“En mi opinión” , IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 384 Mayo 15, 2013 Editor Lázaro R González Miño.
Mi nombre es “AMERICA” y no creo ni en negro guapo ni
en tamarindo dulce.
Is Obama Covering Up Benghazi Truth? Let Congress Know, Vote Here
Obama Administration Scandals
May 14,
2013 — Steven Hayward
Mid-Week in Pictures: IRS Scandal Edition
With the Obama Administration having moved fully into the “limited
modified hangout” stage of its multiple scandals (Jay Carney: Ron Ziegler is on
line two for you right now), some of the cartoons and memes are piling up too
fast to wait for Power Line’s weekend photo wrap. So here we go. You know
you’re in trouble when this headline appears in the Puffington Host, as it does
right now: »
May 14, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
IRS scrutiny of pro-Israel group called into question
Josh Gerstein at Politico reports that the same Internal Revenue Service
office that singled out Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny also challenged
Israel-related organizations, at least one of which filed suit over the
agency’s handling of its application for tax-exempt status. The group in
question is called Z Street. It alleges that one of its attorneys was told that
its application for tax exemption was delayed and sent to »
May 13, 2013 — John Hinderaker
IRS Scandal About to Blow Wide Open?
To no one’s surprise, it is already evident that the Obama
administration has been lying about the scope of the IRS’s harassment of
conservative-leaning non-profits. The »
May 13, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
Lessons from the IRS scandal
President Obama tried today to catch up with the IRS scandal, condemning
the IRS officials who targeted conservatives. Obama clearly perceives the
threat this scandal poses to trust in government, and hence to his project of
vast expansion of governmental power. It’s possible too that he feels genuine
outrage about the IRS’s targeting of conservatives. But neither presidential
outrage nor condemnation can mitigate the central concern that this scandal
reinforces »
May 13, 2013 — John Hinderaker
The Times Gives Obama Cover on the IRS Scandal
The New York Times initially covered the IRS scandal on page A11 of the
Saturday paper. Having thought over the best line to take, the paper’s editors
came up with this: Sure, it’s all about politics! Deeper in the article, the
Times explains further: Since last year’s elections, Republicans in Congress
have struggled for traction on their legislative efforts, torn between
conservatives who drove the agenda after their 2010 landslide »
May 12, 2013 — Steven Hayward
The Weekly Winston: IRS Scandal Edition
The revelations of the IRS investigations of conservative groups, and
the incredible explanations of why this should be regarded as an “innocent”
mistake, summons to mind Churchill’s campaign speech of June 1945, attacking
the socialist platform of the Labour Party in that hard fought campaign (which
Churchill’s Tory party lost in a landslide). Some of this description may
not fit Obamaworld perfectly, but the third paragraph sounds like an accurate »
May 11, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so
Team Obama has come up with its excuse for converting the Benghazi
talking points into a false narrative. It was a purely bureaucratic matter, you
see. The CIA and the State Department disagreed about what happened, and the
White House simply wanted to make sure the talking points represented all
viewpoints. The White House has been suggesting this excuse for a few days.
Today, the Washington Post’s “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, »
May 11, 2013 — John Hinderaker
IRS Scandal Expands
You may have wondered, as I did, why the IRS suddenly announced
yesterday that it was guilty of harassing conservative groups, especially Tea
Party groups. The answer now appears clear: the agency was trying to get out
front of a story that was about to break. Politico reports that next week, the
Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration is expected to
release a report on a nearly yearlong investigation »
May 11, 2013 — John Hinderaker
Worst Performance Ever By a White House Press Secretary
If you want to see just how befuddled the Obama administration is by the
Benghazi scandal, watch Jay Carney twist in the wind when asked the simplest of
questions about his previous misrepresentations: I offer three conclusions: 1)
Carney, apart from the fact that he looks like a teenager who has been summoned
to the principal’s office, is utterly inept. 2) The Obama administration is
unused to being questioned by »
May 10, 2013 — John Hinderaker
Obama’s Abuse of the IRS–This Isn’t the First Time
Today’s big news story was the IRS’s admission that it had targeted
conservative organizations–specifically, Tea Party groups–for audits. Not to be
overlooked is the further admission that the IRS improperly demanded donor
lists from some of these organizations, presumably so that conservative donors,
too, could be harassed. This is a shocking news story–one that would be a major
scandal in a Republican administration–but it is not the first time the »
May 10, 2013 — John Hinderaker
The IRS and Obama’s Enemies List
The IRS has admitted, and apologized for, targeting conservative
political groups for audits: The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately
flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012
election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS
official said Friday. Organizations were singled out because they included the words
“tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois
Lerner, who heads the IRS »
May 10, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
Email traffic confirms Hillary Clinton’s leading role in scrubbing the Benghazi talking points
Steve Hayes takes a detailed look at the scenario that led to the
scrubbing of the CIA’s Benghazi talking points to delete terrorism references
and focus on the “non-event” video. Hayes’ rendition is consistent with what
we’ve been saying for some time now — the State Department pushed for the
talking points to be changed to cover up its pre-Benghazi malfeasance and the
White House concurred, presumably to help re-elect »
May 9, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
The Benghazi hearing — after the attack
Yesterday’s Benghazi hearing provided important information about the
cover-up that occurred following the attack, and the leading role of Hillary
Clinton in that cover-up. We already knew that the talking points Susan Rice
used on five Sunday talk shows had been changed to provide false information
about the Benghazi attack. Gregory Hicks, the State Department’s number two man
in Libya when the attack began, confirmed yesterday that there was no »
May 9, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
The Benghazi hearing — during the attack
Yesterday’s Benghazi hearing tended to confirm my view that, looking
back, the four Americans who died during the attack (which occurred in two
distinct phases) were doomed due to the inadequate security provided by the
State Department. In other words, there probably was nothing we could have done
once the attack commenced that would have saved them. However, the hearing also
confirmed that the U.S. declined to take actions that, »
May 9, 2013 — Paul Mirengoff
The Benghazi hearing — before the attack
Last night, I watched the replay of the House Oversight Committee
hearing on Benghazi. The hearing enhanced my knowledge of key events before,
during, and after the attack. This post focuses on events before the attack. We
already knew that the embassy in Libya had requested that the State Department
beef up security, and that, instead, the number of people providing security
had been slashed. And we already knew that »
May 7, 2013 — John Hinderaker
Benghazi vs. Watergate: Which Was Worse? Part 1
With a hearing on Benghazi scheduled for tomorrow in Darrell Issa’s
Oversight and Government Reform Committee, this is an opportune moment to begin
assessing the potential importance of the Benghazi scandal. As with any major
scandal in the modern era, comparisons with Watergate are probably inevitable.
Michael Ramirez makes the analogy explicit: So, which was worse? Watergate or
Benghazi? This is a topic to which I intend to return in »
May 3, 2013 — John Hinderaker
Obama Spins Furiously On Guns
Barack Obama’s comments about guns in Mexico today
demonstrated a curious lack of self-awareness. “[M]ost of the guns used to
commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.” So the violence
perpetrated by Mexican drug cartels is our fault? That seemed to be the
implication. But obviously, if there were not a single firearm in the U.S., the
drug cartels would be just as well armed as they »
Obama Spins Furiously On Guns
Barack Obama’s comments about guns in Mexico today
demonstrated a curious lack of self-awareness. “[M]ost of the guns used to
commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.” So the violence
perpetrated by Mexican drug cartels is our fault? That seemed to be the
implication. But obviously, if there were not a single firearm in the U.S., the
drug cartels would be just as well armed as they are today.
But that is almost beside the point. How could anyone
utter those words without thinking about Fast and Furious? Obama also said, “So
we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns
into Mexico. We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong: behind
bars.” Well, when we’re not sliding them thousands of firearms on purpose, that
This strikes me as one more in a long series of
instances where Obama believes that through sheer denial, he can inhabit an
alternative universe, and perhaps convince the rest of us to inhabit it too.
la Hipocrecia del los PERIODISTAS Ricardo Samitier
Las Contradicciones Del New York Times
Los Socialistas / Comunistas Quieren
Derribar El Gobierno De Siria...
Ellos Quieren... Como En Egipto Instalar
“Una Democracia” Dirigida
Por La
Hermandad Musulmana...y La Ley De Ala
La Campaña Esta A Toda Maquina... Hoy
El Titular Dice: An Atrocity in Syria…
No Victim Too
Small ... !HIPÓCRITAS!
Las Victimas de Cuba, Venezuela y En Toda
ÁFRICA... Esas NO les Importan...
Cleta Mitchell to Newsmax: IRS Scandal Reaches to White House
Tuesday, 14
May 2013 01:08 PM
Cleta Mitchell, one of
Washington's most respected elections attorneys, told Newsmax she has tangible
proof that high-ranking IRS officials in Washington were fully aware of the
agency's campaign to target conservative groups for heightened scrutiny,
despite their denials.
And she thinks the president knew about the practice, too. If proven, she said, it could be an impeachable offense.
Mitchell, in an interview with Newsmax TV on Tuesday, said she was told by a Cincinnati IRS agent that applications by two of her conservative clients were being processed by -- and would ultimately be approved or denied in -- Washington.
She said she also is aware of nearly 100 other conservative groups that were being targeted by Washington.
Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law
"There were nearly 100 groups across the country that got the very egregious set of letters from the IRS that were almost identical and they came from offices all over the country so I know of at least 85 to 90, maybe more, organizations," said Mitchell, who represents six groups which say they have been targeted, including the King Street Patriots and True the Vote.
"If they had the name 'tea party' or they had the word 'patriots' or if their mission was smaller government or study the Constitution, believe it or not, that would cause the IRS to say, 'Oh, we better investigate these groups.'"
Story continues below video.
And she thinks the president knew about the practice, too. If proven, she said, it could be an impeachable offense.
Mitchell, in an interview with Newsmax TV on Tuesday, said she was told by a Cincinnati IRS agent that applications by two of her conservative clients were being processed by -- and would ultimately be approved or denied in -- Washington.
She said she also is aware of nearly 100 other conservative groups that were being targeted by Washington.
Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law
"There were nearly 100 groups across the country that got the very egregious set of letters from the IRS that were almost identical and they came from offices all over the country so I know of at least 85 to 90, maybe more, organizations," said Mitchell, who represents six groups which say they have been targeted, including the King Street Patriots and True the Vote.
"If they had the name 'tea party' or they had the word 'patriots' or if their mission was smaller government or study the Constitution, believe it or not, that would cause the IRS to say, 'Oh, we better investigate these groups.'"
Story continues below video.
She added she had two clients whose group's purpose was to lobby against Obamacare, both of which received extra IRS scrutiny. And of the clients who have gone public with their claims, they received "incredible scrutiny, voluminous requests for information, documents, almost like having been audited before they even are an exempt organization."
In the case of one such client, she and her family subsequently became targets for audits to their personal and business tax returns, and were even visited by three different government agencies. She also knows of other groups who had surprise visits from the FBI after they applied for IRS status.
Mitchell said she doesn't believe the president or the White House was uninvolved in the IRS activities, as the administration has claimed.
"I've thought for some time that this is politically motivated and that's the reason it was happening. And, as I said, I've been doing this for more than 20 years and I've never seen anything like this until 2009, 2010. And the only thing that changed was we had a different administration," she said.
"We know the White House used the Department of Health and Human Services to try to silence critics about Obamacare. So if we know they used HHS, why wouldn't they also use the IRS or other federal agencies to try to silence political critics?"
Mitchell credits Congress for investigating the matter but says they have had limited effectiveness because she believes the IRS has lied even to lawmakers during hearings last year.
"They've been very helpful but the fact is, the IRS has lied and covered up, even to the members of Congress," she said. "The problem is they've had hearings -- the IRS commissioner basically lied to Congress last year when he appeared before Congress and they asked him about this targeting conservative groups and he said it wasn't true. Well, no, we find out yes, it was true."
She added, "They may try to say it was low-level people. It was not low-level people. They weren't in Cincinnati. It was being directed out of Washington, and I have them on record saying that."
Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law
Mitchell said the IRS practices are in violation of federal law.
She said it's "a criminal offense to misuse information submitted by a taxpayer or an entity, anybody who submits anything to the IRS. The IRS agents are limited in what they can do with it, the scope of what they can say and do with it. So, clearly, the federal law has been broken."
Asked whether it would be an impeachable offense if it emerged that the president or his officials were behind the IRS' practices, Mitchell said, "Well, it certainly was for Richard Nixon 40 years ago this week."
She added, "Isn't that ironic? The House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon 40 years ago this week on May 18, and one of those was misuse of the IRS to go after political enemies."
EL Motivo por Alberto
L Perez. amenper
En un juicio
el fiscal tiene que demostrar la culpabilidad del acusado. Para esto
tiene que presentar los elementos necesarios que prueben esta culpabilidad.
El elemento volitivo, es decir, que ha habido motivación para ejecutar el
crimen, es el más importante y es imprescindible para demostrar la culpabilidad
del acusado.
viviendo un momento en que esta administración se enfrenta a acusaciones de mal
uso del poder y ocultamiento de hechos.
Vamos a
analizar estas acusaciones desde un punto de vista jurídico, caminando el
camino de la búsqueda de la culpabilidad, tratando de encontrar si hubo
motivación y quién fue la persona que los indicadores apuntas como el
beneficiario de los hechos, y "de facto" el más motivado para
ejecutar el crimen..
¿Por qué no enviaron refuerzos a Benghazi?
¿Por qué el IRS amedrentó a los que discrepaban de la administración?
¿Por qué hubo coerción sobre periodistas sobre una noticia de
Esto último
fue descubierto por llamadas detectadas en la línea telefónica de la
oficina del departamento de Justicia y en los celulares de seis
periodistas de la Associated Press y es una nueva noticia que aparece
en los periódicos hoy martes.
En el caso de
Bernghazi, nadie en un mando militar hubiera dejado abandonado a unos oficiales
diplomáticos para ser asesinados a manos del enemigo al no ser que recibiera
órdenes de estratos superiores.
qué lo hicieron? ¿Cual fue el motivo?. Tenemos que llegar a la conclusión
que el motivo de no enviar tropas y refuerzos fue para no enseñar el hecho de
que se trataba de un ataque terrorista.
La campaña de
Obama consideraba que un ataque terrorista sería perjudicial en esos momentos,
y trató de hacerlo pasar como una manifestación de protesta por un video que se
fue de las manos.
O sea que la
motivación está clara, fue una motivación política que le costó la vida a
oficiales americanos, conjuntamente con la presentación mentirosa de los hechos
En el caso
del IRS, esta agencia del gobierno hubiera podido, por su metodología como
institución,, haber atacado a diferentes instituciones excerptas de
impuestos. Pero se ensañó durante la campaña política en investigar
agresivamente y selectivamente a las instituciones que atacaban al
¿Por qué no
investigó a las instituciones que apoyaban al gobierno?.
que llegar a la conclusión de que se trata de una conspiración para acabar con
la oposición, utilizando una agencia federal que se nutre del dinero de los
contribuyentes de todas las vertientes políticas.
En el caso
del departamento de Justicia, pidiendo a los periodistas que no reportaran la
noticia, es un nuevo caso de encubrimiento que está siendo condenada por grupos
de las libertad de expresión como Periodistas sin Fronteras que llamó el hecho
"Una extrema violación de la libertad de información". También ha
habido protestas de otros periodistas de diferentes vertientes.
Todo se puede
resumir como una coacción para que no reporten una noticia que la
administración de Obama no querían que escribieran.
determinación obvia en los tres casos es de que esta administración está usando
métodos ilegales para tratar de eliminar a la oposición.
Pero lo más
aberrante es que está usando agencias federales para llevar a cabo estas
acciones ilegales, agencias que son pagadas con el dinero de las mismas
personas que son atacadas y durante el este proceso político se han perdido
vidas de ciudadanos americanos..
Motivación es
una demostración de culpabilidad. Los indicadores apuntan que la persona
beneficiaria de los hechos fue el presidente Obama, la motivación de los hechos
fue para beneficiar a la campaña del presidente
No pueden
ocultar en este momento la realidad de los hechos, al contrario, el presidente
Obama dice que está "indignado" con estas noticias que dice que no
conocía. Están desviando la responsabilidad a individuos, a chivos
expiatorios, pero si vamos a el indicador de culpabilidad, que es quien es la
persona que más motivación tiene para beneficiarse de los hechos, todos los
caminos nos llevan al presidente Obama, el presidente que durante la campaña
declaró que este sería la administración más transparente en la historia de
Estados Unidos.
Bueno, hasta
cierto punto tiene razón, porque los hechos son tan obvios que se puede ver
transparentemente su responsabilidad.
Holder addresses AP leaks investigation, announces IRS probe. {“En mi opinion” The investigation made by the Department of Justice or any government department under the 'barry' the best application will be to use it at the toilet. LRGM}
By Tom
Curry, National Affairs Writer, NBC News
Attorney General Eric
Holder told reporters Tuesday that he recused himself last year from any
involvement in an investigation of national security leaks.
J. Scott Applewhite / AP Attorney General Eric Holder
speaks during a news conference at the Justice Department in Washington,
Tuesday, May 14, 2013.
Holder also announced Tuesday that he has ordered an
investigation to see if there were criminal violations in the Internal Revenue
Service scrutiny of conservative political groups that had sought non-profit
status.On the leaks case, Holder – who is slated to testify before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday afternoon -- reminded reporters that he testified to a congressional committee last year that he had recused himself to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
The Associated Press reported Monday that phone records of its reporters and editors had been subpoenaed and seized in that probe.
Holder said decisions in that investigation were being made by Deputy Attorney General James Cole and “the deputy attorney general would have been the one who ultimately had to authorize the subpoena that went to the AP.”
He added that since he was recused from the investigation, “I’m not familiar with all that went into the formulation of the subpoena.”
He also said he could not explain why voluntary cooperation wasn’t sought from the Associated Press before the subpoena was executed.
US Attorney General Eric Holder says he's asked the FBI to investigate the "outrageous and unacceptable" behavior at the IRS, and to see if any criminal actions were taken by the agency.
“I am confident that the people who are involved in this investigation, who I know for a great many years and who I’ve worked with for a great many years, followed all of the appropriate Justice Department regulations and did things according to DOJ rules,” Holder said.
He added that it “certainly not the policy of this administration” to target reporters. What has been done in the leaks investigation was, he said, “not as a result of a policy to get the press.”
Referring to the leaks of national security information, Holder said, “This was a very, very serious leak. I’ve been a prosecutor since 1976 – and I have to say that this is among, if not the most serious, in the top two or three most serious leaks that I’ve ever seen. It put the American people at risk – and that is not hyperbole.”
Trying to find out who leaked the information “required very aggressive action,” Holder said.
Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, D- Nev., on Tuesday joined other congressional critics of the Justice Department’s search of SAP’ phone records telling reporters “I have trouble defending what the DOJ did. It’s inexcusable. There is no way to justify this.”
In a letter to Holder on Monday, Associated Press President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said, "There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters.” Pruitt complained that the records could “disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know."
In a response, Cole wrote to Pruitt Tuesday that seeking phone records from media organizations “is undertaken only after all other reasonable alternative investigative steps have been taken.” He said that the Justice Department sought the AP phone records only after a comprehensive investigation which included conducting over 550 interviews and reviewing of tens of thousands of documents.
GOP governors want special prosecutor in IRS case
Associated Press
May 14, 2013 12:22 pm
WASHINGTON - Two Republican governors are urging President Barack Obama to appoint
a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service's admission
that it targeted conservative political groups.Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker call the allegations "Big Brother come to life."
They want a special prosecutor to find out if any laws were broken and say Obama should fire any IRS employees responsible for the situation.
The IRS has apologized for what it calls "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups. The agency targeted groups during the 2010 congressional elections and the 2012 presidential election.
Jindal is the chairman of the Republican Governors Association and Walker is the group's vice chairman. Both are potential presidential candidates in 2016. http://www.gopusa.com/news/2013/05/14/gop-governors-want-special-prosecutor-in-irs-case/?subscriber=1
How Many Scandals Will It Take To Oust Obama?
When Richard Nixon was president it only took one scandal to force him to resign the presidency. When it became apparent that he had lied to the American people, in his attempts to cover up the Watergate scandal, it left Nixon no alternative but to leave office.
Nearly 40 years later we have a president who is facing his third and fourth scandals and yet he is hanging on to the presidency like an alligator hangs on to its prey.
The first scandal, which is not yet dead, is the issue of Obama’s birth and his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. There is overwhelming evidence to indicate that all three of Obama’s supposed birth certificates, along with his Social Security number and his draft registration card are all forgeries. There is still a major eligibility case pending in the Alabama Supreme Court that may actually rule that Obama is not eligible, but we’ll have to wait and see how Judge Roy Moore rules.
Obama’s second scandal is Operation Fast and Furious. In reality the scandal has still not been resolved and I still believe that there is evidence being hidden that links the illegal gun walking to the Oval Office. If the evidence doesn’t exist then why has the White House and the Justice Department, ignored congressional subpoenas and demands from Congress for thousands of pages of documents? http://www.westernjournalism.com/how-many-scandals-will-it-take-to-oust-obama/
Barack The Barbarian.
Fewer and fewer people believe Barack Obama.His plummeting credibility is destroying his ability to govern, not that he ever showed that ability in the first place.
Even Democrats can’t hold their noses any longer; the stench is so rank. Even liberals are expressing outrage, finally.
With the revelations the IRS has been persecuting a range of organizations politically opposed to Obama, the final straw is breaking the donkey’s back.
We know that senior IRS officials have been aware for two years about this kind of this horrendous misuse of power. The inspector general’s investigation and subsequent report blew the lid just days ago.
Imagine what this looks like: a President (and/or his operatives) using the Internal Revenue Service— making false allegations and conducting bogus audits—all in an effort to destroy political opposition. The report indicates that IRS senior officials targeted at least 100 Tea Party organizations, other conservative groups, and even the Romney campaign.
Obama makes Nixon look like an angel.
This IRS thing takes thug politics from Chicago directly to Moscow. What’s next, Putin hit squads?
On the heels of Benghazi, this IRS scandal clarifies for citizens a picture of the federal government run by criminals. Blend in accusations Obama is responsible for the deaths of SEAL Team Six, and it gets worse. Consider the shredded economy (thanks to insane taxation and spending), and applying the word ‘catastrophe’ seems mild.
Thanks to Obama, we go deeper into debt by $1 million every 45 seconds.
Then there are the serial violations of the Constitution, ObamaCare mayhem, and Fast and Furious.
Well, if Congress does not act fast (and furiously), then the voters must act to save this country in 2014, assuming they have enough time before the dollar collapses and we enter 1,000 years of darkness thanks to this barbarian.
How Many Scandals Will It Take To Oust Obama?
When Richard Nixon was president it only took one scandal to force him to resign the presidency. When it became apparent that he had lied to the American people, in his attempts to cover up the Watergate scandal, it left Nixon no alternative but to leave office.
Nearly 40 years later we have a president who is facing his third and fourth scandals and yet he is hanging on to the presidency like an alligator hangs on to its prey.
The first scandal, which is not yet dead, is the issue of Obama’s birth and his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. There is overwhelming evidence to indicate that all three of Obama’s supposed birth certificates, along with his Social Security number and his draft registration card are all forgeries. There is still a major eligibility case pending in the Alabama Supreme Court that may actually rule that Obama is not eligible, but we’ll have to wait and see how Judge Roy Moore rules.
Obama’s second scandal is Operation Fast and Furious. In reality the scandal has still not been resolved and I still believe that there is evidence being hidden that links the illegal gun walking to the Oval Office. If the evidence doesn’t exist then why has the White House and the Justice Department, ignored congressional subpoenas and demands from Congress for thousands of pages of documents?
Gosnell Verdict Exposes Inhumanity Of Obama And Democrats
WASHINGTON – Congressman Steve Stockman released the following statement Monday afternoon:
A court has formally declared what people with consciences have long known. Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is a murderer.
Gosnell killed his adult patient and an unknown number of children both pre-born and born alive. The courts call it murder. Democrats call it “health care.”
Kermit Gosnell’s crimes have exposed the horrors and inhumanity of legalized abortion for all to see. The most innocent and defenseless of humans are lined up and exterminated with cold efficiency for the crime of being inconvenient.
Despite the blood-soaked horror of Gosnell’s clinic, Democrats refuse to loosen their embrace of unrestricted, unregulated, taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.
Democrats do not want abortion to be safe or rare. Democrats oppose even the most basic of health and safety standards for abortion mills. Democrats don’t care how many women are maimed, infected with diseases, or die on the routinely-filthy abortion mills. Democrats worship abortion with same fervor the Canaanites worshipped Molech.
Even more chilling, as an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama voted several times to make Gosnell’s inhuman crimes the law of the land. I hope this verdict moves him to look into his soul and change his position.
Por Fanny Mandelbaum
Nada de lo que hace este gobierno está hecho de buena fe.
Utilizando la misma astucia de los griegos, el gobierno argentino
"regaló" casi tres millones de netbook (computadoras portátiles) a un
número igual de alumnos de distintas escuelas públicas del país. Obviamente,
cuando se analiza el hecho en sí mismo, parece una obra de bien; pero como dice
el dicho popular, "cuando la limosna es grande, hasta el santo desconfía".
Cuando alguien se va a vivir a una casa al costado de la vía, primero
no puede dormir porque el ruido del paso del tren no le permite, pero luego de
un tiempo se acostumbra y duerme aunque siga pasando el tren. El gobierno es
como el tren. Vive cometiendo irregularidades y desprolijidades; pero como en
apariencia la economía marcha bien, una importante cantidad de gente ya se
acostumbró a los ruidos y todos duermen.
La mayoría de las cosas que el gobierno gesta las hace desde un lugar
muy parecido a la tiranía. No hace distinción entre Estado y gobierno y se
maneja como si fuera el dueño del Estado. Se siente dueño de todo, incluso de
la vida de todos los argentinos.
En ese contexto, esta semana se conoció que el ministro de
Educación de la Nación , Alberto Sileoni, y el presidente de la agencia
oficial de noticias
Télam, Martín García, rubricaron un
convenio de prestación de servicios para el programa Conectar
Igualdad, a través del cual los alumnos y maestros
de las escuelas públicas recibirán en tiempo real la
propaganda oficial de gobierno a través de dicha agencia de noticias.
Esta nueva movida no hubiera sido posible si primero no se entregaban
las netbook a los alumnos y maestros. Esas computadoras ahora se transformarán
en antenas parabólicas para recibir la propaganda oficial del gobierno en 3
millones de hogares argentinos.
Dicho de otro modo, el gobierno, al mejor estilo del caballo de Troya,
metió las netbook en 3 millones de hogares. Desde allí descenderán los soldados
de la propaganda oficial; quienes, a razón de 4 habitantes por hogar,
intentarán colonizar la mente de por lo menos 12 millones de argentinos.
Diríamos ingenio popular.
Tal vez ahora se entienda con más claridad cuál fue el verdadero
motivo, no revelado, de esas entregas "gratuitas". Pero el peligro
acecha. El Instituto de Estudios y Formación Política del Partido Justicialista
(Gestar) oportunamente difundió un video sobre Néstor Kirchner, en el cual
pretendió ponerlo en el mismo nivel que las virtudes y luchas de San Martín. Un
poco exagerado, ¿no le parece?
En cuanto a la peligrosidad ocasional de la agencia oficial de
noticias Telam, es bueno recordar que, en diciembre de 2011, Martín García, su
titular, en el contexto de las fiestas navideñas, comparó implícitamente a
Néstor Kirchner con Jesucristo, a quien, rayando en los límites de la herejía,
lo llamó "compañero peronista".
También, mintiendo escandalosamente, dijo que Jesús "amó a su
enamorada, fue amado por ella y la hizo su compañera".
Si esta persona, por llamarlo de alguna manera, no tuvo reparos en
ensuciar la figura de Jesucristo, ¿tendrá reparos en intentar lavar el cerebro
a niños argentinos? Atención padres.
Revise lo que recibe su hijo. Como reflexión final, el gobierno acaba
de pedir el nombre de los periodistas que escriben o hablan sobre la inflación
en la Argentina. ¿Los querrá felicitar? ¿Los querrá apretar? ¿Qué piensa usted?
Puede ser que nunca se le ocurra pedir el nombre de los columnistas que
escriben sobre el caballo de Troya.
El 29 de octubre de 1938 Goebbels repartía radios a los alemanes. Éstas tenían la particularidad que sólo se podía sintonizar la
emisora oficial
¿Saben como se llamó el operativo? RADIOS
, es pura coincidencia.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
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