1090 “En mi opinión” Noviembre 16, 2015
Lázaro R Gonzalez Miño Editor
Lázaro R González Miño para Alcalde
de Miami Dade
AMENPER: Christian victims of ISIS
Genocide Victims Do Not to be Include as Genocide
The State Department Is
Poised to Rule about the Arabic letter “N” used by ISIS to brand
Christian-populated areas as “Nazarene”
SHEA November 13, 2015 3:40 PM
A report by a renowned
journalist states that Christians are to be excluded from an impending official
United States government declaration of ISIS genocide. If true, it would
reflect a familiar pattern within the administration of a politically correct
bias that views Christians — even non-Western congregations such as those in
Iraq and Syria — never as victims but always as Inquisition-style oppressors.
(That a State Department genocide designation for ISIS may be imminent was
acknowledged last week in congressional testimony, by Ambassador Anne
Patterson, the assistant secretary of the State Department’s Near East Bureau.)
Yazidis, according to the story by investigative reporter Michael Isikoff, are
going to be officially recognized as genocide victims, and rightly so. Yet
Christians, who are also among the most vulnerable religious minority groups
that have been deliberately and mercilessly targeted for eradication by ISIS,
are not. This is not an academic matter. A genocide designation would have
significant policy implications for American efforts to restore property and
lands taken from the minority groups and for offers of aid, asylum, and other
protections to such victims. Worse, it would mean that, under the Genocide
Convention, the United States and other governments would not be bound to act
to suppress or even prevent the genocide of these Christians. An unnamed State
Department official was quoted by Isikoff as saying that only the attacks on
Yazidis have made “the high bar” of the genocide standard and as pointing to
the mass killing of 1,000 Yazidi men and the enslavement of thousands of Yazidi
women and girls. To propose that Christians have been simply driven off their
land but not suffered similar fates is deeply misinformed. In fact, the last
Christians to pray in the language spoken by Jesus are also being deliberately
targeted for extinction through equally brutal measures. Christians have been
executed by the thousands. Christian women and girls are vulnerable to sexual
enslavement. Many of their clergy have been assassinated and their churches and
ancient monasteries demolished or desecrated. They have been systematically
stripped of all their wealth, and those too elderly or sick to flee
ISIS-controlled territory have been forcibly converted to Islam or killed, such
as an 80-year-old woman who was burned to death for refusing to abide by ISIS
religious rules. Pope Francis pronounced their suffering “genocide” in July.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and a broad array of other churches
have done so as well. Analysis from an office of the Holocaust Museum
apparently relied on by the State Department asserts that ISIS protects
Christians in exchange for jizya, an Islamic tax for “People of the Book,” but
the assertion is simply not grounded in fact. ISIS atrocities against
Christians became public in June 2014 when the jihadists stamped Christian
homes in Mosul with the red letter N for “Nazarene” and began enforcing its
“convert or die” policy. The atrocities continue. Recently the Melkite Catholic
bishop of Aleppo reported that 1,000 Christians, including two Orthodox
bishops, have been kidnapped and murdered in his city alone. In September, ISIS
executed, on videotape, three Assyrian Christian men and threatened to do the
same to 200 more being held captive by the terrorist group. Recent reports by
an American Christian aid group state that several Christians who refused to
renounce their faith were raped, beheaded, or crucified a few months ago
Christian women and girls are also enslaved and sexually abused. Three
Christian females sold in ISIS slave markets were profiled in a New York Times
Magazine report last summer. ISIS rules allow Christian sabaya, that is, their
sexual enslavement. Its magazine Dabiq explicitly approved the enslavement of
Christian girls in Nigeria, and the jihadist group posted prices for Christian,
as well as Yazidi, female slaves in Raqqa. In recent weeks,
the stalwart Knights of Columbus have been placing emotionally searing ads in
Politico and elsewhere advocating the passage of House Resolution 75: This
bipartisan bill was initiated by Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R., Neb.) and
Representative Anna Eshoo (D., Calif.) to declare that genocide is being faced
by Christians, Yazidis, and other vulnerable groups. The ads — depicting a
mother and child, who appear as the very personifications of grief, against a
landscape of ISIS destruction — might strike a nerve within the Obama
administration. But as of now, the administration looks poised to preempt the
bill and render a grave injustice to the suffering Christians of Iraq and
AMENPER: ¡¡Cómo Come Matthews!!
En la edición del miércoles del programa de
MSNBC, el anfitrión Chris Matthews cuestionó la autenticidad del origen étnico
hispano de Marco Rubio y de Ted Cruz.
Matthews llamándolos "Nacionales
cubanos" dijo que “no está seguro que para ellos, la palabra correcta
es hispano".
"Están tratando de insinuar que Marco Rubio,
un tipo con un apellido español, es hispano, no sé si la palabra
correcta para Marco y el otro candidato, es hispano (Rubio y Cruz), porque
son nacionales cubanos o lo que sea, o provienen de Cuba," dijo Matthews.
En parte tenemos que estar de acuerdo con
Matthews de que los cubanos no nos consideramos hispanos y creo que ni Rubio ni
Cruz realmente se sienten cómo hispanos, porque el epíteto de hispanos ha
tomado un sinónimo de grupo étnico liberal. Desde este punto
de vista ni Rubio ni Cruz ni nosotros los que no somos de la persuasión liberal
somos hispanos.
Pero hay dos cosas en que Matthews está
estúpidamente equivocado, primero que no son “nacionales cubanos”, son tan
americanos como él y mejor que él porque aman a la América que el
Segundo que no provienen de Cuba, ellos no
vinieron de Cuba, sus padres vinieron de Cuba, son hijos de inmigrantes como la
mayor parte de la población americana exceptuando los indios, que ahora se
llaman políticamente correcto nativo-americanos, aunque esto es pragmáticamente
incorrecto como todo lo políticamente correcto, porque nativo-americanos son
todos los que han nacido en América sin importar origen de sus padres, raza o
color. Como pragmáticamente incorrecto es llamar hispano a los
mejicanos que tienen más de indio que de españoles.
Pero esto de la corrección política es una
comedura excremental. Y Matthews es el de mejor apetito entre todos
los políticamente correctos liberales comedores de excremento.
Chris, si quieres saber lo que son Rubio y Cruz,
son dos americanos más inteligentes que tú y esto es lo que te jode, que son
hijos de inmigrantes y han llegado más lejos que tú que eres cuarta generación
de nacidos aquí. Así que vete a comer materia excremental sazonada
con tu liberalismo a otro lado porque con los ratings de MSNBC que está en
último lugar, el trabajo no te va a durar mucho aunque a ti no te va a faltar
tu comida.
AMENPER: Allahu Akbar
Akbar" (Arabic: الله أكبر ;
Quiere decir Dios es lo más grande."
No tengo problema con esto, estoy de acuerdo con
los terroristas que dijeron esto cuando mataron a los inocentes en París,
pero usar eso como un lema para matar a personas inocentes, es denigrar el
nombre de Dios. Claro que Dios no tiene la culpa de que los hombres
usen su nombre para el mal. Cuando Dios encarnado en Cristo estuvo
en el mundo, tuvo que soportar que los religiosos de la época usaran el nombre
de Dios para crucificarlo.
“¡Usar el nombre de
Dios para justificar el camino del odio es una blasfemia!”
El Papa recordó hoy cuando ora por las víctimas
de París al final del Ángelus, y también estoy de acuerdo con el Papa.
"Los atentados de
París son un ataque contra la humanidad"
Dijo el presidente Obama, y también estoy de
acuerdo con esto que dice el presidente Obama.
Así que estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijeron los
terroristas, con lo que dijo el Papa y con los que dijo Obama. Estoy de
acuerdo con sus palabras.
En lo que no estoy de acuerdo es que los
terroristas maten a inocentes y que el Papa y Obama se reúnan y
hagan arreglos con los que son los líderes espirituales de los terroristas.
José Martí dijo, “Ver con calma un crimen es
El quinto mandamiento que Dios le dio a Moisés
dice “No matarás”
. «No quites la vida del inocente y justo» dice
también la Biblica en Exodo 23, 7).
El deber y el derecho a proteger la nación esá
explícito en la constitución de Estados Unidos.
Así que ignorar a los que cometen crímenes contra
inocentes y los que juran destruir a la civilización occidental, es violar los
deberes religiosos y civiles que son impuestos a los que ocupan las posiciones
de líderes en las instituciones que los eligieron para cumplir con la defensa
de sus valores.
Combatir a los que matan a los
inocentes con todos los medios posibles, inclusive la guerra justa y necesaria
de la que también hablaba Martí, tiene como objetivo reparar el desorden
introducido por la culpa de los asesinos, defender el orden público y la
seguridad de las personas y contribuir a la corrección del
culpable. Observarlo con calma y condescendencia es contribuir al
AMENPER: Este es el Problema,
¿Pero estamos buscando realmente la solución?
Arriba pueden ver tres artículos de diferentes medios de
comunicación. Merece la pena tomarse un rato y leerlos.
El primero es un artículo muy ilustrativo del problema del terrorismo
y la postura de Obama que nos está llevando al peor momento para un ataque
terrorista en los Estados Unidos.
Obama está ignorando el peligro, insiste en traer terroristas a
los Estados Unidos recibiendo miles de refugiados de Siria, entre los cuales,
igual que en Francia habrá terroristas infiltrados que serán imposible de
detectar porque no tenemos data de Siria.
Pero ¿Qué viene después de Obama? Esto lo pueden ver en los otros dos
La solución del New York Post que es que Obama o actúe o renuncie
a la presidencia, algo que es aceptable, pero realmente se queda corto.
Lo corto que se queda lo vimos en el debate demócrata, Sanders
insiste que el peor peligro no es el terrorismo sino el cambio climático.
Hillary Clinton no quiere aceptar que estamos en guerra con los radicales
islámicos. Esto lo pueden ver en los otros dos artículos.
¿Así que hacemos con que Obama renuncie?. ¿Estamos preparados para
lo que viene después de Obama?
¿Estamos listo en el otro campo, en el partido republicano para
tener el líder que tenga la experiencia y la actitud para guiarnos a solucionar
esta debacle que se está acercando?
El problema de Francia nos dice dónde está el mayor peligro, y hay
que tener una posición que nos permita que enfrentar este problema. Con
pragmatismo no con emociones de situaciones domésticas y soluciones hipotéticas
con líderes con filosofías populistas sin substancia realista.
Hay candidatos con la experiencia y todos tienen la disposición de
hacerlo, decir que alguno no quiere hacerlo es demagogia destructiva.
Simplemente hay que escoger a un presidente con la aptitud, la capacidad y
la experiencia.
AMENPER: Todos los que van a la Iglesia son
unos hipócritas
Esta frase es la que dicen y repiten
los miembros de la nueva religión del ateísmo.
Hoy es domingo, realmente no me
identifico con ninguna religión, pero voy a la iglesia, ni siquiera a una
iglesia, aunque alguna me gusta más que otra, voy a diferentes
iglesias, y no me considero un hipócrita por eso.
Voy a la iglesias porque me gusta
sentirme entre personas que piensan igual que yo, en el sentido del
cristianismo básico que es la aceptación que Cristo es Dios que vino al mundo a
morir por nuestros pecados y que la aceptación de esta realidad es el perdón de
los pecados que todos cometemos, y me gusta oír un sermón que me lo
recuerde. Voy a la iglesia, tolero los cantos y rituales, y espero
por el sermón que me habla del cristianismo.
Recordar el día de reposo y
santificarlo es lo que dice la Biblia. El día de reposo debe de ser un día para
poder tomar una pausa de trabajo, lo que hay que enfocar es que lo que es
importante pasar tiempo con nuestra familia y amigos y pasar tiempo con Dios.
No se puede construir una relación profunda sin pasar tiempo de calidad juntos.
Si uno lee los 10 mandamientos te darás cuenta que son todos acerca de las
relaciones entre los hombres.
Pero el cristianismo es sobre Cristo,
y no sé de nada malo que haya hecho Cristo, así que no mire lo que ha hecho
alguna gente religiosa y desacreditar a Dios por eso.
No sé quién los dijo, pero hay algo
que define realmente la diferencia entre el Cristianismo y las religiónes
"La diferencia entre el
cristianismo y cada otra fe en el mundo es que todas las otras religiones son
el hombre tratando de llegar hasta Dios. El cristianismo es sobre Dios tratando
de llegar al hombre".
No trato de llegar a Dios con ritos
religiosos, simplemente dejo que Dios llegue a mí y todos tenemos esa sensación
espiritual, lo que pasa es que la reprimimos y si es verdad, hay veces que los
rituales nos separan por distracción de esa sensación. Las religión tienen un
sistema de creencias o un código de conducta moral que juzga (califica o
descalifica) una persona basada en su cumplimiento y la obediencia a ciertos
códigos, reglas, leyes, tradiciones o la realización de actos necesarios.
En las religiones (casi
universalmente) es obligatoria esa conducta, diríamos que es
necesaria, por la necesidad de tener el poder en un intento de
mantener, aumentar ese poder o control sobre los demás. La religión
es la creación del hombre y no es la intención o el diseño de Dios.
Pero tampoco podemos criticarlos, es
simplemente la manera que el ser humano es, y si no fueran así no podrían
subsistir. Son cómo negocios, tiene que combatir la “competencia”,
tiene que tener cautivos a sus miembros para que los sostengan con sus
Pero yo veo a las religiones cómo a
los políticos, no me gustaría vivir en un mundo sin políticos, porque entonces
no habría democracia representativa, y no me gustaría vivir en un mundo sin
religiones, porque entonces no se predicaría el cristianismo.
¿Qué haya diferencias entre ellas? De
eso se trata la relación personal con Dios, de hacer lo que sentimos, y
desestimar lo que pensamos que no es necesario.
Simplemente sigo el ejemplo de Jesús
cuando estuvo en el mundo, tolero a las religiones pero no me dejo llevar por
ciertos rituales de ellas que me distraen de mi relación personal con Dios.
Cuando Jesús estaba en la
tierra, la religión estaba muy desenfrenada, como lo está hoy. Había un grupo
de líderes religiosos corruptos llamados los fariseos otros se llamaban
Saduceos, estaban los esenios, todos habían tomado la palabra de Dios, de
Moisés y los profetas (la Torá) y la convirtieron en un negocio. Escribieron
comentarios sobre su interpretación de las
escrituras (llamados Talmud, había y hay muchos Talmud).
Entonces escribieron otros
comentarios sobre ese comentario llamado la "Mishná". Hay también
varios Mishná que son listas de cientos reglas a cumplir para asegurar que
estaban obedeciendo la palabra de Dios. Estos fueron creados por el hombre y
tenían poca base en la escritura actual.
El Talmud, como es escrito por los
hombres, ha seguido hasta hoy, ahora está actualizado hablando sobre el
cristianismo y denigrando a Jesús y sus seguidores. Es una religión en contra
del cristianismo, algo parecido al islam- ¨Pero en las fracciones del
cristianismo hay diferentes judíos y los hay que sólo estudian la Torá, y no el
Talmud, con los que podemos identificarnos mejor.
Jesús rechazaba eso durante su
estancia en este mundo! Él rechazaba lo que los fariseos y otros
religiosos hacían del amor del pueblo de Dios (o temor de Dios) para controlar,
limitar su libertad y vaciarlos de la relación con Dios. Jesús
asistía y predicaba en las sinagogas de los religiosos, pero su relación era
con el Padre, no con las religiones, nunca se identificó con una de las
religiones existentes.
Durante la práctica de la religión,
su relación con Dios se degrada a una fórmula matemática.
Hacer esto, luego esto, no lo
hacen y listo... resuelto el teorema, ahora usted es recto ante los ojos de
Dios quiere mucho más. Él quiere
tener una verdadera relación con la persona y eso podemos tenerla en la casa o
en la calle, pero uno se siente mejor en el ambiente de una iglesia con
personas que se acercan a la coincidencia espiritual con Dios. Y
aunque puede haber hipócritas en las iglesias, cada día hay
menos. Porque antes ir a una iglesia representaba algo bueno en la
posición social, hoy en día ir a la iglesia ridiculiza al individuo en la
sociedad moderna, así que hay menos hipócritas y más cristianos sinceros en las
AMENPER: ¿Son los forasteros mejor que los políticos?
Con este fenómeno moderno de rechazar a los
políticos republicanos y apoyar a los forasteros Donald Trump, Ben Carson y
Carly Fiorina se renueva la discusión si es mejor escoger un político que
conocemos que un forastero.
De lo que conozco en mi vida, hay veces que los
forasteros han sido buenos o hubieran podido ser mejores que los
políticos. En Cuba, el caso del cirujano Ricardo Núñez Portuondo
contra Carlos Prío, en los Estados unidos el General Dwight Eisenhower un héroe
de la guerra, que fue electo presidente sin haber ocupado antes una oficina
política, anteriormente se había elegido a otros héroe popular el General
Zachary Taylor en 1848 que era el hombre más popular en América porque había
ganado la guerra Americana-mejicana.
Pero estos hombres eran de una trayectoria
pública bien conocida, en este caso la historia de los candidatos forasteros a
la política no es tan conocida, no sabemos cómo se comportarán en una oficina
pública, su vida pública no era cómo la de los héroes de la guerra Taylor y
Lo que quiero decir es el dicho español que es
mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer.
En los políticos conocemos sus defectos y podemos
saber si sus defectos son tantos que no pudieran ser dignos de la oficina a que
aspiran. Ya sabemos sus defectos y sus virtudes, su experiencia, sus
filosofías políticas y cómo se comportan en la vida pública y en el caso en que
estamos viviendo tenemos una variedad de políticos donde escoger.
Vamos a tomar el caso de Marco Rubio, es ahora un
político sazonado, y sabemos sus defectos.
Marco Rubio fue un forastero político, fue
apoyado por el Tea Party, ahora el Tea Party dice que lo traicionó porque apoyó
una reforma migratoria.
Pero esto da la razón a mi punto de vista, si
ahora se apoya a otros forasteros.
¿Qué garantiza que ellos se comportarán como lo
que esperan de ellos?
Me parece que es mejor escoger entre los
políticos con sus errores, ver si rectificaron sus errores y si cumplieron
otras agendas o si su política es aceptable, porque sin lugar a dudas todos
aprendemos de los errores, y esta es una definición aceptable de algo que
llamamos experiencia, y que sólo se obtiene en las labor diaria en el trabajo,
que en este caso es la vida pública.
Elegir a una persona sin experiencia porque es
forastero, y descalificar a todos los políticos como un castigo, puede ser un
boomerang, un castigo que se revierta en un castigo para todos.
Después de todo un político no es más que un
forastero que escoge entrar en la carrera política.
Un forastero es alguien que vive en un entorno
que no es el natural, pero una vez que se muda para el entorno y empieza a
residir en el nuevo entorno, ya no es un forastero.
Vemos que estos forasteros, según se incrustan en
el entorno político, cada día lucen más cómo políticos, ya no son forasteros,
lo único que son políticos sin experiencia y no sabemos qué podemos esperar de
ellos si son electos.
Por esto es que los presidentes de esta nación
generalmente han sido políticos de carrera.
A Bustamante jr
Carlos Miyares
Read Totally & Digest!! WORLDWIDE!!
Steve Kroft is an American journalist and a longtime correspondent for "60 Minutes".
His investigative reporting has garnered him much acclaim, including three Peabody Awards and nine Emmy awards, one of which was an Emmy for Lifetime Achievement.
You can understand what is happening to our America (and the free world)after reading this.
FROM STEVE KROFT ("60 Minutes")
Glen Beck has been developing material to show all the ties that Soros has through the nation and world along with his goals. This article is written by Steve Kroft from "60 Minutes". It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and his behavior in leading the nation along with many members of Congress (in particular the Democrats, such as the election of Pelosi as the minority leader in Congress).
If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is "selective" in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible. He controls President Obama's every move. Think this is absurd? Invest a few minutes and read this. You won't regret it.
Who is Obama? Obama is a puppet and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings. It’s not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world. After reading this and Obama's reluctance to accept help on the oil spill you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the U.S.? "In history, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet someone planned it."~Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who Is George Soros? He brought the market down in 2 days. Here is what CBS' Mr. Steve Kroft's research has turned up. It's a bit of a read, and it took 4 months to put it together. "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States of America." ~ George Soros"
George Soros is an evil man. He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good." He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.
György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity. The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.
When Hitler's henchman, Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.
Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "the best year of his life." 70% of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect". During an interview with "Sixty Minute's" Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his "best year."
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.
In his article, Muravchik describes how Soros has admitted to having carried some rather "potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble." Be that as it may. After WWII, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he fell under the thrall of fellow atheist and Hungarian, Karl Popper, one of his professors. Popper was a mentor to Soros until Popper's death in 1994. Two of Popper's most influential teachings concerned "the open society," and Fallibilism.
Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. (Then again, I could be wrong about that.) The "open society" basically refers to a "test and evaluate" approach to social engineering. Regarding "open society" Roy Childs writes, "Since the Second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Popper's advice about piecemeal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess."
In 1956 Soros moved to New York City, where he worked on Wall Street, and started amassing his fortune. He specialized in hedge funds and currency speculation. Soros is absolutely ruthless, amoral, and clever in his business dealings, and quickly made his fortune. By the 1980s he was well on his way to becoming the global powerhouse that he is today.
In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for "The American Thinker" she says, "Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight."
In 1994 Soros crowed in "The New Republic," that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire." The Russia-gate scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be "one of the greatest social robberies in human history. "The "Soros Empire" indeed.
In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia. At the time, Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad, called Soros "a villain, and a moron." Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people."
The website Greek National Pride reports, "Soros was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia, Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma]. Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros' role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain. He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality."
France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros, for felony insider trading. Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars. Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for "illegal market manipulation." Elizabeth Crum writes that the Hungarian economy has been in a state of transition as the country seeks to become more financially stable and westernized. Soros deliberately driving down the share price of its largest bank put Hungary's economy into a wicked tailspin, one from which it is still trying to recover.
My point here is that Soros is a planetary parasite. His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach. But what about America? Soros told Australia's national newspaper "The Australian." "America, as the center of the globalised financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. "The game is out," he said, adding that the time has come for "a very serious adjustment" in American's consumption habits. He implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about."
Soros: "World financial crisis was "stimulating" and "in a way, the culmination of my life's work."
Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil, in order to give them a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama's largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Petrobras).
Tait Trussel writes, "The Petrobras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil, but it is a bad deal for the U.S. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U S could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence."
A blog you might want to keep an eye on is<> . Their mission: "This blog is dedicated to all who have suffered due to the ruthless financial pursuits of George Soros. Your stories are many and varied, but the theme is the same: the destructive power of greed without conscience. We pledge to tirelessly watch Soros wherever he goes and to print the truth in the hope that he will one day be made to stop preying upon the world's poor, that justice will be served."
Back to America. Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago, news sources reported that "Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous. In 1997 Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, "Soros uses his philanthropy to change or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people". His "open society" is not about freedom; it is about license. His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of a PROGRESSIVE ideology of rights and entitlements.
Perhaps the most important of these "whistle blowers" are David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Their book, "The Shadow Party", outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel. Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration.
Discover The <> (another good source) writes, "By his [Soros'] own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country for "regime change," he begins by creating a shadow government, a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises. The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup."
November 2008 edition of the German magazine, "Der Spiegel," in which Soros gives his opinion on what the next POTUS (President of the U. S.) should do after taking office. "I think we need a large stimulus package." Soros thought that around 600 billion would be about right. Soros also said that "I think Obama presents us a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights."
Although Soros doesn't (yet) own the Republican Party, like he does the Democrats, make no mistake, his tentacles are spread throughout the Republican Party as well.
Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by "The Baltimore Chronicle's" Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlyle Group is run by "a veritable who's who of former Republican leaders," from CIA man, Frank Carlucci, to CIA head and ex-President George Bush, Sr.
In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stomping grounds. When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time. In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 (that’s Five Billion) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and wins for many other Alinsky trained Radical Rules Anti-American Socialist. George has been contributing a billion plus to the DNC since Clinton came on the scene.
Soros has dirtied both sides of the aisle, trust me. And if that weren't bad enough, he has long held connections with the CIA. And I mustn't forget to mention Soros' involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e.g. he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to. In short, George Soros controls or influences most of the MSM. Little wonder they ignore the TEA PARTY, Soros' NEMESIS.
As Matthew Vadum writes, "The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives."
Richard Poe writes, "Soros' private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America's traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering."
Some of the many NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) that Soros funds with his billions are:<> , the Apollo Alliance, Media Matters for America, the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America), La Raza, and many more. For a more complete list, with brief descriptions of the NGOs, go <> .
Poe continues, "Through his global web of Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia."
Without Soros' money, would the Saul Alinsky's Chicago machine still be rolling? Would SEIU, ACORN, and La Raza still be pursuing their nefarious activities? Would big money and lobbyists still be corrupting government? Would our college campuses still be retirement homes for 1960s radicals?
America stands at the brink of an abyss, and that fact is directly attributable to Soros. Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America and his puppet, Barack Obama is leading the way.
The words of Patrick Henry are apropos: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" --------------
Above information researched by CBS Steve Kroft
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson
If you have read this to the end, and you are a true patriotic American, then you will not have a problem forwarding this to everyone on your
Steve Kroft is an American journalist and a longtime correspondent for "60 Minutes".
His investigative reporting has garnered him much acclaim, including three Peabody Awards and nine Emmy awards, one of which was an Emmy for Lifetime Achievement.
You can understand what is happening to our America (and the free world)after reading this.
FROM STEVE KROFT ("60 Minutes")
Glen Beck has been developing material to show all the ties that Soros has through the nation and world along with his goals. This article is written by Steve Kroft from "60 Minutes". It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and his behavior in leading the nation along with many members of Congress (in particular the Democrats, such as the election of Pelosi as the minority leader in Congress).
If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is "selective" in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible. He controls President Obama's every move. Think this is absurd? Invest a few minutes and read this. You won't regret it.
Who is Obama? Obama is a puppet and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings. It’s not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world. After reading this and Obama's reluctance to accept help on the oil spill you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the U.S.? "In history, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet someone planned it."~Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who Is George Soros? He brought the market down in 2 days. Here is what CBS' Mr. Steve Kroft's research has turned up. It's a bit of a read, and it took 4 months to put it together. "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States of America." ~ George Soros"
George Soros is an evil man. He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good." He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.
György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity. The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.
When Hitler's henchman, Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.
Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "the best year of his life." 70% of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect". During an interview with "Sixty Minute's" Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his "best year."
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.
In his article, Muravchik describes how Soros has admitted to having carried some rather "potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble." Be that as it may. After WWII, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he fell under the thrall of fellow atheist and Hungarian, Karl Popper, one of his professors. Popper was a mentor to Soros until Popper's death in 1994. Two of Popper's most influential teachings concerned "the open society," and Fallibilism.
Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. (Then again, I could be wrong about that.) The "open society" basically refers to a "test and evaluate" approach to social engineering. Regarding "open society" Roy Childs writes, "Since the Second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Popper's advice about piecemeal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess."
In 1956 Soros moved to New York City, where he worked on Wall Street, and started amassing his fortune. He specialized in hedge funds and currency speculation. Soros is absolutely ruthless, amoral, and clever in his business dealings, and quickly made his fortune. By the 1980s he was well on his way to becoming the global powerhouse that he is today.
In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for "The American Thinker" she says, "Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight."
In 1994 Soros crowed in "The New Republic," that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire." The Russia-gate scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be "one of the greatest social robberies in human history. "The "Soros Empire" indeed.
In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia. At the time, Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad, called Soros "a villain, and a moron." Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people."
The website Greek National Pride reports, "Soros was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia, Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma]. Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros' role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain. He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality."
France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros, for felony insider trading. Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars. Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for "illegal market manipulation." Elizabeth Crum writes that the Hungarian economy has been in a state of transition as the country seeks to become more financially stable and westernized. Soros deliberately driving down the share price of its largest bank put Hungary's economy into a wicked tailspin, one from which it is still trying to recover.
My point here is that Soros is a planetary parasite. His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach. But what about America? Soros told Australia's national newspaper "The Australian." "America, as the center of the globalised financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. "The game is out," he said, adding that the time has come for "a very serious adjustment" in American's consumption habits. He implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about."
Soros: "World financial crisis was "stimulating" and "in a way, the culmination of my life's work."
Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil, in order to give them a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama's largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Petrobras).
Tait Trussel writes, "The Petrobras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil, but it is a bad deal for the U.S. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U S could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence."
A blog you might want to keep an eye on is<> . Their mission: "This blog is dedicated to all who have suffered due to the ruthless financial pursuits of George Soros. Your stories are many and varied, but the theme is the same: the destructive power of greed without conscience. We pledge to tirelessly watch Soros wherever he goes and to print the truth in the hope that he will one day be made to stop preying upon the world's poor, that justice will be served."
Back to America. Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago, news sources reported that "Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous. In 1997 Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, "Soros uses his philanthropy to change or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people". His "open society" is not about freedom; it is about license. His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of a PROGRESSIVE ideology of rights and entitlements.
Perhaps the most important of these "whistle blowers" are David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Their book, "The Shadow Party", outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel. Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration.
Discover The <> (another good source) writes, "By his [Soros'] own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country for "regime change," he begins by creating a shadow government, a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises. The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup."
November 2008 edition of the German magazine, "Der Spiegel," in which Soros gives his opinion on what the next POTUS (President of the U. S.) should do after taking office. "I think we need a large stimulus package." Soros thought that around 600 billion would be about right. Soros also said that "I think Obama presents us a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights."
Although Soros doesn't (yet) own the Republican Party, like he does the Democrats, make no mistake, his tentacles are spread throughout the Republican Party as well.
Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by "The Baltimore Chronicle's" Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlyle Group is run by "a veritable who's who of former Republican leaders," from CIA man, Frank Carlucci, to CIA head and ex-President George Bush, Sr.
In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stomping grounds. When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time. In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 (that’s Five Billion) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and wins for many other Alinsky trained Radical Rules Anti-American Socialist. George has been contributing a billion plus to the DNC since Clinton came on the scene.
Soros has dirtied both sides of the aisle, trust me. And if that weren't bad enough, he has long held connections with the CIA. And I mustn't forget to mention Soros' involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e.g. he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to. In short, George Soros controls or influences most of the MSM. Little wonder they ignore the TEA PARTY, Soros' NEMESIS.
As Matthew Vadum writes, "The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives."
Richard Poe writes, "Soros' private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America's traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering."
Some of the many NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) that Soros funds with his billions are:<> , the Apollo Alliance, Media Matters for America, the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America), La Raza, and many more. For a more complete list, with brief descriptions of the NGOs, go <> .
Poe continues, "Through his global web of Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia."
Without Soros' money, would the Saul Alinsky's Chicago machine still be rolling? Would SEIU, ACORN, and La Raza still be pursuing their nefarious activities? Would big money and lobbyists still be corrupting government? Would our college campuses still be retirement homes for 1960s radicals?
America stands at the brink of an abyss, and that fact is directly attributable to Soros. Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America and his puppet, Barack Obama is leading the way.
The words of Patrick Henry are apropos: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" --------------
Above information researched by CBS Steve Kroft
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson
If you have read this to the end, and you are a true patriotic American, then you will not have a problem forwarding this to everyone on your
40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama
about Islam and Christianity
Joshua Riddle
February 25, 2015 9:49 pm
February 25, 2015 9:49 pm
This is a great list highlighting how radical President
Obama The Community Organizer is when it comes to Islam and
Christianity. Click on the # to see the source.
Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam and Mohammed
#1 “The
future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2 “The
sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
#3 “We will
convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over
the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
#6 “Islam
has always been part of America”
#8 “These
rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in
advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#9 “America
and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they
overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the
dignity of all human beings.”
#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never
will be – at war with Islam.”
#11 “Islam
is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important
part of promoting peace.”
#12 “So I
have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was
first revealed”
#13 “In
ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront
of innovation and education.”
#14 “Throughout
history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of
religious tolerance and racial equality.”
#16 “The
Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we
have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”
#17 “I look
forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House
later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#18 “We’ve
seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory
workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim
innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped
unlock the secrets of our universe.”
#19 “That
experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and
Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t.
And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States
to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part
of America’s story.”
By Barack Obama About Christianity and the Bible
#1 “Whatever
we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”
#2 “We do not consider ourselves a Christian
#3 “Which
passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with
Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an
abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your
child if he strays from the faith?”
#4 “Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make
distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten
Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian
faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to
accommodate modern life.”
#5 “The
American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of
Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage
nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious
leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they
should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”
#6 From
Obama’s book, The
Audacity of Hope: “I am not willing to have the state deny American
citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as
hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they
love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that
considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than
the Sermon on the Mount.”
#7 Obama’s
response when asked what his definition of sin is: “Being out of alignment with
my values.”
#8 “If all
it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my
sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to
church, would they.”
#9 “This is
something that I’m sure I’d have serious debates with my fellow Christians
about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including
Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and
prostelytize. There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that
people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.”
#10 “I find it hard to believe that my God would
consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God
would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the
Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of
my religious makeup.”
#11 “I don’t
presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly
that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the
aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.”
#12 “I’ve
said this before, and I know this raises questions in the minds of some
evangelicals. I do not believe that my mother, who never formally embraced
Christianity as far as I know … I do not believe she went to hell.”
#13 “Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to
explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of
all faiths.”
#14 On his support for civil unions for gay couples: “If people
find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on
the Mount.”
#15 “You got
into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the
Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them.
And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration,
and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are
gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get
bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like
them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain
their frustrations.”
#16 “In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the
Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African
#17 “On
Easter or Christmas Day, my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged
me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine,
and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.”
#18 “We have
Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to
grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own”
#19 “All of
us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and
Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of
the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when
Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and
a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as
in the story of Isra— (applause) — as in the story of Isra, when Moses,
Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer. (Applause.)”
Radical Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Paris/ Ted Cruz "Conservative
Courageous" Rally in Orlando
Nov 14 (2 days ago)
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VOTE TED CRUZ Willy Guardiola
Christian on a Mission
Courageous Christian
Dear Bold Friends of the Faith and Fellow
Hope all is well with
you as we are all in shock while mourning the lives of those innocent victims
of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris last night. Over 140 lost their
lives in these gutless attacks. Over 80 are in critical condition in the nearby
hospitals. The deadliest terror attacks in Europe in the past 10 years. My
heart and prayers go out to our oldest allies and friends from France. Beyond
surreal...but, then again, we all knew it was coming...Everybody knew it was
coming. Stevie Wonder knew it was coming. So did Andreas Bocelli. Just a matter
of time. But, it takes a bloody attack like this to finally wake up all the
countries of the world that Radical Islam is alive and well and will be on the
rise if we do not address this serious threat today! Enough talk, folks! These
terrorists are out to destroy the Western World - and the last time I looked at
the world globe - that includes the United States of America!
Wake up, Barack Obama! Wake up John Kerry! Get a life, Hillary Clinton!!
And, if our own President of the United States does not get his
act together and admit that we are indeed, at war against Radical Islam,
those same attacks will be coming to a theater near you - but it, won't come in
the form of "make-belief", R-rated Horror movie - but, rather, in a
real-life atrocity. Paris saw it play out first-hand last night, as we
activists & Ted Cruz supporters heard all about it when we boarded the
Galaxy bus at the Ted Cruz rally to head back home at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from
Orlando...Cruz had just warned us about the radical jihadists...
And, as I write this piece - guess who is speaking on Fox News right now
about this horrific terrorist attack? You guessed it -TED CRUZ. He gets it. He spoke about the threats of terrorism and Radical Islamic Terrorists -
a term that Obama refuses to utter - at the enthusiastic rally yesterday. And,
it is the out-of-touch Obama who wants to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees
to this country. Like pouring more gas on an out-of-control fire. Obama refuses
to admit that "we are at
war against these terrorists" and
tries to downplay any Islamic attack that takes place. Gutless. Clueless. And,
our favorite former Madam Secretary,Hillary
Clinton is in the same
boat, sinking helplessly. What the hell is she going to say about Radical
Islamic Terrorists in the 3-person Democratic debate tonight? Just like Obama,
the former Secretary of State has no clue what is going on around the world as
the 4 years that she "wasted" as the Secretary, is now proving to the
world that these two clowns set the stage for what we are seeing today. Obama
and Clinton should be held responsible for the success of Al Qaeda and the rise
of Isis. Period...
But, Ted Cruz gets it. He knows exactly what is taking place in the
Middle East today. I wish you could have heard his fiery Immigration speech
yesterday at Faith Assembly of GOD Church in Orlando. I wish you could have
heard his comments on Fox just now. I wish he was the President of the United
States right now...
** Below is what Ted
Cruz posted right after the multiple attacks in Paris, France, where he clearly
makes it a point in saying that the United States must stand with our allies
against the barbaric philosophies and way of life (and death) of Radical
Islamic Terrorism.
And, it seem like this "J.V. Team", as Obama referred to
them a couple of years ago, has not only stepped up to become a Varsity team -
but, it is now playing in the Big Leagues - the MLB (as in, Muslims Love Barack) - as it is truly Barack Obama
who has allowed this all to take place, still saying that "Islam is a religion of
peace". Friends, he may be right in most occasions as not all Muslims
are bad. I am not saying they are - but, it's the radical ones who we are
seeing attacking us all around the globe that need to be stopped! Had Obama
taken care of business a few years ago during the "Arab Spring" and
meant it when he "drew that red line in the sand" - we would not be
seeing all of this carnage, killing, crucifixions, be-headings and persecutions
of innocent people all around the world - mainly our beloved Christian brothers
and sisters. And, decimating our beloved military like he has and prematurely
pulling out our troops from dangerous places in the Middle East that still need
us today, is the perfect concoction for disaster. Until the ever-stubborn and
overly-prideful Obama decides to finally put "boots on the ground",
arm the Kurds and go all-out with an air attack and get rid of their safe
havens - Isis and other Radical Islamic Terrorists will continue to grow and we
will see more jihad and terrorist attacks in the western parts of the world.
They are just getting started...
even the Vatican in Rome has chimed in...That tells you something...Unlike
Obama, Pope Francis knows that we are at war with these Radical Islamic
Terrorists and acknowledges that there is absolutely nothing wrong with
breaking the 5th Commandment in ridding the world of these ruthless
murderers...The pope referred to the war on terror as a "Third World
without further adieu (which is a French word for "farewell"
- and something we have to turn into a reality with these
Radical Islamic Terrorists), please watch and read the video and articles
below. This first video is the Ted Cruz speech at his "Courageous Conservative"
Rally in Orlando yesterday afternoon. Please take the time to watch it. Very
impressive as Cruz elaborates on his take on Illegal Immigration and the
threats it brings to this country and other parts of the world. He warned us of
an attack just like took place in Paris last night...
** NOTE: Several of the activists & Ted Cruz supporters who
came with us on the bus to the rally, got up close to Ted, took photos with
him, had their books signed and came out in this video. I ran into quite a
few activists who have been on my e-mail list for years, as I finally got to
meet them in person. I was able to say hello to Ted Cruz and his wife, Heidi -
and gave them each one of my Christian on a Mission pens.
Be on the look-out for Ted Cruz to come out in the next Republican Presidential
debate, using my popular C.O.M. pen to take notes and talk about Pro-Life and
Common Core...LOL!!!
** Also, at the Ted Cruz rally at the Faith
Assembly of GOD Church in Orlando yesterday, Cruz unveiled his"Comprehensive Immigration Plan",
which no other Presidential candidate has even come close to showing anything
like it. The outspoken and often outlandish Donald Trump, has continually
bragged about building a "huge wall" on our borders to keep the
Mexicans out - claiming that he will have the Mexicans pay for it. Not sure how
realistic that is.
the other hand, Ted Cruz spoke about the "wall" that he will be
building as well. It's a more realistic approach and, no - the Mexicans will
NOT be paying for it. He is all about "securing the borders", being
compassionate and fair with those who are trying to come into this country
legally, and made it loud and clear that Amnesty will only lead to more complex
problems in this country.
He elaborated on the
problems of granting Amnesty to illegal immigrants and "Ties Amnesty for
Undocumented Immigrants to Nuclear Weapons in Iran"...Click on link
Ted Cruz Ties ' Amnesty' For Undocumented...
Nov 12, 2015 · Republican presidential
candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) isn't going
stand for
opponent Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) painting him as moderate on ...
Confirmed: Paris Terrorists Entered Europe
as Refugees
The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen
who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris was registered as a refugee in
several European countries last month, authorities said.
man, identified by Serbian authorities only by his initials A.A., came into
Europe through the Greek island of Leros, where he was processed on Oct. 3,
Greek officials said on Saturday. He was among 70 refugees who arrived on a
small vessel from Turkey.
authorities said on Sunday the same man had been registered at a border
crossing from Macedonia into Serbia a few days later.
information is significant because if one or more of the Paris gunmen turned
out to have come into Europe among refugees and migrants fleeing war-torn
countries, this could change the political debate about accepting refugees.
of the suspected terrorists, A.A., who is of interest to the French security
agencies, was registered on the Presevo border crossing on October 7 this year,
where he formally sought asylum," the Serbian interior ministry said in a
have confirmed that his details match those of the person who on October 3 was
identified in Greece. There was no Interpol warrant issued against this
spokeswoman for the Croatian interior ministry said the man was registered in
the country's Opatovac refugee camp on Oct. 8 and from there he crossed into
Hungary and then Austria.
was no (police) record about him at the time of registration and there was no
reason for us to stop him in any way," she said.
Interior Ministry spokesman Karl-Heinz Grundboeck said however the assertion
that the suspect attacker had passed through Austria had "no concrete
to the latest information available, that is no more than conjecture and
speculation," he said.
identity documents and fingerprint records would have to be matched with the
remains of the attackers to establish whether they passed through various
countries posing as refugees, or perhaps bought or stole passports along the
government sources said a second suspect attacker was also likely to have
passed through Greece.
the Paris bloodshed, populist leaders around Europe have rushed to demand a
halt to an influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
Poland said it could not accept migrants under EU quotas without security
Rights Watch's Emergency Director Peter Bouckaert said on Twitter the Syrian
passport found may have been fake, adding such fake documents are widely
available for sale in Turkey.
answer to the Paris attacks and the possibility that one of the attackers came
by rubber dinghy to Greece... is not to shut the door on those desperately
fleeing war," he said, calling for Europe to put in place a coherent
asylum policy that would both help those on need and address security concerns
raised by uncontrolled flows.
fleeing war need refuge. And trying to build fences and stopping them at sea
only drives them deeper into the hands of criminal gangs, and drives them
underground where there is no control over who comes and goes."
Police questioned on Sunday the relatives of one of the suicide attackers who brought carnage to Paris on Friday, with France denouncing the strikes as an act of war and vowing to destroy the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
Police questioned on Sunday the relatives of one of the suicide attackers who brought carnage to Paris on Friday, with France denouncing the strikes as an act of war and vowing to destroy the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters that three jihadist cells staged
co-ordinated hits at bars, a concert hall and soccer stadium killing 129 people
and injuring 352, including 99 who were in a serious condition.
and theatres remained shuttered in Paris for a second day on Sunday, with
hundreds of soldiers and police patrolling the streets and metro stations after
French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency.
gunmen, all of whom were wearing suicide vests packed with explosives, died in
the multiple assaults. The first to be identified was named as Ismael Omar
Mostefai, a 29-year-old who lived in the city of Chartres, southwest of Paris.
media said he was French-born and of Algerian descent. Molins said the man had
a security file for Islamist radicalisation, adding that he had a criminal
record but had never spent time in jail.
judicial source said Mostefai's father and brother had been taken in for
questioning, along with other people believed to be close to him.
source said police had found a car in a suburb east of Paris that was believed
to have been used in the assault, suggesting that at least one of the attackers
had escaped.
said the slaughter - claimed by Islamic State as revenge for French military
action in Syria and Iraq - appeared to involve a multinational team with links
to the Middle East, Belgium and possibly Germany as well as home-grown French
officials said one and perhaps two of the assailants had passed through Greece
in October from Turkey alongside Syrian refugees fleeing violence in their
are at war. We have been hit by an act of war, organised methodically by a
terrorist, jihadist army," Prime Minister Manuel Valls told TF1 television
on Saturday night.
we are at war we will take exceptional measures. We will act and we will hit
them. We will hit this enemy to destroy them, obviously in France and Europe
... but also in Syria and Iraq," he said. "We will win."
was the first European state to join U.S. air strikes against Islamic State
targets in Iraq in September 2014, while a year later it extended its air
strikes to Syria.
It had
already scheduled to send an aircraft carrier to the region later this month.
names of the first victims have started to filter out on social media, many of
them young people who were out enjoying themselves on a Friday night. The dead
included one U.S. citizen, one Swede, one Briton, two Belgians, two Romanians
and two Mexicans, their governments said.
In the
worst carnage, three gunmen systematically killed at least 89 people at a rock
concert by an American band at the Bataclan theatre before detonating explosive
belts as anti-terrorist commandos launched an assault.
It was
the deadliest attack in France since World War Two and the worst such assault
in Europe since the Madrid train bombings of 2004, in which Islamists killed
191 people.
an unnamed senior official, Israeli television said Israel's spy services saw a
"clear operational link" between the Paris mayhem, suicide bombings
in Beirut on Thursday, which killed 43, and the Oct. 31 downing of a Russian
airliner in the Egyptian Sinai, where 224 people died.
had been on high alert since Islamist gunmen attacked the satirical weekly
Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in January, killing 18 people.
attacks briefly united France in defence of freedom of speech, with a mass
demonstration of more than a million people. But that unity has since broken
down, with far-right populist Marine Le Pen gaining on both mainstream parties
by blaming France's security problems on immigration and Islam.
confirmed, the infiltration of militants into the flow of refugees to carry out
attacks in Europe could have far-reaching political consequences.
attacks fuelled a debate raging in Europe about how to handle the influx of
hundreds of thousands of refugees and other migrants propelled by civil war in
Syria, Iraq and Libya.
© 2015
Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.
Read Latest Breaking News from
Read Latest Breaking News from
BREAKING! First 10,000
Syrian Refugees Arrive In LA: Estimated Cost To Taxpayers For Family Of Four Is
WAKE UP AMERICA! “Muslim terrorists,”
“refugees hand-selected by UN” or “foreign citizens who are unwilling to
assimilate with American culture, laws and values” doesn’t appear anywhere in
the quote by Emma Lazarus that is mounted on our Statue of Liberty:
me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
the Hayride broke
the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton
Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are
already coming into the New Orleans area.
Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of
Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee
families already and are expecting many more.
are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the
10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes
Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:
US Refugee Public Affiliate
The 10,000 Syrian refugees are first flown to the United States, according to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, with the State Department paying the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the airfare.
The 10,000 Syrian refugees are first flown to the United States, according to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, with the State Department paying the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the airfare.
once the refugees arrive in the country, they could be dispersed across the 180
cities listed above, where they are to aided within the first 30 to 90 days in
settling and finding employment in the area.
approximately 90 days, refugees are no longer eligible for the State
Department-funded support that they were receiving through migrant and refugee
services. However, they are able to join support programs through the
Department of Health and Human Services.
it is unclear how much the screening process for the 10,000 Syrian refugees
will cost American taxpayers.
the narrative by the national media tends to be one where immigrants and
migrants are portrayed as coming to America and not taking any sort of federal
government help. In our research, we found that to be the biggest fallacy of
all when it comes to the immigration and migrant issue.
a report by the Congressional Office of Refugee Resettlement, nearly 92 percent
of refugees in the country were on food stamps between 2008-2013. Additionally,
73 percent of refugees were on Medicaid, 68 percent were receiving some kind of
cash welfare almost 20 percent were in public housing.
Americans continue to debate what to do about the humanitarian crisis in the
Middle East, this analysis attempts to estimate the costs of resettling
refugees from that region in the United States. Although we do not consider all
costs, our best estimate is that in their first five years in the United States
each refugee from the Middle East costs taxpayers $64,370 — 12 times what the
UN estimates it costs to care for one refugee in neighboring Middle Eastern
cost of resettlement includes heavy welfare use by Middle Eastern refugees; 91
percent receive food stamps and 68 percent receive cash assistance. Costs also
include processing refugees, assistance given to new refugees, and aid to
refugee-receiving communities. Given the high costs of resettling refugees in
the United States, providing for them in neighboring countries in the Middle
East may be a more cost-effective way to help them. Via: The Hayride
average, each Middle Eastern refugee resettled in the United States costs an
estimated $64,370 in the first five years, or $257,481 per household.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has requested $1,057 to care for each
Syrian refugee annually in most countries neighboring Syria.
what it costs to resettle one Middle Eastern refugee in the United States for
five years, about 12 refugees can be helped in the Middle East for five years,
or 61 refugees can be helped for one year.
reports a gap of $2.5 billion in funding that it needs to care for approximately
four million Syrians in neighboring countries.
five-year cost of resettling about 39,000 Syrian refugees in the United States
is enough to erase the current UNHCR funding gap.
five-year costs of resettlement in the United States include $9,230 spent by
the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within HHS and the Bureau of
Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) within the State Department in the
first year, as well as $55,139 in expenditures on welfare and education.
heavy use of welfare programs by Middle Eastern refugees, and the fact that
they have only 10.5 years of education on average, makes it likely that it will
be many years, if ever, before this population will cease to be a net fiscal
drain on public coffers — using more in public services than they pay in taxes.
is worth adding that ORR often reports that most refugees are self-sufficient
within five years. However, ORR defines “self-sufficiency” as not receiving
cash welfare. A household is still considered “self-sufficient” even if it is
using any number of non-cash programs such as food stamps, public housing, or
are admitted for humanitarian reasons, not because they are supposed to be
self-sufficient, so the drain on public coffers that Middle Eastern refugees
create is expected. However, given limited resources, the high cost of
resettlement in the United States means careful consideration should be given
to alternatives to resettlement if the goal is the help as many people
Google any part of this and see what
you get?
por Esteban Fernández
Todo se inició
con un malintencionado comentario a principios del exilio cubano cuando
comenzaron a llegar los
cubanos de la
Isla que decía: “Tengan mucho cuidado con el recién contratado janitor cubano
porque dentro de poco
será el
presidente de la compañía”.
Y también
trataban de mofarse diciendo que “Un perrito cubano se juntó con un perrito
puertorriqueño y el
le dijo al cubano: “¡Qué bueno que me encontré con un perrito sato igual que
yo!” Y el perrito
cubano le
respondió: “Bueno, quizás tú me consideras un perro callejero aquí pero en Cuba
yo era Pastor Alemán”.
Sí, hubo mucha
coña y pujos contra nosotros pero cinco años después
aquel perrito habanero estaba en Hialeah
viviendo mejor
que “Lassie” y el conserje cubano era el C.E.O. de la empresa.
¿Eran chistes,
eran sarcasmos o eran los primeros síntomas de la envidia que se abalanzaría
contra nosotros al
paso de los años? Y
ese es el motivo principal de que bloquearan y les pusieran zancadillas a los
artistas y
cubanos en la televisión de habla hispana. De ahí provenían la sorna anticubana
de “Don Francisco” y
el terror de “El
Gordo y la Flaca” de darse a conocer como cubanos.
Para ponerles un
solo ejemplo entre cientos: Efrén Besanilla era superior a todos
los comentaristas radiales del
área, sin
embargo nunca los envidiosos le dieron el espacio que él merecía.
Lo que pasaba -y
sigue pasando- simplemente era que la mayoría de las inmigraciones en este país
está compuesta en un 90 ciento de personas humildes, de trabajadores del campo,
de obreros de la construcción y los que llegaban de la Isla eran los
más brillantes de sus hijos.
muchísimos extranjeros hablaban mal -y siguen hablando- de los
Estados Unidos, se quejan de discriminación y de abusos cometidos por “La
migra”, los cubanos jamás se unieron a ese coro de
protestantes y
críticos. Al contrario, nosotros constantemente lanzamos a los cuatro vientos y
proclamamos lo agradecidos que estamos por refugio que nos brinda
esta gran nación.
Porque Fidel
Castro, digámoslo de una vez y por todas, le quitó todo a los
cubanos -y eso nosotros se lo hemos inculcado a nuestros hijos- les incautó
negocios, pulverizó las fortunas hechas con muchos sacrificios, se robó a la
nación y los obligó a salir con tres mudas de ropa, pero no pudo
quitarles los estudios realizados ni sus mentes privilegiadas.
Con tremenda
moral, sin bajar la cabeza, y sin quejarse podíamos ver a abogados,
médicos, dentistas,
hacendados, y
hasta miembros del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Cuba, lavando platos en
hoteles de Miami Beach.
Yo me fui de
Miami, estuve en New York, en el Ejército y en el “Jure”, y después
de haber vivido varios años en California regresé de vacaciones a Florida y a
las dos horas de estar allí me quedé frío y admirado del progreso de mis
Me pareció como
que Miami era una Cuba nueva, o mejor dicho una preciosa copia de la Cuba
próspera De ayer con banderas cubanas en cada esquina, con alcaldes
cubanos, con dueños de bancos cubanos, con policías y empresarios cubanos y
miles de florecientes negocios cubanos. Y mientras yo me sentí el
más orgulloso de los seres humanos había muchísima gente que resentía el éxito
de la generación más formidable que ha dado mi país. ¡Qué emoción fue notar que
los que triunfaron en nuestra nación de nuevo salieron adelante en el
Pero, no todos
compartían mi euforia.
Uno de los días
más felices de mi vida fue cuando uno de esos resentidos entrevistadores -con
toda la mala leche del mundo- le preguntó en la televisión a un
distinguido comerciante cubano: “¿Es verdad que ustedes los cubanos se creen
superiores al resto de los latinoamericanos?” Yo pensé que el cubano se iba a
acomplejar pero levantó la vista, se sonrió y respondió: “¡Oh, y eso no es
Y ahora sí que
le estamos poniendo la tapa al pomo ¿ustedes no han visto los debates
Republicanos? A la legua se puede ver que los dos pichones de cubanos son mil
veces superiores al resto de los aspirantes del Partido del elefante.
Si ustedes creen
que existe envidia contra nosotros -ayer y hoy- imagínense como será la movida
el día en que estos dos brillantes compatriotas -sin el voto de los envidiosos,
desde luego- barran en las elecciones a doña Hillary Clinton y tengamos a
Marco de Presidente y Cruz de Vice. Qué lástima que no esté vivo Guillermo
Álvarez Guedes para que el día de la toma de posesión simplemente se pare con
alegría ante los micrófonos y grite:
ahora si llegamos!”
An Act of War and essay on the Paris attacks By Juan A. Vega Ortiz
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Note: Juan Antonio is a friend of mine from my youth;
we went to school together in Cuba, Havana Military Academy (HMA), I have his
consent to publish this and even thou some friends may find it not “political
correct” I think is time we affirm the truth about radical Muslims. (our
beloved President find it difficult to call this terrorism) is a good essay at
a time of sorrow and shock with the terrorist attacks in Paris, the capital of
Miami, Saturday November 14, 2015
after the Paris’ attacks the French President, a socialist, declared
unequivocally that the massacre was an act of war perpetrated by Islamic
jihadist terrorists and France would retaliate with force and without mercy
to anyone that was responsible for this attack on Western values and
traditions of the nations that cherish individual freedoms.
contrast our president (no capital letter because of our diminished
leadership), Barack Hussein Obama gave a tepid response about terror not being
tolerated but no condemnation or identification of the fact
that this Act of War was perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.
morning, our secretary of state, John Kerry expanded on the pablum that Obama
gave the night before. Kerry spoke of the search for a political solution even
alluding to a January 1st, 2016 deadline to form the working group
with the objective of having election in Syria in eighteen months with a
political solution developed by the Syrian people. This is shades of the
Iranian deal and including all of the perpetrators and promoters of terrorism
with Russia and Iran having a leading role.
Pardon my
offensive language but real ire calls for a paraphrase of Winston Churchill: Never in the history of mankind have so few fed so much bullshit to so
Many in
the main stream media started their reporting asking “Why did they attack?”.
Why the French?
ignorance of history and not listening to our enemies mask the real issues. The
ISIS spokesmen said it was to punish the French licentious way of life but also
there was no mention that recently France deployed an aircraft carrier to be
used to attack ISIS and France was the colonial power that controlled Syria for
We now
face a presidential election and the leader of the Democratic field is none
other than the former Secretary of State that gave the now forgotten reset
button to her Russian counterpart and she lied about the events in Benghazi and
started the fires in the Middle East under the leading from behind the neutered
leadership of the Obama administration. If this woman, Hillary Clinton
gets into the White House with assistants such as Huma Abedin, an Arab
Palestinian and the Muslim terrorism gets worse and Israel is threatened,
who will whisper in her ear?
reference to the Paris massacre Marco Rubio was asked two questions and his
answer should be the universal GOP position of whoever gets the nod to lead.
Question one: What would you do to eliminate this threat after Obama’s claim
that ISIS has being “geographically contained”? His answer was, containment is
a fallacy –they must be destroyed so no follower can believe they will win. The
second question was: Would you include Russia’s Putin in any possible search
for a solution? His reply was simple: Putin’s interests are not aligned with
ours since the lack of involvement by us in the last seven years has given Putin
a backdoor entry in an area where they had been isolated from for the last
thirty years.
No one
wants to see war; no one wants a protracted war killing and maiming our youth.
However, the alternative is to live in fear and for some to submit to a medieval
religion that values nothing but a bound roll of toilet paper called the Koran.
correctness (PC) is been used to disarm our moral and cultural values and
threaten western civilization with total destruction.
will have to judge Obama not for being the first African American president but
for being responsible for weakening the very foundations of western
civilization. We can come back but there is a need for the silent majority to
stand up a call a spade a spade. Terrorists of any kind have forfeited their
right for participation in any political discourse. They did so when the
first acts occurred. People seem to forget that some of these acts started in
Cuba with the revolution of the Castro criminal machine and the training camps
that trained the first PLO fighters in Cuba.
terrorism runs the gamut from the suppression of free speech in colleges and
universities to the massacre in Paris.
Liberty from fear, terror and oppression are as
essential as the air we breathe. Terrorism and PC imposed behavior are the
threat of our times just as Nazism and Communism were in the twentieth century.
Elecciones en
noviembre, 2016
Para Alcalde del Condado Miami Dade
Escriba el nombre de Lázaro R González en
el espacio de la boleta electoral en blanco
Si quiere que se acabe el relajo, el robo, el descaro, la mala
administración y que el gobierno le responda a usted y no que sea un feudo de
los políticos inescrupulosos, no permita más abusos envie nuestros mensajes a
sus amigos y conocidos.
“NO queremos Donaciones de Dinero”
Necesitamos que pase nuestros mensajes a todos
Lázaro R González, Candidato a Alcalde
del Condado Miami en la boleta en blanco.
“Que DIOS nos ilumine en este empeño”
lazarorgonzalez@gmail, 305 898 4146
>Nuestro programa de
gobierno será muy simple eliminar todos las cosas incorrectas y eliminar los
abusos contra los ciudadanos: Repararemos todas las cosas malas de este
gobierno y otros gobiernos anteriores, estupideces, derroche de dinero público malas decisiones,
favoritismo, amiguismo, prácticas nefastas. Todo esto terminara. Nuestro plan y
nuestro compromiso con ustedes es hacer un gobierno decente y funcional.
>El actual Alcalde y sus
comisionados apoya a los Tolls y las cámaras Y ahora quieren poner otras
cámaras en la parte no incorporada. A pesar que ya se sabe que los accidentes
en las esquinas donde hay cámaras han subido en un 22%) que se han apoderado de
las carreteras locales y nuestras calles explotando a los ciudadanos
ilegalmente, porque todo esto se construyó con nuestro dinero. No solo le da
apoyo al MDX sino que también quiere que lo nombren presidente del MDX. QUE
DIOS NOS COJA CONFESADOS. Si ahora los miembros del MDX tienen salarios de más
de 100,000 dólares imagínense cuando el este ahí y lleve con el a todos los
vice alcaldes y toda su ralea. Esto es
un abuso y un descaro. La historia de Giménez en eso de sacarles dinero a los
ciudadanos es un experto.
>Hace unos cuantos meses se nos pidió nada más que 30,000 millones
de dólares para reparar el sistema del alcantarillado de Miami y yo por lo
menos no he visto hacer un hueco para reparar ningún alcantarillado todavía
pero el dinero ya si está ahí sacándonos en formas de taxes adelantados para
gastarlo. ¿Qué paso donde está el dinero cuando van a empezar a hacer el nuevo
alcantarillado de oro de Miami? ¿A dónde fue a parar todo el dinero que nos
cobran por servirnos el agua y los impuestos que cobran para mantener los
nos pidieron “Los intocables de la Comision de Educacion” al el pueblo de Miami aprobó que se le dieran
Doce mil Millones de dólares para el Departamento de Educación para
reparar las escuelas. También me pregunto a donde se fue todos los millones que
recaudan de impuestos a los ciudadanos todos los años La comisión de Educación.
Yo no he visto ni siquiera una persona con una brocha pintando una escuela o
cogiendo una gotera en los techos.
no hablo nada mas de los autos de la policía que recientemente se encontraron
un edificio de parqueo con cientos o miles de carros para el condado o la
policía, supuestamente destinados a la policía, que se estaban pudriendo en un
parque porque nadie los uso. La prensa formo el escándalo y todo el mundo se
disgustó y protesto. Pero nada paso. Quién es el culpable de que esto
ocurriera. A quien despidieron? ¿A quién
han puesto en la cárcel?
Gimenes no hablo nada del el Jefe de la policía de Miami apareció muerto en su
propia casa; primero dijeron que había sido asesinado, y después entonces lo
suicidaron y de pronto la prensa no hablo más del asunto y todo el mundo se
quedó “El dinero cierra las bocas” Por
fin se suicidó o lo suicidaros. Y aquí
paz y en el cielo gloria: Sun Centinel.
Tuesday Oct. 6, 2015.
>Otro de los problemas más acuciantes es la locura del incremento de
los taxes de la propiedad. En esto hay algo que es repugnante por parte del
departamento de taxes a las propiedades de Miami, han tenido el desparpajo de
decir que los taxes no han sido aumentados. Que falta de respeto a la
inteligencia de los ciudadanos porque SI
MUCHO ESTE ANO” ALGO QUE LO HACEN TODOS LOS Años. Así que eso de decir que los
taxes no fueron aumentados, es mentira… Comparen lo
que pagan este 2015 con lo que pagaron en el 2014 y vean si les cobraran más
que el año pasado.
Yo considero que cuando usted compra una
casa. Esa casa mantine por siempre ese valor. A menos que usted le haga mejoras
o adiciones esa casa no cambia de precio. Y es asi como yo considero que deben
hacer las cosas. “Ningún aumento de taxes de la propiedad a menos que se le
hagan obras que ameriten subir su precio. >En el condado hay demasiadas personas “Trabajando” y Cobrando
muchísimos más dinero que los que normalmente ganan los ciudadanos que no
trabajan en el condado. ¿Por Qué? Porque
es muy fácil gastar el dinero de los ciudadanos que tontamente se dejan quitar
el dinero en taxes y toles por los políticos. Tenemos “5 nuevos vice alcaldes”.
Unas posiciones que nunca habían existido en el Condado Miami. Solo teníamos un
administrador y ya!!! Que invento es ese. ¿O es que los Virreyes son amigos del
alcalde y el los acomodo?
ustedes que el hijo del alcalde es uno de los CABILDEROS más influyentes en el
Condado Miami en que su papa es el alcalde. Dice un vecino mío que todo queda
en casa. Es legal que el hijo de un alcalde sea cabildero donde su papa es el
que “ordena y manda”. Es esto ilegal o legal???
crimen es altísimo en Miami, Creo es más alto que en toda la historia de Miami.
Y todos los días aumenta mucho más. Los noticieros de la televisión todos los
días llenan los espacios con noticias
“Sangrientas” de asesinatos y todos los días es así. Los casos de
tráfico de drogas son cada vez más populares y más dañinos y terribles. ¿Qué
pasa la policía está de vacaciones permanente?
El transito es un verdadero infierno en las calles y carreteras. Decenas
de accidentes son el pan nuestro de cada
día. Muertes y personas mutiladas es el saldo de todos los días. Las autopistas son sucursales de las
funerarias y los Hospitales. Las calles están más atiborradas de autos y cada
día hay más accidentes. (Nada) Dicen en
la TV que el tiempo de la luz amarilla le han quitado tiempo para poder ponerle
un ticket a los que doblan a la derecha en los semáforos y eso ha creado más
accidentes. (Un 22% mayor de accidentes)
En Hialeah
se ha terminado hace más de un año una purificadora de agua y nadie se ha
podido tomar todavía un vaso de agua porque no sirve lo que purifica. Quien
estuvo a cargo de esto, cuando van a meter a un político en la cárcel y le van
a quitar todo lo que se robó. Pero no aquí no pasa nada.
se encontró un grupos de personas que se dedicaban a recoger boletas ausentes y
luego llenarlas fraudulentamente y colocarlas en el Departamento de Elecciones
y así llenaban las posiciones de los políticos pésimos que ahora tenemos. Y las
boleteras aparecieron retratadas con el alcalde, muy sonriente todos. No hubo
ninguna boletera ni el alcalde preso.
una fuente de saqueo a los ciudadanos de Miami y de todo el estado de la
Florida que es la que es La lotería de La Florida, donde nadie sabe quién es el
que se gana el premio. Alguien me puede decir porque solamente aquí hay tres
casinos en que se juega: Los Micosuky, Los Perros y El hipódromo de Hialeah.
Porque estas tres entidades son los UNICOS que tienen derecho a expoliar a los
jugadores. Estas entidades que yo sepa no contribuyen a nada en el Condado.
Porque no se aprobó un casino ahí en donde estaba El Herald. POR QUE? Porque no
dejan que los casinos sea una empresa abierta para todos los que paguen
taxes??? Eso se llama ¡FAVORITISMO! ¡o
COBRAR La Gabela”. Nosotros podemos tener un
sistema como el de las Vegas… Miami es más, mucho mejor plaza. Podemos invitar
a La mujer del Raton Mike de Orlando, a que su esposa se bañe en tanguitas en
la playa mientras Mickey Mouse juega en un casino como los de Las Vegas y que
tengan que dejar impuestos en Miami y así disminuir los abusivos taxes del
gobierno condal de Miami. De todas maneras nos están saqueando con la Lotería
de La Florida, donde nunca se quién se la saca. Mientras que en todos los
mercados de Miami y gasolineras etc. Te venden los tickes de la Lotería
Saqueadora de los bolsillos de los trabajadores. >Nadie me puede justificar porque
aquí se cobran todos esos asfixiantes taxes, Tolls y otros cobros que son
muchísimos, tan exagerados y asfixiantes contra los ciudadanos del Condado
Miami. Porque con los miles de millones que genera el Puerto de Miami y los
otros miles de millones que genera el aeropuerto de Miami. Estos dos solos
colosos Generan dinero más que suficiente para mantener las calles de Miami
pavimentadas con Plata Mejicana. ¿En que se gasta ese dineral? Porque no se presentan en público todo el
dinero que generan estas dos entidades y en que se malgastan.
transporte de pasajeros en Miami es una porquería, las guaguas están sucias y
desvencijadas, vienen cuando les da la gana y casi siempre vienen atrasadas y
medio bacías. Porque el pueblo no las usa. PORQUE SON INEFICIENTES E
que no resuelve ningún problema. Yo propongo que se venda el sistema a quien lo
va a explotar mucho mejor que estos ineptos. Ademas toda esa GIGANTESCA NOMINA
DE TRABAJADORES DEL TRANSPORTE. Ustedes se recuerdan cuando algunos
particulares pusieron guaguas a dar servicio por donde los Miamenses
necesitaban ir y aquello se hizo muy popular. Creo que le decían “La Conchita”
Lo que pasa que como siempre el gobierno es inepto y eso tiene que cambiar.
tenemos una organización que se lama “El Children Trust” que no se puede saber
dónde van todos los dineros que le sacan a los propietarios de casas. La forma
en que esa organización despilfarra el dinero no es posible de auditar y ver
donde se usa todos los millones que les sacan en los taxes de la propiedad a
los ciudadanos. Porque no se puede auditar las finanzas del “Children Trust”
donde se despilfarra nuestro dinero. Este es otro de los canceres económicos
que padecen los contribuyentes de Miami.
tenemos el mejor lugar del MUNDO para vacacionar, playas, restaurantes, podemos
hacer casinos, cabaret’s y Parques temáticos, Tenemos los moles más bonitos y
mejor surtidos del mundo. Pero no hacemos nada porque estamos rodeados de
enanos anormales que son electos. Y el pueblo duerme el “Sueño eterno” ¿Y nadie
despierta? Parece mentira que la industria permite al gobierno manteniendo a
Miami como una aldea retrograda. Porque no se ha invitado y se les da
facilidades a las grandes corporaciones de producción de películas de Hollywood
a que vengan aquí a hacer películas y que establezcan estudios aquí. Las
Películas de playas no podrán ser mejores que aquí porque el frio del agua de
California le pone los pelos de punta a cualquiera que se meta en el agua. Aquí
el agua es calientica y las playas no puedes ser más bellas.
noticieros de la TV y Los periódicos
diariamente están llenos de cadáveres (Parecen cementerios todos los
días) porque los accidentes. La ciudad es un expendido de drogas de todos los
colores y sabores. Y la policía bien
gracias. Los Miembros de los algunos gobiernos de los diferentes municipios han
terminados en las cárceles porque son unos delincuentes, Las oficinas de los
gobiernos es una extensión de la familia de los Alcaldes y otros
funcionarios. Otros terminan en manos de
la policía porque hacen cosas locas en Motos o automóviles borrachos
conduciendo a mucha más de la velocidad permitida. Otros se dedican a robar los
bienes de los ciudadanos. Tenemos una falta de moral, decencia y legalidad.
Pudiera estar escribiendo cientos de páginas más de miserias y violaciones y
burlas a los ciudadanos por los gobernantes.
>Yo siempre he estado esperando que el
pueblo de Miami forme un “motín” como el
que ocurrió en el pequeño pueblo de Bell en California, donde el pueblo tomo la
alcandía y llevo hasta la cárcel a patadas por los fondillos a los comisionados
y al alcalde donde todavía están ahí por ladrones y descarados. El problema del despilfarro de los gastos del
gobierno condal en Miami. El 60% de los ingresos del condado se gastan en
pensiones y salarios. El alcalde actual recibirá una pensión de $150,000.
Tenemos demasiadas personas cobrando altos salarios y pensiones.
el condado casi nada funciona bien. Existen 50,000 personas que están esperando
en la lista del programa Plan 8. Varios edificios que están semi abandonados y
que se están cayendo a pedazos fabricados y carecen de estacionamientos. “Ahora
mismo hay uno en West Kendall que los construyeron pero está vacío porque
tienen que dar casi $4,000 dólares para poder vivir ahí. “El alcalde Giménez en
los últimos dos años se ha enfocado en lo que se llama “Workforce Housing” el
ha dado propiedades de Miami Dade, terrenos de Miami Dade para construir casas
que se están ofreciendo a $170 mil dólares y esas casas no se le están
vendiendo a las personas que están en listas de espera y no tiene un proceso
aprobado por el departamento de vivienda a nivel de Washington”, ahora están
hablando de gastarse más de $70 millones de dólares en el proyecto Liberty
Squere. Hay una crisis en el departamento de viviendas de Miami Dade. Actualizar
la lista de las personas que esperan por vivienda sería un buen paso para
comenzar a reparar el daño, el sistema
de computadoras que tiene el condado, señalando “que es anticuado”. “Hace
aproximadamente 6 meses el gobierno federal encontró que el departamento de
viviendas públicas de Miami Dade, había dado más de $2 millones de dólares
erróneamente a compañías que no cumplieron con el requisito federal, y que
decidió Carlos Giménez “pues Giménez decidió pagar la multa, no con el dinero
que tenemos ahora, sino con el dinero que vamos a recibir para las viviendas en
dos años”. De acuerdo con el alcalde Giménez, “en Washington no hay dinero y
que el estado no le quiere dar dinero al condado Miami Dade”.
vivir en un lugar decente, donde no malgasten su dinero ni le cobren taxes
donde el dinero no se usa para el bienestar de los ciudadanos y la
comunidad y vivir con tranquilidad y
legalidad. Yo soy la persona que quiero y lo puede hacer que eso sea una
realidad. Si ustedes me apoyan estoy dispuesto hacerlo. Los que quieren votar
por mi tendrán que hacerlo en la boleta en blanco. No habrá propaganda en TV o
periódicos ni pasquines. No recogeremos dinero para campaña, ni para nada. Lo
que podemos haremos es poner los anuncios en mi sitio Web y en mi página “En mi
opinión” Ustedes pueden copiar mis mensajes y ponerlos en sus sitio web y en
Facebook. Coméntenlo con sus amigos y familiares. Así es que le vamos a ganar a
los que no se merecen ser sus representantes en el gobierno.
Lázaro R
González Miño
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