Friday, November 9, 2012

Todavia Florida no tiene los resultdos de la eleccion... "En mi opinion" Noviembre 9, 2012

“EN MI OPINION  “IN GOD WE TRUST” por  Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño
Noviembre  9, 2012    “El gobierno es el problema”  Ronald Reagan
Nota no estaré en USA, desde mañana hasta el Lunes Noviembre 18

Un comentario: por  Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño

Yo no entiendo, claro yo no tengo que entender:
¿Como la gente en medio de una de la crisis económica mas HORRIPILANTE fue capaz de darle al Departamento de Educación $1,200 millones de dólares de sus impuestos?
Es que ustedes no se recuerdan que en este condado los políticos y funcionarios se han robado hasta los clavos rutinariamente. ¿Que hace el Departamento de Educación con todo el dinero que hasta ahora ha estado recibiendo de nuestros taxes? ¿Sabia usted que el Departamento de Educación le cobra más taxes a usted que el supuesto ladrón mas grande “El Condado Miami Dade”?
Tampoco entiendo,
¿Como usted voto a favor de un impuesto para neutralizar a los perros y los gatos para disminuir su cantidad en las calles de Miami Dade?
“Están comprando cuchillo pa’ su pescuezo: No se han detenido a pensar ni por un momento que con el segundo termino de Obama posiblemente tendremos que comernos los perros y los gatos… Cuidado si no hasta los ratones”
Ahora resulta que el ufo le esta ganando a Romney por muy pocos votos a nivel nacional y en Florida son unos 4 o 5 mil votos. Si esto es así el Partido Republicano y El Comité de la Campaña de Romney tiene que exigir inmediatamente un nuevo conteo de votos en Florida con la presencia de testigos del partido republicano y de la campaña de Romney. Y si se demuestra que hubo fraude y que Romney gano en la Florida entonces hay que hacer este reconteo de votos  en todos los estados en que Romney perdió. No debemos dejar que nos escamoteen la victoria. Esta gente toda su vida ha sido tramposa (Recuerden John F Kennedy Vs Richard Nixon que el padre de Kennedy le compro el triunfo y eso es un hecho histórico.) y ellos lo seguirán siendo siempre y si no te revelas contra este ultraje pues prepárate y afíncate que lo que te espera es candela.  
Y si el partido Republicano y El comité de Campaña de Romney  no lo exigen
Entonces nosotros los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos lo exigiremos  en manifestación multitudinaria de protesta en todos los estados el Sábado 1 de Diciembre. Todos a renviar este mensaje a todas las personas que conocen.
No nos vamos a dejar escamotear el triunfo, no permitiremos que destruyan a los Estados Unidos.,,
Now Turns out that Obama Romney is beating Romney  by only a few votes nationally and in Florida are about 4 or 5 thousand votes. If this is so the Republican Party and the Committee of the Romney campaign has to demand immediately a recount of votes in Florida with the attendance of witnesses of the Republican Party and the Romney campaign. And if it is shown that there was fraud and that Romney win in Florida then you have to do this recount of votes in all the states where Romney lost. We must not allow ourselves stolen our victory. These people all his life has been tricky (Remember John F Kennedy Vs Richard Nixon Kennedy's father bought him the win and that's a historical fact.) And they will remain always and if you don’t reveal yourself against this outrage and prepared and be strong because the future will be worse.
And if the Republican Party and the Romney campaign committee does not require, We the citizens of the United States it will require in massive demonstration in protest in every state on Saturday December 1 We will fight for our rights . Pleas all of us please resent this message to everyone you know. We will not let them stolen our victory, we will not allow them to destroy the United States.,,

Wins Obama using massive voting fraud?

Enrique Enriquez… This is the way The Miami Herald behaves, always trying to confuse and disinform  the feeling of the cuban community. "According to the exit poll", without any real studies, like the defamatory articles They DID on David Rivera. You accused the Republican party of "underestimating the sophistication & complexity of the Cuban-American voters, but you also underestimated us when you assumed that we voted influenced by the advertisement of 3 Cuban-American artists. We voted for the priciples of the Founder Fathers, who created the first written constitution based on the individual rights, freedom of religion and the right of every man [AND WOMAN] to pursue his[/HER] own happiness. You and the Media are digging your own graves.

Did Obama Steal The Election?                                                 

Obama’s “Birth Announcement” Microfilm Reels Are Very Different

This was 47 years ago. April 3, 1965. An amazing prediction. Do you remember the famous ABC radio commentator Paul Harvey?
Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide.
When you listen to this, remember the commentary was broadcast 47 years ago on April 3, 1965.
It's short...less than three minutes. You will be amazed. 


Head of AFRICOM Fired for Wanting to Assist Personnel in Benghazi
By GerardDirect Staff - October 28, 2012

General Carter Ham relieved of duty as Commander of AFRICOM
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced on Sunday that General Carter Ham Commander of GOC Africa Command (Africom), headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany has been relieved of his assignment for refusing to obey orders not to assist the US personnel in Benghazi on the night of September 11. Army General David Rodriguez has been appointed by President Obama to replace him.  U.S. Africa Command is one of six unified geographic commands within the Department of Defense unified command structure.
Gen. Ham refused to take responsibility for the decision not to provide essential air coverage and other support for the beleaguered personnel at the Consulate. After the information was leaked last week that three urgent requests for support were denied to the Americans trapped in the Consulate and the Annex, President Barack Obama said on Sunday, “The minute I found out what was going on, I gave three very clear directives – Number 1, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to.” According to the highly decorated, four-star General, Carter Ham, the President is lying.
The Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, another official, and two CIA assets and former NAVY SEALS disregarded repeated orders to stand down, and rescued several people from the burning Consulate under heavy fire. They requested assistance at least three times and were summarily denied each time. They had AQ mortars painted with laser pointers and requested a C130 attack on the target or a missile strike with a F-22 or F-35. They had laid the groundwork for a military response that would create minimum collateral damage. In return for their heroism, their urgent requests were denied and they died defending America.
According to our sources, General Ham received copies of the e-mails that had been sent to the White House from Benghazi, requesting military support at the Consulate and the Annex after the attacks began. General Ham had a rapid response unit ready to deploy and communicated that to the Pentagon. He then received the order to stand down. His response to the Pentagon was essentially that he could not do that. Within a few minutes after sending that response, his second in command told General Ham that he was relieved of his command, effective immediately.
On Saturday, October 27, Panetta confirmed that General Ham had been relieved of his assignment.

“estamos en crisis‏”… Ricardo Samitier

En Todo Miami Se Le Ha Rebajado El Sueldo
A Los Empleados Públicos...
A Los Bomberos Y Policías... 
No Hay Dinero Para Los COMEDORES...
Pero el 68% votaron por HIPOTECAR LA CIUDAD
EN 2,100 MILLONES MAS... Para reparar escuelas...
Y Hasta Para Crear Un Departamento Para Cuidar A Los Perros Y Gatos Callejeros...

Vamos A Ver Que Explicación Pueden Dar A Estos Datos13 Millones Menos de Personas Votaron en estas elecciones  que en el 2008 y 3 millones menos de Republicanos...¿Qué Explicación Tienen Las Filas En Todas Las Grandes Ciudades? No Hubo Filas En El 2008 Cuando Votaron 131 Millones... ¿Porque Hubo Filas Cuando Votaron 118 Millones?Todas las grandes ciudades están controladas por los DEMOCRATAS... desde el alcalde a todos los departamentos burocráticos... con enviar una o dos maquinas menos a un colegio... ya demoran la votación... ellos saben que NO TODA LA GENTE PUEDE ESPERAR HORAS PARA VOTAR...ESPECIALMENTE LOS QUE TRABAJAN… Quienes estan contra Obama… los que trabajan... La lógica es fácil de calcular… ¿NO LO CREEN? Mejor es que lo hagan... la conspiración es muy grande... NADA DE ESTAS COSAS SUCEDEN DE CASUALIDAD...

¿Como ayudaron y que obtuvieron los homosexuales en esta elección con el triunfo de Obama ?

Si a esto le agregamos el triunfo de los mariguaneros en algunos estados, la pornografia incontrolable y la aprobacion del asesinato de niños antes de nacer, llegamos a la conclusion que la Roma de Nerón y Caligula esta al considrarse pequeña si la comparamos con el mundo actual y especialmente Estados Unidos.

Jesus Angulo
Recuerden la historia de Larry Sinclair en You Tube.
2012 Election Results: Historic Night for Gay Issues and Candidates Across the United States. Enviado por Jesus Angulo.
By Patrick Range McDonald Wed., Nov. 7 2012 at 11:14 AM
Categories: Election 2012, Queer Town

Four years ago, Senator Barack Obama won the presidency, but gay folks across the country were outraged that California voters approved Proposition 8, the anti-gay marriage ban.
Last night, it was a completely different story -- and one of the most historic and significant nights for the LGBT community, the gay rights movement, and the advancement of overall equality in the United States.
Throughout the country on election night, gay issues and candidates won major races -- with gay rights activists working hard on the front lines and straight folks opening up their hearts and minds.
Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin noted in an email to supporters:
"Thanks to all the hard work in achieving tonight's victories. We're not going to slow down - we're doing to double down. We finally have momentum on our side and we will not rest until the promise of equal justice under the law is realized for every single person living in every single corner of this vast country."

Those victories include:
In Wisconsin, Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay person to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
In Rhode Island, openly gay congressman David Cicilline was reelected.
In New York, Sean Patrick Maloney became that state's first openly gay person elected to Congress.
In Maine and Maryland, for the first time in the history of the United States the voters -- not judges or a legislature -- legalized gay marriage.
In Minnesota, voters defeated an anti-gay marriage measure -- an extremely rare victory up to now.

Truly historic. Interestingly, four years ago, Senator Barack Obama would not commit to a pro-gay marriage stance. In 2012, the president firmly came out in favor of legalized same-sex marriage -- and voters followed suit. An incredible turn around in four short years, with the most pro-gay president in the history of the United States at the helm.
Still, Adam Umhoefer, executive director of the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER), the sole sponsor of Perry v. Brown, the federal constitutional challenge to California's Proposition 8, said about yesterday's historic election in a press statement:

"While we celebrate these momentous achievements for equality, we know that our work is not yet done. Millions of gay and lesbian Americans continue to suffer under the injustice of discrimination every day just by living in states that do not recognize marriage equality."
He continued, "At AFER, we remain dedicated to protecting and advancing equal rights, including the freedom to marry, for all Americans. With our federal constitutional challenge to Proposition 8 currently being considered by the Supreme Court, we look forward to the day when every American will be able to equally enjoy the fundamental freedom to marry the person they love."
Contact Patrick Range McDonald at

Los valientes saben arriesgar. Por eso siempre se ha dicho que el valiente solo muere una vez.  El cobarde se pasa la vida muriéndose de miedo. Definitivamente ser valiente suele quitarle fuerza a los golpes de la fatalidad.  EL QUE VIVE CON LA MENTIRA NO LOGRA RESISTIR MUCHO TIEMPO. EL QUE GANA CON LA MENTIRA, LAS CIRCUNSTANCIAS DE LA JUSTICIA Y LA VERDAD SE LE MANIFESTARA TARDE O TEMPRANO.
Parece mentira que esta valiente mujer, sea la única de la MUD que tiene los coj... para decir las cosas tal y como fueron.
Ver en: María Corina Machado denuncia el fraude ante todo el país.

Goodbye COSTCO - Hello WalMart. Mil amigos de Holguin.
Election Cycle political donations, as reported by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Price Club/Costco donated $225K, 99% went to Democrats
Rite Aid donated $517K, 60% went to Democrats
Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean) donated $22K, 100% went to Democrats
Warnaco (undergarments) donated $55K, 73% went to Democrats
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia donated $153K, 99% went to Democrats
Estee Lauder donated $448K, 95% went to Democrats
Guess, Inc. Donated $145K, 98% went to Democrats
Calvin Klein donated $78K, 100% went to Democrats
Liz Claiborne, Inc. Donated $34K, 97% went to Democrats
Levi Straus donated $26K, 97% went to Democrats
Olan Mills donated $175K, 99% went to Democrats
WalMart donated $467K, 97% went to Republicans
K-Mart donated $524K, 86% went to Republicans
Home Depot donated $298K, 89% went to Republicans
Target donated $226K, 70% went to Republicans
Circuit City Stores donated $261K, 95% went to Republicans
3M Co. Donated $281K, 87% went to Republicans
Hallmark Cards donated $319K, 92% went to Republicans
Amway donated $391K, 100% Republicans
Kohler Co. (plumbing fixtures) donated $283K, 100% Republicans
B.F. Goodrich (tires) donated $215K, 97% went to Republicans
Proctor & Gamble donated $243K, 79% went to Republicans
Southern Wine & Spirits donated $213K, 73% went to Democrats
Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons (incl. Beverage Business and considerable media interests) donated $2M+, 67% went to Democrats
Gallo Winery donated $337K, 95% went to Democrats
Coors & Budweiser donated $174K, 92% went to Republicans
Brown-Forman Corp. (Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Bushmills, Korbel Wines, Lenox China , Dansk and Gorham Silver) donated $644 K -- 80% went to Republicans
Sonic Corporation donated $83K, 98% went to Democrats
Triarc Companies (Arby's, T.J. Cinnamon's, Pasta Connections) donated $112K, 96% went to Democrats
Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (chicken) donated $366K, 100% went to Republicans
Outback Steakhouse donated $641K, 95% went to Republicans
Tricon Global Restaurants (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell) donated $133K, 87% went to Republicans
Brinker International (Maggiano's, Brinker Cafe, Chili's, On the Border, Macaroni Grill, Crazymel's, Corner Baker, EatZis) donated $242K, 83% went to Republicans
Waffle House donated $279K, 100% went to Republicans
McDonald's Corp. Donated $197K, 86% went to Republicans
Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze) donated $121K, 89% went to Republicans
Heinz Republicans $64,000 Democrats $21,300! John Kerry's wife's company!!!
Traveling and/or dining
Hyatt Corporation donated $187K of which 80% went to Democrats
Marriott International $323K, 81% went to Republicans
Holiday Inns donated $38K, 71% went to Republicans

Please forward

María Luisa Morales Amigos todos:
No sé ustedes pero, yo siento que estoy viviendo un duelo. Pienso que lo ocurrido el martes ha sido la consolidación del fin de Los Estados Unidos de América como la potencia mundial que todavía es.

Las riendas de esta nación continuarán en manos de un incapaz, del peor de los individuos que ha ocupado la Casa Blanca, de quien nos ha endeudado por trilllones de dólares sin tener la menor idea de cómo revertir esa situación, limitándose a endosar las culpas a su antecesor de cuatro (4) años atrás, de quien tiene como objetivo principal el control del estado sobre nuestro quehacer como ciudadanos libres, de cohartar nuestros derechos inalienables.

Poco a poco iremos sufriendo de manera escalonada esa terrible realidad.
Así está escrito.

A los que votaron por él, increíble y lamentablemente la mitad de los electores de este país, que se apuren en disfrutar del triunfo. Muy pronto comenzaremos a enfrentar, todos, las nefastas consecuencias inmediatas que no necesariamente serán lo más grave, lo verdaderamente trágico será la secuela que dejará este señor en su paso por Washington. Serán nuestros hijos y nietos los herederos de ese maldito evento. Se perdió, sin dudas, una magnífica oportunidad de salvación.

Señalo a la prensa como la mayor responsable de la deblace: Su ocultamiento y/o tergiversación de la verdad; la desinformación sobre el desempeño de vida de Barack Hussien Obama; de ser un mentiroso inveterado; de estar a años luz de ser un verdadero estadista; de su condición de musulmán radical; de su dependencia y absoluta observación de los dictámenes del Corán; de sus verdaderos orígenes; de su irrespeto a la Nación Americana; de sus tradiciones y cultura ajenas a las nuestras; de su veneración por Irán como fuente del más exquisito arte del planeta, de su aporte al mundo de las ciencias matemáticas, del álgebra, de construcciones hidráulicas; de su apasionamiento enraizado por ese mundo enrarecido que odia todo lo que huela a libertad, prosperidad y bienestar

La otra responsabilidad no la oculto, se la adjudico a una campaña republicana manejada de manera desafortunada, con declaraciones de altas figuras del partido que en nada beneficiaron
al contendiente. Imperdonable!!!!!

Sólo un milagro divino puede salvar la caída en picada de la supremacía norteamericana en el mundo. Su decadente economía no encuentra nada que la revitalice y, aunque personalmente no creo en milagros, en este momento me paso al bando de los que sí creen en ellos con la esperanza de que alguien escuche.
Enviado por Sofia Iduate. Four More Years!  --  by Dr. Rolando M. Ochoa D.B.A.

My congratulations to those that voted for Obama. You got what you deserve.

I was wrong in thinking that the majority of the American people wanted to re Dr.scue our nation from the terrible results of the last 4 years. I did not count on the temporary strength of the evil forces that have infiltrated our society in the last decades. We will see Who wins at the end.

These next 4 years, with Obama as our president and his circle of influence, will be disastrous and will give way to even more decay and immorality.

These next 4 years will continue to destroy our economy and our businesses and strengthen the notion that the government is there to take from the producers and give to the non-producers.

These next 4 years will destroy the best medical system in the world and convert it into a third world one.

These next 4 years will continue to weaken our religious liberties and our freedom of speech.

These next 4 years will continue to kill millions of babies.

These next 4 years will continue the attack on the family and marriage between a man and a woman.

These next 4 years will continue to divide the country and our families by promoting class warfare and envy.

These next 4 years will see our taxes go up and our benefits go down so that the socialistic mentality of those who are in power will continue to "re-distribute" the wealth.

These above are the best possible scenario. I could give you the worse possible scenario, but I will not do it in detail now. I have been told that I am paranoid about Cuba, but I believe that what happened in Cuba and  in Venezuela could be repeated here. Think the unlimited re-election of the president for one.

I am very sad today, but I still have something that most of the Obama gang does not have. I have the help of God and the faith, weaken a little by this, that everything happens for the best and that God protects those who try to follow Him and follow His commands.

Those of you who voted for Obama, enjoy your victory. Hurry because it will be short-lived.

Those of us that voted for Romney, should lick our wounds, do not give up, and continue the fight to preserve the values and principles of the United States of America. Our voices must continue to resound denouncing the actions that are ahead of us. If the more than 50 Million people that voted for Romney stand their ground and fight back, we can still make a difference.

Continue to pray for America!

Correction, Obama just won Florida which required ID.


Enrique Enriquez, Did this dirty trick get Obama re-elected?

President didn’t win single state that required Voter ID

Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio. Follow Aaron on Twitter and Facebook. Did the suppression or lack of voter ID laws aid President Obama’s victory over Mitt Romney?
Obama did not win a single state that requires photo IDs to vote, although he was victorious in four states that require non-photo identification – Washington, Colorado, Ohio and Virginia. Those states accept as legitimate identification current utility bills, bank statements and paychec
Obama won several closely contested states that do not require any voter identification, including Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin and Nevada.
The states that Obama lost that do require photo identification do not traditionally vote Republican. Tennessee, for example, voted Democrat in the 1972, 1992 and 1996 presidential elections. Georgia, which also requires photo ID, voted Democrat in the 1976, 1980 and 1992 presidential elections.
In Colorado, where non-photo identification is accepted, a review by showed irregular voting patterns, finding that 10 counties had a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.
When Media Trackers requested comment on the voter bloat in one area, Gilpin County, the county’s chief deputy Gail Maxwell explained, “This is just a reminder Gilpin is a Gaming Community. The voters come and go!”
RedState notes records show some of the counties in question maintained statistically unusual voting figures. Gilpin County had a 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election, and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. Those figures are far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent and the national average of 41 percent.
In Pennsylvania, where Obama was victorious, an Oct. 2 ruling by a Pennsylvania judge put a voter ID law on hold, decreeing that election officials can still ask voters for photo identification but cannot require it.
Voter ID laws were entirely struck down in Texas and South Carolina. Romney carried both states.
WND previously reported a radical group that has a history of biased research provided data utilized in both cases that blocked the new voter ID laws.
The Brennan Center for Justice, heavily funded by billionaire activist George Soros, has been at the center of providing data claiming voter ID laws will disenfranchise minorities.
However, WND reported the very voter ID data used by Brennan has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies and even by the group’s own footnotes in the one study it conducted.
The three-judge panel in the landmark Texas case, for example, ruled that evidence showed the cost of obtaining a voter ID would fall most heavily on poor African-Americans and Hispanics in Texas and that such groups would face discrimination if the law were to be applied.
It was the second time voter ID laws were shot down in the U.S. In December, the Justice Department rejected the South Carolina voter ID law, also citing purported evidence minorities would be disenfranchised by the requirement to show photo identification to cast a ballot. It marked the first time that a voting law was refused clearance by Justice in nearly 20 years.
The Justice Department and attorneys representing the NAACP and ACLU were behind the lawsuit in South Carolina arguing against voter ID.
WND has found the Brennan Center’s data played a central role in both the Texas and South Carolina cases.
That information was apparently incorporated in a letter from the Justice Department to Texas election officials requesting more information about the potential impact that the new photo ID requirement might have on minority voters.
After the Texas election commission replied, the Justice Department issued a final letter denying pre-clearance of voter ID laws. The letter mimicked the information provided to Justice by the Brennan center.
Brennan played a similar role in providing Justice with information used in the South Carolina case, according to documentation reviewed by WND.
WND also reviewed the Justice Department’s letters to the South Carolina attorney general’s office eventually denying pre-clearance of the voter ID laws, finding key information from Brennan incorporated in the documentation.
Brennan further provided the ACLU and NAACP with its data to use in the South Carolina and Texas arguments.
Voter ID data biased?
The Brennan Center is located at New York University School of Law. Its primary focus is so-called voting rights and creating a “living constitution” as well as pushing for a “living wage.”
In November 2006, the Brennan Center issued “Citizens Without Proof,” an extensive report that claimed voter ID policies will disfranchise millions of minority, elderly and low-income voters because those voting blocs are less likely to possess documentation than the general population.
The report is routinely cited by news media and activists seeking to prove voter ID is racist.
Also, the National Center for Public Policy Research notes that in its report on voter ID measures, the NAACP “relied heavily” on Brennan Center’s work.
In July, Politifact used the Brennan Center’s 2006 report to support Attorney General Eric Holder’s claim that 25 percent of African-Americans lack government-issued photo ID., a website run by the National Center for Public Policy Research, recently posted a new profile of the Brennan Center that documents how its voter ID information is highly questionable and may be based on biased data.
In August 2011, Hans A. von Spakovsky and Alex Ingram of the Heritage Foundation critiqued the Brennan report, finding it is “both dubious in its methodology and results and suspect in its sweeping conclusions.”
According to the Heritage Foundation report, the Brennan Center used biased questioning to obtain its desired result concerning minority voters – a result that is actually contradicted by footnotes buried in the Brennan report itself.
“By eschewing many of the traditional scientific methods of data collection and analysis, the authors of the Brennan Center study appear to have pursued results that advance a particular political agenda rather than the truth about voter identification,” write Von Spakovsky and Ingram.
Heritage points out that the Brennan Center’s report was based entirely on one survey of only 987 “voting age American citizens.” However the report contained no information on how the survey determined whether a respondent was actually an American citizen.
Heritage found the Brennan survey used the responses of the 987 individuals to estimate the number of Americans without valid documentation based on the 2000 Census calculations of citizen voting-age population. Those Census figures, noted Heritage, “contain millions of U.S. residents who are ineligible to vote, thus contributing to the study’s overestimation of voters without a government-issued identification.”
Heritage charged the survey questions used in the Brennan Center’s report “are also suspect and appear to be designed to bolster the report’s biased findings.”
Brennan, for example, did not ask respondents whether they had government-issued IDs, but instead asked whether respondents had “readily available identification.”
“By asking whether such ID could be found ‘quickly’ or shown ‘tomorrow,’ the study seems to be trying to elicit a particular response: that those surveyed do not have ID,” noted Heritage.
The Brennan study is undermined by some of its own footnotes.
One footnote states that the survey “did not yield statistically significant results for differential rates of possession of citizenship documents by race, age, or other identified demographic factors.”
The footnote appears to contradict the very premise of the Brennan report.
Another footnote relates that 135 respondents “indicated that they had both a U.S. birth certificate and U.S. naturalization papers. This most likely indicates confusion on the part of the respondents.” In other words, Heritage notes, nearly 14 percent of the respondents provided contradictory answers.
The Brennan study further did not ask any of its participants whether they had student or tribal ID cards even though in some states, such as Arizona and Georgia, such cards are acceptable for the purpose of voting.
Heritage cited numerous studies that directly contradict the Brennan report – studies not widely cited by the news media in the voter ID debate.
The studies include:
  • An American University survey in Maryland, Indiana and Mississippi found that less than one-half of 1 percent of registered voters lacked a government-issued ID. Therefore, the study correctly concluded that “a photo ID as a requirement of voting does not appear to be a serious problem in any of the states.”
  • A 2006 survey of more than 36,000 voters found that only “23 people in the entire sample – less than one-tenth of one percent of reported voters” were unable to vote because of an ID requirement.
Besides receiving a reported $7.4 million from Soros’ Open Society Institute since 2000, the Brennan Center was also the recipient of grants from the Joyce Foundation from 2000 to 2003. President Obama served on the Joyce board from 1994 through 2002.
History of shoddy research
Brennan has a history of questionable research.
The center was at the heart of a national scandal in 2002 after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance act. The attorneys defending McCain-Feingold had reportedly based key portions of their case on research provided by the Brennan Center – research, Discover the Networks notes, that may have been “deliberately faked,” according to Weekly Standard Editor David Tell.
Tell quoted Brennan Center political scientist Jonathan Krasno admitting in his funding proposal to the Pew Charitable Trusts that the purpose of his group’s proposed study on campaign finance was for partisan political reasons.
Wrote Tell: “‘Issue Advocacy: Amassing the Case for Reform,’ dated Feb. 19, 1999, explained that ‘[the purpose of our acquiring the data set is not simply to advance knowledge for its own sake, but to fuel a continuous multi-faceted campaign to propel campaign reform forward.’ Dispassionate academic inquiry was so alien to the spirit of the thing that Brennan promised to suspend its work midstream, pre-publication, if the numbers turned out wrong. ‘Whether we proceed to phase two will depend on the judgment of whether the data provide a sufficiently powerful boost to the reform movement.’”
Tell claimed Brennan researchers “deliberately faked” their results
Aparentemente le hicieron trampa a Allen West y con lo valioso que el es, el partido republicano deberia secundarlo fuertemente.

Allen West Refuses to Concede, Files Lawsuit to Impound Voting Machines

Wednesday, 07 Nov 2012 02:35 PM
By Stephen Feller
More ways to share
Fiery congressman Allen West refused to concede defeat Wednesday and has filed a lawsuit demanding a full recount of votes in his Florida district
after his efforts to get re-elected to the House of Representatives appeared to fall some 2,500 votes short.

The Republican's
lawsuit, filed in court in Palm Beach County, called for paper ballots to be counted and voting machines “impounded.”

A recount of early votes flipped the results from 2,000 in his favor to a win for Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy, West’s campaign manager Tim Edson alleged in a press release the day after the election.

“This race is far from decided and there is no rush to declare an outcome,” Edson said. “Ensuring a fair and accurate counting of all ballots is of the utmost importance.”

Though a winner has not officially been declared, with all precincts reporting, Murphy garnered 160,328 votes to West’s 157,872, a difference of 2,456, according to the official results

The state of Florida requires that election results be within 0.5 of a percentage point to trigger an automatic recount. The 50.4 percent to 49.6 percent result of Tuesday’s election, a 0.9 difference, is not close enough for that to happen.

West’s suit seeks specifically to prevent any tampering with ballots or machines as he works with St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker on recounting votes.

In the release, Edson claims the recount flipped the election, as did “numerous other disturbing irregularities reported at polls across St. Lucie County including the doors to polling places being locked when the polls closed, in direct violation of Florida law, thereby preventing the public from witnessing the procedures used to tabulate results.”

“The St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections office clearly ignored proper rules and procedures,” Edson said, “and the scene at the Supervisor's office last night could only be described as complete chaos. Given the hostility and demonstrated incompetence of the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, we believe it is critical that a full hand recount of the ballots take place in St. Lucie County."

Provisional and absentee ballots have not yet been counted, but there are not enough to swing the election back to West, reported the Palm Beach Post, which caused Murphy to claim victory in the race on Wednesday.

"I think we won because the voters spoke, they are tired of the extremism and the divisiveness, and they want someone willing to put the country first," Murphy said. "That's what we represent, that's what this campaign is all about and that's who I am."

On Tuesday night, state Sen. Joe Negron, who acted as spokesman for West as results came in, said the result Murphy was celebrating was not necessarily final because of the campaign’s concerns.
“In all likelihood we will not have final results in this race until [Wednesday] or possibly Thursday,”  © 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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Ricardo Samitier. Historias que ayudan…
Norman Vincent Peale, el famoso escritor que inspiró a miles de lectores a través del pensamiento positivo, hablando desde el púlpito de la Marble Collegiate Church de Nueva York, de la que fue pastor por muchos años, hasta su muerte, recordaba a su auditorio que "los vientos fuertes del norte fueron los que forjaron el carácter de los vikingos".

Y para apoyar su razonamiento contó la anécdota que había escuchado de un amigo a quien estimaba mucho, el profesor Dale Carnegie, sobre un hombre que heredó una granja en La Florida. Este hombre vendió todos sus bienes, empacó sus pertenencias y dio la espalda al frío de su estado natal Nueva Inglaterra, y con gran ilusión emprendió la marcha hacia el soleado sur, para reclamar su patrimonio.

Al llegar, vio con desaliento que la tal "granja" estaba compuesta solamente de tierras arenosas y piedras. Ninguna cosecha podía esperarse de semejante terreno.
El flamante propietario no podía dar marcha atrás.
El frustrado heredero decidió que tenía que hacer algo con su nueva posesión.
Y descubrió, para mayor zozobra, que aquello estaba lleno de víboras de cascabel.

Ante tamaña adversidad pensó en convertirse en criador de esos animales.
Comenzó a capturar los ofidios y pronto armó un lucrativo negocio vendiendo pieles para bolsos y zapatos. En cuanto tuvo pericia en esa nueva actividad, se dedicó a extraer el veneno que suministraba a hospitales y laboratorios para la preparación de sueros y antídoto.
Y hasta empezó a vender ¡carne de víbora enlatada!
Entonces los periódicos se interesaron en el extraño "granjero'', capaz de hacer florecer un negocio en condiciones aparentemente tan adversas.
Y los turistas empezaron a llegar a hacer compras y a visitar la rara granja.
Atrajo a más de veinte mil turistas el primer año. Y todos pagaban una cuota pequeña al entrar.

Los vecinos apreciaron la inventiva y el esfuerzo por superar adversidades de este hombre. Y en honor a esa actitud positiva le rindieron un perdurable tributo.
Fue así como la población fue rebautizada con el nombre de Rattlesnake, Florida, que significa "víbora de cascabel".

León Shimkin, cuando era presidente de Simón & Shustter, una de las mayores editoriales del mundo, acuñó la frase que ha pasado a ser clásica en los seminarios de gerencia: "Aquí no hay problemas, solamente oportunidades".

Cuando se encuentre frente a una adversidad, deténgase y piense, ¿qué oportunidad habrá oculta aquí para mí? Y no lo dude, si busca con actitud mental positiva, la encontrará.

No lo dude. Cuando David J. Schwartz escribió en su libro "La magia de pensar en grande'' que "cada adversidad abriga en su seno la semilla de un beneficio equivalente o mayor'', escribió una enorme verdad.

Franklin D. Roosevelt encontró al quedar paralítico la oportunidad y el tiempo para meditar que lo llevó a ser presidente de los Estados Unidos.

Demóstenes encontró en el esfuerzo por superar su tartamudez, el camino a la inmortalidad como orador.

¿Encontraremos usted y yo las oportunidades disfrazadas de adversidad que se nos presentan en la vida?

LO NEGATIVO: Dejarnos engañar por el envoltorio de adversidad que traen nuestras oportunidades.

LO POSITIVO: Ver la adversidad como un reto a nuestra actitud mental positiva.

Enrique Enriquez,

Pentagon confirms Iran fired on unarmed US drone

Spokesman George Little said the incident, which marks the first time the Iranians have fired on a U.S. drone, occurred Nov. 1 at 4:50 a.m. ET. He said the unarmed, unmanned drone was conducting "routine surveillance" over the Persian Gulf when it was "intercepted" by Iran. He said the MQ1 Predator drone, which was not hit, was not in Iranian airspace.
According to Little, two Iranian jets fired twice, missing on both attempts -- the drone headed away from the Iranian coast, landing safely soon after at an undisclosed location. The Iranian jets pursued the drone for a short period before giving up.
Little said the U.S. government has protested to the Iranians. Asked about how the U.S. could respond, he said: "We have a wide range of options from diplomatic to military."
He would not say whether there were actually plans for a military response. Asked if this should be considered an act of war, Little said he didn't want to get into "legal characterizations" of the event.
Little stressed that the drone was flying 16 nautical miles off the coast of Kuwait in international waters, and never entered the 12-mile limit that would constitute Iranian territory.
The Pentagon announced the incident as the administration imposed a new round of financial sanctions against Iranian officials and entities. They marked the first sanctions since President Obama's re-election Tuesday. According to the Treasury Department, the move was "related to the Iranian government's human rights abuses, its support of terrorism and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps."
The drone encounter comes after a U.S. drone crashed in Iran late last year. Iran claimed to have shot it down, but U.S. officials said it merely malfunctioned and crashed.
Little said the U.S. will continue to run surveillance missions in the region.

Los Cubanos… Miriam Pinedo.
 Hace 53+ años los cubanos comenzaron a llegar a estas playas. Aquella masa, que no dejó de arribar hasta 1968, formaba la cabeza de toda la nación. Intelectuales, hombres de empresa, profesionales de todo tipo, artistas, académicos, aristócratas, la alta burguesía, la clase media alta y el sector técnico calificado.
Y esto me recuerda un verso de Martí:
Pasó el tiempo y pasó un águila sobre el mar.
Años después ocurrió un fenómeno que los estadounidenses (ese enorme grupo blanco de ojos azules, mayormente, y que estúpidamente se hacen llamar anglosajones), nunca habían visto:
·         Un cubano-Jorge Guillermo- se casó con la princesa Cristina de Orleans, hermana de Beatriz, reina de Holanda.
·         Una cubana se casó con el principe Henry de Luxemburgo - hoy Gran Duquesa de Luxemburgo-Maria Teresa Mestre.
·         En el Pentágono (la eterna envidia de los impotentes trató de minimizarlo), fue general de dos estrellas otro cubano: Eneido Oliva.
·         En la NASA, el jefe del departamento de Ingeniería teórica (física nuclear) es otro cubano: Nil Díaz.
·         El presidente de la Coca-Cola a nivel mundial se llamaba Roberto Goizueta: era un cubano exiliado.
·         Uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo y de la Bolsa, es un cubano: Alberto Vilar.
·         La familia Fanjul de Palm Beach, multimillonarios, dueños del negocio de la azúcar en el Estado de la Florida.
·         Jorge Más Canosa (víctima de la diabólica envidia) era recibido por la primera ministro de Inglaterra, Margaret Thatcher, por el presidente del gobierno español Felipe González, por el Presidente de México, Carlos Salinas, por el presidente de Argentina, Carlos Menen, por el presidente ruso Boris Yeltsin y este último estuvo en su casa en Miami, esto sin mencionar a los presidentes de los Estados Unidos de América Bush y Reagan.
Miami cuenta con unos seis mil millonarios cubanos.
  • Los bancos, casi todos, están dirigidos por cubanos.
  • Las ciudades del condado de Dade, están regidas por cubanos.
  • En el gabinete de Clinton, habia una cubana: Lula Rodriguez, al igual que varios embajadores.
  • En el gabinete de Bush habian cuatro cubanos: Mel Martinez, Otto Reich, Dr. Villamil, Carlos Gutierrez y un miembro en el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional.
  • En las artes Celia Cruz, odiada intesamente por los castristas, siendo gloria de Cuba, Gloria Estefan; John Secada; Andy Garcia gran actor cubano de fama universal, gran director y productor de cine.
  • En las ciencias, el mayor radiólogo del Estado y perpetuo candidato al premio Nobel de Medicina por sus grandes descubrimientos en radiologia: Manuel Viamontes.
Nadie, ningún segmento humano, en toda la historia de los Estados Unidos pudo alcanzar con tal velocidad las más altas escalas en todas las ramas de la actividad humana. Y esto ofende, aún cuando los acomplejados no sepan o aún no entiendan lo que estoy publicando al momento, posiblemente no lo crean, pero los datos estan ahí y bien documentados.
Hemos demostrado tambien otra cosa muy importante. Hemos
perdido temporalmente nuestra patria grandiosa y destrozada como se
encuentra hoy día, sin embargo hemos asimilado esta sociedad, como
también hemos podido interpretar la democracia.
Las predilecciones o las convicciones políticas, no nos hacen
enemigos. Respetamos la opinión contraria y no usamos el ataque personal, típico de las mentalidades atrasadas y no capacitadas para comprender lo que es de verdad el vivir en democracia: hemos aprendido a tolerarnos y no artificiosamente. Porque hemos venido a la casa de nuestro vecino mas cercano, para poder expresarnos libremente. Ya que la libertad de expresión no es para el que la proclama, sino tambien para el que la oye.
Pero no es nuestra culpa, el ser cubanos y haber nacido en esa Isla
del Mar Caribe. Ese privilegio, fue un don para todo el que nació en
aquel Archipiélago, por la que España se dispuso a perder más de
300,000 hombres. Una cantidad de muertos en combates, que nunca
se ha registrado, en la guerras de independencia del Nuevo Mundo, incluyendo la de los Estados Unidos.
Por eso el cubano es diferente!

Estimados Amigos, a partir del Viernes Noviembre 9, estaré fuera de Miami Dade por vacaciones. Regresare el lunes 19 de Noviembre próximo.
Saludos y que la pasen bien.

Dear Friends, from the Friday November 9, I will be out of Miami Dade for vacation. I'll be back on the next Monday 19 November.
Greetings have a good time.

Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364,
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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