Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"EN MI OPINION" No. 444 Julio 2013

No 444  “En mi opinión” Julio 30, 2013  ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’  
Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
Para comentar o enviar artículos lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com,

Ricardo Samitier. Con Gran Disimuló Los Politiqueros Celebraron El 26 De Julio En Miami...

Mientras Raúl Castro Lo hacía Con Los Presidentes “Bolivarianos” En Cuba...
El 28 de Julio... es aniversario de la fundación de Miami... con
DISIMULÓ  Los “POLITIQUEROS” acordaron cambiar la fecha
de la FIESTA PARA EL DÍA 26 DE JULIO... alegando que es mejor...
hacerlo un VIERNES en vez de un DOMINGO...

DÍA 26 DE JULIO... y coincidieron con las celebraciones que se
Realizaron en Cuba donde acudieron entre otros los mandatarios
José Mujica, Nicolás Maduro Y Daniel Ortega para Conmemorar El SEXAGÉSIMO
Aniversario Del Asalto Al Cuartel Moncada..

Alberto Perez. Vivir para trabajar, trabajar para vivir y vivir sin trabajar.
Todos hemos oído en el extranjero o en los recién llegados a los Estados Unidos, que los Americanos no saben vivir, que viven para trabajar, que en otros países la gente trabaja para vivir pero se toman el tiempo para divertirse.
Pero vemos que en la mayoría de esos países lo que hace la mayoría
no es trabajar para vivir pero es vivir sin trabajar.

Vamos a razonar sobre esto de que los americanos viven para trabajar.
La mayoría de los conceptos equivocados sobre el pueblo americano están basados en la falta de razonamiento. 
El turismo americano por años ha sido el mayor del mundo, todos los países se disputan el turismo americano. 
Así que los americanos pasean más que las personas de otros países.
En la mayoría de los países se practican uno o dos deportes, soccer y básquetbol en algunos. En los Estados Unidos se practica el Béisbol y el Básquetbol, en el verano, y en el invierno el fútbol americano y el jockey de hielo, además de otros deportes.  Desde jóvenes las escuelas promueven la práctica del deporte. 
Así que a los americanos toman su tiempo para practicar deportes y asistir a eventos deportivos.
En las fiestas y los fines de semana largos los americanos tienen tradiciones de descanso y celebraciones.
Así que los Americanos descansan y celebran las fiestas.
En sus tiempos libre los americanos tienen entretenimientos  y espectáculos de cine, teatro, conciertos y bailes.
La industria del entretenimiento de los Estados Unidos es la mayor del mundo. Los artistas de otros países tienen como meca los Estados Unidos.
Así que los americanos se toman su tiempo asistir y participar del entretenimiento.

¿Por qué entonces dicen que sólo viven para trabajar?  ¿Es este concepto razonable?
La diferencia es que lo tradicional en la cultura american es practicar el ocio en sus momentos de descanso después de cumplir con su trabajo. 
No dejan de trabajar para practicar el ocio. La cultura no era sólo vivir para trabajar era no vivir sin trabajar-
Esto es lo que se conoce como la ética de trabajo americano, esta ética es la que ha creado la nación más rica y poderosa del mundo
En la cultura americana se consideraba impúdico el vivir sin trabajar. La vagancia era condenada por la ley.
Habían leyes conta la vagancia, todavía existen, pero los militantes liberales entorpecen su cumplimiento. Vagrancy Law & Legal Definition
Lo triste es que después de la revolución hippie de los 60s parte del pueblo americano se ha contaminado con el sistema de vida de otros países, quizás por la influencia migratoria o por la influencia de doctrinas políticas foráneas que quieren destruir el sueño americano.
La cultura de vivir sin trabajar dependiendo del Papá-gobierno cada día de arraiga más en el país que inventó la mejor ética de trabajo de la civilización moderna.
Pero todavía el remanente de los empresarios y trabajadores con la ética tradicional mantiene la economía de los Estados Unidos en primer lugar en el mundo.
Para darse cuenta de la cultura de no trabajar en otros países sólo hay que ver el periódico o la televisión para poder ver las manifestaciones multitudinarias de Egipto, típicas de estos paises sub-desarrollados por su falta de ética de trabajo.
Por meses millones de personas se han dedicado tiempo completo a salir a las calles a protestar unos contra los otros.
Esto es algo inconcebible en un país con una ética de trabajo elemental.
¿Quién trabaja?¿de que viven estas personas?¿cómo se pueden mantener una infraestructura si no hay trabajadores y se vandalizan las empresas?
La principal industria de Egipto era el turismo, y la mayor parte de los turistas eran los vacacionistas americanos que se dedicaban a pasear en sus días de ocio.
La otra industria en Egipto, todavía existe.
Es el recibir subsidios con los impuestos de los trabajadores americanos- 
Destruyeron la primera industria y quizás pierdan la segunda.
¿Trabajarán entonces? ¿O la cultura del ocio está tan arraigada que se morirán de hambre?
¿Podrá el pueblo americano aceptar permanentemente la cultura de grupos de personas viviendo sin trabajar en los Estados Unidos?
De todos es conocido que el socialismo se basa en un sistema económico, demostrado ya que es un fracaso. No ha fracasado por los ineptos que lo han adoptado, sino que desde su base ha sido ineficiente. El socialismo en su dialéctica promete justicia social y derechos para las clases humildes, pero su respuesta ha sido la esclavitud y el terror, además de crear una sociedad en la que se anulan por completo el deseo de progreso al hombre y la competencia por mejorar la calidad en cada producto. Del socialismo pudieras  decir que crea un estado paternalista que le prohíbe al hombre hacer uso de su individualidad.
El socialismo proclama que la religión es el opio de los pueblos, haciendo del hombre nuevo un cascaron sin alma, es decir, ateo y sin una gota de sentimientos.
Su principal discurso es la lucha de clases, desposeyendo  al que pueda  proporcionar la utilización de la riqueza creando fuentes de trabajo, con la falsa promesa de  repartirla, es decir, aumentando la pobreza  y creando odio y la eliminación de todo sentimiento de unidad. En realidad, el estado socialista se apodera de la industria, comercio, todo tipo de empresa y capital privado, convirtiéndose en los explotadores oficiales.  Es un estado dirigido por proxenetas de su mismo pueblo.
Eso  sucedió  en Cuba. Un pueblo que fue engañado mediante un discurso cargado de promesas incumplidas, una dialéctica que enarbolo la bandera del odio y el veneno de la envidia, una palabrería liberal que a través de la maldad, dividió la familia y la enluto con la sangre de sus mejores hijos,  una tiranía que lleva más de cinco décadas de injusticias. La elite que la dirige,  ha destruido a la Nación moralmente, llevándola a la más espantosa miseria, mientras ellos disfrutan de una vida holgada y placentera, una vida elevada al más alto nivel del que los comunistas definen como burguesía y la que critican cuando no son ellos los que la disfrutan.
La experiencia nos enseña a ser más cautelosos al escuchar un discurso, la lucha de clases ha traído muchos males a la sociedad, así como también en la democracia, la nueva moda en muchos casos ha sido destruir al adversario con ataques calumniosos  y utilizar la palabra como medio desmoralizador, esto  lo consideramos  un chantaje que atenta contra la libre decisión de la persona.  Ahí está el ejemplo de Cuba. La izquierda liberal, con ataques histéricos y maliciosos, a través de la prensa acabo con una Republica que en 56 años había escalado a la cima Política-Educacional y Económica.
 Hoy, el sufrido pueblo de Cuba,  desarmado   y sin respaldo internacional, se enfrenta a la brutal represión de la tiranía comunista,  rebelándose en pequeñas manifestaciones callejeras. La Bandera la han puesto en alto  las Damas de Blanco y los opositores declarados. Los sicarios del tiránico régimen,  atacan con sadismo a los manifestantes,  sin distinción de sexo ni edad. Este es el hombre nuevo del comunismo: un cobarde que actúa por migajas, defendiendo una causa injusta y fracasada,  hecho a imagen y semejanza de los Castro y el Che Guevara, un cobarde convertido en una máquina para matar con el apodo de revolucionario, emprendiéndola contra sus propios compatriotas. El socialismo rompe todo vínculo de fraternidad y solidaridad humana.
Actualmente estamos siendo testigos de la  misma palabrería liberal y engañosa en algunas democracias del Continente, incluyendo la democracia norteamericana.
Palabras Bíblicas: “el que tenga oídos, que escuche”.
                            “al tibio lo vomitare de mi boca”
Diego Quirós, Sr.

McCain crosses aisle to stand with Obama.

By Associated Press 
WASHINGTON - There was no conciliatory phone call, no heart-to-heart talk to soothe the tensions. No one knows exactly when President Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain went from bitter rivals in the 2008 presidential campaign and foes over health care and national security to bipartisan partners.
Yet in recent months, an alignment on high-profile domestic issues - not to mention an eye on their respective legacies - has transformed Obama and McCain into Washington's most unexpected odd couple. The Arizona senator is a regular visitor to the West Wing and in near-daily contact with senior White House officials.
McCain, in an Associated Press interview, said that he and Obama "trust each other." White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, among the Obama advisers who speak regularly with McCain, praised the lawmaker as a "refreshing" partner who "welcomes a debate and welcomes action."
Like any good business arrangement in the nation's capital, the secret to the new Obama-McCain alliance ultimately comes down to this: Both sides believe that working together is mutually beneficial and carries little political risk.
For Obama, the senator has become a rare Republican backer of important elements on the president's second term agenda, including immigration overhaul, stricter background checks for gun buyers, and perhaps a fall budget deal.
In return, McCain has secured increased access to the White House and an opportunity to redeem his reputation as a Capitol Hill "maverick." That image was tainted when McCain tacked to the right during his failed 2008 presidential run against Obama.
"I've told the people of Arizona, I will work with any president if there are ways I can better serve Arizona and the country," McCain said. "That seems to be an old-fashioned notion but it's the case."
Indeed, the level of attention lavished on a functional working relationship between the Democratic president and the Republican senator underscores how rare such partnerships have been during Obama's tenure.
Lawmakers, including some Democrats, long have chafed at Obama's distant dealings with Capitol Hill and his supposed lack of understanding about how Congress operates.
It's unlikely that Obama and McCain's partnership will lead to a larger detente between the White House and congressional Republicans. While McCain may have sway over some like-minded members of the Senate Republican caucus, he has considerably less influence with his party's more conservative wing, particularly in the GOP-controlled House.
Still, the White House is hopeful that forging policy breakthroughs with McCain and other Senate Republicans will isolate the House GOP and perhaps persuade them to act.
The first test of that strategy probably will be the White House-backed immigration overhaul. McCain helped write and shepherd the bill through the Senate last month. Its future in the House is deeply uncertain.
The administration also will try to work with McCain ahead of impending budget battles, McDonough said, given that the senator and the White House agree there is a negative impact from across-the-board federal budget cuts, particularly on the military and defense industry.
McDonough said it's not just a shared view on policy that has made McCain an attractive partner to Obama on these and other issues. It's their mutual disdain for Washington meetings that never move beyond the standard talking points.
"Part of what's great to work with him is his impatience with that," McDonough said. "You can kind of get into the meat of the matter very quickly"
Obama and McCain were never close during the president's brief tenure in the Senate. While McCain is a creature of Capitol Hill, Obama largely saw Congress as a stepping stone to bigger things. The relationship deteriorated during frequent clashes in the 2008 presidential campaign, and it often appeared during Obama's first term like it would never recover.
In 2010, the two sparred during a televised negotiating session on health care. McCain chastised Obama for brokering deals behind closed doors, to which the president snapped, "We're not campaigning anymore. The election is over."
McCain replied: "I'm reminded of that every day."
White House advisers still bristle over McCain's accusations that the administration covered up details of last year's deadly attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, as well as his relentless criticism of former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's role in that alleged effort.
McCain's criticism contributed to Rice's decision to withdraw from consideration as Obama's secretary of state. She now serves as White House national security adviser, a post that does not require Senate confirmation.
McDonough acknowledged that McCain's role in keeping the Benghazi controversy alive has been a source of frustration. But he credited the senator with largely shelving his criticism of Rice once she joined the White House staff.
"The way he's worked with her since she became national security adviser speaks to his interest in making sure that even where we disagree, we're finding a way to work together when we can," McDonough said. "I know the president has appreciated that."
McCain said his stronger ties with the president on domestic issues won't keep him from challenging the president on national security issues, including Syria, where McCain backs a more aggressive U.S. response than does the administration. But he said there's a way to strike an appropriate balance.
"He is the president of the United States," McCain said. "You can strongly disagree and still be respectful."

Obama comments on Keystone spark ire, more concerns about project’s future

By Joseph Weber Published July 29, 2013 FoxNews.com
President Obama’s latest comments on the Keystone XL oil pipeline -- including an attempt to downplay the number of jobs it would create -- are re-igniting concerns that the administration may not approve the project.
The proposed Canada-to-Texas pipeline has been one of the most divisive political issues of the past four years, essentially pitting Republicans and other pro-business groups including unions against environmentalists and their Democratic allies. 
The president, in an interview Saturday with the New York Times , repeated his position that the administration’s decision will be “based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere.”
However, he also took a swipe at what he described as the Republicans’ argument that Keystone would be a “big jobs generator.”
“There is no evidence that that's true,” Obama said, arguing the best estimate is 2,000 initial construction jobs followed by no more than an additional 100 jobs. The newspaper's transcript of the interview showed Obama chuckling as he made the point. 
“That is a blip relative to the need,” he said. 
His estimate is significantly lower than his own State Department’s projection of 42,000 constructions jobs and way smaller than the 118,935 that project developer TransCanada expects. 
Regardless of the accuracy of the numbers, the comments only fueled concern that the administration is viewing the pipeline with increasing skepticism, after sidelining the decision during the presidential election year.
Republicans blasted Obama on Monday for his comments and for apparently chuckling while discussing the controversial issue while at his own jobs rally Wednesday.
“A president disparaging private-sector jobs while backstage at a jobs rally is beyond belief,” Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, told FoxNews.com. “In this economy, any source of private job creation should be welcomed with open arms. After nearly five years … there is no reason to delay these jobs another day. Republicans, Democrats, leading unions, and job creators all agree, it’s time to start building.” 
The Republican National Committee said in a statement Monday: “President Obama joked about the potential job creating power of the Keystone XL pipeline. With our economy lagging, the president should be jumping at any opportunity to create jobs instead of bending to the will of special (interests) at the expense of out of work Americans.” 
U.S. Chamber of Commerce spokesman Matt Letourneau told FoxNews.com the president’s comments indeed raised concerns but that the group “was not terribly surprised.”
“The president has had ample opportunity to approve this, and he has repeatedly found ways not to,” Letourneau said.
The White House did not respond to a question about where the president got his estimate -- after Obama challenged reporters in the interview to confirm the jobs projections.
Letourneau pointed to a 2011 Cornell University study with similar numbers, while adding the president “should probably stick with his own administration’s numbers.”
He also argued the non-controversial southern leg of the pipeline has already created 4,000 jobs.
The 1,179-mile-long pipeline is expected to transport as much as 830,000 barrels of crude oil daily from the Canadian oil sands (which will result in much of the additional carbon output) and the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Supporters say the estimated $5.3 billion project also will lower the price of gasoline and reduce the country’s dependency on foreign oil.
However, the president also downplayed those expectations, beyond the “potential benefit” of bolstering our energy-relations with a “reliable ally to the north.”
“That oil is going to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bring down gas prices here in the United States,” Obama told The Times. “In fact, it might actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can't ship some of that oil to world markets.”
The final decision will be made by Secretary of State John Kerry and is not expected until the end of the year or early 2014.
Kerry will base the decision on a second and final State Department environmental report scheduled for a fall 2013 release and a so-called “national interest” report.
The second one, which is expected to be complete in late 2013, is being compiled by eight federal agencies and focuses on such issues as Keystone’s potential impact on transportation and the overall U.S. economy.
Letourneau said Obama in his major climate change speech last month also hinted at another possible layer of review.
Upton has repeatedly argued that Keystone has already been subject to 15,500 pages of environmental study and that the time is now to approve the project.
“After more than four years of regulatory delay, the administration has run out of excuses,” he said several weeks ago.

$444 Million Hockey Stadium To Be Built In Bankrupt Detroit

Posted 11 Hours Ago by Chris Graham 
From CNN comes the news that the once-great city of Detroit, which recently filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history because of President George W. Bush’s economy (he’s still president, right?), is moving forward with its plan to build a nearly half-billion-dollar hockey stadium for the city’s home team, the Red Wings.
Detroit’s unemployment rate for June was 9.4 percent. The argument that managed to convince Michigan’s Republican governor, Rick Snyder, not to halt the construction plans is that building an arena for the whitest sport in America in one of the blackest cities in America will supposedly help boost Detroit’s economy and create jobs. Never mind that most of those will be temporary construction jobs. Gov. Snyder’s cognitive functions seem to have been adversely affected by being surrounded by Democrats.
There is one Democrat, State Senator Gretchen Whitmer, who, not realizing what political party she is a member of, actually argued something mostly sensible: “If you want people to live in the city, and not just visit to go to games, you have to invest in schools, in having the police to respond to calls.” (Remember, it takes an average of about an hour for police to respond to emergency calls.) “There are so many investments that should trump a sports stadium.”
Now, while I wouldn’t leave it to a Democrat to appropriate funds responsibly, at least Whitmer sees the absurdity of asking taxpayers to put up $444 million to prop up a city that is only a few technicalities away from being a literal fecal mound, just so that people can watch an occasional hockey game. The citizens of Detroit don’t have the disposable income to spend on such frivolous entertainment. Furthermore, the people from outside of Detroit are not going to want to visit Detroit when such an outing would probably result in their being the victims of a mugging or a drive-by shooting.
Could it be that Michigan’s government realizes there is no hope for Detroit, and so this will be their last big hurrah before abandoning the city altogether? Or could it be something even more conspiratorial? Let’s see—blowing exorbitant sums on a project that you don’t need and that will see no significant return? I think the real story here is that Gov. Rick Snyder is just a figurehead; the true governor of Michigan is actually President Obama.

LIGNET Exclusive: Pope Faces War with Vatican Bureaucracy
When Pope Francis returns to Rome on Monday, he will face a starkly different landscape than the one he left in Brazil. The pope's recent visit to Rio de Janeiro underscores how wildly popular he is among the faithful. But an inside Vatican source says Francis will face a continuation of his war with the Holy See's curia — and he has ambitious plans to expose corruption and dramatically change the Church's image. Our source gives one of the most riveting accounts of the behind-the-scenes power struggle.
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Benjamin Fulford - July 29, 2013: Actual encounters with female spies and agents

Notice to readers. This month I will be on sabbatical away from the internet and so have prepared the next few newsletters based on topics that are not time sensitive.

Female agents have long been a key source of power. The Jews celebrate Purim based on the tale of the wife of a king who saved her people by persuading him not to persecute them. The ruling bloodlines of Europe claim descent from Kind David of Judea. According to their legend, when Judea fell to the Babylonians all of David’s male descendants were killed. To protect the bloodline of David, his elite guards began to protect his female descendants. Their modus operandi was simple, marry on of the female descendants to a king and have her educate his children and heirs. In this manner, female agents secretly usurped power in the West from traditional kingly bloodlines. This tale, told to me in person by representatives of the current ruling bloodlines of the West illustrates, just how important female operatives can be.

In Asia as well female agents can have a decisive impact. In Japan, for example, it was recently discovered that a very large percentage of graduates from Japan’s elite military academies had married Chinese agents. Then of course there is the well-known story about former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and his Chinese spy girlfriend. I actually met her once and can say she seemed charming and attractive. Of course Hashimoto died from a poison that was inserted into his anus, although it is not believed his Chinese girlfriend was the one who administered it.

That is not the case, however, with Kim Jong Il, who was killed, according to several different sources, by a stroke inducing poison administered to him anally by a Swedish female agent. In any case, all I can say is that when dealing in bed with such agents, is to watch your ass.

My personal encounters with female agents have been very educational, to say the least.

First of all, I must admit that for much of my reporting career, the thought of female agents never really crossed my mind as something that really existed. However, now that I think about it, when I was working with Forbes one of my scoops was to report that North Korea had an atomic bomb. Shortly after writing about this, a former Miss North Korea began approaching me and tried to become my lover. It never occurred to me at the time that our encounter may not have been a coincidence.

By now, though, I have learned to be thoroughly suspicious of rare beauties who throw themselves upon me.

Once my colleagues started being murdered and I became involved in secret societies who offered me protection, I started to wise up about female agents too.

In one case, after making a lecture in Japan, a man with a beautiful woman at his side approached me telling me he was friends with Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer. He gave me a book in French called “The Egyptian Origin of the Jews.”

In any case, his gorgeous female companion started making moves on me. Once she lured me into an apartment where she got totally naked in front of me. Now, I am not so naïve as to believe a beautiful woman associated with a major arms dealer suddenly fell in love with me and got her dressed again by telling her that I had herpes and do not use condoms. In any case, she told me an unusual tale that I will pass on here without judgement. She claims to have been kidnapped by giants who carried out experiments on her womb. Her descriptions of these giants were very close to descriptions of the Annunaki reported on occult web sites.

In another case, the daughter of Masaru Takumi, the former number 2 boss and head of financial affairs for the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate approached me, also after a public speaking engagement. She had knowledge of my sexual preferences that could only have been gleaned by somebody eavesdropping on my most intimate moments. I declined her offers of intimacy but, curious, I spent time with her socially. What stands out the most about my meeting with her is the fact that she insisted on meeting with me on the evening of March 10th, 2011. She said she wanted to take me to a special Japanese style chiropractor. The man we went to see was not the one she expected. He introduced himself as a ninja and wrapped a long piece of cloth covered in black powder around my lower back, telling me it was a herbal preparation and that I was to leave it on all night. It felt bad and I took it off as soon as I got home. Also that evening, Takumi’s daughter told me that she had to set the alarm on my mobile phone to ring at 11 AM on March 11. That was the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. I am pretty sure she was hired by J. Rockefeller.

The most memorable of all the female agents, however, has to be the North Korean woman I will refer to as T. She also showed up at my speaking engagements on multiple occasions and we became friends after I sat beside her on a train on my way home from such an engagement (it turns out she was sent to live at the next stop from mine to make such a train ride possible).

T was a remarkable but troubled young woman. She had been beaten so badly by an uncle during her childhood that she required reconstructive plastic surgery on her face twice. Her former lover was a professional killer who had killed over 80 people and she told me enough inside detail (which I passed on to the police) about famous unsolved murders for me to believe this was true. She ended up telling me a lot about the people who were operating against me. She says she had been shown a file about me that was as thick as a phone book that tried to portray me as a drug addled, insane pervert (if only my private life were so interesting). According to her, after the cabal failed to murder me, 
they had planned to bankrupt me and drive me into suicide. Her job had been to chase away all my close associates and then abandon me, leaving me friendless.

She also introduced me to a supposed family of hers that turns out to have been a bunch of actors playing the role of her family.

One time I got her pregnant and we were planning to marry and have the child. She was 5 months pregnant when she was called suddenly to Nepal to stay at the house of a close associate of the Dalai Lama. There she was drugged, started bleeding intensely from her womb and woke up in a hospital after being unconscious for 24 hours. She was no longer pregnant. There is a whole book to be written about this young lady but suffice it to say I realized we would both remain in danger if we kept seeing each other. When this is all over, I will find her again. I will also personally seek out the Dalai Lama and seek a full explanation for why his thugs in Nepal did what they did. The man is a criminal pretending to be a great religious figure. He will get his justice.

All I can say is that love and international intrigue do not mix well.



Here's a good one:
Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?
Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?
Have you shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?
Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?
The answer is no, you have not.  Just ask yourself WHY ???

Barack Obama,
during his Cairo speech, said:
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part
of America 's history."

Dear Mr.. Obama:
Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?
Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.
Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?
Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and
Native American Indians.
Can you show me one Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution?
Declaration of Independence ?
Bill of  Rights?
Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ?

Did  Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America?
No, they did not.
In fact, Muslims to this day are
still the largest traffickers in human slavery.
Your own half-brother, a devout
Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves."
Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.. Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country?
Not present.
There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr.
or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's
Woman's Suffrage era?
Again, not present.
In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture.
So much so, that often they are beaten for
not wearing the 'hajib' or
for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband.
Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights,
aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II?
They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.
The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and
accepted support from the Nazis in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr.. Obama,
where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?
If they weren't flying planes into
the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or
a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000
people on our own soil, they were rejoicing
in the Middle East.
No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Muslim world
celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news network's that day.
Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims
who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in
Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were
stone cold silent post 9-11.
To many Americans,
their silence has meant approval
for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr.. Obama,
is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
in America ...

Oh, I'm sorry, I
forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
They were Muslims.

And now we can add November 5, 2009 -
the slaughter of American soldiers at
Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor
and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be
counseling soldiers returning from battle in
Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also, don't forget the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15.2013 was done by 2 Muslim Brothers.

That, Mr.. Obama
is the "Muslim heritage" in America


“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’  

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