Monday, December 2, 2013

No 534 "En mi opinion" Dic. 2, 2013

No 534        “En mi opinión”         Diciembre 2, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”   Lázaro R González Miño  Editor

Amenper: Obama Should Be Allowed to Run for a Third Term
Do you remember Hitler´s Final Solution, well this professor is giving us our Final Solution 
Professor: Obama Should Be Allowed to Run for a Third Term
by Nathan Harden - Fix Editor on November 29, 2013
Want more Obama?
In The Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history professor from NYU, has written an article claiming that all of America’s problems would be soloved–GET THIS–if only we would allow Barack Obama to run for a third term!
He wants to amend the Constitution and abolish presidential term limits.
Zimmerman writes that Obama–whose approval rating is at an all time low of 37%–would be much more effective at governing if he could stand for re-election in 2016 because then he’d be less likely to “ignore” the will of the American people. “It’s time to put that power back where it belongs,” he writes. “Barack Obama should be allowed to stand for re election just as citizens should be allowed to vote for — or against — him. Anything less diminishes our leaders and ourselves.”
We don’t know whether to shake our heads in disbelief, or burst out laughing.
This professor admits that only a third of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing in office, yet he wants us to believe that we’d be better off if he were able to be president until the year 2020–and beyond?
That’s some strange logic.
Just one week ago, the very same newspaper ran a story predicting that if the 2012 election were held now, Mitt Romney would win the White House, not Obama.
Right now, this country has a serious case of voter’s remorse. Therefore the timing for this call for a potential third Obama term couldn’t be worse.
If we were going to go to the trouble of amending the Constitution, I think more Americans would be interested in adding the power to recall this president than would be interested in giving him a third term.

Samitier: Lo que no se dice sobre el negocito con Iran... A Cambio Del Levantamiento De Las Sanciones
Irán Venderá El Petróleo en Dólares...

El sistema del petrodólar se originó a principios de 1970 a raíz del colapso de Bretton Woods. El presidente Richard Nixon y su secretario de Estado , Henry Kissinger , temían que el abandono del patrón oro internacional en virtud del acuerdo de Bretton Woods ( combinado con un creciente déficit comercial de EE.UU. , y la deuda masiva asociada con la guerra de Vietnam en curso) causaría una disminución en la demanda global relativo del dólar EE.UU.
En una serie de reuniones, los Estados Unidos - representados por el entonces Secretario de Estado de EE.UU. Henry Kissinger - y la familia real saudí llegaron a un acuerdo . A Estados Unidos le ofrecen una protección militar para los campos de petróleo de Arabia Saudita, y en cambio el de Saudi sería el precio de sus ventas de petróleo exclusivamente en dólares de los Estados Unidos (en otras palabras , los saudíes eran para rechazar todas las otras monedas , excepto el dólar de EE.UU. , como pago por sus exportaciones de petróleo ).
Para 1975 , todos los países productores de petróleo de la OPEP habían acordado fijar el precio de su petróleo en dólares e invertir los ingresos petroleros excedentes en títulos de deuda del gobierno EE.UU. a cambio de ofertas similares por los EE.UU.

En 2000, Irak convirtió todas sus transacciones petroleras en el marco del programa de Petróleo por Alimentos en euros.
Cuando los EE.UU. invadieron Irak en 2003 , volvió la venta de petróleo a ser en dólares.

El Gobierno de la República Islámica de Irán toma esta teoría como un hecho. Como represalia a esta política que llamaron NEOIMPERIALISMO. Irán ha hecho un esfuerzo para crear su propio Bolsa Iraní de Petróleo que comenzó a vender petróleo en oro, euros , dólares y yenes japoneses.

George Will: Medicaid is Next Obamacare Crisis
By Greg Richter

As the White House touted improvements to the troubled website Sunday morning, conservative pundit George Will said the real test might be in six months when employers begin to weigh their options for 2015.

"Watch the employers, because if they start dumping people into … Medicaid – and the doctors then say, the burdens are too high and the reimbursement is too low; we're not seeing Medicaid patients – then all hell is going to break loose," Will said on "Fox News Sunday." 

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Former Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., voted for Obamacare, and admitted Sunday it hasn't worked out like he expected.

"Clearly, the rollout has been a disaster, and it's still a work in progress," Bayh told host Chris Wallace. Short-term, he said, the program has been "very problematic, and first impressions tend to be lasting."

If things don't turn around in the next year, he said, it will be "problematic" for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections.

With the passing of the November 30 deadline to have the glitch-filled website functioning, James Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center told Fox News it may be a month before anyone can tell if there has been success in fixing the site.

He said the appearance of a better-working site doesn't mean the system is functioning as it should.

"The real test of is whether you make the right payment to the right people to the right insurance plans, he said. "It's very easy to fix the front-end enrollment if you turn off controls on the back end. And it's very clear from multiple media reports that the system is still not accurate when it makes payments to the insurance plans."

The technicians are working around the problem instead of fixing it, he said. The government currently is making bulk payments to insurance companies who are self-reporting their sign-ups because the back end of the system isn't properly keeping an accounting.

Neera Tanden, of the Center for American Progress, agreed that the true test is a month away, but as a supporter of the Affordable Care Act noted, "I think the idea of gloom and doom over that is overstated."

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Related Stories:
Obama Faces Democrat Defections if Website Fixes Fail
White House Discussed Scrapping Entire Obamacare Website
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Gen. Hayden: Iran 'Far Too Close to Nuclear Weapon'
By Greg Richter

With few good choices in dealing with Iran's push for nuclear weapons, former CIA and NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden said he's OK with letting the six-month temporary deal with the country go forward.

But we should be truthful, Hayden told "Fox News Sunday." "We have accepted Iranian uranium enrichment."

The "red line" with Iran has clearly changed, Hayden told host Chris Wallace.

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"Right now, the Iranians are far too close to a nuclear weapon," he said. "We have hit the pause button. Now we've got to negotiate hitting the delete button with them."
At the end of the day, Hayden said, "Iran's going to be a nuclear threshold state."

The deal allows Iran to have uranium enriched to 5 percent. Previous U.N. resolutions have called for a complete dismantling of its nuclear program and that all materials be shipped out of the country.
Turning to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Hayden said he has no reason to doubt reports that Snowden has a doomsday cache that will be unleashed if he is caught or punished for leaking American secrets.

"This is catastrophic for the safety and the security of the American nation," Hayden said. Still, he doesn't think the U.S. government should back away from pursuing Snowden.

To do so, he said, would be like "negotiating with terrorists."

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Samitier: Todos estamos en bancarrota y nadie lo queire reconocer. 

El más reciente episodio inflacionario llamado por los economistas “Híper Inflación” fue en Zimbabue.
Cuando todo el mundo tenía papel moneda , pero el dinero no tenía valor...

En Europa, no hemos tenido un caso real de hiperinflación, desde la República de Weimar en Alemania.
Que dio origen a la llegada de la REVOLUCIÓN NACIONAL SOCIALISTA DE HITLER...

Pero, por el momento, la forma más común de ir a la quiebra, ES SIN DINERO! Este fenómeno es bien conocido,
Desde las personas y hasta en las ciudades, tales como Detroit, que fue a la quiebra, debido a falta de dinero...

Pero lo que sucede, en el que Europa, en su conjunto, tiene muy poco dinero? ? ?Claro, Los Bancos Están Llenos
De Dinero, IGUAL QUE EN ESTADOS UNIDOS pero la gente tiene poco de él. Esa es la situación actual...

Antes de la crisis del 2008, tenían crédito dinero y crearon la deuda. Pero, durante los últimos 30 años, ningún dinero
fue real, todo fue creado IMPRIMIENDO PAPEL MONEDA... como durante el reinando de Luis XVI que produjo la
REVOLUCIÓN FRANCESA...  pues el papel impreso como en la republica ALEMANA... no tenía VALOR DE COMPRA...

Es fácil IMPEDIR que una persona se ENDEUDE, se deja sin dinero y dejan de gastar...Pero los países, tienen créditos!
Ellos operan, en números rojos... Luego profundizan la zona roja y continúan profundizando, en la zona roja... Porque,
a diferencia de las personas, NO TIENEN CRÉDITO, aun cuando todos SABEMOS que es imposible, pagar la deuda !

Entonces, Podemos Hacer Una Pregunta INFANTIL; ¿En Qué Momento, Quiebran Los Países ? ? ?

Islandia quebró hace 4 años. Fue así que PAGÓ LA DEUDA, que incluso McDonald fue cerrado!

Pongamos por ejemplo Marbella en España. UN OASIS DE RIQUEZA. Pero se reporta a pesar de que el invierno ha llegado (la temporada) y todo está cerrado...

Tenemos exactamente lo contrario en Zimbabue! El papel moneda es todavía valioso, pero nadie lo tiene! Por Lo que todo está cerrado...

De cualquier manera, ambos están en QUIEBRA! Zimbabue por hiperinflación  y Europa, por la deflación.

Alemania, acaba de negociar un gobierno de coalición... Ángela tiene 42 % de los votos, en septiembre pero no tiene una mayoría.

Los socialistas obtuvo el 25%, pero tiene el poder de impedir que ella gobierna! Ellos negociaron un acuerdo.
Se llama, la Gran Coalición Deal or GranCoDeal.

Los socialistas, consiguieron un pequeño aumento del salario mínimo vital. Por una vez, Pero, no fue suficiente! Para activar la economía... Tienen queTRIPLICAR EL SALARIO MÍNIMO! Para darle al pueblo... LO QUE LE HAN DADO A LOS BANCOS para SALVARLOS...

Si todo el mundo TUVIERA 3 ó 4 veces más dinero en sus bolsillos, todos, desde las prostitutas , a los panaderos, carniceros y médicos , estarían trabajando !


Imagínese, ¿qué pasaría , si las CASAS hubieran sido VALORADAS POR SUS VALORES REALES... y las hipotecas reducidas en la MISMA PROPORCIÓN a los VALORES REALES DE LAS CASAS todos hubiéramos seguido viviendo en las casas... tendríamos dinero en los bolsillos... Después de 5 años de crisis, su alquiler o hipoteca, todavía sería la misma, pero su poder de compra , se había triplicado... todos continuarían TRABAJANDO...  El gobierno, por salvar los bancos, AHOGARON LA ECONOMÍA, a favor de las finanzas...

Lo que destruyó el sector productivo de la economía... Este sector, se desarrolla y sobrevive del ahorro, y no de crédito.
PERO NO HAY AHORRO, cuando las tasas de interés están por debajo de la tasa de aumentos de precios en los costos de combustible.

Tenemos conocimiento que el 40 % de los italianos, no se están calentando sus hogares este invierno! ¿Cuántos hogares en USA... estarán pasando FRIO y cuantos hogares tienen apagados sus aires acondicionados? No lo sabemos... nadie se ha preocupado de darnos estas estadísticas... NO LE CONVIENEN A OBAMA y a todos los POLITIQUEROS...

Europa está VOLVIENDO  a una economía de posguerra, SIN LA GUERRA!Lo que significa, que estamos en bancarrota.

Pero , todo el mundo está negándolo, estamos en bancarrota... y no lo queremos RECONOCER...Ese es nuestro mayor problema .

Todo el mundo piensa, mañana, SERA de nuevo como ayer! Sólo hay un camino a seguir, es decir la producción.
La producción requiere mano de obra y el trabajo requiere, Como mínimo, alimentos, energía, vivienda y ropa... LOS BANQUEROS NO SON NECESARIOS en realidad son un ESTORBO.

Obama va a convertir a USA en un PAÍS tercer nudista de finanzas en CASH O TRUEQUE... Todo, se hará en efectivo... y en una ECONOMÍA SUMERGIDA y de BOLSA NEGRA...

Desde EL 2008 los politiqueros (PERSONAJES QUE NUNCA HAN TRABAJADO) pusieron todos sus huevos en la canasta de las finanzas que los LOBISTAS les recomendaron... ALEGANDO iban a REACTIVAR LA ECONOMÍA!

No hay un solo político, que entiende la economía! Pues NINGUNO HA TRABAJADO EN SU VIDA un negocio propio...
Los fundamentos son muy simples: Como en el fútbol. Usted debe ser capaz de correr, pasar y patear!
Aunque no se sepa nada de futbol... Hasta los idiotas saben, que usted tiene que ser capaz de bloquear y hacer frente a jugar al fútbol.  Esos son los conceptos básicos del fútbol. De Lo Contrario, No Se Puede Anotar!

Los banqueros y los políticos no quieren DINERO REAL! QUIEREN DINERO FALSO! ¿Por qué? Con el fin de controlar todo!
Pero, por supuesto, tarde o temprano SE PRODUCIRÁ UN ERROR.PORQUE, ELLOS NO TIENEN LA MÁS MÍNIMA IDEA, de lo que se necesita para manejar una economía real! Que es LIBERTAD...

Los LIDERES DEL SENADO DE AMBOS PARTIDOS... son el mejor ejemplo: McCain... es millonario por MATRIMONIO... nunca ha TRABAJADO EN SU VIDA... lo mismo KERRY... otro millonario por MATRIMONIO...

Estamos siendo guiados por idiotas! Que son electos por la GRAN MAYORÍA TAMBIÉN DE IDIOTAS... Haríamos mejor, ELIGIENDO a un comerciante que comenzó a trabajar a los 16 años que un “GRADUADO UNIVERSITARIO” que sus padres le pagaron la CARRERA... y nunca TRABAJO... que son la MAYORÍA DE NUESTROS POLITIQUEROS... Con la excepción de los que siempre vivieron del gobierno como POLICÍAS, BOMBEROS y empleados públicos...
Así... que prepárense... cada día tendremos MAS IMPUESTOS... y para no pagarlos... vamos todos a vivir en una economía SUBTERRÁNEA... y BOLSA NEGRA...

Obamacare is Killing a Mother with Multiple Sclerosis. 

Once again another person loses their great plan that cost them little and gave them value. They are left only with plans they can’t afford and which cover less than the less expensive plans they had.
Her letter to Concerned Women of America was printed in the Life News site. It reads in part:
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in the fall of 2010, and diagnosed with severe Osteonecrosis in the spring of 2013. I have been through two relapses that left me in the hospital over three weeks. I have had two surgeries, one plasma exchange, monthly infusions, IVIG treatments, intense steroid treatments, and the list goes on — all to help me maintain quality of life. I easily incur over $350,000 worth of medical bills per year. My insurance coverage has been a blessing from God. Without it, I would have not been able to afford the treatments or care I routinely require. I would not have been able to live to the standard of living I am now. Insurance to me was not just for your yearly checkup, it influenced the longevity of my life.
When I received the letter informing me my coverage was ending, I started reading further to see what options I was going to have. The only instruction the letter gave me was to log onto Wow, that gave me as much hope as staying dry in a rain storm without an umbrella. I still to this day have not even been able to log on to that train wreck of a website to even see what it would offer me. I waited for four hours, five different times just to try to log on. So, on to plan B. I tried researching and comparing rates with other insurance companies. If I tried to find a comparable plan to what I had, my monthly cost went from $325 to now over $1,000; that was just a quote. I was told I should expect that cost to go up. Remind me again how ObamaCare was supposed to help so much with preexisting conditions? I wish I could say how wonderful it is that now I cannot be turned down by any insurance company, but what does it matter if I cannot afford to pay the new premiums? I HAD affordable health care. Now, I don’t have any health care coverage, with my only option being insurance I cannot afford.
I know I have five more IVIG treatments coming up over the next six months that cost $40,000 each. My insurance coverage ends in December, and I have to have these treatments. As a mother with a brand new baby, it’s a little unnerving to know that I may not be able to receive the care I need. It’s a little unnerving to know my health insurance that was working just fine for me was taken from me. The doctors I have used for years that have kept me this healthy will be taken from me.
The Affordable Care Act is a death sentence for some people. You can talk all day about the people who have been helped but, even if those stories are true and not false propaganda, those people should have been helped without jeopardizing the lives of others.
Obamacare is the death panel.


Obama Faces Democrat Defections if Website Fixes Fail. By Sandy Fitzgerald

Democratic leaders have given the White House space to work out the problems with the Obamacare website, but if it isn't right this time around, vulnerable Senate Democrats could distance themselves even more from the law they voted to pass.

"There's a window here; I'm not sure how long it is," Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told The National Journal. 

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Earlier this month, 39 Democrats joined ranks with Republicans to vote for a bill allowing people to remain on their current health insurance plans, and are signaling they're ready to make a stronger push about the bill should the site still not work correctly after Sunday's deadline comes and goes, said The National Journal.

But with Obama's poll numbers at record lows and Americans saying he's "untrustworthy," another failed Obamacare website rollout could slash his ratings even more, and with public approval of Obamacare also waning, Democrats are scrambling to show their constituents that they are trying to fix the problems. 

"You need to explain what you're trying to fix, and you'd better be trying to fix something. If there's nothing you want to fix, there's something wrong with you," Democratic pollster Mark Mellman told The National Journal. 

However, the fixes, including taking back the part of the law that cancels Americans' health plans, could hinder how the rest of the law works, experts say.

Making the website fixes — which the Obama administration admits won't necessarily make the site "perfect" — will likely be a key factor over whether Democratic leaders continue to back the president and the healthcare law.

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"It all depends on whether the glitches are worked out and the program gets up and running like it should," Manley said. "If not, add this to the list of problems."

Related Stories:

President: 'Nowhere to Go But Up' After Obamacare Debacle
Obamacare Website Down Overnight for Extended Upgrade

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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Samitier: Como fue que se elimino la burca en Turkia...


El origen del Burka: El burka, traje islámico que cubre el rostro y el cuerpo de la mujer, tiene su origen en el culto a divinidad Astarté, diosa del amor físico, de la fertilidad y de la sexualidad en la antigua Mesopotamia.

En homenaje a esta diosa del amor físico, todas las mujeres, sin excepción, tenían que prostituirse una vez al año, en los bosques sagrados alrededor del templo de la diosa.

Para cumplir con el precepto divino sin ser reconocidas, las mujeres de alta sociedad acostumbran a usar un largo velo en protección de su identidad.

Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, fundador de la moderna Turquía (1923 – 1938), en el proceso de las profundas y revolucionarias reformas políticas, económicas y culturales que introdujo en el país –y que dieron lugar al moderno Estado de Turquía–, deseando acabar de una vez por todas con el burka, se sirvió de una brillante astucia para callar la boca de los fundamentalistas de la época.

Puso definitivamente el fin del burka en Turquía con una simple ley que determinaba lo siguiente: «Con efecto inmediato, todas las mujeres turcas tienen el derecho de vestirse como quieran, sin embargo todas las prostitutas deben usar el burka».

Al día siguiente, nadie más vio el burka en Turquía.

Esa ley todavía se mantiene en vigor.

NOTA: Esto fue escrito en el 2001, pero ahora, al leer que la O.N.U. le esta pidiendo al Principado de Andorra que elimine de su Constitucion la penalizacion del ABORTO apelando al “derecho de la mujer”. Nosotros nos preguntamos, ¿por que no han solicitado el Derecho del pueblo cubano a ser LIBRE? Ya van a cumplirse 55 años de violaciones de todo derecho por la tirania. ¿QUE HACE LA O.N.U? ¿QUE DEFIENDE LA O.N.U.? LE HAN OTORGADO A CUBA UN ASIENTO EN LA COMISION DE DERECHOS HUMANOS.........................QUE PENA!!!!!!! NOSOTROS DEFENDEMOS LA VIDA. 

             Quiroz: Cuba, pueblo olvidado

              A veces pensamos que para los gobiernos democráticos
              de Europa y Latinoamérica, el pueblo cubano no existe,
              para ellos sólo existe el tirano y la chusma que le rodea.

              No podemos concebir que la retórica marxista y el
              chantaje amenazador influyan en aquellos que han sido
              elegidos democráticamente, sin pensar que detrás del
              tirano hay un pueblo que se desangra desde hace 42 años.

              Ese pueblo olvidado, es mi pueblo, esos seres que cada
              día mueren y pierden un poco más de esperanzas, esos
              para quienes la vida no tiene ya ningún sentido y que
              solamente se encuentran rodeados por la opresión, miseria
              y angustias. Esos que cada noche se van a la cama con el
              estómago vacío y los ojos resecos, porque no tienen más
              lágrimas que derramar, esos son mis hermanos.

              Esos que se les derrumba el alma al saber que sus hijas
              venden lo único que poseen: su cuerpo, para conseguir un
              pedazo de pan o un jabón para bañarse.

              Ese pueblo que otrora fuese feliz, vive sumido en la más
              profunda tristeza, en el mas punzante dolor, en una
              inconsolable depresión, considerando que si ésa es la vida,
              mejor es no vivirla. En los jóvenes el suicidio es la salida y
              en los viejos el alcohol es el consuelo, ésos son mis

              De cada 10 embarzos, 6 terminan con la criminal práctica
              del aborto, ellos no quieren que sus hijos sufran como ellos
              sufren y prefieren antes que se suiciden, que no nazcan.

              La culpa es de la tiranía oprobiosa, la tirania sin madre que
              martiriza a mi pueblo, Castro es el culpable del sufrimiento,
              el suicidio, el alcohol y el aborto.

              El Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet languidece en una cárcel por
              denunciar estos hechos. Vladimiro Roca, firmante de la
              Patria es de Todos, consume su vida encarcelado en
              pésimas condiciones junto a miles de cubanos más.

              Junto a ellos, la prensa independiente y la naciente
              disidencia defensora de los derechos humanos, nos traen a
              la memoria El Grito de Baire. Ellos hoy representan para
              mi pueblo a: Saturnino Lora, Jesús Rabí, Bartolomé Masó,
              Guillermo Moncada, Juan Gualberto Gómez, etc.,
              portagonistas del histórico comienzo de la gesta
              libertadora del 95.

              Cuba será LIBRE Y SOBERANA.   

            ! LIBERTAD !      ! LIBERTAD !    ! LIBERTAD !

            Diego Quiros, Sr.
            Mayo 20 de 2001.

Betty Hijazy: Presidential term limits: necessary and right, or bad for democracy?
By Chris Nichols | 
Reuters/Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama reaches for a pen as he signs a bill in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, November 27, 2013. According to the White House, Obama signed three bills …more 

The time has come to end presidential term limits, because continuing the restrictions on how long one can serve in the country's highest office is bad for the United States, a university professor argued this week.

In an opinion piece published in the Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history and education professor at New York University, says deciding whether a president deserves a third, fourth or more terms should be left to the American people, not the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which placed a two-term limit on the position. As background, here's an excerpt from the amendment, ratified in 1951:

"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."

The amendment came into being a few years after Franklin Roosevelt was elected to the fourth of his White House terms. Known to Americans as the president during the final years of the Great Depression and most of World War II, Roosevelt, a Democrat, died in office before completing his last term. After the war, Republicans made a successful bid to install a two-term maximum for future presidents. But, according to Zimmerman, they limited not only the president's time in office, but also "democracy itself."

With President Obama's job-approval numbers down sharply, Zimmerman indicates that the nation's chief executive is perhaps being hampered by the fact that he's in his final term, giving GOP opponents and even Democrats little incentive to support him on issues that might hurt their own re-election chances.

To illustrate his point, he uses two topics in the headlines: the implemention of the new health care law and the nuclear agreement with Iran.

He writes:
"Many of Obama’s fellow Democrats have distanced themselves from the reform and from the president. Even former president Bill Clinton has said that Americans should be allowed to keep the health insurance they have. Or consider the reaction to the Iran nuclear deal. Regardless of his political approval ratings, Obama could expect Republican senators such as Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and John McCain (Ariz.) to attack the agreement. But if Obama could run again, would he be facing such fervent objections from Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)? Probably not. Democratic lawmakers would worry about provoking the wrath of a president who could be reelected. Thanks to term limits, though, they’ve got little to fear."

Zimmerman adds, "Nor does Obama have to fear the voters, which might be the scariest problem of all. If he chooses, he could simply ignore their will. And if the people wanted him to serve another term, why shouldn’t they be allowed to award him one?"

On this last point, he invokes George Washington, the first president of the United States. Washington, he says, stepped down after his second term, but not because he was required by law to do so. Zimmerman says Washington didn't support enforced term limits, citing one of his letters. "I can see no propriety in precluding ourselves from the service of any man who, in some great emergency, shall be deemed universally most capable of serving the public," Washington wrote. By leaving office, however, he did establish a precedent that would be followed for more than a century.

In his "Presidential Term Limits in American History: Power, Principles, and Politics," Michael Korzi, a professor of political science at Towson University, cites the first president's remark, stating that Washington departed voluntarilyafter his second term "more for personal reasons than for reasons of philosophy."

Even so, the Founding Fathers had different opinions on whether to impose a mandate on term lengths, researchers indicate. (U.S. senators and representatives don't have term limits.) Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the U.S., felt a maximum had merit. In "Jefferson Himself: The Personal Narrative of a Many-Sided American," edited by Bernard Mayo, Jefferson referenced his dislike of the idea of an entrenched leader: 

"That I should lay down my charge at a proper season is as much a duty as to have borne it faithfully ... . These changes are necessary, too, for the security of republican government. If some period be not fixed, either by the Constitution or by practice, to the services of the First Magistrate, his office, though nominally elective, will in fact be for life; and that will soon degenerate into an inheritance."

As for the present, Zimmerman's idea isn't new, and in fact, rumor-researching website notes multiple proposals in recent years to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Republicans and Democrats alike have raised the issue, but none of the attempts have gotten too far. .

Samitier: Un Padre Es Arrestado Cuando Fue A Recoger Su Hija A
La Escuela Por No Querer Que Ella Camine A La Casa
A parent is arrested for picking up his daughter from school.
The school releases children who drive home at 2pm.
But, it releases children who walk home at 2:35pm.
This father arrived on foot at 2pm and was told, 
he could not take his child until 2:35pm!!!
You will not believe what happened next!!

Enviado por Frank Calzon: For Cubans, freedom remains elusive
By Elsa Morejón,Published: November 30
Elsa Morejon {La esposa del Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet] is a human rights activist and registered nurse who resides in Cuba. She has been forbidden from medical work since 1998.
A few weeks ago, President Obama invited my husband, Oscar Elías Biscet, and me to a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of thePresidential Medal of Freedom. Many thought that in light of Obama’s efforts to improve relations between the United States and Cuba, Gen. Raúl Castro, Cuba’s president, would approve a passport for Oscar so that he could attend.Such was not the case.
Oscar is a physician, but he is not allowed to practice medicine. Amnesty International has named him a prisoner of conscience for his years in jail for defending human rights. He is a follower of the philosophy of Gandhi and King. In 2007,President George W. Bush awarded Oscar the Medal of Freedom. But he could not receive the award in person because he was in prison, where he had been sentenced to a term of 25 years. Oscar was released in 2011, but in many ways he's still a prisoner because he can't leave the island.
I, however, was permitted to travel to Washington, and I attended the recent dinner, where the president and Secretary of State John Kerry told me that they regretted Oscar’s absence.
Because of the widespread belief that Cubans now have the right to travel abroad, some have expressed surprise that Oscar was not allowed to leave the island. The right to travel is enjoyed without restriction by billions of people worldwide. It is recognized by theU.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
But there is much confusion about what is happening in Cuba today. For example, the political prisoners released a few years ago through the offices of the Catholic Church were compelled to accept that their release was conditioned on their exile, and that of relatives including children, to Spain.
My husband is grateful to Presidents Obama and George W. Bush, to Americans and to people in Europe and Latin America for their support of Cubans’ desire for freedom. Oscar would have wanted to speak to the president about the tragic conditions in which the Cuban people live: ?Regime repression has increased to a level unparalled since the 1960s. Hundreds of arbitrary arrests have been made this year, as well as physical attacks on peaceful demonstrators.
?Raúl Castro does not permit Amnesty International, the International Committee of the Red Cross or similar organizations to visit Cuban prisons.
?The promises of Raúl Castro are all too reminiscent of ones made by his brother Fidel. In 2007, Raúl Castro said that every Cuban would have a glass of milk. We are still waiting.
?International humanitarian aid sent to the island after Hurricane Sandy was not distributed to people in flooded areas but instead given to armed forces and directed to stores where it could be resold at prices well beyond the reach of ordinary Cubans.
?Despite Obama’s efforts to improve bilateral relations, the Cuban regime continues to hold an American hostage. Alan Gross was condemned to 15 years in prison for giving a portable computer and a cellphone to Cuban Jews, actions not recognized as crimes in the civilized world. Many thought that Raúl Castro’s accession to power would end the government’s support of international terrorism and of terrorist anti-American regimes around the globe. But just this summer Panama intercepted a North Korean ship carrying a load of Cuban sugar. Beneath the more than 200,000 sacks of sugar were Soviet-era missile radar equipment and other weapons — in violation of U.N. sanctions against the provision of weaponry to North Korea’s tyrannical regime. In recent days, the Cuban regime has been carrying out a vast military maneuver, known as Bastion 2013, to defend the island against an American invasion that will never come.
As the Christmas season approaches, my husband and I pray to God that the resources the Cuban government devotes to its armed forces and to the repression of the civilian population will instead be used to ameliorate the poverty and hunger of the Cuban people. We pray also for the prompt arrival of freedom in Cuba.

Samitier: Hay Que Investigar Si Existen Genes“REGRESIVOS”
De “Esclavos” Que Hace Que Ciertos Hombres Deseen
Servir... “De Por Vida A Un Amo”
También Si Hay Que Investigar Si Ese Gen Esta Ligado Al
De La Homosexualidad...

Para Mi... No Tengo Dudas... Los Que Pusieron el Letrerito...
“Fidel Esta Es Tu Casa”  Eran Homosexuales... Pues ningún
Hombre Comparte Su Hogar Con Otro...
YAHOO NEWS     -    By Chris NicholsNovember 29, 2013 2:26 PM
Presidential term limits: necessary and right, or bad for democracy?
The time has come to end presidential term limits, because continuing the restrictions on how long one can serve in the country's highest office is bad for the United States, a university professor argued this week.

In an opinion piece published in the Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history and education professor at New York University, says deciding whether a president deserves a third, fourth or more terms should be left to the American people, not the22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which placed a two-term limit on the position. As background, here's an excerpt from the amendment, ratified in 1951:
"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."
The amendment came into being a few years after Franklin Roosevelt was elected to the fourth of his White House terms. Known to Americans as the president during the final years of the Great Depression and most of World War II, Roosevelt, a Democrat, died in office before completing his last term. After the war, Republicans made a successful bid to install a two-term maximum for future presidents. But, according to Zimmerman, they limited not only the president's time in office, but also "democracy itself."
With President Obama's job-approval numbers down sharply, Zimmerman indicates that the nation's chief executive is perhaps being hampered by the fact that he's in his final term, giving GOP opponents and even Democrats little incentive to support him on issues that might hurt their own re-election chances.
To illustrate his point, he uses two topics in the headlines: the implemention of the new health care law and the nuclear agreement with Iran.
He writes:
"Many of Obama’s fellow Democrats have distanced themselves from the reform and from the president. Even former president Bill Clinton has said that Americans should be allowed to keep the health insurance they have. Or consider the reaction to the Iran nuclear deal. Regardless of his political approval ratings, Obama could expect Republican senators such as Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and John McCain (Ariz.) to attack the agreement. But if Obama could run again, would he be facing such fervent objections from Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)? Probably not. Democratic lawmakers would worry about provoking the wrath of a president who could be reelected. Thanks to term limits, though, they’ve got little to fear."
Zimmerman adds, "Nor does Obama have to fear the voters, which might be the scariest problem of all. If he chooses, he could simply ignore their will. And if the people wanted him to serve another term, why shouldn’t they be allowed to award him one?"

On this last point, he invokes George Washington, the first president of the United States. Washington, he says, stepped down after his second term, but not because he was required by law to do so. Zimmerman says Washington didn't support enforced term limits, citing one of his letters. "I can see no propriety in precluding ourselves from the service of any man who, in some great emergency, shall be deemed universally most capable of serving the public," Washington wrote. By leaving office, however, he did establish a precedent that would be followed for more than a century.

In his "Presidential Term Limits in American History: Power, Principles, and Politics," Michael Korzi, a professor of political science at Towson University, cites the first president's remark, stating that Washington departed voluntarily after his second term "more for personal reasons than for reasons of philosophy."

Even so, the Founding Fathers had different opinions on whether to impose a mandate on term lengths, researchers indicate. (U.S. senators and representatives don't have term limits.) Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the U.S., felt a maximum had merit. In "Jefferson Himself: The Personal Narrative of a Many-Sided American," edited by Bernard Mayo, Jefferson referenced his dislike of the idea of an entrenched leader: 

"That I should lay down my charge at a proper season is as much a duty as to have borne it faithfully ... . These changes are necessary, too, for the security of republican government. If some period be not fixed, either by the Constitution or by practice, to the services of the First Magistrate, his office, though nominally elective, will in fact be for life; and that will soon degenerate into an inheritance."

As for the present, Zimmerman's idea isn't new, and in fact, rumor-researching website notes multiple proposals in recent years to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Republicans and Democrats alike have raised the issue, but none of the attempts have gotten too far. .

You tell us: Do you prefer to have presidential term limits? Or would you rather a president be able to run as many times as they want?
-  I personally do not believe Obama plans to just walk away after this term. Is he going to try for a third term or something much bigger? I don't know, but I truly think he believes that he is what the U.S and the rest of the world needs. If he could in this second term get control of the house and the senate, I am afraid we would soon find out. A very frightening thought for me. All of this is just my own opinion of course.
-  We are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, NOT a Democracy, first and foremost. Term limits for ALL elected men and woman should be the norm and is critical to our survival as such. Frankly, even Supreme Court Justices should have term limits as well, but for the moment, we must maintain our current Presidential term limits or it's over for this nation as we have known it in the past. The Congress and this White House have total forgotten or are just ignoring, WE the people,
-  Before we change term limits, let's work on their benefits. They should pay for their own life insurance or give all Americans free life insurance just like them. They should not receive lifetime pensions, let them open a 401k like the rest of us try to do and live off of that. There jobs should be treated like regular jobs not like they are some kind of super humans. There should also be a way for special elections in every state to get rid of the person if they are not doing the job they were sent there to do. We get fired if we do not do our jobs right why shouldn't they.

Samitier: Para Los Que No Lo Recuerden Y Para Los Que Nacieron Con
“La Revolución” Deben De Saber Que El Sistema De“Aprendices”
Que Era “OBLIGATORIO” En Todas Las Industrias... Cada Operario
Tenía que tener un “Aprendiz De Su Oficio” que lo ayudara... y de
Esa forma aprendía...

Comenzaba A Los 12 Años o Al Finalizar La Primaria... Era El Motivo
De Que Cuba Tuviera La Mejor Mano De Obra Calificada De Toda
Latino AMÉRICA...
Ahora La Están Tratando De Hacerlo En USA...  AQUÍ TIENEN LA NOTICIA

Samitier: Es Increíble… Si seguimos las declaraciones
Del Cardenal Dolan y Del PAPA Francisco...
Lot Se Equivocó En Sodoma...
Debía De Haber Permitido Entregado Los
Ángeles A Los Homosexuales Para Que Se
Los “Cogieran”... Pues Ya La Iglesia NO SABE
Qué Cosa Es BUENA o MALA...
Y Por Lo Tanto La “CONFESIÓN” y El Perdón
Son Todos Estos CURAS una VERGÜENZA...
Aquí tiene su entrevista... 

Samitier: Fox News. Google billionaires jet-setting to exotic spots and taxpayers appear to pay part of bill
Published November 21, 2013
Google's top execs are using their private fleet of jets to fly to some of the world's most exotic vacation spots -- and taxpayers appear to be footing part of the bill.
When they aren't grounded at NASA's Moffett Field, the search engine's jets guzzle government fuel to carry Google's billionaire bosses to Tahiti, Hawaii and a host of private Caribbean beaches, according to a detailed analysis reviewed by 
Google -- and the government -- say parking spaces and discounted fuel are justified because of the scientific research the company does with the space agency. But the data shows trips may be more about surf than science, said Drew Johnson, a fellow at the Center for Individual Freedom.
“It appears that Google’s jets perform very little actual scientific research (unless calculating the circumference of Mai Tai umbrellas on the beaches of Babelthuap somehow qualifies),” Johnson wrote.
Google execs Larry Page and Sergey Brin own five airplanes that range from sleek Gulfstreams to giant Boeing 757s and even a Dassault fighter jet. Operated by a private holding company called H211, the fleet flies out of a hangar in Silicon Valley's Moffett Field, a government-owned and -operated facility. Google denied requests to comment on the new analysis. 
Scientists aboard the company's jets do occasionally perform scientific research such as measuring atmospheric greenhouse gases and ozone, justifying the perks from NASA, the agency said.
"NASA is always looking for innovative, public-private partnerships to help advance our mission and provide benefit to the American taxpayer," a spokeswoman for NASA Ames told the Wall Street Journal recently.
But after a GAO investigation and a few letters from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R.-Iowa, the Defense Department unexpectedly ended the agreement this August.
That was after years of discount gas purchases fueling, among other jaunts, 25 flights to the tiny Caribbean paradise of Anguila between Dec. 28, 2008, and April 5, 2013. There were also 25 trips to beautiful Tortola in the British Virgin Islands between April 11, 2009, and March 27, 2013.
Hawaii and Tahiti are apparently also popular destinations for Google’s jet-setting playboy executives, according to the analysis. There are 18 flights listed to Faa’a International Airport in Tahiti and 32 flights to a variety of destinations in Hawaii.
Using the tail numbers and aircraft IDs from H211’s fleet, Johnson and his team matched the Google jets up against FAA records and publicly available databases of flight information, he told
The information in his analysis covers 3.4 million miles flown from Jan. 1, 2007 -- when a Boeing 767 flew from Sacramento, Calif. to Las Vegas -- to July 28, 2013, when a Gulfstream flew from Nantucket, Mass. to Google HQ.
In between are countless trips to island paradises likely far out of reach for most Google users. Indeed, the list of destinations reads like a travel agent’s fantasy: Honolulu, the British Virgin Islands, Cancun, St. Thomas, Tahiti, Nice, St. Maartens and so on.
Johnson said he was surprised at how frequently the company used massive jumbo jets such as the 757 and 767 for trips to the beach.
“When you look at the big Boeing planes, it’s impossible to know who was on the flights. But you have to assume that a lot of the time they’re not full,” Johnson said. He calculated that the planes "polluted the atmosphere with 100 million pounds of carbon dioxide."

Samitier: Alguien se equivoco en la Casa Blanca???
APARENTEMENTE  NINGUNO DE LOS agente en la Casa Blanca...
En letras dice… lo que mucha gente quieren decirle a Obama...
FUCK YOU...: son las letras del Numero 1-800 382-5968 
Si no lo creen... compruébelo...
You won't believe this, but the telephone # for Obamacare is I-800-382-5968 (1-800-FUCK YOU).  Check out your phone dial.   It looks like our Washington idiots finally got something right. Don't believe it? Take a minute to call before they figure out what they've done.

Samitier: Las Navidades Es Una FIESTA Cristiana... Que
Dio Origen a La Única Religión CIVILIZADA...
La Que Los RICOS llamaron la Religión De Los Esclavos
La Única que Hasta Hoy Prohibía La ESCLAVITUD...

Put on sound and click below:

Betty Hijazy: FEMA hate this...

Amenper: Reunión Sagüera
Dicen que no se debe vivir en el pasado, pero creo que sólo porque no vivimos en el pasado, no significa que el pasado no puede ser  un lugar agradable para visitar.

Tuve dos reuniones este fin de semana largo.
Una la tradicional reunión del Día de Acción de Gracias con la familia en nuestro refugio de Estero, en el oeste de la Florida.  Ya tengo nietos viviendo en diferentes partes del país que vinieron para pasar estos días juntos.  Cuando dijimos que teníamos que volver el domingo temprano a Miami para una reunión de los Sagüeros, como es lógico por la diferencia generacional, lo aceptaron con una sonrisa condescendiente.  Para ellos es difícil de entender este tipo de reunión de “viejos”.
Sin lugar a dudas el tiempo no pasa, se acumula sin compasión sobre nuestro cuerpo, no discrimina entre personas y  géneros.  En la reunión vemos el aumento en las cinturas y cabezas calvas.  Y para  cada hombre calvo, barrigón en la reunión hay una contraparte femenina también marcada por los años.
Aunque condescendientemente nos mentimos los unos a los otros diciendo que estamos “igualitos”.
Bueno... no estamos exactamente mintiendo, estamos igualitos de viejos.
Pero la reunión no se trata de líneas de cintura, la línea de la frente retrocediendo en la calvicie o las líneas de arrugas en la cara. Se trata de otras líneas, las líneas de la vida.  Se trata de volver a conectar las líneas con viejos amigos de nuestro pueblo, de amigos  de los mejores años de nuestras vidas,
Dicen que no se debe vivir en el pasado, pero creo que sólo porque no vivimos en el pasado, no significa que el pasado no puede ser  un lugar agradable para visitar.
 Esta es una oportunidad para reunirse y pasar un buen rato, para renovar viejas amistades y ponernos al día con sus vidas, para celebrar la juventud en nuestra memoria y sentirse joven otra vez (aunque sea sólo por un día) recordar los viejos tiempos, compartir tiempo con ellos, poder hacer alardes mostrando las fotos de nuestros hijos y nietos.
Podemos consolarnos en el hecho de que aunque todos hemos cambiado, hemos ido por caminos diferentes en la vida, todavía todos compartimos un lazo común en nuestra vida, somos Sagüeros, y podemos disfrutar de una buena fiesta.
Es perfectamente aceptable si no recordamos a alguien. Todos nuestros recuerdos se deterioran  con los años.
¡Por eso se inventaron etiquetas! 
Pero más que nada la fiesta es  para recordar a Sagüa la Grande, “Sagüa la Inmensa” como decía nuestro coterráneo Jorge Mañach.
Resucitar  el alma con los recuerdos del ayer.  Es oxígeno para el alma saber de dónde venimos, quiénes somos, lo que en su día amamos y lloramos, lo que no tuvimos y deseamos, lo que tuvimos y hoy todavía abrazamos, el camino andado, los logros que conseguimos y los proyectos en que fracasamos.
Una mirada a los caminos por donde transitamos.
Y nada mejor para oxigenarnos que compartir los recuerdos con los que venimos del ayer del pueblo, donde crecimos.  
Nuestro río, el Undoso,, el puente el Triunfo, el parque de la Libertad, el Malecón, el parque del Pelón, y otros lugares de Sagüa de los que no puedo o no quiero acordarme, siempre estarán en nuestra vida
Es bueno  recordar a nuestros padres y abuelos y personas que conocimos en el pueblo, hablar de nuestros mayores es digno y noble,  saber de dónde venimos y dónde estamos
Me despoblaron hace 53 años después de dos años de mordaza y sumisión a los poderes que conquistaron nuestra vida por la fuerza- Los poderes dominantes que todos conocimos y sufrimos de algún modo-,  No he vuelto, no tengo que volver, porque mi Sagüa, la Sagüa donde crecí donde comencé mi familia, donde nacieron mis hijos, vive en mí intacta, aunque ya esa Sagüa, haya cambiado bajo la bota del comunismo.
Y dentro de cada experiencia o recuerdo negativo, tenemos cientos de recuerdos que nos llenan del orgullo del pueblo, la familia y los amigos con los que crecimos.
Siempre está con nosotros la imagen del ¨Parque de la Libertad  con sus sillones de hierro forjados, que en nuestro joven cuerpo nos parecían tan cómodos como el más mullido sillón.
En cada una de sus calles, de sus esquinas, en cada rincón de Sagüa, está parte de mi vida y cuando tenemos estas reuniones, las imágenes vuelven a mi mente como si hubiesen sucedido hace unas horas, o acaso ayer o la semana pasada- 
Hablamos entre nosotros  durante horas y se vuelve a conectar en nuestra mente, nuestras historias construidas una sobre otra. Cada uno de nosotros recuerda diferentes porciones, ofreciendo nuestras propias observaciones. Juntados, nuestros recuerdos combinados crean una colección de retazos de humor, desarrollo personal y exploración, experiencias que ayudaron a moldearnos en lo que somos hoy en día.
Apenas había hablado con algunos de estos amigos durante años. Pero, casi como por arte de magia, cuando hemos buceado en nuestros recuerdos de nuestras compartidas aventuras de adolescentes fue como si hubiera pasado ayer. Esto fue increíble teniendo en cuenta las décadas que estuvimos separados, tiempo durante el cual nos habíamos construido una nueva vida, nuevos trabajos una familia con hijos y nietos.
 La mayoría de nosotros ha criado ya a sus hijos, y hoy algunos de nosotros tenemos nietos, y posiblemente biznietos. Según nuestros objetivos separados e intereses, optamos por una variedad de ocupaciones y tal vez algunos de nosotros ya se han retirado o se están preparando para retirarse. Pero tenemos algo  en común es que recibimos nuestra formación del principio de nuestra vida  en el mismo lugar, Sagüa la Grande
He estado en muchos lugares del mundo, pero hay un lugar que nunca olvidaré y que siempre añoraré en mi memoria, el lugar donde nací, Sagüa La Grande
Me gustan estos reencuentros, realmente  creo que la gente pasa a través de nuestras vidas por una razón. Como nos relacionamos, dejamos las impresiones de nuestras vidas.
Todos nosotros hemos experimentado cambios, tanto positivos como negativos, que han cambiado nuestras vidas, pero nuestra vida en Sagüa la Grande es permanente es incambiable.
Si no asisten a estas reuniones, están perdiendo la oportunidad de disfrutar por un día, la vuelta a la juventud. Una visita a la Sagüa que vive en nuestra memoria.

Samitier: Todos Los Politiqueros Mundialmente Hacen Una
Es Lo Único Que Saben Hacer y Quiebran Todos Los Negocios
Miren Este Ejemplo:
En si búsqueda de dinero... AHORA van a SUBIR EL PARQUEO DE
AUTOMÓVILES... en los aeropuertos y el Puerto... pues están
“Perdiendo Dinero”
¿Cómo Es Posible? Que Necesiten Aumentar El
Precio Del Parqueo... Comparemos...
Vamos a comenzar con los Cruceros... La inversión en un barco de los que se
Construyen hoy CUESTA ENTRE $780 y $900 millones de dólares...tiene que
Pagar DERECHO DE MUELLE a todos los puertos... los obligan a usar un Practico
del Puerto en todos los lugares que visitan... Tiene entre Oficiales, marineros,
camareros una tripulación entre 800 y 1,200 empleados...
Ofrecen una SEMANA de estancia en cabina DOBLE SI NO TIENE VISTA AL MAR
entre unos $350.00 y $450.00... si tiene terraza al mar se pueden conseguir entre
$500.00 y $650.00  Esos precios incluyen 3 comidas diarias... traslado... visita a
3 o 4 islas y un bufe de media noche...

En cambio... la ciudad invierte solamente unos $15 o máximo $20 millones en
Construir un PARQUEO... que es la construcción mas económica que existe... pues
No tiene baños... solo tiene alumbrado... y dos elevadores...
No se hacen RESPONSABLE de la seguridad del vehículo... y cobran $18.00 dólares diarios...
Los 7 días $126.00   
No hay que ser ECONOMISTA para reconocer que el PARQUEO es mejor negocio que
El crucero... especialmente que solo hay que invertir $15 o $20 millones... en vez de
$780 a $900 millones...

Lo mismo sucede en los aeropuertos... los aviones comerciales cuestan CIENTOS DE
MILLONES... UN 747 cuesta entre $210 y $280 millones...
¿Qué explicación pueden dar los POLITIQUEROS que ahora SUBIERON LOS PRECIOS DE LOS PARQUEOS?

Samitier: Even Martin Luther King, was a lifelong Republican!

AMAZING NRA Support from where you'd least expect it.
Obama didn't see this coming --- so please pass it on quickly
as it will most likely be pulled and deleted.

Samitier: El Diario de La Marina.

Diario De La Marina Cuba desde 1899
Este enlace ofrece acceso a todas las ediciones del Diario de la Marina desde 1899 hasta que fue confiscado en1960. Se puede leer la edición completa del día que escojas.
Presiona + en el año deseado,
aparecen los doce meses, presiona + el mes deseado,
aparecen los días del mes, presiona + el día deseado,
aparece la primera página del periódico.
Busca la página que deseas ver

Tengan todos muy buenos dias y buena suerte. 
"EN MI OPINION" Lázaro R González Miño Editor.,, 

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