Monday, September 9, 2013

No 476 "En mi opinion" Septiembre 9, 2013

No 476  “En mi opinión” Septiembre 9, 2013.
Editor  Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”
Envie sus Artículos, Criticas o Comentarios a,

“En mi opinion” Estimados amigos, por fuerza mayor  he tenido que ausentarme y me ha sido imposible producir el peridodico que preparamos diariamente. Todo esta cada vez peor y la actividad de casi todas las personas que supuestamente estan en el deber de resolver las terrible situationes que tenemos es cada vez mas notoria. Inclusive la actividad individual de los ciudadanos se apaga rapidamente. Esto me recuerda lo mismo que paso en cuba por el 1959. Yo no lo siento por mi  sino por los jovenes que no tienen idea de lo que les viene arriba y cuando se den cuenta ya sera demasiado tarde y se Habra perdido la nacion que es el faro del mundo para el progreso y la libertad. Nunca pense que esto currieries de una forma tan descarnada y con la desidia de los americanos. Me recuerda al rey moro en su palacio del Alhambra en Granada cuando llorava la perdida de su reinado Por las fuerzas espanolas y su madre le dijo: “NO LLORES COMO MUJER LO QUE NO SUPISTES DEFENDER COMO HOMBRE”  Todo depende de todos nosotros. Si nada hacemos, nada tendremos. Por otra parte este diversionismo de la atencion nacional sobre todas "las barrabasadas que ha hecho barry soetoro, con la berracada de Siria, me da una medida de hasta donde este individuo es capaz de manipular la mente y la opinion, al pueblo americano y hasta al mundo entero. El pais y el mundo esta haciendo un verdadero papel de "Come-M" Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino.

Judge Napolitano: US Strike on Syria Would Be War Crime
Thursday, 05 Sep 2013 05:06 PM By Greg Richter A U.S. strike against Syria would be a war crime says former Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Appearing on Fox News Channel on Thursday, Napolitano said that even a limited strike is illegal under international law and violates the U.S. Constitution.
"You can use military force to attack somebody that's attacked you, or you can use military force to attack somebody that's about to attack you," Napolitano said. "You can use military force to come to the aid of an ally that has been attacked when the ally asks for your assistance."
Urgent: Should U.S. Strike Syria? Vote Here
The United States also could use the military to enforce international norms if the United Nations authorizes it.
None of those conditions apply in Syria, Napolitano said, making it a war crime if the United States acts.
He said the 1973 War Powers Act is unconstitutional because it takes away Congress' authority to wage war and gives it to the president in certain circumstances. He said he expects the House to vote down President Barack Obama's request for authorization by about 20 votes. Public sentiment is against action as well, with polls showing more than 60 percent opposed.
"Who wants this to happen besides John Kerry and the president?" Napolitano asked. "Sometimes the president can get lawless – any president – when he has military equipment at his disposal."
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Jorge Aguiar: Going to war with Syria with President Obama as commanding in Chief ? Really ! First I don't like the idea of going to war with Syria for many reasons. But the most important reason of not going to war is President Obama. Those of you in the media that are well informed and know the many past issues and scandals, how can you trust President Obama. You all know about Benghazi .You do,  don't you. What happened before during and after the attack is a well known fact. If you are in the military how can you trust this administration. We also know about "Fast and Furious", IRS scandal, AP spying and many others. This administration cannot be trusted at any level.

If a person is uninformed or ignorant about what has happened during this last few years then 'MAYBE" you could go along with President Obama Syria attacked. Also John Kerry the current secretary of state is a highly questionable character . In my opinion this administration will sell you out at any time. The military should be highly concerned.  Moreover,  out right worry that the proposed attack does not transform into an all out war. This administration and President cannot be trusted to protect our military. This administration will lie and leave you hanging and use the military personnel in the most impersonal manner, whenever is the administration convenience. The current administration record of the past few years is there for anyone to see.
Doral, Florida

RICARDO SAMITIER: Woodow Wilson Fue El Creador De La Liga De Las Naciones Al Final De La Primera Guerra Mundial... NUNCA SIRVIÓ...
Los Senadores Americanos Se Negaron A Entrar En Ella... Alegando Que No Iban A Renunciar A Ser Un País Soberano... La Liga De Las Naciones No Pudo Evitar La Segunda Guerra...
Roosevelt En Yalta Con Stalin Y Churchill Crearon La ONU… Esta Vez El Senado De Usa Formado Por Mayoría Demócrata Voto Por Entrar En La ONU...Y Quedar A Merced De Ella... Que Está Formada Por Cientos De Paisitos Enemigos...
Hoy... La ONU se reviro contra el país que la CREO... Hace ya más de 30 años que los conservadores piden Que USA se retire de la ONU...
Ahora Obama... Crea una CRISIS... por estar comprometido A ayudar a la “Hermandad Musulmana” a Tomar Siria... Carter entrego a la Hermandad Musulmana Irán... Obama Entrego a Egipto y a Libia... y quiere entregar SIRIA...
Hay que comenzar Por Retirarnos de la ONU... Para leer el RECHAZO DE LA ONU...

La Hermandad Musulmana Ofrece Pagar El “Préstamo De La Artillería De USA”
El Cual Necesitan para Ganar La Guerra En Siria... Como Si USA Fuera Mercenarios... Secretario de Estado John Kerry dijo a los legisladores que las naciones árabes Que apoyan las guerrillas de Siria SE COMPROMETIERON A FINANCIAR EL COSTO de cualquier esfuerzo militar respaldado por Estados Unidos en Siria.
"Lo que el secretario no puede reconocer o no hablar de que es nuestro mayor tesoro
ES LA DIGNIDAD... de que no hacemos guerras INJUSTAS... no son los misiles de crucero,
no los aviones que le enviamos, pero es a nuestros hombres y mujeres jóvenes queAYUDAN
A GANAR UNA GUERRA ... a futuros ENEMIGOS DEL OCCIDENTE CRISTIANO... Eso Desmoraliza A Todo Los Ciudadanos
Mc Caín es acusado por un votante de TRAIDOR
El “Nino Travieso” De La Marina... Pues Su
Papá Era El Almirante En Jefe...
Hace “Demasiados Años” Es Reelegido Senador...
Ayer Fue Acusado Personalmente De Traidor y
El Votante... Dijo “Debía De Estar Arrestado”...
La Concurrencia Lo Aplaudió...
Su Respuesta Fue Lacónica... No Contesto...
He Aquí Su Respuesta, mis notas en rojo:
Si le interesa tanto el gobierno, postúlese para un puesto electivo. Mc Caín y muchos politiqueros se pueden postular porque reciben $ MILLONES de los INTERESES que los manejan... para postularse para cualquier puesto se requiere MILLONES que los hombres honrados no tienen...
CONTINUO Mc Caín diciendo: Y respecto a eso que dice de traición,NO LE VOY A CONTESTAR, PORQUE ESTÁ MUY DEBAJO DE MI NIVEL.
Observe el video a continuación.
¿Como Es Posible… Que Obama Comitiera El Error De Desear Atacar A Siria?
No Sabia Obama Que Los Estadounidenses No Quieren Ser “Policías Del Mundo”... Acaso El No Se Ganó Las Elecciones y Un Premio “Noble De La Paz” Diciendo Que No Iba A Atacar... Que Se Iba A“Conversar Con Todos...”  Ahora La Casa Blanca Oficialmente Anuncia:
EE.UU. No Tiene Aliados Militares Para Atacar A Siria... Desde 1918... los verdaderos conservadores y patriotas americanos han estado primero opuestos a
Ser MIEMBROS DEL LA ONU... y después han estado pidiendo RETIRARNOS DE ELLA... AHORA YA LO QUE DECÍAMOS SE CUMPLIÓ... LA ONU ESTA CONTRA USA... HAY QUE RETIRARSE... cada cual Que defienda su país... y los negocios entre países... Se hacen de acuerdo a los INTERESES DE CADA
Obama Declaró en el 2006 Contra La Política de Bush Ahora Hace Los Mismo...
"El hecho de que hoy estamos aquí para debatir elevar el límite de deuda de Estados Unidos es una muestra de la falta de liderazgo. Es una señal de que el Gobierno de EE.UU. no puede pagar sus propias facturas. Es una señal de que ahora dependemos de la asistencia financiera en curso desde el extranjero para financiar políticas fiscales irresponsables de nuestro Gobierno. Aumento de la deuda de Estados Unidos nos debilita a nivel nacional como internacional. Liderazgo significa que "la responsabilidad es mía." En cambio, Washington se está desplazando la carga de malas decisiones hoy sobre las espaldas de nuestros hijos y nietos. Estados Unidos tiene un problema de la deuda y la falta de liderazgo. Los Estadounidenses merecen algo mejor. ""
¿Hace O No Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush… Abajo TODOS LOS POLITIQUEROS…
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 Pass it on 'til eternity...
Aqui tienen la COMPROBACION que es Obama on the Debt Limit
In 2006, did Barack Obama speak out against raising the debt limit?
  ...debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we...
  ...America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here." Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of...
  ...backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failureof leadership. Americans deserve better. Origins: In 2006, then a...
Sun, 08 Sep 2013 12:46:27 GMT
El Gobierno Lee Todo Lo Que Escribimos En La Internet... Es Una Forma De Aterrorizarnos... He aquí la noticia OFICIALMENTE... En La Antigüedad Los Criminales y  Delincuentes Eran “ODIADOS” Por Los Daños Directos Que Causaban...  Ahora Los “Conspiradores” Tratan De Que Se Les Tenga “PENA” Tienen Más Derechos Y Privilegios Que Las Victimas
El noticiero de Univisión del día 6 de Sept. Le dedicó 7 minutos
A acusar a las autoridades de OHIO por no haberle dado asistencia
PSIQUIÁTRICA al bárbaro y DEGENERADO que tuvo secuestrada a
3 Niñas por 10 años...y que se horco...
Esos REPORTAJES son parte De La CONSPIRACIÓN... además de
Entretenernos de las VERDADERAS NOTICIAS... van socavando la
Confianza de la sociedad en las INSTITUCIONES...
“ODIAR” Los CRIMINALES Es Necesario... No solamente por las penas
Que causan con sus asesinatos, también por el daño ECONÓMICO
DIRECTO que le causan a las VICTIMAS...
De contra también por el COSTO DE MANTENERLOS... Hoy cuestan
$168,000.00 al año...
Aquí está la información de hoy en el New York Time
Este video se ha hecho para explicar cómo Estados Unidos fue llevado a elegir a Obama...
Quizás para algunos que no son cubanos... (los venezolanos CAYERON DE LA MISMA FORMA)  les parezca que Exagera... pero NO… es un método practicado que tienen los CONSPIRADORES para establecer lo que ellos llaman
“NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL” para no decir que es el “RETORNO AL FEUDALISMO” o dictadores de cada nación...
El sistema CONSISTE en destruir los valores TRADICIONALES... aumentar y fomentar la corrupción... y eso se consigue Utilizando los medios publicitarios (periódicos, revistas, radio TV)  y después que la TRADICIÓN ha sido destruida
Y la CORRUPCIÓN REINA   entonces esa prensa ELEVA A UN A PERSONA... como el REDENTOR y SOLUCIONADOR de Todos los males... aunque NO TENGA NINGUNA EXPERIENCIA… en esa forma han surgido todos los LIDERES...  NO EXISTE NINGUNA EXCEPCIÓN…  “Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tito, Mao, Fidel, Che, Chávez, Ortega, etc... Ninguno de ellos habían TRABAJADO EN SU VIDA... no tenían ninguna Experiencia y todos de una forma u otra  hanSURGIDO como “SALVADORES” GRACIAS A LA PRENSA...  .
Este video... Para los CUBANOS Y TAMBIÉN AHORA PARA LOS ENEZOLANOS... si le cambiamos el NOMBRE AL PAÍS... de Estados Unidos a Cuba o Venezuela... la historia de cómo Obama fue creado como LÍDER... veremos que la HISTORIA SE HA REPETIDO EXACTAMENTE...
Creo que los mas importante es ver como en todos los países se REPITE LA HISTORIA y la forma... vean esa historia del minuto 0.10 al 0.40...
 Después de mirar el video, donde se repite la historia de todos los países socialistas... regresen al minuto 0.10 para ver como fue la creado el LÍDER...  y quienes CAUSARON la destrucción de todos los países...

Los Estados Unidos Bajo El Control De Obama Ha Perdido Totalmente La Confianza Del Mundo...
Todo comenzó Cuando Irán Dijo Que No Aceptaba El Pago En Dólares De su Petróleo... Chávez... Aliado de Irán... Pidió la Repatriación Del Oro De Venezuela...
Lo Siguió Alemania... La Cual No Sabemos Por Qué Razón...Acordó Que lo Hicieran Poco a Poco... Dándole a USA 7 Años Para Devolverlos... (lo cual da Pie para pensar que no lo tienen) Ahora Los Polacos... Piden a Inglaterra Que Les Devuelva 70 TONELADAS que tienen desde hace 70 años... Como vemos NO HAY CONFIANZA…
Putin Y La Inteligencia Rusia Afirma Que Al Qaeda Es La Que Controla Los Rebeldes En Siria... y Que Tomará El Poder Si Estados Unidos Bombardea...
Vladimir V. Putin Acusó A Kerry De Mentir Al Congreso
En La Televisión Rusa...
"MIENTE muy bien, por supuesto", dijo Putin en declaraciones que fueron televisados en Rusia. "Vi a los debates en el Congreso. Un congresista PREGUNTA a Kerry: "¿Esta Al Qaeda allí? 'Él dice:" No, te lo digo responsablemente MO ESTA."
Yo les afirmo: "Las Unidades De Al Qaeda Son La Principal Cúpula Militar, Y Ellos Lo Saben", dijo Putin. "Fue muy desagradable y sorprendente para mí - les hablamos, partimos de la hipótesis de que son personas decentes. Pero que se ha quedado y sabe que está mintiendo. Es triste ".
Quiebran Dulcería Por No Hacer Un Pastel Para La Boda De Dos “LESBIANAS”
1-    Las Lesbianas acusaron al negocio de discriminarlas...
2-    El Gobierno comenzó una investigación...
3-    Los Homosexuales (organizados como sindicatos...)
Comenzaron Un Piquete Para Impedir La Entrada De
Clientes... Además comenzaron un “BOICOT” Contra todos
Los que continuaron haciendo negocios con la dulcería...

Después de varios meses... Forzaron A La Dulcería A Cerrar...

Los Homosexuales PIDEN Que Se Les RESPETE...
Pero Ellos NO Respetan...

Los homosexuales demanda RESPETO y TOLERANCIA y claramente dicen que su Sexualidad es una “ORIENTACIÓN SEXUAL” de nacimiento y una manera de tener SEXO NORMAL... Lo cual a el 99.99% de la
Población NO LES IMPORTA... mientras no nos afecte... desde liego es sabido (pero la prensa en manos de los SOCIALISTAS y PRO HOMOSEXUALES) NO LO DICE: Todas las violaciones de niños son realizadas por homosexuales... y han logrado... que esos sean CLASIFICADOS como PEDÓFILOS...y eliminen la información que también practican la homosexualidad con adultos... NUNCA UN NIÑO ha iniciado a un adulto en la homosexualidad... siempre ha sido UN ADULTO a un niño...  

Los Problemas Comienzan... Cuando Ellos PRETENDEN Que Todos Pensemos Igual Que Ellos... entonces sacan las UÑAS... son intolerantes de nuestros derechos...

Los Derechos Son Dados Por Dios, Las Leyes Solamente Los Regulan...
La Constitución de los Estados Unidos claramente comienza diciendo:
Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes:
1-      Que todos los hombres son creados iguales,
2-      Que son dotados por su Creador (DIOS) de CIERTOS DERECHOS INALIENABLES, que entre éstos están:
La Vida, La LIBERTAD Y La Búsqueda De La Felicidad.
Ahora LOS POLITIQUEROS... en busca del voto de los homosexuales (debido a que están ORGANIZADOS) pues solamente representan el 2% de la población... han suprimido laLIBERTAD...
NO TENEMOS LIBERTAD cuando se NOS FUERZA A Asociarnos Con Otros... que por cualquier razón que sea... NO NOS GUSTAN...
Forzarme A Asociarme Con Gente Que NO ME GUSTANEs QUITARME MI LIBERTAD...
Mi derecho dado por DIOS Y RECONOCIDO en la Constitución es ASOCIARME LIBREMENTEcon quien yo quiera.
SI QUIERO ESTAR SOLO, Nadie Tiene EL DERECHO DE OBLIGARME A Juntarme con alguien y MENOS con quien NO ME GUSTA...
Una Persona Negra, No Eligio Nacer Negro...
Sin Embargo, Un Homosexual... Eligio Ser Homosexual...
1-      La mejor prueba: Ellos están dotados de todos los ATRIBUTOS que dios les dio TANTO A LOS HOMBRE COMO A LAS MUJERES que se declaranINCONFORMES y ELIGEN conducirse como miembros del sexo contrario al que tienen... y practican actos contra NATURA...
2-      Otra prueba IRREFUTABLE: Son la cantidad de BI-SEXUALES... que practican ambos sexos... demostrando que ellos ELIGEN LIBREMENTE o como ahora le llaman tienen esa “ORIENTACIÓN SEXUAL.”

Al ser la HOMOSEXUALIDAD una “LIBRE ELECCIÓN” no es un asunto de derechos civiles... Ellos en pleno uso de sus facultades mentales han ELEGIDO SER HOMOSEXUALES y se reúnen con sus afines y con quienes los aceptan... también se HAN ORGANIZADO... existen varias asociaciones... pero Ni DIOS, NI LA CONSTITUCIÓN les da DERECHO A OBLIGAR a otros aACEPTARLOS o SERVIRLOS...
NADIE NACE HOMOSEXUAL... Se vuelven HOMOSEXUALES... Es una elección...
No hay EXISTE un “Derecho Humanos”, que me obligue a aceptar lo que considero unaPerversión Sexual...
No hay un derecho humano, para forzarme a la fuerza, a PARTICIPAR EN PERVERSIONES, fiestas o SERVIR a los homosexuales...
Los derechos de todas las personas... SEAN NORMALES o HOMOSEXUALES comienzan CUANDO NO SE VIOLAN LOS DERECHOS DE OTROS...
Los dueños de la dulcería tienen el DERECHO A NO QUERER HACER EL PASTEL... aunque dejaban de ganar dinero... Las DOS LESBIANAS... NO TIENEN DERECHO A OBLIGAR A LA DULCERÍA HA HACERLES EL PASTEL...
Debían ya que hay muchas dulcerías... buscar otra...
Lo Peor Es Que Las Protestas De Los Homosexuales
Está Sucediendo En Todo El País y Todos Los Giros...
Los Homosexuales Están Quitándonos La Libertad...
En el artículo abajo en ingles después de la información sobre la dulcería...
Aparece una lista de 4 estados en que existen protestas similares...

Look how “tolerant” those “gay” activists are to “Christians”
September 4th, 2013
Todd Starnes
A family-owned Christian bakery, under investigation for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, has been forced to close its doors after a vicious boycott by militant homosexual activists.
Sweet Cakes By Melissa posted a message on its Facebook page alerting customers that their Gresham, Ore. retail store would be shut down after months of harassment from pro-gay marriage forces.
“Better is a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways,” read a posting from Proverbs on the bakery’s Facebook page.
“It’s a sad day for Christian business owners and it’s a sad day for the First Amendment,” owner Aaron Klein told me. “The LGBT attacks are the reason we are shutting down the shop. They have killed our business through mob tactics.”
Last January, Aaron and Melissa Klein made national headlines when they refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.
Klein tells me he has nothing against homosexuals — but because of their religious faith, the family simply cannot take part in gay wedding events.
“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman,” he said. “I don’t want to help somebody celebrate a commitment to a lifetime of sin.”
The lesbian couple filed a discrimination with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries and told their story to local newspapers and television statements.
Within days, militant homosexuals groups launched protests and boycotts. Klein told me he received messages threatening to kill his family. They hoped his children would die.
The LGBT protestors then turned on other wedding vendors around the community. They threatened to boycott any florists, wedding planners or other vendors that did business with Sweet Cakes By Melissa.
“That tipped the scales,” Klein said. “The LGBT activists inundated them with phone calls and threatened them. They would tell our vendors, ‘If you don’t stop doing business with Sweet Cakes By Melissa, we will shut you down.’”
To make matters worse, the Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries announced last month they had launched a formal discrimination investigation against the Christian family.
Commissioner Brad Avakian told The Oregonian that he was committed to a fair and thorough investigation to determine whether the bakery discriminated against the lesbians.
“Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,” he told the newspaper. “The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon.”
In other words, Christians who live and work in Oregon must follow man’s law instead of God’s law. But in a show of benevolence, the state is willing to rehabilitate and reeducate Christian business owners like the Kleins.
Klein said the closing of their retail store was a small price to pay for standing up for their religious beliefs.
“As a man of faith, I am in good spirits,” he said. “I’m happy to be serving the Lord and standing up for what’s right.”
Klein said what’s happened to Sweet Cakes By Melissa should be a warning to other Christians across the nation.
“This is a fight that’s been coming for a while,” he said. “Be prepared to take a stand. Hopefully, the church will wake up and understand that we are under attack right now.”
Just last month, New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that two Christian photographers who declined to photograph a same-sex union violated the state’s Human Rights Act. One justice said the photographers were “compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives.”
Denver baker Jack Phillips is facing possible jail time for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
The Colorado Attorney General’s office filed a formal complaint against Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop. A hearing before the state’s civil rights commission is set for later this month.
In Indianapolis, a family-owned cookie shop faced a discrimination investigation after they refused to make rainbow cookies for National Coming Out Day.
A T-shirt company in Lexington, Ky. found itself at the center of a Human Rights Commission investigation after they refused to make T-shirts for a local gay rights organization.
Klein said it’s becoming clear that Christians do not have the “right to believe what we believe.”
In other words, gay rights trump religious rights.
Aaron and Melissa Klein tell me they will continue to bake wedding cakes from their home. He’s already taken a full-time job to pay the bills and feed their five children.
Mrs. Klein told television station KPTV her philosophy remains unchanged by recent events.
“The Bible tells us to flee from sin,” she said. “I don’t think making a cake for it helps. I guess in my mind I thought we lived in a lot nicer of a world where everybody tolerated everybody.”
The plight of the Klein family exposes the true nature of the left. Those who preach tolerance and diversity are the least tolerant and the least diverse of all.
Putin Says John Kerry 'Is Lying. It's Sad'
Washington and Russia remained publicly at odds over Syria on Wednedsay with President Vladimir Putin accusing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry of lying by playing down the role of al-Qaida with rebel forces.
"He is lying and knows he is lying. It's sad."
Kerry played down concerns that any U.S. military strike over chemical weapons might provoke a clash with Russia.
"Foreign Minister (Sergei) Lavrov has made it clear ... Russia does not intend to fight a war over Syria," Kerry told a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Obama said he would continue to try to persuade Putin of the need for punitive strikes on Assad for using chemical weapons when the two meet in St. Petersburg.

Urgent: Should U.S. Strike Syria? Vote Here

Putin again questioned Western evidence on a chemical weapons attack by Syrian President Bashar Assad, but said in an interview with The Associated Press that he could not absolutely "rule out" Russia supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution to punish Assad - if it could be proved he had used poison gas.
Briefing members of Congress in Washington, Kerry said those comments were "hopeful" and "there may be a road forward where Russia would consider not blocking action."
A senior Western official said that while Moscow was unlikely to say so in public, there were signs Russian officials believe Assad was responsible for the deaths on Aug. 21 and that it had strained Russian support for him - providing an opening for a new, concerted drive to end the conflict.
However, Putin's characteristically blunt tone towards the U.S. position appeared to limit prospects for a breakthrough in a stalemate that has prevented international action to rein in a conflict that has killed more than 100,000 Syrians and left millions homeless but which neither side has been able to win.

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Assange Tells Ron Paul: US Using Syrian WMD Claim
Wednesday, 04 Sep 2013 08:16 PM .. By Jennifer G. Hickey

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Wednesday the United States was taking advantage of a humanitarian crisis in order to engage in military action in Syria.

"They really felt what they needed was for there to be some humanitarian outrage in Syria and once they had it, that would legitimize going in with a big air strike," Assange said on the Ron Paul Channel — — the subscription-based Internet channel launched last month by the former Texas Republican congressman.
Assange, confined in a room in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for more than 1,000 days, clarified that he did not believe the chemical weapons attack was "a fabrication," but said "it is still possible that the rebels did it."
"Most of all, for a bigger involvement, they needed a bigger humanitarian outrage to hook it all onto. We have seen that. To be sure it is being taken advantage of," Assange said. "They did not give a damn about Syrians" until recently.
In the first two installments of a three-part interview with former presidential candidate Ron Paul, Assange addressed a variety of topics from the close ties between Google and the State Department to his philosophical beliefs.
Paul began the interview with Assange about the most controversial issue — whether intelligence is being used improperly to justify action in Syria.
"Haven't you touched on this subject, of somebody looking for an incident with Syria that would justify all of the countries to come in and the United States government to come in and the British government to come in and do something in Syria?" Paul asked Assange.
Assange has charged that information gathered from 5 million emails WikiLeaks obtained from Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence firm, indicates military action in Syria may have been planned before the recent chemical attacks.
One email from December 2011 involved a report from "one of their agents meeting with the U.S. Air Force, representatives from the French and British military" on the "game-plan" in Syria.
Assange also views the close relationship between the U.S. government and business and tech contracting firms, such as Google, as a deep concern.
"I've been watching Google since it was four computers at Stanford. Google started out as — coming out of that culture, the grad-school culture — pretty humane, a bit naive, and it got bigger and bigger and interfacing with the world. And what happened?" asks Assange.
Because Google needed the State Department to intervene when it had problems or concerns with foreign countries, he says, "As time went by they got closer and closer together."
Assange says he releases classified documents despite the criticism and potential prosecution he faces because he wants the truth to come out.
"Personally, I don't like lies. In the Australian context, we would say, 'It is time to make the bastards honest,'" he says, adding that he likes "a good fight."
Asked about the philosophy behind WikiLeaks, Assange says it derives from a "philosophical view that every law, every regulation, every constitution — in fact, every decision that we take, even as human individual beings — comes about as a result of what we know and what communications we have.
"So we can only be as good as what we know."
Assange says that no single one of his disclosures has been the most shocking. "The biggest surprise is the panorama, the scope, that it is done en masse and in so many places," he said. And that is why he believes his group is so important.
"The way for people to be free and the way for people to seek justice is for there to be more knowledge and more truth about how institutions behave," says Assange.
Rather than one "Henry Kissinger-esque figure directing geo-political strategy" being a threat, it is the "out-of-control bureaucracy involving state and corporations, [the] National Security Agency," that is to fear, he says.
"There are some people working in an unthinking, unreasoned process and all the secrecy means is that there is not the proper oversight of what is going on. That to me is what is most concerning," says Assange.
Responding to charges that the classified information he disclosed has resulted in harm to innocent citizens or to members of the military and intelligence communities, Assange says: "Either the published activity that we engage in gets people killed or it does not. It is a factual question. Well, we have seven years of publishing history and never has one person come to personal harm."
No one at the State or Defense Department has ever cited a single person who has been hurt as a result of WikiLeaks actions, he said. Assange believes government authorities frequently cite potential harm as a means to distract attention from the truth of the WikiLeaks documents.
"Our facts are indisputable and we have the world's best record for having never gotten it wrong. We have never released a document that has been misdescribed by us ... They couldn't argue on the grounds that what we say is false."
Assange is still fighting extradition to Sweden regarding questions in two sexual assault cases there.
Despite his confinement at the Ecuadorean embassy, Assange has been busy, filing a formal complaint to request the Swedish authorities investigate U.S. intelligence activities in Europe.
He also is seeking a seat in the Australian senate, a campaign which this week drew a rebuke from Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa.
Responding to a video Assange produced that made fun of his opponents, Correa sent a letter informing him he could campaign, "but without making fun of Australian politicians.
© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

FBI interrogated man after comment about American “Police State” on Facebook
September 7th, 2013
HUMBOLDT, AZ — A man says that within hours of making an impassioned post on Facebook, he was being interrogated by police and the FBI.
Blaine Cooper, 33, contacted policestateusa.comwith a concerning story about how his sentiments posted on Facebook had drawn the attention of the federal government.  He showed me the comment and told me that within 24-hours of posting it, he was being contacted by the police and FBI.
His colorful comment was in reference to what he believes is an “American Police State,” in which the power of the federal government is growing in a direction which may one day lead people to fight back.
Cooper, who is training to be a wild land fire fighter, said that on August 23, he was contacted by Officer Jason Kuafman of the Prescott Valley Police Department and was told that he needed to come to the police station for an interview with the FBI.
He complied with the request for an interview, which lasted 45 minutes with federal agents present.  He was released after apparently being determined to not be a threat.
“They had every Facebook post I had ever made in a huge file, along with all my wife’s information, and parent’s information,” Cooper told
Cooper said that he was told that without “defusing the situation” by complying with the interview, his house might have been raided.
“The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper
It should be pointed out that answering questions from federal agents is an extremely risky idea, especially without the presence of a lawyer.  Supreme Court case BROGAN v. UNITED STATESaffirmed that it is a federal crime to tell any lie, or misrepresent any fact, to a federal agent.  Even an innocent person with good intentions could commit a federal crime by misspeaking during an interview.
But apparently the alternative to complying to an interview is getting raided by the FBI.
Still feeling threatened, Cooper made a YouTube video on Aug. 23, as a record to the public in case he “disappears.”
“[I] hope this doesn’t happen to anybody else,” he said.
The rapid response of the FBI could be a result of the federal government’s XKeyscore program, which gives them the ability to collect “nearly everything a user does on the internet.”
The irony of the situation is that Cooper’s concerns of the USA becoming a police state were actually validated by the fact that the federal government launched an investigation over his frustrated Facebook comment, showing up with detailed records on his family and their internet activity.
Cooper has been very open to questions and has provided his own number, as well as the police contacts that were made. Blaine Cooper:  (928) 632-5156
El Primer DESASTRE del Obamacare...
Menos Horas De Trabajo Para Los Que Tienen Trabajo
Equivale A Menos Dinero... Para Mantener El Hogar...
AFL-CIO President Trumka: Employers Cutting Workers to 29 1/2 Hours to Avoid ObamaCare
September 8th, 2013
Noel Sheppard
In the past several months, the left and their media minions have pushed back against claims businesses are trimming worker hours to avoid ObamaCare.
During a recent interview, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said employers are “restructuring their workforce to give workers 29 and a half hours so they don’t have to provide them healthcare.”
to read more click here:

Después Que La ONU, Rusia Y China Se Han OPUESTO
El New York Time ...... Para Salvar A Obama... Reconoce Que Los Beneficiados Del “Plan De Bombardear Siria” De Obama Son INCIVILIZADOS... Y Escribieron Un  Articulo Y Pusieron Un VIDEO Ejecutando 7 Hombres... Para ver el video DE LA EJECUCIÓN  tiene que ir al New York Time ‘y haga clic en la foto de la ejecución... también puede leer el articulo... Haga clic aquí:
POR LOS SALVAJES MUSULMANES... desde hace mas de 2 años...

Kerry fue un Notorio PACIFISTA Contra La Guerra De Vietnam... a favor de los ENEMIGOS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS... Ahora Es Un Notorio GUERRERISTA A Favor De la Hermandad Musulmana ENEMIGOS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS...
Cínicamente reconoce que el protestaba en la misma Forma hace 50 años... ante las protestas de los que Se oponen a prestarle las ARTILLERÍA DE USA...
A la hermandad musulmana para que se imponga en Sara Paulin Tiene Toda La Razón...
Estados Unidos Debe De Dejar Que Sea ALÁ El Que Decida Quien Gana En Siria...
 Para ver al Millonario ministro de estado de USA Kerry Quien NUNCA HA TRABAJADO EN SU VIDA...reconocer QUE FUE CONTRARIO A LA GUERRA ...
Para Salvar A Obama De Su Metida De Pata... Hasta el New York Time Ahora Dice Que No Se Puede Atacar A Siria... Hace Una Semana Escribí... Putin Tiene La Última Palabra... Espero Que Ahora Los Norte Americanos Comprendan Como La ONU Ha Traicionado A Estados Unidos...
Tenemos Que Retíranos De La ONU Para Que Vuelvan A Respetar A USA
Para leer el artículo del NYT haga clic

Para Salvar Al “EURO” Del Colapso... Ahora dicen los “LIDERES” Sin disciplina fiscal el euro COLAPSARÁ... PARA SALVARLO tendrán los países que entregar parte de su soberanía a las instituciones Bancarias europeas o no se alcanzará la necesaria
COHESIÓN FISCAL... Estos EURÓCRATAS crearon primero el Euro, diciendo que era la
SOLUCIÓN... Ahora, estos mismos eurócratas dicen, que tienen los Países que RENUNCIAR A CIERTA PARTE DE SU SOBERANÍA a los BANCOS CENTRALES  con el fin de que ellos "ARREGLEN " el problema, QUE ELLOS CREARON... recomendándolo NUEVAMENTE como SOLUCIÓN... No Necesitamos "Cohesión Fiscal" Lo Que El Mundo Entero Necesita Es Dinero Solido... ¡Patrón Oro!
Cada país necesita dinero solido... Con el respaldo de sus recursos naturales, la producción de alimentos y la producción de exportaciones y servicios necesarios!
No Necesitamos “MAGIA FINANCIERA” La Cual Es También Conocido Como Fraude!  Lo Mejor Para EUROPA ES Deshacerse De Los Eurócratas Y De Su Euro! Que Como El Dólar Es Impreso Por Billones...
Hay Cosas Increíbles  Que Nos Sorprenden...
“Mensajes Subliminales” Que solamente
Entienden Los “Conspiradores Iniciados”

¿Quién  Ordenó El Cambio Del Logo Del  Partido Republicano???
La GRAN DIFERENCIA... Las Estrellas Con La Punta Hacia Arriba... Siempre Significan LO BUENO Con Las Puntas HACIA ABAJO...Son El SÍMBOLO DE LUCIFER ... O De Estar O Ser Una DESGRACIA... Para ver que es el NUEVO y OFICIAL LOGO REPUBLICANO... Clic para verlo wikipedia
En este video puedes oír la historia… del cambio

Obama White House Had Spying Limits Secretly Undone by Court. By United Press International September 9, 2013 6:55
The Obama administration quietly got a court to undo U.S. surveillance limits on the use of intercepted phone calls and emails, The Washington Post reported.
The 2011 reversal of a 2008 restriction let the National Security Agency search deliberately for Americans' communications in its massive databases, the Post said, citing newly declassified documents and interviews with government officials.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court also extended the length of time the NSA may legally hold onto intercepted U.S. communications, increasing it to six years from five, a recently released 2011 opinion by court Chief Judge John D. Bates said.
Bates, appointed to the secret court by Chief Justice John Roberts in 2006, is a U.S. District Court judge in Washington, nominated by President George W. Bush in 2001.
An undated, unsigned cover letter outlining the documents' release was posted on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence website. It can be found at
A redacted, unclassified version of Bates' opinion can be found at
Many details in the Post story were reported Aug. 9 by British newspaper The Guardian from documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The Post confirmed the information from the declassified documents.
What was not earlier reported, the Post said, was the 2008 ban imposed by the court, at the government's request, on the very kinds of searches the Obama administration in 2011 got the court to allow once again.
The court decision written by Bates permitted the NSA "to query the vast majority" of its databases using email addresses and phone numbers of Americans and legal residents without a warrant.
The queries must be "reasonably likely to yield foreign intelligence information," the opinion said. Query results would be subject to NSA privacy rules.
Alex Joel, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's civil liberties protection officer, told the Post the renewed authority was needed in case the NSA learned of a rapidly developing terrorist plot and suspects a U.S. person may be involved.
Searching for communications to, from or about that person could help determine what involvement the person has and whether he or she was in touch with surveillance-targeted terrorists, Joel told the newspaper.
Officials would not say how many searches have been conducted.
Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Mark Udall, D-Colo., issued warnings about this starting last year, but secrecy rules kept their warnings vague.
Wyden told the Post in a statement the court-approved rule change "authorized the NSA to conduct warrantless searches of individual Americans' communications using an authority intended to target only foreigners.
"Our intelligence agencies need the authority to target the communications of foreigners, but for government agencies to deliberately read the emails or listen to the phone calls of individual Americans, the Constitution requires a warrant," his statement said.
Senior administration officials told the Post they disagreed.
"If we're validly targeting foreigners and we happen to collect communications of Americans, we don't have to close our eyes to that," Robert S. Litt, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's general counsel, told the Post in an interview.
"I'm not aware of other situations where once we have lawfully collected information, we have to go back and get a warrant to look at the information we've already collected."
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