Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Los que reciben ayuda de Obama van a votar por el. Es eso mentira? "En mi Opinion" Sept 19, 2012

Mitt Romney expreso que las personas que reciben los beneficios del gobierno de Obama iban a votar por el… ¿Es eso una mentira? Por  Lázaro R González Miño.
Eso es una cosa absolutamente cierta y natural. Es mas, es un acto de legitima reacción de subsistencia.  La desgracia de tener a Obama como presidente ha dislocado completamente el sistema económico, político y social de los Estados Unidos, Obama a logrado aumentar el desempleo, aumentar el déficit nacional a niveles nunca vistos de mas de 16 trillones de dólares, aumentar el precio de la gasolina en algunos lugares por encima de los $4.00 dólares, abriendo las fronteras casi descaradamente para que penetren personas sin la debida autorización en territorio nacional y al mismo tiempo ha deportado por meses unos 40,000 ilegales mensualmente, a enviando mensajes de debilidad al pedir disculpas por todo, a países y sectas enemigas y despreciando la amistad y el apoyo de amigos tradicionales como el estado de Israel. Ha tratado de imponer con relativo éxito que las personas no se tengan que identificar como votantes dando a lugar a que un ejercito de ilegales puedan votar por el sin tener derecho al voto. A puesto de moda ser maricón o tortillera, eso ahora es una gracia. Nunca hemos visto un primer mandatario cometer tantas barrabasadas y ser tan frenéticamente aplaudido por la prensa nacional.
Que la gente que recibe Food Stamp, Viviendas para personas de bajos, Medicait, ayuda por desempleo, en fin una interminable lista de beneficios económicos “que pagan el 53% de la población que trabaja” y que por casualidad casi todos son republicanos par mantener al resto de la población que no pagan impuestos por que no trabajan, unos porque perdieron el empleo y otros porque toda la vida han sido vagos profesionales. Y no me vengan con cuentos aquí ha habido siempre un ejercito de vagos profesionales que nunca han trabajado y no lo van a hacer nunca porque “eso va en contra de sus convicciones morales y religiosas” Siempre las sociedades tienen una parte podrida que es imposible de eliminar.
Volviendo al tema central. Yo estoy seguro que si Romney meara gasolina Premium, eso seria malo y sei Obama se tirara un peo venenoso, eso seria una bendición y la prensa comunista, si no me abran los ojos, LA PRENSA COMUNISTA QUE TENEMOS SIEMPRE LO VA A CRITICAR Y DIRA QUE POR ESO VA A PERDER. Eso se llama, fanatismo, eso se llama comer m… Cualquier cosa que haga Romney es malo y lo que haga Obama es un chiste AUNQUE SEA CAGARSE EN LOS PANTALONES.
Ellos masivamente se dedican a criticar a Romney por que saben que van a perder y saben que van a perder por una gran diferencia de votos, saben que los van arrastrar por la calle con el resultado de las urnas aun con las trampas que puedan hacer. Porque la gente esta cansada, porque la gente necesita trabajos, porque la nación necesita la cordura, bajar el déficit, aumentar los empleos, disminuir los gastos, aumentar el estándar de vida, aumentar la tranquilidad, bajar la delincuencia, aumentar el comercio internacional, PORQUE LA GENTE NECESITA REGRESAR A LA DECENCIA.  
Y eso solo lo pueden hacer los conservadores, no los comunistas.

Escándalo envuelve al Departamento de Justicia. Nelson Horta Reporta. September 19th, 2012

• Se descubre plan para desacreditar a medios conservadores del país

MIAMI, 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012,—Recientemente el reconocido portal político The Daily Caller dio a conocer que el Departamento de Justicia estaba involucrada en  una serie de  intrigas y conspiraciones con el fin de desacreditar  a actuales funcionarios electos y medios de prensa conservadores.
La dirección del Portal envió una carta a dicho departamento federal ejerciendo su derecho y acogiéndose al artículo 119 de la ley de información publica, y solicitó todos los correos electrónicos existentes entre el Departamento de Justicia y el Portal vigilante político Media Matters. Lo hallado en esos correos ha sido un verdadero escándalo que explotó en horas del día de ayer y demuestra que altos funcionarios del Departamento de Justicia, por órdenes del Secretario Eric Holder, conspiraron con Media Matters para desacreditar a los medios de prensa conservadores como FOX News, así como otros canales y periódicos.
De acuerdo con The Daily Caller, correos electrónicos internos obtenidos por ellos, demuestran que miembros de la oficina de comunicaciones del Secretario de Justicia, Eric Holders, conspiraron con el portal izquierdista Media Matter for America con la intención de desacreditar a agencias conservadoras y desinformarlos en los escándalos que envuelven a la más alta agencia de la ley del gobierno americano.
Media Matter of America aparenta ser un Portal vigilante de Washington independiente, pero fuentes han indicado que sigue los lineamientos del multimillonario George Soros y recibe millonarias contribuciones del poderoso liberal.
Docenas de páginas de correos electrónicos cursados entre las oficinas de Tracy Schmaler, director del departamento de Comunicaciones del Departamento de Justicia y reporteros de Media Matters demuestran que Holder y Media Matters conspiraron con el fin de encubrir los escándalos dentro del Departamento de Justicia y
Desacreditar a Fox News y otros medios que llevan una información objetiva conservadora.
Varios de los correos electrónicos, cuyas copias están en manos de, enviados en septiembre y noviembre de 2010, muestran a Schmaler dándole instrucciones al empleado de Media Matters, Jeremy Holden, para que atacara la cobertura de noticias del escándalo de intimidación de votantes realizado por el Nuevo Partido Pantera Negra.
Luego, el periodista Holden atacó a los ex abogados de la División de derechos civiles del Departamento de Justicia, J. Christian Adams, y Hans von Spakovsky, el 20 de septiembre de 2010. Se puede leer en los correos que antes que Holden publicara su artículo, Schmaler le envió varios correos electrónicos con información ayudándole a atacar a ambos ex funcionarios de Justicia.

American Airlines inicia reducción de su fuerza de trabajo

• Unos 11,000 empleados en todo el país se verán en la calle

MIAMI, 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012,—Hace varios meses informó que entre los planes que tenía American Airlines para su reorganización estaba el de cesantear a más de mil empleados a nivel nacional. Ayer, la aerolínea con base en Miami anunció que ha iniciado el proceso para reducir su fuerza laboral comenzando por esta ciudad. Los primeros informes han indicado que unos 4,400 empleados, la mayoría trabajando en la plaza de Miami International, estarán incluidos en esta etapa de despidos.

How the active and retired military are rewarded by Obama‏. Olga Griñan.

 Although many Americans care less about their military, it should be noted that their military are the ones shedding their blood in the front lines for all of us, not necesarily out of a need for a job, but just because they understand patriotism and are devoted to the defense of their country..
Their pay is nothing to brag about and many have a hard time making ends meet.  Have you ever ran across a rich active or retired military?  
Please read the article referenced will give you an idea how the active and retired military are rewarded in the good ol'  U.S.A.:


THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS NO RHETORIC JUST FACTS.. Must be Bush’s fault still,, I am not a Bush fan but Mr. Obama its time for you to take responsibility for your presidency.   
Subject: FYI - numbers to remember. Por Eddie Muñiz.

Use these numbers when talking to friends and neighbors about why this nation needs real leadership and real reform.
  • 1.95 – The average cost of a gallon of gas on the day Obama was inaugurated
  • 8 – The number of months since Obama met with his high-powered Jobs Council
  • 12 – Number of now bankrupt companies that received a total of more than $1 billion in green energy grants from the Obama Administration
  • 24 – The percentage increase in federal spending since President Obama took office
  • 104 – The number of rounds of golf played by the President since taking office
  • 16,500 – Number of new IRS agents hired by the government to enforce Obamacare taxes and penalties
  • 17,554 – Increase in the personal burden of national debt that every American shares since Obama has taken office
  • 51,974 – Your share of the National Debt
  • 205,000 – The amount of money owed on the national debt for a family of four
  • 23.1 million – Number of Americans unemployed or have given up hope to find a job
  • 3.6 million – The number of people who have joined the federal government’s disability program under Obama
  • 1.37 billion – The average amount added to the national debt every day
  • 25 billion – The amount of money taxpayers are expected to lose on the auto bailout
  • 810 billion – New taxes in ObamaCare
  • 1 trillion – the approximate amount of stimulus funds appropriated to create supposedly shovel-ready jobs
  • 46 trillion – Proposed spending increases by Obama for the next 10 years
  • 1.416 trillion – The largest Federal Budget Deficit in US history
  • 2.6 trillion – The true cost of ObamaCare once fully implemented
  • 5.4 trillion – The amount added to the national debt since Obama took office
For more Majority Points visit   
Rush: Secret Video is 'Golden Opportunity' for Romney By Paul Scicchitano
Secret Video is a 'Golden Opportunity' for Mitt Romney, Says Rush Limbaugh
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday declared that Mitt Romney has a “golden opportunity” to embrace what some observers have seen as embarrassing comments that 47 percent of Americans are victims who are dependent on government, and start educating voters about conservatism.

“They're trying to fill the narrative that Republicans don't care; that Republicans are cold-hearted, mean-spirited, extremist bastards that don't care about the poor. That's what they're trying to say that Romney's comments prove,” said Limbaugh on his radio program. “That's why Romney has to get out there, take this by the horns, turn it into a positive, and go right for those people since they're now listening. Especially if they think they've been insulted — even better!”

The Romney campaign has spent much of the week thus far responding to a political maelstrom created by the emergence of a video in which the candidate told a group of Florida donors that almost half of American voters "believe that they are victims." Romney did not disavow the comments but said they were made during a question-and-answer session that was indicative of his campaign's effort to "focus on the people in the middle."

Rather than distance himself from the comments, Limbaugh said that Romney and his political team should aggressively defend them.

“I've spoken to Mitt Romney a number of times, and I don't believe he's written them off, despite how it sounds. But if he has, it's time to forget that. If he has written 'em off, this is an opportunity to educate 'em,” said Limbaugh. “This is an opportunity to inspire 'em. This is an opportunity to tell them, if he's Mitt Romney, what he wants for them. This is it. It's sitting there on a silver platter. It is right there. It's ready for the taking.”

But Limbaugh adds that the Romney campaign must have consultants who are “fearless” and will allow him to speak unfettered. “These consultants! These people put shackles on these guys and try to get 'em to make sure they don't make a mistake when they go out and speak, and look what happens,” he said.

While Romney has taken fire for his comments, Limbaugh said that President Obama has written off America’s hard-working middle class.

“The Obama campaign has written off ‘white, working-class voters.’ He's written 'em off,” insisted Limbaugh. “Now, there's no tape of Obama saying so. But there's a column of one of Obama's supporters saying that that's what the campaign's doing. And it's been buttressed a couple of other times, and it's clearly factually correct when you watch the Obama campaign. He's declared war on anybody making over $200,000 a year.”

He said that the president has been attacking successful Americans. “Obama's out attempting to stigmatize anybody that has succeeded and is calling them the enemy,” he said. “Where's the outrage over that?”

Secret Video is a 'Golden Opportunity' for Mitt Romney, Says Rush Limbaugh
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!
Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.
 Los comunistas practican "El Fin Justifica Los Medios"  Ricardo Samitier. Su fin es establecer un régimen comunista y para eso practican desde el ASESINATO hasta Estúpidas Mentiras... 
Los comunistas han CAMBIADO EL IDIOMA en todo el mundo....  con el de confundir... y decir las cosas para que la mayoría no entienda...
En USA ser comunista AHORA se le llama "PROGRESISTA" 
A la confiscación de bienes se le llamar "DISTRIBUCION"...  para que no se entienda QUITARLE ALGO A ALGUIEN...
A los homosexuales de les llama  "ALEGRES"  (GAYS)  
Ahora tenemos unas grabaciones de Obama diciendo que está a favor de la "DISTRIBUCION"  = "CONFISFCACION" de bienes... una de las PRIMERAS PREMISAS del Marxismo DECIR COMUNISTA... pero eso NO TIENE IMPORTANCIA... para los envidiosos y los que no desean trabajar...  
Para Obama decir que quiere "CONFISCAR LAS RIQUEZAS"  es Redistribución.  
Aun 50 años después de que Fidel Castro se declarará "Marxista Leninista"  siguen sus agentes exiliados diciendo que NO LO ES.... si fuera solamente FIDELISTA... ya... lo hubieran borrado sus padrinos (los comunistas americanos DEMOCRATAS y REPUBLICANOS) que son los que lo han salvado cada vez que por sus ESTUPIDECES ha estado a punto de caerse...

What you are about to read is accurate and it is scary. From: John Porter To: Americans everywhere
I was sitting at my keyboard halfway through my writing a letter to you about how Barack Obama was fulfilling his pledge to "Transform America" by "Changing the fundamentals of America," so that our government would become the plantation, he the owner, and we the slaves, when this article by Steve McCann appeared in my in box. After checking it for accuracy, and finding it to be so, I put my writing on hold and here present it to you, for I could not say it better.

Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans

The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860.This statement is not hyperbole.

If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind.
The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America " in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders.
The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term was to make Congress irrelevant. Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.

During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congress and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch.

The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration. This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write.

For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they "shall" do something and more than 200 times when they "may" take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action. On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the "Secretary determines." In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.

The same is true in the 2,319 pages of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act which confers nearly unlimited power on various agencies to control by fiat the nation's financial, banking and investment sectors. The bill also creates new agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, not subject to any oversight by Congress.

This overall process was repeated numerous times with other legislation all with the intent of granting unfettered power to the executive branch controlled by Barack Obama and his radical associates.

Additionally, the Obama administration has, through its unilaterally determined rule making and regulatory powers, created laws out of whole cloth. The Environmental Protection Agency on a near daily basis issues new regulations clearly out of their purview in order to modify and change environmental laws previously passed and to impose a radical green agenda never approved by Congress. The same is true of the Energy and Interior Departments among many others.

None of these extra-constitutional actions have been challenged by Congress. The left in America knows this usurpation of power is nearly impossible to reverse unless stopped in its early stages.

It is clearly the mindset of this administration and its appointees that Congress is merely a nuisance and can be ignored after they were able to take full advantage of the useful idiots in the Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2009-2010 and the Democrat Senate in the current Congress.

Additionally, Barack Obama knows after his re-election a Republican controlled House and Senate will not be able to enact any legislation to roll back the power previously granted to the Executive Branch or usurped by them. His veto will not be overridden as there will always be at least 145 Democratic members of the House or 34 in the Senate in agreement with or intimidated by an administration more than willing to use Chicago style political tactics.

The stalemate between the Executive and Legislative Branches will inure to the benefit of Barack Obama and his fellow leftists.

The most significant power Congress has is the control of the purse-strings as all spending must be approved by them However,once re-elected, Barack Obama, as confirmed by his willingness to do or say anything and his unscrupulous re-election tactics,would not only threaten government shutdowns but would deliberately withhold payments to those dependent on government support as a means of intimidating and forcing a Republican controlled Congress to surrender to his demands, thus neutering their ability to control the administration through spending constraints.

Further, this administration has shown contempt for the courts by ignoring various court orders, e.g. the Gulf of Mexico oil drilling moratorium, as well as stonewalling subpoenas and requests issued by Congress. The Eric Holder Justice Department has become the epitome of corruption as part of the most dishonest and deceitful administration in American history. In a second term the arrogance of Barack Obama and his minions will become more blatant as he will not have to be concerned with re-election.

Who will be there to enforce the rule of law, a Supreme Court ruling or the Constitution? No one. 

Barack Obama and his fellow-travelers will be unchallenged as they run roughshod over the American people.

Many Republicans and conservatives dissatisfied with the prospect of Mitt Romney as the nominee for president are instead focused on re-taking the House and Senate. That goal, while worthy and necessary, is meaningless unless Barack Obama is defeated.  The nation is not dealing with a person of character and integrity but someone of single-minded purpose and overwhelming narcissism. Judging by his actions, words and deeds during his first term, he does not intend to work with Congress,either Republican or Democrat in his second term but rather to force his radical agenda on the American people through the power he has usurped or been granted.

The governmental structure of the United States was set up by the founders in the hope that over the years only those people of high moral character and integrity would assume the reins of power. However, knowing that was not always possible, they dispersed power over three distinct and independent branches as a check on each other.

What they could not imagine is the surrender and abdication of its constitutional duty by the preeminent governmental branch, the Congress, to a chief executive devoid of any character or integrity coupled with a judiciary essentially powerless to enforce the law when the chief executive ignores them.

Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney must come to grips with this moment in time and their historical role in denying Barack Obama and his minions their ultimate goal. All resources must be directed at that end-game and not merely controlling Congress and the various committee chairmanships.

Steve McCann
May 12, 2012
I would add but 6 words to those above mentioned, Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney, to say "and we the American people," must also come to grips with this moment in time and our role in denying Barack Obama his life long goal of "transforming" us into his slaves working on his government plantation.
Please forward this to all you can, maybe together we can save America for ourselves and those who will follow after us.
May God bless America
PPS. Get the DVD "AGENDA". You can't believe the extremes the Socialists (read Communists) have gone to, in taking over America.

For those who may not remember, this article is from APRIL 27, 2009 in the english online version of the Russian Newspaper PRAVDA
Russian Newspaper Article - What an article!!
The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian on-line newspaper) defies description. 
Why can a Russian newspaper print the following yet the American media can't/won't see it? Enviado por Martha Ruiz.
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper 
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American  descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. 
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas than the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a Burger King burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy".  Pride blind the foolish. 
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power.  Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama.  His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive.  His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world.  If this  keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not,  America at best will resemble the Weimar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe. 
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all.  First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, losses, and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars.  These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison.  Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes.  Should we congratulate them?
These men, of  course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the  very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on  trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another.  They are also usurping the rights, duties, and powers of the American congress (parliament).  Again, congress has put up little more than a whimper to their masters.
Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motors) president step down from leadership of his company.   That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self-given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will.  Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.
So it should be no surprise that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies.  I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster.  Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, and so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.
Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "free man" whimper.
So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance, and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses?  Senator Barney Frank, a social pervert basking in his  homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal  norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a  looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his  Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort.  He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.
The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left. 

The proud American will go down into his slavery without a fight, beating his chest, and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is.  The world will only snicker.
 Stanislav Mishin© 1999-2009... 
PRAVDA.Ru . When reproducing our materials in whole or in part, hyperlink to PRAVDA.Ru  should be made. The opinions and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view of PRAVDA.Ru 's editors.

It is funny to read a DISCLAIMER at the end of an article in a Russian newspaper, cab you imagine them being politically correct??

As much as he is too conservative for my views this one he is correct.
Rush: Secret Video is 'Golden Opportunity' for Romney
Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012 03:24 PM
By Paul Scicchitano

Secret Video is a 'Golden Opportunity' for Mitt Romney, Says Rush Limbaugh
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday declared that Mitt Romney has a “golden opportunity” to embrace what some observers have seen as embarrassing comments that 47 percent of Americans are victims who are dependent on government, and start educating voters about conservatism.

“They're trying to fill the narrative that Republicans don't care; that Republicans are cold-hearted, mean-spirited, extremist bastards that don't care about the poor. That's what they're trying to say that Romney's comments prove,” said Limbaugh on his radio program. “That's why Romney has to get out there, take this by the horns, turn it into a positive, and go right for those people since they're now listening. Especially if they think they've been insulted — even better!”

The Romney campaign has spent much of the week thus far responding to a political maelstrom created by the emergence of a video in which the candidate told a group of Florida donors that almost half of American voters "believe that they are victims." Romney did not disavow the comments but said they were made during a question-and-answer session that was indicative of his campaign's effort to "focus on the people in the middle."

Rather than distance himself from the comments, Limbaugh said that Romney and his political team should aggressively defend them.

“I've spoken to Mitt Romney a number of times, and I don't believe he's written them off, despite how it sounds. But if he has, it's time to forget that. If he has written 'em off, this is an opportunity to educate 'em,” said Limbaugh. “This is an opportunity to inspire 'em. This is an opportunity to tell them, if he's Mitt Romney, what he wants for them. This is it. It's sitting there on a silver platter. It is right there. It's ready for the taking.”

But Limbaugh adds that the Romney campaign must have consultants who are “fearless” and will allow him to speak unfettered. “These consultants! These people put shackles on these guys and try to get 'em to make sure they don't make a mistake when they go out and speak, and look what happens,” he said.

While Romney has taken fire for his comments, Limbaugh said that President Obama has written off America’s hard-working middle class.

“The Obama campaign has written off ‘white, working-class voters.’ He's written 'em off,” insisted Limbaugh. “Now, there's no tape of Obama saying so. But there's a column of one of Obama's supporters saying that that's what the campaign's doing. And it's been buttressed a couple of other times, and it's clearly factually correct when you watch the Obama campaign. He's declared war on anybody making over $200,000 a year.”

He said that the president has been attacking successful Americans. “Obama's out attempting to stigmatize anybody that has succeeded and is calling them the enemy,” he said. “Where's the outrage over that?”

Secret Video is a 'Golden Opportunity' for Mitt Romney, Says Rush Limbaugh
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.
Jimmy Carter's Unemployed Grandson Behind Secret Romney Video
Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012 07:55 AM
By Martin Gould
Jimmy Carter's grandson has emerged as a key player in the release of a secret video that has embarrassed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

James Carter IV, an opposition researcher, put a reporter from the liberal magazine Mother Jones in touch with a source who had the video of Romney talking to a closed door meeting in May,
New York Magazine reports.

In the video, Romney tells the meeting in Boca Raton, Fla., that his role in his campaign is not to worry about the 47 percent of Americans who, he says, "believe that they are victims, who believe that the government has the responsibility to care for them."

The younger Carter told the magazine's Intel section, "I've been searching for clips on Republicans for a long time, almost every day. I just do it for fun."

The magazine says small clips from the $50,000-a-plate gathering, which was held on May 17, after Romney had effectively clinched the GOP nomination, have been floating around the web for months. But Carter managed to find the person New York calls "the mystery up loader of the clip" and put him or her in touch with Mother Jones Washington bureau chief, David Corn.

Carter told New York once he had put the two people in contact with each other, he "butted out."

"Any time that you can find a clip that strengthens the narrative already established, that's what becomes a big deal," he said.

Carter, who, according to his Twitter account is unemployed, added, "I've been trying to get paid for this but it hasn't worked out yet. This might help."
© 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Jimmy Carter's Unemployed Grandson Behind Secret Romney Video
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.
Subject: Fox News has been blocked from showing  send by Jorge A Villalon
       VERY INTERESTING ...........
Remember when we were told to watch Fox News on a Sunday night that was going to air something about Obama and we watched but never saw anything! We ll, read below and click on the video to see why it got pulled before it could air
 Now we know why Fox News never broadcast it as they had originally planned to. This piece was pulled.   *I encourage you to please send this to everyone on your email list ASAP.*   *Remember all the notices we kept getting to watch Fox News on Sunday at 9PM? What Happened?*   *This is the clip that got pulled due to pressure from the Administration.*  Why -he seems very proud of his statements.   Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Sean Hannity from airing this piece.   *This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show that we are told has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for several weeks. It was a matter of time until the internet picked it up.*   *Watch it now before it gets pulled from the internet!*
Arpaio investigator: Hawaii still covering up for Obama. Mike Zullo back from another trip to Honolulu with 'more evidence' .enviado por Manuel Meneses.
Obama's secret targeted individual killing program, ACLU lawsuit

Barack Obama's secret military kill-lists of targeted individuals

Center for Constitutional Rights      
<a href=";tt=human%20rights;plc=national;chn=news;subc=top%20news;sect=top%20news;nid=42937611;top=news;top=top%20news;top=targeted%20individuals;top=us%20human%20rights%20abuses;top=human%20rights;top=president%20obama;top=targeted%20killings;ed=national;uid=1601976;etid=10438;pgtp=article;tile=3;pos=3;;sz=300x250;kw=;ord=281716999?" target="_blank"><img src=";tt=human%20rights;plc=national;chn=news;subc=top%20news;sect=top%20news;nid=42937611;top=news;top=top%20news;top=targeted%20individuals;top=us%20human%20rights%20abuses;top=human%20rights;top=president%20obama;top=targeted%20killings;ed=national;uid=1601976;etid=10438;pgtp=article;tile=3;pos=3;;sz=300x250;kw=;ord=281716999?" width="300" height="250" alt="" /></a>
???Obama's top secret killing of American targeted individuals program prompts ACLU lawsuit???

The ACLU filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Obama administration ­agencies, including the Justice and Defense Departments and the CIA, ­over their refusing to disclose any information about President Obama's targeted killing of Americans program. The ACLU had filed a FOIA request in October to obtain the most basic information about the CIA’s drone killings of three American targeted individuals in Yemen: Anwar Awlaki and Samir Khan in September, and Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman, killed by another drone attack two weeks later.

"It seems unbelievable: through a joint operation between the CIA and the military, three U.S. citizens are killed by unmanned predator drones, far from any battlefield. None of them were charged with a crime, and no court reviewed the government's decision to kill its own citizens," ACLU Director Anthony Romero stated late Thursday evening in an email.

"Our government’s deliberate and premeditated killing of American terrorism suspects raises profound questions that ought to be the subject of public debate. Unfortunately the Obama administration has released very little information about the practice — its official position is that the targeted killing program is a state secret — and some of the information it has released has been misleading," stated ACLU in its written statement yesterday, February 1, 2012.
The ACLU’s FOIA requested information on the legal and factual basis for these killings ­ meaning: "tell us what legal theories you’ve adopted to secretly target U.S. citizens for execution, and what factual basis did you have to launch these specific strikes?" reports Glenn Greenwald in Salon.

The DOJ and CIA responded (see here and here) by refusing to provide any of information requested and even refused to to confirm if any of the requested documents exist.

ACLU stated Wednesday that “these agencies are saying the targeted killing program is so secret that they can’t even acknowledge that it exists.

That refusal prompted yesterday’s ACLU lawsuit.

In December, the New York Times also sued the Obama administration after it failed to produce DOJ legal memoranda “justifying” the assassination program in response to a FOIA request from two reporters Charlie Savage and Scott Shane.

The ACLU lawsuit seeks disclosure of both legal and factual bases for these executions that David Swanson listed today among President Barack Obama's 27 impeachable offenses.

People on Obama's high-tech kill-list in the "war on terror" had hoped that the ACLU and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) lawsuit challenging the Obama Administration's asserted authority for "targeted killings” of U.S. citizens far from armed conflict zones would shed light directly on them, innocent American Targeted Individuals (TIs) and TIs in other countries, each struggling to survive the covert operation.

There is widespread belief that the Yemen targeted killings are the tip of the iceberg of targeted abuses and that voiceless, faceless targets are dying or have been covertly killed according to TI support group communications.
"That the government adds people to kill lists after a bureaucratic process and leaves them on the lists for months at a time flies in the face of the Constitution and international law," Vince Warren, Executive Director of CCR had stated.

Greenwald reported Thursday, "From a certain perspective, there’s really only one point worth making about all of this: if you think about it, it is warped beyond belief that the ACLU has to sue the U.S. Government in order to force it to disclose its claimed legal and factual bases for assassinating U.S. citizens without charges, trial or due process of any kind.

"It’s extraordinary enough that the Obama administration is secretly targeting citizens for execution-by-CIA; that they refuse even to account for what they are doing ­ even to the point of refusing to disclose their legal reasoning as to why they think the President possesses this power ­ is just mind-boggling."

Greenwald asks, "[W]hat more tyrannical power is there than for a government to target its own citizens for death ­ in total secrecy and with no checks ­ and then insist on the right to do so without even having to explain its legal and factual rationale for what it is doing?

"Could you even imagine what the U.S. Government and its media supporters would be saying about any other non-client-state country that asserted and exercised this power?
Greenwald says one abuse deserves special attention here: "namely, the way in which the Obama administration manipulates and exploits its secrecy powers.

"Here is what the DOJ said to the ACLU about why it will not merely withhold all records, but will refuse even to confirm or deny whether any such records exist:
Knocking the "Most Transparent Administration Ever™," Greenwald says the Obama administration refuses even to confirm or deny if there is an assassination program, or if it played any role in the execution of these three American targeted individuals, "because even that most elementary information is classified.

"What makes this assertion so inexcusable ­ beyond its inherently and self-evidently anti-democratic nature ­ is that the Obama administration constantly boasts in public about this very same program when doing so is politically beneficial for the President," says Greenwald.

"The day Awlaki was killed, the President himself began a White House ceremony by announcing Awlaki’s death, trumpeting it as 'a major blow to al Qaeda’s most active operational affiliate,' boasting that 'the death of al-Awlaki marks another significant milestone in the broader effort to defeat al Qaeda and its affiliate,' and then patting himself on the back one last time: 'this success is a tribute to our intelligence community.'

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta described on 60 Minutes this week the targeted individual process -- U.S. citizen targeted for assassination: “the President of the United States has to sign off and he should.”
Greenwald writes:
"Obama officials have repeatedly gone to the media anonymously to make claims about Awlaki’s guilt and to justify their assassination program. Here is one 'senior administration lawyer' ­ cowardly hiding behind anonymity ­ responding to my criticisms and justifying the assassination program to Benjamin Wittes (who naturally protected him from being identified).

"When I spoke at an NYU Law School event in 2010 and criticized what was then the Awlaki assassination attempt while sitting next to FBI Counter-Terrorism official Niall Brennan, NPR’s national security reporter, Dina Temple-Raston, stood up and revealed that Obama officials had secretly shown her snippets of evidence to demonstrate that Awlaki was involved in actual Terrorist plots.

"So Obama can go on TV shows and trigger applause for himself by boasting of the Awlaki killing. He can publicly accuse Awlaki of all sorts of crimes for which there has been no evidence presented. He can dispatch his aides to anonymously brag in newspapers about all the secret evidence showing Awlaki’s guilt and showing how resolute and tough the President is for ordering him executed. Justice Department and Pentagon officials scamper around in the dark flashing snippets of evidence about Awlaki to reporters like Temple-Raston so that they dutifully march forward to defend the government’s assassination program. Obama officials will anonymous insist in public that they have legal authority to target citizens for killing without trial."
The Obama administration cannot even confirm or deny that the assassination of targeted individuals program exists ­so it cannot be scrutinized by courts at all, asserts Greenwald.
"There’s only one place in the world where these programs cannot be discussed: in American courts.
"That’s because, when it comes time to have real disclosure and adversarial checks ­ rather than one-sided, selective, unverifiable disclosure ­ and when it comes time to determine if government officials are breaking the law, the administration ludicrously claims that it is too dangerous even to confirm if such a program exists (and disgracefully deferential federal courts in the post-9/11 era typically acquiesce to those claims)
"So here we have the nauseating spectacle of the Obama administration secretly targeting its own citizens for assassination, boasting in public about it in order to show how Tough and Strong the President is, but then hiding behind broad secrecy claims to shield their conduct from meaningful transparency, public debate, and legal review, all while pretending that they are motivated by lofty National Security Concerns when wielding these secrecy weapons.
"The only thing worse than the U.S. Government’s conduct of most affairs behind a wall of secrecy is how cynical, manipulative and self-protective is its invocation of these secrecy powers."
A landmark CCR, ACLU lawsuit was filed in September 2010 challenging government's asserted authority for "targeted killings” of U.S. citizens far from armed conflict zones. Until then, innocent civilians on the watch-list -- or "hit-list" -- had been publicly unrecognized by major organizations, health workers and media, despite evidence that targets have been covertly persecuted, tortured, and used for non-consensual experimentation.
"Hundreds of consistent reports by credible targets globally indicate that the secret operation has been and is fully operational." ("APA's CIA torture complicity. Is American ready for the whole truth?" Examiner, August 14, 2010)
"The Obama administration has released very little information about its targeted killing program," Romero said in his email Thursday. "Its official position is that the program is a state secret — and some of the information it has released has been misleading.
"However, some officials, including President Obama, have spoken about the program.
"They have publicly claimed responsibility for killing al-Awlaki, and they have more generally defended the government's right to kill citizens after a secret non-judicial process," Romero wrote.
Action learning
Greenwald concludes, "Whenever these issues are discussed, people often ask what can be done about them. There are no easy answers to that question, but supporting the ACLU is definitely one important act...
"There are several excellent civil liberties groups in the U.S. worthy of support (CCR is one example), but the ACLU is constantly at the forefront in imposing at least some substantial barriers to the government’s always-escalating abuse of its powers, and, unlike most advocacy groups in the U.S., it defends its values and imposes checks without the slightest regard for which party controls the government.
ACLU's director Anthony Romero stated Thursday, "We must demand government transparency. Stand with us.

Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do.
Few were listening.
The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'.
From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.
General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171..
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".
'Senator Obama replied:
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ....."
When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed,CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "
Yes, you read it right.
I, for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post

Jimmy Carter's Unemployed Grandson Behind Secret Romney Video By Martin Gould
Jimmy Carter's grandson has emerged as a key player in the release of a secret video that has embarrassed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

James Carter IV, an opposition researcher, put a reporter from the liberal magazine Mother Jones in touch with a source who had the video of Romney talking to a closed door meeting in May,
New York Magazine reports.

In the video, Romney tells the meeting in Boca Raton, Fla., that his role in his campaign is not to worry about the 47 percent of Americans who, he says, "believe that they are victims, who believe that the government has the responsibility to care for them."

The younger Carter told the magazine's Intel section, "I've been searching for clips on Republicans for a long time, almost every day. I just do it for fun."

The magazine says small clips from the $50,000-a-plate gathering, which was held on May 17, after Romney had effectively clinched the GOP nomination, have been floating around the web for months. But Carter managed to find the person New York calls "the mystery up loader of the clip" and put him or her in touch with Mother Jones Washington bureau chief, David Corn.

Carter told New York once he had put the two people in contact with each other, he "butted out."

"Any time that you can find a clip that strengthens the narrative already established, that's what becomes a big deal," he said.

Carter, who, according to his Twitter account is unemployed, added, "I've been trying to get paid for this but it hasn't worked out yet. This might help."
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Jimmy Carter's Unemployed Grandson Behind Secret Romney Video
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Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.
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They Come to America. The Cost of Illegal Immigration 2012. The non-partisan, must see movie so many people don't want you to see. Learn the truth about the human and financial cost of illegal immigration and the risks of a lawless and wide open US / Mexico border. Set for release April 2012




Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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