Wisconsin… ¿Quien sabe donde esta Wisconsin? por Lázaro R González Miño
En el norteño y poco conocido estado de Wisconsin se ha librado la primera batalla no solo por descabezar un invento loco y desgraciado que se llama Obama, pero EEUU a comenzado la marcha por la reconquista de los valore americanos y el regreso de la prosperidad de los hogares americanos.
En Wisconsin se han enfrentado el bien y el mal. Se han enfrentado los conservadores contra los defensores de las prebendas de los sindicatos y sus líderes insaciables. El pueblo de Wisconsin le ha dicho NO al Recall y conservo a un buen político de la misma forma que Miami Dade le dijo SI al Recall y elimino a dos malos políticos, aunque quedan mas… pero están en remojo.
El Gobernador Scott Walker sigue siendo el gobernador de Wisconsin y los sindicatos que querían “seguir chupando de la teta de la vaca, aunque, ya le saliera sangre” salieron como “El perro que tumbo la lata” y pero para ellos aun, posiblemente Wisconsin un estado tradicionalmente Demócrata vote por segunda ves desde la época de Ronald Reagan en 1984, por un Presidente Conservador para los EEUU, Que si tiene la intención de poner la casa en orden y acabar con todos los privilegios indecentes de algunos grupos en toda la nación americana.
La aplastante derrota de los sindicatos que se gastaron el dinero a manos llenas en contra de Scott no le valió de nada. El pueblo esta cansado de promesas vacías y de burlas a los votantes.
Wisconsin se canso y nosotros también…
El Gobernador Scott con medidas económicas conservadoras, enfrentándose a los sindicatos, logrando la creación de empleos, teniendo un superávit, rebajando los gastos del gobierno ha hecho que ahora el UFO este en peligro en Wisconsin de una derrota política que lo pondrá fuera de juego, pero esto no es mas que el principio. Esta pelea por una mejor administración de los dineros del pueblo también se están llevando en otros estados tradicionalmente demócratas como en el cercano Ohio.
Cuando veas las barbas de tu vecino arder… Pon las tuyas en remojo UFO.
Obama ahora se enfrenta a un peligro que amenaza su propia existencia
en estados claves como Wisconsin, Ohio y otros en los que se está librando una
batalla similar.
Los sindicatos AFL-CIO no quieren a Norman Braman involucrado en la política local.
Fred Frost Director de la Coalición de asuntos Gubernamentales, o sea el representante de los Sindicatos que tienen este condado hundido en la desgracia, no quiere que Norman Braman siga presionado para cambiar a los inamovibles Bruno Barreiro, Audrey Edmonson, Bárbara Jordan y Dennis Moss.
Primero: Conozco al Sr. Brahman personalmente y tengo de él, el mejor concepto de que es un hombre verdaderamente interesado en el bien estar de la comunidad. Quede claro que Braman siempre se ha negado a apoyar cualquier intento de nuestra parte para resolver los problemas que creemos se deben resolver en Miami Dade. Por lo tanto no me une a el ningún lazo afectivo o de reciprocidad.Segundo: No conozco al Sr. Fred Frost, pero si el representa a los Sindicatos. Ya para mi esta en el lado equivocado de la ecuación para resolver los problemas. Los sindicatos muy lejos de resolver los problemas, en mi opinión LOS INCREMENTAN.
Tercero: La participación de Braman y de cualquier persona que desee apoyar mejoras materiales o de procedimiento en Miami Dade de buena fe, es bienvenido y apoyado por nosotros.
Cuarto: Cualquier persona que su participación sea para apoyar inmoralidades, corrupción, malos políticos, personajes mal intencionados, canallas o crápulas, etc. es rechazada terminantemente por nosotros.
Quizás yo piense diferente a los
demás porque me agradaría vivir en una ciudad donde la vida de sus habitantes
mejore de verdad sin necesidad de tener que abandonar el lugar de residencia
para lograrlo.
Me gustaría vivir en una ciudad donde
el Gobierno del Condado se preocupe por buscar soluciones para todos sus
habitantes y no solamente para los familiares y amigos de quienes tienen el
Pienso que mis aspiraciones de vivir
en una ciudad justa en la que se respeten los derechos, es posible, siempre y
cuando quienes tenemos derecho a elegir a nuestros gobernantes nos
concienticemos y analicemos los antecedentes de los aspirantes que pretendan
dirigir los destinos de nuestro Condado, sin dejarnos convencer por palabras
que se lleva el viento.
Aunque quizás los que pensamos que un
futuro mejor es posible, no somos suficientes, si nos unimos, es posible que se
dé un cambio radical que nos favorezca a todos.
Recordemos que los ciudadanos tenemos
el gobierno que merecemos. Si nos equivocamos otorgando nuestro voto por una
persona que nos endulza los oídos con palabras bonitas, pero falsas, la culpa
es nuestra por no haber escudriñado sus antecedentes y haber creído
ingenuamente en falsas promesas.
Hay una frase del gran filósofo
Anaxágoras digna de tener en cuenta: "Si me engañas una vez, la culpa es
tuya; si me engañas dos, la culpa es mía".
José M. Burgos S. burgos01@bellsouth.net
1,4 Million$ per $econd “HORROR”
Cuanta deuda le añade Obama a
EEUU cada 30 segundos Click here: http://www.westernjournalism.com/much-obama-adding-debt-every-30-seconds/
4 Billion$ every day “HORROR”
President Obama ‘The Great Destroyer?’ http://www.westernjournalism.com/president-obama-the-great-destroyer/
Senator Marco Rubio “Sign and send it to Marco and all your contacts”
U.S. Senate, 317 Hart Senate Office Building www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
Washington, DC 20510 http://MarcoRubio.com
U.S. Senate, 317 Hart Senate Office Building www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
Washington, DC 20510 http://MarcoRubio.com
Dear Senator Rubio:
If true, your plans to amnesty illegal aliens are
despicable. 20 million Americans cannot find a full-time job, but you want to
give millions of illegal aliens the right to compete against Americans for a
dwindling number of jobs. Way to stand up for jobless Americans, Senator. As a
fellow Republican, I cannot comprehend your actions.
Why are you focusing right now on an amnesty? Just because you wouldn't give the illegal aliens citizenship doesn't mean this wouldn't be an amnesty. Anything that lets illegal aliens stay in the country and work U.S. jobs is an amnesty. Is this how someone who is talked of as a possible vice presidential nominee acts?
It is particularly irresponsible to talk about an amnesty for anybody while you have done nothing to reduce the number of Green Cards given out each year to new permanent foreign workers. We have 20 million Americans who can't find a full-time job, and you are looking for a way to add hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the legal labor pool? Whom exactly do you represent?
To be honest, it looks like you are putting this amnesty together to get Hispanic votes for Republicans. Don't you understand that unemployed Hispanic Americans are hurt the most by illegal aliens getting jobs at every level? This is not what the Republican Party needs!
You need to get with the program and end your flirtation with the DREAM Act amnesty. No good can come from it.
Why are you focusing right now on an amnesty? Just because you wouldn't give the illegal aliens citizenship doesn't mean this wouldn't be an amnesty. Anything that lets illegal aliens stay in the country and work U.S. jobs is an amnesty. Is this how someone who is talked of as a possible vice presidential nominee acts?
It is particularly irresponsible to talk about an amnesty for anybody while you have done nothing to reduce the number of Green Cards given out each year to new permanent foreign workers. We have 20 million Americans who can't find a full-time job, and you are looking for a way to add hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the legal labor pool? Whom exactly do you represent?
To be honest, it looks like you are putting this amnesty together to get Hispanic votes for Republicans. Don't you understand that unemployed Hispanic Americans are hurt the most by illegal aliens getting jobs at every level? This is not what the Republican Party needs!
You need to get with the program and end your flirtation with the DREAM Act amnesty. No good can come from it.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this,
Mr. Jorge Aguiar, Lázaro R González,
P.S. I like you am a cuban american . I am also a veteran . BUT I DO NO SUPPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN ANY WAY OR FORM .
I am sorry to inform you to that I will not support any of your efforts in this area.Moreover I will fight your illegal immigration proposal.
“The birds by shooting to guns” Bill Clinton: US in ‘Recession,’ Needs Bush,Tax-Cut Extension. Tuesday, 05 Jun 2012 05:13 PM By Todd Beamon
Former President Bill Clinton said on Tuesday that the U.S. is already
in a recession and urged Congress to extend all the tax cuts set to expire at
the end of the year.
The nation’s 42nd president told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” that current economic conditions in the U.S. constituted a "recession" and said plans to cut the deficit threaten to sink the country further into debt.
"What I think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now, and then deal with what's necessary in the long term debt-reduction plans as soon as they can, which presumably would be after the election," Clinton said in a taped interview.
"They will probably have to put everything off until early next year," he added.
"That's probably the best thing to do right now. But the Republicans don't want to do that unless [President Barack Obama] agrees to extend the tax cuts permanently, including for upper-income people — and I don't think the president should do that."
But the Arkansas Democrat did say that Congress would be best off agreeing, at least for the immediate term, to extend all the tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year, including the so-called Bush tax cuts named after Clinton's successor, Republican George W. Bush.
Democrats have attacked the broad-based cuts, saying they were skewed toward upper-income earners.
But Obama countered with the proposed “Buffett Rule,” which would have imposed a surtax on millionaires. The rule was ultimately defeated.
On the nation’s current tax structure in general, Clinton defended it, saying the system wouldn't look so bad if the economy was performing better. He also told CNBC that it was reasonable to expect top earners to pay more taxes.
Clinton, like the president, blamed much of the nation’s economic woes on the foreign-debt crisis and politics. “This European thing that's having a bigger impact than people know," he said, and then added, "The thing that cost jobs here has been the Congress's policies."
Clinton has found himself in a difficult spot lately, as reports have re-emerged about his occasional ambivalence toward President Obama. He recently praised GOP challenger Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital, which further underscored their differences.
Obama is "on stronger ground" when he challenges Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts, not as a businessman at Bain, Clinton told CNBC.
"There's a company not doing well, that's failing, and you buy it and have to impose some economies there and cutbacks because you're trying to turn it around so it can thrive in the economy,” he said. “Whether you succeed or fail, that's a good thing to do.”
"If you go in and buy a company and intentionally load it up with debt, loot its assets and the people lose their jobs and retirements . . . that's a bad thing."
"So to make a judgment on that, you have to know a lot of facts about every case," Clinton said. "I just think we'd all be a lot better off if we talk about we have two people running for the president. What would they do?"
Clinton remains very popular with the American public. As president, he had an average approval rating of 55 percent during his two terms, according to Gallup. Clinton made no election predictions, but said it would be important for Obama to draw clear lines among voters.
"The most important thing in this election is what will President Obama do and what will Gov. Romney do with the economy and how will they deal with people who disagree with them," Clinton said. "Will they be divide and conquer, or would they be, 'let's bring everyone together'?"
Read more on Newsmax.com: Bill Clinton: US in ‘Recession,’ Needs Tax-Cut Extension
The nation’s 42nd president told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” that current economic conditions in the U.S. constituted a "recession" and said plans to cut the deficit threaten to sink the country further into debt.
"What I think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now, and then deal with what's necessary in the long term debt-reduction plans as soon as they can, which presumably would be after the election," Clinton said in a taped interview.
"They will probably have to put everything off until early next year," he added.
"That's probably the best thing to do right now. But the Republicans don't want to do that unless [President Barack Obama] agrees to extend the tax cuts permanently, including for upper-income people — and I don't think the president should do that."
But the Arkansas Democrat did say that Congress would be best off agreeing, at least for the immediate term, to extend all the tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year, including the so-called Bush tax cuts named after Clinton's successor, Republican George W. Bush.
Democrats have attacked the broad-based cuts, saying they were skewed toward upper-income earners.
But Obama countered with the proposed “Buffett Rule,” which would have imposed a surtax on millionaires. The rule was ultimately defeated.
On the nation’s current tax structure in general, Clinton defended it, saying the system wouldn't look so bad if the economy was performing better. He also told CNBC that it was reasonable to expect top earners to pay more taxes.
Clinton, like the president, blamed much of the nation’s economic woes on the foreign-debt crisis and politics. “This European thing that's having a bigger impact than people know," he said, and then added, "The thing that cost jobs here has been the Congress's policies."
Clinton has found himself in a difficult spot lately, as reports have re-emerged about his occasional ambivalence toward President Obama. He recently praised GOP challenger Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital, which further underscored their differences.
Obama is "on stronger ground" when he challenges Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts, not as a businessman at Bain, Clinton told CNBC.
"There's a company not doing well, that's failing, and you buy it and have to impose some economies there and cutbacks because you're trying to turn it around so it can thrive in the economy,” he said. “Whether you succeed or fail, that's a good thing to do.”
"If you go in and buy a company and intentionally load it up with debt, loot its assets and the people lose their jobs and retirements . . . that's a bad thing."
"So to make a judgment on that, you have to know a lot of facts about every case," Clinton said. "I just think we'd all be a lot better off if we talk about we have two people running for the president. What would they do?"
Clinton remains very popular with the American public. As president, he had an average approval rating of 55 percent during his two terms, according to Gallup. Clinton made no election predictions, but said it would be important for Obama to draw clear lines among voters.
"The most important thing in this election is what will President Obama do and what will Gov. Romney do with the economy and how will they deal with people who disagree with them," Clinton said. "Will they be divide and conquer, or would they be, 'let's bring everyone together'?"
Read more on Newsmax.com: Bill Clinton: US in ‘Recession,’ Needs Tax-Cut Extension
La primera razón del problema económico. Por Ricardo Samitier.
En 1965, sólo el 22 por ciento de todo el gasto federal era los pagos de transferencia.
Hoy en día se ha duplicado a 44 por ciento. Esto significa que casi la mitad de
todo el gasto federal es simplemente el gobierno recibe dinero de una persona
que trabaja y paga impuestos y se lo da a otro.
Si lo vemos de otra manera: En 1965, los pagos de
transferencias del gobierno federal eran menos del 10
por ciento de los sueldos y salarios. En el 2000, ese porcentaje era
sólo del 21 por ciento. Hoy en día, los
pagos de transferencia son más de un tercio de los
sueldos y salarios. Peor aún, si le SUMAMOS los sueldos de empleados
FEDERALES, ESTATALES y MUNICIPALES, más de la mitad de los estadounidenses
reciben una parte sustancial de sus ingresos del gobierno. Y todos ellos
Miami Dade tiene más de 29,000 empleados y 8,000
vehículos... un empleado por cada 76 ciudadanos desde niños hasta ancianos...
ESO NO INCLUYE los empleados de las 35 ciudades...
Cuando sumamos todos los que de una FORMA u OTRA
TRABAJAN para el gobierno... hay 1 empleado público por cada 11 ciudadanos
mayores de 18 años...
Results of Newsmax Poll. I
like it!!!
the election were held today, who would you vote for?
party should run Congress?
is mostly to blame for our current economic problems?
W. Bush
close the federal deficit, Congress and the President should
taxes and cut spending
taxes and increase spending
you favor significant cuts to Medicare?
cut Medicare significantly
don't cut Medicare significantly
I like it!!! I like
it!!! I like it!!!
More Evidence the Feds want illegal Votes to be
Counted by Iron Fist ( 11 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines at June 1st,
2012 - 8:39 am From Fox News:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla – Federal authorities are
demanding that Florida halt its push to remove ineligible voters from the voter
In a move that comes just months before
the state could play a pivotal role in the 2012 presidential election, the U.S.
Department of Justice contends that the state is violating federal law in its
effort to identify and remove ineligible voters.
Read the whole thing. They want
voter fraud. They are counting on it to win the election for them.
Now if only Gov.
Scott will do the same thing. Por Jose
Fernandez. http://thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/11592-alabama-adopts-first-official-state-ban-on-un-agenda-21
Bilderberg 2012: Ken Clarke’s Drive Of Shame
Ken Clarke was the last man out. I’m not surprised he was late up. Britain’s lord chancellor had the beery sheen and aspirin eyes of a man who’d found the closing banquet of Bilderberg 2012 more than usually chillaxing. He looks like he’s been pulled through a hedge fund backwards. I’m not even sure he’s wearing trousers.Poor Ken. It can’t be easy for him, trying to reconcile being an MP, the minister for justice and a member of Bilderberg’s steering committee. Imagine having interests so conflicted. No wonder if he’s got a sweat on. Plus, he’s trying his best to champion transparency, trumpeting it as “the most effective public inoculation against corruption that any country can have”, while refusing to talk about the Bilderberg conference or any of the steering committee meetings.
Back in 1994, Clarke thundered in parliament about “the desirability of greater transparency of decisions on monetary policy”, but these days he’s having to thrash it out in private with the heads of the major banks. What a nightmare.
Another tired face belonged to Bassma Kodmani, the head of foreign affairs for the Turkey-based Syrian National Council.
Read More at the Guardian.
Holder Declares War On State’s Rights June 5, 2012 By Kevin "Coach" Collins
The Department of Justice thinks it can “order” Florida to stop removing illegal non-citizens from her voter registration rolls. The Sunshine State announced it will ignore the “order.” Let’s see Barack Obama and Eric Holder back it up.
The fight over States’ rights versus the strength of an all powerful central government has been set in motion; the fuse is lit.
Since Barack Obama and his Chicago thugs forced, bribed, and tricked Obamacare into “law”, real America has been on a collision course with him. This latest attack on our freedoms will likely only be settled by a courtroom showdown centering on whether the 10th Amendment to our Constitution has any meaning.
Boehner spokesman: NY Times story about Holder Fast and Furious compromise is false Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/boehner-spokesman-ny-times-story-about-holder-fast-and-furious-compromise-is-false/#ixzz1x1Clzujm
A spokesman for Speaker of the House John Boehner told The Daily Caller on Tuesday night that the New York Times published a false story alleging the speaker is trying to cut a deal with Attorney General Eric Holder over congressional subpoenas related to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.The Times reported late on Tuesday that Boehner had “opened direct negotiations with the Department of Justice aimed at resolving a dispute over subpoenaed information related to the botched gun-trafficking investigation dubbed Operation Fast and Furious.” The story ran under the headline “Boehner in talks with Justice Dept. on gun-running inquiry.”
Boehner spokesman Michael Steel, however, said the report is not true. He alleged that it illustrated a Holder-friendly bias among some establishment media outlets.
“This story shows how the mainstream media is ignoring this scandal and covering up for the Department of Justice,” Steel wrote in an email to TheDC.
“Staff for the speaker, other leadership offices, and Chairman Issa have been encouraging Attorney General Holder’s staff to comply for weeks or months to no avail, but there have certainly been no direct talks between the speaker and attorney general, and the department is still stonewalling.”
In a blog post attacking the Times, Boehner’s office wrote that neither the newspaper nor reporter Charlie Savage reached out to Boehner’s team before publishing the story. The post also noted that the speaker’s staff sent a statement to the Times after Savage’s allegations appeared online.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/boehner-spokesman-ny-times-story-about-holder-fast-and-furious-compromise-is-false/#ixzz1x1CZjSpW
Savage did not immediately respond to TheDC’s request for comment. He has printed other incorrect information about the ill-fated Fast and Furious gunwalking program in the past.
The Times story came just hours after House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa announced that his committee had obtained evidence proving that senior Justice Department officials approved the tactics used in Fast and Furious.
Specifically, Issa said his committee has “obtained copies of six wiretap applications in support of seven wire intercepts utilized during Fast and Furious.” Those documents, he said, “show that immense detail about questionable investigative tactics was available to the senior officials who reviewed and authorized them.”
Issa explained that the documents prove that Holder and other Justice Department officials in the Obama administration provided false statements to Congress.
In a letter later on Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General James Cole told Republican House leaders that the DOJ hopes to reach an agreement with congressional overseers on how much information about Operation Fast and Furious it is required to hand over. “While our staffs continue to discuss these issues, I want to reiterate that I remain available to meet with you personally,” he wrote.
But regardless of what the Times reported, Steel said no such meeting has happened — nor is one likely in the future.
In response to Issa’s revelations Tuesday, House Oversight Committee Ranking Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings sent Issa a letter alleging that he omitted key facts that disprove his allegations. The publicly available version of the letter, however, has been redacted to block Cummings’ argument.
UPDATE: 2:30 a.m.:
After The Daily Caller reached out to Savage for comment, pointing out how Boehner’s office said his article was false, The New York Times edited his story removing the statement Boehner’s office said was false and changing the focus of the article, while adding a quote from Boehner’s spokesman. The online version of the article contains no correction or explanation as to why Savage’s story was changed after the fact. A note tells readers the article was “updated” at 11:39 p.m.
Savage has still not returned TheDC’s request for comment on why he printed false information to begin with and why he made no effort to contact Boehner’s office to check the veracity of his unattributed claims before printing the inaccurate information.
El que ayuda al diablo se quema
tarde o temprano - Oprah Winfrey es una de ellas
Betrayal of Oprah Winfrey
Ed Klein’s blockbuster new best-seller about
President Barack Obama chronicles Obama’s shocking
betrayal of Oprah Winfrey, disclosing how Oprah
helped him win the presidency and then was “frozen
out” of the White House after the election.
Klein’s just-released book skyrocketed to the No. 1
spot on The New York Times best-seller list in its
first week in publication and has remained there. In
“Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House,”
Klein offers surprising, behind-the-scene details
about the relationship between Obama, first lady
Michelle, and the TV talk superstar.
When then-Sen. Obama released his book “The Audacity
of Hope” — it was Oprah Winfrey who
endorsed the book, airing a full hour of her show
with the rising star. The book became an instant
best-seller — and Obama not only became a
millionaire overnight, he also was on his way to national
stardom and political success.
And during the heated Democratic primary in 2008
pitting Obama against Hillary Clinton, Oprah took
on great risk by endorsing Obama over Hillary.
Google and CIA working together to spy on you!! The New World Order iswatching you!! PT. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LreeawqyOlc&feature=related |
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