Thursday, September 26, 2013

No 491 "En mi opinion" Sept. 25, 2013

No 491  “En mi opinión” Septiembre 25, 2013.
Editor  Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”
Criticas y Comentarios a:,

ALBERTO PEREZ, amenper: Episodios de Superman
¡Mira! Arriba en el cielo!" "¡Es un pájaro!" "¡Es un avión!" "¡no es SuperPresidente!"…
¡Más rápido que un recurso de hábeas corpus. Más poderoso que la décima enmienda!
Capaz de saltar la cláusulas de todos los  poderes constitucionales en un solo salto.
¡Sí, es SuperPresidente... extraño visitante del Chicago corrupto, que vino a Washington con poderes y autosuficiencia más allá que de las de los padres fundadores de la patria!
SuperPresidente... que puede cambiar el curso de la Constitución, doblar la carta de derechos con sus propias manos, y que, bajo la personalidad de Barack Obama, un afable unificador, ¡detiene la subida de los océanos y salva el planeta, lucha una interminable batalla por la redistribución, el estatismo, el seguro de salud universal  y el socialismo europeo!.
Manténganse en sintonía no pierdan otro episodio emocionante, en las aventuras de SuperPresidente!
At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what's in it." Well, here it is.Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number

Judge Kithil of Marble Falls , TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200
Please read this....... especially the reference to pages 58 & 59
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance toall non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, unionretirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.
(How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.
This is what they do in Sweden too. I know becauseAlf's daughter Ann is an OBGYN, and her husband,Thorsten, is a surgeon.........
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Deathcounseling..)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:
"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.No wonder they did not see the need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!! HOLY TOLEDO !!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP TO WASHINGTON .....NOW! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!
Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls , Texas
All of the above should give you the ammo you need to oppose Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.
In God We Trust and He is our Hope.

ALBERTO PEREZ, amenper: Seguro de Salud en los Estados Unidos antes del Obamacare
El seguro de salud en los Estados Unidos es de los mejores del mundo.
Përo tiene un inconveniente debido a que estamos en un sistema de economía de libre mercado, en el que el usuario tiene la responsabilidad de buscar el mejor precio o la libertad de no tener seguro y atenerse a las consecuencias.
1.’Los ricos no tienen problema se pueden auto asegurar o comprar un seguro de un costa alto y cobertura amplia.
2 Los pobres, las personas de bajos ingresos están cubiertos por el Medicaid que cubre todas las medicinas y hospitalización.
3 Las personas de edad están cubiertos por el Medicasre y tienen la opción de suplementar el plan inscribiéndose en un HMO que suplementa la diferencia que no cubra el Medicare.
4 La clase medias que tiene ingresos superiores y no califica para el Medicaid o no tiene la edad para tener derecho al Medicare es la parte de la estructura social que tiene opciones que pueden dejarlo sin cobertura en caso de hospitalización.  Estas personas tienen las siguientes opciones:

1.       Irresponsablemente pueden tomar el riesgo de no tener ningún seguro, no por falta de medios económicos porque entonces estarían cubiertos por el Medicaid, pero porque escogen esta alternativa y deben de estar preparados para tener el riesgo en caso de enfermedad.
2.       Pueden inscribirse  un HMO.  Los HMO, Los planes HMO suelen tener costos iniciales, o primas, más bajos que otros tipos de planes, Por lo general, tienen deducibles bajos o ningún deducible. Un deducible es la cantidad que usted paga de su bolsillo antes de que el plan comience. Los HMO también tienen copays, comúnmente llamados copagos, bajos. Los copays, comúnmente llamados copagos, son montos fijos (un monto en dólares o un porcentaje) que paga por cuidado.. Esto es posible porque los HMO están subsidiados por el gobierno, cuando fue aprobado como ley en Diciembre 29 del 1973 por el presidente Richard Nixon.  Estos planes fueron concebidos para cubrir a las personas de la clase media que no tenían medios para pagar las primas de los seguros de salud.
Los precios del seguro de Obamacare, son comparables a los planes del HMO.  Nunca los planes de HMO cubren los servicios de salud como otros seguros de mayor precio, pero tampoco con el Obamacare se cubrirán las necesidades.
La clase media que no quiere tener seguro, ahora lo tendrán obligatoriamente, pero tendrán que pagar ahora.  Al integrarse el Meicaid y el Medicare al Obamacare, y los HMO tengan que pagar los precios establecidos por el gobierno, por otro lado los gastos incurridos por el Obamacare serán pagados por los contribuyentes. Esto quiere decir que una persona de clase media tendrá que pagar una prima más un impuesto por los servicios.
Todos sufrirán el impacto del plan que nos están vendiendo como algo que resolverá el problema de todos, lo que hará será igualar la desgracia de todos.
El Obamacare es un plan demagógico para politizar la percepción de Obama como el salvador de los pobres, aunque los pobres que reciben el Medcicaid, como pobres verán sus beneficios reducirse con el programa. Es un programa para que los irresponsables que como irresponsables no saben de que se trata crean lo que nos dice que es para que todo el mundo tenga un seguro.
El final del Obamacare, será la socialización total de la medicina, y entonces todos tendremos el mismo seguro, igual que en Cuba, menos la cúpula del gobierno.
La clemencia de los príncipes a menudo no es más que política para ganarse el afecto de los pueblos. François De La Rochefoucauld
Quizás ustedes hayan oído la leyenda alemana del flautista de Hamelin y su habilidad para hacer que ratas, y después por venganza niños, se encantaran con su flauta y como él los llevó a un despeñadero.
Bueno hay un cuento relacionado con esto y dice así:
Un hombre está en un pulguero y ve una estatua de bronce de un ratón gigante que le pareció muy atractiva, y después de regatear la compró.
Pero cuando salió del pulguero vio que lo empezaron a seguir un número cada vez más grande de ratones de todas clases, que emitían sonidos como de adoración de la estatua.  El hombre salió corriendo hasta que llegó a un peñasco y arrojó la estatua al vacío.  Todos los ratones se despeñaron detrás de la estatua del ratón adorado.
El hombre vuelve al pulguero, y el vendedor le dice ¿quiere otra estatua del ratón? y él le contesta, no, vengo a ver si tiene una estatua de Obama.

Los Senadores SOCIALISTAS En Todos Los Países Siempre Han Sido CUÑOS De Goma Para Aprobar Las Leyes Del Que Ordena Y Manda... Todos Los Demócratas Y La Prensa Socialista Y PRO HOMOSEXUAL... Les Mortificó Que Haciendo Uso De Sus Derechos Como Senador... Cruz Se Mantuviera Hablando Por 21 Horas... No Para Que los Senadores socialistas Del partido Demócrata Lo escucharan... Eso Ya No Legislan Ellos Aprueban Lo que les Mandan... El Esfuerzo de Ted Cruz De Hablar Por 21 Horas FUE PARA QUE LA PRENSA LO TUVIERA QUE PUBLICAR y El Pueblo Se Enterara De las Traiciones Que A Diario Hacen Estos Socialista Del Partido Demócrata...
Arriba y Viva Ted Cruz...
No Hay Otra Palabra Para Calificar A Obama y Kerry son Traidores... Si! Eso Es Lo Que Son...
El Tratado de Comercio de Armas, firmado ayer por John Kerry, por orden de Obama es una ENTREGA DE LA SOBERANÍA DE ESTADOS UNIDOS A LA ONU... La ONU es el sueño de todos los hombres que les gusta jugar a SER COMO DIOS y es otra de las enseñanzas que aparecen en la BIBLIA... LA TORRE DE BABEL...  La Historia de “Esta Babel Moderna” la ONU... comenzó en:
La conferencia de Yalta, donde lo acordaron Stalin y el Presidente Roosevelt de Estados Unidos, quien era NIETO DEL TRAFICANTE DE OPIO  más grande de Hong Kong... (todos sabemos que quienes se hacen ricos vendiendo drogas NO TIENEN CONCIENCIA) acordaron crear un “GOBIERNO MUNDIAL” tan fuerte que fuera el encargado de DIRIGIR MANTENER LA PAZ EN EL MUNDO...
Para los que no lo saben... Fue la Señora de Roosevelt, (un nombramiento político) la representante de Estados Unidos en la ONU... que presentó el Plan... de poner la Bomba Atómica y los ejércitos de USA bajo el control de la ONU... pero Stalin se negó... a poner el ejército ruso bajo la ONU... TRAICIONÓ EL PACTO DE YALTA... y ahí comenzó la llamada “Guerra Fría” y la “Cortina de Hierro”
Ahorra Obama con los SOCIALISTAS del Partido Demócrata... (quienes estaban disfrazados de PACIFISTAS en los años 1960 hasta 1970 ahora son los voceros de bombardear Siria) con los infiltrados SOCIALISTAS En el partido REPUBLICANOS... LIDERADOS por Mc Caín vienen a continuar la obra... de Roosevelt... ahora que Estados Unidos es El Único Poder Militar En El Mundo... Firmando la entrega de la SOBERANÍA DE ESTADOS UNIDOS...
Aparentemente NO SABEN que lo peor que tiene el plan es que a la ONU pertenecen 190 países... que tienen UN VOTO IGUAL... sin importar su tamaño y condiciones...y SOLAMENTE 24 SON CIVILIZADOS
Para leer mas...
No importa Como Lo Describan… Esto Solo Tiene Un Nombre: Dictadura El Obama Care Es Una Dictadura SOCIALISTA no importan como lo traten de Explicar... Hay que hacer lo que ellos quieran... y eso es ahora que comienzan... cuando estén en CONTROL... asesinan, Dejándote morir... con una sonrisa en los labios...
Ya a las “Hermanitas de la Caridad” que cuidan a los pobres le dijeron o hacen abortos... o cerramos sus hospitales...
Lean las noticias
Increíble Pero Cierto La Policía Es Grabada Destruyendo Letreros Políticos Como Lo Hacen En Cuba Y En Todos Los Países Bajo Dictaduras Comunistas
Después que por cuarta o quinta vez le destruyeron su letrero “Apoyando el Derecho Constitucional a Tener Armas” se decidió instalar una cámara para tratar de atrapar al ladrón en el acto, y así poder informar de ello a la policía por destrucción de su letrero en PROPIEDAD PRIVADA... Para su gran sorpresa, esto es lo que encontró.  Que era la Policía... PUEDE ALGUIEN DUDAR que INCLUSO EN ESTADOS UNIDOS se puede establecer una DICTADURA... y que la Policía aceptara ordenes de REPRIMIRNOS por nuestras ideas políticas... Para leer más:
Hoy Un Día De Noticias Increíbles Todos sabemos que la familia “Bush” siempre fueron miembros de Los “Republicanos Socialistas” en aquel entonces Liderados por el Multi-billonario Nelson Rockefeller... No olvidemos que fue una COMPONENDA POLÍTICA para unir el partido Que Reagan llevó a Bush como vicepresidente...
AHORA Al Final De Su Vida... El Ex Presidente Bush Apoya Siendo Testigo En Una Boda De Lesbianas... Lo que demuestra, una vez más, que el Partido Republicano está INFILTRADO... lleno de SOCIALISTAS... Que además son millonarios Sin haber nunca tenido un negocio... aparentemente el servicio publico
ES UN GRAN NEGOCIO... Hay que BARRERLOS A TODOS... Para ver la foto firmando como testigo...
Obama Care Depende De Los Republicanos.... No Nos Dejemos Engañar... Los Republicanos Pueden En La Cámara Paralizar El Gobierno Si No Lo Hacen Es Porque Nos Están Traicionando... Es Preferible A Que Nos Comunicen Paso a Paso
In the next few days, politicians in Washington, D.C., will do and say many things to make it look and sound as if they are against Obamacare when in fact they are ultimately planning to use the power that has been vested in them by the people of their districts and statesto ensure that Obamacare is funded and implemented.
But make no mistake: If Obamacare is funded and implemented it will be because Republican members of Congress decided to do it.
This is not a debatable supposition. It is an irrefutable fact. The fate of Obamacare is controlled completely by Republicans -- period.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution says: "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law." That means that President Barack Obama cannot spend a dollar out of the Treasury unless Congress has enacted a law authorizing him to spend that dollar. As of now, the law authorizing Obama to spend dollars expires on Sept. 30.
Both houses of Congress must pass a bill and the president must sign that bill for it to become law. If the House does not pass a bill authorizing Obama to spend money implementing Obamacare in the period after Sept. 30, Obama cannot spend money for that purpose.
Last week, the Republican-controlled House approved a bill to fund the government after Sept. 30 that specifically states that "no Federal funds shall be made available to carry out any provisions" of Obamacare and that prohibits all the new "entitlements and benefits" under Obamacare from taking effect.
As long as House Republicans insist on keeping this language in any legislation enacted to fund the government after Sept. 30, Obamacare is dead.
If House Republicans decide to remove this language, Obamacare will live. And, if House Republicans decide to let Obamacare live now, it almost certainly will live (or evolve into a single-payer health care system) as long as America itself manages to stumble along under the accumulating burden of it and all the other welfare-state programs that have been created in this nation since President Franklin Roosevelt first began building an American welfare state in the 1930s.

Cruz Slams GOP 'Defeatist Attitude' in Obamacare Fight
Wednesday, 25 Sep 2013 06:02 PM By Todd Beamon. Slightly more than an hour after speaking nearly a full day on the Senate floor, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz continued his battle against Obamacare on Rush Limbaugh's radio program on Wednesday, charging his fellow Republicans with a "defeatist attitude" that manifested itself through empty "show votes" that deceive constituents.
"Part of what's so problematic with Washington is how many Republicans want a show vote to pretend to their constituents they're fighting for what they say they're fighting for, rather than actually fighting for it and actually winning," the freshman Republicansenator told Limbaugh.
"In both parties, you've got entrenched politicians who have barely veiled contempt for the American people," Cruz said. "They think their voters are gullible rubes — and you give them a little 'show vote,' you tell them, 'Hey, I'm totally with you,' then they go to Washington and they don't actually do what they say."
Editor's Note: Should ObamaCare Be Defunded? Vote in Urgent National Poll
After speaking for 21 hours and 19 minutes, Cruz simply took his seat in the Senate chamber at noon on Wednesday. It was the predetermined time for the body to adjourn. He began speaking at 2:41 p.m. on Tuesday. The freshman senator was applauded for his effort by several Senate and House colleagues.
Cruz then joined senators in a 100-0 vote officially sending to the Senate floor the legislation passed last week by the House of Representatives that would temporarily finance the federal government through mid-December, while stripping funds for Obamacare.
He warned Limbaugh of the significance of a vote this week to end debate on the House's continuing resolution.
Senate Republicans should rally against that vote — called "cloture" — because it would allow Majority Leader Harry Reid to propose an amendment that would remove the bill that defunds Obamacare from the legislation.
Democrats control the Senate, 52 seats to 46. The Senate has two independents who caucus with the Democrats.
"It takes 60 votes to grant cloture," Cruz told Limbaugh. "The reason it matters is if Harry Reid gets 60 votes to cut off debate, he will then file one amendment — he said only one amendment — that guts the House continuing resolution, and that fully funds Obamacare.
"Any Republican who votes for cloture, who votes with Harry Reid, who votes with the Democrats to cut off debate and give Harry Reid the ability to fund Obamacare fully on a 51-vote partisan vote of only Democrats, is voting to fund Obamacare," he said.
"A number of Republicans are going to maintain that 'no, no, no, no, no, no,' their vote to cut off debate is in support of the House bill," the senator added. "That's simply not the case. It's a show vote.
"If Harry Reid gets 60 votes, every Republican then will vote against his amendment to fund Obamacare.
"And so all 46 Republicans want to go home to their districts and say, 'Gosh, I voted to defund Obamacare — and marvel of marvels, we lost,' which, to be honest, is the outcome that I think more than a few of them affirmatively desire," Cruz said.
He told Limbaugh "the single biggest surprise in arriving to the Senate is the defeatist attitude here. We don't even talk about how to win a fight. There's no discussion.
"We talk about, 'Hey, let's get a show vote so we can go tell our constituents we're doing something,'" Cruz added. "But I promise you, Rush, if you had to sit through one Senate lunch, you'd be in therapy for a month."
Cruz attributed this GOP malaise to long tenures on Capitol Hill.
"These are good men and women. I respect them. I like them," he said. "Many of these are my friends, but they've been here a long time — and they're beaten down. They don't believe we can win. They don't believe it can happen, and the answer they say on every issue is, 'No, we can't do it. We can't do it.'"
In the Obamacare fight specifically, it has led Republicans to fear battling Senate Democrats, even causing some collusion between the parties, Cruz said.
"Unfortunately, there's an alliance between the Democrats, who certainly don't want to discuss the merits of Obamacare because it is such an abysmal failure, and many of the Republicans who are scared of this fight," he said. "They're scared that it won't work and that Republicans will get blamed and there's political risk.
"So from day one, they said, 'It can't work, it can't work,' and the more momentum it got, the more the American people got motivated behind it, the more scared they got."
The fight then turns to personalities, Cruz charged — even efforts to discredit him. The senator has come under attack from both parties for his longstanding opposition to Obamacare and for his marathon floor session this week.
"That alliance, both the Republicans who don't want to have this fight and the Democrats who don't want to discuss the merits of the issue, they want to make it about anything else — and the easiest thing is to make it about personality," Cruz told Limbaugh. "They get a bunch of anonymous congressional staffers to give all sorts of scurrilous quotes … and you know what?
"Who cares?" Cruz said. "The American people do not care and, you know, for my end, I'm not interested in playing that game."
Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Amenaza el Jefe de FARC al gobierno de Colombia y dice que revelará informe sobre diálogos con el gobierno de Colombia
(CNN Español) - El jefe máximo de la guerrilla colombiana de las FARC, alias 'Timochenko' dijo en una carta dirigida al presidente Juan Manuel Santos que el grupo subversivo revelará un informe sobre lo que se discute en la mesa de negociación con el Gobierno, reportaron medios locales.
Según el líder guerrillero, las FARC toman esa decisión para hacer frente a la gran "ofensiva discursiva y mediática contra nosotros y lo que sucede en la Mesa", según dice la carta reproducida por el diario El Tiempo y Caracol Radio en sus sitios web.
"Con el exclusivo propósito de que el país y el mundo conozcan en verdad lo que ocurre, he decidido autorizar a nuestros voceros en La Habana la elaboración de un informe al pueblo colombiano", dice.
Las partes negociadoras habían acordado confidencialidad sobre los detalles de lo que se habla en La Habana, donde se lleva a cabo la negociación. Tanto los puntos generales con los que se inició el diálogo como los acuerdos parciales han sido comunicados al público.
Según 'Timochenko', Santos "presiona con el cuento de que el tiempo y la paciencia de los colombianos se agotan".
“Lo que se acorta en realidad es el tiempo para definir su candidatura a la reelección".
"Pese a sus manifestaciones de encontrar una salida política, Santos, alucinado, confía en doblegarnos con gruñidos. Estamos muy viejos para eso. La clave está en consensuar, en cambiar para bien esa actitud arrogante y mezquina", dice 'Timochenko' en el comunicado.
"Tras un largo proceso denominado Encuentro Exploratorio, firmamos con el gobierno nacional un Acuerdo General que todo el mundo conoce. Cuando lo hicimos, las dos partes coincidimos en que el desarrollo de los puntos de la agenda acordada se cumpliría en el espíritu de las distintas consideraciones que integraron su preámbulo. Sin embargo, nuestros delegados siempre se topan con la actitud gubernamental de considerar que el Acuerdo sólo comprende los puntos de la Agenda, a los cuales además insisten en otorgar tal restricción, que sólo lo que ellos llevan a la Mesa merece considerarse”.
Hasta el Gobierno no se ha pronunciado de forma oficial al respecto.
El vicepresidente del Congreso, Félix Valera, rechazó la carta de 'Timochenko' y dijo que Santos "no debe pedirle permiso a las Farc para hablar", reportó Caracol Radio.

Jorge Aguiar Doral, Florida: TED CRUZ
While some are trying to do as much as possible to demean Senator Ted Cruz work I have nothing for praise and admiration for they way he conducts himself during this very difficult political years. Specially taking in some cases/situation a great deal of risk to his political career even within his own party.

The Republican Party has many at the leadership position that do no represent the traditional moral  values of the party. Many like Senator John McCain, Mitchell and another like Carl Rove have decided to look for their personal political interest and NOT do what is right and in many cases honorable.

In the media inclusively  Fox Cable channel anchors like Cavuto and others in CNBC Kudlow can be found bashing the work of Senator Ted Cruz using personal and financial issues over principle, honor AND WHAT IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. I have nothing but admiration for Senator Ted Cruz principle and CONVICTION. Senator Ted Cruz is a man that I could disagree perhaps in some issues "BUT" I could never think for one moment or question his good intention and believe. I cannot say the same for many of the old Republican Establishment. FOR THE RECORD I AM AN INDEPENDENT VOTER IN CASE SOMEONE  IS WONDERING.

President Obama has demonstrated is running the country at his will and many times outside of the Constitution. Those that had follow President  Obama during his presidency and know Benghazi, Fast and Furious , AP spying case, IRS scandal and Attorney General Holder's work under the orders of the President should know very well what has happened. Presendent Obama needs to be confronted on all issues from here. Three more years of " MORE" brutal moral, civil and economical dramatic changes  the country cannot not take and spec to have the great country we had.

You are here: Home / Featured Stories / Lawmaker to Obama: ‘You’re Not a Dictator’
Lawmaker To Obama: ‘You’re Not A Dictator’
“You hate to diminish the office of president of the United States by calling him silly, but that’s just silly. We negotiate everything on this. You don’t get to impose your will. You’re not a dictator. You’re not an emperor. We negotiate everything in Washington, D.C., and for him to say he’s not going to negotiate this is one of the more absurd things I’ve heard him say out of a lot of absurd things I’ve heard him say,”-Congressman Mike Mulvaney (R-SC)

Cruz to Press: ‘That Is Not Responsible Reporting’ Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Sixteen hours after he first stood up on the Senate floor to speak out against Obamacare—and vowed to keep speaking as long as he could stand—Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas took a moment to reprimand reporters for covering the debate over Obamacare as something that was primarily about politics and personalities rather than about the future of the country.“I am going to suggest that is not responsible reporting,” said Cruz.“I am going to make a request directly to those reporting” on the debate over Obamcare “to endeavor to have at least half of what you say be focused on the actual substance of this debate,” Cruz said shortly before 7:00 a.m Eastern time, and shortly after briefly yielding the floor to Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.).

School official tells students Trayvon Martin case proved it is 'legal to hunt' children By Maxim Lott
An email sent to students by a University of Maryland official that cites the Trayvon Martin shooting as evidence "it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida" is being blasted as the latest evidence of a left-wing bias on campus. The email, from William Dorland, director of the school's Honors College, starts by welcoming students back to campus, but then quickly veers into politics. "This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida," it reads, in a reference to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was cleared of all charges in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The email went out to all students in the Honors College.
"This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida." - E-mail sent to University of Maryland students The political language continued: "This year, the most activist Supreme Court in the history of the United States and radical factions of gun owners, gun manufacturers, and marijuana users are challenging the very fabric of the nation..." Dorland then invites students to attend a lecture by former NAACP chairman Julian Bond. The email comes on the heels of a host of allegations of bias on college campuses around the country this fall -- from a case at UNC Chapel Hill in which funding was cut for two conservative speakers to appear on campus, to an incident at the University of Kansas, where a professor said he hoped the next shooting victims would be children of NRA members. In the Maryland case, Jim Purtilo, a University of Maryland computer science professor, said the comments struck him as inappropriate. "It's over the top. But very much business as usual on this campus," he said. Dorland, reached by phone, told that his goal was merely to stir student interest in the Julian Bond speaking event. "I didn't regard it as a political statement, I regarded it as trying to stir some student interest in an activity going on on campus," Dorland told He said that he did receive complaints. "There were three students and a faculty member who asked me not to use such violent or inappropriate language in the future, and I apologized to them because I didn't want to offend anybody. But I did want to stir things up," he said. But Purtilo said that he complained to Dorland by email and that Dorland never apologized to him. Instead, said Purtilo, Dorland responded by defending the accuracy of his line about the Trayvon Martin shooting. Some students reached by were supportive of Dorland. "[Dorland] is a great academic and has done great things for our university," said Ben Kramer, president of the College Democrats at the University of Maryland. "While I do not agree with his choice of words [in the Trayvon Martin reference], I respect and agree with his efforts to foster a dialogue about contentious issues." Others took more offense. "Sending politically charged emails like this not only alienates students, but also adds to our toxic political discourse," Ross Marchand, president of the campus Students for Liberty, said. Caroline Carlson, chairwoman of the UMD College Republicans, agreed. "Claiming that it is 'legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida' is stretching the truth, and frankly, we believe Professor Dorland should be above making those types of false statements in what is presumed to be a factual Honors College email." Dorland defended his use of that line. "I think it's stirring the pot," Dorland said about his email. "I think, factually, the sentence -- it may be strained and polemic or something -- but it is roughly at least what many people would say was the outcome of the verdict [of the Trayvon Martin case]. I'm not going to avow or disavow the position because it doesn't really matter what I think." Purtilo, however, says that the incident is indicative of liberal bias he sees on the campus every day. He related one story that he had seen. "I was on a committee for a very prestigious award on campus, which basically gives a free ride to the selected student, and I remember our committee once interviewing a young woman from one of the more rural counties of the state. And she was poised and articulate and tremendously well prepared, top scores and maxed out SAT and everything... but she made no secret about her religious views, and she asked about things like whether we had a drug- and alcohol-free dorm hall," Purtilo said. "The committee's conclusion was, 'oh, she has very strict views, very rigid views -- she would not be comfortable here'... you often hear code words like those, which really mean that the person is right-of-center politically." Dorland dismissed the idea that his emailed quote was indicative of general political bias on campus. "I don't really want to suggest to you that I'm backing down, but I will tell you that we've had speakers here from AEI, from the CATO Institute -- and [Arizona Sen. John] McCain was invited to be here." "In my job here I'm pretty apolitical," he added. "You can ask the students. I will take the side of Pope Benedict on an argument, and the next day take the side of a new Pope. You know, the intellectual position in the world is to engage people and get them to talk about what they believe in," he said.

Not sure all of you have seen this so be aware !!!This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care document and made comments.


PLEASE PASS THIS OUTRAGE TO EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST!!! THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75.......
If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents....

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care. You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happen in this year and 2014!

Age 76 Today, I went to the Dr. for my monthly B12 shot that I have been getting for a number of years. The nurse came and got me, got out the needle filled and ready to go then looked at the computer and got very quiet and asked if I was prepared to pay for it. I said no that my insurance takes care of it.
She said, that Medicare had turned it down and went to talk to my Dr. about it. 15 minutes later she came back and said, she was sorry but they had tried every-thing they could but Medicare is beginning to turn many things away for seniors because of the projectedObama Care coming in. She was brushing at tears and said, "Someday they too will get old", I am so very sorry!!
Please for the sake of many good people. . . informed please .

$43,000 Per Household
Did you know that since President Obama came into office, the debt limit has been raised seven times?
With those increases, Congress has added $43,000 in debt for every American household in just the last four years.
And now the debt limit deadline is looming again. Treasury will run out of tricks to keep paying the bills on October 17, Secretary Jack Lew announced yesterday.
Instead of pursuing significant spending cuts and entitlement reforms that are desperately needed to get spending under control, House Republicans reportedly are proposing to suspend the debt ceiling for more than a year, which would add $1.1 trillion to the debt.
So, take that $43,000 per household that was added in the last four years and tack on another $8,800 per household.
What happened the last time Congress raised the debt ceiling? Did they accomplish any meaningful spending cuts before increasing the debt limit? In a word, no:
Congress and the President last suspended the debt ceiling from February 4, 2013, through May 18, 2013, adding $300 billion to the national debt in less than four months. Their only request was that the Senate produce a budget for the first time in four years, which it did. No savings were accomplished.
No savings.
This is unacceptable.
As Heritage’s Romina Boccia, the Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs, wrote yesterday:
Congress should implement spending cuts and entitlement reforms before—or as part of—an increase in the debt ceiling. Lawmakers still have time to put forth a plan that puts the budget on a path to balance and avoids a debt crisis today and in the future. The clock is ticking.

“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

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