Tuesday, April 24, 2012

• Dice el gobierno que los fondos del Seguro Social se agotarán tres años antes de lo anticipado.. por Lazaro R Gonzalez.


Lo que no dice el gobierno  es que esto ocurre por su absoluta mala administración del 15% de descuento de todos nuestros cheques de pago y de TODOS los trabajadores en los Estados Unidos. Por Lázaro R González Miño.

La noticia cayo como tomarse “un jarabe de puntillas en ayunas”. El sistema de Seguro Social, que mal administra el dinero que se te descuenta a ti como trabajador de tu salario y a tu empleador todos los cheques y que ha sido utilizado por el gobierno para cosas ajenas a pagar el retiro de los que contribuyeron durante toda su vida laboral; ahora resulta que estos “Pésimos-administradores” no dicen muy “frescamente” que el dinero se acabara antes de lo previsto por ellos. Según se afirman, para el año 2033 se habrán agotado sus recursos, o sea, tres años antes de lo anticipado.
El gobierno se pasa la vida usando la carta del retiro (Social Security) con la finalidad de amedrentar a los retirados. Ellos estúpidamente piensan que es una parte de la sociedad mas fácil de amedrentar, porque están mas viejos. Lo que no saben estos estúpidos que amedrentar un viejo es algo de consecuencias imprevisibles porque: Con que carajo tu vas a amenazar a un viejo que ya esta mas cerca de la tumba que del nacimiento.
Un día un viejo amigo cuando yo era joven: Me dijo (Y es verdad) “Nunca te fajes con un viejo. Ya el casi no tiene nada que perder. A ti te queda mucho y el ya casi no tiene. Y es verdad.
Se recuerdan cuando Obama en uno de sus “Ataques de Tantrun”, hace un año amenazo que no iban a enviar los cheques del Social Security a los retirados porque no había dinero. Y yo convoque a que todos los retirados del área de Miami íbamos a ir en bicicleta Saliendo del Down Town de Miami en bicicletas hasta la Casa Blanca. Y que en nuestro camino íbamos a ir recogiendo a todos los viejos en todos los pueblos y ciudades durante la trayectoria. Yo utilícelos medios sociales e Hice contacto con los “Te Parties y otras organizaciones” de las ciudades en el recorrido y hasta me ofrecieron lugares donde pectnortar y darnos alguna ayuda logística. Todo este entramado ellos lo tomaron en serio Y YO ESTAMA MUY SERIO, YO ESTABA GENUINAMENTE ENCABRONADO, COMO LO ESTOY AHORA PORQUE YA ME DUELEN LOS ATRIBUTOS MASCULINOS QUE ESTA GENTUZA PRETENDAN SIEMPRE USAR LA CARTA DEL SOCIAL SECURITY.  Ustedes se imaginan un tongon de viejos como yo que tengo 66 años en bicicleta desde Miami hasta Washington, dándole hart atack’s y con todos los problemas que eso ocasionaría MORAL UY LOGISTICAMENTE a este desvergonzado gobierno, chantajista, que a cada rato juega descaradamente la carta de que no nos van a pagar el dinero de nuestro retiro que ES NUESTRO.
El social Security es mio, yo lo pague con mi salario en cada cheque, ese dinero es mio. Y ese dinero ninguna persona que se lo hallan quitado de cada cheque no debe aceptar mansamente que un gobierno miserable y gastador diga que no te lo va a dar. PORQUE ESO SERIA UN ROBO. Y el robo esta penado por las leyes en este país.
Esto que el gobierno nos comunico implica que los impuestos pagados por los trabajadores para sus beneficios del seguro social podrán proveer solo un 75 por ciento de los beneficios que el congreso le TIENE que pagar a los retirados. Por lo tanto un trabajador que hoy tiene 40 años y elegible para cobrar de su retiro en el 2039, verá un cheque recortado en un 25 por ciento de lo que correspondería, a menos que el congreso tome acción y cambie el sistema y la estructura de los beneficios y fondos del programa. Pero al paso que vamos y que cada un par de años ellos acortan el plazo en que esto va a ocurrir.
Estos grandes canallas se quejan de que no les entra dinero porque las tasas de interés están baja. PERO LO QUENO DICEN ES QUE EL MISMO GOBIERNO ES EL QUE MANTIENE BAJAS ESTAS TASAS DE INTERES. Y que el desempleo esta muy alto debido a sus propias medidas estúpidas e ineficientes para crear empleos en USA y si es muy eficiente creando regulaciones y apoyando sindicatos que hacen que la industria norte americana se escape a China y otros países. Además de la no existente recuperación de LA RESECION, SI RESECION. PORQUE SI ESTAMOS EN RESECION. Y además de todas estas lindezas tenemos un aumento del costo de la vida de un 3,6%, el galón de gasolina cuesta más de 4 dólares. El gobierno se opone férreamente a cualquiera de las soluciones factibles para explotar todas las reservas de gas natural e hidrocarburos.
Si quieren reducir los gastos: NO PARTICIPEMOS EN GUERRAS ESTUPIDAS, INJUSTAS E INNECESARIAS. ¿QUE HICIMOS EN VIET-NAM, EN IRAN, EN KOSOVO, EN EGIPTO, LIBIA, SIRIA, EN AFGANISTAN? En este último país es bochornoso lo que estamos haciendo. El presidente de este país  y su familia es parte importante del trafico de droga en el llamado “Triangulo de Oro” Es el lugar donde se produce y comercia mas del 90% de las drogas de Asia.  
Es el mayor productor de OPIO en el mundo, produce nada menos que el 95% de todo el opio del mundo y no se ha reducido en los 10 años de ocupación norteamericana. Sera que nosotros estamos ahí apoyando a esa gentuza.
Todas estas personas nos creen imperialistas e invasores. Lo único que hemos recibido es odio y  los cadáveres de nuestros muchachos y nos han costado inmensas sumas de dinero que hubiéramos podido utilizar en crear empleos en casa. Todas estas estupideces, estupideces aun continuamos haciendo.
La solución es muy fácil hagan al revés todo lo que están haciendo.

Social Security funds will run out three years earlier by Lazaro R Gonzalez

The government says that Social Security funds will run out three years earlier than anticipated. 
What the government does not say is that this happens by absolute mismanagement of 15% off of our paychecks and ALL workers in the United States. For Lázaro R González Miño.
The news fell like take a "Fasting tiptoe syrup." The Social Security system, which bad given the money to you as you deducted from your salary worker and your employer all checks and has been used by the government to pay for things unrelated to the withdrawal of those who contributed throughout his working life is now that these "terrible-managers" do not say very "freshly" that money ran out ahead of schedule for them. As they say, for the year 2033 will be exhausted its resources, that is, three years earlier than anticipated.
The government will spend their lives using the letter of retirement (Social Security) in order to scare retirees. They foolishly think that is a part of society easier to intimidate, because they are older. Little do they know these stupid old bully is something unpredictable consequences because: With the hell you are going to threaten an old man and is closer to the tomb of birth.
One day an old friend when I was young: I said (And it's true) "Never fajes an old man. Already has almost nothing to lose. To you it is much and I hardly have. And it's true.
Obama recalls when one of their "attacks Tantrun", a year ago threatened that they would not send Social Security checks to retirees because there was no money. I summon all retired from the Miami area were going to ride a bicycle Leaving Down Town Miami on bicycles to the White House. And on our way we were going to go collect all the old in all towns and cities during the path. I use them social media and I contacted the "I Parties and other organizations" of the cities on the tour and even offered me places and give us some help pectnortar logistics. This entire framework they took him seriously ESTAMA SERIOUS AND I, I was genuinely pissed, AS I AM NOW HURT ME BECAUSE THIS MALE ATTRIBUTES GENTUZA Pretend ALWAYS WEAR THE CHARTER OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY. You imagine a Tongon of old like me I have 66 years biking from Miami to Washington, giving hart atack's and all the problems this would cause MORAL UY Logistically this shameless government, blackmailer, that each time plays shamelessly letter we are not going to pay our retirement money is ours.
The Social Security is mine, I pay my wages every paycheck, that money is mine. And that money is what anyone who are removed from each paycheck should not meekly accept a government spender miserable and tell you not going to give you. Because that would be theft. And theft is punishable by law in this country.
This the government inform us implies that taxes paid by workers for their Social Security benefits will provide only 75 percent of the benefits that Congress will have to pay retirees. Therefore a worker who is now 40 and eligible to collect his retirement in 2039, a check will be cut by 25 percent of which would correspond, unless Congress takes action and change the system and structure benefits and program funds. But while every couple of years they shorten the period within which this will occur.
These great rogues complain that money comes not because interest rates are low. Why NOT SAY BUT IS THAT THE SAME GOVERNMENT IS THAT KEEPS THESE LOWES  INTEREST RATES. And unemployment is very high due to their own stupid and inefficient measures to create jobs in the U.S. and is very efficient when creating regulations and supporting unions that make the North American industry to escape to China and other countries. In addition to the existing non recovery of  LA RESECION IF RESECION. BECAUSE IF WE ARE IN RESECION. And besides all these niceties have an increased cost of living of 3.6%, a gallon of gasoline costs more than $ 4. The government is adamantly opposed to any of the feasible solutions to exploit all the reserves of natural gas and hydrocarbons.
If you want to reduce costs: not engage in stupid wars, unjust and unnecessary. WHAT WE DID IN VIETNAM IN IRAN IN KOSOVO IN EGYPT, LIBYA, SYRIA, IN AFGHANISTAN? In the latter country is shameful what we are doing. The president of this country and his family is an important part of drug trafficking in the "Golden Triangle" is the place where it is produced and marketed more than 90% of drugs in Asia.
It is the largest producer of opium in the world, produces no less than 95% of all opium in the world and has not declined in the 10 years of U.S. occupation. Maybe that we are there to support this mob.
All these people believe us imperialists and invaders. All you have received is hatred and the bodies of our boys and we have cost immense sums of money that we could use to create jobs at home. All these stupid, stupid even continue doing.
The solution is very easy: Do in reverse what they are doing.
Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364  LazaroRGonzalez@hotmail.com              http://mrlazarorgonzalez.blogspot.com/  
Porque Tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna.  AMEN

Monday, April 9, 2012

"The Supreme Court and the importance of not relecte Obama" by Lazaro R Gonzalez.

The real games played in the big leagues or tournaments worldwide in any sport, are never easy to decipher. The policy applies this principle. Hide the true intentions is most important because then the opponent or enemy not care too much edge for which we want to penetrate and defeat him.
This is the case of "The Supreme Court of the American Nation"
The Supreme Court is made up of nine judges, number sacred to many religions and doctrines but also is odd. So it's easy to reach a final opinion because the difference in the middle is 'One'
The members of the supreme court are usually chosen for their proven ability, honor, experience, although sometimes these features are overlooked in pursuit of an ally who always vote for what you want the president's party that sat on a the chairs of the highest judiciary of the nation, unfortunately, unfortunately this has occurred several times.
The judges are now deciding the legal issues most important to the nation are "
Name of the Judge. Selected Age by Year

Nombre del Juez.
Seleccionado por
John Roberts   Presidente
George W Bush
Anthonin Scalia
Ronald  W Reagan
Anthony Kennedy
Ronald Reagan
Clarence Thomas
George H W Bush Sr.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Bill Clinton
Stephen Breyer
Bill Clinton
Samuel Alito
George W Bush
Sonia Sotomayor
Barack Obama
Elena Kagan
Barack Obama

Something to note is that each presidential term statistics in choosing a judge.
Reagan chose two, Mr. Bush one, Clinton two, Bush Jr. two and Obama Two he is the only one president in a four-year elected two judges.
Also statistically we have three judges who are 75, 76 and 79 years, two Republicans and one Democrat.
These judges elderly are more likely to die or retire.
So the president of the next 4 years will most likely have the power to elect three judges to the Supreme Court making a dramatic turn to the impartiality of the court.
Because I do not come with stories, if we analyze the statistics of how judges vote "all" vote according to their partisan philosophy.
And speaking clear to everyone.
The Supreme Court made absolutely unbalanced because before the end of the next presidential term, possibly the next president will have to choose three of these judges because they have to this date have 79, 80 and 83 years I retire or die on the job . If Obama is reelected two of these three positions cease to be conservative to be a socialist. Because judges elected by Obama and approved by a Democratic Congress are Socialists. Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan and are young, very young so they will be there for many years unless you are challenged for some reason.
If Obama is reelected and has the possibility to elect three new judges Socialists and no mistake. The possibility that the next president will have to elect three new judges in the next 4 years is 4/5. And then we would have 6 judges 3 judges Socialists and Conservatives.
I really do not know which is the constitution of the American Senate. The nation is troubled, frightened, distressed and disappointed. The economic, moral and political life is depressing. Immoral forces have taken over the microphones of the radio, the television screens and newspaper pages. We can not even say we have a tabloid. No. WE HAVE A RED PRESS. Far more red, virulent and biased the newspaper "Prabda" of the Stalin era in Russia the Communists.
We are in time to mark a before and after. The mechanisms are the enemies of the American Federal Republic are many and powerful, we have allowed them to be established under our laws fair and accurate. But when they take over the nation these laws will be burned in the fire of hatred and revenge and this is just a memory.
Here in all scenarios is playing political existence of the American Nation. They're playing the right to exist as a decent and free us all. The enemies of this nation have climbed thousands models in senior positions in the government of our country have reached up to be president of our beloved nation.
If Americans do not stop us all as one man and participate in this democratic exercise now that we have the opportunity, we can do anymore. I have the painful experience of being born in a Democratic country and a mob of thugs he seized with the lies and promises and made beautiful and prosperous country n in a stinking ruin, a ruin filled with foul nameless graves where hundreds thousands of bodies Patriot executed without a fair trial, Prisons have been and are degrading stores the best of Cuban society, millions of the best of Cuba now progressing in the most generous nation in the world that has nurtured us and allowed us to progress and encouraged and to enrich not only ourselves but our children that were professional and in my case was an honorable member of the Marine Corps of the United States and is now an architect. And it's not my story is the story of thousands of Cubans who want to feel and to this country as ours because it is ours and not want to happen is what we also think that "what may not happen, but it happened. That democracy is stronger than totalitarianism "No, do not fall into the trap.
Democracy is the worst system of government that exists with the exception of all others, "said the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
But leftists are devious and evil liars are like snake charmers. Hypnotize you and take over your will use all the advantages of democracy to penetrate you and sell the socialist ideas that sounds good on paper but in reality then do the opposite, then you change everything and you become a miserable prisoner of his iron will and arbitrary laws. And your pass to enter the ranks of the wretched.
Do not let us for us soldier who stands up for what have been the United States.
Defend your religion, defend your family, defend your education system, defend your freedom, defend you and not be part of the group. This is the land of individuality. Each in itself is a city, the members of your family are a nation and if you included your neighbors and friends is YOUR WORLD.