Monday, June 23, 2014

No 695    “EN  MI  OPINIóN”   Junio 23, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: Pieles negras de Washington Vs Pieles Rojas de Washington… ¿Pieles negras de Washington quieren acabar con los Pieles Rojas de Washington?

La decisión para declarar ilegal nombre e imagen de las inscripciones de los Pieles Rojas de Washington  de la NFL es una nueva presentación de  la corrección política  con un celo que caracteriza a la desenfrenada y desbocada ambición de poder de esta administración.
Pero esta ambición es selectiva, es parte de la campaña tratando de consolidar el apoyo de la izquierda, usando un equipo de football popular, buscando protagonismo y publicidad
Si la corrección política fuera sincera, entonces tendrían que actuar de una manera similar en los siguientes casos:
• pondría en entredicho de manera similar la marca comercial de Dago Swagg, una línea de ropa cuyo nombre es despectivo de los italianos.  Llamar Dago a un italiano es como llamar nigger a un  negro o piel roja a un indio  (Perdón….. a un nativo americano)
• No permitirían la marca para Cracka Azz Skateboards, una línea del monopatín, longboard y la ropa que es un insulto contra los blancos-Llamar cracker a un montañero es igual que llamar nigger a un negro o piel roja a un nativo americano.
• Se opondrían  al registro de la cerveza White Trash,  Blanco Basura significa "basura blanca" y es un insulto a los blancos igual que llamar a un negro nigger o piel roja a un nativo americano..
•No se pone en entredicho la marca de Home Cookin Biscuit Head. El término "cabeza biscuit" tuvo sus orígenes en la Guerra de Corea, y se utiliza como insulto para describir la forma de las cabezas de los coreanos. Decirle “cabeza biscuit” a un coreano es como llamar nigger a un negro o piel roja a un nativo americano.
Y hay algunos otras, marcas comerciales registradas o para las que han sido aplicadas las marcas, que simplemente no pudieran ser permitidas porque para la corrección política serían ofensivas para cualquier segmento de la población. El whiskey etiqueta negra tendría que cambiar su nombre a etiqueta oscura, y la cerveza negra a cerveza oscura. Los cubanos no podríamos tomar la cerveza Hatuey.
¿Entonces "Pieles Rojas" es "ofensivo", pero lo anterior no son? ¿Por qué dicen falsamente que la multitud y los indios se sienten agraviados?  ¿Por qué el gobierno, utilizando su poder y falseando una inexistente  oposición pública al apodo, y acosa a un equipo de fútbol?
Si lo logran estarían creando un precedente, desaparecerían los Bravos de Atlanta, los Seminoles de Florida State University entre otros. Hasta quizás los Marlins, los Dolphins y otros equipos con nombre de animales tengan que cambiar su nombre bajo demanda de que sus nombres son ofensivos para la sociedad protectora de animales.
Pero debido a que su arrogancia es superada sólo por su ignorancia, buscando refugio bajo el paraguas de su hipocresía no creo que puedan cometer esta injusticia.
Creo que como dice el dicho “se les fue la mano”, o mejor dicho en este caso “se les fue la garra”

ALBERTO MEDINA PEREZ: Desmesurada complacencial

La sociedad se enfada a menudo con la política. La corrupción crónica, la impericia serial, las permanentes contradicciones discursivas, la ausencia de ideas para gobernar, las internas despiadadas, los reiterados exabruptos, la abundancia de privilegios y el despilfarro de los dineros públicos, son solo parte de una larga nómina de detestables cualidades que molestan, con sobrados méritos, a buena parte de la ciudadanía.

Eso no podría darse sin la complicidad de una comunidad que se enoja, pero no lo suficiente, que se incomoda pero no reacciona jamás. La bronca dura poco, para luego naturalizar lo inadmisible y aceptarlo todo como parte de una realidad que duele pero se soporta.

En algunas democracias más maduras, simples actitudes individuales incorrectas de los líderes políticos o meras declaraciones inapropiadas, dejan fuera de la carrera política a cualquiera que pretenda postularse a un cargo. En esas sociedades los niveles de exigencia son muy elevados.

Hay que hacerse cargo de que no todo lo que acontece es exclusiva responsabilidad de la política. Si la sociedad tolera la corrupción, con liviandad, no puede esperar que esta se extinga por arte de magia. Cuando los mecanismos más básicos no funcionan mínimamente, no es razonable creer que algo cambiará. Eso ya no es culpa de la política, sino de la patética conducta cívica de absoluta pasividad frente a cada despropósito.

Es importante asumir el presente, no solo para recriminarse la acción u omisión, sino para intentar modificar el futuro actuando en consecuencia. Una sociedad que no despierta, que prefiere la apatía, que se queja sin eficacia y no utiliza las herramientas que tiene a mano, es cómplice y no un mero observador externo.

Los ciudadanos son participes necesarios de mucho de lo que acaece. Los políticos de hoy no identifican estímulos suficientes para obrar correctamente. Cuando desvían fondos del Estado para hacer proselitismo o para su propio patrimonio personal, lo hacen no solo por su inmoralidad manifiesta, sino también porque no existe sanción efectiva por cometer esos delitos. No solo no responden ante la justicia por sus faltas, sino que tampoco pagan costos electorales, ya que muchos de ellos permanecen en el centro de la escena por décadas siendo nuevamente apoyados por ciudadanos que conociendo sus atributos e historias, los vuelven a votar.

Es posible que esta realidad tenga que ver con la carencia de opciones. La ciudadanía cree que todos son iguales y se siente empujada a elegir entre dirigentes corruptos e ineptos. Todos los sistemas que restringen la competencia promueven esta escasez de alternativas y eso impacta sobre la cantidad y calidad de la oferta política, debilitando el porvenir.

Para disponer de mayores alternativas resulta imprescindible que las barreras de acceso sean las mínimas. Sin embargo, la legislación vigente consagra con categórica convicción el monopolio de los partidos políticos.

Esto no es casual. La corporación política ha cerrado las puertas de modo intencional. No quieren contendientes en su camino. Desean forzar a los ciudadanos a seleccionar entre los que ya están en el juego, a los que diseñaron estas reglas a su medida, justamente para que el estándar de exigencia sea diminuto y puedan alcanzar sus propios objetivos personales.

Las leyes imperantes establecen múltiples restricciones para crear un nuevo partido político, bajo la perversa visión de que es mejor para la democracia tener pocos y fuertes, que muchos y débiles. Las normas complican además la chance de mantener activo un partido, dejándolos al borde de la precariedad formal, con la indisimulable intención de eliminar alternativas viables para los votantes.

El financiamiento de la política es un capítulo que se agrega, ya que más allá de lo dice la legislación, a la hora del ejercicio cotidiano, la evidencia demuestra que, el que controla la "caja" estatal, la usará sin disimulo, para hacer política con absoluto descaro e impunidad y sin rendir cuentas.

La inexistente transparencia en el funcionamiento del sistema, favorece a los más inescrupulosos e invita insolentemente a ser parte de la cofradía para así acceder a los espacios de poder. Un ciudadano cualquiera, por capaz, honesto, e inteligente que sea, no puede postularse como candidato a un puesto público si no pertenece a un partido político o, al menos obtiene previamente una convocatoria y aval de una agrupación para hacerlo.

Es paradójico que estas formalidades se cumplan con tanta rigurosidad, mientras no funciona del mismo modo cuando un funcionario se apropia del dinero de los contribuyentes apelando a indisimulables prácticas.

Lo que sucede en el presente tiene muchas explicaciones. Pero también queda claro que, gran parte de lo que ocurre se produce porque una ciudadanía bastante hipócrita lo respalda con una desmesurada complacencia.
Alberto Medina Méndez.


The year was 1947... The year was 1947. Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947  , a little more than 66 years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying Object, 

(UFO), with five aliens aboard, crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch
just outside Roswell , New Mexico . 
This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force, as well as other Federal Agencies and Organizations. 
However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of  April
1948, nine months after the historic day, the following people were born: 
Barrack Obama Sr. 
Albert A. Gore, Jr. 
Hillary Rodham
William J. Clinton
John F. Kerry
Howard Dean 
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer 
Joe Biden
This is the obvious consequence of aliens breeding with sheep  and
jack-asses. I truly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things
for  you. It certainly did for me.
“EMO” For any coincidence Carlos Gimenes and other locals specimen like commissioners were born at that date? LRGM

GEROGINA LOPEZ: Cocaína y metanfetamina: Las drogas ilícitas contaminan el agua potable de Nueva York – RT

WATCH Bergdahl’s Platoon Mate Annihilate Him In Front Of Congress.

Says he needs to be charged with desertion

Bowe Bergdahl’s former platoon mate, Army SPC Cody Full (Retired), testified before the House Middle East and North Africa Terrorism & Nonproliferation Subcommittee regarding Bergdahl’s state of mind and actions leading up to his desertion from his unit.
“It is clear to me that he had a plan and executed it,” said SPC Full.  “Knowing that someone you needed to trust deserted you in war and did so on his own free will is the ultimate betrayal.”  He continued with his prepared statement: “You should not be able to desert your fellow Americans without consequences.  Bowe Bergdahl should not be characterized as having served with honor and distinction.”
Full concluded his comments with a list of charges including “desertion, missing movement, disrespect towards a superior commissioned officer, insubordinate conduct towards a non-commissioned officer, failure to obey order or regulation, misbehavior before the enemy, and misconduct as a prisoner.”

‘Nobody Believes You’… Paul Ryan Obliterates The IRS Commissioner In This Hearing.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Friday laid into IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for failing to keep Congress informed about the lost Lois Lerner emails.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) jumped all over IRS Commissioner John Koskinen this morning for failing to alert Congress about the Lois Lerner emails.
The emails in question were previously announced by Koskinen to have been deemed unretrievable, and the hard drives they were housed in destroyed three years ago.
Ryan put the screws to Koskinen in his rant when he accused the IRS of purposely keeping Congress in the dark about the hard drives and emails in question.
“You are the Internal Revenue Service. You can reach into the lives of hardworking taxpayers; and with a phone call, an email, or a letter, you can turn their lives upside down,” Ryan exclaimed. “You ask taxpayers to hang onto seven years of their personal tax information in case they’re ever audited, and you can’t keep six months of employees emails?”
“This is not being forthcoming; this is being misleading, again. This is a pattern of abuse, a pattern of behavior that is not giving us any confidence that this agency is being impartial,” said Ryan. “I don’t believe you. This is incredible.”
Read more at CEO: What Obama Is Doing Is Illegal And Will Destroy People On Fixed Incomes

"...this is a very dangerous situation"

Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray says Obama is illegally using the EPA and the Clean Air Act to take over the US Electric Power Grid–and in the process, destroying low-cost energy.
According to Murray, “Coal is a four cents per kilowatt hour energy, and wind and solar are a 22 cents per kilowatt hour energy…And that’s if the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.”
Murray would later in the interview go on to say, “this is a very dangerous situation and I don’t know if the average American, whose electric rates are already going up, will [know] it will go up a whole lot more with this.”
“The people who are on fixed incomes or are poor, poverty stricken people are gonna be hurt the worst,” Murray added. “And [they] better be scared to death about what Mr. Obama and his EPA are doing.”
“It can’t be done, it’s unachievable, and it’s illegal!”
This is just another example in which Obama is continuing his illegal actions and policies.

Watch: Trey Gowdy Reveals The Details Of A Dream He Had, But It’s Not What You Think.

This dream may scar you for life, or more likely leave you laughing out loud

Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was giving a speech in Maryland when he told the crowd about a “dream” he had.
It starts off with John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, and Maryland Republican Congressman Andy Harris all dying and going to heaven on the same day.
“It could happen, I guess…for two of them for sure.”
Rather than spoil the punchline, just watch it for yourself.  It will give you a laugh

CEO: What Obama Is Doing Is Illegal And Will Destroy People On Fixed Incomes.

"...this is a very dangerous situation"

Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray says Obama is illegally using the EPA and the Clean Air Act to take over the US Electric Power Grid–and in the process, destroying low-cost energy.
According to Murray, “Coal is a four cents per kilowatt hour energy, and wind and solar are a 22 cents per kilowatt hour energy…And that’s if the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.”
Murray would later in the interview go on to say, “this is a very dangerous situation and I don’t know if the average American, whose electric rates are already going up, will [know] it will go up a whole lot more with this.”
“The people who are on fixed incomes or are poor, poverty stricken people are gonna be hurt the worst,” Murray added. “And [they] better be scared to death about what Mr. Obama and his EPA are doing.”
“It can’t be done, it’s unachievable, and it’s illegal!”
This is just another example in which Obama is continuing his illegal actions and policies.

This Gorgeous Conservative Perfectly Sums Up How Americans Feel About Obama

"There's a lot of things that I think have..."

Ellison Barber of the Washington Free Beacon appeared on Fox News’ Real Story to discuss Congress’ record low poll numbers.
Guest host Jenna Lee asked Barber if the mistrust of Congress can be repaired in light of all the “issues” involving agencies that are supposed to be apolitical. Barber said, “There’s a lot of things that I think have over the past few months that we have seen consistently and repeatedly erode the trust of the American public.”
She went on to say that these latest polls reflect most Americans’ opinion that they “don’t trust Congress in general to do the job that they’re set out to do.”

Dear Friend:
Obama wasn’t kidding when he said, “Change has come to America.”
Today – this is a country that’s very different from the original idea of America.
The shining beacon of freedom has been replaced by dimly lit rooms filled with NSA agents snooping on your calls, your emails, every step you take online.
Soon, some 30,000 domestic drones could fill American skies. It’s likely your local police department will get one if they haven’t already. (Paid in large part by Homeland Security grants.)
There are now more Americans in jail than there were people in the Soviet Union’s concentration camps.
Most government agencies, including the Department of Education have their own SWAT team. Since the ‘70’s there were a few hundred SWAT raids annually. Now that number has swelled to more than 50,000 SWAT raids per year – most of these raids are for non-violent crimes.
A 961-page law called Obamacare that 54% of Americans oppose – now dictates how you and your doctor are allowed to treat your body.
The way we invest has changed too.
That’s because the Federal Government reworks statistics to give the appearance of an economic recovery.
Did you know, for instance, that the government doesn’t actually count all unemployed in their unemployment numbers?
Or that they exclude certain rising food costs when they report their rosy inflation statistics?
Or that they manipulate interest rates to make the stock market look like it’s going up?
Most people haven’t a clue this manipulation exists. And they recklessly put their money – their happiness – at risk by not knowing the truth.
My point is simple – if it feels like you’re being squeezed from every angle by the government in your pursuit of the American dream – it’s because you are!
That’s why what worked for your grand-parents to attain the American dream now only gets you to the 30-yard line. It’s not enough.

Hello, my name is Doug Hill.
I’m the director of the Laissez Faire Club

You, like me, are probably sick of “government creep” into every area of your life.
It’s this intrusion that strips you of your privacy, over-taxes you, hinders your investment returns, threatens your healthcare, and reduces your quality of life.
Instead of just complaining about it … my team of experts and I have done something about it by creating a blockbuster book that’s loaded with solutions that could advance you in life and empower you to escape free from government creep.
This book is aptly titled, A Man’s Right to Happiness.
It’s likely the only book of its kind that shows you how to reclaim your privacy … lower your tax burden … build wealth through shrewd investment opportunities … better manage your money and credit … succeed in business … and bolster your health and more.
But here’s the thing …
This book is not for sale. You can’t buy a copy. Not for any price. But in a moment, I’ll show you why I’d like to send you a copy absolutely FREE.
Yes, I said FREE. As in no charge. Complimentary.
But I don’t think I’m going to have those copies for much longer. Here’s why …

Forbidden Secrets that Obama,
Congress, and Corporate America
Hope You’ll Never See!

Open up your copy of this book, and you’ll be treated to forbidden secrets that the people in power would prefer you never see. Why is that? Two words
Your personal empowerment threatens their control over your life.
That’s because a well-educated, lucid, and observant populace keeps politicians accountable. It’s to the advantage of politicians that people are dumbed down, phlegmatic, distracted by celebrities … and dependent on government programs.
It’s all part of the system they’ve established. It’s why disgraced politicians, embroiled in scandal with a lousy track record keep winning elections.
But none of that matters … because I’m going to show you a way to break free from their system and advance in life … no matter what “regime” runs the government.
This is the new playbook for succeeding in every area of your life.
And it epitomizes the goal of our organization The Laissez Faire Club which stands for “leave it be.”
Now I’m about to show you some shocking stuff that will absolutely amaze and startle you. So turn your phone off, lock the door, and listen closely because this will be absolutely life-changing for you … that I certainly promise.
After that, I’ll show you how to get your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness. I’ll even pay the shipping cost for you.
So let’s talk about this brave new world we’re in where Big Brother is spying on your every move …
And then I’ll show you some shockingly simple things you can do to keep your private life … private

Get off the Surveillance and Control Grid
Without Moving to a Cabin in the Woods

(By the way, this isn’t some guns and bunkers organization. 
Most of my staff and I live in normal suburbs.)
The America we all grew up in and loved offered the blessing of privacy. Now that has changed due to the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic spying program.
I’m going to show you how to make yourself virtually invisible to the NSA as well as other agencies that snoop on citizens. So why is this necessary?
Perhaps you’ve heard politicians say of the NSA spy program, “If you have nothing to hide or you’re not doing anything wrong then there’s nothing to worry about.”
At first glance, that seems reasonable. But did you realize, that same propaganda was broadcast by Hitler’s Nazi party to cow German citizens into submission and fear?
Fact is, every week you’re probably breaking one or two laws whether you realize it or not, according to a study.
In particular …
Something you’ve said over the phone, in an email, a text, or online posting could one day be construed as hate speech, subversive, or give a government agency probable cause to send a SWAT team bursting through your door at 1:30 am in the morning.
Now, I realize that may sound unbelievable. But remember, there were close to 50,000 SWAT raids last year alone. Many of which were due to “non-violent crimes.”
So even though it may sound strange to you now, something you may have said in the past could be used against you as evidence of some obscure law that you broke.
That’s why it’s critical you keep your life as private as possible. I’ll show you a few simple ways to do that in a moment.
First, here’s something else I want you to think about.
A simple Google search by an employee or friend on your computer could cause the police to pay you a visit … just like what happened to a Long Island, New York couple weeks after the Boston bombings.
The wife searched for information on pressure cookers for cooking lentils and not long after that, her husband searched for backpacks online for their kids.
Soon after a SWAT team had their house surrounded.
Stop for a moment and think about the implications of that.
You now live in a world where a Google or Bing search can easily trigger the attention of law enforcement … or at the very least put you on some “list.”
That’s the bad news. The good news is A Man’s Right to Happiness will show you several work-arounds that could make sure the NSA and other Federal Agencies aren’t tracking you.
And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a techy or computer expert to put these tips to work. We’ve designed all of these to be incredibly easy to implement.
You’ll learn …
·         The single biggest privacy mistake most people make every single day, opening themselves up for hackers and prying eyes… without ever realizing it. (See page 39.)
·         Why logging onto your computer the way the software companies want you to log in actually exposes your computer to being hacked by NSA snoops. (See page 40.)
·         The one simple and easy move you must make when you log onto your computer. This tip allows you to build castle like walls around your emails and private browsing activity. (See page 40.)
·         A surprisingly cheap mobile phone app you can use to block the NSA from listening in on your calls! (See page 35.)
·         A brilliant online tool that works on the same concept as blending into a giant crowd of people, and throws the NSA snoops off your online trail completely. (See page 36.)
·         A laughably simply way to use your cell phone without your location being tracked. (See page 38.)
·         Why your anti-virus program and firewall isn’t enough to stop hackers from snooping inside your computer… or inserting dirty pictures and fake web search history that you would never want to be associated with.
·         An “every-man’s” do it yourself way to put an impenetrable wall around your computer. (See page 39.)
Of course, these simple tips to increase your privacy in an increasingly prying America are just one the many chapters you’ll find inside your copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Here’s something else I think you’ll find useful …

Obama’s Plans To Spread Your Wealth Around… Here’s How to Keep More of
Your Hard-Earned Money!

Most people don’t know this, but according to the Office of Management and Budget, 62 percent of the federal budget goes to entitlements.
Entitlements are just a fancy way to say food stamps, Obamaphones (a free cell phone plan for low income people which includes 250 free minutes a month) and the various other welfare programs.
Now, I have no problem with providing for people in need. But I don’t think it’s the government’s role to force you and I to do so.
And what really gets my blood-boiling is that it’s you and I that are footing the bill for well-abled people to receive free rent.
That’s absolutely outrageous don’t you agree?
Listen, my point is this – with Obama’s administration in office, the welfare programs show no signs of slowing down. And with more than half of America receiving handouts, how can we ever expect to vote these policies out of power?
That’s why we’re going to continue to be financially raped in an effort for the government to provide for those in “so-called” need.
We’ll be taxed, regulated, fined – you name it. That’s on top of already high taxes.
Consider that, on average, you and I work an entire week each month just to cover the taxes the Federal Government demands.
You, like me, probably don’t want to just hand your money away like that.
Fortunately there are some tax dodges and tricks you can do to slash your taxes to the absolute legal minimum.
I believe it’s your duty to do this, for the future success and legacy you leave to your family.
And don’t worry; these tips are all “by the book,” and won’t get you in trouble with any regulators.
We show you what they are, and how to take advantage of them in your free copy of A Man’s Right To Happiness. Let me show you some of these right now…
·         The THREE investment vehicles that could stuff your bank account with tax-free cash – running in the $1,000s -- every month! (See page 85.)
·         The “early inheritance” tax dodge that legally lets you transfer property to your children without it being taxed. (See page 81.)
·         How to write off a couple hundred dollars off your tax bill with something we call “the man’s best friend trick.” (See page 82.)
·         How living with a “significant other” can allow you to legally write off $2,500 on your taxes. (See page 84.)
·         How to turn your baby-sitter costs into a tax deduction – savings you $100s -- using this little-known loop-hole. (See page 84.)
·         How if you’re in the 28% tax bracket you may be able to write off as much as $840 from a common medical expense that 11% of Americans have done each year. (See page 85.)
·         Why installing a single household feature could turn into a handsome tax deduction if you use a little known medical expense loop-hole. (See page 86.)
·         The amazing secret of how you can turn your favorite past-time into a tax deduction worth several hundred dollars a year in write offs! (See page 87.)
·         How “becoming the bank” for your friends and family could turn into a nice tax deduction for you. (See page 87.)
·         How something we call the “driving Ms. Daisy secret” can turn into a small tax write-off worth $100 or more for you – each year. (See page 87.)
·         Do you take care of an elderly or sick relative? If so, you may qualify for this special tax deduction most people overlook. (See page 88.)
·         Discover how you can take advantage of this little-known “charity tax trick” that could shave as much as $750 off your tax liability. (See page 88.)
·         A special real estate trick you can use every five years that could mean huge deductions… running in the $1000s! Few people even realize this secret loophole exists. (See page 90.)
·         The five-step way government computers select tax returns for audits and how to forever disappear from their lists, completely ending any anxiety you have when you file your taxes. (See page 80.)
·         An aggressive but 100% legal exemption that allows you to legally never have to pay into Social Security. Saves you an average of $345,000 over the course of your working career. (See page 82.)
Added up, you’ll find more than two dozen ways to save $5,290 or more this coming tax-season.
Imagine what you’d do with an extra $5,000, or more. Would you use it to take the vacation you and your spouse deserve? Would you save it, storing it away for a rainy day?
The good news is that you can do anything you want. It’s your money. You earned it. It’s not the government’s money to take.
But unfortunately, most people miss these easy deductions and tips.
Not you. Not anymore.
This book and the tax slashing ideas inside could mean a fat refund check instead of a tax bill for you!
Again, everything you’ll see is 100% legal, for now.
It’s as simple as thousands of dollars back in your pocket, legally, for following the tax code to the letter.
I can’t stress this enough – this is YOUR money. Don’t you have a moral obligation to you and your family to keep as much of it as possible?
This book lays out a detailed blueprint for how to save thousands, legally.
As you can imagine, this is dangerous information in the eyes of the Federal Government whose goal is to extract as much money out of you as they can.
That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “cease and desist letter” arrive in my office any day now – forcing me to pull this letter offline.
And that’s also why I’m standing by to reserve your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
I’ll show you how at the end of this presentation.
Now here’s something that may seriously shock you …

You Might Live in a
“No-Constitution Zone”
Where Your Rights Have Been Suspended!

Chances are, you never saw this on your local news.
If you live anywhere in the U.S., including Alaska or Hawaii and live 100 miles from the border be it the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, Canada, or Mexico … Homeland Security says you are currently in a “Constitution Free Zone.” Your 4th Amendment rights in particular may no longer be active according to them.
Since 2008, the ACLU has been digging into this matter trying to find out more through the Freedom of Information Act. So far, various law enforcement agencies, politicians, and Federal agencies are keeping this on the down low.

Think about what this means to you for a moment.
For us, it unfortunately means our Baltimore-based office is in this zone. So it looks like First Amendment rights can be re-interpreted here on the whims of Federal employees.
If you get a copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness and you live in one of these no Constitution zones and this book becomes banned, may I suggest that you don’t let anyone know you own this book?
There’s more “HOT” information in this book.
Take for instance this little-known way to privately build wealth and “go off the grid.”

Secret Currency

In 2003, our Laissez Faire Club president – a three time NYT best-selling author and Sundance award winning filmmaker – predicted the collapse of the U.S. Dollar.
Since then, there have been a lot of famous economists riding our coattails. When the dollar loses its status as the reserve currency of the world, it could become nearly worthless overnight.
And when that happens you’ll be paying $8 a gallon for gas – perhaps much more and you’ll wipe out most of your pay-check just to buy groceries every week. It’ll be utter financial chaos for all Americans.
So it’s no secret that you must get some of your wealth OUTSIDE the dollar. Owning some gold and silver is a good place to start.
Here at the Laissez Faire Club we recommend everyone hold at least 5-10% of their wealth in gold or silver.
But did you know that there is a new form of currency that’s growing in popularity and traded world-wide?
Many of our members of the club have already diversified into this new currency as a way to protect themselves in the event of a U.S. dollar collapse.
Since its inception, this new currency has increased 800% in value, and if trends continue it could turn everyone’s phone into a private off-shore money shelter just like the ultra-rich have.
What’s more, this new type of currency allows money to pass from one party to another without a paper trail because there’s no third party involved. Hence it saves you on fees associated with transaction costs as seen with credit cards or PayPal.
Additionally, this new type of currency cannot be frozen by your bank, yet it’s perfectly legal. As an added benefit, it can’t be stoleneither.
We reveal the name of this currency, how to safely buy it, where to store it, and everything you need to immediately take advantage of it on page 91.
You can see this and so much more is in your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Stay tuned and we’ll show you how to get your copy mailed to you. (I’ll even cover the shipping cost.)
For now, I urge you to listen closely to this…

Getting Richer is the Best Revenge
Here are Investment Opportunities that
Offer Juicy Returns and Could
Enable You to Retire Sooner!

We all know how big of a role psychology plays in the stock market.
But now one appearance by Ben Bernanke or Obama on TV can instantly set off a ripple that rolls right through the stock market pushing it up or all too often, downward.
Just this past June, for example, Bernanke told us that the Federal Reserve would begin pulling back its support for the economy.
Stocks fell more than 4% in the two days that followed. Billions of dollars in stock market wealth vanished instantly.
Then, in his speech a month later, Bernanke reversed his course. He told investors he’d continue to prop up the economy … and stocks rallied by a whopping 200 points.
If you’re like me, you don’t want your wealth manipulated up and down on the whims of what some central banker says in his monthly speech.
And it doesn’t stop there …
A few months ago the government decided to recalculate the way it measures the total American economy. The “old” way had been around for nearly 100 years.
But it’s not good enough anymore, says our elected officials.
The government also manipulates unemployment figures to look lower than they are. And they fudge the price inflation statistics to make it look like prices aren’t going up.
Yeah, right.
I remember 50 cent per gallon gasoline. 25 cent movies. 10 cent cartons of milk.
Yet, according to our government, prices are “stable.” Ha!
Listen, what I’m saying is this – you need to protect yourself from their lies, manipulated statistics, and distractions.
We show you how. By sharing with you the best investment opportunities that work in today’s changed America.
·         The TWO diversification strategies that could allow you to make thousands (or more) no matter if the market see-saws up or down. (See page 146.)
·         THREE little-known but potentially mega-profitable tax-free investment opportunities that pay you monthly. (See page 85.)
·         The best investment opportunities in real estate during good times and bad. (See page 130.)
·         Hot, overlooked foreign investment opportunities that could make you a bundle of money, while further diversifying you away from the U.S. Dollar. (See page 131.)
·         A simple and easy way to buy, store, and sell precious metals without getting scammed. (See page 128.)
·         “Non-Wall-Street” alternatives to the traditional IRS or 401(k) retirement plan that build your wealth 100% tax-free! (See page 85.)
·         The THREE best investment vehicles for generating monthly dividend checks. (See page 85.)
·         How to make upwards of $25,000 per year, in the stock market, without buying a single stock. (See page 128.)
·         How to best potentially profit from the current U.S. energy boom that’s making everyone from everyday farmers to oil rig workers radically rich. (See page 129.)
·         The FIVE best stocks you should buy and hold forever, and why this could be the safest and easiest way to grow your wealth. (See page 130.)
If this has gotten your attention, wait till you see what comes next!
During this special message I have been mentioning that I’ll show you how to get your FREE copy of this book, A Man’s Right to Happiness.
I plan on doing this in just a moment. But here’s another way this book could profoundly help you …

Career. Money. Credit.
What You Need to Know to Get Ahead

It used to be, that hard work and a good idea was all it took to achieve the American dream. But in today’s changed America, that’s not the case anymore. Here’s why:
For starters … your dollars are nearly worthless because 98% of their value has been erased due in part to inflation. During the 70’s a bottle of soda pop cost about 45 cents. Things have changed so much that if you’ll look at your computer keyboard, there is no longer a cent symbol.
To get a high-paying job, most people would agree that you should get a good college degree. But it may be time to rethink college due to the fact that student loan debt in America is the second largest debt owed by Americans next to mortgages.
In fact, an NBC News report showed that the college graduate class of 2011 owes a whopping $26,000 on student loans.
Even with a college degree, that job market doesn’t look so good.
According to The Weekly Standard, the average American now earns less income than he or she did before the end of the Great Recession.
Now with Obamacare going LIVE, many companies are shedding jobs or converting existing full-time positions into part-time positions.
This being the case, you’ve got to employ new ways of managing money to get ahead. Your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness shows you how.
Inside you’ll learn …
·         Should you send your kids and grandkids to college or not – is it worth it? What are their job alternatives for higher income and pay? We reveal the shocking answers. (See page 121.)
·         Top 10 high growth industries for long term employment. (See page 122.)
·         What insiders are quietly doing to pick up world-class insurance for a fraction of the price you’re currently paying, and how you can too. (See page 133.)
·         THREE steps for maintaining good credit so you can drive off the dealership lot in whatever new car you choose. (See page 123.)
·         THREE little-known tricks that help you repair your credit, even if you’ve previously filed for bankruptcy. (See page 124.)
·         The secret debt snowball strategy for melting away your debt till you’re completely debt free! (See page 125.)
·         How to cut your cable bill to $0 and still watch the TV shows you love! (See page 126.)
·         How you can make as much as $1,350 per month in “the underground market.” (See page 128.)
·         Secrets for getting up to 25% off on your next appliance or big ticket purchase (See page 127.)
·         How to generate and spend unreported income that’s 100% free of federal taxes. (See page 88.)
Now, as you can see, this book contains many secrets – more than 100 in total.
They all come from a panel of experts we’ve developed here at the Laissez Faire Club.
On our board of experts we have a three-time best-selling author and filmmaker, one of the world’s leading privacy attorneys, and a billionaire publishing icon.
We also have one of America’s most trusted tax experts – a man that’s helped more than 26,000 people slash their taxes to the lowest legal minimum.
And we have one of the most cutting-edge healthcare entrepreneurs, whose ideas and help have literally saved the lives of more than 10,000 people.
All told, our expert panel has written three best sellers. They’ve appeared in television more numerous times. And they’ve written hundreds of articles, all devoted to showing people like you and me how to live an independent life.
Now, for the first time ever, we’ve compiled ALL their best ideas into one place. It’s all in your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
As far as I know there’s nothing else like this book on the market. As great as this is … there’s even more exciting secrets waiting to be discovered!

Secrets of How to Position
Yourself for Success in Business …
Even When Taxes, Regulations, and
Society are Against You

While there are many new exciting business opportunities there are also many new challenges for the entrepreneur.
Starting and running a business has become increasingly difficult. Listen to this …
A Wells Fargo/Gallup survey reports that 72% of small business owners believe regulations and red tape hurt them.
The government wants more revenue, as such taxes are being increased on businesses. This adds another set of problems for the entrepreneur who may already be struggling.
According to CNN Money, America has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. But it gets worse.
If you hire employees, it can mean never-ending headaches for you. That’s because some politicians are pushing for policies that demand you pay a “living wage” to low level workers.
Just recently there was a nationwide fast food strike by workers demanding higher pay to flip burgers.
Fortunately, your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness shows you actionable solutions that could help you succeed as an entrepreneur in spite of these problems.
Take a look at what you’ll find inside…
·         TWO BUSINESS IDEAS that require very little money to start … that don’t require employees, yet can instantly start you down the path to generating $50,000 a year in additional income (See page 163.)
·         If you have a business that requires staff, here’s how to get the help you need without technically hiring employees. (See page 165.)
·         The fastest and easiest online business you can start where you won’t be competing against giants like (See page 164.)
·         The fastest and easiest offline business you can start where you won’t be competing against franchises and giants like Wal-Mart or Target. (See page 164.)
·         A negotiating trick that works like a charm to get your way. Great for saving money and establishing lucrative business deals. (See page 165.)
·         How to create multiple streams of income, so you never have to worry about out-living your savings. (See page 166.)
·         An easy way to increase the probability you’ll become wealthy. (See page 166.)
·         How to set up your business so Obamacare regulations won’t hammer it. (See page 164.)
·         High growth niches and trends that are perfect for starting a new business in. (See page 122.)
It’s all in your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Now please pay close attention to what comes next as it literally could mean the difference between life and death for you.

How to Survive Obamacare:
Avoid Death Panels, Treatment Rationing,
and Sub-Par Service and Instead
Receive Better Health Care Than 90
Percent of the U.S. Population

Congress is supposed to be bound by the same laws as you are, right? But did you realize that Congress just got an exemption on Obamacare?
If you haven’t heard, Senators, House members, and their staffers were up in arms because they didn’t want to exchange their current health coverage for Obamacare. They threw a fit about it, and Obama granted them a waiver.
That says almost everything you need to know about the cost and quality of healthcare under The “Affordable” Care Act. And you and I will be stuck with it.
It’s going to be an absolute nightmare.
Industry insiders and health professionals all agree that you can expect to wait two to three times longer than you currently do just to see your doctor.
This means your lab test visits will be delayed as well as visits to your specialist even if you’re in pain.
Some experts expect a mass exodus of doctors and other healthcare professionals – leaving fewer experienced physicians to care for you when you will need it most.
And then there’s the rising cost …
According to, “Obamacare will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.” And ABC News reports that “the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets.”
Luckily, we have one of the world’s leading experts on health-care in our club.
He’s dedicated his life to showing more than 10,000 Americans how to receive everything from hip-replacements to life-saving treatments – outside the government and corporate controlled healthcare system.
Over his 10 year career, he’s discovered a set of work-arounds that promise you get top-notch healthcare while potentially saving – depending on your specific coverage -- thousands of dollars per year.
It’s crucial for your health that you take these steps immediately. And they’re all waiting for you in your FREE book. Some of what you’ll discover includes …
·         How to claim a $130,000 surgical procedure for just $18,500, even if you’re uninsured, or on a high-deductible plan. (See page 10.)
·         Three places you can get life-saving surgery at 50% to 80% less than what you’d pay in the U.S. yet the quality of the surgery is on par, if not far better than you’ll find at your local hospital. (See page 10.)
·         A surprisingly affordable way you can take charge of your own health in the prevention and early detection of disease by getting medical tests without a physician’s referral or needing to involve your insurance. (See page 12.)
·         How for as little as $50 a month you can get one-on-one access to a physician that includes their cell phone number, 24/7 access, same day appointments, and even home visits. (See page 21.)
·         A personal healthcare plan you should consider that will protect you and your loved ones, no matter what form of Obamacare is thrust upon us. (See page 25.)

Proven Health Hacks that Enhance
Your Health So You can 
Avoid Having to See a Doctor

A Forbes article highlights how Obamacare will result in rationing of drugs and treatments. (That same article mentions that Obamacare backers actually claim rationing is a good thing!)
If you should find yourself needing special treatments – you sure as heck don’t want to hear “REQUEST DENIED.”
To make sure you don’t find yourself in this scenario where diabetes, cancer, or heart disease treatments are rationed … it’s imperative that you engage in preventative care.
We have a special chapter in A Man’s Right to Happiness that will arm you with superb solutions to bolster your health and help prevent the onset of catastrophic disease.
You’ll find out …
·         A secret pressure point trick that you can do anywhere, using nothing more than the palm of your hand. This trick takes only seconds to do, and almost instantly it perks you up and gives you plenty of energy to be more productive! No need to gulp down cups of coffee or rely on energy drinks. (See page 151.)
·         The FOUR best exercises you can do without weights at home or in a hotel room to stay in shape. (See page 152.)
·         How to reduce stress and relax without drugs or alcohol. (See page 153.)
·         The most important over-the-counter medications and medical supplies you should have in stock, at all times. (See page 154.)
·         THREE tricks for stopping a heart attack. (See page 155.)
·         FOUR natural secrets for lowering your blood pressure. (See page 155.)
·         The FIVE best remedies for fighting a cold. (See page 156.)
·         How to banish migraines and bad headaches. (See page 157.)
·         FIVE foods that enhance your intelligence. (See page 158.)
·         The SEVEN healthiest foods you should have stocked in your pantry or fridge at all times. (See page 158.)
·         FIVE best ways to help prevent the onset of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. (See page 159.)
·         SEVEN secrets that help you drop unwanted inches and pounds. (See page 160.)
·         How to drink pure, clean water without having to stockpile bottled water. (See page 162.)
Next, let’s look at a weird way the government destroys your day to day productivity…

Why is the Government Interested in
Your Toilet and Showerhead?

Although most people don’t know this, many of the items in your home are highly regulated by the government.
And because of it, they don’t work as well and they actually cost you more.
Case in point …
Recently Obama has made an aggressive push to have your home appliances redesigned to meet the Energy Department’s harsh new energy-efficiency standards which covers 20 different products with more on the way.
At first glance, this might seem reasonable.
But the problem is, these regulations will raise the price of appliances by more than consumers are ever to likely earn back in the form of energy savings! On top of that, it could mean these products break down more often or don’t work as well.
Based upon Energy Department estimates, new water heaters and furnaces could have price hikes from $67 to $974 depending on the size and type.
This comes at a time where most Americans still can’t find a job, or afford to pay their monthly mortgages.
So how on earth can they afford an even higher cost of living?
And that’s just the start …
Clothes washers were hit with a regulation in 2007 that Consumer Reports claimed “left our stain-soaked swatches nearly as dirty as they were before washing” and that “for best results, you’ll have to spend $900 or more.”
Back in January 2001, a last-minute Clinton regulation stipulated a new energy efficiency standard for AC units that increased their prices. They later admitted that many homeowners won’t recoup the added up-front costs.
Inside your free book, A Man’s Right to Happiness, you’ll discover loop-holes, hacks, and work-arounds that make your appliances last longer and work more effectively like they were meant to.
Already, readers of the Laissez Faire Letter have written in to say:
My quality of life has just shot up 1000%. I have learned how to HACK MY SHOWERHEAD. Seriously life changing. I mean Seriously. Life. Changing.~ Shana Davidson
You’ll discover how to “Hack Your Showerhead” on page 45. There’s more, too. For example ...
·         A simple water heater trick that gives you cleaner dishes, clothes that feel cleaner and it even helps you sleep like a baby at night. (See page 48.)
·         Discover how one simple step (which is completely safe) can instantly make you more productive and rid your home of lingering smells … while saving you $259 or more on plumbing fees. (See page 51.)
·         A non-bleach solution found in the paint section of your hardware store that cleans your clothes and whitens them – making stains disappear in a single wash (See page 53.)
·         Why if you have a toilet that’s from 1980 or earlier, you definitely don’t want to replace it with a new one! (See page 59.)
·         A simple trick that adds years to the life of your overworked AC unit, saving you the hassle of finding an expensive AC repair man on those hot and sweaty days. (See page 63.)
·         An easy to purchase, but surprisingly strange drain clog buster… and how it can enhance the sanitation and free flow of water in your home. (See page 65.)
·         The single best “Old School” pesticide for ridding yourself of pests, and why you’d better stock up on it before it’s banned. (See page 66.)
·         How a legal over-the-counter health product became regulated under the Patriot Act and if purchased incorrectly, could trigger a SWAT team raid to your home. Here’s the work around to avoid the knock on the door. (See page 68.)
Now, chances are you will never use ALL these tips and tricks. But even if you use just a handful, my guess is that you could save hundreds of dollars this year.
That’s on top of the $2,500 you could legally save in taxes this same year.
And it’s also on top of the $52,000 in healthcare savings.
But if you made it this far, you know this book is bigger than just money saving tips.
This book could save you frustration. It could give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re in control of your life.
And that’s something we can’t put a price tag on. Wouldn’t you agree?
All these secrets, and more, are in your free copy A Man’s Right to Happiness.
But here’s some potentially bad news…
As I’ve explained, this book is NOT for sale. You can’t buy it anywhere. At any price.
Luckily, I’ve worked out a way to put a copy into your hands FREE. Here’s how…

Your Last Chance to Claim
This FREE Book Before All Copies are
Given Away… And Before the Government
Issues Us a “Cease and Desist” Letter

When I say the secrets inside A Man’s Right to Happiness is something the politicians don’t want you to see, I’m not even remotely kidding.
Remember earlier how I showed you that our office is in the “No Constitution Zone”?
Through that policy this book could likely soon be banned as amendment rights may be stifled.
Consider what we’re dealing with here …
If the government wants to silence you – they will. Recently a man was visited by FBI agents for posting on his Facebook page that the U.S. is a police state. Obviously the visit was to shut him up.
Now don’t you think the government would want to censor a book like this that offers legal tax-saving secrets … info about new currencies … and secrets on how to become invisible to the NSA?
The order to stop giving this book away could come tonight.
It’s not unusual for books to be banned in the US. Many books have been banned from school library book shelves. Some of these include great American literature classics such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Gone With the Wind.
If someone in Homeland Security catches wind of A Man’s Right to Happiness, they may deem it as something that needs to be restricted under the context of subversive literature.
It’s not subversive literature in any way of course. But if they did consider it subversive -- it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
This is why you better move fast to claim this free book before it’s no longer available.

Here’s How to Claim Your FREE Book

To claim your 100% free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness, (we’ll even cover the shipping) simply agree to a trial subscription to the Laissez Faire Letter.
The Laissez Faire Letter features experts on topics that matter to you most.
Topics like ways to legally lower your tax bill … free alternatives to public education … strategies for a safe and secure retirement … ways to protect your family during a crisis … how to customize your health insurance that fits your exact needs … and more.
All are focused on how to help you live a happier, healthier and financially independent life.
Only the Laissez Faire Letter is about providing you little-known tricks that could super-charge your success in life while freeing you from the burden of government intrusion.
Each month you’ll have the advantage of knowing how to …
·         Grow your wealth outside of Wall Street schemes.
·         How to obtain great healthcare and save money during the age of Obamacare.
·         How to give yourself a “health make-over.” Even if you’re 40, you’ll feel like you’re 20 again. Fit and full of vitality and in glistening good health.
·         You’ll learn fascinating hacks that make you so much more productive and more effective in your life.
·         New ways to cut your tax bill so you only pay what you owe, and not a penny more.
Plus, there’s so much more up to the minute material that you’ll see every month.
And best of all … as a proud subscriber to the Laissez Faire Letter, you won’t fear what “regime” holds the scepter of power in the White House or Congress.
It won’t matter as you’ll have this “black bag full of tricks” to enjoy your life to the fullest and become more successful.
I invite you to subscribe to the Laissez Faire Letter today. Once you do so, you’ll be entitled to receive …
1.     Your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness. This is a 166-page hard copy book that we’ll mail out to you. It’s loaded with actionable solutions that can show you how to reclaim your privacy, reduce your taxes, increase your investment returns, plus it includes shrewd money management tricks, strategies for succeeding in business and career, as well as how to survive Obamacare, and bolster your health. As a subscriber you’ll get a copy mailed to your doorstep as soon as we hear from you.
2.     And of course, you’ll receive The Laissez Faire Letter which is a full-color newsletter that’s e-mailed to you every month. It’ll cover a variety of topics with enlightening commentary and actionable solutions … presented by our team of renowned experts.
3.     Instant access to Future Special Reports. We will continue to create new books and reports similar to A Man’s Right to Happiness and you’ll receive them free as well!
As you can see, you’re getting a ton of actionable ideas that will absolutely upgrade your life.
So now I’d like you to imagine a few things for me …
Imagine living a live where you’re fully in control, rather than feeling like the mouse in some perverted government game …
Imagine controlling, building, growing and saving enough wealth to provide a legacy for your family, long after you’re gone …
And imagine immediately implementing some small things that instantly protects your privacy, slashes your taxes, and helps you amass more wealth.
After today you won’t have to imagine it … it can be reality once you claim this FREE book I’d like to send to you.
Here’s how to get your hands on the next release of the Laissez Faire Letter along with your FREE book, A Man’s Right to Happiness.

For a Limited Time Get
Half off the Regular Subscription Price!

Considering the tips, tricks, and insider info you’ll be given that covers your personal privacy, reducing taxes, success in investing, career, and business, as well as surviving Obamacare, and bettering your health … you’re looking at saving thousands … possibly tens of thousands of dollars.
Just one of the healthcare savings tricks could save you $52,000 … and one of the tax savings tricks could save you $2,500.
You’re also looking at potentially making thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in extra yearly income as well. (Not to mention the benefits you’ll see in your health and day-to-day quality of life.)
That said, you could easily justify pricing the Laissez Faire Letter at $197 a year, or more.
After all, some people pay CPA’s thousands of dollars for just the tax-savings advice alone.
But today through this special offer…
You will have access to a TEAM OF EXPERTS who specialize in providing solutions for multiple areas of your life … for pennies on the dollar comparatively.
So, how much would you expect to pay for the research you’ll receive with your Laissez Fairesubscription?
$150? $125?
Well, here’s the good news…
You won’t pay anywhere near that price, for two reasons.
First, our costs are divided across thousands of subscribers all over the world.
Second, we have made it our mission to share our ideas on health, wealth, and living a happy life with 100,000 people.
“I just joined the ‘club.’ This must be, without a doubt, the most remarkable thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. Well done!”-- Member, G.H.
“LAISSEZ FAIRE is a real GOD-SEND !”-- Member, B.D.
“It has been a great experience to actually think and discuss philosophical and economic issues with people from around the globe. I think I have learned more in the past month then I had learned in the past 10 years. Keep it coming!”-- Member, D.R.
But today, even though you might be happy to join at the regular price, you won’t pay that. Let me explain …
To reach our goal of 100,000 subscribers, we’re offering a huge discount on the subscription fee.
So here’s the bottom line…
It costs just $49 for a year-long subscription to the Laissez Faire Letter.
This includes your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
And it includes 12 monthly issues of the Laissez Faire Letter, each packed with urgent tips you can immediately take advantage of.
Here’s what I suggest you do today…
Put our claims to the test over the next thirty days by agreeing to a trial subscription.
If the letter isn’t everything I’ve explained here, and more, you can cancel anytime during the next thirty days and I’ll send you every single cent of your trial subscription fee back.
You keep everything you’ve received during that time.
That’s more than fair, wouldn’t you agree?
So act now and claim your free FREE copy of Man’s Right to Happiness and free gifts. To get access, Simply click the link below.
Welcome aboard …
You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final
Doug Hill
Director, The Laissez Faire Letter
October 2013
P.S. Now here’s a new reason to subscribe to the Laissez Faire Letter. I have another special report I’m offering you FREE … immediately today … that if put into action … could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Listen, I don’t have to tell you that bureaucrats sitting in Federal offices aren’t the only ones burying you under a mountain of ridiculous laws and inconveniences that put a wet blanket on your day to day quality of life.
State bureaucrats are in on the micro-managing action too. And sometimes, they can be worse than the Federal government, banning your collection of rain water, fining you for cutting a tree that’s about to fall on your home, or prohibiting the selling of large soda drinks. (Places like Oregon, California, and New York City especially come to mind.)
“The 5 Best States to Find Fortune and Felicity” which you can download right now.
Our experts researched all 50 states to determine which seven states treat you like an adult … and have the highest levels of freedoms, the No 695    “EN  MI  OPINIóN”   Junio 23, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: Pieles negras de Washington Vs Pieles Rojas de Washington… ¿Pieles negras de Washington quieren acabar con los Pieles Rojas de Washington?

La decisión para declarar ilegal nombre e imagen de las inscripciones de los Pieles Rojas de Washington  de la NFL es una nueva presentación de  la corrección política  con un celo que caracteriza a la desenfrenada y desbocada ambición de poder de esta administración.
Pero esta ambición es selectiva, es parte de la campaña tratando de consolidar el apoyo de la izquierda, usando un equipo de football popular, buscando protagonismo y publicidad
Si la corrección política fuera sincera, entonces tendrían que actuar de una manera similar en los siguientes casos:
• pondría en entredicho de manera similar la marca comercial de Dago Swagg, una línea de ropa cuyo nombre es despectivo de los italianos.  Llamar Dago a un italiano es como llamar nigger a un  negro o piel roja a un indio  (Perdón….. a un nativo americano)
• No permitirían la marca para Cracka Azz Skateboards, una línea del monopatín, longboard y la ropa que es un insulto contra los blancos-Llamar cracker a un montañero es igual que llamar nigger a un negro o piel roja a un nativo americano.
• Se opondrían  al registro de la cerveza White Trash,  Blanco Basura significa "basura blanca" y es un insulto a los blancos igual que llamar a un negro nigger o piel roja a un nativo americano..
•No se pone en entredicho la marca de Home Cookin Biscuit Head. El término "cabeza biscuit" tuvo sus orígenes en la Guerra de Corea, y se utiliza como insulto para describir la forma de las cabezas de los coreanos. Decirle “cabeza biscuit” a un coreano es como llamar nigger a un negro o piel roja a un nativo americano.
Y hay algunos otras, marcas comerciales registradas o para las que han sido aplicadas las marcas, que simplemente no pudieran ser permitidas porque para la corrección política serían ofensivas para cualquier segmento de la población. El whiskey etiqueta negra tendría que cambiar su nombre a etiqueta oscura, y la cerveza negra a cerveza oscura. Los cubanos no podríamos tomar la cerveza Hatuey.
¿Entonces "Pieles Rojas" es "ofensivo", pero lo anterior no son? ¿Por qué dicen falsamente que la multitud y los indios se sienten agraviados?  ¿Por qué el gobierno, utilizando su poder y falseando una inexistente  oposición pública al apodo, y acosa a un equipo de fútbol?
Si lo logran estarían creando un precedente, desaparecerían los Bravos de Atlanta, los Seminoles de Florida State University entre otros. Hasta quizás los Marlins, los Dolphins y otros equipos con nombre de animales tengan que cambiar su nombre bajo demanda de que sus nombres son ofensivos para la sociedad protectora de animales.
Pero debido a que su arrogancia es superada sólo por su ignorancia, buscando refugio bajo el paraguas de su hipocresía no creo que puedan cometer esta injusticia.
Creo que como dice el dicho “se les fue la mano”, o mejor dicho en este caso “se les fue la garra”

ALBERTO MEDINA PEREZ: Desmesurada complacencial

La sociedad se enfada a menudo con la política. La corrupción crónica, la impericia serial, las permanentes contradicciones discursivas, la ausencia de ideas para gobernar, las internas despiadadas, los reiterados exabruptos, la abundancia de privilegios y el despilfarro de los dineros públicos, son solo parte de una larga nómina de detestables cualidades que molestan, con sobrados méritos, a buena parte de la ciudadanía.

Eso no podría darse sin la complicidad de una comunidad que se enoja, pero no lo suficiente, que se incomoda pero no reacciona jamás. La bronca dura poco, para luego naturalizar lo inadmisible y aceptarlo todo como parte de una realidad que duele pero se soporta.

En algunas democracias más maduras, simples actitudes individuales incorrectas de los líderes políticos o meras declaraciones inapropiadas, dejan fuera de la carrera política a cualquiera que pretenda postularse a un cargo. En esas sociedades los niveles de exigencia son muy elevados.

Hay que hacerse cargo de que no todo lo que acontece es exclusiva responsabilidad de la política. Si la sociedad tolera la corrupción, con liviandad, no puede esperar que esta se extinga por arte de magia. Cuando los mecanismos más básicos no funcionan mínimamente, no es razonable creer que algo cambiará. Eso ya no es culpa de la política, sino de la patética conducta cívica de absoluta pasividad frente a cada despropósito.

Es importante asumir el presente, no solo para recriminarse la acción u omisión, sino para intentar modificar el futuro actuando en consecuencia. Una sociedad que no despierta, que prefiere la apatía, que se queja sin eficacia y no utiliza las herramientas que tiene a mano, es cómplice y no un mero observador externo.

Los ciudadanos son participes necesarios de mucho de lo que acaece. Los políticos de hoy no identifican estímulos suficientes para obrar correctamente. Cuando desvían fondos del Estado para hacer proselitismo o para su propio patrimonio personal, lo hacen no solo por su inmoralidad manifiesta, sino también porque no existe sanción efectiva por cometer esos delitos. No solo no responden ante la justicia por sus faltas, sino que tampoco pagan costos electorales, ya que muchos de ellos permanecen en el centro de la escena por décadas siendo nuevamente apoyados por ciudadanos que conociendo sus atributos e historias, los vuelven a votar.

Es posible que esta realidad tenga que ver con la carencia de opciones. La ciudadanía cree que todos son iguales y se siente empujada a elegir entre dirigentes corruptos e ineptos. Todos los sistemas que restringen la competencia promueven esta escasez de alternativas y eso impacta sobre la cantidad y calidad de la oferta política, debilitando el porvenir.

Para disponer de mayores alternativas resulta imprescindible que las barreras de acceso sean las mínimas. Sin embargo, la legislación vigente consagra con categórica convicción el monopolio de los partidos políticos.

Esto no es casual. La corporación política ha cerrado las puertas de modo intencional. No quieren contendientes en su camino. Desean forzar a los ciudadanos a seleccionar entre los que ya están en el juego, a los que diseñaron estas reglas a su medida, justamente para que el estándar de exigencia sea diminuto y puedan alcanzar sus propios objetivos personales.

Las leyes imperantes establecen múltiples restricciones para crear un nuevo partido político, bajo la perversa visión de que es mejor para la democracia tener pocos y fuertes, que muchos y débiles. Las normas complican además la chance de mantener activo un partido, dejándolos al borde de la precariedad formal, con la indisimulable intención de eliminar alternativas viables para los votantes.

El financiamiento de la política es un capítulo que se agrega, ya que más allá de lo dice la legislación, a la hora del ejercicio cotidiano, la evidencia demuestra que, el que controla la "caja" estatal, la usará sin disimulo, para hacer política con absoluto descaro e impunidad y sin rendir cuentas.

La inexistente transparencia en el funcionamiento del sistema, favorece a los más inescrupulosos e invita insolentemente a ser parte de la cofradía para así acceder a los espacios de poder. Un ciudadano cualquiera, por capaz, honesto, e inteligente que sea, no puede postularse como candidato a un puesto público si no pertenece a un partido político o, al menos obtiene previamente una convocatoria y aval de una agrupación para hacerlo.

Es paradójico que estas formalidades se cumplan con tanta rigurosidad, mientras no funciona del mismo modo cuando un funcionario se apropia del dinero de los contribuyentes apelando a indisimulables prácticas.

Lo que sucede en el presente tiene muchas explicaciones. Pero también queda claro que, gran parte de lo que ocurre se produce porque una ciudadanía bastante hipócrita lo respalda con una desmesurada complacencia.
Alberto Medina Méndez.


The year was 1947... The year was 1947. Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947  , a little more than 66 years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying Object, 

(UFO), with five aliens aboard, crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch
just outside Roswell , New Mexico . 
This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force, as well as other Federal Agencies and Organizations. 
However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of  April
1948, nine months after the historic day, the following people were born: 
Barrack Obama Sr. 
Albert A. Gore, Jr. 
Hillary Rodham
William J. Clinton
John F. Kerry
Howard Dean 
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer 
Joe Biden
This is the obvious consequence of aliens breeding with sheep  and
jack-asses. I truly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things
for  you. It certainly did for me.
“EMO” For any coincidence Carlos Gimenes and other locals specimen like commissioners were born at that date? LRGM

GEROGINA LOPEZ: Cocaína y metanfetamina: Las drogas ilícitas contaminan el agua potable de Nueva York – RT

WATCH Bergdahl’s Platoon Mate Annihilate Him In Front Of Congress.

Says he needs to be charged with desertion

Bowe Bergdahl’s former platoon mate, Army SPC Cody Full (Retired), testified before the House Middle East and North Africa Terrorism & Nonproliferation Subcommittee regarding Bergdahl’s state of mind and actions leading up to his desertion from his unit.
“It is clear to me that he had a plan and executed it,” said SPC Full.  “Knowing that someone you needed to trust deserted you in war and did so on his own free will is the ultimate betrayal.”  He continued with his prepared statement: “You should not be able to desert your fellow Americans without consequences.  Bowe Bergdahl should not be characterized as having served with honor and distinction.”
Full concluded his comments with a list of charges including “desertion, missing movement, disrespect towards a superior commissioned officer, insubordinate conduct towards a non-commissioned officer, failure to obey order or regulation, misbehavior before the enemy, and misconduct as a prisoner.”

‘Nobody Believes You’… Paul Ryan Obliterates The IRS Commissioner In This Hearing.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Friday laid into IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for failing to keep Congress informed about the lost Lois Lerner emails.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) jumped all over IRS Commissioner John Koskinen this morning for failing to alert Congress about the Lois Lerner emails.
The emails in question were previously announced by Koskinen to have been deemed unretrievable, and the hard drives they were housed in destroyed three years ago.
Ryan put the screws to Koskinen in his rant when he accused the IRS of purposely keeping Congress in the dark about the hard drives and emails in question.
“You are the Internal Revenue Service. You can reach into the lives of hardworking taxpayers; and with a phone call, an email, or a letter, you can turn their lives upside down,” Ryan exclaimed. “You ask taxpayers to hang onto seven years of their personal tax information in case they’re ever audited, and you can’t keep six months of employees emails?”
“This is not being forthcoming; this is being misleading, again. This is a pattern of abuse, a pattern of behavior that is not giving us any confidence that this agency is being impartial,” said Ryan. “I don’t believe you. This is incredible.”
Read more at CEO: What Obama Is Doing Is Illegal And Will Destroy People On Fixed Incomes

"...this is a very dangerous situation"

Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray says Obama is illegally using the EPA and the Clean Air Act to take over the US Electric Power Grid–and in the process, destroying low-cost energy.
According to Murray, “Coal is a four cents per kilowatt hour energy, and wind and solar are a 22 cents per kilowatt hour energy…And that’s if the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.”
Murray would later in the interview go on to say, “this is a very dangerous situation and I don’t know if the average American, whose electric rates are already going up, will [know] it will go up a whole lot more with this.”
“The people who are on fixed incomes or are poor, poverty stricken people are gonna be hurt the worst,” Murray added. “And [they] better be scared to death about what Mr. Obama and his EPA are doing.”
“It can’t be done, it’s unachievable, and it’s illegal!”
This is just another example in which Obama is continuing his illegal actions and policies.

Watch: Trey Gowdy Reveals The Details Of A Dream He Had, But It’s Not What You Think.

This dream may scar you for life, or more likely leave you laughing out loud

Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was giving a speech in Maryland when he told the crowd about a “dream” he had.
It starts off with John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, and Maryland Republican Congressman Andy Harris all dying and going to heaven on the same day.
“It could happen, I guess…for two of them for sure.”
Rather than spoil the punchline, just watch it for yourself.  It will give you a laugh

CEO: What Obama Is Doing Is Illegal And Will Destroy People On Fixed Incomes.

"...this is a very dangerous situation"

Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray says Obama is illegally using the EPA and the Clean Air Act to take over the US Electric Power Grid–and in the process, destroying low-cost energy.
According to Murray, “Coal is a four cents per kilowatt hour energy, and wind and solar are a 22 cents per kilowatt hour energy…And that’s if the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.”
Murray would later in the interview go on to say, “this is a very dangerous situation and I don’t know if the average American, whose electric rates are already going up, will [know] it will go up a whole lot more with this.”
“The people who are on fixed incomes or are poor, poverty stricken people are gonna be hurt the worst,” Murray added. “And [they] better be scared to death about what Mr. Obama and his EPA are doing.”
“It can’t be done, it’s unachievable, and it’s illegal!”
This is just another example in which Obama is continuing his illegal actions and policies.

This Gorgeous Conservative Perfectly Sums Up How Americans Feel About Obama

"There's a lot of things that I think have..."

Ellison Barber of the Washington Free Beacon appeared on Fox News’ Real Story to discuss Congress’ record low poll numbers.
Guest host Jenna Lee asked Barber if the mistrust of Congress can be repaired in light of all the “issues” involving agencies that are supposed to be apolitical. Barber said, “There’s a lot of things that I think have over the past few months that we have seen consistently and repeatedly erode the trust of the American public.”
She went on to say that these latest polls reflect most Americans’ opinion that they “don’t trust Congress in general to do the job that they’re set out to do.”

Dear Friend:
Obama wasn’t kidding when he said, “Change has come to America.”
Today – this is a country that’s very different from the original idea of America.
The shining beacon of freedom has been replaced by dimly lit rooms filled with NSA agents snooping on your calls, your emails, every step you take online.
Soon, some 30,000 domestic drones could fill American skies. It’s likely your local police department will get one if they haven’t already. (Paid in large part by Homeland Security grants.)
There are now more Americans in jail than there were people in the Soviet Union’s concentration camps.
Most government agencies, including the Department of Education have their own SWAT team. Since the ‘70’s there were a few hundred SWAT raids annually. Now that number has swelled to more than 50,000 SWAT raids per year – most of these raids are for non-violent crimes.
A 961-page law called Obamacare that 54% of Americans oppose – now dictates how you and your doctor are allowed to treat your body.
The way we invest has changed too.
That’s because the Federal Government reworks statistics to give the appearance of an economic recovery.
Did you know, for instance, that the government doesn’t actually count all unemployed in their unemployment numbers?
Or that they exclude certain rising food costs when they report their rosy inflation statistics?
Or that they manipulate interest rates to make the stock market look like it’s going up?
Most people haven’t a clue this manipulation exists. And they recklessly put their money – their happiness – at risk by not knowing the truth.
My point is simple – if it feels like you’re being squeezed from every angle by the government in your pursuit of the American dream – it’s because you are!
That’s why what worked for your grand-parents to attain the American dream now only gets you to the 30-yard line. It’s not enough.

Hello, my name is Doug Hill.
I’m the director of the Laissez Faire Club

You, like me, are probably sick of “government creep” into every area of your life.
It’s this intrusion that strips you of your privacy, over-taxes you, hinders your investment returns, threatens your healthcare, and reduces your quality of life.
Instead of just complaining about it … my team of experts and I have done something about it by creating a blockbuster book that’s loaded with solutions that could advance you in life and empower you to escape free from government creep.
This book is aptly titled, A Man’s Right to Happiness.
It’s likely the only book of its kind that shows you how to reclaim your privacy … lower your tax burden … build wealth through shrewd investment opportunities … better manage your money and credit … succeed in business … and bolster your health and more.
But here’s the thing …
This book is not for sale. You can’t buy a copy. Not for any price. But in a moment, I’ll show you why I’d like to send you a copy absolutely FREE.
Yes, I said FREE. As in no charge. Complimentary.
But I don’t think I’m going to have those copies for much longer. Here’s why …

Forbidden Secrets that Obama,
Congress, and Corporate America
Hope You’ll Never See!

Open up your copy of this book, and you’ll be treated to forbidden secrets that the people in power would prefer you never see. Why is that? Two words
Your personal empowerment threatens their control over your life.
That’s because a well-educated, lucid, and observant populace keeps politicians accountable. It’s to the advantage of politicians that people are dumbed down, phlegmatic, distracted by celebrities … and dependent on government programs.
It’s all part of the system they’ve established. It’s why disgraced politicians, embroiled in scandal with a lousy track record keep winning elections.
But none of that matters … because I’m going to show you a way to break free from their system and advance in life … no matter what “regime” runs the government.
This is the new playbook for succeeding in every area of your life.
And it epitomizes the goal of our organization The Laissez Faire Club which stands for “leave it be.”
Now I’m about to show you some shocking stuff that will absolutely amaze and startle you. So turn your phone off, lock the door, and listen closely because this will be absolutely life-changing for you … that I certainly promise.
After that, I’ll show you how to get your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness. I’ll even pay the shipping cost for you.
So let’s talk about this brave new world we’re in where Big Brother is spying on your every move …
And then I’ll show you some shockingly simple things you can do to keep your private life … private

Get off the Surveillance and Control Grid
Without Moving to a Cabin in the Woods

(By the way, this isn’t some guns and bunkers organization. 
Most of my staff and I live in normal suburbs.)
The America we all grew up in and loved offered the blessing of privacy. Now that has changed due to the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic spying program.
I’m going to show you how to make yourself virtually invisible to the NSA as well as other agencies that snoop on citizens. So why is this necessary?
Perhaps you’ve heard politicians say of the NSA spy program, “If you have nothing to hide or you’re not doing anything wrong then there’s nothing to worry about.”
At first glance, that seems reasonable. But did you realize, that same propaganda was broadcast by Hitler’s Nazi party to cow German citizens into submission and fear?
Fact is, every week you’re probably breaking one or two laws whether you realize it or not, according to a study.
In particular …
Something you’ve said over the phone, in an email, a text, or online posting could one day be construed as hate speech, subversive, or give a government agency probable cause to send a SWAT team bursting through your door at 1:30 am in the morning.
Now, I realize that may sound unbelievable. But remember, there were close to 50,000 SWAT raids last year alone. Many of which were due to “non-violent crimes.”
So even though it may sound strange to you now, something you may have said in the past could be used against you as evidence of some obscure law that you broke.
That’s why it’s critical you keep your life as private as possible. I’ll show you a few simple ways to do that in a moment.
First, here’s something else I want you to think about.
A simple Google search by an employee or friend on your computer could cause the police to pay you a visit … just like what happened to a Long Island, New York couple weeks after the Boston bombings.
The wife searched for information on pressure cookers for cooking lentils and not long after that, her husband searched for backpacks online for their kids.
Soon after a SWAT team had their house surrounded.
Stop for a moment and think about the implications of that.
You now live in a world where a Google or Bing search can easily trigger the attention of law enforcement … or at the very least put you on some “list.”
That’s the bad news. The good news is A Man’s Right to Happiness will show you several work-arounds that could make sure the NSA and other Federal Agencies aren’t tracking you.
And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a techy or computer expert to put these tips to work. We’ve designed all of these to be incredibly easy to implement.
You’ll learn …
·         The single biggest privacy mistake most people make every single day, opening themselves up for hackers and prying eyes… without ever realizing it. (See page 39.)
·         Why logging onto your computer the way the software companies want you to log in actually exposes your computer to being hacked by NSA snoops. (See page 40.)
·         The one simple and easy move you must make when you log onto your computer. This tip allows you to build castle like walls around your emails and private browsing activity. (See page 40.)
·         A surprisingly cheap mobile phone app you can use to block the NSA from listening in on your calls! (See page 35.)
·         A brilliant online tool that works on the same concept as blending into a giant crowd of people, and throws the NSA snoops off your online trail completely. (See page 36.)
·         A laughably simply way to use your cell phone without your location being tracked. (See page 38.)
·         Why your anti-virus program and firewall isn’t enough to stop hackers from snooping inside your computer… or inserting dirty pictures and fake web search history that you would never want to be associated with.
·         An “every-man’s” do it yourself way to put an impenetrable wall around your computer. (See page 39.)
Of course, these simple tips to increase your privacy in an increasingly prying America are just one the many chapters you’ll find inside your copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Here’s something else I think you’ll find useful …

Obama’s Plans To Spread Your Wealth Around… Here’s How to Keep More of
Your Hard-Earned Money!

Most people don’t know this, but according to the Office of Management and Budget, 62 percent of the federal budget goes to entitlements.
Entitlements are just a fancy way to say food stamps, Obamaphones (a free cell phone plan for low income people which includes 250 free minutes a month) and the various other welfare programs.
Now, I have no problem with providing for people in need. But I don’t think it’s the government’s role to force you and I to do so.
And what really gets my blood-boiling is that it’s you and I that are footing the bill for well-abled people to receive free rent.
That’s absolutely outrageous don’t you agree?
Listen, my point is this – with Obama’s administration in office, the welfare programs show no signs of slowing down. And with more than half of America receiving handouts, how can we ever expect to vote these policies out of power?
That’s why we’re going to continue to be financially raped in an effort for the government to provide for those in “so-called” need.
We’ll be taxed, regulated, fined – you name it. That’s on top of already high taxes.
Consider that, on average, you and I work an entire week each month just to cover the taxes the Federal Government demands.
You, like me, probably don’t want to just hand your money away like that.
Fortunately there are some tax dodges and tricks you can do to slash your taxes to the absolute legal minimum.
I believe it’s your duty to do this, for the future success and legacy you leave to your family.
And don’t worry; these tips are all “by the book,” and won’t get you in trouble with any regulators.
We show you what they are, and how to take advantage of them in your free copy of A Man’s Right To Happiness. Let me show you some of these right now…
·         The THREE investment vehicles that could stuff your bank account with tax-free cash – running in the $1,000s -- every month! (See page 85.)
·         The “early inheritance” tax dodge that legally lets you transfer property to your children without it being taxed. (See page 81.)
·         How to write off a couple hundred dollars off your tax bill with something we call “the man’s best friend trick.” (See page 82.)
·         How living with a “significant other” can allow you to legally write off $2,500 on your taxes. (See page 84.)
·         How to turn your baby-sitter costs into a tax deduction – savings you $100s -- using this little-known loop-hole. (See page 84.)
·         How if you’re in the 28% tax bracket you may be able to write off as much as $840 from a common medical expense that 11% of Americans have done each year. (See page 85.)
·         Why installing a single household feature could turn into a handsome tax deduction if you use a little known medical expense loop-hole. (See page 86.)
·         The amazing secret of how you can turn your favorite past-time into a tax deduction worth several hundred dollars a year in write offs! (See page 87.)
·         How “becoming the bank” for your friends and family could turn into a nice tax deduction for you. (See page 87.)
·         How something we call the “driving Ms. Daisy secret” can turn into a small tax write-off worth $100 or more for you – each year. (See page 87.)
·         Do you take care of an elderly or sick relative? If so, you may qualify for this special tax deduction most people overlook. (See page 88.)
·         Discover how you can take advantage of this little-known “charity tax trick” that could shave as much as $750 off your tax liability. (See page 88.)
·         A special real estate trick you can use every five years that could mean huge deductions… running in the $1000s! Few people even realize this secret loophole exists. (See page 90.)
·         The five-step way government computers select tax returns for audits and how to forever disappear from their lists, completely ending any anxiety you have when you file your taxes. (See page 80.)
·         An aggressive but 100% legal exemption that allows you to legally never have to pay into Social Security. Saves you an average of $345,000 over the course of your working career. (See page 82.)
Added up, you’ll find more than two dozen ways to save $5,290 or more this coming tax-season.
Imagine what you’d do with an extra $5,000, or more. Would you use it to take the vacation you and your spouse deserve? Would you save it, storing it away for a rainy day?
The good news is that you can do anything you want. It’s your money. You earned it. It’s not the government’s money to take.
But unfortunately, most people miss these easy deductions and tips.
Not you. Not anymore.
This book and the tax slashing ideas inside could mean a fat refund check instead of a tax bill for you!
Again, everything you’ll see is 100% legal, for now.
It’s as simple as thousands of dollars back in your pocket, legally, for following the tax code to the letter.
I can’t stress this enough – this is YOUR money. Don’t you have a moral obligation to you and your family to keep as much of it as possible?
This book lays out a detailed blueprint for how to save thousands, legally.
As you can imagine, this is dangerous information in the eyes of the Federal Government whose goal is to extract as much money out of you as they can.
That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “cease and desist letter” arrive in my office any day now – forcing me to pull this letter offline.
And that’s also why I’m standing by to reserve your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
I’ll show you how at the end of this presentation.
Now here’s something that may seriously shock you …

You Might Live in a
“No-Constitution Zone”
Where Your Rights Have Been Suspended!

Chances are, you never saw this on your local news.
If you live anywhere in the U.S., including Alaska or Hawaii and live 100 miles from the border be it the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, Canada, or Mexico … Homeland Security says you are currently in a “Constitution Free Zone.” Your 4th Amendment rights in particular may no longer be active according to them.
Since 2008, the ACLU has been digging into this matter trying to find out more through the Freedom of Information Act. So far, various law enforcement agencies, politicians, and Federal agencies are keeping this on the down low.

Think about what this means to you for a moment.
For us, it unfortunately means our Baltimore-based office is in this zone. So it looks like First Amendment rights can be re-interpreted here on the whims of Federal employees.
If you get a copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness and you live in one of these no Constitution zones and this book becomes banned, may I suggest that you don’t let anyone know you own this book?
There’s more “HOT” information in this book.
Take for instance this little-known way to privately build wealth and “go off the grid.”

Secret Currency

In 2003, our Laissez Faire Club president – a three time NYT best-selling author and Sundance award winning filmmaker – predicted the collapse of the U.S. Dollar.
Since then, there have been a lot of famous economists riding our coattails. When the dollar loses its status as the reserve currency of the world, it could become nearly worthless overnight.
And when that happens you’ll be paying $8 a gallon for gas – perhaps much more and you’ll wipe out most of your pay-check just to buy groceries every week. It’ll be utter financial chaos for all Americans.
So it’s no secret that you must get some of your wealth OUTSIDE the dollar. Owning some gold and silver is a good place to start.
Here at the Laissez Faire Club we recommend everyone hold at least 5-10% of their wealth in gold or silver.
But did you know that there is a new form of currency that’s growing in popularity and traded world-wide?
Many of our members of the club have already diversified into this new currency as a way to protect themselves in the event of a U.S. dollar collapse.
Since its inception, this new currency has increased 800% in value, and if trends continue it could turn everyone’s phone into a private off-shore money shelter just like the ultra-rich have.
What’s more, this new type of currency allows money to pass from one party to another without a paper trail because there’s no third party involved. Hence it saves you on fees associated with transaction costs as seen with credit cards or PayPal.
Additionally, this new type of currency cannot be frozen by your bank, yet it’s perfectly legal. As an added benefit, it can’t be stoleneither.
We reveal the name of this currency, how to safely buy it, where to store it, and everything you need to immediately take advantage of it on page 91.
You can see this and so much more is in your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Stay tuned and we’ll show you how to get your copy mailed to you. (I’ll even cover the shipping cost.)
For now, I urge you to listen closely to this…

Getting Richer is the Best Revenge
Here are Investment Opportunities that
Offer Juicy Returns and Could
Enable You to Retire Sooner!

We all know how big of a role psychology plays in the stock market.
But now one appearance by Ben Bernanke or Obama on TV can instantly set off a ripple that rolls right through the stock market pushing it up or all too often, downward.
Just this past June, for example, Bernanke told us that the Federal Reserve would begin pulling back its support for the economy.
Stocks fell more than 4% in the two days that followed. Billions of dollars in stock market wealth vanished instantly.
Then, in his speech a month later, Bernanke reversed his course. He told investors he’d continue to prop up the economy … and stocks rallied by a whopping 200 points.
If you’re like me, you don’t want your wealth manipulated up and down on the whims of what some central banker says in his monthly speech.
And it doesn’t stop there …
A few months ago the government decided to recalculate the way it measures the total American economy. The “old” way had been around for nearly 100 years.
But it’s not good enough anymore, says our elected officials.
The government also manipulates unemployment figures to look lower than they are. And they fudge the price inflation statistics to make it look like prices aren’t going up.
Yeah, right.
I remember 50 cent per gallon gasoline. 25 cent movies. 10 cent cartons of milk.
Yet, according to our government, prices are “stable.” Ha!
Listen, what I’m saying is this – you need to protect yourself from their lies, manipulated statistics, and distractions.
We show you how. By sharing with you the best investment opportunities that work in today’s changed America.
·         The TWO diversification strategies that could allow you to make thousands (or more) no matter if the market see-saws up or down. (See page 146.)
·         THREE little-known but potentially mega-profitable tax-free investment opportunities that pay you monthly. (See page 85.)
·         The best investment opportunities in real estate during good times and bad. (See page 130.)
·         Hot, overlooked foreign investment opportunities that could make you a bundle of money, while further diversifying you away from the U.S. Dollar. (See page 131.)
·         A simple and easy way to buy, store, and sell precious metals without getting scammed. (See page 128.)
·         “Non-Wall-Street” alternatives to the traditional IRS or 401(k) retirement plan that build your wealth 100% tax-free! (See page 85.)
·         The THREE best investment vehicles for generating monthly dividend checks. (See page 85.)
·         How to make upwards of $25,000 per year, in the stock market, without buying a single stock. (See page 128.)
·         How to best potentially profit from the current U.S. energy boom that’s making everyone from everyday farmers to oil rig workers radically rich. (See page 129.)
·         The FIVE best stocks you should buy and hold forever, and why this could be the safest and easiest way to grow your wealth. (See page 130.)
If this has gotten your attention, wait till you see what comes next!
During this special message I have been mentioning that I’ll show you how to get your FREE copy of this book, A Man’s Right to Happiness.
I plan on doing this in just a moment. But here’s another way this book could profoundly help you …

Career. Money. Credit.
What You Need to Know to Get Ahead

It used to be, that hard work and a good idea was all it took to achieve the American dream. But in today’s changed America, that’s not the case anymore. Here’s why:
For starters … your dollars are nearly worthless because 98% of their value has been erased due in part to inflation. During the 70’s a bottle of soda pop cost about 45 cents. Things have changed so much that if you’ll look at your computer keyboard, there is no longer a cent symbol.
To get a high-paying job, most people would agree that you should get a good college degree. But it may be time to rethink college due to the fact that student loan debt in America is the second largest debt owed by Americans next to mortgages.
In fact, an NBC News report showed that the college graduate class of 2011 owes a whopping $26,000 on student loans.
Even with a college degree, that job market doesn’t look so good.
According to The Weekly Standard, the average American now earns less income than he or she did before the end of the Great Recession.
Now with Obamacare going LIVE, many companies are shedding jobs or converting existing full-time positions into part-time positions.
This being the case, you’ve got to employ new ways of managing money to get ahead. Your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness shows you how.
Inside you’ll learn …
·         Should you send your kids and grandkids to college or not – is it worth it? What are their job alternatives for higher income and pay? We reveal the shocking answers. (See page 121.)
·         Top 10 high growth industries for long term employment. (See page 122.)
·         What insiders are quietly doing to pick up world-class insurance for a fraction of the price you’re currently paying, and how you can too. (See page 133.)
·         THREE steps for maintaining good credit so you can drive off the dealership lot in whatever new car you choose. (See page 123.)
·         THREE little-known tricks that help you repair your credit, even if you’ve previously filed for bankruptcy. (See page 124.)
·         The secret debt snowball strategy for melting away your debt till you’re completely debt free! (See page 125.)
·         How to cut your cable bill to $0 and still watch the TV shows you love! (See page 126.)
·         How you can make as much as $1,350 per month in “the underground market.” (See page 128.)
·         Secrets for getting up to 25% off on your next appliance or big ticket purchase (See page 127.)
·         How to generate and spend unreported income that’s 100% free of federal taxes. (See page 88.)
Now, as you can see, this book contains many secrets – more than 100 in total.
They all come from a panel of experts we’ve developed here at the Laissez Faire Club.
On our board of experts we have a three-time best-selling author and filmmaker, one of the world’s leading privacy attorneys, and a billionaire publishing icon.
We also have one of America’s most trusted tax experts – a man that’s helped more than 26,000 people slash their taxes to the lowest legal minimum.
And we have one of the most cutting-edge healthcare entrepreneurs, whose ideas and help have literally saved the lives of more than 10,000 people.
All told, our expert panel has written three best sellers. They’ve appeared in television more numerous times. And they’ve written hundreds of articles, all devoted to showing people like you and me how to live an independent life.
Now, for the first time ever, we’ve compiled ALL their best ideas into one place. It’s all in your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
As far as I know there’s nothing else like this book on the market. As great as this is … there’s even more exciting secrets waiting to be discovered!

Secrets of How to Position
Yourself for Success in Business …
Even When Taxes, Regulations, and
Society are Against You

While there are many new exciting business opportunities there are also many new challenges for the entrepreneur.
Starting and running a business has become increasingly difficult. Listen to this …
A Wells Fargo/Gallup survey reports that 72% of small business owners believe regulations and red tape hurt them.
The government wants more revenue, as such taxes are being increased on businesses. This adds another set of problems for the entrepreneur who may already be struggling.
According to CNN Money, America has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. But it gets worse.
If you hire employees, it can mean never-ending headaches for you. That’s because some politicians are pushing for policies that demand you pay a “living wage” to low level workers.
Just recently there was a nationwide fast food strike by workers demanding higher pay to flip burgers.
Fortunately, your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness shows you actionable solutions that could help you succeed as an entrepreneur in spite of these problems.
Take a look at what you’ll find inside…
·         TWO BUSINESS IDEAS that require very little money to start … that don’t require employees, yet can instantly start you down the path to generating $50,000 a year in additional income (See page 163.)
·         If you have a business that requires staff, here’s how to get the help you need without technically hiring employees. (See page 165.)
·         The fastest and easiest online business you can start where you won’t be competing against giants like (See page 164.)
·         The fastest and easiest offline business you can start where you won’t be competing against franchises and giants like Wal-Mart or Target. (See page 164.)
·         A negotiating trick that works like a charm to get your way. Great for saving money and establishing lucrative business deals. (See page 165.)
·         How to create multiple streams of income, so you never have to worry about out-living your savings. (See page 166.)
·         An easy way to increase the probability you’ll become wealthy. (See page 166.)
·         How to set up your business so Obamacare regulations won’t hammer it. (See page 164.)
·         High growth niches and trends that are perfect for starting a new business in. (See page 122.)
It’s all in your FREE copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
Now please pay close attention to what comes next as it literally could mean the difference between life and death for you.

How to Survive Obamacare:
Avoid Death Panels, Treatment Rationing,
and Sub-Par Service and Instead
Receive Better Health Care Than 90
Percent of the U.S. Population

Congress is supposed to be bound by the same laws as you are, right? But did you realize that Congress just got an exemption on Obamacare?
If you haven’t heard, Senators, House members, and their staffers were up in arms because they didn’t want to exchange their current health coverage for Obamacare. They threw a fit about it, and Obama granted them a waiver.
That says almost everything you need to know about the cost and quality of healthcare under The “Affordable” Care Act. And you and I will be stuck with it.
It’s going to be an absolute nightmare.
Industry insiders and health professionals all agree that you can expect to wait two to three times longer than you currently do just to see your doctor.
This means your lab test visits will be delayed as well as visits to your specialist even if you’re in pain.
Some experts expect a mass exodus of doctors and other healthcare professionals – leaving fewer experienced physicians to care for you when you will need it most.
And then there’s the rising cost …
According to, “Obamacare will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.” And ABC News reports that “the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets.”
Luckily, we have one of the world’s leading experts on health-care in our club.
He’s dedicated his life to showing more than 10,000 Americans how to receive everything from hip-replacements to life-saving treatments – outside the government and corporate controlled healthcare system.
Over his 10 year career, he’s discovered a set of work-arounds that promise you get top-notch healthcare while potentially saving – depending on your specific coverage -- thousands of dollars per year.
It’s crucial for your health that you take these steps immediately. And they’re all waiting for you in your FREE book. Some of what you’ll discover includes …
·         How to claim a $130,000 surgical procedure for just $18,500, even if you’re uninsured, or on a high-deductible plan. (See page 10.)
·         Three places you can get life-saving surgery at 50% to 80% less than what you’d pay in the U.S. yet the quality of the surgery is on par, if not far better than you’ll find at your local hospital. (See page 10.)
·         A surprisingly affordable way you can take charge of your own health in the prevention and early detection of disease by getting medical tests without a physician’s referral or needing to involve your insurance. (See page 12.)
·         How for as little as $50 a month you can get one-on-one access to a physician that includes their cell phone number, 24/7 access, same day appointments, and even home visits. (See page 21.)
·         A personal healthcare plan you should consider that will protect you and your loved ones, no matter what form of Obamacare is thrust upon us. (See page 25.)

Proven Health Hacks that Enhance
Your Health So You can 
Avoid Having to See a Doctor

A Forbes article highlights how Obamacare will result in rationing of drugs and treatments. (That same article mentions that Obamacare backers actually claim rationing is a good thing!)
If you should find yourself needing special treatments – you sure as heck don’t want to hear “REQUEST DENIED.”
To make sure you don’t find yourself in this scenario where diabetes, cancer, or heart disease treatments are rationed … it’s imperative that you engage in preventative care.
We have a special chapter in A Man’s Right to Happiness that will arm you with superb solutions to bolster your health and help prevent the onset of catastrophic disease.
You’ll find out …
·         A secret pressure point trick that you can do anywhere, using nothing more than the palm of your hand. This trick takes only seconds to do, and almost instantly it perks you up and gives you plenty of energy to be more productive! No need to gulp down cups of coffee or rely on energy drinks. (See page 151.)
·         The FOUR best exercises you can do without weights at home or in a hotel room to stay in shape. (See page 152.)
·         How to reduce stress and relax without drugs or alcohol. (See page 153.)
·         The most important over-the-counter medications and medical supplies you should have in stock, at all times. (See page 154.)
·         THREE tricks for stopping a heart attack. (See page 155.)
·         FOUR natural secrets for lowering your blood pressure. (See page 155.)
·         The FIVE best remedies for fighting a cold. (See page 156.)
·         How to banish migraines and bad headaches. (See page 157.)
·         FIVE foods that enhance your intelligence. (See page 158.)
·         The SEVEN healthiest foods you should have stocked in your pantry or fridge at all times. (See page 158.)
·         FIVE best ways to help prevent the onset of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. (See page 159.)
·         SEVEN secrets that help you drop unwanted inches and pounds. (See page 160.)
·         How to drink pure, clean water without having to stockpile bottled water. (See page 162.)
Next, let’s look at a weird way the government destroys your day to day productivity…

Why is the Government Interested in
Your Toilet and Showerhead?

Although most people don’t know this, many of the items in your home are highly regulated by the government.
And because of it, they don’t work as well and they actually cost you more.
Case in point …
Recently Obama has made an aggressive push to have your home appliances redesigned to meet the Energy Department’s harsh new energy-efficiency standards which covers 20 different products with more on the way.
At first glance, this might seem reasonable.
But the problem is, these regulations will raise the price of appliances by more than consumers are ever to likely earn back in the form of energy savings! On top of that, it could mean these products break down more often or don’t work as well.
Based upon Energy Department estimates, new water heaters and furnaces could have price hikes from $67 to $974 depending on the size and type.
This comes at a time where most Americans still can’t find a job, or afford to pay their monthly mortgages.
So how on earth can they afford an even higher cost of living?
And that’s just the start …
Clothes washers were hit with a regulation in 2007 that Consumer Reports claimed “left our stain-soaked swatches nearly as dirty as they were before washing” and that “for best results, you’ll have to spend $900 or more.”
Back in January 2001, a last-minute Clinton regulation stipulated a new energy efficiency standard for AC units that increased their prices. They later admitted that many homeowners won’t recoup the added up-front costs.
Inside your free book, A Man’s Right to Happiness, you’ll discover loop-holes, hacks, and work-arounds that make your appliances last longer and work more effectively like they were meant to.
Already, readers of the Laissez Faire Letter have written in to say:
My quality of life has just shot up 1000%. I have learned how to HACK MY SHOWERHEAD. Seriously life changing. I mean Seriously. Life. Changing.~ Shana Davidson
You’ll discover how to “Hack Your Showerhead” on page 45. There’s more, too. For example ...
·         A simple water heater trick that gives you cleaner dishes, clothes that feel cleaner and it even helps you sleep like a baby at night. (See page 48.)
·         Discover how one simple step (which is completely safe) can instantly make you more productive and rid your home of lingering smells … while saving you $259 or more on plumbing fees. (See page 51.)
·         A non-bleach solution found in the paint section of your hardware store that cleans your clothes and whitens them – making stains disappear in a single wash (See page 53.)
·         Why if you have a toilet that’s from 1980 or earlier, you definitely don’t want to replace it with a new one! (See page 59.)
·         A simple trick that adds years to the life of your overworked AC unit, saving you the hassle of finding an expensive AC repair man on those hot and sweaty days. (See page 63.)
·         An easy to purchase, but surprisingly strange drain clog buster… and how it can enhance the sanitation and free flow of water in your home. (See page 65.)
·         The single best “Old School” pesticide for ridding yourself of pests, and why you’d better stock up on it before it’s banned. (See page 66.)
·         How a legal over-the-counter health product became regulated under the Patriot Act and if purchased incorrectly, could trigger a SWAT team raid to your home. Here’s the work around to avoid the knock on the door. (See page 68.)
Now, chances are you will never use ALL these tips and tricks. But even if you use just a handful, my guess is that you could save hundreds of dollars this year.
That’s on top of the $2,500 you could legally save in taxes this same year.
And it’s also on top of the $52,000 in healthcare savings.
But if you made it this far, you know this book is bigger than just money saving tips.
This book could save you frustration. It could give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re in control of your life.
And that’s something we can’t put a price tag on. Wouldn’t you agree?
All these secrets, and more, are in your free copy A Man’s Right to Happiness.
But here’s some potentially bad news…
As I’ve explained, this book is NOT for sale. You can’t buy it anywhere. At any price.
Luckily, I’ve worked out a way to put a copy into your hands FREE. Here’s how…

Your Last Chance to Claim
This FREE Book Before All Copies are
Given Away… And Before the Government
Issues Us a “Cease and Desist” Letter

When I say the secrets inside A Man’s Right to Happiness is something the politicians don’t want you to see, I’m not even remotely kidding.
Remember earlier how I showed you that our office is in the “No Constitution Zone”?
Through that policy this book could likely soon be banned as amendment rights may be stifled.
Consider what we’re dealing with here …
If the government wants to silence you – they will. Recently a man was visited by FBI agents for posting on his Facebook page that the U.S. is a police state. Obviously the visit was to shut him up.
Now don’t you think the government would want to censor a book like this that offers legal tax-saving secrets … info about new currencies … and secrets on how to become invisible to the NSA?
The order to stop giving this book away could come tonight.
It’s not unusual for books to be banned in the US. Many books have been banned from school library book shelves. Some of these include great American literature classics such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Gone With the Wind.
If someone in Homeland Security catches wind of A Man’s Right to Happiness, they may deem it as something that needs to be restricted under the context of subversive literature.
It’s not subversive literature in any way of course. But if they did consider it subversive -- it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
This is why you better move fast to claim this free book before it’s no longer available.

Here’s How to Claim Your FREE Book

To claim your 100% free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness, (we’ll even cover the shipping) simply agree to a trial subscription to the Laissez Faire Letter.
The Laissez Faire Letter features experts on topics that matter to you most.
Topics like ways to legally lower your tax bill … free alternatives to public education … strategies for a safe and secure retirement … ways to protect your family during a crisis … how to customize your health insurance that fits your exact needs … and more.
All are focused on how to help you live a happier, healthier and financially independent life.
Only the Laissez Faire Letter is about providing you little-known tricks that could super-charge your success in life while freeing you from the burden of government intrusion.
Each month you’ll have the advantage of knowing how to …
·         Grow your wealth outside of Wall Street schemes.
·         How to obtain great healthcare and save money during the age of Obamacare.
·         How to give yourself a “health make-over.” Even if you’re 40, you’ll feel like you’re 20 again. Fit and full of vitality and in glistening good health.
·         You’ll learn fascinating hacks that make you so much more productive and more effective in your life.
·         New ways to cut your tax bill so you only pay what you owe, and not a penny more.
Plus, there’s so much more up to the minute material that you’ll see every month.
And best of all … as a proud subscriber to the Laissez Faire Letter, you won’t fear what “regime” holds the scepter of power in the White House or Congress.
It won’t matter as you’ll have this “black bag full of tricks” to enjoy your life to the fullest and become more successful.
I invite you to subscribe to the Laissez Faire Letter today. Once you do so, you’ll be entitled to receive …
1.     Your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness. This is a 166-page hard copy book that we’ll mail out to you. It’s loaded with actionable solutions that can show you how to reclaim your privacy, reduce your taxes, increase your investment returns, plus it includes shrewd money management tricks, strategies for succeeding in business and career, as well as how to survive Obamacare, and bolster your health. As a subscriber you’ll get a copy mailed to your doorstep as soon as we hear from you.
2.     And of course, you’ll receive The Laissez Faire Letter which is a full-color newsletter that’s e-mailed to you every month. It’ll cover a variety of topics with enlightening commentary and actionable solutions … presented by our team of renowned experts.
3.     Instant access to Future Special Reports. We will continue to create new books and reports similar to A Man’s Right to Happiness and you’ll receive them free as well!
As you can see, you’re getting a ton of actionable ideas that will absolutely upgrade your life.
So now I’d like you to imagine a few things for me …
Imagine living a live where you’re fully in control, rather than feeling like the mouse in some perverted government game …
Imagine controlling, building, growing and saving enough wealth to provide a legacy for your family, long after you’re gone …
And imagine immediately implementing some small things that instantly protects your privacy, slashes your taxes, and helps you amass more wealth.
After today you won’t have to imagine it … it can be reality once you claim this FREE book I’d like to send to you.
Here’s how to get your hands on the next release of the Laissez Faire Letter along with your FREE book, A Man’s Right to Happiness.

For a Limited Time Get
Half off the Regular Subscription Price!

Considering the tips, tricks, and insider info you’ll be given that covers your personal privacy, reducing taxes, success in investing, career, and business, as well as surviving Obamacare, and bettering your health … you’re looking at saving thousands … possibly tens of thousands of dollars.
Just one of the healthcare savings tricks could save you $52,000 … and one of the tax savings tricks could save you $2,500.
You’re also looking at potentially making thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in extra yearly income as well. (Not to mention the benefits you’ll see in your health and day-to-day quality of life.)
That said, you could easily justify pricing the Laissez Faire Letter at $197 a year, or more.
After all, some people pay CPA’s thousands of dollars for just the tax-savings advice alone.
But today through this special offer…
You will have access to a TEAM OF EXPERTS who specialize in providing solutions for multiple areas of your life … for pennies on the dollar comparatively.
So, how much would you expect to pay for the research you’ll receive with your Laissez Fairesubscription?
$150? $125?
Well, here’s the good news…
You won’t pay anywhere near that price, for two reasons.
First, our costs are divided across thousands of subscribers all over the world.
Second, we have made it our mission to share our ideas on health, wealth, and living a happy life with 100,000 people.
“I just joined the ‘club.’ This must be, without a doubt, the most remarkable thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. Well done!”-- Member, G.H.
“LAISSEZ FAIRE is a real GOD-SEND !”-- Member, B.D.
“It has been a great experience to actually think and discuss philosophical and economic issues with people from around the globe. I think I have learned more in the past month then I had learned in the past 10 years. Keep it coming!”-- Member, D.R.
But today, even though you might be happy to join at the regular price, you won’t pay that. Let me explain …
To reach our goal of 100,000 subscribers, we’re offering a huge discount on the subscription fee.
So here’s the bottom line…
It costs just $49 for a year-long subscription to the Laissez Faire Letter.
This includes your free copy of A Man’s Right to Happiness.
And it includes 12 monthly issues of the Laissez Faire Letter, each packed with urgent tips you can immediately take advantage of.
Here’s what I suggest you do today…
Put our claims to the test over the next thirty days by agreeing to a trial subscription.
If the letter isn’t everything I’ve explained here, and more, you can cancel anytime during the next thirty days and I’ll send you every single cent of your trial subscription fee back.
You keep everything you’ve received during that time.
That’s more than fair, wouldn’t you agree?
So act now and claim your free FREE copy of Man’s Right to Happiness and free gifts. To get access, Simply click the link below.
Welcome aboard …
You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final
Doug Hill
Director, The Laissez Faire Letter
October 2013
P.S. Now here’s a new reason to subscribe to the Laissez Faire Letter. I have another special report I’m offering you FREE … immediately today … that if put into action … could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Listen, I don’t have to tell you that bureaucrats sitting in Federal offices aren’t the only ones burying you under a mountain of ridiculous laws and inconveniences that put a wet blanket on your day to day quality of life.
State bureaucrats are in on the micro-managing action too. And sometimes, they can be worse than the Federal government, banning your collection of rain water, fining you for cutting a tree that’s about to fall on your home, or prohibiting the selling of large soda drinks. (Places like Oregon, California, and New York City especially come to mind.)
“The 5 Best States to Find Fortune and Felicity” which you can download right now.
Our experts researched all 50 states to determine which seven states treat you like an adult … and have the highest levels of freedoms, the lowest tax burden, and have the least burdensome regulation.
We found those states. Our report shows you which states are the worst to live in (maybe you live in one now!) and it shows you which seven made the cut and why, and what it means for you. You don’t want to miss this eye-opening report that’s not available anywhere else.
I think you’ll agree, it’s the perfect complement to A Man’s Right to Happiness … and it’s could be yours absolutely free.
The clock is ticking … don’t delay another moment, reserve your FREE copy of this book along with your free gifts now before all advance copies are taken.
You’ll be so glad you did!
You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final
“FREEDOM IS NOT FREE”lowest tax burden, and have the least burdensome regulation.
We found those states. Our report shows you which states are the worst to live in (maybe you live in one now!) and it shows you which seven made the cut and why, and what it means for you. You don’t want to miss this eye-opening report that’s not available anywhere else.
I think you’ll agree, it’s the perfect complement to A Man’s Right to Happiness … and it’s could be yours absolutely free.
The clock is ticking … don’t delay another moment, reserve your FREE copy of this book along with your free gifts now before all advance copies are taken.
You’ll be so glad you did!
You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final


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