Wednesday, July 9, 2014

No 704      “EN  MI  OPINIóN”      Julio 9, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.

    “Conozco el precio del éxito: Es la dedicación, el trabajo duro, y una devoción continua a las cosas que quieres ver suceder. " 
― Frank Lloyd Wright

La riquezas de las naciones como dijo Adam Smith se basa en el éxito empresarial de los pequeños negocios que son como la raíz de la economía del país y el mayor generador de empleos.
Pero el éxito empresarial es imposible sin libertad.
En los modernos ensayos basados en que la igualdad se ha implantado, siempre han fracasado.  La igualdad no existe, somos diferentes tanto en lo físico como en lo mental.
Siempre habrá las diferentes escalas sociales y económicas, el socialismo no lo ha erradicado donde se ha implantado, al contrario, lo ha hecho más definido.  En el sistema socialista hay una igualdad en la miseria del pueblo, y una cúpula pequeña de los nuevos ricos de la nueva nobleza de oficiales del gobierno.
Desgraciadamente porque las malas ideas nunca mueren, vemos como a pesar de la vitrina del fracaso cubano, y soviético, cada día cae un país nuevo de Latinoamérica bajo las fantasías de la igualdad.
El socialismo es atractivo porque se nutre de las bajas pasiones del ser humano, la envidia al que tiene lo que queremos para nosotros y las promesas de la distribución de sus riquezas.
Por eso se implanta con el apoyo de muchos.
Pero con el tiempo vienen el desengaño con el sistema, se dan cuenta que no todos son "compañeros", que algunos son más "compañeros" que otros.
Pero entonces es demasiado tarde.
Cómo dijo  Margaret Thatcher:
"El socialismo fracasa cuando se les acaba el dinero.... de los demás " ... la riqueza que produce la libre empresa , no pues si con razón el  fracaso el socialismo donde se implanta.
Sin embargo, aquellos que promueven la libertad típicamente siempre hacen mejor que los progresistas que elevan la igualdad por la libertad. El proyecto progresista invariablemente desciende en subsidio y un mandato para obligar a hombres y mujeres que resisten las órdenes de aquellos en el poder.   Un ejemplo típico es el Obamacare.
La verdad absoluta que un pueblo libre debe sostener su gobierno responsable está siendo rechazado por algunos y reemplazado por una idea fallida que respondan a los ciudadanos en última instancia al gobierno
¿Y qué del momento actual? La explosión de la burbuja de la última década dio a los progresistas una oportunidad renovada para gobernar, esta vez con una mayoría calificada. El Presidente Obama y Nancy Pelosi se convirtieron a las viejas panaceas de que el gasto gubernamental puede crear el crecimiento, que las regulaciones, de una manera productiva, puede dirigir la inversión, y que la igualdad debe ser el objetivo principal de la política económica.  Porque, ¿Después de todo? como dijo Obama "si usted ha hecho un negocio, no lo hizo usted, lo hizo otro".  Ese “otro” según su mentalidad es el papá gobierno.
Los resultados han sido previsibles, una recuperación económica lenta, una falta de libertad que atenta contra los derechos individuales de los ciudadanos que se oponen al gobierno, una política exterior inexistente, liderando desde atrás y recibiendo patadas por atrás.  Con el embrollo migratorio, la confusión es tal, que cuando lo comparamos a la situación del Medio Oriente, éste parece algo ,más sencillo de resolver.
Quizás lo peor de todo ha sido el impacto de estos fracasos sobre la confianza del americano en su país.
La actual parálisis refleja una profunda ansiedad sobre la gestión de este gobierno. El público ha comenzado a creer que los mejores días del país han pasado y el futuro pertenece a otros — tal vez China.
Este pesimismo contribuye a una política de suma cero que en la derecha se convierte en una hostilidad a todos los inmigrantes y en la izquierda un peligroso desprecio de los exitosos. Ambos impulsos conducen a políticas — redistribución del ingreso, el rechazo de talento humano  
Y estas políticas a su vez conducen a un humor aislacionista que asume que si América ignora los trastornos del mundo de alguna manera dejan tranquila a América y cierran sus ojos y oídos a los que nos odian y sueñan con destruirnos.
Pero esto no es nada nuevo, la crisis energética y la inflación llevaron muchas elites estadounidenses a preguntarse si la democracia era capaz de derrotar al comunismo. Una década más tarde, después de Jimmy Carter en medio del boom de Reagan, esas ansiedades habían desaparecido y el imperio soviético se había desintegrado.
La respuesta a nuestro actual crecimiento lento y la inseguridad no es un conjunto de "nuevas ideas" mágicas de un orador desconocido aupado por su color.
La respuesta es redescubrir las verdades eternas que han ayudado a América a escapar los males del pasado.  Por arriba de todo es la experiencia que a pesar de los problemas que periódicamente azotaron esta nación, el pueblo americano siempre ha usado la bendición de la libertad para restituir la prosperidad y la confianza nacional.
Un pueblo libre tiene su destino en sus propias manos. Uno de los fundadores de esta nación, Patrick Henry en 1975, resumió con sus palabras el espíritu que siempre ha movido a esta nación
¿Por qué nos hemos parado aquí ociosos? ¿Qué es lo que desean caballeros? ¿Qué tendrán? ¿La vida es tan querida, o paz tan dulce, para ser comprada al precio de las cadenas y la esclavitud?  Dios Todopoderoso, No sé que curso otros pueden tomar
¡Pero en cuanto a mí, dame libertad o Dame la muerte!

Take back America‏

Actions  Allen Roth 7/08/14

Lazaro R Gonzalez  “En mi opinión”  --
Our borders are a mess and our national security is in shambles. President Obama’s total disregard for our elected officials and the safety of the legal citizens of this country has tipped the balance scale too far.

Over the years, there have been reports of Hezbollah terrorist manuals being found on the border between Mexico and the United States, and there is no question that drug cartels have exploited the lack of security.

Now, we are facing an even larger issue: the Administration-made border crisis. This crisis is a direct result of the President’s lawless decision to bypass congress and take immigration reform into his own hands.  

News about the Obama Administration’s fierce opposition to immigration law enforcement has spread throughout Mexico and Central America, and thousands of undocumented immigrants are crossing our borders with the hopes of being caught because they know President Obama will let them stay.

We are losing America to President Obama and his decision to favor illegal immigrants over the safety of his own citizens. We must demand that our elected officials make securing our borders the top priority.
We must secure the border. We must take back our country.
Help us keep the pressure on Congress to 
secure our borders by signing the petition today. Your signature supporting our effort by will be sent to Senators and Congressmen on Capitol Hill. With your help, we'll mobilize our massive grassroots army to demand that Congress takes action against immigration and for securing the border. 

Please sign our petition demanding secure borders, now.
Thank you, 

Allen Roth
President of Secure America Now

OMG-------------I have been waiting for someone on a National Level to finally speak the truth, and it happened.  Wait until you hear this monolog given by Bill O' Reilly on his show.  He tells it like it REALLY is.  This is the topic that no one would ever touch with a ten foot pole.
I like O' Reilly, but after this, I have a lot more respect for him.  I'm sure he is putting his career on the line after this one.
What he says is the TRUTH and most of America knows it, but like the "Emperor with no clothes", no one will dare speak the truth in public.
This video should go viral.

Obama maricon? Nahhhhhhhhhh!
Ricardo Samitier: La Gente Si No Se Les Recuerda La Historia
Se Olvidan… En El 2007 Obama Dijo Que No Estaba Seguro Si Los Maricones Debían Tener Derecho A Casarse…
Trataba entonces De Ser Un Poco Más Conservador, aquí tienen el Video diciéndolo…
Pero Ahora… Dio Una Fiesta A Los Maricones En La Casa Blanca
Y Confesó Que Uno De Sus Profesores De College Maricon Fue El Que Le Hizo Comprender La Mariconeria…
Es Decir: Desde Que Estaba En College “CONOCIA” y estaba A favor de la MARICONERIA…
Aquí tienen la noticia, que la GRAN PRENSA NO HA PUBLICADO…
 Obama: Gay College Professor ‘Helped Shape How I Think’

Las Organizaciones de Maricones Retiraron el Apoyo A La Ley Contra Su Discriminación 

Cambian De Táctica Las Organizaciones De Maricones
Están Pensando Que Hacer… Pero Ya Pidieron Que No Aprueben La Ley Contra La Discriminación De Los Maricones Que Está En El Congreso…
Debido A Que La Corte Suprema La Semana Pasada Dictaminó Que Por
Creencias Religiosas Los Negocios Privados No Tienen Que Pagar Y Mucho
Menos Entregar Anti-Conceptivos… A Sus Empleadas…
En La Misma Forma…
Por Creencias Religiosas… Ya Que Todas Las Religiones
Condenan La Mariconeria… Se Puede Ahora
Discriminar Y Botar A Los Maricones De Sus Trabajos…
He Aqui Como Un Locutor Canadiense Aconseja
Como Ser Tolerante Con Los Musulmanes
Jiggs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says. "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto . I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.

That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque.   We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, "The Turban Cowboy," and the other a topless bar called "You Mecca Me Hot."   Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called " Iraq of Ribs."

Across the street there could be a lingerie store called " Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret," with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods.  Next door to the lingerie shop there would be room for an adult sex toy shop , "Koranal Knowledge,"  its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store called "Morehammered."

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us, so their mosque issue would not be a problem for others.  Yes, we should promote tolerance, and you can do your part by passing this on.  And if you are not laughing or smiling at this point... It is either past your bedtime, or it's midnight at the oasis and time to put your camel to bed!!!!

Jiggs McDonald, NHL Del Salón de la Fama, locutor estaba hablando en Ontario, Canada recientemente  y dijo . "Estoy realmente perplejo de que muchos de mis amigos están en contra de que otra mezquita se construya en Toronto. Creo que debería ser el objetivo de todos los canadienses a ser tolerantes con independencia de sus creencias religiosas. Así, la mezquita se debe permitir, en un esfuerzo por promover la tolerancia.

Es por eso que también propongo dos discotecas que se pueden abrir al lado de la mezquita, promoviendo así la tolerancia dentro de la mezquita. Podríamos llamar a uno de los clubes, lo que sería un lugar para  gay , "el turbante del vaquero", y el otro un bar de topless llamado "Usted La Meca y yo caliente." Al lado debe ser una carnicería especializada en carne de cerdo, y al otro  lado  un restaurante de barbacoa de carne de cerdo a cielo abierto, llamado "Irak de las costillas."

Al otro lado de la calle que podría haber una tienda de ropa interior llamada "Victoria Mantiene Nada Secreto", con maniquíes sexy en la ventana de modelado de las mercancías. Al lado de la tienda de ropa interior habría espacio para una tienda de juguetes sexuales para adultos, "El conocimiento Koranal," su nombre en luces de neón, y en el otro lado de una tienda de licores llamado "Morehammered."

Todo esto alentaría a los musulmanes para demostrar la tolerancia que exigen de nosotros, por lo que su tema sobre  la mezquita no sería un problema para otros. Sí, debemos promover la tolerancia, y usted puede hacer su parte al aprobar esto. Y si no estás riendo o sonriendo en este momento ... Es bien más allá de su hora de acostarse, o es medianoche en el oasis y la hora de poner su camello a la cama!!!!
En El Mundo DECADENTE De Las Democracias Cristianas Se Puede Insultar A Cristo… Pero No A Mahoma…                       Es Conocido Por Todos Que Mahoma Se Casó Con Una Niña De 9 Años… Es Decir Mahoma Era Un Pedófilo… Y Esta Escrito En El Corán… Pero… Ahora Esa VERDAD No Se Puede Decir Por Radio O Televisión…   Aquí tienen la Noticia…

Radio star dropped for calling Prophet Muhammad a paedophile

David Kidd, had telephoned and cancelled the booking, telling him he could not "call a deity a paedophile". 
Smith added: "Just for the record, Muhammad was a man, a prophet – but not a deity."
This is just another example of Politically Correct Speech Censorship!
When the truth cannot be expressed, that is called a dictatorship.
It makes no difference if the dictator is one man or many!
If the Declaration of Independence means anything,
it means having the right to express the truth!!
Esto Es Increíble… Solo Leyéndolo Se Puede Creer… 
Se Trata de Un Veterano De Vietnam Que Fue  Diagnosticado Con Un TUMOR EN EL CEREBRO… pidió una cita y la cita Le llegó A  2 Años Después De Muerto…
También se descubrió… que le negaron los derechos a unentierro de veterano… por no haber sido tratado en un Hospital de Veteranos… Esa es la BUROCRACIA que van a sufrir todos los tratados por OBAMA-CARE
Aquí tienen la noticia…
El Negocio De Pintar “SENDAS” De Bicicletas… En el condado Miami Dade.
Los Negocios Inventados Por Los Politiqueros…
Siempre BENEFICIAN A Unos Cuantos…
Esto No Es Cuento…
Hace Como 20 Años… El Herald Publicó Que Poner Un Letrero De “STOP”
Costaba $1,500.00 Dólares A La Ciudad…
 Se Han Destinado $80 MILLONES En Miami Dade… Para Pintar Sendas
Los Politiqueros deben de estar INFORMADOS que los ciudadanos vamos a tener como en China
LETREROS en toda la ciudad… aunque aún casi nadie use bicicletas… 
para ordenar el gasto de $80 millones de dólares para pintar
Y poner letreros para los CICLISTAS…
Especialmente en Tiempos De Crisis… EN QUE CERRAMOS
BIBLIOTECAS… Los PODEROSOS periodistas debían de
Por Cierto poner SEMÁFOROS en una calle de 4 Vías
Cuesta $325,000.00 También las Plazoletas Que Vemos
En Todas las Ciudades… cuestan las chiquitas $45,000.00
Y las GRANDES hasta $150,000.00
Esa Es La Razón… Por la Cual El Llamado “Pueblo” No
Cree En Los Politiqueros…

SAMITIER: El Plan De Cloward-Piven Ahora Aparece En La Frontera… y Los

Agentes Socialistas Marxistas Piden Que Se Les De Atencion…

By: John Hayward  

    Back in the Sixties, Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven came up with a great strategy for overloading and collapsing democratic welfare states, paving the way for socialist tyranny.  Basically, the idea was to hit the system with a tidal wave of demands it couldn’t refuse, and couldn’t possibly fulfill.  The Left would then insist that the moral argument for the system remained intact, so the only way to meet those impossible demands was to scrap every vestige of Constitutional restraint and republican self-government, instituting a totalitarian system that in theory would forcibly restructure society to promote “fairness” and give all those government dependents what they “deserve.” 
    In practice, of course, what you actually get is an iron-fisted dictatorship that cooks up reports to make itself look good, or simply tells the unhappy citizens to shut up and obey when things deteriorate to the point that no volume of phony reports can paper over the problems – say, when the glorious worker’s paradise of Venezuela runs out of tap water.
    Cloward and Piven were specifically interested in replacing welfare programs with a government-guaranteed annual income for everyone – an idea that still emerges from the more absurd quarters of the Left occasionally – but the basic idea of overloading the republican system and replacing it with centrally-planned tyranny can be applied in many different ways.  Take a look at the humanitarian crisis on the southern border, which I wrote about two weeks ago.  It has since burst onto the front pages with some astonishing stories, including leaked photos of illegal alien children – many of them 12 years old and younger – “warehoused” in overcrowded facilities, where there are growing concerns about sanitation and disease.  CBS News in Houston writes of unaccompanied minors sleeping on plastic boards in a Nogales, Arizona warehouse after being flown in from south Texas.  According to some estimates, there are nearly a thousand children in that warehouse now.
    There’s nothing complicated about what is happening here.  Barack Obama invited these people to send their children to the United States as refugees.  He’s already made illegal use of executive orders to gut the immigration system; he’s talking about doing it again, and the people of South and Central America can hear him just fine. There have been anecdotal reports of a message being spread throughout Central American countries, by everything from word-of-mouth gossip to news media: “Go to America with your child, you won’t be turned away.”  (It will come as no surprise to learn that the Mexican government is not doing much to halt the train of amnesty-seekers headed for American soil.  On the contrary, corrupt Mexican officials are trying to get a cut of the profits from the refugee-smuggling trade.)
    And it’s not just the President sending those signals, since there’s a vibrant bipartisan amnesty chorus in Congress.  Obama will only seize power to rewrite the laws if Congress doesn’t do it fast enough for his taste, or if he sees electoral advantage in taking matters into his own hands.
    Young illegals are particularly cherished by the American ruling class, which has dubbed them “Dreamers” and frankly describes them assuperior in motivation and potential to native-born young people.  There is every reason for families who live in South America to think their children will be given citizenship, plus special perks (such as access to discounted college tuition rates) if they can get them to the U.S. border.  The Obama Administration is even talking about providing the young illegals with attorneys.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency has become involved at President Obama’s direction.
    This tidal wave of illegals is not an accident, and not entirely a result of conditions in Central America (which have deteriorated lately, but were already bad enough to inspire any sane person to seek a new life elsewhere.)  These people were summoned.  And now that they’re here, the system is collapsing beneath their weight.  In addition to the refugees flown to Arizona in the CBS News story above, the El Paso Times reports two planeloads of illegals arriving for processing.  ”The vast majority of individuals transferred were family units from Central America and Mexico with children,” according to an El Paso official.
    Contrary to popular mythology about President Obama being some sort of deportation hard-liner, the truth is that most of his “deportations” were actually catch-and-release scenarios played out at the border – people who were essentially repulsed rather than caught and deported.  Such people were not counted as “deportations” in the past – remember what I said about the government cooking the books to make itself look better?  Well, catch-and-release only works when the illegal aliens in question come from Mexico.  There’s no practical method for sending the wave of families and unaccompanied minors surging in from Central America back to their homes.         They’re most likely here to stay.  And even though the Obama Administration had every reason to know they were coming, the immigration system was curiously unprepared to deal with them.  Cloward-Piven tactics work even better when the system is hollowed out and made ready for speedy collapse.
    Does the amnesty chorus recoil from this humanitarian crisis in shame and ask, “My God, what have we done?”  Do they accept this stunning proof of a point often raised by amnesty critics: lax border security and indulgence of illegal immigration causes the flood of illegal aliens – rational people who respond to incentives – to intensify?  Of course not.  They’re using the horror they have created as leverage to get amnesty moving even faster.  Here’s GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor talking with the White House over the weekend about making a deal, from the Daily Caller:
    “I have told the president, there are some things we can work on together,” he said in the WTVR interview. “We can work on the border security bill together, we can work on something like the kids,” he said referring to his proposal to offer some undetermined variety of amnesty to the children and youths of millions of parents who entered the country illegally. “So far, the president has just insisted that it’s all or nothing, [it is] my way or the highway,” Cantor complained. “That’s not going to happen,” he added.
    But President Barack Obama is willing to make a deal, says one White House advisor, Rev. Richard Ryscavage. Ryscavage is a Jesuit priest, a sociology and anthropology professor at Fairfield University, the director of the university’s Center for Faith and Public Life, and a member of a new White House panel on immigration. A compromise is “what they’re preparing for, that’s what they think is going to happen, so they’re[publicly] asking for a lot of stuff that privately they don’t think they’re going to get” in a final deal, he told The Daily Caller June 6.
    So they’re specifically portraying the very same incentives that brought the flood of minors to our border as a point of agreement from which a deal can be built.  And note Rev. Ryscavage’s portrayal of many amnesty demands as part of a bidding process designed to wear down those who take citizenship and border security seriously.  The White House is “asking for a lot of stuff that privately they don’t think they’re going to get,” so when they get what they really wanted all along, it’ll be portrayed as a bipartisan compromise, opposed only by extremists. 
    They won’t be shy about pointing to the very humanitarian crisis they have deliberately created to argue that their demands must be immediately met – a tactic that will further exhaust resistance from those who are already weary of being slandered as cruel xenophobes, and holding the line against an amnesty demand the Beltway-media complex portrays as inevitable.
    Soon we’ll have millions of new citizens placing heavy demands on our maternal government, with hundreds of thousands more streaming in every year, eager to claim the prizes that have been offered to them.  The governments that mismanage the nations from which these poor souls are fleeing will feel even less pressure to make things better – they’re happy to use the United States as a dumping ground for excess population. 
    The Cloward-Piven effect will spread inward from the border, and outward into every aspect of our centralized system.  If you think the bleating about “income inequality” is bad now, wait until you hear what it sounds like after a few years of tidal-wave migration – especially if it’s combined with minimum-wage hikes that make it difficult to hire the new arrivals, and a regulatory morass that makes it hard to launch or expand businesses that might hire them.  And you won’t have to wait long for ObamaCare’s planned collapse into ruin, paving the way for single-payer health care. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) had it exactly right, in an interview he granted to Breitbart Texas:
    “We need a president who is willing to uphold the law,” Cruz said. “On issue after issue the Obama Administration has openly ignored, defied, and unilaterally tried to change the law. With respect to securing the border, the Obama Administration has handcuffed the courageous men and women who serve in Border Patrol. Morale in ICE is at an all-time low because the political operatives leading this Administration are preventing them from doing their job and upholding the law.”
    He continued, “Just a few months before the last election the president illegally and unconstitutionally granted amnesty to some 800,000 people illegally. If the president wants to change federal immigration laws, the Constitution lays out a way to do so–you go and make your case to Congress and you convince Congress to change the laws…unfortunately for President Obama, following the Constitutional structure is apparently too cumbersome. One of the consequences were seeing on the border is a humanitarian crisis that is a direct consequence of Obama’s lawlessness.”
    What’s happening on our southern border right now is horrifying, but it’s not unexpected.  The people who caused it will never feel an instant of remorse for what they’ve done.  And they’ll grow increasingly less interested in what the legal citizens of the United States have to say about immigration policy.  What’s your plan for dealing with the thousands of unaccompanied minors who are being shipped to our doorstep?
    Update: Another thought that occurred to me while discussing this post with Jim Vicevich on the radio this morning: if the Administration had taken steps to prepare for the wave of refugees it knew was coming – and make no mistake, it knew, because if nothing else, we have a national-security apparatus that monitors such things – they would have looked really bad at a crucial moment in last year’s immigration debate.  ”Hey, why are you guys building huge refugee centers in south Texas…?”
    But this way, the situation is dropped in our laps as a done deal, afait accompli.  They’re here, they can’t be deported, there’s nothing we can do except give the amnesty chorus at least part of what it wants.  Turning this into a deliberate humanitarian crisis was a political power play.  Imagine the tenor of our “national conversation” on immigration if the Administration had forthrightly informed the American people that hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors were being flung at the border, obliging the government to spend millions preparing to receive them… and it was largely happening because their parents had every reason to believe they would be well-received.
    Update: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer responded angrily to these Cloward-Piven tactics, as the feds begin dumping illegal immigrants from Texas into her state without warning her first.  When she complained, the feds said they have no intention of stopping. Fox News: “Federal officials told Brewer Friday that the practice will continue for the foreseeable future, and this weekend more than 1,000 illegal immigrant children will be “dumped” in Arizona. Adults and family units will also arrive, though Brewer was not told how many, her office said.”
    “This is a crisis of the federal government’s creation, and the fact that the border remains unsecure – now apparently intentionally – while this operation continues full-steam ahead is deplorable,” said Brewer.  Exactly, Governor.  Just wait until you’re told you must comply with various Washington directives in order to receive federal assistance for the man-made humanitarian crisis that just got dumped in Arizona’s lap.

Syrian rebels
are murdering thousands in Iraq
with M-16s likely provided by
My free report — Treason in the White House — reveals the shocking truth that the media won't tell you and that the Obama White House is terrified you'll discover ...
PLUS the steps you must take immediately to protect yourself, your family and your financial security from the consequences of Obama's treachery:
Fellow Investor,
ABC News has just published a shocking photograph of an ISIS rebel guarding scores of hog-tied Iraqi soldiers with a U.S.-made M-16 ...
The very same kind of rifle that the Obama White House is said to have provided to the Syrian rebels!
This could be the final nail in the Obama administration's coffin:
Providing aid, comfort and weapons to the enemy goes so far beyond the official definition of TREASON, even some Democrats are now calling for impeachment!
Democratic representatives Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) have all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president's actions.
According to Kucinich — a partisan Democrat — Obama's actions appear to be impeachable.
The thing is though, almost nobody is ready to deal with the economic impact that impeachment will bring with it.
When the truth is finally revealed
to the American people,
all hell will break lose in this country.
Your home, your family and your wealth will be threatened as never before.
The good news is, there is still some time to prepare. But ONLY if you get the truth and take action immediately.
It's all here in my brand new report — Treason in the White House and it's yours absolutely free, no strings attached.
Yours for Liberty,
Charles Goyette
Editor, Freedom and Prosperity Letter

“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño


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