Wednesday, January 23, 2013


.     Miércoles, 22  2013     No 301    Editor Lázaro R González Miño  .

BREAKING NEWS: Clinton Testifies today on Benghazi Terror Attack in front of the committees of Senate and Congress.  Note: If the members of the committees had what they have to had, they can fry Hilary Clinton in oil. But I have a serious doubt that they have it. LRGM.

Clinton in hot seat on Benghazi attack. Many questions await Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton today as she appears before Congress to explain her response to a terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Hillary Clinton asume la responsabilidad por ataque terrorista en Bengasi.

(CNN) – La secretaria de Estado de Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton compareció este miércoles ante un comité del Senado frente a la que prometió mayor seguridad para instalaciones diplomáticas luego del ataque del 11 de septiembre pasado en Bengasi, que resultó en la muerte del embajador en Libia.
Clinton dijo ante el Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del senado que asume la responsabilidad por las fallas de seguridad durante el ataque de militantes al consulado estadounidense en Bengasi, y que dejará un Departamento de Estado “más seguro, más fuerte”.
En el ataque murieron el embajador Chris Stevens, así como los funcionarios Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods y Glen Doherty.
Clinton afirmó ante senadores que la noche del ataque dirigió la respuesta del departamento y estuvo en contacto permanente con funcionarios en el gobierno estadounidense y en el gobierno libio. “No hubo demora en la toma de decisiones. No hubo negativa de apoyo de Washington o del Ejército”, afirmó.
Lázaro R González Miño


National News Alert. The Washington Post. House Republicans are now proposing to ignore the federal debt limit altogether -- at least until May 18.
The House plans to vote Wednesday on a measure that would leave the $16.4 trillion debt limit intact, but declare that it "shall not apply" from the date the measure passes until mid-May. This novel approach would let Republicans avoid a potentially disastrous fight over the debt limit without actually voting to let the Treasury borrow more money.
Read more at:


The inauguration is over and the new Congress has been sworn in and it is time now to get back to work. It is time for them to get to work!
Today we are calling Congress for 2 reasons.
First, the Republicans in the House are going to vote tomorrow to extend the debt limit for 3 months while they try to come up with a plan to combat the Democrats. This plan is said to include a stipulation they are calling, “no budget, no pay.” In essence, if the Senate fails to pass a budget, then they won’t get paid.
While we understand the strategy of Republicans, we must stay on target with our message that Washington needs to get serious about the overspending problem and debt crisis. Since fiscal responsibility is one of our core values, we must insist that Washington stop kicking the can down the road, even if it is for 3 more months.
Even if your Representative is a Democrat, they need to hear why you want the overspending to stop now!

Second, Congress will be back home for a district work week from January 28th  – February 2nd. We need you to call your Representative and ask them WHEN they will be having a town hall meeting next week.  This is very important! If they say they won't be having a town hall meeting then ask to set up an appointment to meet with them as a group or individually. Be cordial and insistent and stay on the line until they confirm a town hall or a private meeting.

Call to Action:

1.      Call Congress and tell them to stop kicking the can down the road. It is time to get serious about solving our overspending problem.
2.      Ask them when they will be having town hall meetings next week. If they aren’t having one, ask for a private meeting. There are too many serious issues coming up and they need to hear from you.
Thank you for continuing the fight!
-Tea Party Patriots National Support Team

Clinton Warns Dems on Gun Control

Posted on: January 20th, 2013
In 1994, the GOP won an historic landslide and swept the Democrats in Congress from power. The victory was due, in large part, to a recent assault weapons ban that had been enacted. No doubt with this in mind, former President Bill Clinton last night warned top Democrat donors not to be dismissive of those who believe in gun rights.
“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them,” Clinton said.
“A lot of these people live in a world very different from the world lived in by the people proposing these things,” Clinton said. “I know because I come from this world.”
Speaking to members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, Clinton added that he has had “many sleepless nights” after Democrats were swept from power as a result of the vote to ban assault weapons. In addition to the GOP sweep in 1994, Clinton also recalled how Al Gore had lost the Presidency in 2000 because of his anti-gun views.

Leftist Judge Rules against Ballot Security To Prevent Election Fraud!

31 years ago, the RNC entered into a consent agreement to settle a lawsuit brought by the DNC not to peruse suspected voter fraud or prevent voter fraud. The RNC has been held to that consent agreement to this day. Each time they go to court to remove the consent agreement, a particular judge comes out of retirement to rule against the RNC requests.
New Jersey District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, appointed by Jimmy Carter, ruled to keep in place a 30-year-old restriction against the RNC “which is national in scope, limiting the Republican National Committee ‘s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention”
The judge cited voter suppression of minorities outweighing the impact of voter fraud.
There are serious reasons for concern of voter fraud:
1) Pew Research Center states in 2012 -
“Voter registration in the United States largely reflects its 19th-century origins and has not kept pace with advancing technology and a mobile society. States’ systems must be brought into the 21st century to be more accurate, cost-effective, and efficient.
Research commissioned by the Pew Center on the States highlights the extent of the challenge:
  • Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.
  • More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.
  • Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”
2)  The American people support voter ID laws by an overwhelming 74% (Washington Post.)
Hispanic Americans support voter ID laws by an overwhelming 71 % (Pew Research Center.)
3) The presidential election of 2000 was won by only 500 votes.
4) Local elections can be won by just a handful of votes.
5) People who believe their vote does not count or will be canceled out by fraud are unlikely to bother to vote.
Multiple left leaning groups are being criminally investigated for voter fraud schemes in the swing state of Florida.
6) 160 counties in the U.S. have more registered voters than people living in those counties.
Question: Have you seen any documented examples of voter suppression?
They appear to only be in Michelle Obama’s dreams.
Judicial Watch challenged her accusation, but it went unanswered.
Scott Gessler, CO Sec of State stated: “These accusations are built on a foundation of sand,” referring to voter suppression. He also states that the opposition to voter ID is well-financed and organized. “Disenfranchisement hysteria is, frankly, silly”
During a 1981 gubernatorial election in New Jersey, concern was raised over voter suppression; and the Democratic National Committee sued the RNC. That one incident in NJ 30 years ago came with a “consent decree”, stipulating that the RNC was prohibited from pre-election “ballot security” activates:
As modified in 1987, the Decree defined “ballot security activates” to mean “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.
One section is particularly disturbing. Areas where minorities are living are in particular off limits for voter fraud protection measures. What message does this send to the DNC? Answer: Voter fraud will be allowed in minority areas; please target your efforts in those neighborhoods as this court is giving you a get-out-of-jail free card:
(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;
It should come as no surprise that voter fraud issues are rampant in the swing states districts where minorities make up a large percentage of the population.
Furthermore, the Court held that the RNC was barred from asserting this argument because the RNC willingly entered the Decree as a means of settling the initial 1981 lawsuit and the RNC again consented to the Decree, as modified, in 1987. The District Court also held that the Decree did not violate the First Amendment because, under the Decree, the RNC is free to communicate with state parties about subjects other than ballot security. Additionally, the Court noted that the First Amendment applies only to state actions and does not prevent private parties from agreeing to refrain from certain types of speech.
Prior to the 2012 elections, the RNC again attempted to have the consent decree vacated. An Obama-appointed Judge Joseph Greenway, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, denied the petition.
This past week’s ruling on Monday, January the 14th by the SCOTUS to refuse to hear the case brought by the RNC to end the consent order suggests there will be no end to rampant voter fraud; this ruling is an open invitation to the DNC and it’s affiliates to perpetrate fraud with no repercussions, accountability, or scrutiny.
Obama won the 2012 election by 400,000 votes in 4 swing states. All of these states had precincts that had statistical miracles of 99% of the vote going to Obama and voter registration numbers far in excess of their actual population counts. Additionally, all of these same states had claims of voter machine errors changing individual votes cast from Romney to Obama. With the RNC’s hands tied, barring them from any action to remedy the situation, we are bound for more of the same in the upcoming 2014 and 2016 election cycles.
No U.S. citizen should ever have to wonder if their vote was canceled out by a fraudulent vote. The system is set up to fail the legitimate voter; we demand integrity, full transparency, and accountability in our elections!
What is the solution to this predicament? See my article Addressing Voter Fraud – A 14 Point Plan For 2013. Force action by your State Representatives and Governors, or be content to be obsolete.

In graduate thesis, John Brennan argued for government censorship: ‘Too much freedom is possible’ In his 1980 graduate thesis at the University of Texas at Austin, John Brennan denied the existence of “absolute human rights” and argued in favor of censorship on the part of the Egyptian dictatorship.
“Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship,” Brennan wrote. “Inflamatory [sic] articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems.”
Brennan serves as President Barack Obama’s national security advisor. Obama has nominated him to lead the Central Intelligence Agency. (RELATED: Obama nominates Hagel as Defense secretary, Brennan as CIA chief)
The thesis, “Human Rights: A Case Study of Egypt,” was a requirement for Brennan’s Master of Arts degree in government with a Middle Eastern studies concentration. It grew out of his time studying at the American University in Cairo.
Brennan did not respond to emailed requests for comment from The Daily Caller.
Central to Brennan’s presentation was a relativist view of human rights, which he said include “security, welfare, liberty, and justice.”
“These four rights reflect not only my own moral concept of human rights [but] also my interpretation of the Western human rights perspective,” Brennan wrote in his introduction.
“I don’t feel that the possible forfeiture of rights under certain circumstances precludes their inalienability.”
Brennan ultimately concluded that human rights do not exist because they cannot be “classified as universal.”
“The United States should be expected to pass a more strict human rights test [than Egypt] because its environment is more conducive to the realization of those rights,” Brennan concluded. “An economic comparison between Egypt and one of its wealthy Arab neighbors such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait would be equally unfair due to the wealth of those countries.”
“[T]he stage of economic development and political development have a direct impact on human rights,” he wrote. “The former enables a political system to offer its citizens welfare (e.g. health services) and security (e.g. military defense).”
Paradoxically, Brennan also claimed Egyptian rulers’ repressive regimes were part of that nation’s move toward democracy.
“[I]f democracy is a process rather than a state, the democratic process may involve, at some point, the violation of personal liberties and procedural justice,” he wrote. “[Anwar] Sadat’s undemocratic methods, therefore, may aim at the ultimate preservation of democracy rather than its demise.”
Brennan justified Sadat’s use of emergency powers to crack down on protests from communists because Egyptian citizens’ “exercis[e] of democratic rights would have an adverse affect on stability and even on democracy itself. This implies that too much freedom is possible and in the end, even detrimental to the cause of democracy.”
“[W]ould the ability to demonstrate effectively increase human rights and democracy in Egypt?” Brennan asked rhetorically. “In the light of the political environment, probably not. At the present stage of political development in Egypt widespread open opposition to the administration would be beyond the capacity of the system to handle.”
Brennan conceded that his explanation of why it is sometimes acceptable to abuse human rights “can provide a convenient excuse for any authoritarian leader in any country of the world.”
“Can human rights violations in the Soviet Union be as easily justified in terms of the preservation of the communist ideology? Unfortunately (looking at events from a democratic perspective), yes. Since the absolute status of human rights has been denied, the justification for the violation of any of those rights has to be pursued from a particular ideological perspective. Leonid Brezhnev could justify human rights violations in the Soviet Union as a necessary part of the preservation of the communist ideological system.”
Read more:

·         My jaw just hit the floor por Sergio Bello.

Dear sergio,

I just got news from the front lines...

This morning I was deathly afraid one of our greatest defensive tools against gun control, the Senate filibuster, would be gutted, putting our gun rights in greater danger than ever before.

But as of right now, it seems as though YOUR phone calls, faxes, emails, and just plain old voter outrage, may have derailed Senator Reid's rule change scheme.

Of course, I say "may have derailed" for a reason.

The fact is, this fight ain't over and Harry Reid already announced his plan to come back Thursday and finish what he's started!

The good news is you and I have all day tomorrow and Thursday to turn up the heat on the Senate.

Unfortunately, REGARDLESS of the filibuster rules that pass the Senate on Thursday, the gun-grabbers will be launching the largest campaign for gun control in our generation.

And Sen. Feinstein's Gun Ban is at the top of their list.

That's why -- if you haven't already -- I urge you to read Senator Rand Paul's email below giving an inside-the-Senate look at what he calls "the effective END of the Second Amendment."

But if you've already read his email and taken action, I need to ask one more thing of you today.

Will you please forward this email to every pro-gun American you know?

Together, we'll build a grassroots army than no politician can afford to ignore.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

Obama’s new French economic adviser has ‘faith in redistribution’

The French economist selected by President Barack Obama to serve as one of his top second-term global development advisers reportedly has “faith in redistribution,” supported far left-wing political theories and leaders, and provided the intellectual framework for French Socialist President Francois Hollande’s electoral victory, records reveal.
Obama announced his intent late last month to appoint French economist and MIT professor Esther Duflo to the President’s Global Development Council, a new governmental advisory board that Obama created by executive order last year. Obama announced bond investor Mohamed A. El-Erian as his pick to chair the council.
The council “will be comprised of no more than 12 individuals from  a variety of sectors outside the Federal Government, including, among others, institutions of higher education, non-profit and philanthropic organizations, civil society, and private industry,” according to a 2012 White House press release. “The Council will inform and provide advice to the President and other senior U.S. officials on U.S. global development policies and practices.”
Duflo, who is 40 years old, is the Abdul Latif Jameel professor of poverty alleviation and development economics at MIT and the co-founder and director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, which was initially funded by Saudi billionaire Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel.
Duflo’s appointment by Obama might have directly political motivations.
During Socialist Francois Hollande’s successful 2012 French presidential campaign, his three voter mobilization strategists, all former Harvard or MIT students, applied theories they first learned from Duflo, whose experiments “when applied to electioneering, had quantified the ability of a single door knock to deliver a vote.”
The tactics behind Hollande’s “campaign operation aimed at nonvoters” were first employed by Obama’s 2008 campaign and were most fully realized during Obama’s 2012 campaign, when a powerful voter database enabled Obama staffers to register new voters based on demographic and behavioral trends.
These tactics helped “alter the very nature of the electorate” in 2012, according to the New York Times, “making it younger and less white.”
Read more:

Por eso, los oportunistas “ambientalistas” han tenido que cambiar su propaganda del “calentamiento global” por el de “cambios climáticos”. Este es un artículo que con seguridad molestará a sujetos como Al Gore (el que fuera vicepresidente de Clinton) y que tanto se ha enriquecido con el cuento.
María Argelia

Miden el enfriamiento del Universo desde hace unos 6,880 millones de años



Sídney (Australia) -- - Un equipo de científicos ha confirmado el enfriamiento del Universo, tal como predice la teoría del Big Bang, tras realizar una medición de su temperatura hace 6,880 millones de años con un potente telescopio australiano, informaron hoy fuentes científicas.
Astrónomos de Suecia, Francia, Alemania y Australia utilizaron el telescopio Compact Array situado en Narrabri, a 521 kilómetros al noroeste de Sídney, para hacer la medición, indicó la Organización para la Investigación Industrial y Científica de Australia (CSIRO).
“Se trata de la medición más precisa del Universo que jamás se haya hecho en los 13,770 millones de años que tiene el Universo”, afirmó Robert Braun, jefe del departamento de Ciencias del Espacio y Astronomía de CSIRO.
Mediante estetelescopio de seis antenas de 22 metros, los astrónomos analizaron el gas de una galaxia sin nombre, situada a unos 7,200 millones de años la de la Tierra y que se mantiene caliente por la radiación cósmica de fondo, la energía remanente dejada por el Big Bang.
Más allá de esta galaxia se detectó la presencia del quásar PKS 1830-211, cuyas ondas radiales son absorbidas parcialmente por el gas, lo que deja unas “huellas dactilares”que permitieron a los científicos hacer la medición de la temperatura.
A través del análisis de esos rastros, los astrónomos calcularon que la temperatura de ese gas era de-267,92 grados centígrados, que es más elevada que la que tiene el Universo actualmente, de 270,27 grados centígrados bajo cero.
“Eso es lo que hemos visto en nuestras mediciones. El Universo de hace algunos miles de millones de años era algunos grados más calientes que lo que es actualmente, tal y como lo predice la teoría del Big Bang”, dijo el jefe de la investigación, Sebastien Muller, del Observatorio Espacial Onsala de la Universidad de Tecnología Chalmers de Suecia.
Según la teoríadel Big Bang, la temperatura de la radiación cósmica de fondo se reduce progresivamente a medida que se expande el Universo.

Columna de amenper:
La Mentira
La mentira es un arma de destrucción masiva.
La mentira es lo que prolonga el tiempo de una relación en crisis
Por eso se ha llegado a un acuerdo, no a solucionar la crisis, pero para prolongar el tiempo del diferendo de la mentira del techo de la deuda hasta Mayo.
Con este acuerdo, casi ya logrado, se puede ver claramente, al que quiera verlo, que el problema del techo de la deuda es como todas las mentiras políticas, una gran mentira con una pequeña verdad.
La pequeña verdad es que el país necesita dinero para pagar sus deudas, la mentira es que hay que pedir más dinero prestado sin ajustar el presupuesto.
Lo que enseña esta extensión es que realmente hay suficientes ingresos como para pagar las deudas imprescindibles, si no fuera así no se pudiera extender hasta mayo la discusión.
Lo que sucede es que los gastos son más que los ingresos porque se gasta más de lo necesario. Por esta razón si no se reducen los gastos seguiremos escalando la mentira hasta que el techo llegue a una altura inalcanzable. 
Las verdad contra la mentira que se hace evidente con esta extensión de la discusión del techo de la deuda es:

1, El no aumentar el techo de la deuda no necesariamente significa la quiebra del gobierno, el incumplimiento de las deudas esenciales está previsto en la constitución.
2. El problema es cuantos fondos queden disponibles después que se paguen las gastos esenciales.
3. Hay que adaptar estos fondos remanentes a gastos que no sean imprescindibles o necesarios

Esto es lo que se está discutiendo, si se eliminan o se le da carta blanca al gobierno para que siga pidiendo prestado para gastos excesivos. 
Otra cosa que nos digan es la mentira que nos quieren imponer, y es muy triste porque las mentiras son un fantasma que nunca te deja en paz cuando conoces la verdad..  
Ostiones de Isabela de Sagüa
El manjar más sensual que proviene del mar es sin dudas el ostión, y las mejores ostiones del mundo son las originarias de la zona de Isabela de  Sagüa en la parte norte/central de la Isla de Cuba. 
La ostión de Isabela de Sagüa es un afrodisiaco, que se ha demostrado en estudios científicos que aumenta el conteo de los espermatozoides y tiene un efecto en la erección, en muchos casos superior al de fármacos como la Viagra. 
Es rico en proteínas y desprovisto de grasas , con menos de colesterol que cualquier carne, superan en contenido de vitamina B12 sin las toxinas que la carne, tiene además contenido de vitamina C, hierro, y Zinc que ayudan al correcto funcionamiento de la próstata.
También contiene ácidos grasos, Omega3 y Alpha 66, fundamentales para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema nervioso central.
Además las personas mayores que necesitan los ostiones para el mejor funcionamiento sexual, y que ya no tienen su dentadura completa o deteriorada, les es más fácil succionar una ostión que masticar pedazo de carne.
Para nutrirse y deleitarse con un producto nutricional de calidad nada mejor que el ostión acompañado de unas gotas de limón, sal y salsa a gusto.
Los conocedores del ostión superior proveniente de la zona de Isabela de Sagüa, determinan su grado de calidad y variantes en sus propiedades, por la localización del lugar donde ocurre el crecimiento y alimentación del ostión.  Las más pequeñas, pero de sabor más delicado proceden de los manglares de los canalizos en los cayos adyacentes, y se pueden identificar en el mercado por el color rojizo de los mangles en la parte posterior de las ostión. Estos ostiones se comen regularmente en su concha.
Pero la ostión con más poder nutritivo y mayor tamaño es la que crece en los postes de los puentes y las casas de la zona de la Isabela de Sagüa. Estos ostiones por su tamaño, son que se utilizan regularmente para los cocteles.
Las ostiones de esa zona, por tener un tamaño mayor, eran muy utilizadas en los cocteles de ostiones que se vendían en la ciudad de la Habana anunciándose incorrectamente como “ostiones de Sagüa” cuando realmente eran de la Isabela de Sagüa.
Por lo general los naturales de Sagüa la Grande, preferían las ostiones con el mangle en la parte posterior y las ostiones de la Isabela de Sagüa se exportaban al resto de la Isla, donde eran muy codiciadas. Las personas fuera de la zona siempre gustaban de las ostiones grandes y orgánicas de la Isabela de Sagüa.
Es bien conocido por los naturales de Sagüa la Grande que todas las personas que nacieron y vivieron fuera de la zona, gustaban de comer de lo que comen las ostiones.
¡Que viva Isabela de Sagüa y los ostiones!
Los Cantos de SIRENAS
Aunque las sirenas forman parte de la mitología griega, se han popularizado en la literatura, por la fecunda imaginación de Homero
Según la leyenda, las sirenas habían sido compañeras de Perséfone antes de ser raptadas por Hades, como no consiguieron salvarla, la diosa las transformó como castigo en estas extrañas criaturas. El canto de las sirenas anunciaban de forma engañosa los placeres del mundo subterráneo-
Las sirenas vivían en la isla de Artemisa, (en Grecia, no en Pinar del Rio) en donde yacían los huesos de los marineros que habían sido atraídos por sus deliciosos cantos.
Pero los cantos de sirenas han pasado al lenguaje popular moderno como personas, mayormente políticos, que  con sus cantos de promesas engañosas, logan seducir a los pueblos. 
Sirenas con sus cantos han sido Marx y sus seguidores, los Castro, los Chavez, los Obama.
Los pueblos que oyen los cantos de estas sirenas, acaban en el mundo subterráneo del paraíso comunista, donde terminan sus huesos en las ruinas creadas por la destrucción de las sirenas..

¿Nuevo Orden Mundial'? [IMPORTANTE Y RECOMENDADO] por LRGM

Este escrito es una combinación de la teoría de la conspiración del iluminati y el nuevo orden mundial con una interpretación del libro de la Biblia de Apocalipsis.
Se los paso como lo escribe el autor como dice el dicho, con  un grano de sal, para que lo lean y lo acepten o rechacen como les parezca.
El Gobierno Americano ha dispuesto a través de la Ley de Reforma Sanitaria (ObamaCare) el uso de un microchip que se implantará debajo de la piel de cada habitante de Estados Unidos, requisito obligatorio para acceder al sistema de salud y todos los beneficios de que el ciudadano posee. ¿Es esto parte del acondicionamiento para el nuevo sistema illuminati?
Para ser más exactos esta reforma que fue aprobada por el presidente Barack Obama, ha establecido que para el año 2013 la tecnología biométrica será la credencial de identificación necesaria para que los pacientes puedan ser atendidos en un centro de salud. Pese a la gran revuelta publicitaria que trajo esta noticia, el impacto real de esta ley está escondido en los detalles de sus más de 2.000 páginas.

¿Qué significa un Registro Nacional de Dispositivos Médicos?

Registro Nacional de Dispositivos Médicos en H.R. 3200 [Cobertura de Salud], páginas 1001-1008:
(g)(1) "El Ministerio establecerá un registro nacional de dispositivos médicos (en esta subsección se lo menciona como “registro”) para facilitar el análisis de los datos resultantes y la seguridad de cada dispositivo que:

(A) sea o haya sido usado en un paciente;
(B) y sea –“un dispositivo de clase III; o un dispositivo
de clase II que sea implantable, de soporte o sustento de vida.”

Luego en la página 1004 describe lo que significa el término “datos” usado en el párrafo 1, sección B de la reforma:
(B) En este párrafo, el término “datos” se refiere a la información referente al dispositivo descrito en el párrafo 1, incluyendo datos de órdenes médicas, datos de consultas de los pacientes, archivos de análisis estandarizados que permitan la estadística y análisis de datos procedentes de diferentes entornos de datos, registros electrónicos de salud, y cualquier otra información considerada apropiada por el Ministerio”

¿Qué es exactamente un dispositivo de clase II implantable?

Un dispositivo implantarle de clase II es un "sistema transponedor de radio frecuencia implantarle para la identificación del paciente y la información de su salud”. El objetivo del dispositivo de clase II es recoger datos en los pacientes médicos, tales como “datos de las órdenes médicas, los datos de la consulta de los pacientes, los archivos de análisis estandarizados que permitan la estadística y análisis de los datos procedentes de diferentes entornos de datos, registros de salud electrónicos, y cualquier otra información que considerada apropiada por el Ministerio."
Algunos afirman que la cuenta bancaria irá vinculada al dispositivo y, los servicios prestados se deducirán en tiempo real de dicha cuenta.

página 58 de H.R. 3200 líneas 5 a 15 dice:
“Permitir en tiempo real (o casi en tiempo real 6) la determinación de la responsabilidad financiera de un individuo en el punto de servicio y, en la medida de lo posible, antes del servicio, incluyendo si la persona es elegible para un servicio específico con un médico específico, en una instalación específica, lo que puede incluir la utilización de una máquina que pueda leer el plan de salud de los beneficiarios del seguro; (E) permitirán, cuando sea posible, casi en tiempo real el pago de los servicios médicos”.

Como sabemos, la publicidad tiene un rol importante en la aceptación de la agenda illuminati. En este comercial de Helathlink del 2009 vemos como los sentimientos a tus hijos, padres o parientes son usados como un arma para la aceptación del microchip. ¿Realmente deseas decirle a tus padres que los amas? Implantales un Rfid y está hecho.

Si bien es cierto que este chip, llamado VeriChip, está siendo introducido como una herramienta para “supuestamente acelerar y mejorar la atención médica por medio de los historiales médicos”; dicho chip representa una amenaza más grande de lo que parece. Eventualmente toda nuestra vida dependerá de este chip, ya que reemplazaría pasaportes, licencias de conducir, cédulas y también daría a acceso a muchas otras cosas más como cuentas de banco, GPS, peajes, accesos a edificios, etc. Es sólo cuestión de tiempo para que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), recomiende su uso a todos los países suscritos a la ONU y sea adoptado por Los Ministerio de Salud de los diferentes países, quien a su vez obligaría a las Aseguradoras y/o hospitales a condicionar sus pólizas y servicios médicos al uso de este chip, en solo unos años no solo se estaría hablando de reformas sanitarias sino de un sistema económico, uno que no solo es parte de la agenda illuminati para deshumanizarnos, sino también uno muy semejante al mencionado por Juan en el libro de Apocalipsis.

Para comprender mejor la conexión del microchip con la marca de la bestia quiero publicar un extracto del libro "Be Wise As The Serpents" escrito en 1990 por Fritz Springmeier.
"¿Cuáles son los tres números ocultos de este Código Universal de Producto? Si usted dijo que 666 tiene razón. No importa lo que Universal Product Code le pregunté acerca de los números ocultos. Va a encontrar que los números universalmente son 666. Incluso si usted esta - digamos por ejemplo - en Europa, donde llaman a sus códigos de barras Europea EAR (Número del artículo).

El significado del número 666 crece cuando aprendemos más acerca de ello. El satanista Aleister Crowley, quien se sentía que él era la Bestia consideraba que su número era el 666. Otros satanistas han considerado también este número para su uso especial. Su atracción por el número coincide con una interesante profecía hecha por un pescador en el siglo I dc. Este pescador llamado Juan tuvo una visión del fin del mundo. A partir de este se escribió una profecía "Que nadie puede comprar o vender sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre. Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, porque es el número de un hombre: su número es 666". Apoc13:17-18

La importancia crece cuando aprendemos a descifrar los códigos de barras en números y demostrarnos a nosotros mismos que los números 666 son los números ocultos universalmente. Crece un poco más cuando nos enteramos sobre el gran secreto que rodea a la creación del Código Universal de Producto.

La importancia crece aún más cuando notamos todas las formas fraudulentas en que se han diseñado y escondido este número en muchos otros artículos, incluyendo la portada de la nueva escuela pública Globalismo 2000, insignias Departamento del Tesoro, los códigos del IRS, las reformas de seguridad social, tarjetas de crédito, y algunas tarjetas bancarias.

El número 666 siempre vuelve a reaparecer con la maldad. Gary D. Blevins utiliza un código numérico para el alfabeto. Descubrió que mediante el uso de su sistema para asignar valores, y tener su computadora haciendo la suma, un gran número de lugares malignos se asocian con los números 666, mientras que el mismo sistema ha llegado en varias ocasiones con buenos valores bíblicos de las cosas de Dios. Más que aceptar o no aceptar el enfoque del equipo Blevin, se describe que el "666 La Advertencia Final" (nombre del software) no niega la validez de que este número se vuelve a producir con alta frecuencia."

Más que relacionar el RFID directamente con la marca de la bestia, creo que estamos siendo llevados gradualmente a la aceptación de esta misma. Las verdaderas fuerzas que dirigen el mundo se han enfocado en disfrazar la deshumanización de las personas en "evolución", y han tenido éxito. La misma Biblia dice que no será necesario obligar a las personas a adorar a la bestia, estas lo harán por elección propia. Esto se debe a que existe un proceso para instaurar un nuevo orden mundial, existe un proceso para instaurar una sola religión y de la misma forma existe un proceso para la aceptación del microchip como forma de comercio. ¿Cuál sería la solución? En palabras de Juan... "Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia."
Great Inauguration of the Second Term of Barry Soetero AKA Barack Hussein Obama. Carlos Bringuier.

The Press reported around 800,000 people in attendance, I was concerned about the impact of all those people leaving their work places to join Barry but the good news is that it has been estimated that only 35 of them didn't attend their jobs because the others are on Welfare.


Why is it that none of the disturbed and evil men, who steal guns, then go and kill movie-goers and children in school, have ever been identified as a conservative NRA member?
1.)  Ft  Hood ~~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim
2.)  Columbine ~~ Too young to vote;  both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals
3.)  Virginia Tech ~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat
4.)  Colorado  Theater ~~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal
5.)   Connecticut School Shooter ~~ Registered Democrat;  hated  Christians
The only Common Thread appears to be... "all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats."
Do you see a pattern here?
INTERESTING, isn't it?  Perhaps all progressive liberal Democrats should be outlawed or banned!
If you only own 1 gun, own this 1 Lázaro R González Miño
Gun ownership is a hot topic right now. There is no doubt our constitutional right to bear arms is under assault. Legal gun owners are being singled out, scrutinized and publicly black-listed.
The imminent threat of more gun bans and restrictions has prompted many law-abiding citizens to evaluate their arsenals. The newly proposed “ban bills” have compelled many to stock up on certain guns, accessories and calibers of ammunition.
Though certainly not intentional, this is the first thing Obama has done in five years to stimulate our economy. The line to get into the gun show near where I live this past weekend was a quarter mile long. Many people who have never even owned guns are among the throngs of new gun shop customers. The firearms business is booming!
As you take inventory of your firearms, I’d like to present you with a question. If you could only have one gun, what would it be?
Get Creek Stewart’s “Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag,” your guide to making a 72-hour disaster survival kit, from the WND Superstore!
Granted, there is no one gun that excels in every category: self-defense, large and small game hunting, hostile combat, maneuverability, weight, accuracy, affordability, durability and ease of use.
I look at guns, however, from the perspective of long-term survival. I buy guns for their function. If I could only have one gun to meet as many of my survival needs as possible, it would without question be a Ruger 10/22 rifle. If you don’t already own a Ruger 10/22, let me explain why you need one in your gun cabinet.
First, the Ruger 10/22 is a semi-automatic rim-fire rifle chambered in .22 long-rifle ammunition. It comes standard with a 10-round magazine. The barrel and trigger assembly easily detach from the stock with just one screw. It’s easy to replace parts and pieces if necessary and requires no specialized tools. These facts alone have made the 10/22 a very popular rifle. Because of its popularity, the 10/22 is one of the most customizable guns available.
The chameleon gun
A plethora of very affordable aftermarket accessories can be purchased for the 10/22. From stocks to scopes to high capacity magazines, the 10/22 can be transformed into an entirely different rifle within just a few minutes. This makes the 10/22 a fun gun to own.
Below is the same 10/22 barrel and trigger assembly paired with three different stock and accessory combinations. You can change the gun to fit your circumstance. Hundreds of compatible accessories are available. This is a highly prized feature of the 10/22.

Putting food on the table
Fun aside, the 10/22 excels in survival common sense. It is an incredibly accurate rifle with the factory iron sites. I’ve put many a small game animal on the table with my 10/22 and prefer to hunt with it over any other gun I own.
Don’t discount the 10/22, however, when it comes to hunting big game. Well placed shots can easily take much larger animals such as deer, alligators and boar. Illegal poachers love the 10/22 because of its silent report and deadly accuracy.
More bang for your buck
The cost of ammunition is certainly a consideration when making any gun purchase. .22 long-rifle ammunition is among the least expensive that you can buy. This means you can practice shooting without breaking the bank. But more importantly, it means you can afford to buy (and store) more ammunition, as opposed to many high-caliber rounds that cost upwards of $1 per bullet.
Don’t forget, disarming a nation has two components: guns and ammunition. It takes two to tango. I suggest having enough to spare of both.
Storage, transport, flexibility and barter
You can store an insane number of .22 long-rifle rounds in a very small space. One shoe box will hold thousands – enough to last for years. You’ll barely notice a box of 100 in your pocket, and 500 rounds weigh in less than 5 lbs. Higher caliber ammunition can be extremely heavy and bulky to transport if you ever find it necessary to “bug out.”
Due to its popularity, there are a countless number of guns that can fire the .22 long-rifle round. From semi-automatic pistols to revolvers to over-under shotgun rifles, your chance of sourcing a working firearm is much better when your shelves are stacked with .22 long-rifle ammunition. As our dollar decreases in value, things like ammunition are a good investment. Who knows, one day a box of .22 bullets could buy you a tank of gas somewhere.
Self-defense and security
The 10/22 certainly isn’t my first choice for self-defense. However, the .22 round is unarguably lethal.
I don’t know the statistics, but I’d bet my wallet that the .22 bullet has claimed more human lives than any other caliber in history. It’s a favorite for terrorists in the Middle East who snipe from the cover of buildings and mountains. It doesn’t have the knockdown power of a shotgun or high-caliber handgun, but you could certainly do a lot worse.
I’ve owned my Ruger 10/22 for over 10 years, and after thousands of rounds through the barrel, it still shoots like the day I bought it. I consider it an indispensable piece of kit for a long-term survival scenario. The fact that it’s just plain fun to shoot is icing on the cake. Don’t forget, it does accept high-capacity magazines. This means the measly 10/22 just might be in the government’s confiscation cross-hairs before you know it. Don’t say I never warned you.
Remember, it’s not IF but WHEN.

Exclusive: Creek Stewart makes case for flexible, functional firearm

Columna de Ricardo Samitier:

Participan en “En mi opinión” Alberto L. Pérez “amenper”, Alexis Ortiz, Amb. Armando Valladares, Annie González, Ing. Armando López Calleja, J. Fresno, Bárbara Fernández, Carlos Bringuier, Efraín Sinaí, Eladio José Armesto, Enrique Enríquez, Enrique de Diego,  Erick Ruiz, Emigdio Prado, Gerardo Alfredo DeSola, Georgina López, Gustavo Rojas, Héctor Molina, Héctor Lemange Sando, Irmende Méndez, Jesús Angulo, Jesús Marzo Fernández, Jorge A Villalon, Jorge Aguiar , José y Marcia Caula, J Fresno, Luis Pensado, Lili Samways, Manny Fernández, Margarita Sánchez, María Argelia Vizcaíno, May De La Vega, Mil amigos de Holguín, Miriam Pinedo, Miriam Dopico, Margarita Sánchez, Marlene, Martha Ruiz, María  Lahullier, Olga Griñan, Oscar Díaz, Philip V. Riggio, Raúl Barroso, Reinaldo López  jr, Ricardo Samitier, Rolando Antonio Lara, Sergio Bello, Sofía Iduate, Sonia “Chuchin” Castell, Tony Flores, V J Marino, William Benard, Victor M Caamaño,, , CNN Español,,, The,,,,,,, Beforeit’,

Editor Lázaro R González Miño 

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