanes
Se Sigue Practicando La Esclavitud...
En Occidente... Quiéranlo Reconocer O No...  gracias a las
SOMOS CIVILIZADOS... y las mujeres fueron “LIBERADAS” por la
“VIRGEN MARÍA”... para los que dudan de la SABIDURÍA del
Cristianismo... solo tienen que ver el trato que reciben las mujeres
En los países cuyas religiones NO TIENEN VÍRGENES...

que hay que cambiar las “REGLAS DE CONDUCTA” que nos civilizaron
debido a que son CRISTIANAS... y están a favor de la PENETRACIÓN
MUSULMANA... una religión que no tiene NADA QUE ENSENAR... Y
Que AUN HOY... no han borrado del CORÁN el derecho a la
ESCLAVITUD... a la “DOTE” que no es más que una formula de
Disimular la VENTA de las hijas lo que se puede hacer desde
La niñez... lo que en el 90% de los casos sucede a los 8 años...

Contra Las Leyes Del Dios Cristiano... Que Nos Civilizó...
Para Acomodarse Con Los Barbaros Dioses... Del 3 Mundo


Samitier: ALERT: Dangerous U.N. Disabilities Treaty now in Senate committee! Take Action! Blast Faxes to Senators! 

American Conservative, 

This week, U.S. Senators officially picked up the United Nations' Disabilities Treaty for the first time since the international agreement failed by a vote of five last December. 

Now in the consideration of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, it won't be long until the Treaty faces a full Senate vote. 

Senators Bob Menendez and John McCain said this week "the Senate should ratify it this year" saying the globalist plan "is consistent with our nation's interests and values."

This, of course, comes as no surprise. The fact is, McCain and Menendez have been cheerleading this supranational scheme for months. 

Not only that, Menendez -- chair of the Foreign Relations committee -- has been busy working on cutting deals with Republican Senators to buy votes for the U.N. Plan! 

You see, the Senate globalists are doing everything in their power to secure enough votes to see this Treaty get ratified - they've have been pushing it since 2009. 

This is why it is so crucial that we mobilize right away and demand U.S. Senators to oppose all "deals" and once again vote against the ratification of this Disabilities Treaty and protect national and parental sovereignty! 

Take Action! Blast faxes to U.S. Senators telling them to vote against the United Nations Disabilities Treaty! 

** Send a free message to each of your U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities! Sign and send letters here. 

"This convention sets a precedent for treaties that would actually allow an international body to define our own domestic law." - Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) 

CRPD: An Attack on Sovereignty 

Signed by former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice on July 30, 2009, the United Nations Disabilities Treaty - formally called "the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" or CRPD - is aimed at "protecting the rights of the disabled." 

While this may nominally appear as noble effort, it's best the United States takes no part in it.. 

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) notes that "more than two dozen areas of national life including education, health, employment, accessibility, and independent living" would be affected by the U.N. Treaty. 

"Ratifying nations must enact, modify, or abolish not only laws and regulations at all levels of government - federal, state, and local - but also social customs and cultural practices," says Sen. Hatch on July 10. "Ratifying nations must refrain from engaging in any acts or practices that are inconsistent with the treaty as well as ensure that all public authorities and institutions act in conformity with it." 

According to Article 6, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, all treaties that receive the approval of the Senate become the "supreme law of the land." 

Thus, if a Senate supermajority gives CRPD its consent, domestic courts would be bound to make decisions based upon international law in all cases involving individuals with disabilities. 

Domestic abortion policy, for example, could easily be challenged under Article 25which requires states to:
"Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes."

Liberals like Hillary Clinton have long been calling abortion a women's "right," a vital component of "reproductive health," and this treaty could make that a reality. 

The simple fact is this: The United Nations has no business determining domestic policy for the United States - a responsibility that resides with the American People alone. 

Tell U.S. Senators to stand for the American Way and reject the U.N. Disabilities Treaty! 

Take Action! Blast faxes to U.S. Senators telling them to vote against the United Nations Disabilities Treaty! 

** Send a free message to each of your U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities! Sign and send letters here.
"Ratifying the CRPD will not establish a single right for a single American, it will not provide for Americans with disabilities anything that American law has not or could not provide." - Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

CRPD: An Attack on Parents 

First and foremost, let it be said that the federal government - our government - already has many laws in place that directly benefit the disabled among us. We have theRehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and theIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990, in addition to a number of others that benefit those with disabilities. 

This said, we are already leading the world by example and without the aid of the United Nations. 

But more than government, those responsible for the care of the less able are parents. Yes; parents - not government or outside institutions - are the primary caretakers, educators, providers, etc. for their children: those with disabilities and those without them. 

The United Nation's Disabilities Treaty challenges this fact. Article 7, for example, states that "in all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration." 

That clause "the best interests of the child" is determined not by individual parents but by a supranational U.N. board of eighteen. In other words, a far-off committee of "experts" - if this treaty is ratified by the Senate - would determine what our children need. 

This is exactly why former Senator Rick Santorum rallied hard against this dangerous treaty in the final months of 2012. If a U.N. board is invited to determine what "best interests" are, they have the power to literally overhaul our entire way of life - particularly how we educate our kids. Under CRPD, homeschooling children with special needs could be prohibited. 

We must urge our Senators to refuse to go along with this supranational agenda - we need to demand that they oppose this treaty when it is brought back into consideration!

We narrowly won before; we need to win again ... 

Take Action! Blast faxes to U.S. Senators telling them to vote against the United Nations Disabilities Treaty! 

** Send a free message to each of your U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities! Sign and send letters here. 

United Nations not the Remedy 

Our founders purposely created a limited government - one protecting life, liberty, and property - so that society was organized not by a centralized force, but by the cooperation between individuals and families. 

In our federalist system, the government in Washington is the furthest government from the people and thus is designed to influence our affairs at home the least. The health and welfare of the People is in the jurisdiction of each and every state along with local government. This is because governments closer to the people take care of needs best. 

So, if Washington is the most "far off" power in our tiers of governance, where does the United Nations stand? Nowhere. 

That's right, the United Nations has no business - naturally or legally - over us, and we ought not invite them and create a very dangerous precedent. 

Right now, we need to contact every Senator and demand that they defend the sovereignty of our nation and the sovereignty of parents over their children. 

Send faxes, sign our petition, and call Senate offices demanding that the U.N.'s CRPD fails. 

Take Action! Blast faxes to U.S. Senators telling them to vote against the United Nations Disabilities Treaty!

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts

Coming Pension Meltdown: The 10 Most Troubled City Systems. By Jennifer G. Hickey

Voters in Cincinnati last week soundly defeated a ballot initiative which would have overhauled the pension system for public workers, leaving the city without a plan to deal with $872 million in unfunded liabilities. 
Cincinnati is not alone.
Across the nation, cities and states are finding funding for basic services being crowded out of their budgets by the rising cost of retirees' pensions and healthcare. 
The Cincinnati initiative would have turned the public pension system into a 401(k) style-plan and require the city to pay off its unfunded liabilities in 10 years. 
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It failed 78 percent to 22 percent, an example of the opposition that cities face when trying to tackle the politically sensitive issue of funding retirees' benefits.
More and more cities, counties, and even some states will face the harsh reality of having to fix their pension systems or deal with a Detroit-style bankruptcy.
"This is happening in too many cities and towns across America, where social services, because they can be cut, are cut. Because pensions and bonds constitutionally cannot be cut, they're the protected class," Wall Street financial analyst Meredith Whitney told CNBC.
"I think you're going to see a real issue of neighbor against neighbor on these very issues," said Whitney, who recently co-founded Kenbelle Capital LP, a New York hedge fund.
Whitney argues in her recently released book, "Fate of the States: The New Geography of American Prosperity," that cities and states which delay addressing the crisis will witness a continued decline in growth.
A study by the Pew Center earlier this year looked at 61 cities — those with populations over 500,000 plus the largest city in each state — and found a total gap of $217 billion between pension and retiree healthcare obligations and the funding saved to pay those costs.
According to Pew, those cities had a total pension liability of $385 billion, with 74 percent funded, leaving a $99 billion shortfall. 
The situation regarding retiree healthcare benefits in those cities is far worse, with a total of $126.2 billion of liabilities that are only 6 percent funded.
But here’s the real rub: experts are warning that many pension systems, those claiming they are well funded and those who say they aren’t, have all been using rosy projections about future investment returns.
In a recent editorial in Barron’s, Thomas Donlan writes that pension funds have “hidden the results with dubious financial reporting.”
He cites as just one example Detroit, which claimed as late as 2011 that their pension funds were 80 percent fully funded. New auditors found a $3.5 billion shortfall, a hole that pushed the city into bankruptcy.
Detroit, he says, was using the standard 8 percent return on assets, widely used by other funds. Donlan argues that is foolhardy to claim an 8 percent rate of return.
Consider that since January 1, 2001, the Dow Jones has appreciated, on average, a paltry 2.2 percent, with the S&P growing just 1.36 percent.
Instead, Donlan suggests pension funds use a 4 percent rate, the blended rate for no-risk Treasuries or a 5.5 percent rate, consistent with current corporate bond payouts. But if pension funds were to be honest and use such numbers, real unfunded liabilities would jump by a third or more.
Here are the top 10 cities with the lowest percentage of funding for pension liabilities
City Total Liability % Funded
Charleston, W. Va. $270 million 24
Omaha, Neb. $1.43 billion 43
Portland, Ore. $5.46 billion 50
Chicago, Ill. 24.97 billion 52
Little Rock, Ark. $498 million 59
Wilmington, Del. $364 million 59
Boston, Mass. $2.54 billion 60
Atlanta, Ga. $3.17 billion 60
Manchester, N.H. $436 million 60
New Orleans, La. $1.99 billion 61

The Pew Charitable Trusts study further identified nine cities that underperformed on two pension indicators, levels of funding along with the annual contribution percentage: Charleston; Chicago; Fargo, N.D.; Jackson, Miss.; Little Rock; New Orleans; Omaha; Philadelphia, and Portland.
Equally startling, Pew found numerous cities were woefully unprepared to finance healthcare benefit obligations. 
"Only Los Angeles, Calif., and Denver, Colo., had even half of the money needed to fulfill their promises to employees. Thirty-three cities had set aside nothing to pay for this bill coming due," the research noted. Cincinnati was not among the cities ranked.
Many localities are seeing their operating budgets squeezed to pay for pension and healthcare retirement benefits.
The country's 250 largest cities saw spending for pensions increase to 10 percent of their general budgets in 2012, an increase of 7.75 percent since 2007, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The situation is no better for the states, which are also facing high burdens associated with worker's retirement costs.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported that an analysis of pension reform scenarios under consideration by the Illinois legislature "make clear that no matter what legislators do, including major pension cutting, a significant portion of the state's budget for the next 20 to 25 years will go toward paying pension bills, consuming 16 to 24 percent of the state’s general revenue fund annually."
Reform: No Easy Solutions
Steven Stanek of the Heartland Institute says there are no easy solutions when you get into situations that are as bad as states like Illinois, which has saved just 43 cents to cover every dollar of what it needs to pay 350,000 retirees and 500,000 current workers who are counting on pension checks.
"Enacting reform is made even harder because all policy is politics ultimately," Stanek tells Newsmax.
Stanek said that while rankings may differ depending on who is doing the number crunching and which data they survey, some states are present on all rankings.
"I would say from what I have seen the worst are Illinois, California, West Virginia, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Louisiana, Alaska, Connecticut — all make the list," said Stanek.
A September report by the think tank State Budget Solutions said that state public employee retirement promises are underfunded by $4.1 trillion nationally. In addition, the report concluded that when combined, state public pension plans are just 39 percent funded.
The study found the five most poorly funded states are Illinois (24%), Connecticut (25%), Kentucky (27%), and Kansas (29%), along with Mississippi, New Hampshire, and Alaska tied at 30% funded.
State Budget Solution's Cory Eucalitto said in the report that for years the methodology used to rate public pension systems in the states has been too generous, allowing states to spin a rosier picture than reality truly reflected.
The generosity of the standards resulted in decisions this year by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and by Moody's Investors Services to change the way they calculate state burdens.
"GASB and Moody's have joined a chorus of financial economists and other observers warning that pension funding practices are dangerous for both taxpayers and public employees alike," he writes.
Pension reform not only is causing a strain on local governments, but also on long-held political alliances.
California: The Future Has Arrived
Reform efforts advocated by Democratic mayors in Chicago and Detroit have both been vocally opposed by teacher and labor unions. The fissures have also arisen in San Francisco, where pension reform was one of several issues which resulted in Bay Area Transit Authority (BART) workers striking.
San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed announced in early October he would support a ballot measure for November 2014 that would amend California's Constitution to allow local governments to reduce pension expenses associated with their current employees. The proposal would not affect retiree benefits, but could allow modifications to future beneficiary plans.
With other cities in the state laboring under the weighty costs of pension obligations and retiree benefits, San Bernardino Mayor Pat Morris and Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido joined Reed in submitting the ballot initiative to the state Attorney General.

"Typically, reform is being led by Democratic mayors. It's being resisted by leaders of public employee unions, who are also Democrats. California state legislators tend to side with the unions over the mayors, preferring the status quo — and the campaign contributions from unions — to an intramural fight," says Carl Cannon of RealClearPolitics.

Richard Dreyfuss, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, suggests several reforms are needed to avoid going off the fiscal cliff, including issuing new bonds to refinance existing liabilities.
Dreyfuss also advocates for comprehensive reform that will combine a transition to defined-contribution plans, such as a 401(k), with reforms to how pensions are funded. He believes the new pension plans should be funded as they are earned, to avoid burdening future employees and beneficiaries.
Dreyfuss is clear in stating that any reform is going to be politically unpalatable.
"The necessity for real reform is problematic for policymakers, who must deal with a workforce resistant to the loss of guaranteed monthly pension benefits; and for political constituencies, including government workers and their allies, whose support for defined-benefit pensions in the public sector stems as much from ideology as from financial self-interest," he wrote.
Related Stories:
Rising Pension Costs Putting Pinch on Cities
Two Years after Bankruptcy, California City again Mired in Pension Debt
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  Una dama lleva su hija de 16 años al doctor.
    El doctor le pregunta: ÖK,  Sra. Jones,  ¿Çuál es el problema?"
  La madre le contesta, "Es que mi hija, Debbie,  sufre de antojitos.  Ha aumentado de peso y se siente mal todas las mañanas."
  El doctor examina minuciosamente a Debbie,  y luego se dirige a la madre y le dice--
"Bueno,  no sé cómo decirle esto pero su hija está preñada--calculo que cerca de 4 meses."
  La madre dice, ¿"Preñada!!?  No puede ser!  Nunca ha estado con un hombre,¿No es cierto Debbie?".
  Debbie dice,  "No madre!!  Ni siquiera he besado a hombre alguno,  soy todavía una virgen!!!"
  El doctor se acerca a la ventana y se queda mirando fijamente hacia afuera.   Después de 5 minutos,  la mamá dice,  "¿Sucede algo malo ahí afuera, doctor?".
 El doctor responde,  "No, realmente no, sólo que la última vez que sucedió esto,  una estrella apareció en el Este y 3 reyes magos bajaron de la colina.  Y de todas todas que yo esta vez no me lo pierdo.  DE NINGUNA MANERA...

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte. 
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com, lazarorgonzalez@gmail.com, 

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